(Edinburgh, UK)
Hydrogen Peroxide
Last week, as a result of one more of my countless internet searches on the subject, I found some interesting references.
Little is known about nasal polyps, but one known fact is that "eosinophilia" is often involved - (I thought Eosinophilia was a city in Pennsylvania), but actually it turns out eosinophils are a type of white blood cell, and at least in many cases of nasal polyps in an immune over-reaction too many eosinophils rush to the sinuses (to fight a real or imaginary invader) and cause chronic inflammation.
I had also seen before the idea mentioned that nasal polyps might be caused from either actual parasites or "ghost parasites".
Last week I found someone on a forum on curezone.com saying they were shrinking their polyps by squirting ordinary drugstore 3% h2o2 up their nostrils twice a day, mixed 50/50 with water I believe, in their opinion killing the parasites.
Then I found another article saying that applying h2o2 to eosinophils caused apoptosis - cell death. I have been merely dipping a cotton swab in straight h202 3 times daily and swabbing the polyps. They stopped tickling and have been shrinking rapidly, my sense of smell is back, I am not filling a trash-can full of tissues, I can breathe a lot better! It costs $1 or two at the dollar store for enough to last for months. Incidentally, an applied kinesiology practitioner told me months ago that I had parasites in the sinuses.
(Marietta, Ga)
(Marietta, GA)
I was just courious as to how many days before you could tell it was working (shrinking)? How long did you swab before they were completely gone. And is swabing better than squirting? Thanks for any info you have I'm in desperate need. I do mouth breathing. My polyps are so swollen until people something think that I need to clean my nose and I have to explain that it's a polyps not any thing I can blow out of my nose. It is so embrassing at time. Thanks again
(Dayton, OH)
(Cookeville, TN, USA)
In reply to Marsha from Marietta: within 2 or 3 days there was noticeable improvement. They are not completely gone, my post should really have been labelled "better but not cured". I still have quite large polyps, but I can now breathe around them, the fat swollen places on the sides of my nose are now concave again as they used to be. It is a vast improvement in my case and a great relief for me. I can't guarantee it will work the same for you, if you choose to try it, but I certainly wish you well. I will post updates on any further significant changes, whether good or bad. I don't know how swabbing compares to squirting because I chose to simply swab. I look forward to any feedback from anyone else who may try this.
EC: Thanks for the update -- we've changed your rating to Better But Not Cured!
(Melbourne, Australia)
Hi, after reading your post, i went out to buy h202, only to realise it is not something that is easily found in Australian pharmacies. thus i ordered a bottle of h2o2 capsules (food grade), the type where there is white powder inside the clear capsules. anyway, for a weeks i opened the capsule, poured out the powder, and cotton swapped it onto my polyps. and immediately i felt a tingling sensation. after waiting approx 30mins i found that it was incredibly easier to breathe, and the polyps shrank. but i find that the process needs to be repeated 3-4 times a day, whereby the more frequently it is applied (above 3/4 times), the less effective it becomes. i also tried snorting a bit of the powder in attempt to make it 'reach' the deeper tissues, but there was no effect.
i have a question, as to how much h202 should one apply? and is an overdose detrimental? ie will it damage the tissue?
thanks if anyone could reply.
(Sydney, Australia)
(Cookeville, TN, USA)
Jonathan from Melbourne, Australia: I'm delighted to hear the h2o2 is helping you. I have never heard of the stuff coming in capsules, but the effects sound similar. I don't know about dosage, as I said above I am merely dipping a cotton swab in the (liquid) hydrogen peroxide 3 times daily and swabbing the polyps. I am no expert on the stuff, and can only say that the post I found on curezone said "Going on 2 years now...the hydrogen peroxide -though it burned- never damaged the skin in my nostrils...". So far I personally have experienced no ill effects. We are all our own guinea pigs here with folk remedies, what you do is up to you - and yet it was long-term use of prescription corticosteroid nasal spray that gave me nosebleeds. So far I am pleased. If I develop any problems I will let you know. Good luck, and I appreciate all feedback, we can all learn from each other.
