Rheumatoid Arthritis
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis: Effective Solutions

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Janine (Melbourne, Vic) on 10/15/2011

My parents gave me the ACV/water and honey when I was very young as it had been recommended to them as a treatment for Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.

I cannot remember what the results were, however, luckily I grew out of R Arthritis. I did receive other medical treatment.

At 56, I have just started ACV and water again as I suspect there could be Arthritis present, judging from some sore joints in hands. It's like a 'flash back'. I hated it as a kid but now don't mind it and hope to keep my system more alkaline.

I will report any noticable improvement.

Stem Cell Therapy
Posted by Dud (From The Woods Of, Wv, Usa) on 09/27/2011

Cekme;... Addendum to last post :

If you are having trouble believing that hidden toxins can cause degenerative diseases; note that the powers that be teach that the disease of polio is caused by a germ, a biotic, a virus. They teach it so you will believe it. The historical evidence is that it is caused by a toxin called DDT. Polio never existed before DDT existed. [ circa 1890's] When DDT was banned as a insecticide in the USA, new cases of polio began fading away there.

the powers that be claimed that some injected monkey pus [or something similar] caused it to go away. No giant corporations that sold DDT were ever held liable in the courts for giving anyone polio. No profits were lost. Brain-washing successful. Thank you, scientists;... Here is some money.... We will just call it "research" money. [wink, wink]

Fluoride is similar. The carnage it creates is similar. Go on some of the LYME disease message boards on the w.w.w. and read some of these people's stories. Some of them choose to commit suicide rather than go on.

Stem Cell Therapy
Posted by Dud (From The Woods Of, Wv, Usa) on 09/26/2011


I have been caring for a family member who also has been plagued with the "poly-arthralgia" [= roving joint pains], tendon soreness, mucle soreness, joint soreness, CFS = chronic fatigue syndrome, and for awhile, colitis, or IBS, connected to wheat gluten sensitivity, which was also brought on by the fluoride poisoning process. Also developed rickets of the bones, or osteomalacia. And no doubt osteo-penia and osteo-porosis. Sudden onset about 3 years ago. Probable cause of fluoride poisoning, possibly from a fluoride based rat poison, or insecticide; from a suspicious source.

We stumbled around in the wilderness of the germ theory of disease for about 6 months while the disease symptoms got worse and worse, and the rickets/osteo-malacia set in, as the fluoride caused the calcium to be ravaged from the bones, as the body attempted to save the poisoned one's life by sacrificing the bones calcium stores to keep the blood's pH within the narrow pH range of the living.

After failing to get any relief by playing the germ-theory game, I eventually stumbled upon the fluoride theory of arthritis, poly-arthritis, LYMES disease, CFS, FMS, osteo-malacia, rickets, osteo-porosis, IBS, alzheimers, etc., etc.

One of the chief sources of information on this was from a article by a JASON UTLEY. https://www.earthclinic.com/CAUSE_OF_FIBROMYALGIA.pdf ..... , or: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/fibromyalgia.html#cause ....... and then many other new sources I found on the internet, by search engine searches using "fluoride", fluoride poisoning" , "fluoride arthritis" etc.

As to how to detox from fluoride, I would get calcium and magnesium and sodium minerals, and others, into my blood to try to quench the fluoride atoms from acid-ifying the blood. Choose the ionic forms of these minerals, that dissove in water, and are capable of donating their electrons to the blood chemistry, for use in quenching and neutralizing the fluoride ions. Go to this page, and read Bangkok Ted's ideas on using borax, baking soda, and lemon juice to neutralize the fluoride ions in the blood : Earth Clinic remedies to Remove Fluoride Poisoning and Buildup.
......... Do a search on earthClinic.com for "fluoride" and one on "fibromyalgia" also. Read up on all these ideas.

This should get you started on learning what to do.

The things I am told that can help remove fluoride from the body are: iodine, borax, cilantro herb as food, blood alkalyzing minerals, sea salt minerals.

The best symptom relief method I have seen work is the taking of hot water soaks in a bathtub, for about 30 minutes per treatment. using 1 quart of EPSOM SALTS and 1 tablespoon of BORAX, in the soak water..... For relief of arthritis & fibromyalgia symptoms. At least temporarily.

After the fluoride ions are removed: To undo the damage caused by the fluoride poison on the bones & cartilidges & muscles might take months & years of nutritional type supplementation, or special diets; I think.

I hope this helps you some.

Above all, learn all the possible sources of this poison.

note: bromide is a close cousin to fluoride, and is capable of causing most or all of the same damages. So you could also be suffering from bromide toxicity symptoms also. It is in the food supply also.

General Feedback
Posted by Drsteve (San Angelo, Tx) on 09/26/2011

RA, is caused mostly by a few things; root canal teeth, consumption of nightshades, zoonotic infections (insect vectored infections ( best test for this in the USA, spirostat (triple shot babesia add on test). Triple means three different blood specimens. Most docs are doing finger, big toe stick and venous blood draw. They may not be doing business in your country yet, but you could go to their site and email the question.. Zoonotic infections include not only "Lyme disease" but 50 or 60 other spirochettes and non spirohettal infections like Leptosira, Q Fever, and a dozen or so Richettsia family. The flouride issue does play into this but for the most cipro and levaquin are causing theses types of symptoms because they are very effective at killing spirochettal infections which in turn causes a secondary immmune response to the cell membrane blebs of dead organism. This is the classic "herz". Although the floride or flourine residual also Chlorine can make RA much worse. Drsteve

Stem Cell Therapy
Posted by Cekm (Adelaide, Australia) on 09/25/2011

Hi Dud,

Wow you are right, I was given antibiotics two years ago and then after this for some reason BANG life has been a misery. I am going to ring the doctor to find out what he gave me, but life has been a disaster even since. How do I get the fluoride out of my body?

Cheers, Cekm

Stem Cell Therapy
Posted by Dud (From The Woods Of, Wv, Usa) on 09/25/2011


Sounds like you got Lyme disease/fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome. Apparently caused by some kind of poison, like fluoride or mercury, in your tissues. Poly-Arthritis is a symptom, not a cause. Treat for the cause.

I gave this information to Margaret recently; see if it fits you:



Poly-myalgia is sometimes a result of fluoride poisoning. Did she by any chance take a prescribed anti-biotic, like cipro, etc, etc, just before getting the symptoms ? [contains fluoride]

Some anti-depressants also contain fluoride. , I think. Many other drugs do contain it also, a long list. Pesticides contain it. Rat poisons contain it. City water supplies contain it.

........... check all her medications to see if they are made/contain from fluoride, in any form.

If so, she must detox from it.

