Rheumatoid Arthritis
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis: Effective Solutions

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Milton (Miami, Florida) on 04/26/2017

I cured my rheumatoid arthritis in 4 weeks with borax. It had no effect for 19 days then on day 20 I could feel it working. I put 1/4 tsp in glass luke warm water and drink it in morning. Borax, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borax is low risk. Lot of people have taken it. Research it. To be on safe side just know what boron overdose symptoms are.

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 04/08/2017

Dear Marion,

We make smoothies all the time at my house and turmeric is easy to disguise in them.

We buy a case of frozen organic bananas and let them ripen and then freeze them so we always have them on hand for our smoothies.

  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 cup milk kefir (or yogurt)
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1/16 teaspoon black pepper (to potentate the turmeric)
  • 1 Tablespoon cacao powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla
  • Blend in a blender

My kids like to add a tablespoon of peanut butter to theirs.

If you use unsweetened kefir or yogurt you will need a sweetener - honey or blackstrap are ideal. Otherwise raw sugar, but not artificial sweetener.

Aldi and Trader Joe's have strawberry or blueberry milk kefir that is good. Milk kefir or a high quality yogurt will have benefits to add to the turmeric.

If you could add a tablespoon of organic coconut oil that would be great, too. RA may have a viral component and the coconut oil would be good for that.

Also if he could take lots of vitamin c (sodium ascorbate) that would be great and Epsom salt baths if possible.

I hope this is helpful to him!

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Marion (Egg Harbor City , Nj) on 04/08/2017

Hello, my 35 year old son was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis recently and doing research turmeric helps, I saw your statement about a "shake" you make and drink could you possibly send me your recipe? He does not want to take some of the medications that are out there, some side effects worry us. If you could do this for him I would be extremely grateful.



Posted by Bob (Us) on 12/06/2016

According to the internet (which never lies) Iodine supplementation must be accompanied by Selenium supplementation. 200 micrograms per day. Thyroid function suppression begins at 750 mg (milligrams) of iodine, therapeutic doses run around 100 mg, and maintenance runs around a few mg, and more isn't a problem.

And the iodine supplement should be a combination of elemental iodine and iodide compound such as potassium iodide. Lugol's liquid and iThroid capsules are good examples. Lugol's is cheaper, obviously because it's just a bottle of liquid, without all the capsules.

What brand of iodine are you taking to relieve your pain? How many milligrams of iodine does that equal?

Rheumatoid Arthritis and UTI Connection
Posted by Art (California ) on 11/05/2016 2370 posts

Pat (Merseyside),

Tetracycline, like many other drugs, comes with a fairly lengthy list of potential side effects which should definitely be considered given the proposed length of treatment (years). The longer duration of use probably increases a persons chances of running into one of those side effects at some point during the treatment, but this has to be weighed in relation to the possible benefit of eliminantion arthritis. As a person who used to have severe arthritis that is now in remission by usings Ted's borax remedy, I can certainly understand the desire to take that risk though. Here is a couple of links to the potential adverse events associated with use of Tetracycline of which some would be considered severe. Even borax is not compatible with everyone as mentioned on this forum.



This article discusses ways to help mitigate some of those potential side effects associated with antibiotic use:


Best of health going forward.


Rheumatoid Arthritis and UTI Connection
Posted by Pat (Merseyside) on 11/04/2016

Hi Ray,

RA is a bacterial infection of the connective tissues which become invaded by a microplasma which is difficult to ID bc it hides within the connective tissue. The treatment is tetracycline antibiotics long term. It can take up to 3 years to reach maximum benefit or remission.

The doctor who championed the AP ("Antibiotic Protocol") was Dr Thomas Macpherson Brown as mentioned by a few others. This man treated over 10,000 patients before his death and most of em got better in fact 80%/ He helped many many people regain their life that his friends and patients set up the "The Road Back foundation" http://www.roadback.org/ his book is here on amazon, published in 1988

and the other book is here: for anyone with autoimmune disease this book is the answer

I've had RA for 25 years and have tried every remedy, diet and vit's and Min's associated with RA to no avail I am about to try the AP after finding these books I'm given hope again and feel so confident this is the solution it provides answers and evidence of it's effectiveness and the scientific trials plus there are now more recent publications confirming this is the case from Iran, Mexico, America and London check it on pubmed. They will have to revise the treatment but that's to come. The more I read the better it gets makes so much sense.

ACV and Baking Soda, MSM, Mag Citrate
Posted by Mary (California) on 10/05/2016

I drank three cans of tonic water with quinine. The next day way less inflammation. I then drank two cans daily for a week. Inflammation gone. I continue to take the apple cider vinegar daily tho. If you don't get relief then you are eating things that cause you inflammation. I did the ALCAT blood test and it told me what foods cause inflammation in my system and I avoid them. I also drink Kombucha tea which has probotics to heal my stomach. I wish you health and to be pain free.