(Cookeville, TN, USA)
I hope you are all keeping in mind the h2o2 I read about is 3%. Do NOT even think of using, for example, the 35% food grade product mentioned here, that stuff unless greatly diluted will burn even tough skin, let alone delicate nasal mucosa. Prompted by Jonathon L.'s question re deleterious effects, I have tried searching for more info...much of it is too technical for me. I did see some implying h2o2 possibly causing eye irritation. I merely swab the polyps, which seems like it might have less risk of the stuff getting up into the eyes via the tear ducts than squirting it in the nose and sniffing. I would greatly welcome any further info about safety of this approach.
(Westboro, Ma)
Hello! I have been suffering from nasal polyps going on 4 years. I've tried allergy shots, I do nasal flush, steriods, anti-biotics (numerous times)...if someone told me to stand in my head and eat peanut butter I would try. Its so frustrating and depressing! I've seen 3 specialist and 2 have left the office I go so i've had to keep staring over with a new Dr. I now have no insurance and sprays and meds are too expensive (even tho they don't do anything). The only thing that has worked it steriods and anti-biotics at they same time but then my smell goes away once i'm off the combination. Its so frustrating!!! When I go to friends house most people bring a bottle of wine, I bring a box of tissues. I am used to it now but people always ask if I'm sick. I used to be so shy about blowing my nose because it's so un-attractive but now it just has to be done. It's so gross but what can I do? I've single handedly wiped out a small forest. I just hate it! My last Dr said just keep up what you've been doing and see you in 6 months. What?!? Suffering? But anyways...i am very excited to try this! i hope it will help! Thank you for the advice! I hope your nose is treating you well. Not being able to smell it terrible!!! i don't know if I smell! So I apologize to everyone if I do! Thanks!
(Charlotte, Nc)
(Roscoe, Il)
I have been trying the hydrogen peroxide - using a cotton swab with H2o2 - for just two days now. Almost immediately I noticed improvement in my runny nose. But as of today I can tell you that the polyps are shrinking. We'll have to see how far this progresses, but it is moving in the right direction.
(La, Ca)
Hi Jonathon,
I had sinus surgery last year April - it took 6 weeks to heal and for a few months my sinuses were clear. Then I started having trouble again and a few months ago my sense of smell disappeared.
I have started nasal irrigation with a solution of 1/2 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp bicarb and 1/4 tsp Hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water.( Use a bit of boiling water to dissolve the salt and bicarb)
This seems to be working very well - if I use more peroxide it burns - you will have to test how much you can take, but according to my research it is 1%.
(Cookeville, Tn, Usa)
Although h2o2 gave dramatic results at first, they didn't last, in my case. (Maybe for others it might be different...or not? I don't know) Since then, with the polyps very bad again, in desperation I used a corticosteroid nasal spray for a while (ask for the generic one, much more reasonably priced than the competition). This relieved the symptoms a bit. I also took a non-drowsy 24-hour antihistamine for a while. Then I added a homemade nasal wash - a nasal spray bottle of water, a small pinch of salt, another of baking soda, 2 drops of grapefruit seed extract, and a pinch of xylitol. This was fairly helpful. Since then I tried taking something called "No-Fenol" along with a low phenol and low salicylate diet - to no effect.
In the long run I have found just 2 things that make a major difference for me: I have to completely avoid eating chicken eggs, and likewise no cows' milk or cheese, no lactose. Duck eggs seem to be fine. Goat milk seems to be fine. Whey from cow milk I think is ok. Butter is fine. With this approach the polyps have shrunk quite a bit. I breathe partly through my nose at long last once again, and my sense of smell is back! I found which foods to avoid by trying periods of time avoiding them and then not, repeatedly. Incidentally, the lactose in an enzyme supplement not only made my sinuses worse, but gave me a headache and general aches and pains too, along with bad dreams, negative thoughts, and irritability.
Best of luck to you all, keep trying, find your triggers and avoid them and you can and will get much better.
(London, Uk)
Hi, I am living in london and I am 49 years old. I have been suffering from nasal polyps for 10 years but have had a runny nose since I was a child. I have always thought that I have a low or bad immune system. I have not tried surgery as there is a high chance of reoccurrence. I have gotten some relief from using honey a drop in each nostril once or twice a day(I have not tried manuka honey) topographically (aplied with my fingertips). Also Cephagraine Drops two drops once or twice a day helps a lot. Chinese herbs helped a lot but I did not take it for long enough.
