Natural Remedies

Top Natural Remedies for Fibromyalgia

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lynn (Holland, OH) on 03/16/2006

I am taking Spectro 3 vitamin/mineral supplement, magnesium taurate for the depression, extra calcium, B-50 complex for all the vitamins the candida depletes your body of, digestive enzymes to eat up all the waste material you are killing - with each meal and in between, a good probiotic to replenish the good bacteria an hour after each meal and at bedtime (read "You're Nuts Because of Your Guts" at Cure, 70% of your immune system is in your digestive tract, 90% of Seratonin is made in your gastrointestinal tract), coconut oil (Spectrum organic unrefined - has yeast defeating properties and is a medium chain fatty acid which is very good for you and is supposed to help you lose weight, read The Coconut Diet by Cherie Calbom), MSM (500 mg per 30 lbs. of body weight),I take 1000 mg(pure, no fillers) twice a day to help strip the mucous membranes where yeast live in and restore PH in your GI tract, liquid molybdenum (a mineral) to help break down the acetaldehyde toxin the yeast produces and Oxymune oxygen drops to help build the immune system even stronger, and gently bounce (do not take feet off) on a mini-trampoline to help clear toxins from my lymphatic system.

So far, my CFS and Fibromyalgia are much improved, the thrush in my mouth is losing its hold. Pink skin is starting to appear at bottom of a totally white coated tongue. Totally yeast infected ears are almost totally cleared up (intense itching and yucky yeast residue are gone) I am making slow but progressive progress.

My understanding is that this overgrowth of systemic candida is due to a suppressed immune system, however you got it; overuse of antibiotics, birth control pills, use of steroids (prednisone),etc., all the bad things doctors give us to help us get well have made millions of us terribly ill. I am doing everything I can to build up my immune system. Read Ed McCabe's book, "Flood Your Body with Oxygen", in which he explains over and over again how YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM RUNS ON OXYGEN. This disease is a parasite and you are the host, it thrives in an anerobic environment (no oxygen), and the more oxygen you force into your body, the weaker this parasite becomes, but you must keep at it every day and never give up. I once recovered from this terrible disease doing yoga morning and night for a half an hour at a time. I felt great for about 3 months -- I looked wonderful, I felt wonderful, I couldn't get sick no matter how many sick people I was exposed to, my immune system was that strong and then I quit the yoga thinking it was the MSM that had done the healing, so it's back to gentle exercising to build up the immune system. Excessive exercise will just depress your immune system even more. Read up on how yoga builds up the immune system and detoxifies the body through urination, elimination and sweating. I believe due to the constant deep intake of oxygen with the deep breathing involved in the yoga poses and the constant twisting and bending involved that detoxified my liver, kidneys, pancreas, etc. my immune system became so strong nothing could exist in my body but great health.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Linda (UK)

I have fibromyalgia, and had just started using cider vinegar on raw salad just to flavour it without knowing the benefits. Last week I i did not use it and the fatigue and pain were quite chronic. Twice this week I used it again and my energy levels rose. I am unsure if this is the cider vinegar as I am also taking supplements, but the coincidence is there already. Only more time will tell but I would recommend other sufferers try.

Posted by Ruralady (Illinois) on 05/08/2021 22 posts

I got COVID 19 and as a secondary complication of it, ended up with fibromyalgia. I take CBD oil for mine and it literally aborts an attack. Of course, you have to know what causes your attacks. With me it's alcohol, I can't handle hardly any b/f an attack starts to creep up on me and when it does it does with a BANG! I put about 1000 mgm under my tongue, wait about 15-20min and it's literally over...of course everyone is different, just thankful I found this out for myself... Good luck to anyone with this affliction, it's mean and nasty.

Monosodium Phosphate
Posted by Wayne (Andrews, Indiana) on 08/21/2016

Fibromyalgia: I have had muscle pain for over 40 years. I have taken potassium, sodium bicarbonate, magnesium, and calcium without relief. I started taking monosodium phosphate at 2 grams a day. This has brought about some relief which has allowed me to exercise with push ups without as much pain. Just thought I would share my experience.

MSM, Oil of Oregano
Posted by Vicky (Nsw Australia) on 03/17/2017

When I had groin pain I looked into it and found that that's one of the symptoms of kidney stones and drinking more water stopped it for me - and by drinking a glass of lemon juice in water first thing every morning- LEMONS do wonderous things...I had no idea. Hope this works for your son :)

Infrared Sauna
Posted by Prioris (Fl, Usa) on 10/03/2013

Fibromyalgia is a microbe infection. Treatment should be done from that perspective. It is disinformation when they say it is due to "over active nerves".

