ACV & Baking Soda Tonic: Boost Health Naturally


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Posted by Kenny (Strathclyde, Scotland) on 02/20/2008

I have suffered from Cholinergic Urticaria or Hives as it's more commonly known, for the past 15 years. I have attended Dermatologists galore, tried anti-histamines and all sorts! To no avail. So... I did some research and tried a number of things, natural and herbal, like Quercetin tabs (found in red onions) which is natures anti-histamine, with mixed success. Interestingly though, my ailment appears when stressed, hot - in warm weather or artificial heat, like a sauna, sweating or excercising vigorously and is manifest with red bumps all over my arms, legs, neck and torso which can become itchy - not to mention unsightly. I found the best treatment is an Air Bath - cool or cold air outdoors, minus the clothes, not always possible though!! ;-)I've been on ACV for a while (read my last post on 2/19/08) and decided to manipulate the system I had adopted and over-and-above my two cups of ACV/water solution a day, I decided to try the ACV/bicarb of soda (2tablespns to 1/4teaspn mix in water) about half an hour before vigorous excercise. The red bumps were hardly noticeable, I was wearing a short sleeved t-shirt for the first time in ages, and when I finished, I went for my usual 'sauna, cold shower, steam bath then another cold shower' routine to finish off. Normally,I'd look like I had been stung by a thousand bees! Literally. However, on this occassion, my skin was pretty clear, not red and inflamed looking - very few small red bumps but hardly noticeable, I felt fantastic!! No skin experts, doctors or snake oil salesmen could break the code, but I think I may have. Interestingly though, I beleive wholeheartedly that part of the problem is acid/alkali PH balance in the body and crucially, when out of kilter, renders the body susceptible to all-sorts of conditions. Thanks to Ted for the tip!!!


1 User Review
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Posted by Lisa (Lula, Ga) on 04/18/2017

Re: Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda:

I love this remedy, I also add half tablespoon of natural raw honey. I usually drink it when I get up sometimes I add a second one if I get indigestion. I was able to stop my indigestion medicine after a short while. I have more energy and less allergies.


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Posted by Julie (Elk Grove, CA, USA) on 09/18/2007

Editor's Choice I am 48 yrs old and have suffered from severe insomnia for 9 years. I have taken ambien sleeping pills for the last 5 years just to get a good night sleep. I started taking apple cider vinegar and baking soda for eczema and it CURED my insomnia. I mean totally cured. No more sleeping pills and I am not exaggerating when I say I sleep like i did in my 20's. At first my skin felt like it was burning for a couple of days then when it was gone so were many ailments. It also lowered my cholesterol 30 points, and I no longer have acid reflux. Thank you for your website. Its been such a blessing.

Kidney Infection

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5 star (3) 

Posted by Anonymous (Pdx, Or) on 08/05/2012

I had a side effect from a Kenalog steriod shot which gave me kidney infection took a super strong antibiotics which did not work. So I started drinking ACV 2 tablespoons with 1/4 baking soda three times a day and drank pure unsweetened cranberry juice all day and within two day felt remarkable better will continue for a week.

Kidney Infection
Posted by Aim (Louisville, Ky) on 08/20/2008

I got an e coli infection from eating at a local fast food joint. After the five days of diarrhea I then had a kidney/bladder infection from it.

My blood pressure on tuesday was 149/94. I read on here about the ACV and baking soda. I put two tablespoons acv with with a 1/4 tablespoon baking soda in a full glass of water. About three hours later I took my blood pressure; it was 124/79. Wow, and I feel so much better too!

I had to force myself to drink it, but it was definently worth it.

Kidney Infection
Posted by Ao (Nigeria) on 06/29/2007

i use the vinegar and baking soda for my kidney infection but now i have 90% less pain and it is now 3days i have started using it and very soon it will clear. i am eating normal now. please i will like to have the remedies for loss of memory and ovary cancer please reply via my email.Thanks and more grees to your elbow.

Lowers Blood Sugar

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Posted by Mark (Australia) on 05/15/2020

Hi, I have found that if I take the apple cider vinegar and baking soda mix before dinner, my blood sugar drops from around 9 to around 5 in the morning reading.


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Posted by Erica (Wellington, Colorado) on 11/16/2007

About a year ago I started to get sick all the time. I was always nauseas, throwing up, belching, and constipated. Sometimes it would be so hard for me to get up in the morning, and I was tired all day. And all of these symptoms seemed to worsen during my PMS, accompanied by depression. I was finally fed up with all of this, so I began looking for home remedies over the internet about five days ago. I ran into this website and in the last four days I've been taking the ACV remedy with baking soda 3 times a day, and it has made such an amazing difference. I can eat in the morning without feeling nauseas, I have been moving my bowels everyday, and I am higher in spirits. I will update if it makes a difference during PMS. I will recommend this remedy and this website to all of my family and friends. Thank you so much. God Bless, Erica

Nephrotic Syndrome

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Posted by Jun Sayson (Cebu City, Philippines) on 08/06/2008

ACV and Baking soda cures my Nephrotic Syndrome:

I was diagnosed by my doctor with Nephrotic Syndrome disease for 17 yrs. I've been taking prednisone for 2 years and other medication. My NS has never getting better but even worst and my immune system became low, I was even confined in the hospital for Pneumonia. After my confinement in the hospital I decide to stop taking my medication and taking some natural food supplements. Every year I had my physical examination including urine testing and my protein rose to 4+ until I stumble to this site seeking for remedy or even cure to my NS. I read some testimonies I found a cure to my NS the ACV + Baking soda and was very surprised after my Physical exam my protein is normal. Thank GOD that he guides me here in this site I hope that this will help also to people who is suffering NS. More power to this site and God Bless us all.


