Hair Loss
Natural Remedies

Natural Solutions for Hair Loss: Effective Remedies for Regrowth

Posted by Z_girl (Santa Barbara, Ca) on 10/08/2012

I am experiencing greater than usual amounts of falling hair. I've tried adding hair vitamins, good protein in diet, adequate water, using safe shampoos, but the only thing that lessens the amount of falling hair, that ends up in my hands, on my clothes and in the drain, is eating several eggs per day-- they are free range, organic, omega -3 brown eggs. If I miss a day of eating at least 3 eggs my hair starts to fall out again.

Eggs are such a complex food its very hard to isolate what mineral or combination or minerals are helping my hair. I really cant eat 3 eggs every day-- not only because that is a lot of cholesterol, but I don't want to develop an allergy to them from eating them every day.

Additionally my nails and cuticles arent in that great of shape, but eggs sure helped at least the cuticles in short order.

Part of the reason I am so concerned about it, is that if I have a deficiency of some type I'd like to find out before it affects something more serious than my hair.

Any help as to why the eggs are helping would be appreciated.

Castor Oil
Posted by Alicia (Syracuse, Utah) on 09/23/2012

Hello, I'm trying castor oil, about a month and have had amazing results, my hair has stopped falling, and the beauty of it is that makes you more hair out, you have to buy the specific hair. Of course, I leave it in my hair for about an hour with a towel wrapped and then give as four washed so that all the oil out, the results are wonderful, no more hair loss. Hope this helps, you can find here on Earth Clinic, ay many people that I knew of that used by Earth Clinic.

Hair Loss From Hypothyroidism
Posted by Jackie (Charlotte, Nc) on 09/04/2012

Serrapeptase is a natural blood thinner.. This would help increase your circulation.. It helps with so many of my ailments not sure if would help or hurt you hair loss situation..

I would be curious as to what Ted thinks about this one..

Posted by Drsd (Dubai, UAE) on 08/31/2012

as a long time sufferer from hair thinning, I would proudly say that I haven't almost missed a remedy for hair fall. Recently, I came across a remedy on the web, that used methi (fenugreek) to stop hair loss. I added few more ingredients to methi and the remedy was very powerful.

Here is what I have concocted:

  • 2 teaspoons of methi soaked in 1/2 a glass of water overnight
  • 1 large red onion (actually, I find them purple! )
  • 1 table spoon of cayenne powder or 3 jalapenos
  • strain the methi seeds on the next day, put them in a coffee bean miller or a food processor, add the peeled onion and the cayenne pepper, make a paste out of all that.

now massage the scalp with the paste, wetting your palms frequently with water to help your finger tips slide around and the pepper to sting alittle bit. Cover with a shower cap. you will feel instant heat on the scalp. In an hour, rinse thoroughly and wash and condition as usual.

I noticed an 80% reduction in the mass of falling hair.

now, this remedy is potent and effective in ceasing hair fall, but will not suffice ALONE in the battle of regaining hair. So adding nutritive foods and taking vitamin supplements is imperative to check hair fall.

hope this is as useful to you as it was to me! regards :)

Carrot Juice Applied to Scalp
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 08/21/2012

Couldn't you just use a double boiler?

Posted by Karmala (Templeton, Ca) on 08/06/2012


Good news/bad news regarding biotin. It worked great at growing hair.... I actually had eyebrows for the first time in years! But, I wound up with severe migraines. I have tried different brands and different strengths, but ended up with migraines each and every time. Just to let you know that some of us get negative side effects from biotin. I suffer from multiple chemical sensitivities.... not sure if this has anything to do with it or not.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Elaine (Nashville, Tennessee) on 07/25/2012

Coconut oil has caused my hair to grow back thicker. Also, before using coconut oil my scalp would itch terribly whenever I sweated... And my scalp was often itchy and irritated.... Also lots of dandruff. It has also given me beautiful nails for the first time in my life. It also takes care of my IBS... As long as I take it everyday. I take the capsules... 4 a day. It is my personal opinion that coconut oil helps IBS in people who have had their gall bladder removed. I would not be without my coconut oil!

