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 Re: Pure Gum Spirits

21 days ago
Posted by Myriam (Miami, Florida) on 04/02/2024

Pure gum spirits comes from Spruce Pine trees. It is the sap and is different from the turpentine paint thinner.

  Re: Allergy Remedies for Pets

21 days ago
Posted by Jisunny (Hackettstown NJ) on 04/03/2024

Ten years too late, but hope this may help for other pups. We give our two dogs something called HWF Clean Heart instead of the vaccination for heartworm disease. It is holistic, but I'd much give them something natural and preventative than stick them with the needle full of chemicals and toxins that we don't know about. My younger pup has neurological issues since getting her first set of vaccinations and I will never again.

  Re: Swollen Feet

21 days ago
Posted by Olga (Maryland) on 04/02/2024

That's correct but also might be a symptom of a weak heart muscle- CHF

  Re: Apple Cider Vinegar

21 days ago
Posted by Bex7 (OR) on 04/02/2024

And here's the Gates connection: In its early years, Apeel Sciences received two grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. While some may have assumed differently, those grants did not give Gates any ownership of the company.

Apeel Sciences' Co-Founder and Senior Vice President of Operations Jenny Du laughed when asked about Apeel's alleged connection to Bill Gates.

"Those grants make up 0.2% of money Apeel has ever raised, " she said. "I've never even met Bill."

So, combining Bragg with the Apeel situation, we can sum up the entire family of claims as follows: Gates, either alone or with Perry, owns both Bragg and Apeel (as a reminder, he does not), and changed the recipe for Bragg apple cider vinegar to include apples treated with Organipeel (again, presumably for some nefarious purpose).

The rumor that Bragg apple cider vinegar is made with Organipeel-treated apples is so common that it's even debunked on the company's FAQ page. Not only has Gates never had a role in selecting Bragg apple cider vinegar ingredients, Snopes found no evidence to suggest that the vinegar has ever been produced using apples treated with Organipeel. Both Cola and Du confirmed that the companies have never worked with each other.

And there is more info in the article. I called the company on the phone last year when I first heard this. It is so not true.

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation for Fibromyalgia

22 days ago
Posted by Ruralady (Illinois) on 04/02/2024

I have FibroCOVID. I got my first attack approx 6 weeks after having my covid 19 infection. I was just getting out of bed like every morning when all the muscles in my lower back seized up and I went down to the floor. Luckily I was by my dresser and was able to pull myself up, get to the bathroom and get dressed. I went downstairs and told my husband for some reason I have a back spasm. I treated it like a back spasm for three days only for it to get worse. The pain traveled down my legs, up my back and into my neck. I had never had a back spasm do that b/f.

I had heard about fibromyalgia in my Physician Assistant training and this was resembling what I was going through. I looked up earthclinic and remedies for this and found "Borax and sea salt" in a glass of water. Made it and the pain literally went away. That was five years ago and since then my fibromyalgia has gotten much worse with time. I've spent most likely thousands of dollars on natural supplements only to find they work for awhile and then lose their punch, then the pain returns even worse. However recently I've found something that does take the pain away. It's called transcranial Direct Current Stimulation aka tDCS. I got mine on Amazon and I'll give a drives the brain. It costs me $117-118 but to me it's priceless, so far. By the fourth day of using it I woke up on Easter morning and all my fibro pain was gone. I haven't felt that in 5 years. This unit has appox 614 ratings with over 200 reviews. I identified with one of the reviews in that I had food sensitivities, brain fog, and anxiety...not to mention the weather sensitivities and anxiety.

I was always worried about a fibro attack where all my muscles seized up and down to the floor I go. The last attack I couldn't walk for 6 weeks and I lost a ton of hair that hasn't grown back due to MASSIVE inflammation from all the pain. I hope this continues to work as it has for others with fibromyalgia. The best montages for it are on another website called "Total" I hope this helps anyone and everyone with fibromyalgia, it's mean and nasty.

  Re: Ginger and Cayenne Tea

22 days ago
Posted by Val (Rose hill, ks) on 04/02/2024

Does the ginger have to be fresh or is powdered okay?

