Magnesium Oil
I have suffered from shoulder pain for quite a few months now. I don't know how I did it, but over time I've had less and less mobility in my shoulders, right far worse than the left (I'm a righty). They get stiff but the night time was the WORST. I'm sure some of it was from sleeping on it - but I would wake up in the middle of the night from the pain and I was always on my back and literally wouldn't be able to move my arm for a minute or two, then would have to support my right arm with my left hand so I could move it and loosen it up. The pain was horrible.
I've been reading lots of info on here and decided to try the magnesium oil as it seemed the easiest and wouldn't taste badly (I tried ACV, blech). Well, wouldn't you know a few hours after putting magnesium oil directly on my right shoulder the pain had subsided. I slept almost straight through the night that first night. That was just four days ago. I've been applying the magnesium oil in the morning and at night. My shoulder is still having discomfort but the pain lessening is awesome. I'm going to try h2o2 next, already have my food grade diluted down. I'm going to try the spray directly method first but will probably start drinking it in the morning as well. Here's hoping I have even better results! Health and happiness to all and thank you EC - I've told so many people about it looking for cures to acid reflux, migraines, reynauds, etc. You guys rock!
Magnesium, Sea Salt Water
I had neck surgery in an emergency... I flinched and a week later had finger pain , then back pain , saw my doc and got a pain shot that didn't help , then went to ER and got x-ray and they said they couldn't find anything and gave me more pain meds and then I saw a neurosurgeon who sent me for MRI and found that when I flinched, I chipped my disc and a fragment was trapped between two disc and was paralyzing my left upper quadrant... I regularly did aerobics with weights and was VERY FIT and young with toddlers. Two weeks into this ordeal the surgeon removed the fragment and it took me months on end to recover the muscles. I couldn't push myself up on the bed with my arm, had to ROLL off the side of the bed. Now arthritis in that part of my neck.
This surgeon did three operations that week for this same condition......1990
read Dr. Batmanghelidj
read Miracle of magnesium Carolynn Dean
Lastly for overall health read Coconut cures Bruce Fife.
I have been reading 3-5 books on health a month for 30 yrs. Trying to find answers... I recommend these
Massage, Acupuncture, Traumeel, Icing
I have severe elbow pain from both tennis elbow and golfers elbow caused by trauma to my elbow and then repetitive use. What has helped make it bearable for me is massage and acupuncture. I also use Traumeel cream on the elbow and Traumeel tablets dissolved in mouth 3x daily for relief of pain and inflammation. If the pain is bad and elbow is very inflamed, such as after alot of use, try icing for 10mins or an ice massage (rub an ice cube over affected area for 3-5mins should feel cold,then burny, then achy, then numb be sure to stop when it starts feeling numb). I also wear an elbow brace to support the elbow this helps alot if you have to use your elbow alot.
Master Miracle 2
My husband & I have been using the master's miracle 2 products. About a week ago I was having a terrible pain in my neck, could hardly move it. I applied the neutralizer gel and the pain went away 90% almost right away. It did come back, but I applied it again and the pain went away again. Also husband has been having terrible stomach pains, I had him start taking the neutralizer liquid a dropper full underneath the tongue and his pain has went away. Also for about 2-3 months I was having a pain on the bottom of my foot that was especially noticable when walking. I applied the gel 2 times and the pain has completely went away.
Looking at their site it says the ingredients of this Neutralizer Gel are Electrically engineered eloptic energized stabilized oxygenated water, ash of dedecyl solution, calcium, potassium, magnesium and carbopol 940. So it seems like the first ingredients is maybe hydrogen peroxide or maybe just oxygenated water. Then they add some minerals but combine that with some carbopol to make it thick (bulky) like a gel and the dedecyl to make it foamy and sticky. So basically it seems like with this stuff all you're really doing is putting on the 3 minerals calcium, potassium, magnesium. I take both potassium and magnesium (magnesium citrate) tablets for rheumatism pain. I also externally apply magnesium in 2 forms as magneium oil (magnesium chloride) and baths of epsom salts (magnesium sulphate). But never thought of rubbing the potassium on the body too, as well as taking it in tablets. Maybe I'll give it a try. See how potassium rubs work out.
The best pain killer that works like morphine acording to Ted's remedies is melatonin 5mg at am 5mg at noon and 10 mg at night before bedtime. You can search more under ted's remedies melatonin - morphine I hope this helps
I would like to comment on a problem that I had with my thumbs and right leg. I have worked construction all my life and was suffering with heavy pain in my thumbs and leg to the point that if I was shopping with my wife I would have to sit down every two or three min. to bring my leg back to life and ease the pain. I started taking a supplement called MSM and within three weeks the pain in my thumbs and leg was gone. I have been taking it for five years now and find that even when I work in the yard doing heavy lifting the pain that I would have normaly have gotten from doing this is no longer a problem.
Thank you for this site, I came here to try and help my honey with her RLS and we will try the bar of soap tonight.
I am 68 and feel better than I have for most of my life. I pray that this helps even if it is only one.
P.S. I take 1 MSM in the morning and 1 at dinner time.
To Sandy: For all those other aches and pains - I swear by MSM - this is what our' bodies convert DMSO into. Remember all the controversy over that one. I have been taking it several years with nothing but good results, however I did read on EC where someone said had bad reaction. You can google to read about it before you try. It is akin to sulphur, but I have no trouble with it despite being unable to take sulfa drugs such as Bactrim.
