Baking Soda
Health Benefits

Baking Soda Health Benefits: Natural Remedies & Cleaning Tips

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Bee Stings
Posted by Anna (Waxahachie, USA) on 10/17/2007

Whenever i get a bee sting, my mom always told me to mix baking soda and water together and put it on my bee sting. I works great! I do it all the time, and the stinger comes right out

Aluminum in Baking Soda
Posted by Missy (Berrien Springs, Michigan) on 12/19/2011

Dear Friends, I am 50 and my husband is 58. We do not take any medications and plan to stay that way as long as possible. Going to the doctor is a waste of your precious time and money when you can prevent it... So read carefully...

To be healthy you need to make sure you have the right diet. It boils down to that. You are what you eat. If you want to get rid of health problems you must have an alkaline diet which is not so hard to get. Lots of vegetables, fruits , legumes( lentils, beans, dry peas, garbanzos) Have a simple diet, in other words. Stay away from the fatty stuff. Yes, I know, the fatty is good, but control it and have mostly of the healthy stuff. Save the unhealthy for special occasions. I would suggest to do a cleansing with the foods mentioned above and with lots of juicing. Our body was made in an amazing way so it heals very quickly when the right fuel is put in it. I have a very sweet tooth and when there is chocolate, cookies or anything of that kind at home, I will devour it! Therefore, I have decided not to have it at home. If I want it, I'll have to buy it and eat it on the spot. My cravings will go away. Or, I can buy something sweet and healthy if I prefer. Now, there are so many products out there that are alkaline to help yourself. Example, lemon is acid but when digested is alkaline. So add lemon juice to your drinking water. Another thing that is very acid but alkaline when digested is the grapefruit seed extract. It does wonders for colds. Search it in the web. A few drops in your water or juice will do the trick. Baking soda I am not sure I would try. IT seems that you have to be too careful with it.

Anyways, Change in diet is the key to all your ailments. You dont have to suffer if you start cleansing your body now and also you will benefit from weight loss. I have 3 grown children and I am as agile as they are. When you are 50 or 58 you do not have to look or feel like an old person... Is too young of an age to be suffering from such aillnents that most people post. Remember, change your diet and you will see a greaat difference. Help yourself with natural things and your blood pressure will go to normal and a better sleep at night, etc. Etc. Also, start walking and build up to 2 or more miles per day. It is great!

Have a healthy life, God loves you and wants you to be happy. You will be happier when you are healthy, but we have to do our part.

Posted by Natalia (London, UK) on 08/10/2007

I use baking soda from childhood and specially as exfoliation for face even if it hurts its worth it and always add to my sponge to rub my body all over as it best cleans than anything else,and if half a cup of soda added to a cool bath(submerge with a head) it removes negativity and balances electromagnetic field of the body.My skin is very good i think as a result.

Posted by DrJ (Bombay, India) on 03/29/2009

I totally agree! Lemon (citric acid) are vital for the Krebs cycle and oxygenation as well as oxygenation. Lemon/Bicarb formula seems to be more affective than Bicarb alone!

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Flowerchild (Nashville, Tn) on 12/29/2011

After years of acid reflux and stomach issues I started to think I was lactose intolerant. I lived on antacids and stomach relaxers. Then I went on a high protein diet and was eating milk products but no carbs and all my stomach problems disappeared. Sure enough it was the sugar that was the problem. I do take omeprazole daily. It is available by prescription or over the counter. I do like the idea of using baking soda to keep my system alkaline since I eat a lot of fruit and drink juice.

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Deborah (Melbourne, Australia) on 05/16/2012

Colloidal Silver for fungal infections. Janique from Phillipines, you could try colloidal silver which apparently is antifungal. I had nail fungus on little toe and after a long time, I noticed it was gone as well as any outbreaks of tinea.

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Chris (Gympie, Australia) on 10/23/2012

hi there I have half a teaspoon of baking soda in 1 litre of water a day / I take this as I am trying to get rid of candida and also if any one out there is interested I also take a product called kolorex / and cut out sugar / looking as if it is working so far / 2 weeks in. hope this helps.