Biofilms and Nano Bacteria Connection
Posted by Pr (Houston, Texas) on 10/12/2012

I am female who has been suffering with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue for 15 years and have tried every remedy in the book, plus some. I would have success with some remedies short term but never long lasting. I have recently been doing an intense research on biofilms and nano bacteria which has helped me understand why I had not had a full recovery. Not to mention the relapses or excruciating. Any body with any chronic disease should research this information as I think this is what is needed at this time. I have read some postings on EC in regards to biofilm and nano bacteria however it has been hard to put it all together.

I am posting 3 links I have found most helpful. Two of them are protocols for biofilms and nano bacteria and the other is how vitamin D will actually make the disease worse (a must read). Vitamin D seems to relieve symptoms at first because it acts a secosteroid so a person has short term relieve. In the long run it actually makes the disease worse. The article explains in detail how it does and provides research, references and studies.

This has not been an easy journey for those of us who have suffered with years of chronic pain and conditions but I am hopeful with this information. One thing for sure I have learned the hard way, watch what you eat. There is no short cut or way around avoiding proper diet. Remember to stay optimutist has all things are possible with God or what name you call your creator.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Jinxed (Granada Hills, California, Usa) on 06/26/2012

I have fibromyalgia, among other health challenges. Part of this is having thick, sticky body fluids. Saliva, blood, the fascia sticks to the muscles and organs...

I started oil pulling a little more than a month ago, using Organic EVCO, followed by a good rinse, gargle, and brushing with hot water.

I have since noticed that my saliva isn't sticky, and the white coating on my tongue is GONE! My acupuncturist did a double take when she looked at my tongue after just one week. My teeth had looked cracked, and felt just bad in general, with thin areas of gum. Now the cracks aren't visible, the gum is getting plump and pink, and my teeth "feel" like they are going to stay in my head! After having 3 molars pulled, they started shifting like crazy, but they are settling down now.

Recommended this to a friend who wants to quit smoking, she said it sounds harmless enough, and if it helps her to quit, yay.

Thanks for introducing me to OP, I've added it to my regular routine! (Spitting it out in the shower after the pipes are heated from the water has so far prevented any clogs!)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 10/24/2014

I use coconut capsules for constipation. I have cleared everything and don't seem to have any problems anymore. Also, garlic capsules and tumeric capsules work to help clear this. Eat an apple every night. It's fall and we're eating caramel apples (I know, sugar) but it's one way to eat them and enjoy them a bit. Try Ted's alkalyzing remedy--juice of one lemon or lime add 1/2 tsp. (man) 1/4 tsp. (woman) aluminum-free baking soda and stir until the fizz quits. Add water to make it 1/2 glass. Use a plastic spoon to stir this--don't add any metals to the mix. Drink first thing in the a.m. and last thing in the p.m.

This will probably hand you a huge laugh. The doctors told me to avoid rice with pre-diabetes. I eat cocoa krispies about a couple times a week. They make me go quite regularly. I use lactose-free milk. Not sure if this will work for everyone. I don't know why this would be bad, as they give babies rice cereal first when they begin to eat.

Lactose-free milk is also good for people with prostate problems (you don't have to get up so often in the middle of the night).

Posted by Ray (Calgary, Alberta) on 12/30/2012

Apple Cider Vinegar is not the same as "vinegar" if you mean white vinegar sold in stores, which nobody in their right mind should ever put in their body. White "vinegar" is pure acetic acid without any of the buffers of natural ACV, without any of the minerals, and other compounds of nature. It is chemical lab junk.

Also, if you take ACV with baking soda then you no longer have any acid but a salt. So no worries.

But beware. These days big business has put their foot into the health food arena and come up with "mimic" health food. You have to pay attention and read labels even in health food stores. For example somme sell as ACV stuff that is filtered, purified and so on to take any goodness out of it (anything that might reduce shelf life and affect profits).... that is , there is a lot of ACV that is just brown acetic acid, rather than real ACV.

Lysine, Threonine, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Maggie (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 08/11/2011

Hi. I received this response from Ted in assisting with multiple issues. I just want to confirm how to purchase supplements recommended by Ted since it's not always easy to find these items. Also, I would like to confirm where Ted mentions ingesting 3% hydrogen peroxide - if anyone has done so and confirm that it is in fact safe. As I have previously read in many posts over time, there is a debate going on whether or not the otc hydrogen peroxide (for external use only)3% is safe to be taken internally. I also found a product called "Maxx Essentials BCAA Maxx Amino Acid Supplement" which contains both the lysine and the threonine recommended by Ted. Is it okay to take this product even though it has 9 essential amino acids in the product?

