Psoriasis Treatment
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Psoriasis Relief

| Modified on Jun 05, 2024
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sreenivas (Bangalore, India) on 11/26/2013

Editor's Choice I read your comments and bought the organic Apple Cider Vinegar (unfiltered) and results was amazing. Thanks to all of you. I drank 1 tea spoon of ACV with 250 ml of water for about 2 weeks and I see 90% improvement. The color of my soles are still blackish but itching is gone and I am able to sleep well without taking any anti histamine tablets. I got psoriasis in 2007 on my hands and my feet. Cracks, blisters and discharges was something I have lived with while trying all kinds of creams, tablets... Etc. During the last 6 years I have visited quite a few dermatologists who told me that I have live with psoriasis or take some expensive injections with no guarantee of success. To all those who suffer from psoriasis, please try APPLE CIDER VINEGAR. It worked like magic for me and I am praying the psoriasis will stay away from me forever. Hope it works for you too. If want to see some pictures (before and after), send me an email at "svk2003 (at) gmail (dot) com". I will be happy to share them. God bless you all and wish you success with ACV. I thank the organizers of this blog/website without which I would still be limping and struggling with psoriasis.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Martha (Chicago, Il) on 07/07/2016

Editor's Choice I have been dealing with inverse, scalp, plaque and guttate psoriasis and have tried many topicals, steroids, and antihistamines and have had no success. I tried apple cider vinegar for two weeks and my skin has cleared from head to toe.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Emily (Jones, Alabama) on 01/26/2010

Editor's Choice ACV with mix cured psoriasis.

I have suffered from psoriasis for about 25 years and was told by a Dr. that it would never be gone only improved. The only thing I could use to help clear up my sore split elbows was a creme I was prescribed. It never completely worked.Winter time was always terrible for me. About a month ago I read up on the "Master Cleanse" for weight loss and began doing this. I decided to add to the recipe for other health benefits. I made a lemonad with half a lemon,2 tbs. maple syrup, 1/10th tsp cayenne pepper. Now what I added was 1tbs.ACV, 1tbs honey, pinch of Borax, dash of ginger, dash of cinnamon. Not only did I lose weight by drinking this yummy drink but a "side effect" (as I noticed by accident) is that my psoriasis is totally gone. Not cleared up I mean gone, like I never had it before. Skin is no longer thick and bumpy. I just can't believe it.Thanks you guys for such a wonderful website, this has changed my life. I have benefitted from so much information I have learned on here. You are doing so much good, you are a blessing.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Wendy (London) on 04/06/2022

Editor's Choice My husband's on-off skin condition has never been actually diagnosed. He has been given cream which never worked. I am assuming it is psoriasis but can't be sure. Anyway, this patch wouldn't clear up it itched and was getting worse. I soaked cotton wool in raw apple cider vinegar and he kept it on for a day. This is the result a few weeks later.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mark K (London, England) on 07/28/2012

ACV definitely works.....

I was on prescription topical steriods and it just made it worse. Every time I came off the steroids the psoriasis would bounce back worse than before.

I apply ACV at least twice daily with a sponge and bowl to affected areas.


Day 1-3) Massive reduction in skin production. Much cleaner appearance.

Day 3-7) Small amount of outer shrinkage of spots of psoriosis

Week 3) Hollowing out of spots of psoriosis to form a ring of psoriosis with healthy skin on the inside

Week 6) Ring breaks up into smaller spots which turn into scabs that reveal deep itchy lesions if picked at. Try not to do this but sometimes you will find you do. Always apply ACV if the scabs come off...always.

NOTE: scabs are GOOD because they mean your body is healing itself naturally for once......

Week 12) Lesions slowly heal and close up

I am also drinking ACV a few teaspoons in water twice a day and taking multi-vitamin tablets. Sun and reduced stress also helps.

It is a long battle to beat psoriosis and I am not fully cured yet. What I can say is that I am winning - one milimeter of healed skin at a time.

As a fellow psoriosis sufferer you you know how embedded this condition is and how hard it is to beat. However, I would say that ACV is the WEAPON OF CHOICE.

