Baking Soda
Health Benefits

Baking Soda Health Benefits: Natural Remedies & Cleaning Tips

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Alkalizing pH
Posted by Bill (Satellite Beach, FL) on 03/20/2009

I have found that the only thing that alkalizes my body is aluminum free backing soda. I take about a teaspoon a day, usually at night on an empty stomach. It does work, as the ph strips confirm, but I wonder is it healthy to do this everyday? Does someone know the accurate answer to this?

EC: FYI -- Aluminum-free baking soda is a bogus product. Read the feedback here:

Posted by T3 (Chicago, IL) on 01/04/2009

No cure for my cysts all of them, with different names in different places. Well, one day my white shirt had blood under the arm from the cyst, must have busted while at work, lucky to have my required black jacket and I took baking soda and vinegar and water, it bubbled and then I put the part of the shirt in it and wet it, took it out, and started rubbing vigorously a couple of times. But I then just used the baking soda and water and it worked better, I made another concoction and with a paper towel wet it and put it under my arm pits, it burned the one cyst that didn't burst and relived the one that did. Strange. Just when you thought vinegar was the ultimate cure, so is baking soda. For upset stomach, mix with water and you'll will burp like when you were in high school trying to win a contest. My cat even looked at me with surprise and I turned red. Stomachache gone.

Skin Cancer
Posted by C (Ohio) on 03/28/2008

Skin cancer and baking soda: Some time in the middle of January I was checking the net info on cancer always involving fungus - the info from the Italian Dr. Simoncini. My husband has been out of regular work for about 2 years and we do not have health insurance but he has needed a spot on his side taken care of. Upon watching the online video showing that cancer always comes with fungus and that baking soda could alkalize and destroy the colonies we decided to give it a try. We started by mixing baking soda with water and spreading it on a large band-aide. That did not work so well because the baking soda turns hard as a rock. My husband decided to mix it with glycerin to see if that would keep the soda softer longer and it did. The paste is made by putting some baking soda in a small dish and adding the glycerin until you have a white paste thin enough to spread on a band-aide. It still gets hard but not near as fast.

The spot on his side was a bit less than a quarter and about the thicknesses of 3 quarters. It definitely needed attention. It first reduced in height and then started shrinking circumference. It did go through various stages that looked really bad. At times I wondered what was going on. (Note: It is not a process without pain.) It was working and so my husband wanted to keep on going with it. We kept making sure the bandage was changed. He was also taking baking soda internally for a while but then stopped that. By the end of March it is basically gone. The area has a bit more healing to do but that just takes time.

The plus's of this are so wonderful. 1. No surgery!!!! 2. No dealing with the side affects of surgery - like as muscle that doesn't work as good because it was cut. 3. It only cost the price of baking soda, glycerin and band-aides. 4. Peace of mind.

We do realize that the fungus can still be in the body. He is trying extra strong oil of oregano to kill any remaining fungus infection. But that is another story.

Skin Cancer Before and After

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jessyka (Memphis, TN, USA) on 02/21/2008

I had the horrid nail fungus many years ago and took Lamasil to clear it up. When my father failed to do the same, the fungus returned years later, both pinky toenails now fully infected. Without the money for the medicine and the will to again risk its side-effects, I lived with it. 11 days ago, I adopted a baking soda regimine for other reasons (cancer preventative). Today, my right pinky nail simply fell off when I was drying after my morning shower. Beneath, a new nail - a perfect nail - was found growing in. Nothing else in my diet or lifestyle has changed other than the baking soda addition to my routine. Most Americans' lifestyles and diets leave our bodies too acidic for good health. Baking soda balances the bodies Ph, creating a more alkaline system. I mix 1 teaspoon in a glass of water at bedtime. Ideally, it's recommended taken in the morning with no food or drink for 1 hour before or after; however, as I'm hypoglycemic, I have to have my Coca-Cola (others have coffee) first thing each morning, so I don't drop dead.

