I really need help because at the moment 1 am always in pain.
Thank you

EC: More about Oil Pulling here.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
"Arthritis, Recent Theories and The Affects of Imbalanced pH
Individuals with rheumatoid arthritis have lower cellular potassium content than normal and high plasma copper content. Reports have shown low potassium being the only consistent difference in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Although there has not been a clinical study proving this theory, rheumatoid arthritis should not be present in people who eat vegetables instead of grains. The reason why potassium is often overlooked is probably because potassium is present in almost all foods grown in large quantities.
As most have come to realize, what you eat strongly affects your body. When food is digested, it leaves certain residues that yield either alkaline or acidic potentials of pH. Our body is at a constant struggle to keep our pH balanced. If balance is not achieved through diet then the body will take over by leaching away key minerals such as, calcium, potassium, and sodium from the bones, teeth, and important organs. An imbalanced pH can lead to serious health problems such as weight gain, poor athletic performance, low energy levels, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, and premature aging if continuously too acidic or alkaline..."
Here are a few more sites about pH and arthritis:
For a lot more sites, please do
I believe in the pH balance. The concept is similar to that of the body requiring constant internal temperature; the blood must be at an almost constant pH level in order for chemical, bio-chemical, and hormonal reactions to proceed appropriately. The body will do everything to achieve this at the cost of making acidic the lymphatic system and other organs, if the nutrition does not provide for the necessary good nutrition. Like, for example, drinking a lot of soft drinks is terribly acidic. So, proper body's pH balance is a prerequisite for good health.
A we become more acidic, internal organs, body tissues, bones ... will deteriorate. To learn more about the pH balance concept you can go to the following links:
These are just a few of what can be found in the web.
About measuring and monitoring own pH:
To verify if indeed you are acidic I would strongly suggest you to buy pH paper strips. It's cheap and I assure you it will be a good investment.
I had inflammatory problems with my knees and ankle. The best thing I found so far is an alkalizing drink that combines synergetically blackstrap molasses, unfiltered raw apple cider vinegar, pinch of epson salt, kelp powder and pickling lime water. Not only this drink is alkalazing, but, over time, will help in replenishing minerals that were depleted over the years because of acidosis. The full instruction of this drink can be found at http://www.curezone.com/forums/am.asp?i=1009886#i1 in a forum about pH balance.
More details about the alkalizing drink that synergetically combines minerals (blackstrap molasses, Epson Salt, pickling lime water and kelp powder,) with weak acids (such as Apple Cider Vinegar or Lemon Juice) http://www.curezone.com/forums/am.asp?i=1009886#i1
I hope these can help you. It is a learning journey about how nutrition affects your healths.
I wish you good luck.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Apple Cider Vinegar
I had crippling rheumatoid arthritis in 1985, where all the joints in my right arm were locked up and would not move. I was in constant, horrible pain and got no sleep for over 3 months. I began drinking extremely dilute amounts of the 35% HP DROPS in PURE WATER (NOT Tap Water!!)I also had candida albicans, and my cholesterol level was 465 as tested by my MD friend. Within 1 week the pain in my joints on my right arm was GONE and I was sleeping like a baby! Within one month I had free range of motion in all joints--from my fingers to my shoulder. My cholesterol was down to 289 and the candida symptoms were greatly reduced. By the end of the second month, my cholesterol was 155 (normal and safe) and all symptoms of candida albicans infestation were GONE. That was 28 YEARS ago, and I have had NO reoccurances of any of the above problems. I call that a "CURE!"
H2O2 amounts taken: Begin first day with ONE DROP H2O2 in 8 oz. PURE WATER. Second day: two drops H2O2. Third day: three drops H2O2...and so on until you reach 10 drops per day. Now, if the taste is too bad, split the HP drops into 5 in the morning, and 5 in the evening--near bed time. Work back taking 10 drops twice a day, THEN split it into THIRDS, AND begin taking 7 drops THREE times a day, or whatever you can handle. Slowly work back up to taking 10 drops THREE times a day. Don't go much higher than that, or you might want to stay at 7 drops, three times a day. Let your body determine your amount.
ALSO, do NOT drink any H2O2 water 45 minutes BEFORE OR AFTER EATING A MEAL OR TAKING SUPPLIMENTS! You may throw up (vomit.)
ALSO, take 500 mg. of Vitamin C once a day to neutralize any free radical formations that may have occured. The oxygen in the H2O2 attacks the iron in the blood and causes that reaction. The Vitamin C will clean it up, and Selenium may also be substituted for the Vitamin C.
MY SKIN CANCER (Melanoma) "erased" with topical application of 35% Food Grade HP: I had several dark mole-like formations on my forearms come up after being out in the Texas sun a lot. They itched, and my doctor friend said they were Melanomas and that I should see a professional about them. I knew what HP would do for them, so I took a nail file and GENTLY abraded the surface of these dark bumps, and then I applied straight 35% Food Grade HP to the spots with a Q-Tip (cotton swab on a stick) UNTIL THEY TURNED WHITE IN COLOR. I did this 3 times a day for a week. By the end of the week, they had turned to powder or dust, and were FLAT and GONE! There was no itching, NO pain, and they left a slightly lightened spot on my arm where they used to be. They never came back again, and that was over 20 YEARS ago!