Do not listen to the advice about using steroid creams. They just cover up the condition rather than actually tackling it - profits for big pharma companies. It can even make the condition worse.

ACV is a natural and free cure. You have a ph imbalance in your body and excess toxins. This causes skin lesions that never heal because your body is producing skin cells too fast in affected areas to allow them to do so.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Derold (Atlanta, Ga) on 10/01/2012

Ok I have had this condition in back of my scalp since my college years I am now 47 African American), I have been using Alo for the last week consistently and the condition began to reverse, inflammation was reduced. After seeing this site I went out and got the ACV and added that to my arsenal of attack, it's only been a few days and the bumps that made me embarrassed to go to the barber are all but gone, I am thinking by the close of this week, I may be bump free for the first time in 20 plus years. Crazy thing is I have been to all kind of specialist to include dermatologist and none of them worked. To think a simple natural cure for something many docs have told me I just have to learn to live with, I am sharing this with all I come across. Thank you all for the heads up on the ACV. It works It works. I wish I could post befor and after pics.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Hippy_chick (West Side, Australia) on 05/04/2012

I also found ACV to eliminate my psoriasis... I thought I was going to be stuck with that problem for the rest of my life! I started drinking 1-2 tbs ACV in a cup of water 2-3 times a day about 2 months ago. Also massaging coconut oil into my scalp an hour before washing my hair and oil pulling with coconut oil in the mornings. It's gone! I don't have to use any special products at all anymore, my skin is back to normal. Works great.

Vitamin B2
Posted by Col (Qld Australia) on 04/08/2017

Editor's Choice I had psoriasis of the scalp and tried for years to get rid of it. Nothing would work, one day I was on the net looking for ways to stop my eye sight from getting worse, this site recommended that vitamin B2 would stop cataracts from forming, I have a small cataract in each eye, so I thought I would give the vitamin B 2 ago, within a week of taking it I noticed that my scalp was being cleared of psoriasis, it's been 3 months now and there is no sign of it, vitamin B2 may help you, one tablet a day is all I take, it's a pretty cheap way to find out. like I said I took it for cataracts but it did another job.

Regards, Col

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sally (Uk) on 06/19/2016

Psoriasis :

10.30pm my skin is itching like crazy, so I slather on some antiseptic cream, it's still itchy 20mins later, I find this site, realize I have a bottle of apple cyder vinegar in my cupboard, I wipe off the cream, blot the vinegar with cotton wool, then put my leg over the bath and pour it on the red, inflamed itchy patch, I wait & my goodness within 5mins! It's NOT ITCHING!! Now I can go to sleep, looking forward to seeing results in the morning 😊 thankyou

Dietary Changes
Posted by Scott Miller (Delray Beach, FL) on 07/11/2023

Editor's Choice PSORIASIS GONE

I remember the woman cutting my hair at age 14 telling me I had some redness on my scalp. That was the awful beginning. Turned out it was this condition called 'psoriasis'. I write this in quote marks because I don't believe anything (zero) BigPharma or these universities 'research' and write about this condition, especially that it's an 'autoimmune disease'. It is not.

Slowly but surely my condition worsened, but mostly on my head/scalp until my late 20s, possibly 30s. Then it started to spread. I was fortunate enough to be able to travel to the Dead Sea for 3 weeks to a month for therapy. Nothing beats the Dead Sea....IF you do it right. I would experience a good, solid 9 months to a year of remission afterwards. I always visited during the hottest months, aka 'off-season', prices were much less. But this is not why I'm posting today.

While staying at the Dead Sea, I made sure to get out to the solarium at daybreak, stay there until the sun set over the mountains, then return to grab something to eat and pass out in my room. The sun and heat make you very tired.

During these visits, I observed everything....specifically the behavior of the others that came to heal, especially the Europeans. For me, it was work and diligence. For them, it was just another holiday off work (paid for by their insurance) where they could party AND drink (alcohol) until the AM. In the solarium, you are naked. No clothing so the sun can heal you everywhere on your body. So you see who heals and who does not. Those partiers and heavy drinkers never healed. The slackers (late to the beach and early to dinner) never healed.

