Baking Soda
Health Benefits

Baking Soda Health Benefits: Natural Remedies & Cleaning Tips

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Body Odor
Posted by Jane (Los Angeles, California) on 06/25/2007

baking soda, wonderful cure for body odor!!! i had been suffering for years with stinky pits. just dust some baking soda under your arms a couple of times a day, and like magic, the smell completly disappears!!! it helps to know that i also have an allergy to the aluminum in reg. deoderants. however, it didn't stop me from trying everything on the market to try to stop the smell! it's a wonderful cure!!! thank you earth clinic for your help!!!

Body Odor
Posted by David (Central Sc) on 01/01/2014

A few years back, I too, was using baking soda for several months with no problems, then all of a sudden, I began to burn and chafe; consequently, I change my regime to the following: I slap some virgin coconut oil on first, then I sprinkle borax in my palms and slap that on as well; seems to work well for me this past three years.

Bacterial and Viral Infections
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 10/04/2015

Hi, Robin (North Carolina @usa)---

Yes, baking soda will improve the general condition. One half tsp. plus one tsp. ACV to fizz and half a small glass of water.

For your skin condition use colloidal silver on a cotton ball for half an hour at a time. It has cured mine. The doctors are right; they cannot cure it but other systems can.

Namaste, Om

Posted by Gemma (Sidney, British Columbia, Canada) on 08/22/2009

I came across Dr. Tullio Simoncini's website that espouses the use of baking soda or sodium bicarbonate to treat various cases/forms of cancer, which to him is a fungus. Have a look at this website to read emails to Dr. Simoncini, this one on patient testimonials, and this on cancer treatment protocols.

Cyanide Poisoning Antidote
Posted by tony (londra) on 05/01/2024

what is the antidote protocol? dosage, mixed with how much water, how many doses per day?

Posted by Luce (Irvine, Ca) on 06/05/2017

I used baking soda as deodorant and had a scary looking purple rash, no itching or pain, I had breast cancer so you can imagine how I felt when I saw this, stopped using it and after a few days I was back to normal.

High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure
Posted by Carmel (Canada) on 05/03/2015

Thank you for your useful email. Can you tell me how much baking soda you used daily and how often to lower high cholesterol?

High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure
Posted by Miggy (Alberta) on 06/19/2016

For those with hypertension, you must only take potassium chloride, or pot ash, found or ordered in by some pharmacies. That will not give you hypertension, and will be safer to take if you do have HBP.

Posted by Rosemary (Az, US) on 07/26/2014

Can anyone confirm or debunk this statement for me? "Baking Soda should not be taken orally for more than 3 weeks, and after that time you should not take any baking soda for at least another 3 weeks."

Posted by Rosemary (AZ, US) on 08/14/2014

Ed2010 Canada. I am looking for advice on a friend's Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease. Vit C/Ascorbic acid seems to be a viable option for stabilizing/reversing this disease. Certainly, alkalizing would help also. Based on your previous reply to one of my questions I personally continue to take the 1/2 tsps of ascorbic acid and baking soda 2 - 3 times a day but, I have normal functioning kidneys. My concern for her would be that the baking soda would contain too much sodium for someone with stg 3 CKD. Do you think that this a viable concern? If so, what could she use in place of the baking soda with the acsorbic acid in order to help buffer and alkalize that would not contain sodium? Your knowledge and assistance is greatly appreciated.

Posted by Ron (Texas, US) on 07/20/2014

Is it safe to take baking soda daily, so long as you supplement with any vitamins or minerals that may be depleted as a result of long term usage?

Multiple Ailments
Posted by Laura (North Platte, Nebraska) on 05/28/2014

Baking soda... Need to find a doc who treats candida, fungus, bacteria, parasites. I am 27. no answers. I know baking soda is the answer. Please help

Multiple Ailments
Posted by Mary (Saskatchewan) on 05/30/2014

Laura: have you considered turpentine to kill yeast? Check out Dr. Daniels on Turpentine she calls it the yeast cleaner.

Baking Soda and the Pancreas
Posted by Dennis (Indianapolis, Indiana) on 01/24/2013

I had a gall bladder attack which affected my pancreas, I wanted to take baking soda to help improve my PH. Will this affect my pancreas? Thanks for help and God Bless.

