I have just recently started taking Borax for what has been diagnosed as fibromyalgia. I started taking concentrate of 1 tsp to liter of water and then take 1 tsp 3 x per day of that concentrate. (I have gradually increased to 12 tsps of concentrate each day since I am pretty sick, seizures, brain swelling, etc.) I have started taking 400 mg of magnesium and Tums (1000 calcium and 200 mg of magnesium) daily.. I am also taking a liquid multivitamin, mineral and amino acid supplement which keeps me from getting anemic. It has a 95% absorption rate which helps when you get older, etc.
I have bad thigh muscle pain, occasional calf pain and sometimes pain in the muscles around my shoulder. Pain medication does not help, Lyrica does no good. Pain rub Voltaren does help some.
Since starting the larger amount of Borax I have severe pain in legs and shoulder. One day I woke up in the morning and had NO pain for about the first 30 minutes after awakening. It freaked me out. I couldn't believe it!
I have gone back to a smaller dosage of Borax Concentrate and worked back up to 6 tsp a day. Pain is not as bad. I think I was having the Herxheimer reaction. (large die off). For the first time in years I have a little hope.
MSM, Oil of Oregano
Google "healing naturally by bee". Completely clean up your diet:go 100% organic and take out all sugar, starch, wheat, dairy & processed foods. Change out all your products to organic (shampoo, lotion, dishwasher & laundry detergent, etc). Change out pots & pans to stainless steel. Only cook with organic virgin cold-pressed coconut oil. Also lather your body with it after you get out of the shower & also ingest it after every meal. Start with one teaspoon & work up to one tablespoon. Eat a LOT of good fat (organic animal fat, coconut oil, organic olive oil on salads) with protein at every meal. Take supplements with bragg's ACV drinks (apple cinnamon is the best! ): make sure they are organic and have no fillers, fructose, or soy. Stay away from GMO's and soy. You WILL get a healing, heximer reaction. Go slow. Make these changes over 2 months. You WILL feel better as your body kicks out the toxins (whatever it is-viral, bacterial, fungal).
This is not a diet, it's a new way of living and will give you a great quality of life going forward. They have support groups, too. You will eventually be adding back some fruit, gluten-free pasta at times, honey, etc. More the SCD diet, but that would be your choice. It may take months or a few years for your body to kick this out but it can be done. If you ever take oil of o, you have to take probiotics with it-like penicillin, it kills both good & bad bacteria. Don't forget prayer. And to pass this info on. It cleans out all diseases if you stick with it. Remember: you may feel worse at first so go easy on the changes but be deliberate & determined. Google Healing Naturally By Bee, and Weston A Price, and read his book. Google bentonite clay, ACV, and organic coconut oil. Eat an anti-inflammatory, all organic diet. Include organic ginger & garlic in your food. Take tumeric, either in pill form 1-2 300 mg or in warm water (1 teaspoon) twice a day. If you feel too overwhelmed, slow down with this protocol. You can do this. You will be well. God bless you and your son.
General Feedback
Why do people keep posting remedies on here without giving product information, doses and quantities? Like one chap mentions acetyl l-carnitine with alpha lipoic acid??? Great so what are the doses, what product etc etc. Without these vital details it is completely pointless information.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Magnesium
Here is some research which confirms the positive effects of using malate (ACV) and magnesium to help cure Fibromyalgia (FM) and is yet more confirmation as to how alkalizing with ACV and baking soda (forming malates) plus taking Magnesium (as Mag Chloride or Mag Citrate or Mag Gluconate) can help FM.