ARTHRITIS IN MY KNEES: 17 years ago, I developed rhumatoid arthritis in both knees. I began the HP method by washing my knees with soap and water to remove any body oil, then MISTED them with a 3% solution of HP that was diluted down from 35% Food Grade HP (12:1) with PURE WATER. I wore shorts and then misted my knees, then waited until they were dry, then misted them again while I watched Television or did Computer work. I did this for at least 30 minutes at a time, and I did 4 HP misting sessions a day. My knees were back to NORMAL WITH NO PAIN in ONE WEEK!! I was so happy! I told my friends who had similar problems, and they said that they tried SOAKING their finger and elbow joints in 3% Food Grade HP by pouring the 3% HP solution into a shallow bowl and soaking them for 30 minutes 3-4 times a day. When finished, they would pour the 3% HP solution back into a one gallon plastic jug. The last soaking, they put it in the refrigerator for safe keeping overnight. The next day, they would remove the HP jug from the refrigerator and let it sit out until it had warmed to room temperature, then use in in the bowl to soak their joints until the evening. Worked great!! If you make up one gallon of 3% solution and keep it in the refrigerator, it should last at least one month before you need to make another gallon of it.
IN DALLAS, TEXAS, I found 35% Food Grade HP at "Roy's Natural Market" 6025 Royal Ln. Ste 130
Dallas, TX 75230-8857
Phone: (214) 987-0213. They have been selling HP for many years, and it is about $16.00 (US) for one quart, which will last a long time when you are spraying it.
Enjoy being pain-free!
Anyways it was the cayenne pepper that made me pain free. I researched cayenne pepper online and bought the pills. It works great. I take more then it says too. it takes about 6 Cayenne fruit pills. it cost less the 3 dollars at Wal-mart. And Well worth it!! - u know that diet i was supposed to have min. Look up Cayenne pepper it does much more then just for pain oh and weight loss. 3 thumbs way up.
Juice Fasts
Thank you so much for your appreciation. When I was fasting for 4 weeks and drinking only herbal teas and fruit juices, I did very simple juices at the time. Carrot -apple was my favorite. What I wanted to tell you was: it is not soo terribly important which exact recipe cured me. Important was the fasting of 4 weeks with juices. What I wanted to say is, to stop eating industrialized food, food from cans, dead food, chemical food, beverages, comfort food and so on, - THAT is important. There are books out there for juice fasting with recipes. To overcome RA you have to do serious detoxification programs on all levels.
1) strong determination and motivation for self-cure including learning about healing and detoxification and your specific illness (I read a ton of books)
2) juice fasting and detoxification on all levels (in US cities I would care very much to filter drinking water, in my area it's not a problem)
3) RAVE diet (google it)
4) Exercise
5) Relaxation and understanding of your situation from a higher perspective
6) Connection to the spiritual
7) Necessary changes in life (work, relationships, etc) (illness comes from a major stress in life) I always got a serious outbreak of RA when something was very wrong in my life. This has to be determined and worked at. I had to change jobs and work on my relationships and I had to leave a marriage. My illness was actually guiding me. Through my illness I was often forced to do something what I couldn't and wouldn't have done otherwise. that is the spiritual part of the "deeper connections".
All these things combined are the "healing factor". Not one recipe with a few different ingredients.
I did fasting for 4 weeks and afterwards RAVE diet (only natural and lots of raw and organic food). Plus exercise, saunas, taking out amalgam of teeth etc. It is not this ONE single recipe what will cure you but running, fasting, and changing your lifestyle on different levels plus the aforementioned determination and motivation and sense of purpose. All vegetables and fruits grown organically are healing foods. Juices are concentrated healing foods especially all dark greens. Sorry, I am not into this "one recipe thing". This doesn't heal a serious illness like RA.
So, I hope I am not disappointing you, but this is what still helps me when I have health troubles. this is just a broad guideline for people who are capable to read and learn for themselves. I had to believe in myself as I took the responsibility to get out of my medications against the advice of all these specialists and doctors and even against my naturopaths advice.
This is another important step: to start to believe in yourself more than anybody out there (however high up they seem to be). So, it's a real journey to yourself and your own powers.
Mahalo for your interest,
Oil Pulling
The first thing i did was get rid of all salt sugar preservatives and bleached flour. Within 3 months, i was no longer taking pain killers and my medicine was less.
I continue the diet although i do eat some sugar lol but I don't eat preservatives.
I eat whole grains, beans, lentils, split peas, etc, and fruit and vegetable and a little meat. I stay away from bacon and cold cuts because of the preservatives. I do not have much joint pain now if ever i'm off most arthritis medicine and i no longer take pain killers at all.
Ya see, arthritis swells the joints and salt and preservatives swell the joints, so if you take them with the rheumatoid arthristis your kicking yourself in the butt and giving yourself added pain. The extra swelling causes irritation and sets the inflamation into motion, so it is very important not to eat any preservatives and little salt. Don't eliminate all salt completely. I don't use salt when i cook or eat, but if i have a craving for salt, i indulge it because i need the salt. If you want to use salt use kelp or sea salt. When you look at labels you will be amazed at the amount of salt in products. I do not eat store bread.
Dietary Changes
Apple Cider Vinegar