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Denielle (Australia) on 10/05/2014

Regarding the Colloidal Silver...DO NOT add anything to the water, it changes the chemical structure of the silver particle, you must use pure water, I use water bought from supermarket. I own silverwell generator, look on this site for lots of great information. For toenail fungus you can spray silver on that but personally I think teatree oil would work faster.

Loved to Bicarb, could not shake a flu with mucus constantly running down back of my throat and staying in sinuses giving me dull headaches, so had enough and decided to alkalize and bicarb is most alkaline thing to use so been taking 1tsp in morning in water and because bicarb depleats magnesium been taking quarter tsp epsom salts in glass water at night. 5th day now and feeling so much better going to do this for a week until I kill it.

Alkalizing pH
Posted by Kelly (The Netherlands) on 02/21/2023

Baking soda is making my pH go down?? It was at 6,2-6,5 before. After taking baking soda (5-7,5ml 3-5 times per day) it's 5,5-5,9. How is this possible? I've had this experience multiple times. My diet didn't change. I always measure first thing in the morning. I'm taking so much I should easily be reaching pH 7 which is my goal.

Nausea, Indigestion
Posted by Brenda H. (Scotland, UK) on 08/28/2022

Cure for indigestion, nausea

After reading all the cures for flu! Using bicarbonate of soda, I wanted to add, that whenever I have bad indigestion or feeling nauseous, I take 1/4tspn bicarbonate soda dry on tongue, and swallow with cold water....cures these things within 20 dad told me of this years ago! Great cure!

Severe Indigestion and Acid Reflux
Posted by Mala (India) on 03/02/2023

Just curious, are you drinking distilled water? That could be a problem because when water is demineralized, subjected to the reverse osmosis process, or distilled, it is stripped of all minerals and becomes acidic. And it's actually harmful to health. Rainwater, believe it or not, is also acidic if consumed directly. When rainwater gathers in a pond or flows into a stream, the minerals in the soil remineralize the water and make it fit for human consumption. I had a lot of health issues because of RO water (water made soft by the reverse osmosis method). I have now switched over to a simple activated carbon filter which has a pore size of 5 microns. The activated carbon also improves the taste of water and removes odor if any.

Baking Soda Cleaning Tips
Posted by Brenda D. (California ) on 02/10/2019

Use baking soda to clean your stove top. I had bought a new stove, white and was told to keep it new in appearance and clean without scratching to clean with baking soda. Worked wonderfully, just sprinkle on and clean with water and rag. My stove looked new even years later when I sold it.

Multiple Ailments
Posted by Dina (Jerusalem) on 01/15/2016

hi, maybe there is no instant gratification, and I don't think that she has to study for ten years, that sounds kind of mean and harsh and a little arrogant.

High Blood Pressure
Posted by Lori (Dela, Co) on 07/16/2013

I recently stopped taking baking soda (1/4 tsp) daily and a tblsp of black strap molasses and I feel great!! In the last 2 years that I had taken both faithfully my blood pressure rose with each Dr. visit and I hadn't done anything different. I recently had blood work done and my iron level (i'm assuming came from the bsm) was very high. I took every word on the baking soda as being so good for you but I tend to think differently now. Not all bodies are the same and I really think it caused my bp to go up. i'm not a salt eater so it wasn't the sodium I took in other wise. be careful with all natural remedies. every now and then I will drink 1/4 tsp of bs. I do drink a squeezed lemon daily and have not had any problems.

Travel Uses
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 04/20/2013

It's almost summer... I take baking soda for hotel stays and spread it on the rug to cut any odors from cleaners or chlorine in nearby pools getting into the air. Take some for camping in tents or yurts ; a little bit of soda in a bowl or on a plate can soak up some of the odor from molds or musty smells.

You will also have it with you for other uses: teeth, bites, stings, scratches, cooking.

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 12/15/2012

Hi Susan... BS should not be taken if the body is in a state of alkalosis (too alkaline) as occurs in many end stage autoimmune diseases such as cancer, hepatitis, HIV AIDS. BS should also not be taken if you have a malfunctioning kidney.

As Paracelsus, a famous medievil Swiss physician said: "Poison is in everything, and no thing is without poison. The dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy."

