ACV is a miracle cure. The whole world should know about it! It's cured my family af allergies, my husband of gout, my dogs of skin ailments...we love it..its changed our lives.
I was having the worst gout attack in years, the pain brought me to tears, as my left foot was swollen to the ankle. Ibuprofen did not work even in large doses. My wife gave me 2 tbsp of organic apple cider vinegar mixed with 2 tbspn of organic honey (2 times daily); within 3 hours I was walking around with minimal pain and 1 day later I was able to put on my shoes and walk with little pain on the third day it's almost all gone. Amazing, considering it usually lasts for at least 1 week, I am an absolute believer in this remedy.
EC: Click here for more testimonials about ACV curing gout!
I have been taking 2 Tablespoons cider vinegar plus 1 Tablespoon of honey in 1/2 cup of boiled water 3 times a day for the last 3-4 weeks, plus doing chi kung exercises and have been able to stop taking piroxicam for gout (I've got the tablets nearby just in case!). I use Aspells organic cider vinegar - I live in Wales so _______'s cv is presumably not available.