Apple Cider Vinegar
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar: Uses, Health Benefits and FAQ

Acid Reflux
Posted by Rick Anderson (USA)

I'm overweight and often have acid reflux problems. A high-protein/low carb diet definitely works for me in alleviating this acid.... but when I'm bad (eating too late at night or eating too much pastry) I have found that a small glass of apple cider vinegar and water, gulped down, momentarily makes the burning in my esophagus worse--- but then seems to completely get rid of the acid condition. I've tried this several times and each time the results were the same. Rolaids work by neutralizing acid; does vinegar really work by adding more? I don't know, but it does work! One more anecdote: I told someone at my job about it, and she said her grandmother used to swear by it, too: a swig of vinegar helped acid indigestion. She also told me that in the "old days" people would swig some vinegar to see if they had strep throat-- if it burned like hell when it hit the back of the throat, they had it! I would imagine that the acid in the vinegar helped treat the strep, too.

Sinus Infections and Sinusitis
Posted by Jessica (San Diego)

ACV cured my sinusitis - caused from living in polluted California. Even better, I had adhesions from having a c-section with the birth of my son. The doctors, over and over, had stated it was Irritated Bowel Syndrome and gave me a pill and sent me home. I was constantly constipated and feeling ickie. I NO LONGER HAVE THESE PROBLEMS.. HERE IS WHAT I DID - they (the adhesions) went away after 1 week:

Every morning - prior to eating anything:

5 glasses of good water
(with the last glass)
1/2 shot (use a shot-glass) of ACV & 1/2 water (in shot glass)

DOWN that shot with the last glass of water. You will never be constipated and as far as sinusitis... takes a while to get use to the taste, but now I like it.. PAIN IS GONE! woooo hoooo