Carrot Juice Applied to Scalp
Posted by Erviola (Larisa, Greece) on 07/06/2012

Hi! I just want to ask if carrot juice applied daily or weekly in scalp? Who is interested for the cattle bone I know the recipe I have don't try that by I heard that it is very good for bald spot. another cure is created with 300 grams of ox bone marrow, 300 grams of paraffin oil. The insert in a small pot and this pot insert in a larger pot filled with water sodden in the fire, so that those who have entered into a small pot, do not come in contact with the plate heat Sobest, but only in contact with hot water, so that within a small pot to form an ointment having contact only with the heat wave. With this recipe put in your head every night for 1 month in a row, and that within this month will see the results, as will hair begin to emerge in countries that have fallen or thin. hope it will help you.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Natalie (Seattle, Washington) on 06/27/2012

Try taking Coconut Oil for Hair Loss!!

When I take 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil, my thin hair instantly becomes smoother & seems thicker - it's incredible! Ihe color even looks darker, too! Just remember to start slow - even 1/4 teaspoon for a week, then slowly increase the dosage. You can get severe Herxheimer reactions (die off) from coconut oil, so please start slow!! Get Virgin coconut oil - if that is too strong for you, try Expeller Pressed.

Posted by Assaf (Tel-aviv) on 06/24/2012

Hello, I am taking magnesium for hair loss, that is magnesium citrate tablets, two a day, about 100% the RDI, for now a month, and have a lot of growth on my scalp, and in the beard actually too, which appear to come in fuller.

Magnesium seems to calm the scalp, or something similar, I think. I am taking iodine and phosphorous as well, as these minerals are lacking in my nutrition.

Brushing Technique
Posted by Fox (Usa) on 06/21/2012

Marcus, can you share with the guys on here what your brushing technique is? How long do you brush a day? How long until you saw some progress? Thanks! I started brushing and my scalp LOVES it. Can't believe I didn't think of doing this. It's always the simple things....

Brushing Technique
Posted by Shoesan0 (Bath, England ) on 05/15/2012

Hi, can anyone tell me what sort of boar bristle brush to use? Flat, round etc? Many thanks!

Posted by June (Columbia, Mo) on 05/15/2012

I started losing hair in my mid-thirties due to peri-menopause. I didn't know that's what it was at the time. I became post-menopausal at 45 with very thin hair. I've tried lots of things, but what has been working very well for me for the last few months is a Biotin supplement and rinsing my hair with organic acv. You can drink it too, it's good for you and it cured my IBS. But for my hair, I'm just using it as a rinse. I use a spray bottle and massage my head gently for about 2 minutes. I do this almost every evening. Has slowed my hair loss a LOT and my balding spots are getting much better. However, it does take time to notice. It's a safe, natural way to combat hair loss. It might not work for everyone, but it seems to be working for me. And I do not dilute it. I'm 50 now and have more hair than I did at 45.

Medications Causing Hair Loss
Posted by Sue (Jamestown, Ny, Usa) on 05/13/2012

Hi, I was wondering with the iodine therapy if you apply it to your scalp and leave it, or do you leave on for a while then wash off. If someone could post a answer I would appreciate it. Also, does anyone know if HRT causes hairloss or help with hairloss? I have seen conflicting information and do not know what to do. I am a 50 year old women with general thinning. If someone knows I would appreciate their input. Thanks Sue

Stimulate Blood Circulation
Posted by Marcus (Shreveport, La) on 04/03/2012

I cant believe there are no more replies to this!! Hair loss can be cured in as little as 3 minutes per day by stimulating the scalp!!!!!!!!!! First off I am speaking specifically about male pattern baldness. As we get older, our scalp gets tighter which chokes off the blood supply. As we get older, our general circulation gets worse, compounding the problem.