Here are the summary and abstract conclusions from the research:
"Primary fibromyalgia (FM) is a common clinical condition affecting mainly middle-aged women. Of the etiologies previously proposed, chronic hypoxia seems the one best supported by recent biochemical and histological findings. We postulate that FM symptoms are predominantly caused by enhanced gluconeogenesis with breakdown of muscle proteins, resulting from a deficiency of oxygen and other substances needed for ATP synthesis. We present data supporting a critical role for magnesium and malate in ATP production under aerobic and hypoxic conditions; and indirect evidence for magnesium and malate deficiency in FM. After treating 15 FM patients for an average of 8 weeks with an oral dosage form with dosages of 1200-2400 mg of malate and 300-600 mg of magnesium, the tender point index (TPI) scores (x±) were 19-6±2-1 prior to treatment and 8±1.1 and 6-5±074. Respectively, after an average of 4 and 8 weeks on the magnesium malate combination (p < 0.001). Subjective improvement of myalgia occurred within 48 h of supplementation. In six FM patients, following 8 weeks of treatment, the mean TPI was 6.8 ±0.75. After 2 weeks on placebo tablets, the TPI values increased to a mean ± SE of 21.5 ±1-4(p < 0.001). Again, subjective worsening of muscle pain occurs within 48 h of placebo administration. A double-blind placebo control trial is currently underway."
So, just taking two tablespoons of ACV with 1/2 tsp sodium bicarbonate in half a glass of water three times a day with split doses of between 300-600 mg magnesium per day is actually very beneficial against Fibromyalgia.
Let me start by saying that I've always been into natural health and supplements, and am very aware of my body and what goes into it. I knew something was wrong for about 6-7 years, but when fibro/CFS finally hit me like a mack truck last October, I was absolutely shocked that I was nearly crippled and could not stop sleeping. I knew I wasn't dying only because I had been trying tirelessly to lose weight since my daughter was born in 2005. It just wasn't happening. However, I could not imagine what could possibly give me so much pain and fatigue, but not be killing me at the same time?! Needless to say, I figured it out. Great... One of those things no one really knows what it is, where it comes from, etc. Well, the internet is now my best friend, which I'm sure is something to which all of you can relate. Okay, so I'll get to the point!! In May, I began taking acetyl l-carnitine with alpha lipoic acid (must be taken together) after okaying it with my rheumatologist. The acetyl l-carnitine actually GOT ME OUT OF BED and able to play with my daughter and do a bit of housework. Although, I still have a lot of pain, I no longer sleep for hours on end and some of the fog has lifted. Apparently, acetyl l-carnitine works with mitochondria and helps them to properly utilize energy sources. I'm also happy to report that, since I started taking this supplement, I've lost 12 pounds (in 2 months). I'm not sure if it's because my body is better processing my food intake or just the fact that I'm out of bed. All I know is that I have done nothing different calorically. For those of you with chronic fatigue, this is really, really worth a try. I thank God EVERY DAY!!
I have been taking L carnitine for about two weeks and it is amazing. It has stopped the build up of lactic acid every time I would exercise. I have had fibromyalgia for almost 30 years. I was searching for something for the pain and I am so blessed to have researched this amino acid. I don't eat much meat so that may be part of the reason. I have twice the energy and I am not suffering with debilitating pain as of now.. If you suffer from chronic fatigue and fibro, give this a try. I just take the carnitine as a single pill with a fish oil supplement.
Dark Chocolate
Hershey chocolate is GMO chocolate. All the ingredients are GMO... Find a better dark chocolate like Lindt and Trader Joes brand search online for others. Just stay away from GMO products...
GMO stands for genetically engineered organisms...for those that don't know. Soy and corn are top GMO's sugar, fructose, veggies, grain like wheat well you get the picture. you have to search for the list. Many GMO's make their own pesticides..how do feel about that? Not good I am sure.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Try mixing in a little baking soda (1/2 t) with the ACV... it will fizz!!!! But then it will calm down.. then mix in some water. The baking soda makes the ACV taste so much better (to me... and I hope to you!! )
Multiple Remedies
if you want to purchase drugs that are under prescription you can purchase them on the darknet (look at dread for a list of darknet market) and you can buy crypto (xmr, btc) easily here : changenow.io
you also have rupharma.com or this link https://forums.phoenixrising.me/threads/tips-for-finding-reliable-prescription-free-online-pharmacies.8113/
list of recovery success story from people having cfs/fibromyalgia :
Also worth nothing is that Vitamin C neutralize the effect of pesticide or herbicide if taken rapidly after a poisoning, ingestion of pesticide cause DNA damage
Worth mentioning : https://www.twc.health/products/emergency-preparedness-kit?variant=43865631817944
WHO essentials medecine list is also worth mentioning : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WHO_Model_List_of_Essential_Medicines
Search for supplement suggestion on godlikeproductions, very smart people in there even if this forum is full of feds an troll of all sort :
here how to do : https://duckduckgo.com/?q=site:godlikeproductions.com+supplements+suggestions&t=ffab&ia=web OR site:godlikeproductions.com supplements zeolite
(search for supplement on this forum that already helped you and you will find people suggesting other supplement in the same post.)