Research fibromylgia, lyme disease, CFS, treatment protocols."


read the earthclinic. com article on fluoride as cause of lyme disease.

Stem Cell Therapy
Posted by Cekm (Melbourne, Australia) on 09/24/2011

Hi Fellow EC readers.

I am 32 male and have been diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis two years ago, although I have negative rheumatoid factors.

Symptoms: Swelling and stiffness in multiple joints on both sides of the body

First sign of symptoms: December 2009 - No swelling, however was getting sore wrists

March 2009: Symptoms were getting really bad and had first appointment with Rheumatologist.

I have tried and persisted on all the natual remedies with no luck (ACV, wheatgrass, raw juicing, exercise, baking sode with lemon, fish oil, msm, tumeric, flaxseed oil etc.).

I have been researching Stem Cell therapy using the adipose stromal vascular fraction method. Basically taking fat via lipo from your own body then a process of separation of stem cells takes place and are reinjected into either the problem joint and or via IV back into your blood stream.

Pricing ranges from $8k - $20k AUD around the world for the procedure and you can also freeze or you need another session later.

Please let me know any of your comments around a durable long term drug free remission for this procedure. You may know someone or tried it yourself. Apparently they are claiming the stem cells give immunotherapy benefits by being able to re-regulate the immune response and shut down the overactive auto immune state.

I am thinking of getting it done, as Methotrexate is my next option (take sulfasalazine only) which we know has its own issues, or although with natural remedies will give me my life back and protect the longer term damage.

I hope if you are facing something similar that you keep your chin up, as I know what you are going through.

Regards, Cekm

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 08/01/2011

In an old book called "secrets of the wardmaster"the author claims that a RA flare up is easily contained by taking baking soda untill the ears ring.. And then go to bed and sleep it off. When you awake the attck should be over.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Liz (Rhinelande, Wisconsin) on 07/31/2011

I just want to comment that when I read people say, "I had rheumatoid arthritis in my hands... Or in my knees... Or one specific joint" that is NOT rheumatoid arthritis. That is osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis jumps around and affects ALL of your joints and organs. Osteoarthritis is degradation of the cartilige in one joint. You may have osteoarthritis in more than one joint but it is still joint specific. Rheumatoid arthritis is an immune system attack on the body which causes fatigue and a whole host of other problems. Please be sure you know what kind of arthritis you have because what works for osteoarthritis may not work for RA and vice versa. Thank you.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Mebeingme (Sarasota, Fl, Usa) on 07/30/2011

I've been taking Apple Cider Vinegar & baking soda for 7 days now Three days ago I started one of my worst flares of RA ever. Is this to be expected and do I need to stop or is this a "good" sign?


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Patricia (Sarasota, Fl) on 07/27/2011

Thank you for all you information that you so freely share
I've had RA for over 40yrs and have tried so many "new" programs I sometimes feel like a lab rat I received your name from one of the many people who trust you and shared the methylene blue I would like it if you'd look over my program and give me your opinion I am not asking you for medical advise just your opinion please I really could use the help.

Methylene blue 1% 6 drops 2Xday
Jarrow Bone-up
C-1000 2Xday
Turmeric 500 2Xday
just stared yesterday: ACV 1tbps & baking soda 1/2 tsp 2Xday
Thank you and looking with hope for your opinion

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Chloe (East Greenwich, Ri) on 06/28/2011

Hello, I really hope this can help someone.

This doctor believes a virus is at the root of RA... He is helping people with Lysine and B Vitamins. Of course, you must actually be absorbing the B vitamins and if you're stomach acid is too low, you will end up with terrible deficiencies.

Betaine HCL solves this - take after meals.

General Feedback
Posted by Tina (Sylvania, Ohio, Usa) on 05/31/2011

Dear Earthclinic, Please put Ted's Rheumatoid arthritis remedies that he has under 'Rheumatoid Arthritis Questions' in with the Rheumatoid arthritis cures. They are not there. Thanks; Tina

EC: Hi Tina,

Working on it, thanks for the suggestion!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa - Usa) on 05/29/2011

Hi Gemini -

Research BORON for arthritis. I take 3mg a day with Magnesium and Calcium (equal amounts of the ca and mg - and I sometimes skip the Calcium, because of some of the things I have read I do not take it every single day) along with 5, 000iu of D3.

I have no more pain in my hands unless I really overdo it.

Seriously great stuff for arthritis, and it costs very little. Read about it. Just google "boron and arthritis".


Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Gemini (Los Angeles, Ca, Usa) on 05/29/2011

My wife, who has Rheumatoid Arthritis, used Hydrogen Peroxide for about 1 month. She built up on the dose per instructions and was taking 25 drops in 6oz of water 3 times a day for the last 2 weeks of the month. The H2O2 caused a her a lot of fatigue, which was expected according to the side effect descriptions. She also experienced a significant increase in joint pain during the entire time on H2O2. She eventually stopped using it because there was no improvement in RA symptoms, and it appeared that the H2O2 was making it worse.

Posted by Rain Ra (San Francisco, California) on 05/05/2011

Are you still out there? How much Shilajit do you take a day (ie millgrams, etc. ) saw one called Gold Shilajit is this any good?

General Feedback
Posted by Bmr (Quito, Ecuador) on 04/07/2011

My sister is still using the borax remedy for her RA. She has been on it for three months now, five days a week. She is not cured but it seems it takes longer before she has to take the cortisone (almost two months). But she has problems with her emotions, her life is not easy. She is using LDN too.

Posted by Rain Ra (San Francisco) on 04/06/2011

Can you tell me how much Shilajit you take? I saw Gold Shilajit and Shilajit M----, how many mgs. do you take? How long before you felt results? Do you take it for life?

Thanks, Rain

General Feedback
Posted by Rain Ra (San Francisco, California) on 04/06/2011

If borax cured your RA, how long did it take before you were cured? Since you are cured do you still take it? Rain

ACV and Baking Soda, MSM, Mag Citrate
Posted by Tom (Regina, Sk) on 10/14/2010

Nov123 & ALSO Roni from Tx post also from 14th:

I will attempt to reply to both here on the RA disease portion, since any immune imbalance that can be corrected will also likely help the other problems. First, RA is classed as an autoimmune disease, where the body's own antibodies are found to be attacking "self" cells and tissues.

Here is an overall basic diagram of the entire human immune system, showing the TH1 and TH2 sub-branches over on the left:

First question is when does the immune system not perform at good efficiency and balance, and the answer is 'when the terrain (body and all tissues) are ACIDIC'! So the very condition that allows diseases to invade prevents proper optimal functioning of immunity. That must be made right, back to an alkaline state, otherwise many remedies just won't take.