Regardless, I've noticed a number of improvements since adopting the baking soda routine (which is terribly easy to do - quick and simple). I'm sleeping better, my skin is clearing up, and, lo and behold, my toenail fungus is obviously dead... in eleven days!!! [Insert delighted giggle here] I couldn't believe it when I discovered the old infected nail barely holding on and falling away with the first touch and a shiny new healthy nail beneath (even if it is small yet). Now, I'm watching the still-infected nail on the left, and yes, it's got a line of "disconnection" appearing. I recommend giving the baking soda a try and do so for more reasons than defeated nail fungus. Go ahead, google "baking soda" and see how much you discover. In some European country (think it was Italy or Germany), a doctor is actually curing cancer with baking soda therapy, even in serious cases where changing the bodies Ph to one more alkaline is making all other treatments (as chemo) doubly effective. Cancer cells cannot thrive or spread in an alkaline environment. And consider this - it's in your kitchen. You cook with it. You eat it. It's non-toxic, has no ill side-effects, costs almost nothing, and even whitens teeth. I can't say everyone will have the astounding all-around results I have so quickly encountered, but I'd have to encourage them to give it a shot. It's too easy to implement not to try. That's one teaspoon baking soda stirred into one glass of water, once a day, preferably in the morning (but it doesn't seem to matter), with no food or drink for an hour before or after. Good luck.

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Janique (Manila, Philippines) on 04/11/2012

Hello, I'm Janique 20 years old from the philippines. I've read about your article about baking soda consumption and I was wondering. If it's really safe to consume. In my case, I've been suffering from nail fungus for the past 8 years, i've tried antibiotics, hand creams, home remedies, nail laquers, and so many stuff but it keeps coming back. Never been cured. I'm also concerned bacause I have acid reflux and chostocondritis which is making it worst due to fungal. Hope you could help me with this kind of situation. Thank you :D

Basal Cell Carcinoma
Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 03/14/2016

Hi Barbara,

In the FWIW category, I saw a woman on another site who had diagnosed BCC, had it removed and it reoccurred. A Dr. friend of hers told her to take 250 mg. of Niacinimide every day. She did and it slowly went away. She now takes it everyday to keep any further BCC away, and she says it works. It might be something simple to try. Best wishes.

High Blood Pressure
Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 08/16/2023

Greetings EC and Antoine,

I need to make a correction in the first paragraph. I typed:

It seems that the answer to whether Baking Soda raises Blood Pressure or not depends on if we have fatty deposits built up in our arteries called atherosclerosis. I do now, but I have those numb times I did not have when I was younger.

I meant to type:

"I do Not know". What I do not know is whether I have atherosclerosis or not; I have never been diagnosed with that.

Now I add:

What I do know is that my leg goes numb sometimes and sometimes I have awakened with my legs and arms numb. I had to do the, "shake it off baby dance,

"(I had to work it on out! I had to shake off the numbness and get the circulation going). Now I know what that song was about.

In conclusion, as the note on medicine instructions and side effects would say, I too would like to say that since the benefits of baking soda out weights the side effects, for now I continue to go low dose it.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 11/18/2012

Swatantra... Sodium Bicarbonate has a lower toxicity than table salt and is quite safe to use over long periods. Your body needs the bicarbonate not only to help alkalize the intestines and the body, but also for increasing the oxygenation of cells.

If you are worried about taking too much, take the bicarbonate remedy for 5 days and then have a rest for two days. The need for bicarbonates and alkalizing is completely dependent on the food you eat so if you are eating acid foods all the time then you will have to continuously alkalize your body using this remedy.

It is also beneficial to alkalize the cells with the lemon/lime, water and bicarbonate remedy given on this site. Taking just the Sodium Bicarbonate with water will alkalize the blood. Taking the lemon/lime, water and bicarbonate remedy will alkalize the body cells. Both these remedies should also be taken to achieve correct overall alkaline adjustment of the body.

If you have acidity and reflux problems then you should also take Betaine Hydrochloride and pancreatic enzymes at mealtimes. The reason you have acidity is probably because of low stomach acid and the acidity you are experiencing is not occurring in the stomach but is probably occurring in the duodenum, which is wrapped around the stomach.

