Tooth Abscess
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Tooth Abscess Relief

Posted by Steeni (Fl) on 11/21/2020

To start, I have used multiple remedies, but I feel if I had used the silicea from the start, it would not have got so bad (in and out of consciousness, I had to go to ER & get an antibiotic injection). The next day, before attempting oral antibiotic orally, I began taking Silicea and within 3 hours, began filling like myself again.:

1. pain in root of tooth, garlic helped (chew clove every 20 mins, spit, drank water) for 3 days.

2. given full mouth debridement, the pain left root, now felt in the base of the tooth, new batch of garlic was old, plus tongue burned.

3. body pains, head pain, nausea, no choice but to go to ER though I had just ordered Silicea, antibiotic injection, side effects of red itchy eye and almost threw up,

4. Activated coconut carbon paste on a tissue on a bad tooth overnight. Still didn't feel too great. Did org sunflower seed oil pulling (figured out how to do it right), felt great in terms of clarity of thought & can visibly see and feel gum line improving in the whole mouth,

5. began sipping on colloidal silver (CS), felt better but not yet myself, am continuing to put it on a paper towel and over the tooth,

6. 5 pastilles silicea under the tongue, 15 mins after and before eating, within 3 hours returning to myself

Will continue CS on gum bc the tooth tries to get infected after I eat, even after brushing

Also, I will continue sunflower seed oil pulling to help the gum line get to where it needs to be, so maybe I can avoid getting a root canal, which I'm trying to avoid. The tooth that got infected has an exposed root, and I wonder if it also has an old filling.

* I firmly feel that if I had begun the Silicea in the beginning, as well as the CS and proper oil pulling, it would never have got bad enough to go to the ER. Grateful to be on the mend and will update if a root canal is avoided.