Posted by Susan (New York) on 12/15/2012

Bill from San Fernando, can you clarify this statement on E/C. Maybe this is for legal purpose to protect E/C from lawsuit. I know B/S is needed by everyone, is there any reason or under what health condition one should not take baking soda ? As you have mentioned table salt is much more deadly.


Posted by Lu (Phoenix AZ) on 05/02/2024

Can you please share your BS treatment for yeast/Candida? When should you stop?

Adult Onset Asthma
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 11/21/2012

Hi Suzanne... The asthma and allergies you have may well be caused by candida in your body.

You should alkalize your blood 3 times a day with Ted's BS and water remedy. This should be taken 1/2 hr to 1 hour after all meals -- 1/4 to 1/2 tspn in a half glass of water.

You should also alkalize your body cells using Ted's lemon/lime, water and BS remedy. Do this at least 2 times a day outside mealtimes.

To get off the prednisone -- try taking between 900 mgs each of pantethine and pantothenic acid and take B complex vitamns once a day. Pantethine and pantothenic acid have been found to give the same beneficial effects as prednisone -- without the dangerous side-effects. As well, you should take between 300 micrograms and 900 micrograms of molybdenum daily to both neutralize the candida poisons and hydrcarbon poisons in your body. Molybdenum also acts to kill candida.

Read this piece of research:

The Candida/Aldehyde Connection

To discover how to kill the candida using other natural nutrients like virgin coconut oil, borax and lugols iodine, see this EC link:

Natural Candida Cures on EC

Adult Onset Asthma
Posted by Lisa (Boise, ID) on 08/17/2014

I have a lot of the same symptoms you have I. E. Skin and breathing issues. I find that if I'm drinking a couple of quarts of water each day it subsides. I'm curious to know if you have had success with the baking soda with any of your ailments.

Adult Onset Asthma
Posted by Jean C. (New York) on 05/02/2016

I investigated and found that oregano oil will help asthma.

Best Time to Take
Posted by Diana (White Mountains, Nh, USA) on 09/30/2012

Bill, I am taking baking soda in the empty stomach everyday and its helping me. I have chronic constipation. I take little ACV and Baking Soda with lots of water. You just advised that it is not good to take baking soda before 12pm. Please advice it is ok to take baking soda for constipation in the empty stomach.

Best Time to Take
Posted by Susan (New York) on 09/30/2012

Hi Bill from San Fernando, sorry I did not make myself clear. So it is ok to take sodium bicabonate and water an hour before my 8 hours sleep? Thanks.

Sodium Bicarbonate Tablets
Posted by Lucena (Dubai) on 09/18/2012

Hi Bill.. Thanks for the info. I might purchase that tablet too for travelling convenience. Is it available in mercury or any specific drug store? I will be in cebu. thanks.

Posted by Sandra (Washington State) on 12/08/2017

I agree Lisa. And, the ACV, honey and water works well without the baking soda.

Alkalizing pH
Posted by Fet (Hampton, Va, United States) on 11/08/2011

Would I have to make water w/ baking soda a part of my regular water drinking routine for an acidic ph? Or would I only have to take it a few weeks to make my ph normal?

Alkalizing pH
Posted by Imcinnamon (Orlando, Fl) on 11/09/2011

Baking soda is excellent for alkalizing, however, make sure you purchase baking soda without aluminum in it. The well known brand names contain aluminum, which comes with a host of issues in itself.

Alkalizing pH
Posted by Terrin (Castaic, Ca) on 02/15/2016

I make baking powder from baking soda, that takes care of the problem.

Depletes Calcium
Posted by Elly (Topeka, Kansas) on 06/12/2011

I realize this now and in the US both milk and meat are both subsidized by the government and to keep up the demands of a growing population the animals are kept are kept in what financial forecaster Gerald Celente has called on his youtube videos 'Auschwitz conditions' People sure are getting sicker and a select few millionaires, billionaires, trillionaires are certainly getting richer on pharmaceutical and pharming stocks of this growing sick culture. Since when is it normal for so many people at so young to be on som many meds? or for kids so youngs to already have so many diagnosis? We're suppsoed to be moving forward with technology not getting sicker and dying younger than our elders. Something's just not adding up here. I was surprised to read online people in sunny Florida have vitamin D deficiencies. They listened to the government subsidized ads that the sun is bad. Now in Missouri the tornado victims have a deadly aggressive fungus 'Zygomycosis' It's spread by breathing spores in or by physical contact. Great!