Fast forward to 2005. I am in FL and my condition has worsened. I weighed in the 260s and have scaly patches on my knees, elbows, forearms (bottom), all around my belly button, and still on my scalp, behind my ears, just terrible. No relief in sight. I used to think and say to family and friends, "How much would I pay to rid myself of this condition? Everything I have, then I'd start over."

I met a woman that said she could help me. By then I was so over having people give me their b.s. remedies that never worked, but I was still open-minded enough to try almost anything. She gave me a very, very specific diet and told me that she wanted me to follow it obsessively. No going off course. ONLY this diet. I read it. It was not easy. More important than what I could eat was what I could not eat. This is an exclusionary diet. Upon further reading, it made logical sense to me. After 90 days, I was P-free. Not a dot, not a single lesion anywhere. I joined a site called NPF, the National Psoriasis Foundation. Utter bullsh*t. I wrote something like 'Cured after 30 years!! ' They threw me off in a week because I was against ALL drugs and supplements. I had no chance.

Here are my findings, which are opposite of much of what's posted here and other places by P-sufferers:

No more sugar. Never again, not in any form. That includes 95% of all fruits. No more wheat or wheat family. Zero. No alcohol. No corn in any form, no dairy, no peanuts, walnuts, cashews. Nothing that can breed mold. No yeast or related.

Body Care. Is the itching driving you to rip your skin off? I use P73 oregano oil, rub it in, itch gone. If it's too strong and burns a bit, dilute with a bit of olive oil. Use it on your finger and toe nails. My hair/scalp? I seldom shampoo, but when I do, I just use a little bit of that Greek olive-oil bar soap that I shower with. Been using it since '05 and never looked back. Supplements? NOT a believer, so sorry. The more of these we put in our bodies, the more our liver has to work to process them and remove toxins. There is something called caprylic acid I took to help ward off yeast in my body. SWEAT as much as possible and only drink water. Squeeze lemon into your water, it's great. The more you sweat, the faster you will heal your body. Take before and after photos. I did not, I forgot, so guess what I have instead? I have these amazing 'scars' (not really scars) of dark pigmentation where all of my lesions were. Lesions gone, but these scars are outlined on my arms, belly, and legs. It's amazing. I always felt bad that I didn't have photos of BEFORE, but this is even better. I show them off to everybody. 90 DAYS and gone.

I am going to tell everyone reading this now that I have this diet so extremely down to a science, that I can actually bring on the lesions/scales whenever I want and then get rid of them at will. Bringing them out takes about 3-5 days after eating papaya, watermelon (both forbidden on this protocol) or a couple of pita (wheat is hands down worst), but it takes weeks to get rid of them. Here is something cool to know about the healing process. Whereas you would think that the lesions will start to get smaller from outside inward, it actually happens in reverse. Every lesion that healed on my body had a tiny dot start somewhere in the middle and move outward. MORE SWEAT, more healing. Soften your skin with coconut oil and throw away every other cream or 'moisturizer' (with nothing but harmful chemicals) out in your trash. They are poison.

I wish you luck and success. You must be diligent and not waver. This protocol had me clear in 75 to 90 days and it's OUT of my life now. This exclusionary diet will be easily memorized by you and will become second nature. You won't even think about it after a year or two.

Let me know how it goes. G-d bless everybody trying to get better.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Mark (Philippines) on 08/28/2016

To all sufferers of dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema I have a very good news for all of you I have found a cure but before that I have to tell you. I had Psoriasis for over 12 years now I am at the 4th day of using virgin coconut oil. I drink 2-3 tablespoon a day or better mixed the coconut oil with your salad in every meal. As I was saying I am just at the 4th day but My God I couldn't believe it my skin looks much much much healthier no itch, no flaking I can even well well sleep better than I used to. Guys trust me it will change your life for the best Im like is this for real. I've seeing dermatologist, these worsening steroids they gave doesnt help at all instead it will get worst. Just give it a try and see for yourself I'm not kidding at all this is it.