For a reasonable account of warnings and contraindications for BS, see this link.

For further evidence of the usefulness of BS to the body (other than just for alkalizing) see this link.

I've been using SB against candida in high dosages and on a regular basis since then for many years and have noticed no adverse effects.

Adult Onset Asthma
Posted by Suzanne (La, Ca, Usa) on 11/20/2012

Hi Ted, I've been taking 1 tbsp baking soda in 8 oz of distilled or spring water every morning for at least 6 months. It's help clear me out in the morning and I read about in online for a cancer cure. I don't have cancer but developed adult onset asthma about 14 mths ago and then candida for over 6 mths now due to 3 weeks of antibiotics for a severe sinus infection from advair that I was on for one month last Feb. I have never been sick like this before in my entire life. I'm 54, had chronic hives for 7 years like 15 years ago but that went away. though I need claritin occasionally for itchiness I've had generally very good health til a year ago when I developed the asthma. Last night I started a 6th or 7th round of 5 days of Prednisone for severe asthma attack.

My question is if you could please tell me if taking the baking soda every morning like that okay long term??? I also take it occsionally 1/2 tspn with juice from one lemon or lime for the candida (which really helps it) is okay. I know the prednisone is very dangerous and am hoping to go to a chiropractor I know soon to do an adjustment since I read how that can cure asthma and the one I've gone to is really superb.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Swatantra (Bhopal, Mp - India) on 11/18/2012

I had taken Sodium Bicarbonate powder about 1 tsp in a glass of water first thing in the morning and also 1 tsp at bedtime for 6-7 days. Later on the quantity was reduced to about 1/2 tsp for another week. In all for about 15 days. I felt completely releived of my sevear acidity and heart burn problem. I have stopped continuous use because I am not sure how long Sodium Bicarbonate can be consumed safely. I shall be extremely thankful if any one can guide me weather it is safe to consume SB on daily basis?

Acid Reflux
Posted by Swatantra (Bhopal, Mp- India) on 12/14/2012

Many many thanks Bill for your valuable advice. Before facing my ailments head on please pardon me for dragging this a bit further to have a better understanding of the issue. I shall be grateful if you can spare some more time for this.

I'm in early sixties burdened with acute acidity, loud belching, bloating, heart burns, reflux, once in a while burning pains on left side near the ribs (probably after consuming too much fried foods), occasional sleep paralysis and uneasy breathing due to bloating, recently developed minor umbilical hernia, colds/allergies (frequent sneezing, running nose, blocked right nose esp at night) forgetfulness and what not for many years. I have a feeling it all started about 20 years back after I got my teeth cavities filled up with Mercury amalgam. But I try to control all these through proper diet, preventions, yoga, acupressure, "Ayurveda", home remedies and valuable tips from such web sites to great extent. I want to stay clear of modern medicine. Please help me with the following issues:

1. When you say SB can be consumed over long periods does it mean throughout your life time? I had always felt the need for it after 15 when I had discontinued it days as reported in my first post. I was bit concerned over this issue because of the following observations from different websites :

  • Few websites were of the opinion that SB should not be taken for more than 15 days at stretch. Although not stating whether it can be resumed after a certain gap or not. Thanks you have made it clear.

  • The content of Sodium in SB was also a subject matter of discussion on some websites as far as its effect on BP/Hypertension etc. But some websites gave results of clinical trials establishing conclusively that the Sodium of SB is free of any adverse effects on BP/Hypertension etc. It may be related to chloride content of NaCl etc.
    The timing of dosage was also discussed on some websites and it was concluded that SB should never be taken on full stomach or just after meals. It should be taken only on empty stomach or few hours after meals as this may cause bloating which coupled with full stomach may cause utter discomfort and even severe consequences.

    2. Regarding alkalizing the blood & cells with SB & Lime are these two separate destinations? Doesn't the blood carry the medicine to cells? What about the standard dose you advocate for SB?

    3. Please name the Magnesium Chloride & pancreatic enzymes rich food items available naturally as SC is. Incidentally we are using SC (sea salt) most of the time already.

    4. By taking ACV at mealtimes and also MC etc. please clarify in what manner, quantity & whether before, during or afterwards the meals.