5 User Reviews
5 star (5) 

Posted by Tana (Columbia, South Carolina) on 01/18/2008

Five years ago I started taking ibeprophen for a serious back problem. About 800mg a day. Three months later I started having pains that started below my breast bone and radiated up my throat, to my back, and up the right hand side of my neck and face. The only thing that stopped the pain was a spoon full of baking soda in an8oz. glass of water. I've tried the purple pill but still am suffering from time to time. I am now going to try the ACV with the Baking soda, before I eat to see if this will be an additional help? I have heard great things about this and at this point willing to try anything to keep from, the burning sensations, not being able to swallow, and throwing up in my sleep. Today I mixed the 1 teaspoon/ACV with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in 8oz. of water and was able to keep my food down. This is a Miracle!!

Posted by Laura (Courtland, CA) on 10/26/2007

Editor's Choice I Was so happy to find your website-I was looking for a natural approach to upping my DHEA level as my test results showed very low-As I am 46 and entering into the change of life I was frustrated with my weight gain and came upon the stories of ACV-Well I started to take the 2tbl. ACV to 1/4 tsp of baking soda, with a dash of cayenne and a skirt of lemon in 1/2 cup warm water....what I didn't expect to experience immediately was that the pain associated by my 12 year bout with slipped ribs and vertebrae problems disappeared within 20 minutes-hopefully now my body can heal itself rather than trying to quiet the agonizing heat of inflammation-Alleluia, the journey has just begun, healing is indeed something we can all do for ourselves. I have spread the word and for those of you with daily is the easiest thing you can do- Thank you so much...p

Posted by Joy (Cadillac, MI) on 07/09/2007

For several days I was suffering from neck and head pain on the left side. I had pain in my left ear and eye. I tried the heating pad, self massage, and pain pills. Nothing helped. Woke up every morning to headache and pain. I couldn't turn my head without cringing. Finally this morning I took acv with baking soda and grape juice. I felt better almost immediately. My head pain is gone and my neck doesn't hurt. I can turn my head and there isn't any pain! Thank you for this website!

Posted by Loranda (Long Pine, NE) on 01/16/2007

I have been drinking three 20 oz. bottles of water with 1/8 tsp. baking soda and 2 T. ACV a day for a week. No more aches and pains. Haven't had a headache in a week. My hip, knees and shoulders ached daily before the ACV. My energy level is up also. And this isn't organic ACV, just the store brand. Looking for the organic, but having trouble finding any locally. But determined to find. Thanks for this website.

Posted by Pain free (Oregon) on 11/10/2006

Hello, here I am, and, still PAINFREE. The acv is wonderful, I love the baking soda in it, along with the honey, now using mineral water, no tap water, and it makes my mouth taste so sweet, and I noticed I do not feel that sourness in my tummy after the I drank it, 4 times. My tongue is also nice and naturally red, my lips too. I do not think it is all in my mind at all. Hear this: I wear glasses, bi focals, and I am able to read words now without them. Before I found this site, I could hardly see with the glasses on, and also, my walking balance was so bad, and I was so dizzy. When the pain came on so strong, and all that dizziness and falling, I knew it was time to go do research and get off of that drug for reflux. I had no clue it was going to help my breathing, but it did, so none of that problem either. No, not at all have I had to take any drugs for acid reflux (GERD), because it is not present. I drink it in the morning upon arising, before breakfast, lunch, dinner and before bedtime. My appetite is wonderful. The foods taste so great, I do not have to add spices at all. My stomach is digesting so well, I am eating my meals on time, and getting to bed on time. And, I do not have to baby sit the house anymore in the wee hours of the morning. The swelling is gone in my neck and my tummy. I do not have to take any allergy or cough medicines at all. So, since I feel so great, and am learning now all about natural foods to eat, and also to use as body cleansers and even cleanse around my home, and also, I found out that ants and weevils do not like baking soda, or boric acid, (Borax?) so that is nice to know. I am reading quite a bit on this site and doing my own research now, because now that my body feels great and clean, I do not want to dirty it up with any chemicals that are not natural.

Side Effects

31 User Reviews
1 star (2) 

Posted by MH (Eastern North Carolina) on 05/12/2023

I am taking ACV/BS tonic for female issues (possible BV/interstitial cystitis). Been taking it for a week. Even with only 1 tsp of the ACV I'm getting diarrhea every day. What could be the reason for this?

Replied by Michael
(Brisbane QLD)

This can happen when starting a new protocol.
Always reduce by half until you can tolerate, then in time begin to increase again. Remember, more doesn't always mean better.
I would also suggest looking up Jim Humble on Telegram, The Universal Antidote, there is much to learn about Chlorine Dioxide (MMS)
Cheers Michael.

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