You can test this yourself by supplementing either ordinary vinegar or apple cider vinegar at mealtimes. If this relieves your acidity and reflux then you have too little acid in your stomach. This relieves the low stomach acidity problem because Vinegar and Apple Cider Vinegar are acidic -- so this increases stomach acidity to correct levels again. However, I must add here that although Vinegar and ACV can relieve the symptoms -- it is NOT a cure because it just relieves the symptoms and does not address the root cause -- which is lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. To cure the problem, you must have a source of Chloride for the stomach to generate hydrochloric acid for itself. This is why you must take betaine hydrochloric acid. Other sources of chloride that you can also supplement which will counteract the low acidity prroblem are sea salt (Sodium Chloride) and Magnesium Chloride.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Idot 13 (Ireland) on 05/02/2017

It's fine to keep going. I know of a man that had stomach cancer about five years ago and he takes a tea spoon full every day and he is still perfect t g

Alkalizing pH
Posted by Just Chillin (Vannes, France) on 12/08/2010

Just joined this wonderful site, its amazing to read about natural cures. I have been taking bicarb of soda and lemon for quite a while, (for alkalizing) and didn't realize needed to have a break of 2 days or so. I now do that, but am still uncertain of the correct mix of the solution. I have been taking half of a small spoon ( coffee spoon)of bicarb with juice of half a lemon twice a day. I have tried adding the bicarb slowly till it stops fizzing, but it never seems to do that. I have also been trying to get off of beta-blockers Propranolol that my dr prescribed back in March for anxiety, & mild high bloodpressure ( I think it was just white coat syndrome) They made feel worse than I did before, am now down to less than a quarter of a tablet twice a day. I wondered whether I should take Apple Cider Vinegar as well. Any advice would be most welcome,
Thank you in advance

Baking Soda Steam
Posted by Rana (Abu Dhabi, Uae) on 12/25/2009

Baking Soda inhalation for dry cough

This is the most quick relief remedy for dry cough.

Boil a cup of water then take it on the side and keep your face far and add a teaspoon of baking soda, cover your head with a towel and place it over the B.s and water and open largly your mouth and inhale as long as you can. Directly you will cough out phlegms.

Posted by Sweetpea (Henderson, Nv, U.S.) on 10/29/2009

Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) for Acne

My son is 12 years old and has bad acne for about 1 1/2 years. I tried many of the over the counter products: cleansers, facial scrubs, toners, astringents, and moisturizers, but nothing worked. While doing some house cleaning using sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and water it occured to me to try that for a face wash for him. I made a paste and have him use it every morning and every night ~ he uses it like any other facial cleanser and it has been fantastic! The pimples have shrunk in size and many are gone. His pores are much smaller. It doesn't burn, sting, or dry out his face. And best of all, it is really inexpensive.

Bladder Pain
Posted by Elizabeth (Memphis, TN) on 02/08/2008

I have chronic bladder problems (Interstitial Cystitis) and am always looking for something to make it better. I drank 1/2 tsp of baking soda in some water during the worst possible bladder pain ever. In 15 minutes the pain was gone. I feel that the baking soda made the urine less acidic and that let my bladder be less irritated. Anyway, baking soda did what hundreds of dollars of meds could not do--make me feel better! Elizabeth

Acid Reflux
Posted by Gina (Newport, United Kingdom) on 12/23/2007

Thank you for this site. I had lump in throat, uncomfortable in the back discomfort in the chest area. ACID REFLUX was taking over. Now honestly I do not have any symptons I drank southern comfort last night for the first time in years. The cure for me was, 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in the morning and night, still taking omeprazole in the day. NO CHOCOLATE OR FAT WHAT SO EVER. Porridge for break fast. No more pain honest.

Bacterial and Viral Infections
Posted by Linda (Denver, Colorado) on 04/27/2007

Editor's Choice

For me and my family and friends, baking soda has cured all kinds of microbial infections, probably due to the regulation of pH balance.

For at least 12 years now I've relied on drinking baking soda in water whenever I would come down with some sort of viral or bacterial infection, whether it is a cold, flu, stomach bug, or respiratory illness. I am convinced this method can kill any kind of infection.

When the West Nile virus was prevalent here in Colorado a few years ago, I became infected with it. I was skeptical that my baking soda cure would work, but gave it a try anyway since I was so utterly miserable. But, sure enough, later that evening the symptoms started to subside and I was nearly recovered by the next day.

Every time I have used the baking soda method it has worked. And everyone I have suggested it to and tried it has had it work for them, too.

The remedy is 1/2 teaspoon in a cup of water 2 to 3 times each day, sipping throughout the day. Take it for approximately 2 to 3 days. If symptoms do not resolve by the end of the third day then perhaps it will not be helped by baking soda; I have not found this to ever be the case though. It works no matter what stage a person is in their infection. For stomach bugs I will also add 10-15 drops of grapefruit seed extract.

