Toenail Fungus
Health Benefits

Cure Toe Nail Fungus With Tea Tree Oil

23 User Reviews

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Posted by Junia (Dallas, Tx) on 02/26/2010

I had a fungal infection on one of my large toenails and first tried a commercial product you paint on. After a month of use it did nothing and the fungus got worse. Then I read about tea tree oil and started applying that. It has taken many months - more than 4 or 5 and I didn't do it every single day - many times I forgot. But I can finally say that the teatree oil is working. Some of the affected nail flaked off and the rest of it is growing out with healthy nail bed in its place. You just have to be patient - it will take a long time - for me - because I forgot so much to apply it, it was close to a year.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Russell (San Francisco, CA) on 06/11/2009

Nail Fungus - I tried Tea Tree oil religiously for about 4 or 5 months -- very disappointing -- no effect at all! Plus new studies show that even small amounts have feminizing effects on men.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Robert (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) on 03/07/2009

I've been fighting a fungus between my little toe for years. I've spent a fortune on all the over the counter creams and also my doctor has prescribed a few things, to no avail. I read somewhere about 2 months ago to use Tea Tree oil. I've been applying the oil for 6 weeks now and have had no itching since the first application and the fungus has cleared up remarkedly. There is still remnants of scarring and discolorization in the area and I really think the fungus is still there but I'm going to continue this treatment. Any suggestions as to what else to do would be appreciated.

Replied by Alison

Try wearing proper walking socks all the time. My partner suffered with athlete's foot between the toes for years. After taking up walking using a good brand of walking socks which wick moisture away he found that the fungal infections completely cleared up. So worth a try and the socks don't wear out either they just wear a bit thinner after time.

Replied by Laberta

You might want to try using Organic unrefined coconut oil. I recently used it for a couple of bad scratches I got from the new kitten and was surprised how fast they healed. It even helped to heal a burn I had gotten on the same hand. Just rub a tiny amount on a couple of times a day. Hey, nothing to lose. I keep coconut oil on hand and even use it for cooking sometimes.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Jeff (Bedford, Virginia) on 01/28/2008

I had the toe condition that you see on TV in which the nail dries and seems to die and becomes unattached to the nail bed. The prescription medicine has side effects of harming the liver so I looked for something non-toxic. I read about Tea Tree Oil and ordered some from a well know mail order vitimen supplier. I used a cotton swab and worked the oil under the nail and coated the entire outer nail. Within two weeks the decay had stopped and I could see the nail bed attached to the new growth. I'll continue until the nail completely is replaced and that should take about 8 months (my nails grow slowly) This stuff is great!

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Anonymous (USA) on 01/01/2007

I am trying Vics Vapor Rub and 100% Tea Tree oil, I do believe the fungus is on its way out as the fungus under the nail is turning Black. What I do is apply the tea tree oil first rub it in and try and get it down the back of the nail, then I rub a good amount of vics vapor rub all over the nail bed. I also filled my infected toe nail in both directions Across and down, allowing the mixture to absorb in quicker I only file once a week so not to make my nail sore. I apply this twice per day once in the Morning and again before bed time. I cover my toe nail up with a cotton wool cosmetic pad and surgical tape to keep it in place while I am sleeping.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Crystal (VA) on 07/17/2006

I have hard rough skin around fingernails causing them to become brittle; discomforting in daily tasks like typing and basic tasks involving fingers and hands. My nail fungus problem began on my right big toe. I thought it was an in-grown nail. A whole summer I sat out in the sunlight picking at it with a file and tweezers and finally saw a podiatrist. She told me it was fungus and that the only cure was Lamisil. I of course could not fathom the health risks and financial costs the drug involves. I have a strong faith and am Spiritual, therefore I knew there must be some natural remedy for this problem. I asked around and someone said tea tree oil. For the next few weeks I noticed the problem worsening in my other toes, and more recently has started to grow in my fingers.

In my retail job I waited on a customer who happens to own our local health food store. I asked her, and she also said tea tree oil. My next day off, I went straight to her store and purchased a bottle of Thursday Plantation brand of nail fungus therapy with tea tree oil. I started the treatment on my fingers only and noticed immediately that the discomfort had disappeared. The next day the dead skin was peeling off to reveal my fresh healthy skin underneath. I am on day 4 now and my fingers and nails are starting to look and feel like MINE again! When they are back to normal I'll start the real test on my big toe, on which the nail is almost gone! When speaking to the owner of the store at which I made my purchase, she said the remedy works as long as the treatment is administered diligently! So, if you purchase this product, please stick to your regime! To your healthy and happy fingertips, toes and nails! (: ~Crystal

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Kristy (Chicago, IL)

I managed to get rid of a fungal nail infection on one toe completely using Jason Tea Tree Oil from Australia ($9.95/bottle). I used it 3 times a day and now the nail is completely fixed. I had the fungal infection on this nail for about 5-6 years. I have two other nails that are infected but it is proving to be more difficult to get rid of. I would definitely give the tea tree oil a try. I am now going to try Vicks vapour rub on the other nails.

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