My story:

I am 31 years old and starting losing my hair around 18 years of age. I had a bald spot about 4 inches in diameter atop my head and my hairline has receeded a great deal.

A couple months ago I decided to just shave my head because it was a real mess up there. Upon shaving it I realized that I didnt want to be bald and decided to find a cure and document my results.

I did countless hours of google searches and one thing that I ran across consistently was lack of circulation and tight scalp. Upon pinching the skin on my head I realized something very interesting. My skin was extremelytight where hair loss was occuring, and loose RIGHT next to it where the hair was full.

That right there made me confident that my scalp wasnt getting enough blood due to the galea (fibrous "sheet" below the skins surface whose shap matches exactly the worst case of MPB) being pulled tight by stress.

What did I do? I started drinking a circulation boosting tea (organic ginkgo leaf, 1tbsp to 2.5 cups of water) as well as massaging my scalp and rubbing my fingertips lightly through my hair stubbles for 1-2 hrs a day. I also do tom hagerdy scalp exercises for about 5 minutes per day.

All of these methods have ONE thing in common. They promote blood flow to the top of your head, which is the hardest place for the heart to pump blood due to being the highest point of the head.

Now to the exiting part. Over the past 5 weeks I have completely stopped my hairloss and regrew over a hundred new black hairs. I know it sounds too good to be true but its not. Hair loss is primarily a function of poor circulation to the hair papillae. Bottom line.

I have a topic in an open forum called immortal hair. My username is slowmoe and you can track my progress pictures there.

I hope you have the faith to believe what I am saying is true.

-Marcus B.

Brushing Technique
Posted by Marcus (Shreveport, La) on 04/03/2012

Yes! It will work for anyone because it stimulates the scalp!!! There have been many reports of this method regrowing many many years of hairloss. This, along with scalp massage WILL 100% regrow your hair.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Barbara (Toronto, Ontario) on 03/25/2012

Hi Helen from Austin, Texas, I noticed my seborreic dermatitis disappeared after I finished the whole 29oz jar of Nativa extra virgin coconut oil. I believe it took about 4 - 6 weeks (2 tbsp a day) to finish the jar.

Sorry, I took so long to respond back, I never returned until today.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Lbb (Houston, Texas) on 03/19/2012

I have been looking for a means to address my hair loss and irritated scalp. I have been to many doctors and they have given me everything from cortisone shot, to rogaine and olux foam. All of these things were not covered by insurance because they were listed as cosmetic. After 5 years of various treatments nothing improved. I decided to pray that I would find other ways. Fast forward to today. My scalp was on fire at work and I went to the pharmacy to get the items for Ted's ACV/Hydrogen Peroxide mix and Tea Tree/Lavender Oil mix.

I came home and applied the ACV mixture with a spray bottle. I was surprised at the film that was lifted from my scalp. I knew my scalp itched but didn;t see any build up until I used this mixture and an oily mixture came off my sclap as I massaged the ACV mix. I then left the mixture to sit for a bit and then rinsed with filtered water. My scalp felt many times better instantly. There is no itching. I then loosely flat twisted my hair in 10 flat twists from front hairlinw to the nape of my neck.

After this I applied the Tea Tree/Lavender oil mix from an applicator bottled in between the flat twists. I feel tingling and it is refreshing. This was my first time using these remedies. I have immediate relief and am so thankful for that. I will continue on with these mixtures and hope this not only keeps my scalp clean but provides an environment for regrowth. Thank you to Ted, Earth Clinic members and Earth Clinic.

Traditional Chinese Medicine
Posted by Cez (Tel Aviv, Israel) on 03/12/2012

I have had alopecia areata for over fifteen years (since my early 20's). At its worst, nearly half of the hair on my head was gone - what was left was scattered in different sized patches. I went through the series of treatments offered by dermatologists including topical ointments, injected and oral steroids (! ) There was always new hair growth but it seemed to eventually get worse.