H2O2 Nasal Spray

22 days ago
Posted by Marilyn (Kearney, NE) on 04/02/2024

If you are looking for a quick and easy way to inhale Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide. I use the 3% in a nasal spray bottle, like the Inhalation Method, but up my nose instead. I didn't have any problems of burning, but in case you do go low and slow. This was quicker and easier for me than nebulizing or using the Neti pot. And I recommend adding MSM to your drinking water too. Read up MSM here on Earth Clinic, and Dr. Josh Axe has a nice article on it too.

  Re: MSM

22 days ago
Posted by Marilyn (Kearney, NE) on 04/01/2024

Thank you so much Cindy for posting your results with MSM! I found it searching for a "mineral water" recipe thinking that my city tap water is probably "dead" of minerals. And that maybe I would feel better if I made my own mineral water. I just bought a little MSM last week, and thought maybe that was helping. But I only took about 1 tsp a day. Now I know I can take more! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  Re: Lead in Turmeric

22 days ago
Posted by Adrienne (ID) on 04/01/2024

I hate to be a killjoy, but we do have to be concerned about the possibility of lead in turmeric, especially if it comes from India, Bangladesh and a couple of other countries in Asia. Google "lead in turmeric" or something similar, and you will get plenty of information on the subject. Apparently, a certain type of lead is bright yellow so it's added for the color!

Even the NIH, National Institute of Health, has a warning: "Today, adulteration of turmeric with lead chromate, which is vibrant yellow, is a concern in India and Bangladesh. In this commentary, we summarize a growing body of evidence indicating that turmeric containing excessive concentrations of lead is available for purchase in US grocery stores and that childhood lead-poisoning cases attributable to consumption of contaminated turmeric have occurred in the United States. We hypothesize that turmeric is being intentionally adulterated with lead to enhance its weight, color, or both."

So, look for turmeric that has the organic seal on the label.

  Re: ACV for Upper Respiratory Infection

22 days ago
Posted by CTH (Winchester, TN) on 04/01/2024

IDK about Persians, but my cat just had a litter of kittens 5 days ago. A few hours ago, one unlucky kitty just came down with a bad case of sneezes - no break for well over an hour for the li'l plop! So I started looking up things I could do at home (I don't do vets/doctors) & stumbled onto this remedy. Since I already know ACV is a pretty safe remedy, I used a washcloth to basically bathe my little newborn kitten in a fashion similar to her mom's. I also wiped some onto the mama's body, & dumped the tiny bit left into the main water bowl. My newborn kitty has finally stopped her itsy bitsy sneezes & is resting. I applied the ACV to her 20 mins ago. I'll be reapplying either tonight or in the morning. I also make my own - Bragg's recently sold out to Billy Gates, so I won't touch that brand anymore. All that to say this: ACV is a probiotic kind of remedy & is safe, so long as your kitty isn't allergic to apples, water, vinegar, or the microbes which make ACV such a wonderful remedy, she should tolerate it just fine.

  Re: Essiac Tea for Pets

23 days ago
Posted by Michael (Colorado) on 04/01/2024

I think the herbs you make a tea is the best choice. You can look into as they have the advanced formula and information on why their 8 herb formula is better then the 4 herb formula. Loads of testimonials on their web page. All the best

  Question: Should we limit our intake of fruits? 

23 days ago
Posted by Jo (Europe) on 04/01/2024

Hey, great post. It's wonderful to know there are people thinking about this. always there are always conflicting studies, reports, research, etc, that mess up our direction.

But, I think, that with my research and actual physical testing on my wife and I, I think that excessive fruits is still excessive sugar. I know its not typical sugar, but it still is sugar. Yes the brain uses Glucose as its primary source of fuel, but excessive glucose is still excessive sugar in the body. The body will react and if needed, store it. Which aids in fat storage and overworks the pancreas and insulin response/sensitivity. I tend to err on the side of anything in excess is probably not good regardless of what it is. Fruit in moderation would be ok. We personally have cut it to a bare minimum. We get regular testing done of our blood that does intensive screening in terms of vitamins, minerals, enzymes...the whole works. We are doing well. Since you are in Europe like us, you know how good priced this kind of blood/urine/fecal testing is. It is well worth it.