Sesame Oil Massage
Posted by Bea (Arkansas) on 09/30/2016

I am one of those who is doing Dr. Brown's antibiotic protocol with Minocycline. I have been on it since 2007. I was dx'd with RA in 2003. It has worked well for me. I do not take the antibiotic every day. Currently I only take 100mg on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. It is an option. I have tried to discontinue the antibiotics, but regressed quickly to the point of not being able to function. There are a few books out there about therapy and also the Rhuematic Support board. That may help you get more info.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Zack (La) on 09/08/2016

That can't be good for your blood pH taking baking soda and ACV. They both alkaline the body. One or the other. Too high of a pH isn't good. Balance is key. I use only ACV and have RA. Just an opinion.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Zack (La) on 09/08/2016

Vit C is a water soluble vitamin. The body will only absorb about 500 mg +/- at a time and the rest is excreted in urine. It is best to take it several times a day to maximize absorption. Think smart don't throw away money. I have RA also and it is under control. I am going into research for RA. I am 27 yrs old. NOT MEDICAL ADVICE.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by John (Athens, Greece) on 06/22/2016

This is my suggestion to help with Reumatoid arthritis, having to do with leaky gut

  • Juicing once a week
  • Avoid proinflammatory foods, milk, white sugar, white flour made food stuff
  • Serrapeptase (80,000i.u) in the morning on empty stomach
  • One hour after serrapeptase Glutamine with water
  • oil of oregano with the food 6 weeks ΟΝ 2 weeks off (mid - day)
  • Omega 3 capsule plus probiotics - 8 o'clock in the evening
  • Between the two main meals – 6 o clock in the evening – One capsule mastic 6 weeks ΟΝ 2 weeks off
  • When you are on two weeks OFF from previous, get garlic oil capsules instead
  • Before food 10- 20 minutes, take digestive enzymes

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Erin (Bat Cave, North Carolina) on 05/31/2016

Thank you, for all of the good information. This gives me hope.

Calcium and Coconut Oil
Posted by Bill (Boston, Ma) on 05/20/2016

Amazingly Coconut oil!

I have had pain all over for 7 months. Started with knees, feet, spread to hips arms and shoulders and really all over. My left arm at the elbow very painful. I just turned 60 in great health never smoked drank really took care of myself all my life eating very healthy with occasional indulgences.

I believe what I have it Rheumatoid Arthritis which really comes and goes but now has been with me constant for 2 months and painful.

2 weeks ago I started on Calcium 1 teaspoon a day and also 7 days ago I started on coconut oil extra virgin natural.

I eat 3-4 tablespoons a day 2 in morning 2 in evening. I heat up the oil (because it is paste) and then drink it but take water immediately after because of the taste is a little hard to swallow.

Well it's been 7 days and the coconut oil and my pain has reduced significantly, maybe 75%.

I don't really know what has caused the pain to reduce so much but it had to be one of those 2 things Coconut and/or the Calcium.

I take Calcium Carbonate (NOW) and Coconut oil (Natures way).

Something is working and I am very happy about it. I also have a good diet you must do both or one bad will cancel one good.

I also juice. Spinich, carrots, ginger and maybe an apple.

But I have to give the credit to Calcium and Coconut oil. I also took a bath in the oil this morning, felt good because what you put on your skin goes in your body.

I also oil pull. Using Coconut oil with water and a little Baking soda for 5-10 minutes cleaning my mouth esp before bed. The mouth can hide and breed many diseases.

That's my story.


Posted by Isabel (Tampa) on 05/05/2016

I also have rheumatoid arthritis. For the last 2 months I had taken golden milk, it has changed my life completely. You can look at you tube and there is a lot of information on how to do it. I use 1 cup of milk (almond milk) 1/2 a teaspoon of turmeric 1 teaspoon of oil (sesame, but it can be any kind) and little bit of black pepper. Just warm it up, not boiling, and drink it before going to bed, Just try for 2 weeks and it will change your life.

Dietary Changes, Apple Cider Vinegar, Herbs
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 05/04/2016

Dear Bill (Brockton, MA)

Wow, you are doing a lot of great things. It would be discouraging to not see progress with so many things you are doing.

I would consider trying milk kefir and nettle. Those are the two things that seemed to turn my daughter around when she was dealing with possible RA and asthma. She has neither now.

You say you were in great health until last year...what happened last year? Did you move or have some illness? I am just wondering if there was a trigger to this for you.