I also suggest : Milk thistle, good against fatigue/headache, good for the liver.
Kratom also helped me a little with long term effect.
Senné leaf is also good to clean your intestines and feel overly better in your intestine/body.
Infortunaly you will not able to cure your fibromyalgia with only supplements you will need drugs on prescription, illegal drugs (like adderall/amphetamines/cannabis) I lost 3kgs with adderall permanently
you can find pharmacy that sell drugs on prescription on the link above I gave you, and for illegal drugs the only option is the darknet (look at dread for list of darknet market : http://g66ol3eb5ujdckzqqfmjsbpdjufmjd5nsgdipvxmsh7rckzlhywlzlqd.onion/)
you will need the Tor browser, on the darknet marknet will also be able to find drugs on prescription freely purchasable, buy XMR (monero) on https://changenow.io/ it's a fast way
to buy all sort of cryptocurrencies with credit card with low fees, monero is better because less blockchain fees.
How to get the "heat" back in your body and be faster in what you do : I don't know but the same day I took the following : GENFERON, SPIRONOLACTONE and FAVIROX brought on rupharma.com but also vitamin D and D3
I also suggest stem cell supplement, shungite powder (C60), L-Carnitine complex, antioxidant complex from supersmart
Link worth mentioning : https://www.organiclifestylemagazine.com/issue/17-how-to-detoxify-and-heal-from-vaccinations-for-adults-and-children
Many people suggest supplementing with magnesium, I recommend magnesium glycinate
And never ingest a supplement that no one has tried before you because I did it and now I have a incurable disease (I ingested ammonium chloride) I suspect mind control by satellite.
While I have been struggling to calm my symptoms, I went on an anti inflammatory diet. They say it takes time. Figuring out the right diet that works is hard. During my researching but read up on eating raw ginger in one of my many searches and tried it and within 10 minutes I am pain free enough to do my stretches and walk to help function to start my day.i am new to Frybromya I am not new to pain. I injured my back and for years I was part of the opioid epidemic. Started on vicodin 5's. It wasn't long before they had me taking fentanyl patches on a high dose telling me there was no way I could get off of them and be able to function in life without them. It took years to find a dr that was willing to help me get off of them. I used to work out 3 hours a day before I got hurt and was told I had to stop for them to help me. When I was finally off the opioids I felt better without them. It took a little time for my body and mind to adjust without them but finally My body didn'tcrave it to where I was always hurting. I learned that there was a lot of pain caused by my body needing more causing the higher doses.. I had many days where I wish I had a few pills to get me through my bad days but I worked through it with a lot of ibprophen. I wish I did my research then and was aware of ginger and changes in diet and exercise.. I am still fighting everyday with different changes to try and calm the Frybromya. Some days I just want to sleep through the day but I get up and keep fighting to figure out what will work for me long term. I couldn't imagine how people felt before fibromyalgia became an actual diagnosis. As we now struggle with figuring out why each individual is have this chaos each day through mind body and soul. The mental strain is sometimes harder then fighting off the pain. I am thankful for all the people that share their stories and how they approach their symptoms and what has helped. It makes a big difference for others 😀
Multiple Remedies
I have tried most of the remedies in here for my fibromyalgia but either they don't work or they work for a week or two and then the pain just comes back. Two remedies work real well for me. One is guaiphenesin which is found in over the counter remedies for expectorants. I tried the pill forms but they are so full of stearates that they don't work very well. I also tried the liquid remedies but they are too weak. I found a seller on the internet that sells it in pure powder form by the pound and I put it in 000 capsules. There is a diet that goes with using it to make it work better but it takes out all the healthy foods that I eat and you can't take other herbs with it. I don't eat breakfast anyway and so I just take it in the morning and I don't take anything else until noon and it works well for me that way.