Best, simplest and cheapest remedy by far for restoring a high= alkaline pH is given by Ted here, under BICARBONATE FORMULA:

On to some RA remedies, French Maritime Pine bark extract aka Pycnogenol, or GSE instead:

When I asked him to elaborate, he told me that he'd never used grape seed extract (GSE) to treat arthritis because he'd never heard of using either GSE or Pycnogenol for arthritis symptoms. Dr. Spreen: 'My comment was due to the fact that, 1) Pycnogenol is expensive, and 2) grape seed extract (much cheaper and more ubiquitous) has been found to supply the same active ingredients. Both are famous for their antioxidant properties. '

Both contain about 40 similar compounds classed as OPCs, by the way as the active ingredients. Dr. Spreen noted that he would recommend 200mg per day of GSE, ...

Next possible nutrient to try for the RA is "ORGANIC GERMANIUM, aka Ge-132":
Note this article is from 1987! It's been quite well researched in Japan. It is very widely available on the net health stores and locally.

Third possibility is plant sterols/sterolins, available generically. Based on the biological activities described above, most studies to date have investigated the ability of plant sterols to control inflammation or induce a shift from a predominantly humoral immune response to a more protective cellular response (i. E. TH2 to TH1 shift)

These supplements take time, 1 to 3 months, and as shown may give only a percentage improvement. There's also possibility #4 niacinamide, widely available and cheap. There is a post under 'Trigger Finger' from OCT 5 on it for arthritis. Dosage is in there, too:


ACV and Baking Soda, MSM, Mag Citrate
Posted by Nov123is (Edgewood, Nm) on 10/13/2010

I have a question, I have been on the "evolving" rate of RMA for some years, I have done the methotraxate injections, which I choose to do no longer, but Diet is mentioned. I think from what I have found that I follow most the diet, but to make sure, could you please post what diet should consist of for RMA patients? I am currently taking ACV and Fish oil, I did find the fish oil in strong doses totally beneficial, but with winter setting on, it is starting to fail and do not want to go back on the self-injections just to be able to function. Weight is not an issue in this as I am 5'5 and 130 and keep salt to a minimum if at all, I believe it is diet or lacking nutrients thereof. Can you give some advise?

General Feedback
Posted by Kimberley (Memphis, Tn) on 08/31/2010

You do need to alkaline your blood. The best way to do this is with baking soda: 1 tbl mixed with molasses (unsulfured). Molasses is a carrier for the baking soda. Very important to mix the two, also add a little good water drink in am then do not eat for two hours. With your night time meal, take a potassium supplement 99mg. Do this for 10days, then stop for about a month unless pain comes back sooner. Follow these directions as close as possible. Normally you will start feeling pain relief within two days. Help the situation by watching your diet. The really cool thing about this remedy is that it will cost you around 15 dollars at your local health food store.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Sharon (Park City, Utah) on 08/25/2010

Hi Tina, How are you feeling now, it's been over a year now. I 'm just starting this treatment and would like to know how long you were on this therapy and how well it helped. Thank you, Sharon

Posted by Pee (Florida, Usa) on 06/19/2010

years ago, when my grandma was alive i bought her one as a gift and she very much liked it not cause it looked like a bracelet but because she said it worked. At the time i thought she was being kind but my aunt, her care taker said she had commented that it did work! but be sure to inquire what hand it she be on, i heard it makes a difference! sorry, but i bought it at a mall, in a kiosk shop! good luck!

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Carolyn (Hobbs, Nm) on 06/16/2010

This is for Mother Earth from Kansas. Rheumatoid Arthritis is a terrible disease. I am not Ted but I can surely tell you something that will help your friend. Get a water ionizer that produces alkaline water. My husband has arthritis and I can't tell you how much this has helped him. A lot of our problems are caused by the Sad American Diet. We eat all foods that cause our bodies to become more acidic than alkaline. Tell your friend to get on an alkaline diet (google acid-alkaline diet). My water ionizer is a Jupiter water ionizer and you can get one for about $1,500. It is the best money I have ever spent. Also google benefits of drinking alkaline water.

Good Luck and God Bless,

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Mother Earth (Ks, Us) on 06/16/2010

Dear Ted,

A friend of mine has Rheumatoid Arthritis believed to be genetic in nature. Would you please send one of your amazing cures for this disease. Thank you for all of your wonderful posts, they give us so much help and hope.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Cynthia (Jacksonville, Alabama) on 06/03/2010

we've gone the gamit of what to drink.. . we've paid big money for expensive water filters one hooks up to their tap.. . bottled water, yada yada~ We live in an area near where Monsanto has had suits filed against it for pcb's etc.. . drinking bottled water is not a solution.. . the pcbs from the plastic in the bottle are evident.. . think about the plasticly taste of most bottled water.. . and there's no guarantee of the quality of it either.. . plus the pollution of all those bottles heading straight for the landfills.. .not to mention the cost.. .

we have for years been using 2 brita pitchers.. . as long as u change the filter on them when you're supposed to.. . it's a pretty good happy medium.. . at least they're supposed to get rid of lead.. . as long as u keep the filter changed out.. . the occasional blk specks are charcoal.. . ppl take pills of charcoal from the HFS so, one can relax about it.. .they say.. .if George Washington were to come to our time now he would die very quickly, being non immune to the toxins and contaminents in the environment.. .developing an immunity to things is something to take into consideration also.. .

Also, liver cleanse fasts.. . occasional juice fasts.. . and improving diet afterwards.. can help stem the tide.. . my hub for 31 yrs so far and I
drink our water ice cold.. it only tastes good to us that way.. .u are asking for trouble drinking sodas.. especially diet.. .we will on very rare occasion drink HFS soda like ginseng up, root beer or ginger ale... at the very least switch to a healthier soda.. . but cut way back.. . regardless.. . if you are not 100% healthy all the time.. . u may look at what u consume, u are what u eat, the cliche is pure and true.. . let ur medicine be your food and drink and your food and drink be your medicine.. .mother nature's drink is water.. .

