This is the first supplement that has helped my RA and I really do not want to go on the nasty drugs, so any help would be wonderful.
1) Massage of the inflamed joints with a warming oil, such as sesame oil, almond oil or castor oil, or even better, mahanarayan oil, which is a sesame oil loaded with beneficial herbs, but may be hard to find.
2) Formulas with Commiphora Mukul: yogaraj guggulu if your joints are cracking or kaishore guggulu if your joints are hot. If not available, you can try Boswellia.
Dietary Changes
ALCAT Blood Test
Straub-Cutolo Remedy
Straub-Cutolo Remedy
Hydrogen Peroxide
EC: Hi Connie, can you please send us the recipe/measurements you used? Thank you!
Juicing fruits and veggies and eating them raw is key, and avoiding, wheat, corn , potatoes, and dairy was important for me. Also I eat meat once or twice a week because too much makes me feel unwell. Hope this helps someone, and remember don't lose hope.
Low Dose Naltrexone
I have been making my own Ldn for about 4 years since my doctor told me it should be helpful for autoimmune problems but also said her computer would reject any prescription she would write. I would love to be able to order from Skip's. I know many people who have great results making their own, but I have no noticeable benefit. It is possible that I don't have the receptor sites, but I do know Skip uses only pure naltrexone and adds a filler, usually Avicel, to the capsule. Would you please send me the contact information for your doctor? I would like to see firsthand if there is a difference for me. Thank you. I'm not sure how I can email you, but I am logged on right now and I give my permission for you to have my email.
EC: Hi Chip, can you please include your email address inside your post? Otherwise it's not visible. Thanks!
Low Dose Naltrexone
Last year I started LDN because I thought I had MS (actually was diagnosed with MS by several different neurologists-but it turned out to be aspartame poisoning) anyway I had been taking 1.5 mg LDN daily and after 4 months the pain and soreness that had been present in my hand joints for several years was gone. After 1 year it is still gone, however I have OA in my hips and the LDN has not done much. It is my understanding that everyone reacts a little differently to LDN and up to 65% of the people who take it get rid of RA symptoms within 6 months. I have a Dr. here in Costa Rica who was educated and did his residency in Houston, as such he writes prescriptions for people and will send them via email on his letterhead to the pharmacy. Skip's pharmacy accepts it. Email me and I will provide his contact info, he charges $40.
Dietary Changes
ACV worked for me for about 3 years and gave out. Auto immune diseases are due to bad gut flora which are highly adaptable like superbugs. The answer lies in the diet and not the bandaid solutions listed here to mask pain. For starters cut out white rice and bread and don't take antibiotics, your poisoning is at your grocery and your doctors' offices as revealed by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride who has determined the causes of autism and most chronic diseases are in the gut. This should be front page news and instead I have not seen a complete regimen anywhere to get healthy and had to develop my own. Good luck.
Juice Fasts
Juice Fasts
Black Cherry Juice
I have discovered that ham makes the joints in my fingers stiff, swell, and hurt. So, I threw what I had left in the garbage, never to buy it again. Good quality black cherry juice makes it go away. One to two tablespoons a day, but like certain supplements its not to be over done (like dont turn it up and drink half the bottle). Can be found in most healthfood stores and some grocerys where the vitamens are.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Straub-Cutolo Remedy
Involvement of the Hypothalamic/Pituitary/Adrenal/Gonadal Axis and the Peripheral Nervous System in Rheumatoid Arthritis by Rainer H. Straub and Maurizio Cutolo
ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATISM, (Official Journal of the American College of Rheumatology) Vol. 44, No. 3, March 2001, pp 493-507
The idea is that the initial trigger (bacteria, virus etc infecting us) is met with by the usual reaction of our body, by our immune system attacking the microbes, as usual. But, in fact, these trigger microbes that set off the inflammation are usually eliminated by our powerful immune system and are long gone by the time that RA sets in. So in RA we are not interested in treating only that infection.
RA is a chronic condition, not a normal infection, where our own immune system does not want to shut down it's attack. (Like an army that has destroyed the enemy and has gone berserk, shooting at it's own ranks or at innocent civilians.) It is well known that RA is characterized by macrophage activity even though there is NO infection. The word macrophage just means "big eater" since they basically eat up the enemy bacteria and viruses. But in RA they eat our own cartilage.