The other remedy that I take is wormwood tincture. I took this years ago for parasites after reading Hulda Clark's book. I took it for a couple of years and it made me feel better but I stopped after I built the zapper. After that my symptoms gradually became worse. I took some a little while back and some symptoms went away. One of my symptoms is a cramped up colon which keeps the food I eat from going on through. When I take the wormwood first thing in the morning in warm water it opens up my gut and helps everything to move through more smoothly like it should. This helps out with the prevention of Candida and makes other remedies work better. So wormwood has uses other than parasites. Because this is an herb it cannot be taken with guaiphenesin so I take a few days of it and then I switch.
One other thing I do that really helps is to take a bile salt supplement first thing in the morning with plenty of warm water. This can be taken with either the wormwood or guaiphenesin. Bile is the body's natural remedy for Candida and this is why I think it works so well. If you are thinking of trying this don't order a 500 mg ox bile as this is way too strong to be taken on an empty stomach. Buy 125 mg and work up from there by taking one more capsule until you find your tolerance and as I said take it with plenty of warm water.
Movement for me is as important as any remedy so I do some light yoga and I walk. It may start out painful but the pain goes away as I move. If I sit too long it gets painful again. Sleep is also a very important remedy for me so to make sure I get some deep sleep I take GABA, B12, and melatonin as well as holy basil at bed time. I sometimes take alpha lipoic acid at bed time. The GABA is pure powder and the B12 is liquid with folic acid. The melatonin is in liquid.
Other supplements I take are L-Lysine, L-Ornithine, and magnesium chloride. Other remedies I take from time to time is ACV, VCO, Ted's carbi-carb and a tap water conditioner.
I hope this helps some of you with stubborn cases.
Lou (Tyler, Tx)---I wish these doctors took an example from old established medicine systems such as Ayurveda and TCM.
OLD AGED grains are for diabetics but the west forbids it, making food choices difficult.
Totally ignorant of dietary facts which they have not studied, weakening the body instead with removal of a variety of valuable nutrients. It helps to do one's own thing with adequate discrimination.
Namaste, Om
Apple Cider Vinegar
I started taking ACV because I read it would help with weight loss. The next morning when I walked down the stairs, which the first time in the morning I usually hobbled down, there was NO pain. After a couple of weeks, I stopped (dumb but a good test) - well pain came back. Started again on the ACV - gone and it is almost immediate results. Great stuff, no poisons/toxins like most medications. LOVE the stuff!!
Coconut Oil
Virgin Coconut oil -It cured my fibromyalgia.
Aspartame is neurotoxin! Many FDA scientists were fired for not agreeing to approve it. Then president Reagan, on the second day of his presidency approved it! Why? Because his friend D Rumsfeld had huge financial interest in it. Watch the documentary about it.
I had read on an MD's website that some people were having success with DHEA supplement. So I bought a bottle of DHEA, 25 mg each, and took one per day. Within 2 DAYS, my pain was gone, so was the brain fog, the exhaustion and the terrible anxiety that I used to feel surge up in me for no reason at all. I personally feel that Fibromyalgia is related to menopause, which even men experience to a lesser degree, but that is my theory. Instead, I now feel energetic, pain-free and almost euphoric, although nothing in my life has changed except for the reduction and elimination of the FM symptoms! I stopped taking it for three days, to evaluate its affect on me and WHAM, the terrible pain in the pressure points (particularly my back) returned with a vengeance. I am taking this stuff forever, if I have to. I now am cutting the tablet in half, as I noticed my breasts were swelling and slightly tender to the touch occasionally, as if I were starting my period and that eliminated that symptom. (I have been without a period now for about 4 years and I am 56). That was very little discomfort compared to Fibro symptoms, however. I haven't felt this good in years! DHEA is a precursor to progesterone, estrogen and testosterone (meaning it enables your body to make the above hormones again). I am not cured, but I feel SO much better, I wake up every day and THANK GOD!