    5. I shall be extremely thankful if you can suggest me the treatments which cover my ailments better.

    This is an unbelievable website - nothing short of a treasure island. Take as much as you want. I keep coming back to consult. As a matter of fact I had always wished to start a web site on the same lines incorporating "Ayurveda", "Yoga", acupressure etc. as well. Thanks for saving my time. I may not do it now. This is about the best I have seen so far. Congratulations on your wonderful efforts. You are doing the humanity a great service. Keep it up.

    However, there is a mild sense of disappointment when I find most of the treatments/medicines given on the website do not actually seem to cure but suppress the symptoms giving short term relief only. You have also admitted it. This may lead to getting addicted to these medicines as well.

    I am not sure how far it is practical if you can work on having a team of willing doctors/ specialists to give their opinions as well on the remedies being experimented with, a well equipped lab to analyze the chemistry behind the remedies and above all clinical trials to get a better insight into the treatment and establish conclusively the ultimate cure.

    In India there is a well known proverb "pehla sukh nirogi kaya" which conveys - first & foremost happiness (in life) is a body free of ailments. Who will disagree with this? Let us all strive to achieve this on priority.

    Finally as far as this website is concerned hats off again and a very loud 'YEA' for it. I don't mind getting addicted to it.

    p.s. I have resumed taking SB once again after you have alleviated my doubts. It's my 20th day with half a teaspoon of SB with one lime juice as you have prescribed, first thing in the morning (just 1 dose) & I'm feeling comfortable both with my acidity & colds. I had missed a dose one day & the next day I felt I shouldn't have. I have a feeling I should be taking the night dose as well. Incidentally we enrich our drinking water with a pinch of Lime as well. I will try ACV a little later. A very big THANKS to you once again

  • Acid Reflux
    Posted by Mario (Romania) on 07/25/2017

    Do you know if he had chemo or surgery? I had stomach cancer too.

    Best Time to Take
    Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 10/01/2012

    Editor's Choice

    Hi Diana... When I had candida in the past and I first started to alkalize, I always took both Ted's bicarb and water and lemon/ lime bicarb and water remedies about 2 hours after eating -- outside mealtimes in other words. This greatly helped against my candida, constipation and bloating issues. In those days, I usually started to alkalize in late morning.

    Later, I understood that taking sodium bicarb and water outside mealtimes was good for alkalizing both the intestines and the body. However now, I take sodium bicarb and water about 1/2 hr to 1 hour after meals -- because taking it this way helps to alkalize the intestines, alkalize the blood AND helps digestion issues because it supports main stage digestion in the upper intestines which should always occur in an alkaline to neutral medium(not acid).

    Normally, during sleep at night, the body's homeostsis mechanism comes into play to re-adjust the body's pH(and electrochemistry) back to a healthy levels again. Since 90% of the food we eat now is acidic -- taking sodium bicarb in this way, an hour or so before sleep, actually helps the homeostasis mechanism to re-adjust the body's pH to healthy levels again.

    What I have also noticed is that taking sodium bicarb at night also helps people with slow digestion ussues caused by GERD and other problems. Similarly, slow or poor digestion can also be caused by too little bicarbonates from the pancreatic juices -- so taking sodium bicarbonate an hour before you sleep actually helps to make digestion more efficient and helps to avoid acid intestines, reflux etc at night.

    To keep it simple -- the only times when I would never take the sodium bicarb and water remedy would be directly before a meal, during a meal and directly after a meal ie while stomach acid digestion is still working and doing its job -- because taking thos remedy incorrectly like this during meals would adversely affect and interfere with both stomach acid digestion and main stage digestion in the duodenum.

    Therefore Sodium bicarb is OK to take for constipation. But I've also found that if you add 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt(once a day) to the sodium bicarb and water and take it that way as Ted advises -- then this tend to work much better to help loosen up the constipation than just sodium bicarb and water alone.

    Sodium Bicarbonate Tablets
    Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 09/17/2012

    I just wanted to amplify something that Ted from Bangkok mentioned in a recent post that I thought was useful advice. He said that he buys tablets in Thailand -- called sodamint -- that just contain sodium bicarbonate and mint. These are useful and convenient for digestion problems and are also very useful for alkalizing the blood in the same manner as Ted's baking soda powder and water remedy.

