ACV & Baking Soda Tonic: Boost Health Naturally

Dosage and Tips
Posted by Briana (Roseburg, Or) on 10/17/2011

1tbs acv, and 1/4 tsp of bs. This one works best for my family without side effects:-)

Dosage and Tips
Posted by Ning (Springfield, Missouri) on 06/02/2011

My husband has been taking Apple Cider Vinegar with baking soda in a glass of water before and after meal.

Dosage and Tips
Posted by Steener (Qualicum Beach, British Columbia, Canada) on 11/26/2010

Yes, it works!!! I discovered a "tweak" I am adding at the end of my little blurb. My reflux problem was fairly severe and had plagued me for about 15 years. The ACV keeps it in check and I consider myself lucky to have found this site. I started taking it about 6 months ago after reading the information on this site. I followed Ted's protocol of 5 days on; 2 days off. It took about 2 weeks to really make a difference and when I stopped taking it again, foolish thinking I was cured, it started gradually coming back. I took it regularly for several months and then tended to forget to take the regular dose.

What I found works well for me is to simply take it when I remember to without serious regard to the protcol. Sometimes it is 3 times in a day, sometimes once or twice in a day - sometimes it is every day, other times there are a few days between my doses. I went on a 2 week road trip in this summer and was not able to take any for those 2 weeks. Apparently as long as I take it reasonably regularly, it works despite my not following the protocol religiously. I would highly recommend starting Ted's protocol, then adjusting it to your body's needs. I suspect there will be variations in how it works for each individual according to age, gender, weight, metabolism and so on. Mixing the ACV 1 glass at a time is a bit of a pain, so I got myself a 1 litre jug and marked off the 75 ml (or 1/3 cup) then put 1 tsp ACV in a filled with 750 ml (3 cups) water. This way I don't have to mix so often. I found I prefer it slightly acidic as opposed to tasting the baking soda.

Now for my "tweak": I found if I pour the water in with the ACV, then add the baking soda last and slap a tight-fitting cap on before the baking soda starts to foam up. What happens is you have now created a carbonized beverage that almost (emphasis on almost) tastes good. Hope this helps you as much as it did me. My sincere Thanks to Ted. Steener from QB, Canada

Dosage and Tips
Posted by Candy (Fort Madison, Ia) on 11/06/2009

just put a spoonful of the vinegar in a glass of v8 juice. can't even tell it's in there.

Dosage and Tips
Posted by Lita209 (Sanford, Fl, USA) on 11/06/2009

I take mine with grape juice and it is ok. I give it to my husband with unfiltered not from concentrate apple juice and you can hardly taste it. I haven't tried with lemon juice but that is another alternative. Hope this helps!!

Dosage and Tips
Posted by Geraldine (Fort Lauderdale, Florida) on 07/29/2008

Last year I was usng the apple cider vinegar - 1/4 tsp baking soda, and then began raw vegetable juices. I think that those who say that acv with baking soda gives them a stomach ache is because they do not wait a half hour-1 hour before having any food. This would cause the bubbling in the stomach which normally happens when the acv is added to the baking soda.

Dr. Jarvis states that sometimes a person also needs iodine from kelp, and recommends 2 tsp acv be taken with Lugol's solution in a glass of water (Or half-glass water.) One can also take kelp tablets or sprinkle dulse flakes on salads.

Dosage and Tips
Posted by Tony (Aurora, Colorado) on 01/13/2008

re: ACV and baking soda -- It did help a lot. I feel that I should not take it more than once in the mornning before eating and once at night before going to bed and with almost empty stomach. I felt that taking too much did not help me.

Dosage and Tips
Posted by Sue (Montreal, Canada) on 04/23/2007

I have been on your site for the last 3 hours and wish to congratulate Ted and the people participating in the interesting web site. I have learned a great deal reading the questions and answers. I remember my grand-father taking one cup of hot water with a little soda every night before going to bed. My mother told me it was for to help his digestion. Did not know about mixing with ACV. Again thank you for this web site. Sue, Montreal