ACV & Baking Soda Tonic: Boost Health Naturally

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Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 06/04/2008 392 posts

You got the information wrong. Cancer, fungus and candida occurs whenever the body has urinary pH below 6, not high urinary alkaline pH. Metabolic acidosis is the primary issue. This is why cancer treatment uses baking soda, such as Dr. Simoncini. The entire basis of Dr. Warburg in treatment of cancer is always alkalization.

As to the issue of ionization and mineral availability, I give you a simple example. Salt, or sodium chloride. A sodium and chloride will dissociate completely in a water solution.

If the person takes acetic acid, ascorbic acid, or apple cider vinegar, it will cause the body's urine pH to be acid. Ancient Tibetan medicine, Ayurvedic medicine and even Traditional medicine frequently mentions people to avoid sour and sweet foods when they are sick.

The biological degradation naturally occurs whenever the body is acid. This is how the bacteria, fungus, for example decomposes and organism. However, if a living organism is in acid state, then it causes the organism to be sick.

I have found that foods ideally should have a negative ORP, since they are antioxidant where it is measured in negative millivolts. Therefore, for this to occur, if you do have a Oxidation Reduction Potential meters, the values should be -100 millivolts to -200 millivolts. Antioxidation occur when it becomes an electron donor. However apple cider vinegar is acid, and hence, ORP is about +300 millivolts which causes the body to loose electrons, becoming oxidative.

As to the issue of raising saliva pH, this can only occur with adequate potassium levels such as potassium citrate or potassium bicarbonate. In which case if baking soda is 1/2 teaspoon than 1/8 teaspoon is potassium citrate in 1/2 glass of water. Urinary pH checks extracellular fluids which is the sodium element, while saliva pH checks intracellular fluids, which is the potassium and magnesium element.

As to the bioavailability of minerals in a acid or alkaline medium. The solution is really simple: If a person is already in an acid state and continues to take mineral, the mineral taken becomes a free radical, since the ORP is positive. If it is a free radical, it becomes a pro-oxidant instead of an antioxidant. The body's physiology in bicarbonate chemistry is pronounce in a human body. So whether you take it or not, with the baking soda, helps if the body has inadequate bicarbonate to begin with.

Finally, I make really no real dividing line whether to take apple cider vinegar or baking soda and apple cider vinegar, for one good reason: if you can take apple cider vinegar without baking soda for years without problem then it is fine. However, in practice, people do have problems taking apple cider vinegar in the long run if the body cannot neutralize the acid.

As to ancient medicine, most herbal preparations are of alkaline in nature, which is why they taste to bitter. I have had a chance to measure many of these pH and found them to be alkaline in nature, while on the other hand the food we eat 90% are of acid in nature and ORP are often positive in nature of +300, instead of a negative ORP, which is more healthful as it doesn't steal electrons from healthy cells causing accelerated aging.


General Feedback
Posted by Hannelore (Houston, TX) on 01/27/2008

I have read on your site for the past hour and suddenly I had and epiphany. I am now in my late 70's'; but I vividly remember my Grandmother would fix us "Soda" whenever we would go on picnic's, Swimming or other outdoor activities. She even sent this "Cocktail" to Grandpa and the farmhands for "Vesper" in the early pm.