Directed to Baldev from Maharashtra, India and Mary from Saskatchewan, Canada
I have no idea what my blood pressure is in terms of numbers. Here is how I know if a something works for me or not, I know how I feel. When I lie to sleep and if I can't relax then I know there is something wrong. If I don't fall asleep or can't get comfortable then I know I have to look carefully at what I did that day.
A very good example of this and I have repeated this over the course of years because sometimes I forget how MSG affects me. If I eat a product containing MSG I can't sleep, I can't relax. It feels like high blood pressure but I can't prove it cause I have not tested it.
I have put some of my writings at http://hebrewofyhwh.wordpress.com/chapter-9-health-and-healing-issues-for-the-man-of-yhwh/