I am hoping others here will have some ideas for you.

Dietary Changes, Apple Cider Vinegar, Herbs
Posted by Bill (Brockton, Ma) on 05/04/2016

Interesting. I have had pain in feet, shoulders, now legs and knees and some arm pain and hands on an off. I just can't figure what it is. I'm juicing now carrots, canteloupe, ginger, apples and orange. I also take turmeric, d3, ACV pills still not much change. I could use some answers.

I'm 60 and been in great health all my life and only since last year has this pain started.

Looking for the right combination of herbs etc to fight this thing.

Thanks, Bill

Gluten-Free Diet
Posted by Ben (Bremerton) on 03/22/2016

TimH, It is best to talk to George about technical details. Have you read his articles and visited his site? george eby research.com his phone number is 512-263-0805

Gluten-Free Diet
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 03/22/2016 2043 posts

Ben: Perhaps you would enlighten us as how to properly administer G.N., proper amounts and such, as this is very important.

Gluten-Free Diet
Posted by Ben (Bremerton, Wa ) on 03/20/2016

About rheumatoid arthritis and Hashimoto's thyroid: I studies this one a few years ago, both conditions are linked to mycoplasma fermentans infection so one treatment should fix you up in a hurry - Gallium nitrate.

Supplements, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ra Not Getting Me (Michigan) on 03/20/2016

Is the NSC 24 Beta Glucan the one found on Amazon or Swansons Vitamins? Do you prefer any specific brand or company? Thank you.

Gluten-Free Diet
Posted by Ra Not Getting Me (Michigan) on 03/20/2016

I am beginning to realize after eliminating most grains but specifically gluten, if gluten is my cause too. I've had very little as I stayed home most the winter and home cooked all my meals. I ate out a few times recently and have had 2 bouts of attacks. I read a few years ago that gluten is the culprit. I'm trying to cure my Hashimoto's thyroid issue naturally, and was told to get off all grains as this causes inflammation. Maybe there truly is a cure for this awful pain. I'm any case, I tried the vinegar and my pain subsided. This vinegar has been my staple since I found this website a few years ago!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Karen (Usa) on 02/18/2016

I knew people with RA and one want to just jump a cliff. The other did too but had elderly parents to care for. He was on weekly chemo to kill the pain.

I, however, refuse to be killed off with toxic medicines and decided since all if Earthclinic's cures work for me, why not see if the cure for RA would help me too. One dose gave me less pain and mobility. I need to make this my daily routine.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Karen (Usa) on 02/16/2016

Famous fitness guru Jack LaLane drank it daily and swore by it. He lived to be about 94 years old and caught pneumonia or would have still been lifting weights.

Rheumatoid Arthritis and UTI Connection
Posted by Anne (Austin, Texas) on 01/31/2016

I flare up when I take antibiotics so I stay away and let my immune system take care of the UTI or any other infection. I have rushed and taken antibiotics when my body could have handled the infection. I was diagnosed with RA and bedridden six weeks after giving birth to my child. Maybe it is what they give us at the hospital that triggers RA and not an infection...too much antibiotics in the IV is my opinion. I am open to the infection theory too, but since I flare up so BADLY every time I have been given antibiotics, I still think antibiotics can cause RA or make it worse for sure. Try the Budwig diet for your RA, no sugar, no processed food, no meat and for me no grains. Juicing vegetable juice is key!!!

Supplements, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pat (Japan) on 01/21/2016

Would like to share my experience with all that have been battling RA. My first symptoms appeared about 9 years ago. I would get flare ups in jaw, fingers, wrist, knees, toes, feet, shoulders, ankles. Almost all joints except elbows. Doctors did not sort this out at first. But was confirmed with an Anti Nuclear test of some sort. Experienced frozen shoulder twice. Went through alot of xrays, MRI's and painkillers. I started looking online for help and changed my diet first. Fish, seeds, nuts, beans, vegetarian protein powder, fruits, vegetables, and lots of water. Cut out gluten, dairy, meat, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and soda. Also began a routine in the morning of stretching, light weight lifting, and calisthenics, finishing with a bike run.

To this day I experimented with supplements. I am down to five now:
NSC-24 Joint and Tissue formula
NSC-24 beta glucan
NSC-24 Multi Vitamin
Krill Oil
and Apple Cider Vinegar. (ACV)

It did not happen immediately. However, it was a slow noticeable change. To the point where for the past over 3 years I have had little to no pain. The few times mild pain has occured I believe it because I was of my protocol. Ate beef and or ran out of Dr. Mercola Krill Oil. I believe this to be the best and the most important supplement that I take. Also firm believer in ACV as it helps regulate the pH in your system so that bad bacteria does not get out of control.