Depletes Calcium
Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 06/13/2011

Hi Mariah, I do believe that milk can be a source of calcium. The calcium in milk may not be as absorbable due to the lack of magnesium. Even cows sometimes suffer from lack of magnesium to the point of death unless the farmer gives them an emergency treatment of magnesium.
Note: There is a huge difference between processed milk and RAW milk from a healthy cow. I have noticed that older folk who only have raw milk rarely have osteoporosis (I know of people in this bracket, older dairy farmers). Many of the women who have had bone density scans done have been told that they have the bones of a 30 - 50 yr old, these ladies are generally in their 60's. (This may change with the next generation or two due to the changes in farming practices. ) I have also noticed that when some of these same people stop their farming they develop allergies mild or severe including lactose intolerance. These people had no problems with raw milk in their diets but when they switched to processed milk that all changed.
Your so right about the additives, some (dare I say most) even add an ingredient that makes the milk thicker and it does not show up on the ingredients label. My friends mother-in-law has not been able to drink milk since she developed allergies 6 months after they stopped milking. That was about 10 years ago. Two weeks ago she started to have a milk that does not have this thickener added and guess what - no allergies to it. She is so happy to have milk in her tea again.

I wonder if silica is more important for our bones?

Depletes Calcium
Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia ) on 01/21/2012

Have realized that I did not add that I was talking about pasture fed cows. I tend to think all dairy herds are pasture fed but that is not the case. Thankfully it is mostly here on Oz.

Depletes Calcium
Posted by Brian (Wichita, Is) on 01/12/2013

Milk is ninety percent water, there are studies on milk beating out water and Gatorade in athletes after three hour competitions, ( ) I myself was donating plasma for two years and could not afford to eat food before I donated plasma which would cause me to test LOW on protien levels ( this happened five times) every time this happened I'd scramble up some change and drink a milk, and go get screened again and my protien would go up, there are studies ( independent studies) showing milk to hydrate the body.

Posted by Angela (Ottawa, Ontario) on 12/23/2010


Hello Ted,
I had been researching cures for cancer.. A scientist told me the bakingsoda/maple syrup cure would be problematic.. & I quote his e-mail exactly below: (please help me know what is true.. The bsoda cure sounded quite hopeful.. I don't have cancer but I like answers & prevention)

"1. Maple Syrup, especially grade c or b is definitely a high nutrition product, however, the volume of sugar still has to be considered and as a short term blood cleansing like the cayenne pepper and lemon / lime and maple syrup cool aid drink, which is commonly known as the Mexican blood cleanser is a fantastically good formula. On the other hand, baking soda to chemically force the body to become alkaline is not at all the same as using lemons or limes, which go in acid and covert into alkaline. The baking soda technology is bunk, junk science. This is the typical, vicious medical powers to be who make money on cancer would suggest such a formula because initially, the baking soda would dilute the stomach acids, make the person less acid and then of course, they don't want you to look at what else happens, which is because the stomach acids have been diluted, the body now utilizes fungus to create sulfuric acid in the lower intestines to complete the digestion that should have been done in the stomach. As a result, the entire body becomes severely acid, the problems of asthma, mucus, and a variety of other lung issues will also develop from this problem, so in the long and short, I think this maple syrup baking soda is a harmful therapy. "

So what do you think Ted?
Angela.. Thank you :)

Alkalizing pH
Posted by Michelle (Griffith, Nsw, Australia) on 01/13/2013

Hey-"just chillin" I have read many articles that suggest deficiencies in your B vitamins can be linked to anxiety and depression. With also reading above that BS can hinder with your B vitamin absorption I would seek a naturopath's professional opinion.. Hope this info sparks an interest for you.

Alkalizing pH
Posted by Larry (Fairfax, Va) on 01/13/2013

Please clarify what "BS" is. Thank you.

EC: BS - Baking Soda

Alkalizing pH
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 01/14/2013 2043 posts

Jim Humble, founder of MMS and the Genesis II Church Of Health And Healing just released an article debunking the "myth" of alkalizing for health. I have no master degree in biology or pathology, but I do have a bachelor understanding of the acid -alkali balance. I have a pathology textbook with a whole chapter devoted to "disturbances in homeostasis" with PH "imbalance" included. Millions of people don't take acid reducing pharmaceuticals for nothing. I agree w/ Jim that the human body has multiple layers of dealing with PH balance, but he doesn't address the many conditions (diseases) that can disrupt this balance. None-the-less, he simply states that there is nothing you can do (dietary speaking, including antacids) to alter your PH.