Being female, however, I have noticed that I will get a vaginal yeast infection shortly after a course of baking soda. Because I believe it affects the pH, I treat myself with an apple cider vinegar/garlic rinse (1/4 cup of ACV and one clove of garlic, quartered, in 1 cup of water). I've wondered if the baking soda also kills the good bacteria in the body so afterward I supplement myself with probiotics (specifically Lactobacillus GG, the only known beneficial bacteria to survive stomach acid).

I know people who take Airborne to fight off colds. I looked at the label one day when my friend showed me the bottle, and sodium bicarbonate is one of the main ingredients. Perhaps this is the reason it works.

I believe that if there is ever a severe viral outbreak, such as SARS or H5N1, then this remedy would be worth a try. It seems I've always relied on home remedies to successfully treat myself and your site just adds to my collection of simple therapies!

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) 392 posts

After looking at the details, it appears they go to the extreme to claim the using of just baking soda alone would work. Citrates are actually more effective, e.g. baking soda and lemon (e.g. citrates in form of sodium & potassium). Metabolism needed to be raised to fight against sickness, e.g. acv baking soda (it's the acetate and malates)

The problem is the issue is about balance where the body's sodium: potassium ratio is held in balance.

Also the most effective form of alkalizing is actually the citrates, which is actually found as a reaction from the baking soda and citric acid (sodium bicarbonate citric acid = sodium citrate), that effectively raises the pH with any degree enough to kill of fungus or infection. This is why the lemon bicarbonate formula is recommended for cancer (prostrate, leukemia, etc. that I got a good feedback).

An ideal alkalization is whatever you are taking should be in a proper portion to the body's fluids, much like Ringer's solution or Mammalian solution. It is not just the use of baking soda, more importantly it is also citrate, malates, acetates, that the website completely misses on.

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Susan (USA)

Details from the box of Arm & Hammer Pure Baking Soda:

Nutritional Facts:
Serving Size: 1/8 teaspoon (600mg) **
Carlories: 0
Total Fat: 0g
Sodium 150mg (6% Daily Value)
Protein 0g

**Amount in a serving of baked food.

* heartburn
* acid indigestion
* sour stomach
* upset stomach due to these symptoms

Do not use if you are on a sodium restricted diect unless directed by a doctor.

Ask a doctor or pharmacist before use if you are taking a prescription drug. Antacids may interact with certain prescription drugs.

Do not administer to children under age 5.

Consult a doctor if severe stomach pain occurs after taking this product.

Stop use and ask a doctor if symptoms last more than 2 weeks.

Add 1/2 teaspoon to 1/2 glass of water every 2 hours or as directed by physician.
Dissolve completely in water.
Accurately measure 1/2 teaspoon.

Do not take more than the following amounts in 24 hours:

Seven 1/2 teaspoons
Three 1/2 teaspoons if you are over 60 years

Do not use the maximum dosage for more than 2 weeks.

Other Information: Each 1/2 teaspoon contains 616mg sodium

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Lerk (Houston, Tx, Usa) on 07/27/2012

After suffering with hyperacidity for several months and trying the "Green Drink", Baking Soda and lime, baking soda and ACV and just about every supplement and OTC treatment under the sun and achieving lackluster results, I decided that it had to be something else. I eat very healthily, don't smoke, rarely drink alcohol (like maybe 1x/month if that), don't eat fast food or junk food and avoid all red meat, high fat foods, tomato-based foods, chocolate, caffeine, etc. After testing my urine pH for the upteenth time one day, it occurred to me to test my reverse osmosis soft water because I consume around 70 oz of water daily and my problems coincided with my move to a new home where I began drinking the reverse osmosis soft water for the first time. Imagine my shock (and relief) when, after multiple tests, I discovered that the water I had been drinking has a 5.25 pH. I'm posting this in hopes that it saves others out there some anguish. I am now drinking bottled mineral water and using the tap water (pH 6.75) to brew my ginger, chamomille and other herbal teas and my urine pH is stable and consistently in the "normal" range.

Alkalizing pH
Posted by mmsg (somewhere, europe ) on 06/06/2023


Overdosing on anything isn't helpful and it does seem like you are overdosing. Can your body be panicking and fighting it with acid?? Who knows? But maybe try "low and slow" for a while.