100% juice can be a good thing sometimes but, is it organic? what about pesticides, etc.. ? The body needs water.. . would u take a bath in juice, soda, coffee or tea? your cells need plain old water.. develop a taste for ice water is my suggestion.. some ppl put a squirt of lime/lemon ..

good luck.. .<3 :D hey~ namaste, mahalo,c/see/sea~

Oil Pulling
Posted by Trina (Saint Helens, Oregon) on 05/21/2010

My update -- i stopped oil pulling in 2009 because i was pregnant with my daughter and I became ill every time i tried to swish. Anyways in that time NOT Oil fibromyalgia Pulling My RA had gotten worse and my teeth. I finally got the doctors to agree that I had RA and ruled out OA but i might have fibromyalgia. So anyways i am on day 2 of oil pulling and already i can feel it working and i slept better and it was easier to get up 3 times in the middle of the night. (( oh and i found sunflower 100% oil at the Dollar Tree of all places ))

Dietary Changes, Apple Cider Vinegar, Herbs
Posted by Windy (Morison, Tn) on 05/17/2010

To Phoenix,

Thank you for the interest. Let me say there is a place for everything at certain times, even a steak, if you have not been able to accomplish the protein intake required due to being unable to eat! There is a difference between a Cure and Managing your Arthritis. If you want to manage, you change your diet drastically. If you want to Cure the disease you must kill the bacteria or flush it out! It is the only way. A cure will be hard core and Great discipline will be needed. Most of us have to work up to this. We have to convince ourselves it works and it is worth it. Supplements contain so many buffers that prevent absorption, so if you need to take supplements for a while try to get pharmaceutical grade. I have a problem with my Thyroid which means I lose my appetite sometimes if my discipline falls away. We have to protect the body at all cost. Just because you do not have pain does not mean you have stopped the damage! The body's environment must be changed so that certain bacteria can not live there. This is the Cure. And it is easier said than done! Our own Enzymes can help us do this. Our problem is our bodies do not produce enough of these enzymes to do the trick, so we replace them with Raw Foods that give us this ability. Grain sprouts ground in a blender with some Tofu and Pear does this beautifully. Once a day, every day! This starts your body off right. You have the enzymes and the proper PH and the pear helps to adsorb everything. I am far from being Cured, however the way I look at life and Feel about life has helped my body cope. This change came from better nutrition, not from being pain free! When I need to I drink carrot juice or what ever. The dark green veggies are too acidic (they run Hot)and if your body gets to a point of being very sensitive you will be able to feel this. I have been so bad that I went to 98 lbs. due to not being able to eat. I am 5'8 and weigh 130-135 lbs. Coming back from that you Feel everything that goes into your body and what it does. I have tested the greens on occasion and I am convinced and do not have to prove it to my self anymore! I adore polebeans, but.... The whole world could use a good cleansing with celery and cucumber! The body must be cleansed and fed and in that order. Give your self the vitamins from food first then the minerals. Minerals at nite will help you sleep better. Starch at nite will do the same thing. Eat for digestion and absorption. A purist will kill themselves in the process. We live in a dirty world so the body must be able to fight and fight hard so we must put the things in our body that will allow our body to fight and to relax. Please make No mistake about it, this Disease can Kill you and it is not to be taken lightly as I did for so many years. It is what they do not tell you that you must come to understand. I did not believe them when they told me my RA would get worse and I would end up crippled. I try now to prove them wrong, that I can undo what has been done and only time will tell. Four years ago my hands started sweeping to the outside. Two years ago the last three fingers on both hands curled shut. Two years ago I had a good diet and today I have a better one, which includes raw foods and raw juices which has allowed the curled fingers to open 2 inches from my hand instead of being closed completely. My second finger on my right hand is more open than the rest so I must be doing something right and I am still pain free. I have Severe RA because of what I did not believe! I did construction, maintenance,and house cleaning for a living. I use to pick up a 4x8 sheet of plywood without problem and pick up a 5 gal. buckets of paint in each hand and run up ladders with them! I worked 10-16 hours a day and loved it. Now I have very little disk in my vertebra, I have no cushion in my wrist, fingers, elbows, knees, hips or ankles. They say I should not be upright, but I am. So if you have use of your limbs, be Grateful and do not do as I did in the past. Do better than I and be well and healthy. My heart goes out to all who suffer in any way. And I tell All of you, It does not have to be that way. Be strong and be Faithful to yourself. Find something to live for and push for, and find support when and if needed. I take 150mg of Indocin a day and my body is addicted to it. I have been on medication for 13 years due to slowing down from a herniated disk which took a year to heal because I refused to be put down. I have tried all the medications out there and now the Dr.s allow me to choose my medication. I know my body better than they do. Today I can get away with missing 3 days of meds before the the pain starts. Yesteryear I had to take my meds before I got out of bed to be able to get out of bed. For my severity I have made Great progress. I have worked with people recently diagnosed and had them pain free in a few short months including two vegans with RA! Their parents ate meat and so it contaminates the gene pool. Everything you put in your body affect your genes, cells, skin, attitude, etc.. I have very little swelling today and my goal is no swelling at all. Discipline is the hardest thing to Master, especially as we get older. Quality of life becomes an issue.

Your tongue against the roof of the mouth will work well for you because you have apparently made an agreement with your body that this is one way to tell you if the food is well for you. That is great. I stand as a medical Intuitive today. If I desire to know about my food all I have to do is ask internally and I get my answer. But not everyone can do this, although everyone Is capable of it. I use to help people obtain their own Intuitive Nature. I live a very modest life today on 30 acre's with a beautiful river running thru my property. It has helped me a great deal. I no longer party all the time. I quit drinking years back. This Disease has changed me a great deal. I am more even keel, not rushed, refuse to play the games of the world and speak my mind when needed! I find it very freeing! Stuffed Emotions will make you hurt and can and will Kill you. Take care of Mind, Body , and Soul! I want to Live...I want to Live the way I want to and this disease has taught me how to do just that. It is just too bad that I had to suffer so to understand and have my Will broken to that point. Iron makes Great Gold, so they say!!! And today I am not so Rusty inside!

I can only offer one more thing, BE THE LOVE THAT YOU ARE AND BE STRONG ABOUT IT. LET NO ONE, OR NO THING TAKE IT FROM YOU. Work with the flow of all things and you Will succeed.

With love from TN
p.s. I will check out Brian Clements today sometime. Thank you for the info.

Dietary Changes, Apple Cider Vinegar, Herbs
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 03/08/2010

Kudos to you Windy!

I too have suffered unbelievable physical pain for the last 4 years. I have gone through all sorts of paths but the one that was the clincher was when I started to juice daily back in early Oct of '09. I started because of reading about the mini beet protocol here on EC. That led me to a raw food journey and cutting out all dairy, pasta, bread and meat. Voila! No more pain and instantly, I might add. I am still eating lots of raw veggies (and even went to a fantastic rawfood festival here in LA yesterday meeting lots of people who recovered their health through this) Since Dec., I have slowly added back in homemade soups since I felt the need for something warming when it got cold ;) here. I have continued to not eat any dairy, pasta or bread. Have had only the smallest amount of meat but with no reaction in pain. Still, I have embraced the vegan way and am loving the way I feel. Lots of energy, feeling clean and oh! to not be in pain. Through the experience though, I have learned compassion for people in pain. I am 53 and up until this turn of events was in very good physical shape having been a dancer all my life so in all other respects was what I considered healthy. I really hope this info helps others.