After a few years a friend encouraged me to consult her sister-in-law who is a Chinese Medicine Practitioner. I will refer to her as 'Z'. Immediately I began a regiment of acupuncture, an herbal remedy (taken for a couple of months only), a combo of tui na, shiatsu, reflexology and, the tool that sealed the deal for real results (in my opinion) was treating each balding area with a tiny tool used in acupuncture known as a seven pointed star (I think that's what it's called). It's pretty much a tiny hammer whose head is covered in small short needles.

Basically, Z would disinfect each area with an iodine solution and lightly (ok, not so lightly) give the bald areas whacks until there was a bit of blood flowing. I know, its sounds horrible and for those with a low threshold for pain or for kids, it'll be a real challenge. All I can say is when I saw the results, I didn't mind the pain at all - if anything, enduring it made me stronger. From my very basic understanding of it, this injury serves a couple of purposes: 1.) It gets blood flowing to the stagnant area and 2.) It does what some of the topical western medicines do - creates an injury/irritation so that the immune system (which attacks the hair in those with alopecia) starts to work on healing the irritation and leaves the hair growth alone to do its thing.

While I still have a bald spot or two at any given time, my condition is nowhere near what it was back then. For now it remains almost entirely a non-issue. I have continued to see Z pretty regularly over the years - taking a few breaks here and there - haven't needed the hammer in years as spots that show up tend to remain smaller and easy to hide until regrowth occurs - hope it stays that way.

For those who have the perserverence to go see someone and know that results could be a good three to six months down the road and will require possible long-term maintenance, I can't encourage you enough to give this a try - oh and you may want to work on a good breathing technique for the few intense moments of pain each appointment but trust me it is well worth it!

Medications for Hair Loss
Posted by Ebony (North Hollywood, California) on 03/05/2012

Hello all, It saddens me to read about the problems some of you are having with hair loss. I too have suffered with hair loss (not really sure of the reasons). 12 years ago my hair was barely ear length due to massive breakage, neglect etc. Due to a job layoff and depression, I ceased to comb my hair and kept it under a scarf. 5 months later, to my suprise my hair was healthy and at least 3 inches longer.

Since then, I've kept my hair "UP" in protective styles with very low malipulation.

My diet was balance.

Through research, I've leaned how to take care of my hair. There are sooooo many things one can do to ensure long, healthy, strong, thick hair. My hair is now 28 inches (mid back length) and ultra thick. (I'm 56 years old). The methods below worked for me:

1. Massage scalp with pure aloe vera gel.

2. Co-wash often (clean scalp and hair with conditioner only.)

3. Massage scalp with one or all of the following:

-extra virgin coconut oil

-extra virgin olive oil

-Emu oil

-Argan oil

-Tea tree oil

-Castor oil

-Onion juice topical

-Garlic juice topical

-Jamician Black Castor oil

-Seal ends with shea butter

-Vegetable Glyercine

-Black tea hair rinses

-Weekly hot oil treatments

-Jojoba oil...... And so on. These methonds worked for me to achieve and maintain healthy, strong hair.

They worked for me but may not be for everyone. Do your research and as always.... Consult your M. D. Before beginning any new regimen. Good luck.

Accutane-Related Hairloss Remedies
Posted by Njman (Paramus, Nj) on 03/01/2012

Accutane will definitely cause hair loss. I took it back in 2007 when I was 23years old, and my hair thinned all over.

However, it should be reversible. Like you mentioned, you experienced hair loss 2 months after stopping Accutane, which seems perfectly normal.

Accutane is a very powerful drug and will shock your body from the inside out, and hair loss is just a side effect of it.

I remember a short time after I took Accutane, I looked in a mirror at a retail store and my hair was so thin that I could see my entire scalp. But, before that moment, I didn't even realize I was losing hair. I was 23 and hairloss wasn't even on my mind. I did absolutely nothing to treat the hair loss, but it all grow back over time after I stopped the Accutane.

