Baking Soda
Health Benefits

Baking Soda Health Benefits: Natural Remedies & Cleaning Tips

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Alexis (Los Angeles, CA) on 07/04/2009

I am 31 years old and spent the last 20 years of my life being very active. I used to run 4-6 miles every morning and played tennis regularly. About 2 years ago I noticed a pain in my left knee. I saw doctor after doctor and the pain seemed to just get worse. I finally had an MRI and the Dr. said I had patella Tendinitis which is common. Many people have patella Tendinitis and continue to live and workout. I stopped working out completely and found myself becoming more and more sedentary. I live one block from the beautiful Pacific Ocean and I wouldn't even walk to the ocean because the pain in my knees had gotten that bad. I even started using a cane to get around. About 3 weeks ago my younger sister recommended that I boil some water and take 2Tbl spoons of ACV and that every morning I should drink 6oz of water with 1/4tsp of baking soda. I am an avid baker who has a gluten allergy so I never get to eat what I bake but I always have fresh baking soda on hand. I didn't have the ACV so I just started drinking the baking soda every morning and OMG I have been smiling from cheek to cheek because my pain has gone away. I am not running yet but I walk everywhere now. Baking Soda once a day has changed my life. After reading others stories I am going to start using the ACV because it sounds like it has many healthy benefits.

Canker Sores
Posted by Tania (Mercier, Quebec, Canada) on 03/10/2008

Baking soda cured my canker sore within 24 hours. I had major pain on the side of my tongue to find a canker sore it was so sore I couldn't hardly swallow. I took 1tsp of baking soda and 1 tsp of water and kept it in my mouth as long as possible. I did this 3 times within an hour went to bed and did the same the next morning by dinner time the canker sore was gone! Thank you for this site its a great help.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Cory (West Hurley , NY) on 01/05/2008

I have used baking soda for over 20 years for nausea it works every time. If I eat greasy foods or just a stomach virus. I would be lost without also works great for uti's it makes the shaking icky feeling go away....

Posted by Marla (Santa Barbara, CA)

I just recently read about a Dr in Italy using Baking soda to cure cancer here is his site so this protocol is very timely Marla

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Mellow (London, England) on 06/07/2012

Hello Janique from Manila, Philippines I also had nail fungus and it was driving me crazy. Finally after being I'll with all sorts of problems I discovered I had candida taking all the treatments for this (check out candida diet. Com) my nail fungus is begging to go away =D it feels so great to have strong healthy nails that don't split! Look into this it may have something to do with it. It's not too complicated either my treatment basically coconut oil and probiotics like sauerkraut!

Severe Indigestion and Acid Reflux
Posted by Mark ( Queensland) on 03/05/2022

I have been using Bi-Carb regularly for about 20 years with good to great results, I get severe indigestion and Re-flux. Drinking alcohol, water, eating basically anything whether it is meat, wheat products, sugar products, if it enters my mouth it gives me indigestion and Re-flux. I'm not a glutton, in fact I eat very little, I am a T2 diabetic so I shy away from the sweets, and I mean anything sweet, no soft drinks, I eat a little fruit and probably 1 slice of bread per month, I do eat 1 biscuit per day with coffee for lunch, but that is my lunch.

I would say my worst "habit" is potato but even that isn't as much as it used to be. 3 glasses of beer per week is usual, 1 Friday night, 1 Saturday and the same Sunday, an extra one if I'm cooking a BBQ. My problems started with a dose of "Hydrogen Cyanide" poisoning while working as a plastic fabricator. Many Doctors and Nutritionists have tried to help over the last 30 years and all have given up.

I could go on forever on things that have gone wrong with my health, 5 years ago I had a fairly severe stroke which I'm still having problems with including Dysphagia which only added to my stomach problems, BUT where here to report on the side effects of what you Americans call Baking Soda, We in Australia call Bicarbonate of Soda or Bi-Carb. To me Baking Soda is a mix of Bicarbonate of Soda and cream of Tartar, a different product, so that may need checking out. I love Bi-Carb, I have 1 teaspoon in water (since 2008 we have used distilled water) I use that 3-4 times per day (mix a 250 ml glass and drink 1/3 - 1/2 and leave the rest to have if and when I need it next.) and as I said that happens multiple times every day and sometimes at night also. I carry a small container with me at all times as the indigestion can be uncomfortable up to debilitating. I used to have a heaped teaspoon in a glass and drink the lot... I'm not sure if my stomach is improving or it's just my effort to use less, but honestly, I have never ever had a problem taking it internally or using it externally. (That's another story.)