Oh and Windy, you can watch Brian Clement speak who took over Ann Wigmore's work many years ago including her healing center. I learn so much from him. Watch him on youtube- there is a lot of footage of him giving very valuable advice, research, clinical results, etc. Since listening to him we have added in lots of sprouts and sea veggies to our diet.

Stay healthy everyone, Lisa

Dietary Changes, Apple Cider Vinegar, Herbs
Posted by Windy (Morrison, Tn, USA) on 03/08/2010

I was diagnosed with RA at age 21. I am now 51. I have had so much pain that I could not tolerate a sheet on my body. Pain so bad that scalding hot water felt good. The kind of pain that makes you rock back and forth, cry and contemplate suicide! I have had about every symptom in the book! I'm sure you get the picture now. Today I am pain free!

And I tell you there is not just One remedy that will cure you. Please understand this is my story and my own theory!
Arthritis is caused by certain types of natural bacteria that is found in Meat! And it is due to the way we process our meats. No matter if it is beef, chicken or frog legs. These bacteria are found in the stomach linings of animals. Their digestive tracts. And since they are natural to the animal they can live in us but with complications. Pig meat contains so much uric acid, due to the pigs kidneys, and it seeps into all parts of their meat. Which is very bad for gout! These bacteria live in the linings of humans just like they do in animals. Our bodies attack the lining because it is trying to get rid of the bacteria. And they can travel deep to the bone and beyond because everything in our body has a lining of some sort. Getting rid of them is not easy. You can live with them but it will cause damage continually, no matter what. So you must get rid of the bacteria and eliminate the cause.

I no longer eat beef, pork, chicken, frog legs, etc. I do not consume dairy products. I do not drink soft drinks, caffeine or alcohol or acid drinks. I do not eat dark green veggies. I keep my consumption of yeast products to a very minimum. No prepackaged foods, no white sugar and I lowered my acidic protein count.

This all took time! Trust me, it was not easy. I was a meat and potatoes girl! You must create an environment where the bacteria can not live. Which means changing the PH of your body and keeping it that way. Easier said than done, however it can be done.

These are the things I used along the way.

ACV and honey with water-2 Tablespoons of ACV with 1 tablespoon of honey. Sometimes this caused me to have heartburn! But it did get rid of pimples on my face caused by too much acid in diet.

Black walnut leave tea- changes the PH and is great for uric acid build up from meats. 1-4 Tablespoons of B.W.L in a cup and pour boiling water on it, cover and steep for 20-30 minutes, strain and drink hot. If you have infection put 1 Teaspoon of Echinacea root powder with it.

Horsetail (Shavegrass) tea- It is rich in Silicon which repairs all parts of the body and aids the circulation. 2-3 Tablespoons of herb to a cup of boiling water (as above) and steep for 25 minutes, strain and drink hot.

Comfrey tea- A wonder herb that contains A,C,calcium,potassium,sulphur,copper,zinc and 18 amino acids. I use to put it with my black walnut tea. 1-2 teaspoons. All my teas are made the same. I use to boil them but not anymore. That was good for some things which would take too long to explain.

Corn silk tea- Rich in Vitamin K which every arthritic needs. Protects the kidneys and bladder due to all the acids, and is a mild diuretic. A handful of silks to a cup of tea. Steep for 30 minutes.

There are a few more but these were the best.

Today I use my juicer to make Celery and Cucumber juice to keep my body clean and keep the PH where it needs to be. 3-4 celery stalks and 1 cucumber. It makes a full glass of juice. Drink every morning. This flushes toxins from the body greatly.

I drink 3-5 cups of Miso a week. White or red miso that I get on line. This flushes a great deal of toxins, from cigarettes to radiation!

Watermelon- This is excellent way to flush acids from your body but it will flush all medications as well, just like cantaloupe so be aware of this. You may end of having to take more medication if you are on meds.

I eat some seafood and white fish, but no bottom feeding fish. I eat tofu in smoothies and sweeten them with real maple syrup. I use raw sugar without getting infections. I eat yellow, white and lite green veggies. I use a great deal of red bell pepper and eat a lot of homemade soups. I eat jasmine rice, potatoes,grits,eggs,cornbread and even homemade hot salsa occasionally. I eat organic blue chips and I am making my way to more and more raw foods with the help of Dr. Wigmores books. I used only raw foods for a week and I thought my energy would go through the roof! I am still working on that one! Change is a mental game!!

There is way too much information to put here but I think you get the picture of understanding. If I can help any of you in any way feel free to contact me. I will do my best to help in any way I can.

I hope this helps in some way.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Martha (Mattapoisett, Ma) on 01/27/2010

To Crystal from Mount Vernon Indiana, I have been taking 2 teaspoons of ORGANIC apple cider Vinegar and 2 tsp Organic honey and 1/4 tsp baking sodA FOR 3 DAYS AND MY RA SYMPTOMS HAVE ALMOST COMPLETELY GONE AWAY, SO TRY THAT COMBINATION INSTEAD OF Tablespoons of ACV and no honey..Add the honey to your recipe.....I can't believe how much better I am , it's been 6 months of constant pain, I can even wear my rings again!!!

Posted by Val (Anchorage, Alaska) on 01/20/2010

Hi Corrie, I was just diagnosed with RA last week and have been in pain for 6 months now. Can you give me the name of the person you went to for acupuncture to help with your RA? I'd like to explore that option too. Thanks, Val

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, USA) on 12/29/2009

Hi Ru, Have you tried msm? Also, dmso. Both are quite amazing. You didn't really say exactly what you've tried but I would try both. You can get high quality msm online. I use them both and find them to be quite effective. Also, eliminate dairy if you haven't tried that. Perhaps you can be more specific in what you have tried. Then, we can give better feedback. Thanks, Lisa

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ru (Clintonville, Wi) on 12/29/2009

I'm inquiring about a problem I have with RA Arthrit I've had this nasty problem for 18 yrs. now. I have done all the dr. things. All kinds of meds. pills, shots and injections as well. Needless to say, some did'nt work at all! And some worked for several weeks even a few of them lasted several months. Ran out of stuff! Then tried all sorts of different Vitamins, then certain food diets.ect I could go on. At times I had to live with horrid pain. I don't know what else can be done? I need help, if anyone could help with info, PLEASE send asap. Thanks ru

EC: Hi Ru, can you please tell us exactly what supplements and special diets you tried?