So in short, I'd be more concerned about the overall side effects of continuing that insane drug Accutane, than I would be about the hair loss it causes.

Accutane-Related Hairloss Remedies
Posted by Dj (Chicago, Illinois) on 02/12/2012

Thank you for this post! My son is also suffering hair loss from taking Accutane! I hope that Ted answers soon. We are looking for a solution! He has been taking Accutane for about 2 months now and his hair is falling out. I'm going to try Fulvic Acid. Hopefully this will help!

Cayenne Pepper, Olive Oil
Posted by Kumar (Hubli, India) on 02/09/2012

1. 50 grams of Powdered Cayenne Pepper of highest scoville units (Buy strongest red chillies and get it powdered in the CHAKKI. Avoid readymade chili powder like Tikhalal, MTR etc as they may contain preservatives and salt).

2. 100 ml of the best Extra Virgin Olive Oil like Figaro.

3. 1 glass bottle with a tight cap.

4. 20 grams of black Pepper powder (kaali mirch).

to ensure I get hair growth, do I have to stop smoking?

General Feedback
Posted by Alastary (Frankfort, Kentucky, Usa) on 02/02/2012

Ted, I have developed hair thinning after drinking senna tea and having acupuncture done in my scalp. The thinning area is directly in the area on my scalp where the needles were inserted.

Also What supplements resemble the actions of ASTRESSIN-B?

Read this article please.

According to reports, researchers came across the discovery when testing a chemical compound on genetically-altered mice. The mice's bodies had been programmed to overproduce a stress hormone, called corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF), which, in addition to other things, caused them to lose their fur as they aged.

As part of the study, the balding mice were given five daily injections of a recently-developed anti-stress hormone, astressin-B, and then returned to their habitat. Three months passed, and when scientists returned to collect the rodents for follow-up studies they unexpectedly discovered the once-hairless subjects had re-grown their fur. Reports indicate the injections were 100 percent effective in re-growing hair.

"Our findings show that a short-duration treatment with this compound causes an astounding long-term hair regrowth in chronically stressed mutant mice, " said Dr Million Mulugeta of the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.

"This molecule also keeps the hair colour (and) prevents the hair from turning grey, " he told the AFP news agency.

"This could open new avenues to treat hair loss in humans, " Dr Mulugeta added.

Here's how MedPageToday characterizes the research:

The mutant mice bred to overproduce the stress hormone corticotrophin-releasing factor become bald on their backs as they age. But after a week of daily injections with a compound to block CRF called astressin-B developed by the group to treat gastrointestinal disease, the mice unexpectedly regrew their missing hair and were indistinguishable from controls.

The effect remained for up to four months, which the researchers pointed out in a press release is a long time in a mouse's less than two-year life span. It far exceeded the mild regrowth produced by minoxidil (Rogain) in the same mouse model, the group reported in PLoS One.

Since CRF is also expressed in human skin, the researchers expressed optimism that a similar approach could be a "breakthrough therapy for alopecia."

Edgar Cayce's Hair Loss Remedies
Posted by Mary (Rural, Va) on 01/30/2012

Maria, I use your basic drugstore Potassium Iodides. The colorless kind.

Edgar Cayce's Hair Loss Remedies
Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 01/28/2012

Hi Mary (from Rural, Va), As hair loss can be a symptom of iodine deficiency I think you have found your answer, congratulations. With shrimp and kelp containing iodine plus the iodine painting you are correcting your deficiency. Could you please tell me which form of iodine you are using for the painting? Thanks.

Edgar Cayce's Hair Loss Remedies
Posted by Mary (Rural, Va) on 01/28/2012

I can't speak to Edgar Cayce specifically, but this remedy did peak my interest. I have been losing hair by the handful since I can remember, at least all of my adult life, and I am 53. It suddenly stopped recently. I have been trying to figure out what I have been doing differently that has made the difference. I have been taking multiple supplements for years, added some, stopped some, but I couldn't think of anything that I had started just prior to my windfall (or should I say lack of hairfall).