Here is the response I received from Ted:

Fibromylagia approximately 20 years ago, is a viral issue. It is easily dealt with is lysine and threonine. The lysine is taken 1/4 teaspoon and 1/3 teaspoon of threonine. The schedule fixed is to do hourly dose for four hours, and just once before bedtime. Probably got some sort of Epstein Barr from accident by surgery. The receding gum I seen all the time a lot to do with lysine deficiency. The candida is one of the effects of fluoridation of water supply and chlorination both of these are absorbed by shower and enter transdermally, and it gets rid of the boron. The boron is a required minerals in getting rid of fungus, in broad term. If I want a fix schedule then it is 1/8 teaspoon in drinking water for a week and two days off. A hydrogen peroxide 3% one capful in one liter of water is used as a drinking water for 4 days out of 7 days, that means a two day off. The sugar craving is easily handled by incorporating glutamine to be taken everyday, and is 1/3 teaspoon 4 times a day, and one at night mixed with the lysine and threonine supplement.

If done for a month, this should be definite improvement, but I haven't yet covered other issues as fibromyalgia is the most pressing issue.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lynn (California) on 03/13/2021

If you believe Fluoride is a cause for Fibromyalgia, be careful with tea consumption. Non-herbal teas have fluoride in them.

Posted by Robyn (Melbourne, Australia) on 05/04/2011

I dont believe in the guia theory but I did take it. I am in severe pain, I hate taking morphine but I have to. I used to take the guia - for me it did cut the pain back a couple of notches. But cant have any salicylates or it wont work. My liver is so bad I want to take milk thistle which has of course, salicylates so the guia wont work. So many other good salicylates that can help with our conditions eg. I have very bad adrenals so want to take licorice root, more salicylates. So whilst the guia helped with the pain I wont get help with the other. They say you have to take it forever.

Posted by Nita (Atlanta, Usa) on 09/17/2011

Because I also have bronchitis/asthma, I was taking Guiafenesin and noticed a reduction in pain. I didn't know about any theories but was greatful to not have to deal with the Fibromyalgia while sick. Once the lungs cleared up and I quit taking Guiafenesin, the pain was back quadrupled. There must be something to it. I was taking Mucinex which has a higher dose of Guiafenesin in it. The terrible side effects of HEAVY perspiration and high blood pressure prohibits my taking Savella which offered pain relief but is not worth risking a stroke.

Posted by Wydo (Ventura, Ca, United States) on 04/04/2011

Two of the symptoms of fibromyalgia, IBS and anxiety, forced me to look at the gut to brain axis. I think this is the key to this disease. A look at L-Lysine shows in a study that lysine has an effect on serotonin and it may have an effect on anxiety-induced intestinal pathology. We cannot just look at lysine as a way to fight a virus but we must look at it for its help on intestinal health and the brain. I have read that others believe that if we ignore the intestinal problems it could lead to intestinal permeability and the problem starts to spiral. Research is showing that the brain has an increasingly significant role in intestinal health.

A week ago I started on the L-Lysine for a virus and I notice that I felt a lot better 5 minutes later. Now that's too quick of a reaction even for lysine on virus. There had to be something else going on and that's when I started doing some research. So I just kept on taking the lysine 3 or 4 times a day. So far my hip pains have gone away and the rest has diminished some. The hip pain was what would wake me up at night and because I had trouble getting back to sleep, I really didn't need that. So now I sleep through. There are other symptoms relieved but I am going to hold off on reporting them until I see more improvement.

General Feedback
Posted by Kelly (Cambridge, Ma) on 02/18/2012

I could not agree more!

I love this site and visit it every day, but am (very) often left frustrated with the non-specific information provided by many posters.

As you pointed out, it does none of us any good for people to post about something (or a combination of 'somethings') that helped them when they don't also include what amounts they took, how often they took it, etc.

It would be great if EC could create spaces for this info on the feedback form. Perhaps underneath the subject line, they could include "Quantity Taken (i. E. 2 tsp. )", "How Often? (i. E. Once per day, 3x per day?)

It would be *so* helpful.