ACV and Baking Soda, MSM, Mag Citrate
Posted by Findemdog1000 (Supply, Nc) on 09/12/2009

Pottasium, - Low sodium v8 16 oz a day (Apple cider vinager has pottasium in it). Also, dead sea salt bath is high in Potassium

Oil Pulling
Posted by Tina (Dayton, Oh) on 08/05/2009

may I ask what you drink then if you don't drink juices, colas ect? I admit I drink alot of sodas, I try to buy 100% juice on the labels when I buy juice. Is this still not good? I buy purified water.....I have city water which I don't drink, can taste the chlorine and hate the taste. Lord knows what else is in the water....so any suggestions on healthy things to drink would be appreciated!

Oil Pulling
Posted by Connie (Manitowoc, Wisconsin) on 08/04/2009

Religiously avoid glutamate and other excitotoxins. Read up on glutamate and neurotoxicity. Scary...

A link between inhaling pig brain tissue and fibromyalgia type symptoms:

Star Tribune - "... Since December, 12 meatpackers at the Quality Pork Processors (QPP) plant in Austin and two at a plant in Indiana have reported fatigue, numbness and tingling in their arms and legs, with a wide range in severity. A few are severely disabled, while others have been treated and returned to work.

Their symptoms are like those associated with a number of diseases in which the body's immune system attacks the nerves or the sheath that surrounds them.

All the workers were stationed near the powerful air-compression systems that blow brains out of pig heads at what is known as the head table, officials said. The process is no longer being used at either plant." http://www.startribune.com/lifestyle/health/15089906.html

I found relief from an overall achyness and pain in my hands and legs this way:

-- religiously avoiding excitotoxins like glutamate and aspartame, and mystery ingredients such as "natural flavor", "natural fragrance", "spices" and the like, also avoid all other additives and pervertatives... I mean preservatives...

-- avoiding sugar, salt and the things you mentioned

-- avoiding fluoride and heavy metal sources etc. like processed foods and beverages, bottled and tap water, sodas (Coca Cola, Pepsi etc), premade juices

-- eating organic and raw foods as exclusively as possible; may I suggest avocados, limes, green apples, bananas, melons, rice, steal cut oatmeal, sea salt, cold pressed sesame oil, cold pressed virgin coconut oil, cold pressed extra virgin olive oil

-- taking a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in water daily or as needed (I use the kind with the "mother), this worked nearly instantly, and mixed with a little baking soda has a pleasant taste

-- taking 1,000 to 4,000 mg ascorbic acid with rose hips daily or as needed (can cause gastric discomfort)

-- taking a 1/4 teaspoon Borax in a liter of water daily for a few days or as needed (God bless you, Ted)

-- taking a tablespoon of unsulfured blackstrap molasses as needed, try to find one with a high iron and potassium content

-- taking a teaspoon of magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt - a laxative) in a short glass of warm water with a chaser such as a strawberry or glass of cold water to rinse the taste from the mouth, I also do this if I feel pressure in my chest when I lay down

-- do a juice fast drinking dandelion roots/leaves put through your juicer and water - but not fluoridated pharmaceutical soup tap water:

Washington Post - "... In addition to caffeine, the drugs found in water treated by the Washington Aqueduct include the well-known pain medications ibuprofen and naproxen, commonly found in Aleve. But there were also some lesser-known drugs: carbamazepine, an anti-convulsive to reduce epileptic seizures and a mood stabilizer for treating bipolar disorders; sulfamethoxazole, an antibiotic that can be used for humans and animals in treating urinary tract and other infections; and monensin, an antibiotic typically given to cattle. In addition, the study uncovered traces of triclocarban, a disinfectant used in antibacterial soaps."


Oil Pulling
Posted by Nick (Denver, Usa) on 08/04/2009

I think part of your problem is you are having a herxheimer reaction. By doing the things you are doing you can stir up toxins and what not that can cause a flare up. If it were me and you are indeed causing dieoff I would make sure you are definitely taking care of your liver so you can flush the bad stuff out as it comes up. If you are not draining the junk properly it will get "backed up" for lack of a better phrase causing you issues.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Moi (V Ville, CA) on 07/07/2009

My partner has/had RA & what has helped greatly, is giving up gluten and casein aka wheat & dairy. She has gone from barley able to move with great pain to practically pain free and drug free (ex Humira). Also give up the night shades. Good luck & blessings

Posted by T (Maryland, USA) on 07/06/2009

"If you keep it out in the air too long, the allicin will evaporate. You only have a few minutes and the allicin is what you are wanting, not the garlic."

Just wanted to note that the above part is untrue. It is actually best to let chopped or minced garlic sit for 10 minutes or so before eating or cooking with it. Garlic does not actually contain allicin as such - it is formed when the garlic is cut or crushed and it takes time to maximize. Google for many references to this. Here's just one (this one recommends 5-10 minutes sit time; others say 10 minutes minimum):


Posted by Bhkh3433 (St. Clair, Missouri) on 07/06/2009


I found out 2 years ago that I have rheumatoid arthritis. I've seen doctor after doctor trying to find a cure to the pain that I was enduring. They put me on several different medicines starting with Naproxy Sodium and going all the way up to Cyclophosomide (I probably spelled that one wrong.) which is a chemotherapy drug with horrible side effects and about the worse you can get. My next step if this treatment didn't work was bone marrow replacement therapy, which scared me to death. Anyway, I have been sick for a very long time. Lethargic, unable to fight off infections, getting them over and over again as soon as I stop taking precription antibiotics for them, unable to stay motivated, memory loss, etc. I wanted to found a natural cure after I started reading some articles on the internet. They told me that not only was Prednisone and Cyclophosomide bad for you, but that they were slowly killing me. They are toxic over a long period of time and even though they were taking care of my arthritis pain, I was constantly sick, tired, and not really even wanting to be on this planet anymore because my quality of life was so poor. I couldn't do anything, not even shopping at the grocery store without becoming so incredibly tired and lethargic afterwards that I had to go home and go to bed. In fact most of the past 2 years of my life has been spent in bed, missing family functions and kid time. I started looking for natural cures for arthritis and came across an article about garlic, not just garlic, but the allicin found in garlic. One of the websites that I found told me to take a garlic clove, which you should be able to buy at any grocery store, chop it up and eat it quickly, along with ginger in some milk. You have to eat it quickly and raw. If you keep it out in the air too long, the allicin will evaporate. You only have a few minutes and the allicin is what you are wanting, not the garlic. The ginger helps the inflammation of the bones and joints because it has a warming effect, and the garlic helps to cure the disease. It doesn't just work on arthritis, but they are claiming, cancer, aids, sinus infections, sore throats, staff and strep, plus many others. I've been doing this for about 3 days now. I've been off of cyclophosomide for over a week and I'm feeling better than what I have felt in about 2 years. When I first started taking the garlic, about 2 days ago, I had a severe sinus infection that wouldn't leave. I've had it off and on for about 4 straight weeks now. Garlic is also supposed to help fight asthma and allergies which I also have. None of those have been bothering me since I took the garlic. Just make sure that you have plenty of cool milk or some other cool liquid nearby because when you eat it raw, it's very hot! The only side effects that I've noticed is of course, garlic breath, and a little heart burn. Everything else this website promised has worked and I'm feeling energetic again, but also pain free. I found out later that the cyclophosomide that I was taking is also a carcinogenic, meaning that it will eventually give me cancer. I understand that doctors are trying to help you and release you from your pain, but to give you something that will take the pain away, but kill you in the process just doesn't seem right to me.

