Skin Care - Dry Scaly Patches: I had some dry scaly skin on my nose and about for an inch or so on either side of my nose. I have been using a mixture of ACV, Baking Soda, and Water for a about a week and a half. I use about 1/4 tablespoon of BS and ACV till the bubbling stops. then I add just enough water to complete filling a small cup About 3 inches high, 1/2 full. I wash my face with this and leave it on for about a minute and then rinse it off. My skin on my nose and by my nose is now very soft and is no longer dry. I also found that when shaving with a razor that this mixture lubricated my skin and I did not get any cuts. I pieced this mixture together from reading about several items from this site. I love
Re: ACV and baking soda: I've lost track of exactly how long but it should be about 3weeks that I have been trying ACV...I first tried it w/water and Cayenne Pepper..thinking of reduction in weight loss and HBP, i can say that i feel better not as tired as usual (not running any marathons yet) and I do see a diffence in my skin. And to add to it i've begun to wash with backing soda and water, and i must say that my face does feel smoother and not as oily. My question is how do i figure the right recipe for me?...i see so many variations of it. I would like to work on my blood pressure, weight and blood suger levels.
ACV cures my bloating and hunger pain. Baking soda did wonders for me cure my acid reflux, bad breath, and sinus. I also use ACV and baking soda for my face as others mentioned on this site. My face looks great without foundation. No dark circles and puffy eyes. The information on this website save me from many health problems. Thank you so much to all the people who contribute to this awesome site and a Big thanks goes to Ted in Bangkok who seems to have such wealth of knowledge.
Blood pressure and most modern diseases is that more than 90% of the foods eaten are acid forming and this tends to cause the food to stay in our stomach much longer than it is needed. When eating alkaline forming foods or sodium bicarbonate, the foods simply stay in the stomach LESS longer, solves constipation and thereby reducing weight, puffy eyes, blood pressure and other common problems. The colder the weather the more important it is to alkalize, since cold pressure and high blood pressure occurs more often because tiny blood vessels constrict. Diuretics and blood lowering medicine works on the principle on being alkaline formers, therefore lowering blood pressure, but this can be done safely just giving a chance by taking alkaline forming foods. Ted
Hi. Just felt compelled to write into the site and report on my ACV experience. I'm 42 and have suffered from a variety of ailments from the not too serious (acne) to the more serious (neurological). I started taking ACV "Ted's Way" with a bit of baking soda, 2TBS/serving, 2X a day (sorry, just can't do 3x a day due to my schedule). My skin is looking really wonderful, so much so that people have commented on how healthy and radiant I look! Since I was 9 I've had very oily skin, and now it seems to have normalized, neither oily nor dry. I'm pretty thin to start with, so weight loss was not really an issue for me. But I've noticed that I've definitely thinned out a bit more around the middle, and I feel more "lithe" than I've felt in awhile. My boyfriend thinks I"m nuts, but I think he's nuts with his stinky lecithin and yeast. : ) I enjoy making my fizzy "science experiment", and I make sure to brush my teeth afterwards, just to be on the safe side. I take it after meals so it's wise to brush my teeth then, anyway.
Ted's Recipe
Hello, I was wondering when is the best time to take Apple Cider Vinegar with baking soda. First thing in the morning or before dinner?
I found this quote from Ted so was wondering what is everyone doing?
"A formula or any formulas can be stopped and started at any time. Often the best times to start can be in the morning, early afternoon, or late evening. However, the best times seems to be in the afternoon or evening because that is the time that the body's pH has the most problem. Morning is really never much a problem because the body had enough rest "
Thanks everyone.
Ted's Recipe
I have noticed so many apple cider vinegar posts and many having trouble and bad reactions.
Our method has never caused a bad reaction or problems. Ted says if you are ill ACV would create a more acidic environment in a body. Using ACV with baking soda is a way to prevent problems and build a healthy alkaline environment..
2 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar 1/2 tsp baking soda in a glass let fizz add 1/2 glass of water and drink 1/2 hour after food 2x a day. 5 days out of 7.
Purchase a pocket alkalinity meter about $50 online. Keep shooting for 7 to 7.2 on meter from morning urine. Safest way to ingest ACV plus the strong taste of vinegar is diminished greatly. I also use the ACV and baking soda for headaches and it can correct the runs and constipation both.
