Natural Remedies

Holistic Chronic Pain Management: Natural Therapies and Supplements

Master Miracle 2
Posted by Angie (Sparta, MO) on 12/09/2007

My husband & I have been using the master's miracle 2 products. About a week ago I was having a terrible pain in my neck, could hardly move it. I applied the neutralizer gel and the pain went away 90% almost right away. It did come back, but I applied it again and the pain went away again. Also husband has been having terrible stomach pains, I had him start taking the neutralizer liquid a dropper full underneath the tongue and his pain has went away. Also for about 2-3 months I was having a pain on the bottom of my foot that was especially noticable when walking. I applied the gel 2 times and the pain has completely went away.

Master Miracle 2
Posted by Ray (Calgary) on 11/14/2013

Looking at their site it says the ingredients of this Neutralizer Gel are Electrically engineered eloptic energized stabilized oxygenated water, ash of dedecyl solution, calcium, potassium, magnesium and carbopol 940. So it seems like the first ingredients is maybe hydrogen peroxide or maybe just oxygenated water. Then they add some minerals but combine that with some carbopol to make it thick (bulky) like a gel and the dedecyl to make it foamy and sticky. So basically it seems like with this stuff all you're really doing is putting on the 3 minerals calcium, potassium, magnesium. I take both potassium and magnesium (magnesium citrate) tablets for rheumatism pain. I also externally apply magnesium in 2 forms as magneium oil (magnesium chloride) and baths of epsom salts (magnesium sulphate). But never thought of rubbing the potassium on the body too, as well as taking it in tablets. Maybe I'll give it a try. See how potassium rubs work out.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sandra (Guelph, Ontario, Canada) on 12/07/2007

ACV is a miracle, have stopped taking medication for nerve pain in legs, and for acid reflux. Arthritis is not a problem anymore, and have lost 25 lbs in 8 week. I feel 20 years younger, and will be on ACV for the rest of my life.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Suresh Nambiar (Nicosia, Cyprus) on 11/27/2007

I was having tremendous pain on all over my joints for the last 3 months and I felt that it was increasing every day. Had lot of medicines and none gave me any relief? Then I searched on the net and came across your site, tried ACV and you won't believe that all these 3 months pain vanished in few hours. I thank all the people who submitted feedback in this forum.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Kimberly (Mineral, VA, USA) on 10/08/2007

Hello, I've been using the ACV & Baking Soda since June and have been very please with the results. I went from having NO energy, chronic general joint pain all over, excessive weight and acid reflux to feeling about 75% better with a lot more energy, NO chronic general pain and I have lost 20lbs to date and although my acid reflux isn't gone, at least when it flairs up even with meds, I can now get it under control. I have about 60lbs I would like to still loose. I would like to stop taking my medication for acid reflux, but I think I need to loose some more weight to. I think that in conjunction with the ACV and baking soda would do the trick. I am also on blood pressure medication and would like to see what happens with that to. I have seen a decrease in my blood pressure since starting the ACV. It will be interesting to see if my dr removes me for this medication to. The one thing I was really hoping for with the ACV and baking soda that I haven't seen an improvement in yet is a reduction in my chronic back pain and pinched nerve. I still have to take something for these two when they flair up. I have scoliosis and I guess this will be something I will have to address differently. However, if anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to post or e-mail me. Over all I am very very please with the results I've had with the ACV and baking soda. Thanks!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Guy (Rapid City, Sd, USA) on 04/14/2009

This may be a shot in the dark but I thought i'd ask, could your home be moldy? I noticed when i went to my brothers home in baltimore which is humid and moldy i felt terrible even on the acv but when i returned home to South Dakota which is dry i felt better. Just thought i'd mention this, hope it helps....

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by CAROL (edinburgh, scotland) on 08/25/2007

hi, i have just started using acv three weeks ago. i feel a little better already most of my pain is 10/20% better I have a little more energy happier i hope it helps you too i drink 2 teaspoons in a glass of water 3 times a day. good luck to you all.

Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
Posted by Sylvia (Tillsonburg, Ontario Canada) on 08/21/2007

I was suffering unexplainable joint & muscle pain and, at least, 70% of my pain disappeared when I eliminated Aspartame in my diet. I have done great research on Aspartame and it poisons people. All diet products contain Aspartame and it is in over 5000 food and beverage products.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Maria (Vallejo, USA) on 08/19/2007

Taking apple cider Vinegar plus Honey is very good for pain. And Drinking 8- 10 glasses of water a day, do not skip meals downsizing all your meals but eat alot of fruits and vegetables and you will lose weight. I lose 5 lbs in one week and anohter 5 lbs in second week.You add exercise, 100 percent you will lose weight Stay on this Plan. I do bicycle exercise. From 192 lbs i am now 180 pounds. Do not forget drinking 8 to 10 glasses a day.

ACV, White Grape Juice
Posted by Jan (Willowick, OH) on 07/24/2007

I have been using ACV in a tonic called Jogging in a Jug and literally within 24 hrs my knee, hip and shoulder pain have completely disappeared! I have been struggling with my shoulder pain for 12 yrs due to a car accident and my knee and hip pain for the last 2 yrs. What a miracle. I have told everyone I know about this tonic and they are all giving it a try!