When taking the garlic, you need 1 clove. What I've been doing is chopping it up into small pieces, and then eating the pieces and grinding them up further with my teeth. Once again, I STRESS. It's very hot, so make sure you have something to drink that's COLD nearby. I'd really love to hear from anyone else to see if you have the same results I did.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Angel (Abbeville, SC USA) on 05/24/2009

Hepatitis C and H202 therapy:

I have been diagnosed with HCV and used food grade 35% H202 starting with 3 drops in 6-8 ounces of distilled water and incrementing to this date by one drop each day to 24 drops. I have experienced healing crisis often but have been able to go to work. I am 70 years old. This evening I experienced quite a bit of blood in my stool. I don't want to stop my treatment, because HCV is deadly. So far there is no liver damage. I have searched the web to see if anyone else experienced blood in stool to no avail. Of course my doctor said there was no cure for my condition, but I do not believe that. I believe that only God can cure and only God knows if I will be cured.

The blood transfusion that I received in the 70s when my 7th child was born was tainted with HCV virus. I stayed in denial for years after being given that information. Now the doctor says my viral load has gotten very high, so I decided to try to find a natural cure. I hope someone can tell me the significance of the blood in the stool. (by the way my oldest daughter started the treatment with me and she only had arthritis and is on the way down from 22 drops with hardly any ill effects -- slight nauseau immediately after ingesting the mix). She no longer feels any pain from RA."

ACV and Baking Soda, MSM, Mag Citrate
Posted by Caitlin (Austin, TX) on 05/09/2009

Nearly everyone I speak with who is over 50 is complaining about shoulder pain so bad that they can't sleep at night from the constant ache. Two years ago I had this bursitis or whatever it is and started eliminating grains predominately from my diet and it began lessoning within a week until, after 2 months the pain was gone. I stuck to fruit, veggies and meat. I've always been addicted to bread - be it spaghetti, pizza, rolls etc. Now that I know have grain/milk protein intolerances I limit these foods to no more than once a week. I initially lost weight but compensated by overeating other foods so I'm handling that problem as well. By the way, this shoulder pain can also be indicative of type 2 diabetes. Also, when fluoride is added to water supplies, doctors begin seeing more elderly patients with joint pain and more joint deterioration. Fluoride is a curse.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Tina (Vancouver, Canada) on 04/14/2009

1.5 yrs ago I was diagnosed with RA (Rheumatiod Arthritis) and I learned what pain is. I have been taking 6 different medications for it and allergy medicine. I had gotten to the point where I wasn't sure if I would ever get better, and deffinatly knew that I did not want to be taking a handsful of pills everyday, when it was suggested that I look at this website and specifically at the Hydrogen Peroxide Cures, that maybe there was something there.

I did and also looked at some other websites to see both sides of the story, and decided that maybe this could help me.

3 weeks into treatment following the drop schedule I had started with 3 drops 3 times a day of 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide diluted down to 3% and was now at 25 drops 3 times a day, I felt good enough to stop taking all of my medications. I had been gradually decreasing them since I had started taking the HP, I didn't just stop taking them all of a sudden, I had feared withdrawl symptoms, or other side effects. I would simply take one pill out of my regime every few days or so, and see if there were any ill effects. As of today I am 3 weeks off my medications.

I thought it might be worth a mention though, as I haven't read it anywhere else yet, that I started experiencing the Cleansing Crisis, and went to the local Health Food store to see if they had any sugestions to help me to ease the new joint pain that I was experiencing as I did not want to take any Over the Counter Drugs for the pain, and the Health Food Store Owner sugested that I add more fiber, as some toxin's need to leave the body through the bowels, not just through the liver and urine. She suggested that since I was so far into the Therapy that I start out with 3 tbs of a fiber supliment 3 times a day for a week or so the help eleminate more of the toxin's. I have followed her direction for 2 days now, and have noticed a considerabe improvment. I think if I had been taking a fiber supliment regularly since I had started the HP Therapy, maybe I wouldn't have gone through the Cleansing Crisis, although I am by no means a registered naturopath or anything, just a regular person willing to learn, it deffinatly makes sence to me that this information might be of benifit to others.

Something else I have experienced is throat soarness. For this I have Apple Cider Vinager mixed with equal parts Honey ready in my fridge, and would take this 15 mls 3 time a day until the soarness went away. I have also found it a great way to head off colds.

And Just another side note: I have been using the HP as ear drops for my boyfriend and myself, and have noticed that his hearing has improved (he has a perforated ear drum, and was hard of hearing, he is in construction and the loud machinery has been gradually making his hearing worse). The other night he asked me to turn the TV down, that has never happened befor.e

I am still feeling some soarness and stifness, although I am not sure if that can be associated with the fresh snow on the mountains, but now I can see a future without pain and without RA. I am optimistic.

Nettle Tea
Posted by Beth (UK) on 04/12/2009

My mother also has RA and we have nettle tea in powder form. Could you please let me know how many spoonfuls/tablespoonfuls of nettle tea to take. Thanks.