Just few things things to remember Cut all your sweets anything that is made of sugar, white flour, starchy foods . Drink a lot of water in between meals, exercise chill out stress free lifestyle. Eat a lot of veggies mixed it with coconut oil. That's All. Please spread this words to all you known who suffers from this diseases.

Homeopathy, Vitamin D, Omega 3 Fish
Posted by Shadow (Uk) on 05/18/2016

Editor's Choice I've had severe, widespread psoriasis my entire life ( nearly 45 years) and I have gone into remission three times, miraculously and rapidly due to the following. Each time it eventually returned many years later, but only due to extreme stress in my life.

  • First: homeopathy. Each person has a unique remedy, different for everyone. Need to see a homeopath though, not over the counter pills.
  • Second: Took 10.000iu D3. In two weeks it was gone... like a miracle.
  • Third: Took 4000mg omega 3 fish oils per day. It took a few weeks and it was gone.

I was without for years, and only severe prolonged stress made it return. I'm currently back at the homeopath, and it's working again.

I made no other changes during these; ie diet or lifestyle.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Bradshad (Rhode Island, US) on 04/17/2015

After struggling with psoriasis for 35 years and also psoriatic arthritis for 10 years, I started out 4 years ago with the natural route. I went to 5 or 6 natural doctors. First was give up wheat and dairy. Did nothing to fix it. Next was acid/alkaline diet. Helped but not much. I did an allergy test and only ate acceptable foods I was not allergic to. Helped but not enough. I chased down Candida, leaky gut etc..etc.. I did the blood type diet. That helped a lot but I lost so much weight I was really limited on what I could eat.

So recently I went to a new naturopath. She said that Candida was just a symptom just like my other afflictions of a root problem. Made sense. Then I stumbled across Low stomach acid or hypochorydia. I went back to the best diet I believe which is proper food combining. I eat fruits for breakfast, carbs and veggies for lunch and the same for dinner or sometimes flesh and veggies. When I eat carbs or protein I take upwards of 8 to 10 hcl capsules to break the food down. I believe genetics had a play in this for I am a blood type a+ which they are born with low stomach acid.

It has been 2 to 3 weeks and my skin is drastically better. 90% of americans have low stomach acid. It causes just about every condition on this website. Follow the proper food combining, take hcl, vitamin u which is cabbage juice pills and stop chasing symptoms down. When food does not break down, it sits there and rots, causing all these problems. The liver and kidneys become taxed causing autointoxification, I believe is the term, which is like drinking booze all day. No good. I hope I helped someone today. It took me four long terrible years to get where I am at. I hope and pray and continue to eat right and get healthier day by day. Brad

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 06/14/2014

Hey there Bradshad,

From RI...

Re the terrible itching problem.

Here's a guess for you Bradshad; I'm thinking that given your successful adherence to the alkalizing diet and the problem still persists, maybe the issue is not acidic/alkalizing only.

Here are some (I'm brain storming now) are some possibilities;

1. You have a viral infection...specialty virus effecting an organ in the system that can produce such skin surface outcomes. So as a presumption that such is a possibility I'd be on colloidal silver for a month to test such a possibility. Three tablespoons twice daily on empty stomach.

2. You've been poisoned. I don't mean poison as in someone trying to kill you, but too much of some toxic substance or an allergic reaction to something. (google "70 causes to skin itching" and you'll find pictures plus conditions that could give you a clue. (You're not an outdoors guy are you?...Lyme possibilities? Spider bites?) I thinking SOMETHING else is going on with you. Think back to when this condition started...really the first onset...then go back six months or a year...did anything happen that might be a clue to what is happening BEFORE onset of your symptoms.)

3. You have a serious food sensitivity...normal ones are wheat/potatoes/beans...that would be a typical "carb" metabolism problem. I had to go to a changed died (at my rather advanced age...bummer! ) Try getting off those and by all means go to a Live Cell Microscopy expert and get your blood tested. Most of them do a food tolerance test. I have a great one in SC I go to. If your carbs are not absorbing then alkalizing can help but your system is STILL exploding. I went through this. Skin irritation...the works until the food sensitivity was dealt with. I'm also now on mega enzymes with EACH meal. The result was nearly immediate.