In the last 2 months I have been using hydrogen peroxide of 3% internally starting with 3 drops and going up to 10 to 15 drops per day in boiled water. Because of healing crisis I have taken it on and off, and some days I have just forgotten to take it. My nose is now clear and I need to carry on for about 2 more months (three months is sugessted) in Healing with whole foods.... Paul Pitchford. From what I have read H Peroxide rather than a cure it is a natural imunity booster. Please read for more guidelines and other uses.
There are books also and loads of info on the internet.
For more guidelines and other uses. It is great for the skin. Read about side effects it is important and it is better to get the food grade(amazon ebay ect. ) and dilute if necessary with ditilled/purified water.
I think the way forward is to do this and then try to stick to a diet which keeps me healthy.
In Ayurvedic medicine they recommend the following CEPHAGRAINE drops recomend these things. (I find it very hard to keep to the diet) but it keeps the polyps from growing.
Early to bed is very useful.
1) Consumption of turmeric, garlic, ginger and black pepper is recommended for these patients.
2) Prefer bland diet
Dont 's
1) Avoid fried and spicy food recipes.
2) Avoid food items, which cause indigestion and constipation.
3) Avoid exposure to excessive heat, cold and rain.
4) Avoid daytime sleeping and spending sleepless night.
5) Avoid curd, bananas and dried things. (Sinusitis)
6) Avoid drinking cold water and ice cream. (Sinusitis)
7) Avoid exposure to rain, excessive cold wind, smoke and dust. (Sinusitis)
8) Avoid irregular dietary habits. (Sinusitis)
9) Avoid daytime sleeping. (Sinusitis)
There are a few books about taking HP also and loads of info on the internet.
email me; colin_holford(at)hotmail.com
Only take It when you are sure. HP occurs naturally in rain water
(London, Uk)

Hi, The Hydrogen peroxide internally made me ill. Eventually after about 2 months, I got really ill. It was like candida I felt really weak with headaches and could do nothing. I have gone back to the Ayuvedic doctor and feel much better for it. My sense of taste is returning and I am clearing my lungs out. My nose is Clear. Good luck
Hydrogen Peroxide, Colloidal Silver, Reduced Wheat
Thanks a lot for digging into this and sharing info about BKC - Benzalkonium Chloride. What you wrote is actually true.
Effects of nasal saline spray on human neutrophils- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12810473/
Benzalkonium chloride as a preservative in nasal solutions - https://www.resmedjournal.com/article/S0954-6111(01)91127-8/pdf
Iodine Saline Rinse
I had sinus problems for many years--3 surgeries--fungal infection etc--finally saw dr donald dennis in atlanta--he always saw polyps until I added provodine iodine 10 percent--10+drops per cup to my saline rinse. My polyps suddenly went away--he now recommends adding potassium iodine to rinses--said he has cured many people--even a friend he had been treating for 10 years--it certainly has turned my life around.
I REALLY want to thank you for posting this information. I have been through the usual misery with nasal polyps for at least 13 years. Had the usual very limited help and bad side effects from nasal steroid spray. Got mostly nowhere with countless alternative remedies. Spent almost all of the time with nose 100% blocked.
I have been using a slightly modified version of this remedy. I bought a bottle of saline nasal spray, volume 1.69 ounces, and added 10 drops of 2% Lugol's Solution of iodine to the bottle. I have been squirting a few squirts of this in my nostrils about 4 times a day, for about 3 weeks now. At first most of it ran out again. Day by day things have got much better. Now I can sniff, and can smell all kinds of things - coffee (yum! ), food (likewise), chemical air "fresheners" (yuck! ). Its such a treat to have my sense of smell back more and more of the time. Also getting a bit of air through my nostrils much of the time.
I STRONGLY recommend all of you nasal polyps sufferers out there (unless you are allergic to iodine) to give this a try for at least a few weeks.
Since I began this I found more info explaining likely why it works: a Dr Galland says staph is almost always involved in nasal polyps. It causes inflammation, and prevents steroids from working as well as they otherwise would. Neither staph nor any other bacteria can ever develop resistance to iodine. He has a book out, as well as youtube videos.