From what I can understand, this area of health/disease study is evolving and everyone here on the "PH balanced for life" side needs to read Jim's take, and Jim needs to read the "disturbances in homeostasis" chapter.

As for immediate application, a properly balanced body is one with no nutritional deficiencies; and proper PH especially needs the entire 72 minerals that were available in our Paleolithic ancestor's diet.

Baking Soda and Potassium
Posted by Freakzilla154l (Philadelphia, Pa, Usa) on 08/24/2010

Hello all, I've been drinking baking for over 2 weeks now by itself ( I add a pinch in all water I drink), however I would like to start adding the potassium into it. However, I do not know exactly what potassium is the correct and best to use and where to buy it at? I read a lot about it on here, but there is so much info that I'm confused. So, could someone please enlighten me on which potassium to buy and where I can buy it from? Thank you so much! I'm doing this for ulcerative colitis and I feel like the baking soda works sometimes, but not all the time. I'm having a lot of mucous and gas... Any help is grateful. Thank you all!!!

Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 06/21/2010

I have a very slow digestion, is it a good idea to take the bicarbonate of soda in water after the meals?

Aluminum in Baking Soda
Posted by Lilydy (Alice Springs, Australia) on 04/08/2010

Question regarding aluminum in baking soda. I don't see the Hammer brand. The popular brand here in Australia seems to be McKenzie Bicarb Soda. I just emailed to inquire about additives or aluminum content. The reply is they don't put in any additives."Our bicarb contains naturally occurring aluminium at a level of 0.2 mg per kg (ppm) max". Any comment on this? Is this alright in terms of aluminum content. I am taking this regularly with apple cider vinegar so hope that the natural aluminum content in this is not significant. Thanks for your comment.

Aluminum in Baking Soda
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 04/10/2010

Hi Lilydy ...Regarding your worry on Aluminium content of Mackenzie's Baking Soda(MBS):

0.2 mgs = 0.0002 grams
1 Kg = 1000 grams

0.0002/1000 X 100% = 0.00002% Aluminium per kilogram of MBS

So Mackenzie's BS contains 0.00002% Aluminium

Since 1 teaspoonful of Mackenzie's BS is approx 5 gms in weight:

Therefore, one teaspoon of MBS would contain:

5/1000 X .0002 grams = 0.000001 grams or 1 microgram of Aluminium

So 1 teaspoon of MBS contains a maximum of about 1 microgram or one part per million of Aluminium.

And since we normally only take Baking Soda at less than a teaspoonful at a time, I think that you're pretty safe using Mackenzie's Baking soda. This is not a significant amount of aluminium.

Aluminum in Baking Soda
Posted by Lilydy (Alice Springs, Australia) on 04/11/2010

Hi Bill,

Thank you for your reply regarding my concern. Put it like that makes a lot of sense. Glad to see fellow Filipino active contributor here...salamat :).Cheers.

Aluminum in Baking Soda
Posted by Jeillin (Taguig, Manila, Philippines) on 08/11/2011

Hi Bill, are u a doctor in the Philippines? Im searching for a doctor here in the Philippines that could help me to cure my breast tumor using baking soda because I dont want to undergo any surgery like masectomy. Im only 25 yrs old, and have a large lump on my left breast. It was 8cm x 2cm.. I've been contacting Dr. Tulio but his phone was unreachable all the time. And while searching the net, I found this site, and found fellow Filipinos that were active here. Hopefully you could help me. Thank you. -anjhelz9(at)

Aluminum in Baking Soda
Posted by Jeillin (Taguig, Manila, Philippines) on 08/17/2011

--anjhelz(at)yahoo. Ca contact me I need help regarding baking soda as cancer treatment. Thanks

High Blood Pressure
Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 06/03/2012

Nevadasmith from PA: That is a great observation. I truly believe that salt is not a culprit with the widespread hypertension there is everywhere. My take on it is it is something else in the salted foods, such as MSG or something else resulting in excessive glutamate. For salt, just be sure you are using "Iodized" salt, so you get the benefit of the iodine when you do use it. If we all insisted on and only bought iodized salt, that is all that would be in stores! Reclaim our iodine (and pineal function) that was taken away when mfr's swapped iodine for bromine in the 70's. Ted/EC has several threads on iodine.