    So I wondered whether they sold the same or similar tablets in the Philipines and I went to the pharmacist and found sodium bicarbonate tablets. It only cost me about about $1.00 for 100 tablets each containing 650 mgs of sodium bicarbonate. The other advantage of these sodium bicarbonate tablets is that they must also be food grade to be sold for human consumption.

    Although baking soda, as the powder, is the better form (no caking agents, fillers, additives etc that are in tablets), the tablet form of BS is very convenient for people who have to work or people who travel alot etc, and is a useful method to help digestion as well as a useful way to alkalize the blood on a daily basis.

    Tablets that only contain sodium bicarbonate and nothing else should be used -- and should contain no paracetamol, aspirin or any other drug in the tablet form.

    Sodium Bicarbonate Tablets
    Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 09/18/2012

    Hi Lucena... I just bought my sodium bicarb tablets from Watsons, but I'm sure Mercury Drug will probably have it too -- I asked for it at the prescription counter.

    Something else I found on the internet today. I did an eBay search on "sodium bicarbonate tablets" and found some good deals -- 1000 sodium bicarb tablets (over a years supply) for only about $13.80 or about 570 pesos. That means that each tablet costs just over 1 cent or approximately 0.6 pesos.

    Posted by Amazon13 (Fresno, Ca, Usa) on 10/31/2012

    I have been using ACV for many, many years and the health benefits of it is endless. Lisa from Dallas, TX on 06/18/2012 reply was right on the money and to that I would like to warn people that too much baking soda can make your blood pressure rise if not careful. I too now have bouts with Gout and am starting a regimen for that with the ACV and Baking Soda, but my plans are to try the Tri-Salts because this is the first of my hearing about this product!

    I will be researching this before actually buying it, I'm a firm believer in researching things before I try them but it sounds promising. I was diagnosed with NAFLD last year and my doctor tole me that there was no cure or treatment for it and that many people in the USA have this disease due to eating too much fatty foods. She left it at that and soon after I left her with that prognosis because I believe that natural treatments will prevail if one persist with the treatments and I was right. I have minimum trust in Western Medicines and the doctors who prescribe them.

    I'm doing much better since I left that doctor and started my own regimen to treat and maybe even, who knows, cure my NAFLD. All I can say is I started this the beginning in 2012 and now I'm no longer having the devastating pain that I was having, by the way I had gone to the emergency room of a near by hospital back in August of 2011 for this problem, that is when this condition was identified by the emergency room doctor whom instructed me to go to my primary doctor for followup, which I did.

    To say the least she was lackadaisical about how to follow up with my diagnosis even though the emergency room doctor had suggested that my emergency room visit be followed up with a CAT Scan to see if there was more damage to my liver than they were able to see on the sonogram that night. My doctors indecisiveness about the CAT Scan because she felt it was too much radiation, I've never had one before in my life! She being a naturopathic doctor who was determined not to allow me to have the procedure although I specifically informed her that I wanted it, she cancelled it without even notifying me of the cancellation!

    There were all kinds of signs of my NAFLD on my body, yet after seeing her for more than three years she never spotted any of the signs, considering all of the blood test that I had within the three years, I was livid about this to say the least! Now I'm in the market for a primary doctor again but this time I'm going to have to feel the connection before I decide on a doctor, because many of them no longer have the inner feelings of wanting to help and heal their patients.

    Aluminum in Baking Soda
    Posted by Serendipity (Amman, Jordan) on 09/23/2012

    I know this thread was from back in 2011, but I just wanted to say I totally agree with Peaceout (Great Britain). I know that feeling sick can sometimes make you less pleasant than you wish you were, but it's important to keep sarcasm and unpleasantness out of forums like these. Sometimes ongoing health issues can make us so delicate that unkind comments might be all it takes to tip us over into despair. I love Earth Clinic too, and come back time and time again to read. I have weaned so many members of my husband's family off those horrible Rennies and Tums and got them all using Red Mill bicarb instead.

