hello all!
I am a 30 yr. old female who is overweight and recently had gall stones. I also have iron defienciency anemia. My family has started eating organic and all natural 3 yrs. ago. I recently started researching all natural cures as i don't believe in going to doctors unless its absolutly neccessary. I read about apple cider vinegar and blackstrap molasses. i started the blackstrap molasses first (2 tbs daily) and the numbness i was feeling in my fingertips and legs has went away. I am still waiting for my menstrual cycle to come to see if it will ease the heavy bleeding. but it has eliminated my stomach cramping (that felt like labor contractions) that I usually have monthly.
But this is about the apple cider vinegar. let me tell you it really works! started by taking 2 tsp. once a day in 8 oz. of water. 3 days later i had extreme pain in my ear and my jaw that has yet to go away. I also have extreme itching everywhere. That doesn't sound good does it? but it is good cause i know that it is my body getting rid of toxins. I have been peeing like crazy and having regular bowel movements without straining( which is the opposite of the consipation i was having from taking iron pills).
I think for all of you who are all sufferring from itching or jaw pain etc. should up your water intake. I started drinking a gallon of water a day and the itching is going away. I now take 2 tbs of acv chased by a 16 oz. glass of water in the morning,then proceed to drink water throughout the day and i feel great! I have more energy(no more sluggishness)and i know my 5 kids are happy to see that!
I plan to keep taking ACV despite the side effects(unless it brings more harm than good) to see if it will aid in my weightloss.
Also i have been using the ACV on my hair and it has smoothed the cuticle and made my hair less frizzy!
EC: Thank you Shar! Your feedback has been cross-posted to the blackstrap molasses section.
Broad Benefits
I have been drinking one tablespoon of apple cidar vinegar in a glass of water with i tablespoon honey. I have seen some benefits. I do not get colds and my skin is much better but I find I have a hoarseness in my voice. I had tongue cancer and have had radiation to the mouth. I was looking for a remedy to help with my dry mouth.
Broad Benefits
i have read alot about Acv and tried to make and attemp and the result is fantastic my skin start glowing, my complexion enhance, and my enegy level inceases yet not affecting my ache may b it will take sometime.. now i had a problem of premature whitening of hairs i am 24 and was just married my hasband make fun of me that oh my old wifey and blah blah now my question is i read form somewhere that acidic food can enhance the process of whitening of hairs so shall i stop takeing ACV? i am very worried and dont want to stop taking ACV bc i really love to drink acv bc of itz wonderful result.. did anyone help me ????:(