Here is where I learned. Teds remedies here on earth clinic. We have done this and other alkalinity drinks for more than 5 years. All to our benefit and health.
(America, New York)
Just jumping in all the talk about ACV. I don't do ACV very often, but when I do, I have to do it Ted"s remedy way, that is ACV and Baking Soda. Otherwise it is too much acidity on the way down for me. However, I noticed my daughter drinking ACV like she was drinking iced tea.
She would get a tall glass of Vinegar and water and return for another. So I asked, why are you drinking that like its a drink? She answered, "This has honey, it is so delicious."
I tasted it and sure enough it did not burn on the way down. It was organic Apple Cider vinegar with Honey. But I told her it was still vinegar, and she was not to take more than suggested.
Thirst Quencher
Apple Cider Vinegar Baking Soda Quenched My Thirst! This tastes way better than artesian well water. If you haven't tried the vinegar and baking soda you should. Not as good as rain water, though... This site is AWESOME!
Throat Issues
Dear Ted, Thank you, thank you, thank you. I had wrote to you on 11/5/06 about my husband and his throat clearing. This was an problem he has dealt with for around 15 years. I had put him on your ACV/Baking Soda and he added the citric acid also as his ph seems to always be way too high alkaline. It really seems to have worked and after all these years of trying different things. We are still a bit afraid to claim victory. It has been almost 2 weeks of not one bit of problem. It took about 6 weeks for it to kick in and go away. Now I have to say he had days where he took the mixture 5 times and always at least 3 times a day. If he had bugs he wanted them gone !!!! Plus he really likes the taste of this stuff. I wish I could see you to shake your hand and say thanks. DON'T GIVE UP PEOPLE, THIS STUFF DOES WORK !
This comes from certain minerals in the ACV that reduces the oiliness of skin, quite possibly the zinc content. Also, the baking soda will normalize most biological parameters by causing the body to be much more antioxidant, as evidenced by the negative ORP reading of the 2 tablespoon ACV 1/4 teaspoon, giving a rare reading -175 millivolts which is quite antioxidants. Most foods we eat are actually oxidants, which steals the body of electron, causing the aging process to accelerate. My own estimate of most of the foods we eat are between 200 to 500 millivolts which is quite oxidating. This even is also true for most mineral water we drink which are also typically over 100 millivolts. So the wisdom of drinking more water really doesn't apply. It only applies when we drink antioxidant water, and the only way this can be done is a small amount of lemon with baking soda added will allow the water we drink to be antioxidants, thus a simple fountain of youth.
Weight Loss
Thank you for the welcome. I was trying to find some do's and don't regarding eating/drinking while taking the ACV&BS for weight loss. I see a lot of people do not follow the directions and have not been receiving their desired results. I was interested in knowing if there are some foods or drinks (coffee) we should not indulge in or is it not a priority.
You hasten response is sincerely appreciated.
Weight Loss
I thought it was time to share my positive feedback on weight loss through drinking Apple Cider Vinegar and Bicarb Soda (sodium bicarbonate).
I'm 28 and have been taking the pill for about 5 years and recently decided I should have a break. I had gained a couple of extra kilos over the years that became increasingly hard to shift. Every year it was only a little bit but it all adds up, and like my dad says, half a kilo a year = very overweight by the time you're in your 50's! I'd always been very slim and didn't tend to put on weight, despite the fact I used to "eat for Australia" -- much to most people's jealousy. I could basically eat whatever I liked at whatever time of day. I eventually just attributed the cellulite and extra "puppy fat" to getting older and gave up trying to get back to my late teenage size. We're only talking about a size and a half bigger here but it was the fact that I just COULDN'T get rid of the fat that got me down. I was also having major migraines around the time of menstruation and the pill I was taking was really expensive, so I decided to have a break, I figured it would do me good.
Immediately the fat started dropping off! This was bitter-sweet for me, as it confirmed my suspicions but it also meant I was always going to have to deal with the extra kilos if I wanted to avoid "oops" children (other contraception didn't work well for me).
Eventually I had such bad skin problems (I guess it was like a "withdrawal"?) that I started back on it. But I'd effortlessly dropped almost 2 sizes and was able to get back into old jeans I'd given up on, all whilst eating like I used to - it was so liberating! I was chuffed!