    Bless you all for all this priceless information.

    Acid Reflux
    Posted by Lorrie70 (Redwater, Alberta, Canada) on 08/25/2010

    I just want to tell ''YEA'' that I have just lost my son from a heart attack, being his arteries were 90% blocked. He use to get bad ''heartburns'' too... So just to be safe instead of sorry, why don't you get your heart checked? It could be more serious than you think..... Lorrie

    Acid Reflux
    Posted by Breeze (Virginia Beach, Virginia, Usa) on 05/28/2012

    That should be 2 Grams of magnesium not 2 milligrams. You cannot find a magnesium tablet that low on the market.

    Acid Reflux
    Posted by Ruchelle (Philippines) on 08/24/2013

    Is there such thing as acid in your lung, I also have acid reflux and it causes odor :(. Is there a treatmenr for that?

    Athletic Performance
    Posted by Moe (Trinidad West Indies, Trinidad) on 01/22/2010

    I am 53 years old. I do some running. I tried the baking soda and it did work. I used half of a lime with one teaspoon of B.S. with about 12 ozs of water. I can run now for about 1hr 45 min. Tonight i am trying magnesium complex 2 caplets. Will tell you later on how it works. Moe

    Posted by Achdah (Atlanta, Ga) on 03/15/2010

    I was a big acne suffer for many years. I've been using baking soda and diluted peppermint soap for over 2 years as a facial wash. I found that baking soda is a great exfoliate when added to the natural cleanser. I also use baking soda as a body exfollient once per month. My skin is clear and soft. I have recently begun using coconut oil as a moisturizer. At one time any type of moisturize would have exacerbated my acne. In essence, you are on the right track.

    Kidney Disease
    Posted by Luis (Cali, Colombia) on 07/20/2009

    Good news for our natural health EC community of practice:

    Baking Soda: For Cooking, Cleaning, And Kidney Health?

    ScienceDaily (July 17, 2009) "A daily dose of sodium bicarbonate -- baking soda, already used for baking, cleaning, acid indigestion, sunburn, and more-- slows the decline of kidney function in some patients with advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD), reports an upcoming study in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN). "This cheap and simple strategy also improves patients' nutritional status, and has the potential of translating into significant economic, quality of life, and clinical outcome benefits," comments Magdi Yaqoob, MD (Royal London Hospital).

    The study included 134 patients with advanced CKD and low bicarbonate levels, also called metabolic acidosis. One group received a small daily dose of sodium bicarbonate in tablet form, in addition to their usual care. For this group, the rate of decline in kidney function was greatly reduced--about two-thirds slower than in patients. "In fact, in patients taking sodium bicarbonate, the rate of decline in kidney function was similar to the normal age-related decline," says Yaqoob.

    Rapid progression of kidney disease occurred in just nine percent of patients taking sodium bicarbonate, compared to 45 percent of the other group. Patients taking sodium bicarbonate were also less likely to develop end-stage renal disease (ESRD) requiring dialysis.

    Patients taking sodium bicarbonate also had improvement in several measures of nutrition. Although their sodium levels went up, this didn't lead to any problems with increased blood pressure.

    Low bicarbonate levels are common in patients with CKD and can lead to a wide range of other problems. "This is the first randomized controlled study of its kind," says Yaqoob. "A simple remedy like sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), when used appropriately, can be very effective."

    The researchers note some important limitations of their study%uFFFDthere was no placebo group and the researchers were aware of which patients were receiving sodium bicarbonate. "Our results will need validation in a multicenter study," says Yaqoob.

    Other authors were Ione de Brito-Ashurst, RD, Mira Varaganum, PhD, and Martin J. Raftery, MD (William Harvey Research Institute and Barts and the London NHS Trust, London). The authors reported no financial disclosures.
    Journal reference:
    1.Ione de Brito-Ashurst , Mira Varagunam , Martin J. Raftery , and Muhammad M. Yaqoob. Bicarbonate Supplementation Slows Progression of CKD and Improves Nutritional Status. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 2009; DOI: 10.1681/ASN.2008111205

    Broad Benefits
    Posted by Andoy (Boise, Id) on 11/27/2011

    Thanks for the tip. It worked for my constipation too.