Why does the army of our immune system not shut down the fight and realize the "war is over" and that the enemy bacteria are dead? Why does our immune system not just stop, stop attacking our innocent cartilage? Why does our gone-berserk immune system turn a short term fight against a short term infection, that ended long ago, into a long term, chronic battle against our own body? Because the local nerve supply has been affected.
Our nerves shrink away from the scene of the inflammation or are damaged in the battle. But they grow back. Nerve fibers of the Central Nervous System grow back FASTER than the nerve fibers of the Sympathetic Nervous System. There is then a long term imbalance, more CNS fibers than SNS nerve fibers in the joints of those with RA. So what? Lots of what.
Those CNS nerve fibers secrete Substance P, long recognized as the leading chemical that our body uses to continue the inflammation reaction, the fight against invading bacteria etc. The CNS fibers, with substance P, are the hawks of the immune system. It is like they shout out over and over again, "kill, kill, kill." The over supply of CNS fibers and Substance P means the macrophages are encouraged to go on with their berserk killing. They have only the hawks to lead them. And if some bacteria have learned to avoid destruction by looking like the body cells, then the marophages, in a reverse sense, think the body cells are enemy cells. And what can stop them. All they hear from headquartes if the CNS orders to "kill and fight."
All because the CNS fibers are there in greater supply than the SNS fibers. They grew back faster. If the Sympathetic Nerve System was there then the macrophage soldiers would get other orders from headquarters. The SNS fibers try to shut down the inflammation, to call an end to the war. They do this by secreting epinephrine and adenosine. But they have not grown back. So there is no epinephrine. But lots of Substance P. So the soldier Macrophages only hear the command of Substance P, to kill.
Of course the inflamed area (our joints) still sends out messages to the brain and the rest of the body. (Chemicals such as cytokines) These are known to circulate throughout the whole body. The inflamed area sends out the cytokines as urgent messages, "request for orders sir, request for orders, please send orders, Emergency. Hurry. Send orders urgently." But no orders come from the SNS. No epinephrine arrives with a message to "Stop fighting", the only orders that come are from the hawks of the CNS, the Substance P message to "kill and go on killing."
As well the Adrenal glands should send out Cortisol, and epi-nepherine, that should also inhibit the inflammation reaction. And the gonads should send out testosterone and DHEA that would inhibit the infection (Men have less chance of RA than women). But it doesn't happen. It is well known that Cortisol production by the Adrenal glands is low in RA. So the Adrenal glands should send out orders to stop the inflammation, stop the fight. But for some reason they don't (Maybe they are overwhelmed by the huge amount of cytokines etc. coming out of the joints, which imply that a huge battle is going on. If there is a huge battle then the Adrenals would be wrong to interfere. But unfortunately the Adrenals are a lone, and weakened, voice for peace. They have found no support from the Sympathetic Nervous System. They are alone and so keep quiet. The Hawks win the day.
Hence the diet,
(1) Do something to shut up that Substance P messenger. To shut up the CNS and it's hawkish commands to fight. The best way is by capsaicin. Apparently, the FDA has approved it's use. Capsaicin can be found in Cayenne Peppers. Of course eating lots of Cayenne Peppers means the drug circulates all over in the body. So if you get a real infection somewhere then what? Stop the pepper for a while. Yet even the FDA approved it as a cream. So rub the spice, cayenne pepper on your sore spots. Or get capsaicin creme prescribed by your doctor.
Note: cayenne peppers are in the biological genus of "Capsicum" and related to bell peppers. So some "health stores" sell you stuff with "Capsicum" as an ingredient. That only means it has pepper in it. Bell pepper. Black pepper. Capsicum is not Capsaicin, the active ingredient. (Some say even black pepper is helpful with RA) It's worth a try to use the Cap-si-cum stuff, but just don't think you have Cap-sai-cin, the active concentrate. (note the spelling difference). Save your money and just buy peppers or ground cayenne spice at the grocery store.