General Feedback
Posted by MannaCandace (Phoenix, AZ) on 03/31/2009

Keep doing natural solutions research and realize the drugs are NOT working, so try something else. DRUGS don't heal - your body heals itself. Strengthen your immune system in every way you can .... quit eating foods that harm your body and give the natural alternatives more time. If you have given the drugs years (and they still aren't working) why would you expect a natural solution to work in 2 weeks ???? Read, read, read .... and read some more. Educate yourself on the CAUSES of the problem so you can get to a solution. Your body isn't hurting because it's lacking the Rx, it's hurting because it is out of balance. Find the balance and you won't be hurting. It's up to YOU, not the Rx companies to heal your own body. This site has some great solutions - at the very least these natural solutions are not TOXIC like the Rx are ...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sharon (NY, NY) on 03/25/2009

Hi, sorry to hear you are having a flare and it will not subside. I hope by now you are better. when remedy that should help do not, then you must become the great RA detective and look at foods as the culprit. A food particle leaks through the intestinal wall and the body attacks it as a foreign and produces antibodies. The first time food is eaten or leaks through there is no reaction. The next time antibodies go into action and you have a food sensitivity. But with autoimmune disease antibodies go into overdrive and attack joints. This is why immune suppressing drugs are given. Look up leaky gut on the internet. Antibodies could attack other stuff in the body too.

So my hit list of food include milk, wheat, rye, rice, cashew, pistachio, banana, chocolate. Antibody reaction can come from chemicals as well. Good book is The Autoimmune Epidemic.

Go on a simple diet of fresh and cooked vegetables and fruits fish and beans. I became very fond of soups that I make fresh every day and organic salads. You body will heal but you need to think in terms of creating super health and repairing the immune system.

The ACV should be organic and take 1 tablespoon in water in the A.M. You can get RA under control but dietary changes and super good eating habits are the foundation.

You may want to see an intagrative physician or alternative health practioner for help.
good luck

Posted by Sharon (NY, NY) on 03/23/2009

Hi, MSM must be in powder form and PURE. It can be contaminated so make sue it has nothing in it. Google the product or as your health food store to check. I used a product that was pure MSM or it can be toxic and make you feel sick.

Boswella a resin from india can be taken for one month and then stop for a week, and continue, it is a natural cox 2 inhibitor and no effect on cox 1. Wild yam capsules are anti inflammatory and I liked Pomagranite Extract capsules.

I understand the frantic search for supplements to control RA. But it really is gotten under control through diet. THere is depression and fatigue related to RA so just break the symptom down and treat each. If you want to do the supplement route.

I did it your way but had a huge ah ha moment when I realized I needed super health and super foods to get over it. All the supplements worked but only for short periods. Super health worked much better for me. But I know how important it is to feel in control so if you are doing well then keep at it!

I did not Suppress the immune system, but began to build up the immune system.
I like an herb called Astraligus in liquid extract form 1 dropperful 1-2 times a day.
Green tea extract in liquid form 1-2 times a day
I like Pomagranite extract capsules
Arthrid powder
Green barley juice powder
Spirolina Powder or capsules

Lots of dark green vegetables in salads soups and juices, fish and occasional chicken, fruits in abundance but avoid tropical fruits for a while. Eat this way for life or get back to foods you like and see if you have flares. If you do then controlling your diet will be of great help.
NO wheat, grains. milk , dairy, nuts, or candy until you see that you can control flares. Use an anti inflammatory drug rarely to just lower pain and inflammatory response to weather, stress. chemicals, or food and get back on diet.

I used new age music that heals and listened to it as often as possible for weeks. I believe that this helped too.

Look into Gary Craig emotional healing and teach yourself how to do it. Free download of his ebook on internet. I used it Chronic Fatigue where I couldn't move for most of the day. My RA came on suddenly 2 1/2 years ago and it hit me with pain in all my joints, depression, swelling, muscle pain.
I used Magnesium for the muscle pain.

I am now in good health and look and feel great. I can control the flares and lost 30 pounds. I still have symptoms but am 80% improved.

ACV and Baking Soda, MSM, Mag Citrate
Posted by Sharon (NY, NY) on 03/23/2009

Are you still on the site? Hope so. I am treating my RA without drugs. I use hydrologized collaigin, Green barley juice powder, and spirolina. I have used BSM and liked it a lot. But I found that I MUST eliminate foods that cause inflammation before any benefit is stable. When the pain is localized I have found that it is a particlar food that caused that flare, example milk makes my knees swell, rice makes all my joints swell, chocolate gives me a flare in my hands.

Eliminate the foods by going to a simple diet of no grains, milk, citrus fruits, sweets and just eat veggies, beans, fruits, fish and occasional chicken for two weeks. Add back foods you normally eat and watch for reactions. Also if you feel better if you are not eating your regular diet, then that is a clue that there are food sensitivities.

Arthrid powder - 1 scoop
Barley Grass Juice powder - 1/2 teaspoon (slowly work up to a tablespoon or more)
Spirolina Powder 1/4 -1/2 teaspoon
blend in vegetable or fruit juice to eliminate flares, take 1 time a day for health, 2 times a day wit a flare.


EC: BSM = Blackstrap Molasses

Posted by Viola (Perth, Australia) on 02/14/2009

I've been on MSM for 33 days now. I started off on low doses and now I'm taking a half a teaspoon two times a day. I guess that is 4 grams. I'm drinking 2 litres a day and that is about all I can take. I'm not a big person. I'm getting mild headaches, flushed flu like sweating, mild and painful bloating, not severe. I understand about toxic reactions as far as herxhimer reaction goes. I have rheumatoid arthritis, and a yet undiagnosed numbness in three fingers in my right hand. In the past, I have suffered from migraine and insomnia, and stomach problems, so I know the level of pain in these symptoms. My thoughts are, how toxic is your body when you have a chronic disease? I assume having RA I have levels of toxicity all the time. I am not experiencing any RA symptoms at the moment because it usually occurs in rainy weather. It is summer here, and I wanted to begin the MSM now in preparation for the colder weather when I experience the worst pain. I really need to find an anti-inflammatory as I don't have one. Either they are ineffective or have been taken off the market (Vioxx and Prexige). I am on methotrexate 7.5mg and do not want to take any more 'drugs'. Considering the toxic effects of RA, can anyone tell me how long I have to put up with the MSM side effects. It's been over 4 weeks now? Also is glucosamine and or chondriatin effective for RA?

Posted by Jeanmarie (Seekonk, MA) on 01/21/2009

Lugol's Iodine that I ordered from the Breath of Life website has given me relief from all-over-tissue-pain after searching for 12 years. I'm an N.D. candidate; therefore, shunned all meds, but the Dr.'s said my rheumatoid factor was sky high and everytime I ate Sugar, Bread or overate or had anything much to eat, I would get inflamed and achy and wake up the next morning barely able to move. I've got an active 13-year old and wanted my mobility back. Everytime I take it with food or shortly thereafter, my pain totally vanishes. I thought something was up when it would vanish for a period of time if I ate lobster or had a seaweed body wrap on vacation. It's the iodine!!! I take about 4-6 drops 3X/day. Eureka!!! I just wonder now if I'll have to take this for the rest of my life.

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