General Feedback
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 02/18/2012

I don't think you are taking the site for what it is.. Just normal people try to help others with remedies. Even if dosages were given in all cases that would not necessarily help you. For instance you know nothing about the person posting the remedy - what they weigh, what their lifestyle is, what else they are taking that may act in synergy with something else. You just have to take in the information and work it around yourself if you want to, as best you can.

Most supplements recommended have the dosage recommended on the bottle so take that dosage first.

All in all you have to research, research, research.

General Feedback
Posted by Cameron (Brisbane, Qld, Australia) on 02/19/2012

Yes. If you are posting post the specifics please.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sharon (Palisade, Colorado) on 11/18/2010

I get magnesium oil from Swanson for $8.99 for 8 ounces. They also have a half gallon for $39.99 or if you buy 3 of the 8 ounces bottles it is $19.99. I mix it half and half with Concentrace brand Trace Mineral Drops and spray it on painful spots on my body. I have ankylosing spondylitis and fibromyalgia, so I have a lot of painful spots. I get a lot of pain relief from the mixture. It stings and itches, but I try to wait at least 10 or 20 minutes before I shower it off. After the shower I feel like I just got out of hot springs, which was my goal in trying this. My chiropractor is getting more areas of my spine to adjust than he has in years.

General Feedback
Posted by Jules (Denver, Colorado) on 10/20/2010

Dear Veronica, My heart goes out to you after reading your post and I can only imagine the battle your fighting. Please don't give up. Scour this web site and implement the health tips as much as possible, and also, know that just as God gave us a wealth of natural cures, He also wants to see you healed. He is good all the time. Seek him like you seek the cures for your afflictions and both will be found. I am praying for your healing.

Posted by Ray (Calgary, Alberta) on 12/30/2012

Boron is a chemical element that sits next to carbon in the periodic table of elements.

Borax is a form of sodium borate (2 sodiums, 4 borons, and 7 oxygen atoms) surrounded by 10 water molecules.

The boron you get at health stores is usually boron gylcinate, meaning the boron is chelated (bound to the small amino acid glycine, the smallest amino acid). The theory is that the body is "tricked" to treat the substance as if it has ingested a tiny protein (made of amino acids) and so should absorb the boron better than if it were just some inorganic (rock-like) chemicals. (Borax is mined from the ground). Once this is in the body the body cells are supposed to separate the boron out from the amino acid and use it. By contrast if "inorganic" boron were used it is "thought" that in the gut the sodium borate would react with other substances and form some substance that might never even make it out of the gut and into the body proper.

But there are really very little studies to show that the better absorption "theory" actually works. Or that the boron really ends up free from the amino acid. Sometimes chelated minerals are better absorbed, sometimes worse, sometimes the same and often only marginally better than salt forms of the minerals. So bottom line: the Boron tablets are probably just as good as cheap borax.

Plus we don't know here if the medicinal effect is in the gut or in the body spaces or cells. Perhaps the borax is just doing its work solely in the gut. Or maybe some of the sodium borate does get into the blood. More research is needed. But, inversely, there is no reason, at the moment, to say that boron from borax is better used by the body than boron from boron glycinate (health store tablets). But perhaps here, we should look at the medical as opposed to nutritive use of the substance. Maybe, we are looking at some effect, not of boron, but of the sodium borate.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Rob (Manhattan, Ny ) on 07/31/2010

Great info Robin... Thanks... Apparently the Alpha Lipoic Acid is better utilized with Biotin.. Some brands have this in addition.

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 07/11/2010 392 posts

Dear Sandy: Two things that are effective against pain is DMSO and MSM. It takes about a week to noticeably reduce pain and most effective after 2 weeks and maintaining that dose helps. Magnesium (no calcium) and hyaluronate should deal with other pain. Any additional information is welcomed. Ted

Posted by Jed (Canada) on 10/11/2014

Been taking DMSO 1/2 tsp in water at night, 5 drops lugols iodine in water in the morning and 1/4 tsp of borax in a liter of water throughout the day. I really noticed my energy level Go up and I could think better....Kind of like the brain fog has lifted. My joints and muscle stiffness has improved. I still have a hard time sleeping comfortably as it has improved just a little.

Vitamin D
Posted by Watergirl (Destin, Fl) on 02/19/2010

Please note; thousands of "outdoor" people in Hawaii, Florida, Arizona, California (and other sunny places) have FM. I contracted it as a professional racing sailor in the South Seas (years under the sun daily).