Any questions, feel free to ask. I have mountains of research docs.

  Re: Blue Light 415nm for MRSA Boils

23 days ago
Posted by Karina (Victorville ) on 04/01/2024

I'm going to try this. I'm waiting for my blue light evince to arrive in the mail. I really hope it works because I tried so many things and my boil keeps coming back.

I'm currently drinking apple cider vinegar, and that is keeping the inflammation down. (1 teaspoon with 1 cup water with raw honey, cinnamon and cayenne pepper). I'm going to try this tea for twice a day.

I'm also looking to start taking oil of oregano.

  Re: Dietary Changes for Kidney Disease

23 days ago
Posted by Art (California) on 04/01/2024

Hi Gale,

You said , ' my husband is very sick '. If he is that sick, perhaps he belongs in the hospital where he can be treated and monitored. If he is not that sick, and you do not get the answer to your question, the following may interest you :


 Borax in Copper Bottle?

23 days ago
Posted by Art (California) on 04/01/2024

Hi Phil,

The baking soda may not be needed as borax actually has a slightly higher pH level than baking soda.


Borax in Copper Bottle?

24 days ago
Posted by Phil (Queensland) on 04/01/2024

Hi, Great website, just discovered it. I have been drinking borax in my water off and on for ages but recently started to drink my water from a copper bottle I bought as there appears to be numerous health benefits. I am wondering what your thoughts are about this particularly for any possible reactions with the copper? Also would like to add a wee bit of bi carb to it as well for the alkaline same question about that too if you could please. Thank you so much. We need sites like this!!!

Kind regards

Phil G.

Mackay QLD

  Re: Hydrogen Peroxide for Lymphoma

24 days ago
Posted by Xanadu (TN) on 04/01/2024

Your saying use one drop of 35% hydrogen peroxide could harm someone badly. You must water it down greatly before ingesting it and go online and find an authoritative source as to how much it should be diluted to be safe.

  Re: Dietary Changes for Kidney Disease

24 days ago
Posted by Gale (NY) on 03/31/2024

Hello, my husband is very sick. What stabilized oxygen did she use? Does anyone know? Thank you

Lemon Water for Liver Issues

24 days ago
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 03/31/2024

Lemon Water Has Many Uses in Liver Complaints:

The usefulness of the lemon starts in the morning, even before you are out of bed. The juice of half a lemon squeezed into a half a glassful of water and drunk unsweetened the first thing in the morning is an excellent remedy for bilious “Liver” disorders. – Chicago American. From the book; Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineer's Monthly Journal, Volume 39, page 979. 1905.

Question: Should we limit our intake of fruits? 

24 days ago
Posted by RB (Somewhere in Europe) on 03/31/2024

I am asking this question A) because I love high-fructose fruits, and B) because I have been limiting my intake of fruits ever since the day, about 4 years ago, I came across an article on, where Dr.Mercola stated that 1) Fructose is unhealthy, 2) Limit your overall fructose intake to 25 grams/day, and 3) this 25 gram limit should include no more than 15 grams/day of natural fructose (NF).

Then yesterday I came across a scientific article from 2017, see Nutrients 9(8):872. doi: 10.3390/nu9080872, or, where a Bahadoran and their co-workers say they did not observe any significant association between NF and the development of CVD events, or changes of cardiometabolic risk factors.

Then I also came across ANOTHER scientific article from 2021, see Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, November, 2021, or view, where a Kazemi and their co-workers say the relationship between fruit intake and all-cause mortality was assessed by 28 cohort studies with 108,402ball-cause mortality events among 1,626,395 participants... and the pooled analysis indicated that the highest compared to the lowest category of fruit intake was associated with an 11% lower risk of all-cause mortality.

Now, based on these 3 scientific articles, I wonder who is right.

(A) Dr.Mercola who wants us to minimize our fruit intake; so that we eat very little or no high-fructose fruits.


(B) Bahadoran and their co-workers who seem to imply that we can eat as much (or as little) fruit as we want, as fruits will not make any real difference in our health.


(C) Kazemi and their co-workers who in effect tell us to eat as much fruit as we want, and the more fruit the better, because fruit intake is associated with an 11% lower risk of all-cause mortality.