High Blood Pressure
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 06/04/2012 2043 posts

Only recently I had my first case of hypertension crises and "sodium" was definitely a major culprit. Suffering from chronic toxicity of various sources for many yrs and very much disabled I reached a healing crises and required additional buffering w/ sea salt and baking soda (orally) and eventually mineral baths were necessary as my body was depleted in minerals. My BP continued to escalate thru March 2012. I had only slightly reduce dietary sodium to this point and had switched from commercial iodized salt to sea salt as well as Himalayan pink salt autumn 2011. As my crisis worsened I took a DGL/Allantoin dose before rising one day w/ noticeable improvement through the day. The following night I had a batch of air-popped corn w/ the usual butter seasoning and for supper half can of Salmon and WHAM I went down. I suffered thru the weekend and wound up in ER Monday morning w/ reading of 210/135 and feeling very ill. Fortunately 10mg Lisonopril worked wonders (accept for the kidneys of which D-Mannose helped significantly).

So, for me, dietary sodium was definitely a culprit and the Kidneys seem the most affected organ. As for Iodine, there is now on the shelf's of grocers "Iodized" Sea Salt so we don't neglect our precious thyroid. As for natural Iodine supplemental Kelp is as inexpensive as any herb on the market so it only makes sense to take Kelp. Also for everyone suffering from Hypertension it is also recommended to provide natural support for the Kidneys as they are a major factor in determining blood pressure.

Athletic Performance
Posted by Kay (In The Valley, Ca) on 01/22/2010

Sooooo-is that a good thing or a bad thing? Do you feel we should or should not be combining these two substances?

Athletic Performance
Posted by Mukhtaar (Leeds) on 04/28/2011

When you excercise, your body muscles produce that are responsible for making you feel tired and reducing their work rate. Baking soda removes these acids from the muscles, but you will def. feel the pain eventually.

Aluminum in Baking Soda
Posted by Sheena (Glasgow, Scotland) on 01/03/2010

That's really good of you to check - thanks EC. Info is thin on the ground. I found that article too. However, I also found info stating that although it's a pure substance it's the method of processing that determines aluminium content. Either way, I consider Bicarb to be a marvel. My post is really just a question, so is it possible that you could change the tag of "side effect" as I don't want to post anything negative about Bicarb unless I am absolutely certain that this is the cause.

Thanks again.

Aluminum in Baking Soda
Posted by Peter (Chicago, Il) on 01/03/2010

EC, Is there a way to test whether aluminun is in the baking soda ?

EC: Great question - have forwarded it to Ted!

Aluminum in Baking Soda
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 01/04/2010 392 posts

Without the use of standard laboratory equipment, I would just call the factory and ask them whether they have Certificate of analysis to check for presence of aluminum or ask them do they add aluminum. There is another way, some products may sell aluminum free baking soda.

Posted by Sandy (Silver Spring, Md) on 05/31/2010

I have adult acne for 4years, I am 41yrs old. Finally I found this site and started treat my face with baking soda and acv and olive oil for 2weeks, but I got a lot of small pimples appear on my forehead. Is it ok? or Do I have to stop using it? If anyone know about this please tell me.

Posted by Katy (Alexandria, Va) on 11/20/2011

I suffer from acne also. I have yet to try the baking soda on my face but I plan on doing so soon. As for which oils to use, I use Jojoba Oil, 2-3 drops is plenty enough. If you use to much you will look oily, but I read that a study on Jojoba Oil shows that the oil is much like the sebum our body produces. And too much sebum can cause pimples; so essentially with the jojoba oil, our body doesn't need to produce as much sebum and will not over produce. I hope this was clear enough to understand!

Posted by Angelclare (Valencia, California, USA) on 09/25/2009

Last night I used a zapper to zap some bacteria, viruses and hopefully parasites. I turned the zapper up to 16 v for one hour. After I removed the wrist bands my wrists were extremely itchy and burned. After 5 minutes I thought of using baking soda, so I made a paste with a little water, applied to my wrists, and the itching stopped immediately. Kudos to earthclinic!