This has worked better than colloidal silver or anything else for me, and unlike tea tree oil (which is great stuff) is not even slightly irritating to the mucous membranes.
Update: Sense of smell is back almost 100% of the time now, it is becoming normal for me to be able to smell things. Often notice odors before my wife does. Breathing through nose now as I eat and type.
Get or make a saline solution without preservatives... Over the last few weeks I slowly developed a sore throat and a cough. Finally looked up benzalkonium chloride, the preservative in my saline spray. It irritates mucous membranes, destroys neutrophils - the immune cells that fight inflammation, paralyzes nasal cilia and causes rebound sinus congestion!!! All great for repeat sales, I'm sure. Stopped using it yesterday, throat already hurting less, cough less frequent.
Bought 100 little packets of sodium bicarbonate/sodium chloride mix (no preservatives) for use in nasal irrigation. Mixed 1 packet in 8oz distilled water as instructed, then filled my empty and rinsed nasal spray bottle, added 10 drops 2% Lugol's. Back in business, getting better and better!! A miraculous transformation after years of misery.
This remedy killed off my chronic sinus infection and started shrinking the polyps as a result. I've since found the real cure for my nasal polyps (finally! ), and likely, I believe, yours too: see under the remedies for nasal polyps my posts on "Treat for Low Thyroid".
Hi Gmjk:
Yes, it did wonders for me. However, please see my posts under "Treat for low thyroid" in this sinus polyps thread.
Ever since I did the latter, I no longer need the iodine/saline rinse. Sorry, I did not respond to your query much sooner, I got discouraged that no one seemed to be trying my suggested remedies, so have not looked here in ages. It saddens me that so many are suffering prolonged misery, as I did when they might be cured, as I was.
Hi yearningtobreathefree (Tennessee) -
I read through your "Treat for low thyroid" from the sinus polyps thread. It was interesting the number of things you did to get rid of them (only to have the polyps come back).
Actually I have a bottle of tyrosine I bought awhile ago. I'm not sure why I ordered it, but I will be taking them now. I am hypothyroid and have small sinus polyps. Hope they will do a disappearing act!
Thanks again for the information.
Best wishes,
Regarding your first question: by tipping my head forward and then back it seemed it got to all of the sinuses quite well.
As for the second question: the polyps are gone along with their underlying cause (low thyroid), I am cured, I need no remedies for that any more.
Keep Head Warm
If nothing works it could be Cold affecting your head!
Try wearing a warm cap on your head and don't allow your head to get cold! Also you can get a blow dryer and use warm air on your head and see if that gives you relief! I didn't have this problem when I was young, it happened when I hit my late 50's! I am back to normal knowing this cold can affect my sinuses! And once in awhile even the air-conditioner starts my sinuses up again, only I place a warm cap on my head and the sinus problem stops!
DON'T LET YOUR HEAD GET COLD! See if this helps!
Ketogenic Diet, Supplements
My background: I've had Samter's triad (nasal polyps, asthma, and aspirin/salicylate sensitivity) and many allergies for most of my life. I've had several sinus surgeries, chronic sinus infections, polyps deep within my sinus cavities, total loss of the sense of smell, and round after round of antibiotics and steroids to clear up severe sinus infections, only to start again with the next serious sinus infection that was always right around the corner.
What worked for me after about 6 weeks:
A ketogenic diet, this is a high fat, moderate protein and low carb diet. Pretty much the only carbohydrates that are allowed are dark, leafy greens and non-starchy vegetables. To make up for the reduced carb calories, you eat LOTS of delicious fats: extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, butter, bacon, and cream. Library books I found helpful: "Keto Clarity" and "Primal Body, Primal Mind." Google "ketogenic diet" and search on you tube. There is lots of information on this diet pro and con.
All I can say is that it made an amazing difference for me. The daily gallons of mucus just dried up. After several years of not being able to smell any odors at all, I can smell the coffee in the morning and can actually enjoy the taste of food again! Before I found the ketogenic diet, I went the anti-candida and low carb route, but I think it was still too many carbs for me. Low carb never killed the appetite and the carb cravings like the keto diet did. I'm never going back.