I would be glad to share my experiences with any and all who need assistance. v/r Pat

Gluten-Free Diet
Posted by Happy & Painfree (Canada) on 01/19/2016

Editor's Choice

I had rheumatoid arthritis quite badly. Tremendous amount of pain, however my joints were not yet deformed. I was told by someone to stop eating all forms of wheat due to the amount of gluten contained in it. There are other grains as well, not sure what they are. Well, it was one of the most frustrating and also rewarding things I have had to do. I was told to stop totally, for at least three weeks. At the end of about two weeks, I realized I was no longer in pain!!!

I had suffered severe heartburn for 20+ years. A doctor told me to use antacids for the heartburn. I believe this is actually what caused the arthritis as it forced my body to digest and used something it did not recognized as food (GMO). When I stopped using the antacids. Now, I will get heartburn from eating anything with gluten in it, then throw-up, usually within a short time. When I do accidentally ingest gluten, (a small amount) the first place I notice it, is my big toe joint on my right foot. It gets swollen and red, but the damage is not permanent. There are some very good gluten free products out there now, for which I am very thankful!

You can also find a list of common allergens, sometimes it can be milk, mushrooms, etc. I think the elimination process works for most of this type of thing! Happy and painfree!

Dietary Changes, Apple Cider Vinegar, Herbs
Posted by Roger (Planet Earth) on 01/13/2016

Brought tears to my eyes, thank you and god bless!

Posted by Roger (Planet Earth) on 01/13/2016

Copper is very conductive to electrical energy. The body is a walking bio-electrical transmitter and receiver. The copper will facilitate the flow of these electrical fields, focus or disperse them. Copper is also a mineral needed in cell biochemistry. Taste your blood, lick some copper note the similarity.

Juice Fasts
Posted by T (Oh) on 01/01/2016

How much did it cost to remove your amalgams and how many did you have removed? Thanks. I would have to pay out of pocket as it is not covered under my insurance.

Organic Juice and Coffee Fast
Posted by Felicia (Fl) on 11/26/2015

When I was diagnosed with RA I couldn't walk right, sleep or even use the restroom without tears. After tons of pills and shots the doctor prescribed to me and a fever that about killed me I decided to take matters into my own hands. I started a organic juice and organic coffee enema fast to rid my body of the toxins and poisons that I was filling my body on a regular basis with. I got the idea from The Gerson Therapy and diet. Look up any of those words and do research on the subject. For me it all just clicked and I understood how the body gets hurt and heals. I went all out and got the books and didn't do anything half way.

I am now drug free and best of all pain free and live a normal active healthy life..I keep my powerful juicer on hand and use it when I am not feeling like I should. Good luck.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shifalika (Chandigarh) on 10/24/2015

I was diagnosed with RA few years back when I was 24 years of age.....it was going well n it didnt flareup but after my pregnancy it flaredup suddenly....n affected all my joints badly including my hip joints, knees, ankle bones, wrists n fingers too.....it was a worse condition....ya its right we ourselves have to keep on check that which diet triggers your pains.....like black beans, curd, citrus fruits, spinach, egg plant all these seems ro be poison for RA...then I started taking tulsi organic green tea...it really helped n then my sister sent 100 percent fish oil capsules....after searching on internet that fish oil contains omega 3, DHA, EPA n all these three convert the inflamatory substances into resolvins n inhibits RA n stiffness too....but I will start taking cider too but I m in doubt its also sour n can it increase my pains.

Posted by D. (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) on 10/10/2015

Butterfly in MI - I have experienced the same, but only with one acupuncturist. Pain is definitely NOT a component of acupuncture. Find someone who knows what they are doing, i.e. has more knowledge, sensitivity and experience. Good intentions and a diploma do not a professional healer make.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Vanessa (Beautiful Hawaii) on 10/07/2015

In response to so desperate. I was diagnosed with RA at 33. My experience with it is extensive. Besides all the suggestions here alkaline diet will make you feel much better. I first went the drug route. 19 years of steroids, 1 or 2 AT a TIME of Immunosuppressants, and anti inflammatory drugs. Had a hip replacement 1997 then 1st knee replacement in 2000.Almost died from a severe staph infection, septic in my blood. In a matter of hours I was deathly sick.

After this I decided NEVER to take immunosuppresant drugs again.

I started doing Remicade which is an IV infusion that I get every 2 months. It is actually a good western drug and works on the root cause of the arthritis.

I have been able to get off the steroids, and even the anti inflammatory drugs.

I became pre diabetic due to long term steroid use.