Colloidal Silver Wow, I tried putting the colloidal silver in a nazal spary bottle and felt almost immediate relief of my headache. I would like to comment on the web site. WOW! Lots of information here. Will visit very often.
For those of you suffering from spasms and muscle aches I found that Magnesium 400 mg and Malic Acid 600 mg 3x per day last dose before bed is most beneficial.
I am in the belief that my FMS symptoms and the chronic fatigue were a combination brought on by a severe systemic candidiasis condition. Suppliments along with the diet really made a difference for me.
I am going to take the suggestion to return back to meat and vegetable diet again. There was so much information that I couldn't quite absorb all at once. What a wonderful website!+
hi, just wanted to say thank you so much for a this wonderful site. i suffered very badly with cfs and fibromyalgia, basically stopped having a life and suffering with pain that was unbearable. i started using acv/borax/bs/cayen p/ [apple cider vinegar/borax/baking soda/cayenne pepper] and drank a glass every day. after 3 months the pains stopped, if i was in a lot of pain i would take 2 tbs of acv straight and within half an hour the pain would go. please do not drink tap water,check the internet for what is in water from taps, no wonder people are ill. the most important thing for me was, when the drs said their is no cure and it will get worse. thats the biggest lie i have heard.i decided not to believe them and KNEW I COULD GET BETTER. i do not suffer from cfs/fibro anymore, and it happened so quikly after suffering with it for 8 yrs. all i can say is stay positive and seek and you shall find. xxx
ps. i took all the advise on earthclinc, cutting out all the things they have mentioned and taking all the stuff they have mentioned.
Three members of our family have been seriously affected by three different sensitivity disorders. Myself with fibromyalgia for 11 years, my daughter with MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity) for at least two years and my wife with chronic fatigue syndrome for about two years.
I recently read the articles on iodine use for mammary fibrocystic disease and decided to treat us all with 12.5 mg iodine/iodate (50:50). The results after two weeks have been very promising. All three report increased energy and better sleep.
The MCS patient lowered reaction on exposure to voc, mold and carpet, absence of morning nausea.
The CFS patient: less depression, better hearing and better appetite, no headaches.
The FMS patient: less pain in major sites (cervical, thoracic and lumber spine), arm-wrist, better cognition, better tolerance to aerobic exercise, fewer migraine headaches. I will follow this up for six months and report again.
I don't agree with you. For one thing, in the 70's children started having more vaccinations. It started getting ridiculous then. Then, they started putting all the children on Paxil or Prozac. Remember that? Well, Mercury is a toxic deadly substance. Why in the world would anyone want that in their body? I suffered with fibromyalgia. Omega 3 in the form of Evening Primrose and Thunder God Root helped me tremendously out of it!
I had very serious side effects with 5HTP: weakness, nausea heart fibrillation... For those sensitive to the increased level of the serotonin (serotonin syndrome, it is rare) - don't take it!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Although I actually love the taste of ACV and only dilute it with water, the best way to take it is to mix it with apple juice if you like apple juice. You can't even taste it at that point.
Tart Cherry Extract, Vitamin B-1
I recently discovered Tart Cherry Extract. I take it in the capsule form 7000mg. Once per day when Not doing Krav Maga. Krav Maga days I take 1 before, during & after class, about 4 day a week. I've found that it's taken away a lot of the pain & seems to stay in my system, as long as I take at least 1 per day.
Bi Thiamine takes away about 50% of fibro pain also, so I take 3 100mg pills & a multi-vitamin along with the cherry extract once per day.