Alkalizing pH
Posted by Millie (Moorpark, California) on 11/27/2011

I have found that by changing my water I have changed my Life! I drink a special Alkaline water! No more baking soda, lemon juice or vinegar, just water!

Alkalizing pH
Posted by Alain (Ottawa, Canada) on 10/24/2008


Hi Bill:

I would consider using exclusively baking soda as a quick fix. I would be concerned if used over an extended period of time. Some people, like myself, may have problems with water retention. This is why baking soda + Apple Cider Vinegar and potassium bicarbonate or potassium citrate would probably be better because of a better sodium/potassium ratio (sodium in the extracellular fluid and potassium in intracellular fluid).

Overall Health Part 2: Imbalance Often Leads to Hypertension _to _Sodium_Ratio.html

Yet, the best is to alkalize with good quality foods. Search for pH balance on the web for more information.

Look at the links below that will redirect you to some of my posts in earthcliinic about pH balance.

Good luck

Posted by Jo (Vancouver, Canada) on 04/29/2010

please share the exact measurements you used. Thank you. also, did the BS cure your sinus problems, or just allow them to be managed?

Body Odor
Posted by Eve (Liverpool, Merseyside) on 02/28/2010


It says that Baking Soda / Bicarb can deplete the body of minerals and vitamins. Is it still safe to use it.


EC: Hi Eve,

Bill from San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines has brilliantly answered this question! Check his post dated 02/25/2010 here:

Alkalizing pH
Posted by Anna (London) on 05/11/2015

Dear Anna, Just read your reply. I'm sorry, I didn't understand your reply. Would that be yes good for you or no, not good. Thank you. Kind regards Anna London

Bacterial Infections
Posted by Ezrasoma (Ontario, Canada) on 12/17/2009

How are you doing today using the soda for your bacterial infection? Is it still working and what strength did you use for it?


Bacterial Infections
Posted by Katrina (Salt Lake City, Ut) on 03/25/2010

Eric from San you have any update how this is working for you?

I also have 1 kidney and want to make sure this is safe for it. Also anyone have any suggestions for kidney infections? Thanks....

Posted by Mike (Sofa, Bulgaria) on 07/16/2008

You don't need to use so much baking soda. A teaspoon in a quarter cup of water is all you need. Perhaps the reason you are dry is you are using too much baking soda?

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jay Mango (Germantown, Ohio, Usa) on 11/23/2012

Tea tree oil works best for toenail fungus.

Baking Soda and Benzene
Posted by Nathan (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) on 02/12/2008

I read Dr. Hulda Clark's book, "The Cure For All Diseases." In it she mentions that most brands of baking soda are tainted with benzene. I know you can buy better baking soda in a health food store, but that's not an option where I live. Is it safe to mix ACV with carbonated mineral water instead? The ACV they sell here is pretty acidic, so I need something to buffer it.

EC: Excerpted from an email we received in 2006:

Baking Soda and Benzene
Posted by Beatrice (Oakdale, USA) on 06/04/2008

I also have been reading Dr. Clark's books. In fact I am in the process of starting the parasite program, kidney and liver cleanses. I was browsing about baking soda because a natural healer told me to bathe in Epsom salt and baking soda for a joint problem (3 cups of salt and 1/2 of baking soda) for 20-30 minutes, once per week. I haven't tried it yet, but I was glad to find some information on your site. Thanks for all the info.

PS: Does anyone else have any input on Dr. Clark's research? Or has anyone actually tried the kidney and liver cleanses? I have high cholesterol and hope this will reduce it.

Baking Soda and Benzene
Posted by Darlene (Denver, Colorado) on 01/06/2009

What are the exact measurments of cumin used and do you boil it in water?

Posted by Sesame (Minneapolis, Mn) on 05/05/2010

I suggest you try organic, cold pressed sesame oil as your skin moisturizer after washing with baking soda. I've had acne and skin trouble for decades, and I recently solved the problem with these simple, natural products.

You may also try using any good dandruff shampoo, since "combination" skin (oily yet with dry flakes)may actually be a form of dermatitis that creeps into your face from your scalp.

The sesame oil (buy at health food store)is so excellent for skin, you will be thrilled with the cleansing and tightening of pores (especially around the nose). Use very little. Use all over body either before or after shower, as you like. It removed the little bumps I had on my arms within 2 weeks. My skin is markedly improved. I've read that it cures gum diseases & athletes foot too. Fungus doesn't like it, but your skin & your whole system will love it. Sesame oil is a MUST! Good luck! :)

Posted by Tee (Chicago, Il) on 05/06/2010

I have used both olive and sesame oil for my acne with no improvement. I want to try them both again after reading the recent posts on the two. As anyone ever heard of ozonated olive oil? If so what is a reputable place to get it from?