At the same time I started the ketogenic diet, I started taking the lecithin and ginkgo biloba supplements suggested by Bryan of Houston. Twice a day I took the following: 1200mg sunflower (non GMO) lecithin and 120mg of the ginkgo biloba extract. I didn't get Bryan's dramatic 2 week results, but my sense of smell is finally back and I'm grateful.
What didn't work for me:
Be gentle with the tea tree oil and hydrogen peroxide as both can be a little harsh, so you might want to start with a diluted dose until your sinuses adjust and/or heal. I just use sea salt in a neti pot morning and evening to wash the sinuses. I tried the above, but didn't like the burning feeling and didn't feel any improvement to stick it out. Also, be careful of rinsing out your sinuses and tilting your head back and down to move the rinse deeper into the sinus cavities as it can force the liquid into your eustachian tube.
Hopefully I can get through the winter without a sinus infection?that'll be the real deal :>).
(Montreal, QC)
Hi Abra, how are you now? Yes I can relate to the blockage of the eustacian tubes! I wouldn't recommend anyone to rinse the sinuses when proper blocked. The saline rinse doesnt really get anywhere and if it does, it gets stuck beyond the polyps.
Did you have any brown rice as part of your diet plan? Oats? I have read those have low GIs so don't spike the blood sugar, which candida in the system yearns for.
Recently I started taking Lecithin (2 1200 MG softgel caps) and Ginko Biloba (2 120 MG Caps) along with my daily vitamins. After about 2 weeks of this I started to detect odors. Now, not having smelled for 15 years I had no idea what I was smelling, but the fact that I could smell SOMETHING was great. About another 2 weeks and I caould breathe easily through my nose and I could smell all sorts of things. I had forgotten the joys of smelling freshly brewed coffee, chocolate chip cookies baking, and my wife's perfume.
I believe the Lecithin is the major player in my success. Lecithin, from what I've learned about it, is an emulsifier; it dissolves things and keeps them suspended in another liquid. This allows you to get rid of the waste products in your system rather than letting them collect in your body. The Lecithin has also helped lower my cholesterol and improve my cardiac health in general.
Take this for what it's worth. It worked for me and it is a cheap and painless alternative to some of the other treatments I've seen. I would love to see a clinical study on this, but whose going to do that when there is no drug to be marketed once the study is complete.
(Coral Gables, Fl)
Bryan: Very interesting comments about Lecithin - definitely willing to give it a try. Have you experienced any side effects from 2.4g daily?
Also, I was wondering whether you made any dietary or lifestyle changes apart from the Lecithin and Gingko? Have you ever had allergy testing done to assess whether your allergies are food-related or environmental-related (dust, pollen, animals, etc.)?
(St. Louis)
I stumbled on this post in researching this subject because I have just started taking massive doses in addition to lecithin. I believe this can work and already started noticing a help in my breathing. Lecithin contains choline which helps move fat. Vitamin A is a fat soluable vitamin and to function in the body is most likely going to need choline. So I think there is real promise here. I'll know more soon as I keep this up but I have had nasal polyps for years.
Just read your post Bryan. It's now 2018, do you have an update by chance? Thank you
Lugol's Iodine
(Cherry Hill, Nj)
Are you sure that is a polyp? Everything I've seen on polyps says they are translucent and gray in appearance. I've watched several videos on Youtube about polyp surgeries and you can clearly see them and they are never red.
(London, Uk)
Mine are always red.
I had good results with saline nasal rinse, to which I added 10 drops of 2% Lugol's iodine, years ago. Now they are back. Did you keep this treatment with just Lugol's iodine up long term? What was the result?
By the way, I've had polyps that were white/grey, and others that were reddish, or yellowish.
Manuka Honey Sinus Rinse
(Nassau, Bahamas)
What is MMS? Please explain. Thanks
EC: Go to this page: https://www.earthclinic.com/supplements/MMS.html
(New Delhi, Delhi)
Multiple Remedies
My name is Daniel living in London. I found your post very informative as you mentioned that polyps could be also caused by holding grudges or anger to someone close to me.
Could you give some more tips on diets eliminating polyps formation. On the other hand, l would like to maintain my body muscle mass also to keep my strength allowing me to do my physical job. Any help would be highly appreciated.