    Stomach Ache
    Posted by Ellyn (Framingham, MA) on 07/06/2008

    I think my symptoms are/were caused by a stomach bug. I drank the recommended 1 Tbsp of baking soda with water (3/4 cup cold, tasted like very salty alka seltzer) within minutes I burped INTENSELY several times. I will try eating an apple later tonight to help. I do feel much better.

    Posted by Jasmine (Chicago, IL) on 05/25/2008

    I saw that many had mentioned that baking soda when mixed into a paste (using water) relieves and sometimes eliminates burns. This is true, however, in my own experimentation, I no longer retain burns if I have baking soda on hand.

    Apply the paste thickly over the burned area. The thicker the better. I leave it on until it dries, then rinse it off with water and reapply. Continue doing this until you have no pain. This completely takes the pain and redness out of 1st and 2nd degree burns. You won't even know you were burned! The first time you apply it, it will relieve the pain, but it may return. I've never had to apply it more than 4 times but trust me, taking the time to do this remedy will save you blistering, pain, and irritation later on!

    There is one other remedy for burns. I once burned my hand on a very hot light bulb. My skin turned white on one site of the burn, indicating a 3rd degree condition. I didn't have any feeling in the area, the skin was completely dead. The other parts were red and sore, indicating a 2nd degree burn. A day past and I had no relief. The burn started looking worse. I tried honey, it only made me sticky but the heat was still there.

    I knew that tea was an astingent, so I took a normal lipton black tea bag and dunked it in hot water twice, then I allowed the bag to cool. I placed the wet bag over the burn and wrapped my hand to keep it in place. I fell asleep for 2 hours and when I woke up the burn no longer hurt and was beginning to heal! I changed bags and rewrapped it for a few hours. My skin turned temporarily a little orange/brown but the burn gave me no problems afterward, healed perfectly and didn't scar at all.

    Body Odor
    Posted by Mo (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) on 05/24/2008

    I read about using Baking Soda as a deodorant and have been using it for the last 3 months. I had tried everything - crystals and a product with lemon juice and its essence - all very good but it did not always protect the entire day. I am very happy to say that Baking Soda has been the best I have ever used - 100% effective - lasting the whole day and longer. When I shave my underarm I use Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) for at least 2 to 3 days in order to allow healing before resuming with Baking Soda. (Please do this to avoid burns). VCO is also very good but has not consistently protected all day long. I have been spreading the word to health conscious friends.

    Like others, I think this site is a god-send. Thank you. I have started using Baking soda as a facial and all over body scrub; then I apply ACV and finally VCO to my face. I have been quite consistent for the last 3 months including Ted's advise regarding large facial pores. I cannot believe that my skin looks so beautiful and smooth at the age of 41. I always had beautiful skin now I look even younger - it simply is amazing!!

    I have now starting being more consistent with drinking ACV 3 times a day because I need to loose at least 16 llbs. Since the birth of my third child 11 months ago - it has been a very slow process. I am hoping that in a few months I can be write a post like many others - saying that I am loosing weight. I also plan to ingest VCO and also start using it for all cooking as well. I began eating 1 tablespoon of Black Strap Molasses every morning. I try to eat a very healthy diet. So I guess soon I will not only look good but feel great as well.

    Thanks again for this wonderful site!!

    Posted by roseroberta (Roseville, MN) on 04/27/2008

    I suggest that your readers go here: Here you will find that doctors have been finding and ignoring that surrounding every cancer is fungus. Baking soda kills the fungus in the body. If some are getting a yeast infection which is a fungus. I find that interesting. This site uses straight Baking Soda with no ACV and does so both by mouth, intravenously and injected into cancer sites. It may be that acid reflux is also a symptom of candida. Those who find relief from bread....may and I am not sure....may be getting relief due to the fact that the bread feeds the yeast and gets it to shut up.

    I have a cat who has incurable cancer. We are going to inject it into the site. I will print here how it goes.I myself have just started doing the ACV and honey with Baking Soda I may try also adding the Coconut oil. I would be interested in hearing from others, but don't want my email address hooked to a spider. Cheers.

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