I have tried MANY natural and alternate therapies. Astaxanthin ( the product I use is Bio Astin), has helped my joints tremendously. I have introduced many others to

I also take wild fish oil, krill oil, spirulina, probiotics a good multi vitamin and a few other things daily.

My main foods I eat are salmon, spinach and blueberries.

Exercising in water is the best! There is a fine line between doing nothing and too much with RA. I also do a 1.2 mile trail walk with my German Shepherds daily.

Upon waking if your joints are sore best thing is hot water to increase blood supply and make your joints more mobile.

I rarely have pain in my joints.

I hope this helps.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Patricia (Merseyside) on 10/07/2015

Chevieman, Thank you, great post.

Posted by Butterfly (Albion, Mi) on 10/06/2015

Hi, I have tried acupuncture 4 times but very painful for me. I was so bummed, but I balled like a baby, he was trying to help the pain in my feet so I could take my long walks, he stuck needles between my toes and I literally balled and he stopped. Now we are doing Lidocane injections. I was wondering if anyone on here has had Breast Augmentation? I had it done in 2001 and I have researched this that it will cause Rheumatoid Arthritis. I have changed all my eating habits, I cut out gluten, I drink Apple Cider Vinegar, I make green smoothies and fruit smoothies, cut out sugar. so now I know my Acupunture may be right that it's the augmentation. Anyone else go thru this?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Patsy (Liverpool) on 09/30/2015

Thank you all so much for responding to my post there are some great snippets of advice from you all I do appreciate it.

I will look into that book "Overcoming Arthritis" as for Tramadol, I can't take them they make me so dreadfully sick. I take the LDN at night before bed bc I read it's between 2am and 4am that our body produces endorphins. thanks tho :-)

I do have the magnesium spray and I have a foot soak with epsom salts which takes the pain away for a short while. I also take gluco/chond/msm magnesium, ptssum, gluten free I was dreading bc I know I will struggle and I weigh 7 and half stone my diet is very limited. Anyways will be taking up some of your advice for sure thank you all again.

Chevieman, thank you so much for that information it is invaluable and I will print this thread, what you say has restored some hope and as well as a few other things I'll go at the boron again bc that was the most disheartening I believed it would work and I did have a mega herx. It made me mad when it never did what it said on the label kinda thing.

I'll include vit K, some reishi mshrm, the probiotic deffo ordering these things right now so thankyou your posts have restored my faith and lifted the heavy cloud.



I love this site it's awesome and I tell everyone who'll listen to check it out :-)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Susan (California) on 09/28/2015

Try castor oil packs. I don't know if they cure the RA, but they are very soothing.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Alan (Hudson) on 09/28/2015

Patsy, as a fellow RA sufferer I pray you find the blessed relief that has given me my life back. My RA had progressed to the point where most of life's physical needs hurt more than they were worth. I was near hopeless and imagining a life dependent on my wife and family at 60 yrs. old. After trying many things without success I tried Turmeric on the advice of an Indian grocer and the tide that had been rolling unchecked turned!! For me, 5 grams turmeric powder with 1 tbsp. walnut oil and 1/2 tsp. Rose hip seed powder in milk (I use cashew milk)...2x a day. I also eliminated most all wheat products. I buy the turmeric in 5lb. lots and it lasts quite a while...walnut oil is pricey but is high in Omega 3 and turmeric is best absorbed with fats and pepper. I still get stiff and sore when I rest but am able to handle the many physical demands of my farm. I hope this helps you find some relief.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sp (New Jersey) on 09/28/2015 30 posts

Hi Patsy, I had full body arthritis. I went 100% gluten free, (checking all food labels and websites and celiac sites), for a different health problem. Going gluten free didn't do a thing for that problem, but it cleared up the full body arthritis. It was miraculous for me. It's hard to go gluten free, but it was so worth it for me.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 09/27/2015


I am so sorry you are suffering so terribly. Please know that LDN can take up to a year or more to achieve the full effect. Since it can be taken with anything EXCEPT opiate based drugs and it does seem to be working to a certain degree for you, perhaps you could continue taking it and use your pain meds at night if LDN is taken in the morning? (It can be taken at any time of day) Have you tried adjusting your dosage either up or down? Maybe add some Apres flex bosweilla? Some people take tramadol (sp?) for pain at a different time from the LDN with success.

Best wishes and I hope you find some relief soon.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Anon (Usa) on 09/27/2015

Perhaps the following would help but please google and read first before committing:

D3/K deficiency isn't this a major problem in the UK? Did you take K with the d3? Jeff Bowles wrote a book on this and did his own study taking very high doses of D3 along with vitamin K. His book might be helpful to read or you could just read the reviews on Amazon.com.


Garlic would large doses of garlic perhaps in capsule form to rid the body of the bacteria that may cause RA?