Here is the recipe:

1 c organic ACV
1 c organic white grape juice
2 c organic apple juice

Mix all together. Take 1-2 oz daily before a meal. Keep refrigerated.

I didn't care for the tast at first, but now I love it. I had to plug my nose for the few days but now I can drink it just fine. My energy levels are back and I am sleeping more soundly at night. I love this stuff!!

Good Luck!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Margie (Wolfville, Nova Scotia Canada) on 07/12/2007

I am 65 years old and I had a severe hip injury 6 months ago and had great pain in walking and sitting. After taking hot baths with 2 cups of apple cider vinegar at bed time and showering clean then soaking myself in H2O2 I was able to walk and sit like a normal person the very next day.

Five days later I am putting in full days back at yoga and water aerobics. I tried full strength essental peppermint oil when I had over done it and went to bed pain free,

Margie at Wolfville, Nova Scotia

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Joy (Cadillac, MI) on 07/09/2007

For several days I was suffering from neck and head pain on the left side. I had pain in my left ear and eye. I tried the heating pad, self massage, and pain pills. Nothing helped. Woke up every morning to headache and pain. I couldn't turn my head without cringing. Finally this morning I took acv with baking soda and grape juice. I felt better almost immediately. My head pain is gone and my neck doesn't hurt. I can turn my head and there isn't any pain! Thank you for this website!

Castor Oil
Posted by K.C (Portland, Oregon) on 06/25/2007

I had a calcified bursa on my right shoulder that had become so painful that, after six months of physical therapy, it was no better and I was scheduled for cortisone shots. I did not want them because of the immuno-suppressant tendency of cortisone. One night I had the impression to try a castor oil pack on it, just out of the blue. So I did. I wrapped my shoulder and underarm (after washing it) and left the pack on all night. In the morning the problem was 95% better. I did it four more nights and have not had the problem since. About five years now.

Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
Posted by Pam (Columbus, MT) on 06/09/2007

To say I was horrified as I read all the info about aspartame on this website is an understatement!! I too was a diet coke drinker for years, anywhere from 2-5 a day. In the spring of 2004, I began experiencing severe pain in my left heel. As it got worse, I got a cortisone shot. The first shot worked great. However, about 5-6 months later when I started hobbling around again (I teach in an elementary school and am constantly on my feet)the second cortisone shot did not work. I used to use castor oil to treat carpal tunnel syndrome acquired during my previous employment. Or was it aspartame poisoning? Anyway, the castor oil worked really well--I massaged the foot every day for over 6 months, and then I read something in our local paper's "Ask the Doctor" column about a woman who had burning and pain in her feet, and she quit drinking diet coke. So did I, and lo and behold my symptoms started disappearing. I made the mistake of drinking a couple of diet sodas with Splenda (after reading all this I see that's not such a great idea either), and while the symptoms haven't been as proounced, I'm going to quit those too. I still massage my foot about every two weeks or so, and, oddly enough, the pain has moved from my heel to the top of my foot around the ankle area. I'm hoping all this will go away once I've eliminated splenda also. Thanks to everyone who took time to write---what an eye-opener!!

Ted's Lime Bicarbonate Formula
Posted by Tom (Midland, Texas) on 05/22/2007

I had torn scar tissue on a ligament (old injury) in my right Buttock, which for weeks had caused severe pain when I walked. It was like an ice pick thrust into my hip. Having read about Lime juice buffered with Baking Soda I tried this Remedy two nights ago and awoke painfree and energectic the next morning. Unfortunately I had so much energy that I overdid it! Now, I have some tenderness at the site and in my back muscles but the sharp pain is still gone. The only negative effect is that I am dealing with frequent urination and diarrhea. I will continue the course of Lime juice and Baking Soda for 5 days and then rest for two. Thanks,

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Don (West Central, Illinois) on 03/25/2007

I've had diabetes for several years, put on insulin some months ago. Sugars still hitting average of mid-300's all the time, day and night, A1C well over 8. BP about 145/90, cholesterol low 200's. Started raw, organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with "the mother" couple of months ago. Unbelieveable. With absolutely no other changes, sugars hover about 100, A1C 6.0, BP 122/80, cholesterol 122. No more joint pain- I quit my daily dose of 2 Aleve tabs. Now I'll begin backing off insulin and other meds to see if I can maintain the good numbers. I am dumbfounded by this, and people think I'm nuts. My doctor is absolutely ecstatic. I use a "shot" of the ACV (I use _______s) in about 6 ounces of ice cold purified water morning and evening. (Make sure you mix the bottle well before pouring, to blend in the sediment on the bottom of the jar).

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pamela (Midlothian, Virginia) on 03/24/2007

I have had joint pain in my hip and knees for years after a car accident..I had a total hip replacement in May of 2006, because the pain was so bad.I thought I may have to have my knee replaced also.A friend told me about ACV and how it helps your joints I have made a cocktail with ACV daily, I am so amazed I am totally pain free.I noticed a difference in two days.. I no longer take tons of asprin or antiinflamitory drugs.I save so much money now and my liver and kidneys are better off..It truly is a miracle in a bottle.