Multiple Remedies
I get sharp and aching pain in my lower legs and tight calf muscles. Also vericose veins. It comes and goes. I used to drink a lot of coffee and take asprin. Here are a few things that help:
No caffeine or soda (Coke, Pepsi).
Capsules of CoQ 10.
Ted's lemon and baking soda remedy.
An alkaline diet. Such as eating just peaches or oranges and spinache all day.
No gluten (bread, pasta, cereal, soy sauce).
Yogi brand Joint Tea. (also gets rid of headaches and fatigue) Good steeped with a teaspoon of crushed black peppercorns and drunk hot. The tea is cool mint flavored and the peppercorns are hot :)
A glass of calcium fortified soy milk, a banana and a nap.
[Curcumin supplement]. Maybe take a C and a B vitamin and some Milk Thistle with it.
Multiple Remedies
When I drink coffee, my legs hurt that night when I lay down. I'm 5 foot 8 inches, 200 pounds, so adjust accordingly. Here is what works:
On an empty stomach:
Large glass of cold Soy Milk (the kind with calcium, vit. D ect.) with 1 Tablespoon cinnamon mixed in
2 bananas
2000mg Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
400 IU Vitamin D
700mg potassium gluconate
2 Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc tablets
1 White Willow Bark capsule
Natural Painkillers
White willow bark, devil's claw, Turmeric, cayenne, green tea, feverfew, ginger, kava kava, tea tree oil, cats claw, valerian, cloves oil are useful painkiller. white willow bark works well for all kinds of pain.
Ginger is a natural pain reliever. Just cut it into thin slice and steep it as a tea.
Mace and nutmeg are also good at relieving pain but do not take too much of these because this two herbs can be hallucinogenic.
Bromelain present in pineapple is a great natural antinflammatory.
Arnica and bilberry are good for pain.
Carrot juice are effective for back (siatica),leg pain, and arthritis!
Capsaicin! This is actually a component in chili peppers and also works well for back pain, joint pain etc.
Nerve Pain
Last three years ago periods were not timely, Dr said have Endometriosis and ovary cyst, later started heelspur and plantar fascitis I am an active standing and working all day. Last two years have been doing yoga and saw podiatrist said need special shoes weraing them still sine wake up to sleep still no cure. Later found Vit D defiecient, have high bp already, found out Sugar was high. Recently found now my nerves are giving pain. No clue what is going on please help.
I am on losartan for bp, taking metformin to prevent sugar, taking gabapentin for nerves because my feet soles are just tingling.
(Somewhere, Europe)
Oil Pulling
I have been doing oil pulling for 2 weeks now. I use sesame or almond oil. The first time I did it at night before bed. In the morning, My dry chapped hands were noticeably smoother and more supple. My face has also become smoother. After 4 days, I noticed that a cronic pain that I had in my right side upper back and neck were diminished considerably and I could move my head from side to side without any pain.I originally tried it to relieve my nasal congestion which it does temporarly. I have also seen marked improvement in knee and other joint pain. I will continue to do it daily. I take vitamins and supplements, and see my chiropractor, but nothing has helped as much as oil pulling for my pain.
I have been taking sesame oil for pain for at least 2 months and I have had no results. I take it in the morning. Should I take it at night before going to sleep? I take it in the morning before I eat or drink. It would be difficult to space it out more than 2 hours before going to bed. Please advise. Thank you.
Oil Pulling
I have been oil pulling for about 5weeks now. First thing I noticed was my sweet tooth completely gone, needless to say with that came weight loss. Also it is true that your ailments first worsen before getting better. My biggest thing was leg pain from my varicose veins. When I first started OP it hurt for about a week since then I haven't had any pain. Thank you for all your great help.
Olive Leaf
Let me tell you just take it and see what it can do for you. By E C writer suggestion I was taking it to strengthen my hair. When the olive leaf extract arivived I was not feeling quite to well. I had a pain on one hip and it was now starting on the other side. This pain was only there about two days when product arrived. I took a capsule 400mg in the morning and evening. The pain left right away. ln the middle of the day it tried to come back, but when I got home I took the second capsules and the pain has not returned. I will tell you this carry water with you the Olive leaf extract made me desert thirsty. It is like taking a water pill so be ready to run. I can say it healed before I knew what was wrong.
I just want to suggest that you read up on Olive Leaf and start with a low dose oleuropein percentage, I ordered a low dose by accident. it was 400 mg Olive Leave but about 1 percent oleuropein. Don't laugh, it worked. The strong dose is 20 percent oleuropein - work your way up. Oleuropein is what they say is the healing agent in Olive Leaf. You can aways by the liquid and start off with a few drops at a time to avoid a negative experience.
Pimento Oil
Pimento is a natural analgesic, therefore numbs pain. Sufferers of rheumatism, arthritis, nerve damage, water retention, fevers, back pain, foot pain, numbness and tingling can all benefit from a herbal preparation containing Pimento. There is one on the market which they call "a complete medicine cabinet in a bottle", because it is an all round pain medication. Pimento oil, with lemongrass, nutmeg, cinnamon and peppermint stopped me getting cortisone shots in my shoulders every 3 months. I still use it for any pain, it really is an "everything" medication without all the side effects of prescription medicine! Pimento Oil is the best!
(Coloma, Mi)