Hydrogen Peroxide Food Grade

From Road Back Foundation Discussion Forum a reader suggests drinking small drops of HP in water or actually spraying food grade HP directly on the area of pain.



Have you had a chance to read Overcoming Arthritis by Dr. Brownstein? Perhaps there might some nuggets of wisdom waiting for you to find that might be helpful.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Myway (Usa) on 09/27/2015

Calming down the inflammation is key (as you know) so, here are my suggestions. My neighbor, who took methotrexate for a couple years, has RA but it is improving tremendously with the following regimen:

1. Turmeric capsules 2X a day

2. Black seed oil (nigella sativa) 1 tsp 2x a day

3. Spraying magnesium oil on joints nightly and in morning

4. 1 Tablespoon of unrefined, organic, virgin coconut oil 2X a day (put it in food)

5. No sweets, no grains

6. Lugols iodine (I don't know the amount)

7. 4 mg astaxanthin, 2x a day

8. 8 glasses of filtered water a day

It has taken her about 3 months to get about 80% improvement with this regimen. She was taking boatloads of meds but was tired all the time. The meds were taking it's toll.

I hope this information gives you hope, Patsy....

:D MyWay

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Patsy (Liverpool, UK) on 09/27/2015


I was diagnosed with RA at age 27. I'm now 50 and for many years I took methotrexate and lived in denial. I've had surgery on my feet several times. I began trying to find a solution through diet 3 yr ago. I gave up meat followed by dairy.( I had read these were triggers) however my RA was creeping back so I did a workshop with a health researcher who 30 yrs previous had cured his own RA and told me it was either a deficiency, diet or a possible food allergy and recommended Patrick Holford's Say No To Arthritis. (I was now taking a variety of nutrients recommended: vit C, vit D3 10,000, MSM, Fulvic Minerals, and still it was progressing.

After reading his book, I was certain a food allergy was my problem. I paid £250 for a york allergy test (food) however the results weren't conclusive I was allergic to meat, fish oils, sea food. Mostly stuff I didn't eat. Milk weren't there so I started having milk again on my porridge. Then I discovered "The Borax Conspiracy" article. Again, I was convinced I had found the solution. I ordered the boron supplements and started on 9mg Triple Boron Complex (x3 3mg) as recommended reading all the testimonals and believed again I had found the solution. 5 days into boron and I had the worst herx, I struggled downstairs with every part of my body hurting like never before. I believed this was a good sign and continued meantime I included different nutrients so I'm now taking Vit C, D3, boron 9mg, sellenium, potassium, flaxseed, magnesium, vit B1,2,3,6,12, and folate. The herx didn't subside, it just sent my RA into overdrive and now I'm swelling and hurting in other places that weren't affected and has made it worse than ever.

Starting to feel deflated and defeated, I read about LDN, surely this is the answer my thinking was: I have had this condition so long my body doesn't know the war's over and 8 wks ago I started on LDN tbh. I didn't think it was doing anything and my RA is so bad my consultant wants me on medication (another trial) bc I have 20+ inflamed joints, and I'm really struggling.

Last week, I forgot to take my meds 1 night (LDN) and next day I was in pain so I do believe it's having an effect, however it's not putting me in remission. I am now so disheartened and don't know were to turn or what to do next I can't bear this pain. I'm waking through the night for pain killers it's just not stopping. I am so deflated and sick of pain.

I'm useless and can't do simple things, I can't plan ahead, my life is so limited I chose to stay in bc everything is a struggle.

I'm now trying ACV but it's soul destroying when nothing works. Any advice is welcomed. I'm struggling with depression now. Sorry this is a long thing.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Askmeaboutgmos (New York) on 09/19/2015

Apple cider vinegar (organic with the "mother") and getting back to walking worked for me. You have to drink 1 to 2 Tbsp. a day or your pain will come back and daily walking also a must. I'm recently diagnosed with arthritis, knee tear and after finally sticking with the ACV and getting back to walking I am feeling great. We've got to keep moving.

Dietary Changes, Apple Cider Vinegar, Herbs
Posted by Ash (Chicago Ill) on 09/14/2015

Hi Wendy,

Read your post twice, I was impressed to see the result and your dedication, I just turned 40 and since few years dealing with excess calcium in my body, Had great biopsy and came as fibroadenoma and after that a bone spur in my neck and now RA symptoms in my arms and toes and whole body hurts now and then but that is not bad, Hate to take any meds and now I'm sick and tired of pain and agony 24 hrs, please advice me a help me.