But one thing I did consider, I have been eating shrimp maybe a couple of times a week for about the past year. Then I saw the post about Edgar Cayce's remedy. We may be onto something here. I have not tried the coffee, so I cannot speak to that. I had also been supplementing with kelp, and doing occasional iodine painting. But maybe the iodine in the natural form is the key.

Edgar Cayce's Hair Loss Remedies
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 01/25/2012

This is a remedy from Edgar Cayce who was a medical intuit and some say a prophet. He could put himself into a trance and offer advice to people on healings. I read it today and thought I would post it here. This is the question asked of him:

(R) How may I promote the growth of new hair on my head?

(B) Eat more shell fish and rub same with a few coffee grounds occasionally.

Perhaps any males out there (or females) could try this and report back?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Helen (Austin, Tx) on 01/22/2012

Hello, Barbara, How long did it take for the coconut oil to work?

Oiling the Hair
Posted by Dana (Nyc, Ny) on 01/21/2012

Peace & Love. I have been losing my hair since I was 9 years old, I am now 21. I was using Rogaine when it first hit the market, I was only 12. I used all sorts of crappy pills and "chemical" stuff. I was a young growing female, so I had obvious vitamin deficiencies. I was never seriously ill my entire life, nor have I ever had a bacterial infection on my skin/hair. Female baldness, however, DOES run in my family, BUT none of the women started losing their hair until they were in their mid thirties or higher.

I do believe that baldness/hair loss (for most people who arent ill) is half your genetics and half of what you put in and on your body. I have completely stopped using chemical based products on my skin or hair and will hopefully cut them out of my diet one day as well (and I mean ANY sort of chemical, don't use anything thats not EARTH GROWN on your hair and skin) I don't use those fake 'organic" ones you find at health food markets. I'm telling you ladies and men that have a history of hair loss without physical illness, to take up AYURVEDIC remedies. A nice Indian lady once told me "These Americans don't put oils on their hair that's why when they're old they are all balding!" And I swear to you it's the truth.... I dont care if you "think" you're not losing hair and you "think" your hair is lush... But compared to Eastern folk, Latin folk, and Island folk, all of us Americans look "bald". Our hair lacks lustre body and youth. YOU HAVE TO OIL UP YOUR HAIR!

Put the below list of ingredients into your hair 2-3 times a week, depending on how oily or dry your hair is (mine can get oily quick so I put it in twice a week for now)

Get Amla oil, Brahmi oil, Henna leaves or dried Henna, Coconut oil, Aloe Vera, Honey, Milk, Eggs, Some fresh cut red chillies, Castor Oil, Almond Oil, Mustard Oil. Mix it allllll up, rub it on your scalp and all through you hair *The trick is to massage it well into your scalp for 3 minutes. Wash it out in the morning with Shikakai powder (natural cleaner like baking soda) and some baking soda in water.

And try more ayurvedic recipes, many of which can be found online that are pure and organic. Take what you think would be best for you. Stop taking all the pills and chemicals, and use ONLY what you can eat. That's the trick. If you can't eat it dont put it on your body!

Once you start oiling your hair, try other remedies, like eggs and milk for a hair mask, and mix some good ayurvedic oils in the mask as well. Trust me a combination of oiling your hair and hair masks once or twice a month will do the trick and NOOOOO shampoo. Only shikakai and occasional baking soda or borax. After a while oiling you hair 2-3 times a week, your hair will being to balance between oily and dry and you can either oil your hair every night or once a week. :-) I'm telling u it works.