Artificial Sweetener Link
Posted by Dawn (Kennewick, Wa) on 06/17/2012

Suffering from Fibromyalgia myself, I have been treated with such disdain from friends and family members. I agree we cannot dismiss what people are going through. I mean I have and will try supplements, changes in diet, choose or not choose prescribed medications, but over time, I am not finding anything that will get me to the point of being able to go back to work. There is no cure for something we do not understand. If cutting things out like sweetners and processed foods was the true and only answer, I wouldn't continue having the pains and fatigue I am now. I guess what I am saying is we already feel ostracized by society and even friends and family, we need people to be more mindful of what they say and how they say it.

Artificial Sweetener Link
Posted by beverly (Texas) on 03/07/2022

"...G. D. Searle applied for the first FDA approval of aspartame on March 5, 1973, and Dr. Martha M. Freeman of the FDA Division of Metabolic and Endocrine Drug Products was not impressed. In an FDA memorandum, she expressed her concern with the studies conducted, especially the single dose studies. According to Dr. Freeman, results from single dose testing could not generate accurate predictions of regular consumption. Freeman concluded that the information submitted was insufficient evidence of clinical safety.16 In 1974, the FDA rejected Freeman's recommendation and approved aspartame for use in dry foods."


Artificial Sweetener Link
Posted by Michael (Texas) on 04/30/2022


Aspartame-induced fibromyalgia, an unusual but curable cause of chronic pain - PubMed (

Dietary Changes
Posted by Grace (Palisades) on 04/25/2017

Gluten should be avoided. and beware that gluten and dairy cross react. It is wise to stop both, gluten, dairy. We stopped sugar, it is
Inflammatory, We use Xylitol, or just eat dates, feel much better. My medical doctors told me MD do not have time to do research and told me to see a naturopathic doctor if I wanted to know the causes, and since they have time to dig deeper, so if your were seeing an ND, will look at the cause.

Posted by Ellen (Austin, Tx) on 01/05/2011


Be careful about taking DHEA without a proper saliva hormone test and/or guidance of a naturopathic doctor. I have fibromyalgia and my DHEA levels were actually HIGH. I could have done some serious damage by taking more.

Vitamin D
Posted by Clickherex (Adelaide, South Australia, Australia) on 10/25/2009

Is is necessary to have a test to establish the existing level of vitamin D3, (cholecalciferol). Dr.s Joseph Mercola, at John Cannell, at and Ben Kim at all agree on the optimal range for vitamin D, which is 45 - 52 ng/ml, or 115 - 128 nmol/l.

I suggest that you check out those websites, and enter "vitamin D3; testing" in the searchbar at, then "vitamin D3; 1 hour lecture" and view it.

Good levels of magnesium, calcium, vitamin K2, and zinc are required for maximum utilisation of vitamin D3, so it is a good idea to have your levels of them checked, and supplemented, if necessary.

Google: "vitamin D3; natural sources; supplies" if not relying on sunlight, or appropriate artificial lights.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Isabel (Alamo, Calif.) on 03/22/2010

I have been in so much pain with FM. Reading your message about feeling poisoned just hit me. I told my doctor that I felt poisoned just the other day. I also eat alot of food in the mirowave that are in plastic. I bought a bottle for water but the rim had some kind of metal and my mouth got sore. I have gotten sick to my stomach drinking bottled water in plastic. Didn't think it was the water until I quit and started drinking out of a glass and felt different. I have tried all the conventional way but still in pain. I am for sure going to make some changes about what is plastic in my life. I am for sure going to change cleaning products. I have muscle spasms in my body as well neck, back, legs, head to toe. Something needs to change and I hope that is it. Thanks for the heads up about the change in your environment.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Anonymous (South Pasadena, California) on 04/18/2009

Hi All: I've tried almost every remedy under the sun for fibro and the only two which have helped me a little is magnesium and inositol. Magnesium helps with pain and inositol helps with exhaustion and depression. The three things I've discovered which helped the most are a lot are walking in the morning or whenever you are in the least amount of pain, avoiding food allergies and taking armour. I walk for an hour but you can walk for twenty or thirty minutes too. Studies have shown that aerobic exercise reduces fibro pain. I also lift light weights every morning. I would say that the walking reduces my pain by fifty percent. The other thing is, I realized I was allergic to gluten, artificial sweetener and citrus, that includes citric acid. Avoiding all of these things help quite a bit. I also wait until the afternoon to consume non gluten complex carbohydrates like rice bread. For some reason, I think this lowers the hypoglycemic reaction somewhat. Also, avoiding caffeine if you can do it really helps. It helps with pain when you drink caffeine for a little while then a few hours later you will have more pain and exhaustion than before drinking it, most likely. I know I did, anyway. Many fibro's are intolerant to gluten and complex carbs and are hypogylcemic. So, it's important to eat a lot of protein. I am a vegetarian and think this might help also. Lastly, fibro's sometimes are undiagnosed hypothyroids. If you are on the cusp most allopathic doctors won't help you but many naturopaths will prescribe thyroid medication. Just beware that once women reach menopause if you are in the hyperthyroid range you will have a slightly increased risk of developing osteoporosis. Once I started taking Armour, a natural thyroid medication some overcast or cloudy days actually were bearable. It takes a while for the tissue effect to catch up to change in blood levels though.I know this is a lot of information but it's taken me thirteen years of experimentation to find these things, and I am certain they helped me when other things failed. Every case of fibro is different though so different things will help for different people. Hope this helps. Sincerely, Anonymous

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Pamela (Houston, Texas) on 11/22/2008

I have suffered with fibromyalgia for years. And I have takens lots of Diatomaceous Earth. The DE works great for parasites but does nothing to relieve or get rid of fibromyalgia. I also know several others with fibromyalgia who used DE with no relieve. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and keep up the good the good work.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Laura (Asheville, Nc) on 09/14/2011

I have fibromyalgia and have been taking Diatomaceouls Earth for almost 2 weeks. It is definitly doing something positive for me. First I noticed a huge change in my foot problem that has plagued me for 4 years. I have woke up stiff, but that is different too. I don't know how to describe it except that the stiffness is not to the bone and all encompasing as before. I am so hopeful that I may continue to improve. If it is possible different factors contribute to Fibro for different people, I guess different results could be experienced from individuals also. My experience would lead me to suggest, try it and see how your body responds if you suffer any joint or fibro pain. Good luck to you all!

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Xearkel (Memphis, Tn) on 01/12/2014

I have shown huge improvements with Diatomaceous Earth and avoiding wheat/gluten. If I avoid Wheat and take my DE at least a couple of times per week I am actually pain free and full of energy! I would not have believed it but it is really like a miracle. I din't think that the pain would ever improve much less go away completely. Doctors were just giving me pain management options but no real options for a cure. I had to find my own.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Prioris (Fl) on 01/13/2014

Just to clarify. I think the supposed pure form of Fibromyalgia where no inflammation is present may involve a non-infection so more likely to be easily addressed.

People who post cures or remedies need to say whether they have inflammation or not along with better description of their Fibromyalgia when posting cures. Also if pure form, describe the muscle pain.

This will maybe allow people to determine if remedy is relevant to them. Looking at fms questionaire results, that tells me most have the infectious variety.

There have been studies of prevalence among Amish regarding Fibromyalgia and it exists but I do not think it is the infectious variety. Inflammatory diseases in the amish community seem to be rare. They are generally healthy. They rarely have autism like 1 in 15000. There are a few amish who did stupidly get vaccines so some of them have a chance of develop these chronic diseases.

I think vaccines play a major role in the inflammatory kind of fms as as root cause.

Fluoride has been named as playing a role also by some. It's hard to separate the vaccines and fluoride. If Fluoride was the primary cause then the cure would seem to be easy - remove fluoride with borax etc from the body and see if it works. Fluoride could be an exacerbating factor.

Looking at the cure pages I observe that there is a low cure rate for fms. Oil pulling seem to be the most successful at 2. I think fms is a secondary condition for many people so if they address some of the primary cause they will get better. also I think many other cures were of the non inflammatory type of fms.

So people need to clarify their fms when posting cures

Fluoride Connection
Posted by Ellen (Denton, Tx) on 05/14/2011

Robyn, I have been taking a multi-pronged approach of destroying biofilms that pathogens hide in with enzymes, boosting the immune system with IP6 inositol, AHCC, vitamins D, E, A, B's, zinc, E, taking thieves oil internally & applying externally, detoxing metals with sodium thiosulfate & DMSA, etc. I'm not 100% but I think I'm making a slow but sure recovery. I used to be so bad that I thought I was dying and now I can go hiking. I also drink borax as suggested on the site, and ACV baking soda. I'm not sure if the ACV baking soda does anything. (please email me at s. Genteel85(at) if you have any questions)

Vitamin D
Posted by Dleigh57 (Buckhannon, Wv, Usa) on 10/19/2010

Oh, my gosh! Start taking 20,000 IU's of Vitamin D3 a day - do this right away. I had so many of your symptoms plus numb toes, constant earaches, arthritis. You name it, I had it. I went to my doctor just in time because he had gone to a seminar on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. He says that they have linked Vitamin D as one of the leading causes for these illnesses. The lowest Vitamin D level that you should have in your body is 30. Mine was almost at 8. My doctor was so alarmed that he called me on the Saturday right after Thanksgiving. I can't tell you how much better I feel. No more numb toes, earaches, severe aches and pains at allllllll of my joints, no more feeling like I constantly have the flu. I am so surprised at how much better I feel. I actually had to start out with 50,000 IU's a day for a month. Now I am down to 20,000 a day. And, in the winter I use a Happy Light. I love it!!! Hope this helps.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Emilia (Atlanta, GA) on 03/06/2008

I've had CFS for about 6 years and in the past few months I've made a remarkable recovery. In my case underlying causes were food sensitivities (dairy and corn) and PBB poisoning as well as metal toxicity. In Michigan in the 70s a chemical company accidentally dumped PBB into cattle feed and it got into the food chain. Working with my kinesiologist I've done a lot of detoxing and now am up to about 75% of the energy I used to have. I got rid of my aluminum cookware. This year I'll have my metal (mercury) fillings replaced. The headaches and other conditions like IBS are gone. CFS and fibromyalgia seem to be related to the body being filled with toxins more than its able to handle. That explains why conventional medicine can't figure out what the cause it -- it's a different set of causes for every individual. Still, anything you can to do detox should help, and look for food intolerances as well.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Ray (Calgary, Alberta) on 12/31/2012

As far as I have heard no "filter" can take out Fluoride. Thus if somebody says their filter "delivers a safe level of fluoride" then they are probably just playing with words, meaning they just delivering, unfiltered, straight through to you, the fluoride that is in the water, which they consider to be safe, with "safe" as determined by government regulations and specifications (if there are any). (small comfort.)

The only way to get fluoride-free wate is distillation and reverse-osmosis. If you want to get fluoride out of your water then you should investigate a reverse-osmosis or distillation system, and leave filters to those who blindly accept pat vague phrases.

Even the health stores do this word play game. For example I recently went to get fish oil and found they all were flavored, apple, orange, etc. I read the ingredient list to find some mysterious ingredient called "natural flavor. " Now what is that? Why all the mystery? If it is apple flavor in apple fish oil then what not say "apple peel" or "apple juice" or so on. Why some vague words like "natural flavor?" Obviously to hide what is in it. MSG is "natural" and so is fluoride. So "natural" is a meaningless word. Why are health food companies playing such word games? Why are health food stores accepting products that play such word games. I refused to buy it, saying I don't want additives in my fish oil and the person at the health store even swore left and right that it was not an additive! As if fish come with apples stuck in their mouths. It looks to me like something was added, and that makes it an add-itive. Just because it is a health food store, or a water filter company, doesn't mean you should blindly trust them. It doesn't mean they care about your health. Ask for things in writing. And reject vague words and double-talk.

So don't be blindsided by water filter companies and their word games. Ask to see proof if they claim it takes out fluoride, or any other thing. Look for the word "removes" or "takes out" and not just vague words like "delivers a safe level."

Dietary Changes
Posted by Alice (Mississippi, US) on 12/31/2014

I agree that FLORIDE is a problem with our health, and I do have fibromyalgia.

I drink spring water.

I have noticed that the only things people are talking about is drinking water, but you get much more fluoride in your body when you bathe than you do from drinking. Especially if you are like me and love a long hot soak to ease your painful muscles. Also, when you brush your teeth you need a bottle of water so you won't use the city water with fluoride. Same applies to cooking. I hope people are still following this thread.

Posted by Marcin (Toronto, Canada) on 05/07/2015

I may be wrong but I think there is not a food grade borax. However, a product that contains only pure borax and no added chemicals should be fine. 20 Mule Team Borax is ok.

Posted by Blanca (Galveston, Tx. Usa) on 07/30/2012

Floride is also in Air pollution. If you do some internet searches you can easily verify this. It is interesting to note that floride used to be used to treat hyperthyroidism. An estimated 90% of fibro patients are hypothyroid, so floride is an adverse insult to the system. A hypothyroid patient with exposures to floride is being dirven further into a thyroid hormone deficient state.

Posted by Robert Lemmon (Columbia Sc) on 11/27/2016

Bromine, Fluorine, Chlorine & Iodine are all in the class on the periodic table. Iodine is what our bodies need in every cell and it is especially important to the Endocrine system, Thyroid etc. The other 3 elements take the place of Iodine in numerous situations in our bodies and we suffer ... So your 21st century likely has Chlorine from water, bleach etc, Bromine from Bleached Flour, fire retardents etc, Fluorine from toothpaste mouthwash and so forth all of which will be pushed out when you take in Iodine so you have to do it slowly over time so the boidy can eleminate. Look at the link below

You can read the transcript or listen to it.

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 12/02/2016 2048 posts

Good post Robert, on a big item issue many folks are facing. Many thanks to E.C. contributor Bill for posting so much good info and advise on using Lugol's Iodine.

Some points to add. To reduce the Iodine competitors, it is very important to install a whole house filter, or drinking water filter, and shower-head filter. Floride in tap or utility water is quite toxic. I found regular carbon filter was not sufficient in removing the floride so I filter then Ozonate and can feel the difference. Public swimming pools and spas are also a big source of chlorine or bromine.

To detoxify these Iodine competitors, take a warm or hot bath with a spoon of Sodium Thiosulfate for 30+ minutes. Sodium Thiosulfate is good for removing that bad elements in the body or in drinking or bathing water, but also reduces the good Iodine, so I would advise any method of high-end water purification.

Kelp Tablets may be used on a daily basis and the higher potency Iodine supplements used periodically. Some concern on radioactive Iodine in sea veggies like Kelp so one may need to research that. Some areas have little and some lots of radioactivity from Fukushima fallout. Scottish Kelp is said to be a good source.

Posted by Terri (San Jose, CA) on 11/11/2006

5HTP is greatly helping myself and my daughter with our symptoms of fibromyalgia. I have tried low doses of antidepressants in the past but nothing worked as well to improve my sleep as 5-HTP has. I take 200mg per night. My type comes with several essential cofactors to assist in proper seratonin production. No side effects for me, unlike with the other drugs. I'm considering it for more members of my family. We have a genetic sleep and pain disorder. Hopefully we can find the right dose for all of us. I advise everyone to see a qualified ND or sympathetic MD before self dosing to be extra safe but side effects are rare thankfully.

ACV and Baking Soda
Posted by Edna (Cobb CA ) on 07/31/2005

Just started the Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking soda yesterday. Feeling 50% better today from fatigue & pain. Also did the clove oil rub last night. (I am Already taking Vit D, Multi Vitamin, Sea Weed, & Calcium). will let you know how I progress. July 31, 2005 Thank You!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jean (Northland, New Zealand) on 10/02/2014

Thanks for this - I've had the same problem of the ACV being too strong. It goes very nicely with manuka honey too. I have just begun to use it for the bad mucus I get with fibro & it has helped immediately.

Whey Protein
Posted by Jacob (Somewhere, CA) on 01/12/2023

Which amino acids did you add? Thanks

Baking Soda
Posted by WindingDown (CA) on 01/16/2022

I had gout in 2005 lasted 6 weeks before I went to the Dr. he said it was gout. Wrote me a script. NOT MUCH was on the internet back then about home remedies. On a DEEP DIVE I saw someone charging for a cure. I kept searching and found it FREE!

Backing soda and water. YES!! FOR ME in 3 days of twice a day, 1 level teaspoon in water morning and late afternoon fixed 6 weeks of horrible pain in 3 days!!

Another time few years ago pre KETO way of life I was suffering from horrible Fibro pain, worse EVER! Finally went to the Dr she said its my new normal. I said NO WAY, I will surely die!! SO going home defeated, I remembered the gout pain years before. I realize after searching you can get gout everywhere. SO I tried my home remedy. THIS TIME it took a little over a week of 2 a day baking soda and water. IT WORKED THANK GOD!!

I then started Keto way of life, I don't care what anyone says, for me gout is from lots of carbs, like starches and sugars and grains. Since being KETO I do fall off the wagon sometimes but over all my body fibro and CFS issues are WAY BETTER FOR ME! GODSPEED everyone.

Posted by Hazel (North Ayrshire) on 07/25/2018

Hi. Just wondered if any of you have tried or thought of trying Kinesiology for fibromyalgia? I have had several sessions at it and find it great. I suffer from anxiety and depression and I'm soooo glad I found out about this natural treatment. It's for use in all health issues and I have heard of people with fibromyalgia etc that have had exceptional results.

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