How did you get on? Are you nasal polyps free? I do know that you posted message one year ago. I have been suffering from chronic sinusitis with nasal polyps for many years like most of us.
I admire you for deep knowledge of sinusitis ailment. Could you please give more tips on diet to follow? Such as free gluten porridge is allowed or other free gluten products?
I would be grateful if you could reply to me.
(Montreal, QC)
Daniel, Oats are gluten free anyway. You just need to make sure they are not contaminated with wheat if processed in the same factory as wheat items.
(Co. Dublin)
Try elderberry as there are some people here getting great relief and for most it is gone completely.
Make a syrup - two cups water to one cup of dried berries, then add either honey or sugar to your own liken and take a dessert spoonful every day.
Multiple Remedies
The below is a strict diet plan that I still follow for nearly 2 years and I promise you while the results might take time but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Think of the times when you will want to breathe free and that will motivate you to get better :)
1. Start the day with flax seeds, walnuts which will give you omega 3 fatty acids and dates will keep your sugar levels well as it is natural sugar and fibre. Sip water like an athelete through the day.
2. Eat more lean meats like grilled chicken, fish salmon and egg whites without the yellow. Avoid all kinds of red meats like mutton, lamb, beef etc as they create more phlegm.
3. Incorporate ghee (clarified butter) in foods and reduce usage of oil, if at all rice bran oil is good.
4. Cut down majorly or if possible avoid on dairy like milk, yoghurt, cream, lassi, paneer, butter etc
5. Reduce sugar if possible avoid, mainly refined sugar like mithais, chocolates, cakes, cookies. Gur (jaggery) based sweets are fine
6. Major uptake of water through the day along with aerobic exercises 4 days a week or yoga surya namaskars along with anulom vilom which is alternate nostril breathing.
7. Majorly reduce if possible totally avoid maida (white flour), and wheat products like chapati, breads, nans, white flour buns, puris, oily and butter rotis. This is the real killer!
8. Incorporate fruits like lemons, mangoes, apples, pears, kiwis, papayas, strawberries
9. Eat more rice based stuff for carbs like rice, rice rotis, rice flakes, Sorghum, pearl millet, buckwheat etc
10. Spinach, onions, ginger, cabbage, bitter groud, yellow lentils, clear chicken broth soup, raw green chillies are superb for sinuses.
12. Meditate, forgive yourself and others, pray to God and relax more often in nature like a walk down the beach. This is prime trust me. Louise Hay the legendary healer said that sinus infections are a result of stored anger against a person close to you. So imagine that the polyp is like a small bulb in your sinus cavity and that inverted bulb stores all the inflammation in your sinuses, which is nothing but the accumulated phlegm. So if anger = inflammation and you release that anger and if inflammation is the phlegm then what will the polyp store? Nothing coz there is nothing there to store. You've released the garbage out "mentally" and subconsciously. I would highly recommend EFT (emotional freedom technique ) to release your anger or irritation. You will see changes for sure. The polyp is a teacher and makes sure we learn our lessons on a spiritual level, food intake level and medicinal level.
13. When you wake up on empty stomach do teeth pulling with coconut oil, its a technique where you put a tea spoon of the oil in your mouth and swirl vigorously for 5 mins. It will really help your post nasal drip.
14. Steam inhalation with eucalyptus oil or tea tree oil. Hot water pot - put 5 - 6 drops of these essential oils and inhale the steam with your head covered with a towel. Fantastic fantastic way to clear your sinuses congestion
15. Another great great technique which will help - apply a paste of raw and dry ginger power mixed with water all over your sinuses and your face and sleep in the night. This will clear all your inflammation so you can start breathing normally. It will sting for sure but you will get used to it,
16. Input drops of castor oil in your sinuses to loosen up the passages. It could also shrink the polyp for some people. Try mixing 5-10 drops of tea tree oil mixed with 1 tbsp of castor oil for more effect and apply 2 drops of this mix in each nostril.
17. Exercise, run, and stay happy. I know its difficult but you must do your best to stay calm, cry out if you want but pray more and more. Doors will open, dont ever ever give up.
So in summary, the dry ginger paste on the face, dietary changes and EFT are my picks to help you on this journey. You will see massive changes, just trust God and walk the journey. God bless.