4. Now, as to what to do right now, try the following...On parts of your body experiment with:

...a solution of Borax and water. Take one tablespoon in a cup of warm water and dissolve the Borax (as in 20 Mule Team Borax)...I just wrote a post on EC on how I shampoo my hair with that even drips down into my eyes without harm or stinging. I let it get into ears and rub eye brows with it. Very soothing. I do that once or twice a week.

...also consider topical aloe vera GEL. I know you mentioned you'd tried it but I mention the gel as it seems to really work well; better than the liquid for (burning) issues.

....I presume you do not have a stomach ulcer. If you do, that could be contributing to the problem.

....Try this on a bit of your skin ...take a teaspoon of baking soda in water and make a paste out of it...apply to worst area of outbreak. Leave the "cake" on for twenty minutes. If improved, expand the area of application.

I have a few other ideas but don't want to overwhelm you. Please write back and tell us about what might have preceded your condition. And if any of the topical helps gave you any success in relief.

Don't over look the real possibility of infection/food sensitivity etc. Colloidal Silver can work wonders if your situation is an infection. But you must stick to the protocol. Also make sure your sinuses are clear. A long lasting sinus infection can indicate you have a standing systemic infection, complicating your alkalizing attempts.

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 08/09/2015 2063 posts

JSG: Your honesty has got you far, but not far enough in the effort for a cure. Like most all chronic or progressive diseases, it becomes mandatory to fathom the very root causes since treating the symptoms isn't working.

In my history and research, Psoriasis is oftentimes caused by Liver dysfunction (this is the focal point of toxicity you noted). So, first thing is do a Gallbladder Cleanse. Next, take an herbal combination of Milk Thistle/Artichoke/Turmeric, plus daily ACV for optimal gallbladder and digestive function. A Colon Cleanse may also be necessary.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cam (San Diego, Ca) on 01/25/2012

Drank 2 tsps of natural ACV with 16 oz. of water each day and the red, painful, scaly condition just disappeared! This is the cloudy version of ACV with all the active nutrients. Not the clearer grocery store ACV. My skin was freaking me out and scary painful when acting up. And no I would not have believed something so simple would have worked.

Mid 50's, when the condition appeared. I thought this Psoriasis was going to flat out eat me alive! Other benefits came along with the ACV as well. Elated, and thinking there is something to keeping PH in balance I have seen mentioned often.

Posted by Kbruce (Hendersonville, NC) on 02/21/2013

Oh my I can't believe iodine as a cure for psoriasis is not on this site. My sister came to visit for a week earlier this month. She was covered in psoriasis scales on her elbow, knees, wrist and inside the palm of her hand, also with scratches and lesions from scratching herself. I was shocked to see how aweful it had gotten since the last time we visited. She had been to Drs and Dermatoligists and spent thousands of dollars and no help. She spent hundreds on single tubes of cream that didnt even stop the itch let alone get rid of her psoriasis.

I had just started on Lugol's solution for my own symptoms of low iodine ie no energy and hair falling out... So I told her about the lugols and mentioned that in my reading about it, I heard it could help Psoriasis! She agreed to try it and started putting it on, after a couple of hours she stared at me in disbelief stating she had not itched or scratched since putting it on so put it on again. She and I were both excited the next day when here psoriasis was 50% gone! Needless to say by the end of the week all she had was a small patch where it was the worst on her wrist and probably due to the fact that she didnt use it as much the last couple of days because she didnt want the discoloration on her wrist when we went out for the evening! I'm still in shock that nothing helped her for years and in one week she's 95% cured of Psoriasis!! I sent the bottle home with her and she continues to improve...

I just hope this helps someone since I saw it with my own eyes how beneficial even 2% Lugol's solution is. I imagine the 5% will work even faster but it did work for her maybe you too:)

PS She did take a couple of drops in water each day as well as topically!