(2) Do something to increase the low cortisol levels in RA. Increase cortisol so the areas affected by RA can get the message to shut down the fight. Where to get cortisol? Licorice (real licorice, please, not that junk they sell in candy stores that's made of flour and molasses) and coffee and grapefruit (also other citrus like lemon). It's easy to drink coffee.
(3) Do something to increase the low epinephrine levels in RA joints. A good source is the peel of a banana, though a banana pulp isn't bad. I wash the banana peel and blend the whole banana up and eat it. Another good places to get it is chocolate. Also helpful in building epinephrine is avocado, nuts, chicken, eggs, wheat germ. Of course this is not a local supply, where it is needed in the RA joint, but hopefully the extra supply in the whole body should allow more than usual to seep to the affected area.
(4) Cortisol and epinephrine work even better when taken together. Yummy, chocolate covered licorice (real licorice please) or chocolate in coffee. Or licorice mixed with banana.
(5) Some other substances the body needs to help build epinephrine are lysine, methionine, tyrosine, vitamin C, vitamin B6, manganese and MAGNESIUM.
This diet above is based on recent scientific observations, but has never gone to clinical trial. So it is "not scientifically proven" but personally I try everything I find on earthclinic. My initial results from this remedy are good. Hopefully it will continue for more than just a few weeks and is not just a placebo effect. Hope you find hope in it.
When I eat dairy products especially milk and ice cream, I notice my RA DOES act up. When I eat the dairy with one tablet of CLA, my RA DOES NOT seem to act up.
I have found a supporting study that relates my personal experience
Milk has been anecdotally associated with an exacerbation of arthritic symptoms. A case study presented in the Arthritis and Rheumatism Journal found that some patients have an allergic response to milk that creates inflammation in the joints. Another study published in Arthritis Today magazine found that one compound in milk called conjugated linoleic acid actually reduced inflammation. Patients are advised to eliminate milk for one week to monitor symptom relief. In addition, milk and dairy products are rich sources of calcium and vitamin D which strengthen bones and prevent fractures and other bone concerns for those with osteoarthritis.
For people whose RA acts up but may desire to eat dairy products, this may be something to experiment with.
As an aside, CLA also does wonders for body fat management but each person is different in when they will respond. It took me nearly 7 months and others respond more very quick.
CLA got removed from the diet when they stopped using grass fed animals.
MSM, Magnesium, Vitamin D
MSM, Magnesium, Vitamin D
You ask about how to take DMSO. If my hands are aching and feeling stiff, then I take about one tablespoon of DMSO and rub into hands making sure nuckles and joints in wrist are covered. The DMSO is watery so you want to do this over the sink. In a minute the solvent will absorb into the skin. I have a great acecdotal story besides myself; it was my father, about 20 years ago, and he was complaining of the cramping in the hands I described above. Got him on the DMSO immediately and the next day, no problem. So in his case, the result was nearly immediate. I've found I have to use the DMSO every six months or so to ward off the condition.
If I use the DMSO on knees or ankles, I water down the DMSO by about half purified water because the DMSO can sting a bit without dilution. DMSO is a solvent and a penetrant and your breath will be garlic like for a day afterward.
I once had a nutritionally oriented MD who would give me IVs for nutrition and he would cap off the IV bag with 25 cc of DMSO, so as to rush the nutrients past the blood brain barrier. Thus the nutrients got to all organs including brain.
The point is in answering your questions: DMSO can be used topically or internally. I'm not suggesting you take a large dose orally. I have taken a tablespoon in a large glass of purified water.
Normally I used it topically.
I use 99.9 percent pure food grade and you can get the best from googling "Dr. Jacobs DMSO" and don't forget to google the you tube on DMSO I mentioned in the prior post: "Youtube Dr Jacobs 60 minutes"
Did I answer all your questions?
Best ....dave
MSM, Magnesium, Vitamin D
MSM, Magnesium, Vitamin D
MSM, Magnesium, Vitamin D
MSM, Magnesium, Vitamin D
On your RA problem: Absolutely, you must try DMSO topically. Has worked wonders on me with same issues as you. Google, "DMSO Dr Jacobs Youtube 60 minutes". That's a three part series on the miracle of DMSO.