Try it. I hope it helps you.
I think it is worth adding mag oil (MO) along with melatonin for Fibromyalgia because MO has shown in studies to reduce pain in Fibromyalgia and is likely to be additive to the melatonin for this condition.
DMSO for Fibromyalgia
I started taking 1/2 tsp of DMSO every night. It's the fourth day now and most of my stiffness and sore joints have disappeared. I started taking 1 oregano capsule every day, too, plus a capsule of garlic in the afternoon. But I have done those before with no results. The DMSO is amazing. I was getting so stiff I couldn't bend at the knee. My bursistis in my left arm is improving, too.
Biofilms and Nano Bacteria Connection
Having sarcoidosis I have always been told not to supplement d and stay out of the sun. My D was always about 18. Interestingly I read in a paleo book that sarcoidosis was thought to be a result of borrelia. I had two of my alternative doctors tell me I had the borrelia bacteria and I did not believe them. Had my MD do a lymes test and it was negative. I did some searches on google and found there have been studies back in the late 80's early 90's that made the correlation between sarcoid and borrelia. 3 decades of going to lung specialists and also sarcoid conference in New Orleans and this was never mentioned.
Am new to this site, just beginning to process the many good pieces of advice. Do want to comment that if you have astham/chronic bronchitis with fibro, please have your Vit D3 level checked. D3 defiecency is a common problem in modern society and it is improtant in immune system support. When fibro became debilitating for me, the only abnormal lab value the dr found was D3. Since starting the supplements, I have only had 1 episode of respiratory infection versus very frequent respiratory infections and 3 daily asthma meds, which I am completely off of now! Check into it- it is helpful for many!
General Feedback
Debbie - I absolutely do understand that this site is about people helping others. Actually, it was IN that realm that I made the suggestion of including pertinent information to posts, rather than things like, "Coconut oil helped me lose weight" or "Banana peel got rid of my plantar's wart. " That doesn't "help" anyone without more information.
I wasn't referring to supplements where the dosages are on the labeling. That's a no-brainer.
I was referring to things like the examples I gave above, where how much coconut oil and how often it was taken would be very helpful for readers, or how often the banana peel was used in treating the plantar's wart, etc. That very pertinent info would at least give readers a place to start.
Artificial Sweetener Link
i agree with rhana I suffer from fibromyalgia and its very much a real illness, my mother has suffered from this for over 20 years and was in a wheelchair for 8, I was diagnosed 3 years ago and have had some very bad times with this horrible illness, it can totally debilatate you, everyone suffers differently but I am going to try the Apple Cider Vinegar to see if it helps.
Dietary Changes
I was sure I had Fibromyalgia; my joints and muscles were always inflamed and by the end of the day I could hardly walk. It turns out I actually have Celiac disease which is also an autoimmune disorder, but by eliminating gluten from my diet, I felt 100% better in just one week. I have felt like crap for 7 years and can't believe I didn't try eliminating wheat sooner. If you have joint and muscle pain and other symptoms of Fibro, it's definitely worth a try and very easy.
I've had a similar experience. I have suffered from Fibromyalgia(among other health issues) since July 2004, when my child was born. Since going off of Gluten in the last 5 months, my levels are way down, and for the most part stay down. I'm still tender, but the constant pain has gone down to almost nothing, which is a huge relief. I don't have CD, but a Gluten intolerance or sensitivity. Either which can cause multiple health issues in multiple systems of your body at the same time. There are over 300 conditions that are linked to Gluten issues. I highly recommend everyone to avoid gluten (products with wheat, wheat flour, barley, or rye). Your health is likely to improve in a short time. At the very least you'll lose weight easily and get healthier than you were. There are many other whole grains out there which are healthier for us and don't cause the mal-absorption issues that gluten does.
Dietary Changes, Acupressure
I had fibromyalgia for several years I did 2 things that seem to have cleared most of my symptoms.