Before I started taking the BC pill again I started with a regimen of ACV twice a day. I've been using it on and off for about a year and found it kept colds and flu at bay, helped me get better quicker and relieved a lot of muscle cramps I get from sitting at a computer all day. NOT to mention the candida probs it helps fix! I am a chronic thrush sufferer and the best "help" I've been able to get from the medical community is "Oh well, some women are just prone to it". YAY! Coming from a male doctor. Ie. "Just deal with it". If you suffer this problem you will know what I mean when I say it can make you beside yourself, on an emotional level, when you can't stop it, get rid of it or even enjoy eating any of the foods you like. And the discomfort of being incredibly itchy ALL the time! Anyway that's a post for the "candida" part of this website. :-) Suffice it to say ACV keeps things in my digestive tract fairly under control, even when I eat known "aggravators".
So I started having 2 Tbsp with about a level tsp of bicarb each morning and evening (for thrush at that stage). I have been back on the pill for a month and a half AND I've been eating all the wrong foods (ie. Pasta, bread, some snacks, pastries and sugary treats at the movies) and my weight remains the same. I'm very surprised. I've found I have a lot more freedom in what I can eat without suffering weight-gain or side effects of digestive complaints. I've also started using it on my face as a toner at night after I cleanse - it was the only thing that helped clear up the massive acne outbreak I had when I went off the pill. I use it straight and apply with a cotton pad, then rinse off after about 20 seconds. Stings a bit but you know it's working!
I can't say enough good things about ACV!
(Baltimore, Md)
Apple cider vinegar is absolutely amazing. I can't say enough good things about it. I have lost weight, the spider veins on my legs are almost completely gone, and the cellulite on the back of my legs is like 80% gone. NO more acid reflux, regular bowel movements. i just started black strap molasses. God truly gave us everything we would need to live a healthy life on this earth.
Weight Loss
2 tsp ACV & 1/4 tsp BS -2 times a day - with a little excercise (very slow jogging) has dropped my weight (12 lbs. so far) & dropped blood preasure down to 137/75 (was 156/95). I've been on this regiment for about 3 weeks and feel absolutely great. My doctor wanted to put me on blood preasure pills and cholesterol pills, it just scared the H--- out of me - I had to do something other than DRUGS. In my searching, I discovered a website that offered a FREE discount drug card because I can not afford medical coverage, if I had to do the drugs, this would have been an alternative. (you can Email me if you want the site). I also have gotten my wife started on this for her alergies (she likes the Claritin D, I gotta get her off that stuff! My son 21yo, who has this deep hacking cough (I believe is fungal), can not be diagnosed by the 4 doctors I've sent him to, guess what he's going to start doing - you got it, ACV & BS. I can't wait to see the look on my doctor's face when he sees the results - Thank you everyone for your comments and personal caring about other people, it's very refreshing to know others do care.
Weight Loss
Remedy: Apple cider venigar and baking soda. Ailment: weight loss and blood ph. I am senior who has been using ACV off and on for years, but did not attribute it to anything particular, even though people commented on my skin, I thought that I was just blessed;' however, six months ago, I saw an article on the wonders of ACV and baking soda, and thought that I would try the mixture (which I drank through a straw three times a day, to protect my teeth from the acid), in combination with a daily exercise program, (bally total fitness twister), for weight loss, also to alkalize my blood ph. Well in no time at all, (1 month), I lost those stubborn five pounds that I had been struggling with, and my ph went from 8.0 to 6.8. Hope this helps those who are concerned about their weight and teeth. Blanche.
(Sichon, Thailand)
Weight Loss
I just want to tell you that the applecider vinegar and baking soda really works great! I have lost 20 pounds in a little over two months! My mother runs an herbal store and constantly has to order Apple Cider Vinegar! My father-in-law, could hardly get out of bed, and when he did he was in a wheel chair most of the time, but he started the ACV and baking soda and has lost 2 shirt sizes, out mowing grass, and his diabetes is getting under contro! Had a lady today tell me that she is feeling so much better as far as energy and that she is loosing weight in abdominal area. Will keep you posted. Dee
The malic acid and the acetate is what gives the apple cider vinegar people the energy. The baking soda is what restores the bicarbonate deficiency where a more alkalized body will increase the oxygen in the body giving the body more energy and hence weight loss is synergistic with both of these. What most people won't know is the baking soda and the apple cider vinegar has a strongly negative Oxidation Reduction Potential, which means it is also an antioxidant.