Aluminum in Baking Soda
Posted by Methuselah (Los Angeles) on 08/09/2006

For sodium bicarbonate, I use the regular Arm & Hammer baking soda that you can find in any grocery store. I contacted them also, and they told me that they do not add anything to their baking soda although they do not have any chemical analysis of the soda ash (a mined mineral deposit) from which they make their baking soda by adding carbon dioxide in a solution--i.e., no additives or stabilizers. I hope that this information answers your question. Please let me know if you need more information. Have a great week and keep up the good work. Also thanks for all the help.

Aluminum in Baking Soda
Posted by Francisca (Zug, Zug, Switzerland) on 12/23/2011

Missy, I agree with most of what you said. I am 54 and my husband 57 and we are also in quite good health, very active and young looking. Sometimes people think that I am some 20 years younger than my real age. Still, I can't agree when you say that one has to stay away from fats. If you read books like Fat and Cholesterol are good for you and Trick and Treat you will understand why. Good fats like saturated fats, olive oil and so are very good for you, even essential for good health! As far as legumes go, the opinions are very divided so I don't know what to think. That said I hope you and your husband stay in great health for many years to come!

Ulcerative Colitis
Posted by Daniel (New Plymouth, New Zealand) on 09/03/2007

I just tried taking baking soda for ulcerative colitis and it seemed to make things worse. I got a ph test kit and my ph seems to be alkaline most of the time anyway. as my ph came down after taking the baking soda my bowel got better. Not sure what's going on but it is very weird. what to do?

Body Odor
Posted by Onyx (Doha, Qatar) on 02/29/2012


I've been using this for 3 days now as directed by another user on this site (wetting underams and then patting baking soda on it) and it's been very effective as an alternative to anti-perspirant. The only downside was that it stung like crazy when I applied it which continued for about an hour afterwards, this morning I was shocked to see that my underarms were totally raw and scabs had started to form! What I think must have happed is that the baking soda crystals chaffed at the skin on my underams, which is quite sensivie. Anyway I really want this stuff to work, it's so much better than store-bought antiperspirant, so I'm going to try dissolving some in water and then applying it. Hopefully I'll get the same results without the raw skin (ouch).

Body Odor
Posted by Dallas (Amesbury, Ma) on 12/31/2013

I had the same problem a few months ago. I found the baking soda to be the best deodorant ever. And then I got a burning, itchy rash in both underarms that I am STILL trying to get rid of.

Bacterial and Viral Infections
Posted by Linda (Denver, CO) on 07/03/2009

Dear DrJ - I am grateful for your very specific and helpful feedback, and I'm sure it is very useful to others who wish to use the same remedy. Recently (before reading your reply) I tried cutting back on the amount of baking soda and you are right -- it does prevent getting a vaginal infection. I haven't tried it with the lemon juice, but I believe that would be a beneficial addition to my remedy and will give it a try. Thanks!

Bacterial and Viral Infections
Posted by Robin (North Carolina - @usa) on 10/04/2015 1 posts

Hi, Thank you for this very encouraging post. I recently was diagnosed with Pityriasis Rosea which I have learned is a viral infection for which there is no immediate cure. I've been told by doctors of medicine and dermatologist alike that I simply have to let it run its course. I am horrified as it continues to ravage my skin with angry, itchy red bumps and lesions. I have begun using coconut oil and castor and showering with Zinc soap to hasten my recovery and of course and paying better attention to my diet to support my immune systems ability to fight this horrible infection. I'm wondering if adding Baking Soda to my natural remedy regime will support and hasten my recovery. Would love the community's thoughts. Thank you so much.

Posted by Rene (Palmdale, California) on 06/28/2009

For DrJ, India My friend is poor. She has basosquamous CA, left cheek area. Already had a 10 hour surgery. They took part of her nose and did not get all of the cancer. Now docs want to completely take her nose and left cheek bone to get at rest of cancer. What combination can work for her. Need help fast. Can't afford to buy books. Going broke trying remedies in health food stores. Help!!

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