When I was 62 or 63, I used to get these intense pangs of pain that would last for about 10 seconds and then fade and then come back in 2 or 3 minutes. I would try to watch television, and it was INTENSE. Rebounding took it away. Rebounding does something wonderful. And when I am too tired to go to the gym, and I can at least rebound. I am 65 years old.
Acupressure Mat use the principles of acupressure to help relieve stress, anxiety, insomnia, and chronic back or neck pain, while at the same time increasing relaxation and an overall sense of well-being.
The acupressure mat works by applying non-penetrative acupressure on numerous points over an area of the body. The pressure stimulates the release of endorphins and oxytocin, the body's natural pain relieving and 'feel-good' hormones.
Using the acupressure mat for just 20 minutes each day promotes relaxation, increased energy levels, and an improved sense of well being.
Apple Cider Vinegar
To Beezer: You did not list the dose you were taking. The ACV could be working on something else in your body which would be why it is not relieving your body pain. Either increase your ACV intake a bit or take a hot bath in half a cup or so of ACV and see if that helps. Turmeric also works great for body pain. Sometimes the ACV will not work for me and my body pain and other times it will. Vice versa, sometimes the turmeric will not work so I use ACV next. I eventually find relief usually between those two remedies.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I have severe knee and ankle pain, took first dose last night and in the morning seem 70% pain is disappeared and it also help me remove dizziness and headache.
Baking Soda
For constipation and relief of muscle and knee pain, I take half a teaspoon of baking soda when I get up in the night to void. It produces results soon after getting up for the day, muscle pains are much less and after doing this for several days my knee pain is gone. There is no happiness like an empty rectum. I'm 82.
Apple Cider Vinegar
For your partner's problem, Pumpkinseed oil softgels. He needs to get on an Alkaline diet. Also good, baking soda, turmeric , can use ACV in juice. Good health to you, much love, pass it forward. -Sunny
Vision improvment
I have been taking 3 cayenne pepper caps a day and I cannot believe how i can see better. I am typing away without glasses this evening. My vision is +2.5 on the left and +2.00 on the right.
Also I suffer from a bad cocxyx (tail bone pain) since I started the caps my pain has halved. I read somewhere it heals nerves I think its true.
I am telling everyone about it.I take a capsule with everymeal.Its working. I had a brand new wart which became sore so I mixed cayenne pepper with a drop of water to make a little paste and put it on the wart. Put a bandaid on it and now its gone. Try it.
Collagen and Keratin Capsules
I have been taking Collagen/Keratin capsules for 2 weeks. I started taking these as a possible cure for neck pain which i have suffered from for years. I developed Sjogrens syndrome 2 years ago as a result of a nasty virus I had. I have had the dry mouth which has affected the linings of my mouth and caused bad breath. In the last year I also had dry gritty eyes, and dry vagina. After two weeks on the collagen/keratin capsules I now have saliva in my mouth! My eyes and vagina are improving with moisture too. And yes my Neck pain has practically dissappeared. Hope someone else might find this cure works for them too!!
Natural Painkillers
White willow bark, devil's claw, Turmeric, cayenne, green tea, feverfew, ginger, kava kava, tea tree oil, cats claw, valerian, cloves oil are useful painkiller. white willow bark works well for all kinds of pain.
On the acv and baking soda page, Katie from Santa Ana was asking about her chronic shoulder pain and what to do. I had a severe rotator cuff injury about 3 years ago. I could not even lift my arm. Initially I took glucosamine and chondroitin, which helped a lot with the healing and the pain. I was taking two pills per day for about 2 years, and then 1 pill a day for the past year. If I stopped taking the glucosamine and condroitin the pain would return. I found this site a few weeks ago and have begun taking molasses with my morning coffee. I read (on a different page) that it helps with inflamation and pain. I have not needed the glucosamine and condroitin ever since!!
Apple Cider Vinegar
ACV cured my Carpal Tunnel. My hands were numb and tingling, they hurt all the time. this stuff has helped me so much, with my carpal tunnel, my sleep, my hot flashes, and the bone spurs in my neck. this really is my miracle drug. your truly, janet
Apple Cider Vinegar
I tried the ACV and cold shower cures. I cannot thank this website enough for this valuable information! I am overjoyed at my bodies results from taking apple cider vinegar!!! I am definitely overjoyed!!! I have real medical problems (Gastritis, Degenerative Disc Disease) and I have had real progress. My stomach doesn't bubble any more. Before taking the acv, I had constant problems with a queasy feeling. Not any more! I was told I would wind up in a wheelchair because of the disc disease and have been hospitalized for it before. I have experienced extreme pain from it over the last 2 years and it seemed to be getting worse. Now I don't have any pain at all. I don't know if this is a cure for it but I can bend and stretch again! Amazing! I was scared that my back would give out on me but it didn't and I am not in pain. I can do crunches now with out fear. You don't know the quality of life you gave me back. I feel like a kid again. Thank you all and God Bless you!
Ginger Root
I recently sent you feedback about ginger. I have been taking it in capsule form daily now for approximately 2 months. It seems to act as a pain-killer. The relief I get is tremendous and most of the time i am completely pain-free from Arthritis and Osteoporosis of the spine. I recommended it to a friend in the US. Here are his replies in two e-mails.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I have been very sick for 14 years, with arthritis and severe bone spurs. Last month a lady heard about my sickness and gave me this recipe. 1-64 oz.pure apple juice, 1-64 oz.pure grape juice. 1 cup apple cider vinegar. Mix well,place in your refrigerator, drink 1/3 cup of mixture 3 times a day. I was also told to take 250 mg. Magnesium oxide,(this promotes bone and muscle health, and 250 mg.super b-complex.take as instructed on bottle. Good luck!
I have had severe knee and lower leg pain for over one year. All the doctors say my knees have normal wear and tear but they always hurt and especially at night. I took 1600 mg of turmeric (800 x2 day) and after about six weeks the pain almost all gone and flexibility is returning.
Dietary Suggestions
The dietary factors which most negatively impact Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis are coffee and caffeine, refined sugar and milk products. I've seen significant improvement in my patients who are willing to alter their diets alone. Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs and JMT treatment can greatly help, even alleviate the symptoms.
Avoid Tomatoes
Raw tomatoes and I don't get along. Not sure why. I'm going to grow my own this year, organic-style. See if it's something added. Apparently, they mess with organic produce, after the fact, as well. Technically, they're GROWN organically but what happens to them after that is anybody's guess.
Avoid Tomatoes
Read about the use and effects of copper sulfate when growing tomatoes. It may be the cause.
Valerian Root
I fell 5 ft off of a ladder on my buttocks. I was in excruciating pain. My x-ray revealed a compression fracture. My chiropractor recommended icing and ibuprofen 4X daily. After a week and a half my stomach could no longer handle the ibuprofen. I was in too much pain to sleep so I took some Valerian Root. It was like a miracle.....I slept all night and woke the next morning with very little pain!