Baking Soda Teeth Abrasivity
Posted by Suzi (Missoula, Mt) on 12/14/2016

Yes I agree about brushing. I make a paste of coconut oil, baking soda and oil of peppermint. It is absolutely the best for body and mind. Very cost effective too. My mouth is so clean. Wish I would have known way back. Unfortunately have lost many teeth that I would give just about anything to have back.

Aluminum in Baking Soda
Posted by Ginger (Quebec, CA) on 12/20/2014

I want to use baking soda as a remedy. I would like to know if the regular baking soda available in stores, contains aluminum?

I am hesitant to use this remedy as aluminum is so dangerous. Thank you for your replies. I appreciate your help.

Aluminum in Baking Soda
Posted by Dan (Seattle) on 12/20/2014

Ginger, Baking Soda does not contain anything but sodium bicarbonate. Baking Powder, on the other hand, can include aluminum but not all of them do. Hope this helps.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Tracy (Wi) on 11/03/2013

Hello, you may have what I was diagnosed with as you have almost identical symptoms. My GI doctor went in with a scope & told me that I have something called Gastritis. It is when the protective coating of your stomach gets compromised. Meaning it gets thinned out & then exposes your stomach directly to the acid. It can cause ulcers & other problems. In short, gastritis looks like a rash in your stomach. Mine was on the lower half of my esophagus, my stomach and in the first part of my intestines. I had severe pain on my left side just under my rib but had puking boughts every morning & within 20 minutes of eating anything tomato based, milk, butter, dairy in general, coffee. For anyone trying to treat acid reflux by drinking milk like I had tried. Don't, it's an acid! Who knew right? In short, the best thing I was prescribed out of everything was the combo of avoiding said acidic foods and getting prescribed Nexium. After about a month I started to heal. Also, the docs will all want to prescribe you a gammut of other meds that they will tell you are almost identical to Nexium. THEY ARE NOT! They don't work as well & that's a BS story that is really about most insurance companies making them prescribe other things first so they don't have to pay for what works right away. No lie. Now I get acid reflux occasionally. My fix for that is Antacid Chews. They come in cherry & work within 2 minutes! Hope this helps. I thought I was dying up until all of this!

Posted by Sandyg (Kanpur, Up, India) on 11/29/2012

baking soda can also help to get rid of dandruff. First wet your hair and then rub some baking soda onto your scalp, wait for some time and then wash your hair. It works. I have tried it and have got positive results

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 02/20/2010

An Old Baking Soda Flu Cure

Hi Everyone...I found an old letter, written by a prominent physician in 1924 -- a Dr Volney S. Cheney -- to Church and Dwight concerning the use of a certain well-known brand of Baking Soda that we all know. Here is his letter which is shown for historic interest only:

"In 1918 and 1919 while fighting the 'Flu' with the U. S. Public Health Service it was brought to my attention that rarely any one who had been thoroughly alkalinized with bicarbonate of soda contracted the disease, and those who did contract it, if alkalinized early, would invariably have mild attacks. I have since that time treated all cases of 'Cold,' Influenza and LaGripe by first giving generous doses of Bicarbonate of Soda, and in many, many instances within 36 hours the symptoms would have entirely abated. Further, within my own household, before Woman's Clubs and Parent-Teachers' Associations, I have advocated the use of Bicarbonate of Soda as a preventive for "Colds," with the result that now many reports are coming in stating that those who took "Soda" were not affected, while nearly every one around them had the "Flu."

Recommended dosages from the A & H Company for colds and influenza back in 1925 were:

During the first day take six doses of half teaspoonful of A & H Bicarbonate of Soda in glass of cool water, at about two hour intervals.

During the second day take four doses of half teaspoonful of A and H Bicarbonate of Soda in glass of cool water, at the same intervals.

During the third day take two doses of half teaspoonful of A and H Bicarbonate of Soda in glass of cool water morning and evening, and thereafter half teaspoonful in glass of cool water each morning until cold is cured."

That's the way they alkalized in the old days...!!

The letter is taken from the WellSphere(discussion forum) website here:

Posted by Alib (Swansea, Wales, Uk) on 10/22/2010

Spots and acne are the body's way in some people of getting toxins out of the body. Some natural products will actually encourage toxin removal by triggering rashes or spots. What that really should tell you is that your diet is wrong. All detox symptoms - rashes, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, etc. , are coming from within and the the only ways the stuff can get there is through the mouth and skin from the food we eat or the chemical-based skin products and make-up etc. , that we use. 'You are what you eat' is a very true statement. The more sugar and processed carbs we eat the more likely it is that our bodies will have to detox. Cleaning up the diet and concentrating on fresh natural foods and pure water is the key but it won't necessarily stop the spots and acne overnight - the body will have to clear the toxin backlog first.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Robin (Walhalla, SC) on 07/11/2008

I recently had a bad burn from a lawn mower. I put burn medicine on it, but it didn't put out the fire at all. I read a post on here about baking soda, and decided to try it. I made a thick paste out of baking soda and water and put it all over the burn. It was amazing! The fire went out of the burn IMMEDIATELY. I few days later, my son was stung by a wasp. I made the same paste and put it on his sting and it took the pain away for him. It worked on a four year old who was screaming in pain.

Posted by Olkeriil (Portland, Maine, U.S.A) on 06/12/2008

Allergy, I have a worst allergy problem than most people. But about 3 weeks ago I started to use baking soda to rinse my sinuses. I have no problem now and that is why I share this with your readers. Thanks, Olkeriil

Posted by Marian Brown (Ibiza) on 07/08/2016

Add the juice of half a lemon and the taste is fine...and its still more beneficial... Good luck..

Skin Cancer
Posted by Sid (Springfield, Missouri) on 04/13/2009


After reading your experience I tried baking soda on two different skin growths. One was just a flat, red, mole on my stomach. The other was a growth on my forearm that was about the size of a pea; it had a smooth top and didn't look like any pictures of skin cancer that I could find on the internet. I mixed baking soda and mineral oil and kept it under bandaids, refreshing it twice a day. For the first week both growths seemed to do nothing, but maybe get a little puffier. Both became a little itchy and I did scratch occasionally during while removing the old bandaid and refreshing the baking soda and mineral oil mixture, which scratching took away a little of the surface. They both started to form an open sore in the middle of the growths, so I applied hydrogen peroxide when I changed bandaids, before I reapplied the baking soda - mineral oil mix, which seemed to dry them out. The growths started to look like little volcanoes with a depression in the center. On one or two occasions the bandaid fell off and a scab formed so I used a sterile needle to pick away the scab. It took about four weeks and the baking soda had eaten away the growths. The one on my arm did not become irritated beyond the growth, but the one on my stomach wound up with the tissue a 1/16 inch around it irritated also. I finally quit treating the one on my stomach after three weeks because it began burning.

The end result is that the growths are gone, but in their places are burn scars. The one on my arm is limited to the place where the growth was, but the one on my stomach is larger than the original growth.

Interestingly, I showed my daughter my progress about half way through, and she told me she coincidentally had an appointment with her doctor to remove a few moles and another growth that he wanted to biopsy and she showed me that growth which was identical to the one on my arm. It turned out that it was just an abnormal deposit of collagen.

My conclusion is that my treatment chemically burned away my growths. I don't know to what extent the use of hydrogen peroxide contributed to that, or if it would have happened just with the baking soda - mineral oil application. Essentially I think I exchange growths for burn scars. I have no problem with this, but if the growth you intend to burn off is in a conspicuous place, be forewarned.

As far as baking soda and cancer, I think that cancer is the end result of the improper blood PH. From what I understand a diet that produces a low PH (high acid forming foods) is the problem which underlays most disease and I can see where on an emergency basis baking soda would help with cancer, but in the long run, if you want to be healthy, then you need to eat a diet that keeps your PH alkaline. This means a diet about 80% fruits and vegetables, no sugar or other refined or processed products, low amounts of carbohydrates, and low amounts of meats, plus get plenty of exercise that keeps your blood oxygenated. I think the information about the blood chemistry of health is just coming out, but certainly not from the medical establishment.

Bacterial Infections
Posted by Eric (San Antonio, Texas) on 03/15/2008

i gave a kidney in 2005 and the skin dehisced. the intestine protrudes and after 2 years i started having focused pain in that area i could feel it doctors can't even tell me for now. well the pain expanded from that part of the colon towards the sigmoid area and boy does that pain gyrate. so get this friend of mine sez i'm the key to a new prespective. his curiousity erked him. i became a guinea pig. through his studies he determined baking soda helps the digestive tract but to what extent. thats where i came in. my pain so chronic for the last three consecutive months. he sez take it it accordingly and see what happens. well i did and in 15 minutes all my pain was going away in 1 hour all gone. but that determined that i have an infection. now he sez if i get myself on a regime i can eradicate the vermin in due time and get back to normal. i tell you this much. bacteria can really screw you up bad. hit me up if you wanna know how im doing in the future.

Posted by Alib (Swansea, Wales, Uk) on 10/22/2010

I use bicarbonate (baking) of soda to wash my hair - just about a level teaspoonful in a little warm water and stirred well. I pour it over and then give it a good rub before rinsing off. I then pour over half a cup of warm water with a dribble of ACV in it, make sure it has covered my hair and been rubbed in and re-rinse to finish. Some people just pour over the ACV but I prefer to give it an extra rinse because I am not that keen on smelling like a chip shop!!! The bicarb cleans my hair and the ACV makes it beautifully soft.

Bee Stings
Posted by Mare (Auckland, New Zealand) on 02/21/2008

My daughters were playing outside in the garden and one after the other, they both started screaming, crying and running toward the house. I couldn't understand what had happened but they both had similar red marks on their skin. I assumed they had been bitten by spiders as there was no obvious sting. I quickly applied a thick paste of Baking Soda and water and within minutes both girls were calm and happy. Praise God for Baking Soda!!

Baking Soda and Benzene
Posted by Methuselah (Los Angeles) on 08/09/2006

...For sodium bicarbonate, I use the regular Arm & Hammer baking soda that you can find in any grocery store. I contacted them also, and they told me that they do not add anything to their baking soda although they do not have any chemical analysis of the soda ash (a mined mineral deposit) from which they make their baking soda by adding carbon dioxide in a solution--i.e., no additives or stabilizers. I hope that this information answers your question. Please let me know if you need more information. Have a great week and keep up the good work. Also thanks for all the help.

Acid Reflux
Posted by DrJ (Bombay, India) on 03/28/2009

Dear James,
These is alot of science in that post but its not to accurate. ACV may be acid to taste but it forms an alkaline "ash" once digested. ACV is an excellent remedy on its own diluted in water (not mixed with bicarb etc) if sipped through out the day. It simulates digestive enzyme function. Using for low HCL reflux is best. For best results with high HCL reflux try the Lemon/bicarb formula or Citric acid/bicarb formula!

Posted by Lorraine (Auckland, New Zealand) on 08/27/2007

After suffering with acute pain in my right big toe for one year i heard about this site and what baking soda can do. I took half teaspoon in a glass of water and the pain disappeared in minutes! Previously i couldnt even stand the weight of the sheet on my toe. I am yet to try acv and b.soda. but will do so and report back. have also been suffering from a lot of joint pain and that is subsiding also. I am very grateful for the info on this site. I received no help from doctors who only prescribe dangerous drugs! L.Wilson NZ.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Marty (Lake Alfred, FL) on 05/05/2007

I use baking soda in all my drinking water for better health in general. Use only enough too nuturalize the acid found in nearly all municipal water supplies and [unbeliveably] in bottlrd water too.I got relief from acid reflux, not nearly as much cold or sinus problem, and better joint condition.I did the PH test several times and found a pinch of baking soda about the size of the small finger nailin every glass or bottle of store bought water does the job. Most people have an acidic Body PH and the object is to keep the body PH above 7. 7.2 would be great. There are many other health benifits to this. 6 to 8 glasses per day recomended, the water taste better too. If you mix the soda with water and can taste the soda you are using too much. Be Healthy Be Happy!! Marty

Red, Irritated Eyes
Posted by Rob (Cape Hatteraas, NC) on 03/20/2022

I have redness in the corner of my left eye. I have had it over a year. My eye also produces and lot of sand and grit. My left eye always feels tired even after just waking up I read about adding 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda to an 4 ounce glass of water and splashing it in my eye and drinking it. After doing this, almost immediately, my eye felt better! Can't recommend it enough:)

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