I have been doing this for over a year and my hair loss has been cut in half and my hair looks beautiful! My hair was always dull in color, easily tangled, and FLAT as hell.. But now its bouncy and pretty and I can even grow it long again (almost past my waist yayy! ) without having to worry about it being "too heavy" and falling out more cuz it's long (that's a buncha doodoo) :-). I'm telling you ladies, find the ayurvedic recipes that's the only way to go. I mean look at Indian ladies hair! They must be doing something right then!

Half is your genes and the other half is WHAT YOU DO! Your hair loss will be cut in half I promise that, and your hair will look more youthful which is also a plus. Hope this helps guys :-)

Stimulate Blood Circulation
Posted by Marko (Christchurch, Canterbury, Newzealand) on 01/11/2012

A lot of hair loss is due to lack of circulation at the top of the head which is supplied with blood in a different way to the hair at the back and sides -I started losing my hair at 33 years slowly but surely. I tried a few things like E C vaseline & crude oil which improved the hair loss a bit but took a long time also topical herbs (chinese) which helped but didn't fix it so I searched the internet for natural alternatives and found a site that suggested doing head taps with fists, not hard just to get circulation going -no blood, no hair -you can lower your head to your waist tap over scalp for 30 secs or sit upright tap 2 mins also scalp squeeze and pinch about 6 times daily this and a few other things (holistic approach) turned the problem around for me at 56 -I got this from a site called -how to naturally regrow your hair in 15 minutes a day. This really works and will override most underlying causes for hair loss.
Look it up, you won't regret it -good luck you won't need it. Marko

Edgar Cayce's Remedies for Hair Loss
Posted by Jackie (Grand Rapids, Minnesota) on 01/02/2012

This hair regime seems to be working. I think I will forever stick with it since it doesn't take that much time and I have the routine down. My hair after a month is no longer dry, my hair roots no longer ache on top of my head. I'm able to wear a short bob haircut with bangs without using heat appliances, curlers or styling products. It has a little volume compared to the starting point where it layed limp and lifeless flat to the scalp.

I use the cayce crude oil every 10 days followed by the cayce rinse and shampoo, and every other day in between the crude oil treatment, I apply jamaican black castor oil to the scalp by pouring a little oil at a time in a dish and dipping the fingers in and rub into the scalp, leave on overnight and shampoo with cayce shampoo the next day. Massage the scalp at least once a day. After shampooing and the hair still wet, dip fingertips in white vaseline and rub on any scalp areas that show ( on myself it's along the part on top and cowlick on crown. ) Use just a little, it won't make the hair greasy. I stopped any artificial sweeteners, use a toaster oven instead of microwave, use only cast iron or stainless steel pans, no nonstick, use coconut oil for cooking. I take quite a few supplements, andrew lessmans hair, skin and nails, andrew lessmans evening primrose oil, a. L's omega fish oil, and recently added biosil. And a. L.'s complete multivitamin. The hairline feels fuzzy, the hair has a little lift so it looks thicker, all in all a big improvement in a month.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 01/02/2012

Do you mind telling me what brand you use?

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Barbara (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 01/01/2012

Hi Sayno from Vancouver, BC, Your dandruff is an internal issue. Most everyone is lacking the health essential fatty acids in their diet. I cured my seborrheic dermatitis a skin disorder on my scalp with organic extra virgin coconut oil. I took 2 table spoons each day of the 29 oz jar and after I finished I noticed my scalp healed completely and it felt as smooth as a baby's bum. My scalp prior to using extra virgin coconut oil was very dry with scab like bumps that were also very painful at times and would also bleed a little after I scratched it. I only flaked a little and itched a little, but mostly it was sore and extremely dry. Before I decided to experiment with extra virgin coconut oil, I was consuming flaxseed supplements and oil for about 12 or so years.

It definitely helped, but this past summer for some reason the flaxseed oil was not doing a good job and so I decided to search for something else. I am soooo amazed at the results of extra virgin coconut oil and it's many many other medicinal healing properties. Just google health benefits of extra virgin coconut oil and you'll be amazed. Mother Nature always come through for us, we just have to look for it.