Bladder Infection
Posted by Joyce (Ontario ) on 02/24/2022

Bladder infection:

Do this for 1 day. 1 in the morning and 1 before bed …half teaspoon baking soda in half glass lukewarm water

infection will be gone.

Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 07/22/2017

Some castor oil on the irritated skin may help. In fact, it may help the blackheads, too, crazy as that may sound! :)

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Tina (Princeton, N J) on 07/22/2017

Hi JP, I mix the baking soda with a small amount of coconut oil and smooth that mixture on my face. It exfoliates without making the skin dry.

Posted by Ed2010 (Canada) on 07/27/2014

There is no reason explained why ascorbic acid and baking soda mixture should not be taken more than 3 weeks.

Moreover, ascorbic acid and baking soda combines to form Sodium Ascorbate which an alkaline form of Vitamin C.

2 C6H8O6 + Na2CO3 = 2 C6H7NaO6 + H2O + CO2

(above is the chemical reaction equation)

You should understand most of these websites have authors who are paid to write. Even if he is a qualified author, still there is no explanation for why a person should not take more 3 weeks.

Good Health

Cleaning Teeth
Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 06/14/2014

I have been using baking soda to clean my teeth for several months. I like it better than any other natural solution I have found so far. I dip my toothbrush into the baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and add a drop of peppermint essential oil. I brush gently with a soft bristled brush. My mouth feels very clean when I am finished.

I seem to have read in places that baking soda may be hard on the teeth. I asked my dentist his opinion of baking soda instead of toothpaste. He said that it is what people used to use and that he thinks it is a good thing to do. He said that he does not think it is too abrasive for the teeth. He also said that since cavities form in an acid environment and that the baking soda will create a more alkaline environment, that baking soda should be helpful in avoiding cavities.

My mother used baking soda and peroxide for years as her only "toothpaste" at the recommendation of her periodontist! Mom had problems with her teeth for years and worked hard to keep them. (She was in a car accident when she was 6 that seemed to affect her teeth her whole life.)

Perhaps some will find baking soda to not work well for them. I am not suggesting this is the best thing for everyone. It has just worked well for me and I thought my dentist's opinion made sense.

This is a pretty neat dentist, by the way. He is not a natural or biological dentist. He is in a very small town often serving the poor. By what he charges he is obviously not in this for the money. Though my children have had well water since we started going to him, he never suggests flouride for them. He seems to just want to help people keep their teeth healthy. He has really been a blessing to our family when we have needed dental help or advice.

~Mama to Many~

High Blood Pressure
Posted by Art (California) on 08/15/2023 2395 posts


Everyone can react differently to the salt added by taking baking soda, so the easiest thing is to try the baking soda at the dose you want to use and frequently monitor your blood pressure during the testing process. If it raises your blood pressure, your question is answered and you may not be able to take baking soda. If it doesn't raise your blood pressure readings, then you should be able to use it.


Stomach Ache
Posted by Flordeldesierto (Middle Of No Where, Ca) on 04/09/2013

Instead of ingesting baking soda my mother-in-law has the remedy of rubbing on the outside of the tummy a little bit of baking soda mixed in any safe oil (I used coconut oil). I have never heard of this before, but it worked like a charm for my 2 month old's indigestion in seconds. In addition it also got rid of the reoccuring diarhea she had been suffering.

Posted by Lisa (Dallas, Tx) on 06/18/2012

Editor's Choice

There seems to be a lot of posts regarding ACV with Baking Soda.

My concern is worth mentioning that too much of the BS mixture can tend to mess up your electrolyte balance, if not careful. That can be bad.

I find that Tri-Salts is a much better, safer and healthier alternative to baking soda.

I've had great success using the Tri-Salts (No sodium - only Calcium carbonate/450mg, Magnesium carbonate/250mg, & Potassium bicarbonate/99 mg), and works EXTREMELY well before bedtime, especially if you suffer from acid reflux disease. I also use the unfiltered, organic ACV from the health food store. I order Tri-Salts online. My uric acid levels being "smack dab in the middle range" is actually high enough to always cause me grief. This method works well for me to get it back down. I prefer the protocol mentioned, as opposed to possibly overdoing the baking soda solution.

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