Best, Dave
MSM, Magnesium, Vitamin D
MSM, Magnesium, Vitamin D
Potassium should be automatically prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis because getting potassium up to normal from the low values in all RA patients (LaCelle PL et al 1964 An investigation of total body potassium in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Proceedings Ann. Meeting of the Rheumatism Association, Arthritis & Rheumatism 7; 321 ) (Sambrook PN, Ansell BM, Foster S, Gumpel JM, Hesp R, Reeve J, Zanelli JM 1985 Bone turnover in early rheumatoid arthritis. 1. Biochemical and kinetic indexes. Ann Rheum Dis. Sep;44(9):575-9. ) is slow, even with a high unprocessed vegetable diet. There are tasty foods that are especially rich in potassium ( http://www.rheumatoidarthritisprogram.com/potassium-and-ra/ ).
However it is important that thiamin (vitamin B-1) be adequate when supplementing with potassium because heart disease can not materialize when both are deficient, but will show up if only one of those is deficient (http://charles_w.tripod.com/kandthiamin.html ). This is probably the primary reason why heart disease is a main cause of death in rheumatoid arthritis patients.
In view of the fact that this is not considered by current rheumatologists, it would be very valuable for you to bring it into your future research. It is not only that potassium is not considered by physicians in regard to RA, most of them do not even believe that a potassium deficiency is likely. This even though many of them prescribe what are actually supplements, but prescribed under euphemistic terms such as salt substitutes, sodium free baking powder, ORT salts (oral rehydration therapy for diarrhea), polarizing solutions, GIK (glucose, insulin, potassium) salts, vegetables, or glucosamine. A deficiency is further defined out of existence by defining the blood serum content normal as 4.2 when the actual figure is 4.8.
Sincerely, Charles Weber
ACV and Baking Soda, MSM, Mag Citrate
ACV and Baking Soda, MSM, Mag Citrate
Juicing will greatly help RA pain, especially if you can do it for a week, just drink fresh juices.
Multiple Remedies
General Feedback
Hydrogen Peroxide
Blackstrap Molasses
Because Blackstrap Molasses is a nutrient dense food and not a supplement, I think it would be compatible. Of course, some foods do not agree with some people, so it wouldn't be 100% certain, but a very safe option to try. I would start with 1 teaspoon, morning and evening. If that agrees, the next week, try 2 t. morning and evening. If this is a small person, that may be enough. Otherwise, you could go up to 1 T. the next week, morning and evening. If diarrhea is a problem, you should know that Blackstrap can have a laxative effect. Blackstrap does have potassium in it, and I suppose could affect the need for a potassium supplement.
I noticed here on Earth Clinic that Nettle Tea has been helpful to someone for RA. I mention this because it is another very safe thing to try. Nettles used to be a "spring tonic" for people. They would cook the fresh nettles in the spring and eat them for health. My daughter had symptoms of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis a year and a half ago. She was also having trouble with asthma, as well, I was giving her nettles (because it cured my son of asthma) for her asthma, in addition to a number of things I was trying to help her arthritis. Perhaps the nettles also helped her arthritis. She has been symptom free of that for over a year. If you decide to try the nettle tea, try 1 cup per day at first and move up to 2-3 cups per day. It would be compatible with the Blackstrap.
Our family has found Blackstrap (and nettles! ) to be helpful for many things. I hope you find that to be the case as well!
Please let us know how it goes.
~Mama to Many~
Blackstrap Molasses
Dietary Changes, Colloidal Silver
Rheumatoid Arthritis and UTI Connection
Rheumatoid Arthritis Remedies
Daily she took Cat's Claw Bark in capsules, nettles in capsules, vitamin C, Blackstrap Molasses, and Vitamin D. She doesn't take any of that any more. If she has an asthma flare up, she takes nettles. She does take feverfew every day to prevent migraines.
She does have a pretty healthy diet, eats very little processed food.
You might also add Apple Cider Vinegar to your daily routine - 1 T. In 8 oz. Of water twice a day. Drinking at least 1/2 gallon of pure water a day (herbal tea and vinegar in your water are okay.)
Let us know what helps you!