1) I detoxed my life style (as much as I can):I eat only organic, No GMO foods, no preservative filled foods , no refined sugars, no artificial sweeteners, no harsh chemical cleaning products, no table salt, no nonstick cook pans, no florinated or chlorinated water, I take only organic hemeopathic and herbal medicines and (this is a biggy) I get lots of vitimin D from sunlight.
2) I use self applied acupressure EFT(Emotional Freedom Techniques) and MTT (Meridian Tapping Techniques)every day to clear the stress and anxiety from my mind and body.
I must tell you it has been effective for me and my family as well. I used MTT to ease my baby's teething pain and it worked great. I was so pleased with my results that I taught EFT to everyone who would listen to me.t is quick to learn, easy to apply and works fast.
There are tons of places on the internet where you can learn more about EFT & MTT, the manuals are free. Simply look up MTT & EFT.
Multiple Remedies
I agreed that plastic is a problem, the EPA is doing studies on how much is bad for a person, may take years. I believe that microwaving anything is bad period. It changes the molecular structure of food making it no longer good for the body. Food tastes different when microwaved for that reason. I threw mine away years ago. I am much improved from diet changes, lack of plastic, no microwave and gentle stretching. I do many different things to help with the pain. A Solitens by Nikken helps, Hot baths with a cup of apple cider vinegar is like a small miracle. Liquid Calcium and Magnesium Malate help with sleepiness and brain fog. Lots of good water is a must. Dehydration increases pain. Acupressure massage therapy and chiropractor help. Natural sleep aids can greatly reduce sleep problems. Because there is no cure a variety of remedies works best. I have many more little things I do but cannot think of them right now.
Diatomaceous Earth
The biggest problem in addressing fibromyalgia is that FMS doesn't have any unique symptom. The diagnostic tests are very subjective and crude. We may be talking about more than one group under that umbrella name.
Here is what one site says about fms
"The painful tissues involved are not accompanied by tissue inflammation."
Now the contradiction is that ...
"Costochondritis (a type of chest pain) is common in people with fibromyalgia."
The fms label has tried to separate the two when costochondritis is really part of the disease. this never made any sense.
Also FMS is associated with many other health conditions
Other Conditions/Illnesses Often Associated with Fibromyalgia
- Cancer
- Carpel tunnel syndrome
- Diabetes or hypoglycemia
- Gulf War syndrome
- Heavy metal toxicity
- Hidden food allergies
- Hypothyroidism or (occasionally) Hyperthyroidism
- Irritable bladder or Irritable bowel syndrome
- Lyme disease
- Menstrual cramps and PMS
- Mouth lesions/Canker sores
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Myofascial Pain Syndrome
- Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid arthritis
- Raynaudâ€TMs phenomenon
- Seasonal affective disorderSystemic lupuS
- Temperomandibular jaw pain (TMJ)
- Yeast, parasites and/or other intestinal infections
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
So one person talking about fibromyalgia may not necesssarily be the same physical sensations and symptoms as someone else feels. This greatly complicates finding a cure.
I think fibromyalgia involves one or more infections. the DE and gluten free may have addressed that but what subgroup is unknown. They really need to break down the groups into sub groups but I don't see that happening for a long time. I think it makes a lot of studies on FMS invalid since multiple conditions are thrown under one label. it makes it harder for someone with fms to find a cure. I think anyone who has FMS must think of the disease in a bigger box in their mind.
Fluoride Connection
Most patients with fibromyalgia/CFS report that it began after surgery or after a car accident. Many of the anesthesias used in surgery, including epidurals for childbirth, are fluorinated. The sudden entry of a high level of fluoride is likely what starts the condition. Anti-inflammatories are another commonly fluorinated set of drugs drug, and car accident victims are likely reacting to their medication when they develop fibromyalgia. Prozac, Paxil, Lipitor and many other drugs are fluorinated. The name of the drug does NOT always have "fl" in it.
India has been living with the effects of fluorosis for years. We can learn important lessons from them. India has high levels of fluoride in the water and soil, and they have the exact opposite image of fluoride than those in the US. They are currently working to defluorinate their water supply and they are asking US toothpaste companies to leave. They report that "donor" countries have been encouraging fluoridation there. Physicians in India would diagnose fibromyalgia with a different name: a non-skeletal phase of fluorosis, where fluoride affects the soft tissues of the body. Too arrogant to learn from our world friends, we invented our own diagnosis. Patients in India who present to a physician with GI disturbance, muscle pain, headaches, fatigue and cognitive decline are immediately recognized as having fluorosis.
The US not only helped to create the fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue problem here with the fluorination of drugs, we've missed the diagnosis for 50 years.
A noted fluoride toxicologist in India recommends a blood test called SA/GAG that offers a definitive diagnosis. I am trying to see if that is available in the US through some physicians I know.
Most importantly, we can learn from the effective treatments used in India today. Removal of fluoride from the diet, supplementation with calcium, magnesium and vitamin C. This simple treatment appears to be working and their physicians say fluorosis is reversible if caught early. How many of us wish we had known this sooner!
After 50 years of studying what happens when you drink a toxin, it makes more sense to simply keep the toxin out of your body.
Use Turmeric with 20% black pepper (850 mg veggie capsules) for fibromyalgia. Turmeric is a natural pain killer and a natural anti-inflammatory. The black pepper aids in the absorption of the turmeric and other nutrients into the body. My sister's best friend has fybromyalgia and has taken prescription medications for years. She tried Turmeric with black pepper and felt the best in years. Her doctor took her off her fibromyalfia prescription medication.
Yes, Himalayan pink salt is very good. I suffer with restless legs and boron helps he;ps. I take it together with magnesium. This combination helps to 'flush' calcium out of the cells. As we age the calcium slowly begins to build up in the cells where it causes calcification and aging. Once this process starts it is hard to get the muscles to relax. I sleep well and feel relaxed when boron is added to my magnesium. I take 1/8 tsp boron, 3tsp magnesium in a litre of water. I drink it throughout the late afternoon and evening.
ACV and Baking Soda
Ailment, fibro, all the symptoms,but now am much better from apple cider vinegar & baking soda tonic. i need to know how to use iodine in my water, and to use for painting, how long may i do this? all of the water and all day?I need to be able to fix the water i drink. i have been using cayenne peper for a yr now. i am starting the blackstrap molasses now and i will let you all know how that goes.Thank You for this WONDERFUL site & all this awsome info you are so willing to share, may you always walk with GOD.
EC: We emailed Mzellie for more info about the ACV and baking soda.
08/15/2007: Mzellie from Bristol, WI USA replies, "Howdee and yes it is much better !!!!I have been taking the acv combo for about 9yrs ..I drink b.soda for headaches & i always brush my teeth with b.soda. I do not take any prescriptions for 12 years now,i go to doctor for tests and look up in my-book for health alternitives{book ] for what's wrong and then go for it... find what my body is in need of ..I really need to know what i can do for infectious endocarditis ?????I have the signs of splinters under my fingernails .... heart infection ,,I am taking Triphala now , just started it last week,my doctor said it was there because of my age.....and a lot more things will change.... that this is just the start of aging... well i will be 62 in6mo. and i have very little gray hair ony at the temples and very little...soooooo but i use vinger for rinse,i am in gooooood health now 12 yrs ago i was ready for the wheelchair and NO HELP from dr. so i had to dig for myself and now i am much better.. all with combo, but somthig is missing and i think it my be the iodine,i bought a bottle today..the product called ...... COMPLETE MINERALS H2o....iodine100mg...potassium 75mg serv.1 TB. If Ted will help and Thank " You " for all your help..................may GOD always walk with you also mzellie
The reason this occurs is that some people (ie me) have a SNP that prevents us from converting tryptophan into serotonin. We don't have the ability to convert tryptophan into 5-htp. 5-htp when given allows us to produce serotonin, and when we start feeling tired it is being converted from serotonin into melatonin the hormone required for us to sleep. I'm glad this worked