Thank you for the Answer

Dietary Changes
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 09/13/2015

DMSO might help too...Google "60 Minutes Dr. Jacobs DMSO"....a three part series done by Sixty Minutes years ago on the benefits of DMSO. RA is one of the ones discussed.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Anne (Laguna Beach, CA) on 09/12/2015

I tried acupuncture two times before my RA diagnosis. I will tell you the best thing that has helped my RA. It is eating a lot of raw vegetables and fruit and make sure to juice 2-3 times a day with fresh vegetable/fruit juice.

I still eat meat and fish, but I eliminated grains, dairy, nightshades, beans and nuts. My labs are much better and my anemia is almost gone. My hemoglobin had been an 8 while on the awful RA medicines. Now my hemoglobin is 11.4, it is almost normal. The RA medicines make me anemic. When I am taken off of them for awhile my anemia goes away.

Eat a vegetable salad for a week with some fish or chicken if in a flare and see if your inflammation comes down, it helped my pain levels come down.The juicing of vegetables and fruit is good because more nutrients get into the bloodstream. Eating 2 apples and 5 carrots would be ac hore, but juicing them insures a lot of vitamins and minerals to heal from RA.

I have healed some frozen joints doing this. I had joints that had no range of motion for over a year and then SLOWLY they became loose and started to move again, it is wonderful to see healing, when it felt like there was little hope.

Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 08/14/2015

Chevieman, but doesn't L-lysine bother the liver if you take too much?

Posted by Chevieman (Maine) on 08/13/2015

Lysine puts RA into remission. All auto-immune disease is attached to a herpes virus. Make the herpes virus go dormant with the Lysine and the RA goes into remission. Arginine aggravates RA.

You need to take at least 8 grams a day in the morning on an empty stomach if you want results. It should put it into remission within 2 months or less.

Chicken Cartilage
Posted by Phyllis (Vero Beach, Fl) on 07/31/2015

Google Borax for arthritis. It has helped a lot of people.

Chicken Cartilage
Posted by Rose (Dallas, Texas Usa) on 07/30/2015


Can you please tell me what brand of Chicken Cartliage you ordered? I too was diagnosed with Rheumatoid and have had very bad reactions to the medicines. But am afraid of going back to the crippling state that I was in at the beginning. There are so many products out there that I just don't know which to choose from. I would greatly appreciate your input on this. Much thanks, Rose

Chicken Cartilage
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 07/30/2015

Michael, I live in Qld. could I have the supplier in Perth? I couldn't find it via eBay, etc.

Chicken Cartilage
Posted by Michael (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) on 07/29/2015

I have suffered with Rheumatoid Arthritis since 2004 (age 42 then) mainly being on Methotrexate and at times Prendisone. Eight years into the condition I had many flare-ups and took large doses of combination fish and krill oil five years into the condition which did help take the worst edge off the inflammation and at times reduce it quite significantly. Stress and too much consumption of animal fats would contribute to inflammation.

By 2012 I was experiencing nausea for three to four days after taking the weekly dose of Methotrexate, which was simply just more impact on my life. I read on this site (I think) about a Harvard University trial of French Organic Chicken Cartilage tablets. There was success according to the study with some patients going into a kind of remission.

I immediately ordered several bottles from the supplier in the US (but now available now Perth, Australia) and started taking it. Within about 6 weeks I noticed my symptoms reducing enabling me to trial going off the Methotrexate. Today in 2015 I am virtually symptom free with returned use of my limbs, hands and no swelling in my feet and knees! The active ingredient in the Chicken Cartlage tablets apparently is type 2 collagen. I ran out of the Chicken Cartilage tablets about 6 months ago and haven't gotten around to ordering any more. I am largely still symptom free!

I stopped going to the Rhuematologist about 6 years ago as I didn't feel they were listening with regards to the moderate success of the fish oil...no point in spending $$ on someone who didn't appear to want to listen to how and what I was doing about the condition.

I would strongly recommend any sufferer of RA to give this a go! I have had my life returned to me!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mimi (San Clemente, Ca) on 06/30/2015

Dear RU,

Sorry to hear about your RA pain. I watched "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead" and it teaches how the body can heal itself if we stop poisoning it with sugar, processed junk and avoid dairy, grains and nightshades. My labs improve and my swollen joints improve when I stay on a raw food diet, not raw meat, raw fruits and vegetables.Try eating just raw fruits and vegetables for two weeks and you will see and feel an improvement. I like high dose of vitamin c for my choice of supplements. Hope you feel better.

Sesame Oil Massage
Posted by Rebecca (Pennsylvania) on 06/19/2015

You may want to web search the book called The Road Back by Dr. Thomas McPherson Brown. It has information about antibiotic treatment for rheumatoid arthritis using tetracyclines...including minocycline. Interesting info for rheumatoid sufferers...

Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 06/16/2015

Dear Mateen (Milwaukee Wi US)

I have the same but it is very much in remission due to:

Organic black strap molasses up to two tblsp. a day diluted in very warm water and taken with a straw.

Very warm pure untreated sesame oil massaged into the painful knee. any time.

Turmeric, one teasp. twice daily in very warm milk on its own and turmeric in all cooking with coconut oil one half tsp.

This is my protocol which has always been very effective.

The dosages are normal and more is not better.

No white sugar and processed foods.

I hope it will help you as it is helping me.

The body is becoming more flexible and no pain gradually.

Namaste, Om

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 06/16/2015

Dear Mateen,

We have used turmeric with success for pain of many sorts. Turmeric is a wonderful anti-inflammatory. I wouldn't hesitate to try it for RA.

Reducing sugar and also drinking things that will help to alkalize your body may also help a surprising amount. I have found a lime-sodium bicarobonate drink to be especially helpful for pain. In a tall glass of water, add 1 Tablespoon of lime juice and 1/2 teaspoon baking soda. Sometimes I drink this several times a day.

I was recently reading of the importance of magnesium to people with RA. If you do not supplement with magnesium in some way, you may want to try that, too.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Mateen (Milwaukee, Wi) on 06/16/2015

I have RA in knee I refuse to take medication due to side effects. I am in so much pain. I heard about turmeric wondering if anyone has used it before, if so was it helpful? I am 61 years old, not as active due to discomfort in knee. I need my life back..

Sesame Oil Massage
Posted by Becky (South Carolina) on 06/09/2015

My mom has severe RA. I started taking care of her a year ago. But not before so much damage has been done by RA and RA meds. But I did start rubbing her down with sesame oil mainly because of the condition of the skin on her feet. Her feet was like scales on a fish and the smell was terrible. Where she had ulcers had left dents, that were hard. Her toenails thick and deformed looking. The daily rubs took care of all of that.

Then she allowed me to rub her down with the sesame oil all over. No more pressure sores and gradually no prescription pain meds, then no over the counter pain meds. My mom had been taken off any RA meds in 2013 when she had a severe infection that kept her in the hospital from Feb 2013 to mid June 2013. I had no idea what all RA affects, its not just joints and you don't find all the info in one place or at least I haven't. Swallowing, the mind, blood vessels, lungs, heart, etc ... And the RA meds have their effects.

I read years ago about research done that I can no longer find it. The research showed that long term of some type of antibiotics that would rid the body of RA. Anyone know of this research done in the 50s or 60s? I have read a lot on Holy Basil, but not on any references to RA . Since I have read of the research, then recently on Holy basil and wondering if it could possibly help. Has anyone tried it? I did find it a few weeks ago and have it growing.

Vitamin D
Posted by Ray (Calgary) on 06/02/2015

Vitamin D a NO-NO

Haven't been here for a while. But noticed something to alert people about. At another site, Mercola.com they advised RA patients to take vitamin D. What? Seriously!

I hope nobody here ever does such a thing.

Yes, vitamin D is low in RA patients but that is not a cause, it is a symptom. The attacking bacteria destroy vitamin D receptors. And pumping up on vitamin D will not solve the problem. It's like seeing low air in a broken balllon and thinking you just have to keep pumping in more air and all will be well. Not so. The balloon will stay deflated because of the hole. So all that vitamin D goes to waste. So don't try to take vitamin D for RA.

But it could be much worse (maybe even worse than taking copper). Over the last few years I've noticed that every time my wife was pursuaded to go to vitamin D her RA flared up. Trying to stimulate a broken mechanism is a bad idea.

For further information try an article in:

Annals of NY Academy Science, 2009, Sept by Waterhouse and Perez aned ALbert on called "Reversing bacteria-induced vitamin D receptor dysfunction is key to autoimmune disease"

Posted by Sp (New Jersey) on 04/28/2015 30 posts

Hi Joi, MSM and vitamin C do work synergistically together, but I have no idea if it would help with the heart palpitations. I used to take MSM for my full body arthritis but what really did the trick for me was going 100% gluten free. Within the first week I could feel the difference and in a matter of months I felt so much better I could walk and take stairs without pain. It's hard to go 100% gluten free, but it's worth a try. It's so worth it for me. Good luck.

Posted by Art (California ) on 04/27/2015 2370 posts

Have you tried the borax remedy? MSM was helpful for me, but borax was much better with no apparent side effects.


Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 04/25/2015

I was just reading your answer before coming on the earth clinic, always looking for solutions. Msm lowers vitamin c so I take mine together. Vitamin C affects elasticity (in the form of collagen in blood vessels)

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