~Mama to Many~
Juice Fasts
Rheumatoid Arthritis Remedies
Rheumatoid Arthritis Remedies
I would also like to share that I spend much time in Mexico and do ozone therapy to maintain my health. I have a friend who was diagnosed with RA and Lupus and 2 years of ozone and she is symptom free. I know that only about 22 states in the U.S. have legalized ozone. Europe is way ahead of us in this remarkable therapy which detoxes your body, builds your immune system and kills bad bacterias and viruses with no side effects. When I started the therapy I did have Herx Heimer reactions just like I did when I was using antibiotics to kill the Lyme. I have another friend in Colorado that has used ozone successfully for her Lyme also. It is also remarkable for plaque and high cholesterol problems.
Juicing, Dietary Changes
Juice Fast, Dietary Changes
I juice fasted for a week and then stayed away from a few foods like dairy and grains that give me pain and now some of my joints are not swollen. I am weaning off my meds and I am optimistic. My pain in the morning has dimished. I think juicing just fruits and vegetables heal our bodies.
Rheumatoid Arthritis and UTI Connection
Rheumatoid Arthritis and UTI Connection
In 1995 I was diagnosed with sero-negative RA almost immediately following a miscarriage while being treated simultaneously with Ampicillin for a urinary tract infection. Although I had a urinary tract infection, the ER decided upon a D&C procedure. Three days later, I was totally incapacitated and bedridden from the sudden onset of what I know now to be RA. I won't go into too much detail about the last 17 years, but I have been managing this disease with diet, and without medications as much as I possibly can. I did finally decide to go on the minocycline antibiotic protocol, and that helped alot, but I weaned myself from the antibiotics in February 2013, after about six months of low-dose antibiotic treatment. I was feeling absolutely perfect, and thought I could discontinue at that point, which may have been premature. (I just don't like to be on medications at all, if possible) Eight weeks ago, in early April 2013, I started symptoms of a urinary tract infection. Within a few weeks, I was no longer in remission, and began another flare of RA, which is ongoing at this time, June 2013. I had never read that there was a connection between urinary tract infections and RA, but, as with your wife, this seems to be how my disease was activated as well. I always suspected a bacterial connection, as immediately after my miscarriage and simultaneous treatment with ampicillin for the urinary tract infection, I became highly allergic to ampicillin and all antibiotics in the penicillin family. I was also suddenly highly allergic to aged cheese. Penicillin and aged cheese causes severe, dibilitating pain in my joints and muscles, and flare ups of RA that last for months at a time.
I seem prone to urinary tract infections, and now that you have brought this connection to light, in going back in time, urinary tract infections have always resulted in a flare up. Different types of antibiotics were tried (Bactrim, Macrobid), and I always ended up in crippling pain, which I had attributed to a reaction to the antibiotics, not to the urinary tract infection itself. (I can tolerate tetracyclines, as minocycline and doxycycline don't have this effect). I understand what you are saying when you point out that even with this connection, RA can not likely be treated with antibiotics alone, and that the defect in the immune system must be treated and made stronger overall by healing the digestive system, keeping the body alkaline and well-nourished, and as chemical-free as possible. Rebuilding and maintaining a healthy immune system with autoimmune disease is definately not easy and takes lifelong commitment, but it is such a relief to know that there are things we can do for ourselves to extend our life span and to radically improve our quality of life. Thank you for sharing all of this valuable information, Ray! Best Wishes for good health to you and your wife!
Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet
Basically Paleo is: eat lots of organic/free-range/grassfed meat and fish/seafood, as well as fruit and veg. No dairy. No legumes (beans). No grains (bread, pasta or rice, however some say white rice is okay, while others say it's a no-no). No sugar or refined stuff.
Autoimmune diet is: no nightshades (tomatoes, eggplant, red capsicum, chilli). No caffeine. No sugar. No nuts or seeds.
From what I've read, it's meant to take anywhere between 4 weeks and several months to notice any difference in joint pain. There's a pretty British girl on Youtube who has successfully gotten her RA under control using this diet, she documents her journey on YT.
Hope this helps, and good luck to us all in being pain and med free!!
Rheumatoid Arthritis and UTI Connection
Apple Cider Vinegar
Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet
Apple Cider Vinegar
Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet