Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for MRSA: Effective Solutions for Infection Control

USA MRSA Epidemics
Posted by Brenda (Camden, Tn) on 08/14/2009

Please do another survey on MRSA. Been fighting it for 2 months and have been told by numerous medical personel that it is almost a epidemic here in West TN. I also have Lupus that seems to make it harder to get it cleared up. Thank you for you advice I am goiing to try the Natural way because the other is NOT working.

Is there a link between MRSA and Lupus?

Posted by Jag (Toronto, On) on 08/12/2009

Of course garlic is good, but on these forums of needy people, some elements are trying to make money by selling products at much higher prices and promoting specific brands which they sell. Be careful and don't buy from these inhumans.

EC: Yes, and thank you for pointing out this post! Most of their other posts were removed long ago... We are leaving this one on the site (now fully edited) to show how companies submit posts with key words that repeat over and over in order to bring up favorable results on Google.  In this case, certain words describing a certain garlic supplement were used repeatedly.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Ted (Long Beach, Ca) on 08/03/2009

I picked up a Staph infection from a friend who had slept on my sofa. After, 7 days-I got 3 skin eruptions on my inner thigh and starting feeling sick. After seeing a doctor-he wanted to put me on a string of antibiotics. Antiobiotics usualy leaves me with a yeast infection or thrush. After having such bad experiences with antibiotics, I went and got oil of Oregano for about 20.00 I used 4 drops in water and 1 drop under my tongue, Within 2 hours-my energy came back and I started to feel better. After 5 days-I can no longer tell that there was anything wrong with me, in the first place. I used oil of Oregano before when eating out because most restaurants are very dirty and full of workers that carry bacteria, so it has always worked for food poisioning but it also worked for staph and the boils that appear as a sympton of this infection.

Posted by Helen (Clearfield, PA) on 07/31/2009


People who are susceptable to MRSA and boils shouldn't use cornstarch-based body powders. Why: because cornstarch is a perfect growth medium for staph, and it is my contention that the use of cornstarch-based body powders has been a contributing factor is the rise of staph infections in general. But the more staph infections there are, the more likely one is to eventually get a resistant form, and who wants to play those odds?

p.s. Staph can cause boils without neccessarily being antibiotic resistant.

Raw Honey, Bleach, Supplements
Posted by Sara C. (Park City, IL) on 07/30/2009

I went into a serious case of SAD last winter, didn't eat properly, and compromised by relatively healthy immune system. The 1st of January, got a nasty scrape on my left leg that was abut six inches long and really back. I washed it with hydrogen peroxide and let it dry, then went on about my business. Big mistake. The next day in the shower, I found a red, sore bump that looked like an ingrown hair, but couldn't pull that out. Two days later, the scrape got infected. I put an OTC polymycin salve on it, found that it didn't work and that I was allergic to polymycin. The infection spread, became extremely painful, and by Feb. 1 I was begging to panic, because it should have just dried up and healed. I figured out that I had a staph infection that was getting out of control, in spite of my efforts, and then read about a low hemoglobin count as something that will give you susceptibility to rashes in a medical column, so I started taking iron pills and the infection seemed to stop, but would not clear up. It was so painful that if I took off the bandages, it felt like my skin was on fire because every nerve ending was exposed to air. I spent thirty seconds in the shower one day, crying in pain. I was desperate to find a remedy. I knew it was staph, I looked up the symptoms and images of staph on the internet. I mean, you know these things, and I am frankly unwilling to go to an emergency room these days unless I have a broken bone. I found an antiseptic salve that is specifical directed at MRSA and other varieties of staphylococcus, but I was getting desperate, because I was not getting rid of the toxins in the scrape on my leg and it hurt all the time.

I went to bed that night, asking myself "What do I need to know to get rid of this infection? What am I forgetting?" The next morning, when I woke up, the first thing that popped into my head was "what are the medicinal uses of honey?" I looked up apitheray on the internet and there, right in front of me, was an entire page of the uses of honey, from the Egyptians using it in mummification, along with natrol, to Roman physicians using it to prevent wounds from becoming infected. I had a bottle of raw honey bought from an apiary last summer. The pollen grains looked like dust. I had bought it to work on my seasonal allergies in the spring, but decided to try it on my nasty, horrible wound, which was really worrying me. My whole body was trying to throw off this infection without a lot of help from me, so what did I have to lose?

I took a sterile wound dressing pad, put a tablespoon of raw honey on it, spread it around to cover the lesion, and plopped it, plus two others on the open areas. I did this daily for two days and took a hard look at what was taking place. The solid matter in an infection, which we call pus, is the dead bacteria and dead white cells that are killing them. The excruciating pain, the swelling and the spread of the infection stopped, but it took three months to get my skin to regenerate by granulation, which is healing from within, and close up the lesions. The last one closed up last week and has a healthy scab on it now, which I do not touch. I used the raw honey for a month and went to a great deal of trouble to keep the whole thing as clean as possible, but getting into the shower was very painful for a while. I knew I had won the battle when that no longer hurt. the sugar in honey is so concentrated that it draws water and the toxins in a wound to the surface, and the enzymes in raw honey will digest bacateria, help your white blood cells do their job.

However, staph is one mean little bacterium and won't give up. I have a set of eczematous lesions where it tried to start up again, and used the OTC staph antiseptic, alternating that with antiseptic washes and sprays. Then I heard a dermatologist reoommend a quarter of a cup of laundry bleach (sodium hypochlorite) in a tub of bath water, so I have used about one quarter teaspoonful in two gallons of water, twice in the last two weeks, to wash the skin on my leg, and it seems to be working. I also use peroxide. Just keep shifting the attack weaspons. Some of the eczema started because the paper tape I used took the top layer of skin off those spots and left it vulnerable. I've had bumps appear in my scalp that went away, tiny bubbles appear on my hands that leak clear fluid when they are punctured with a sterile needle. This thing will probably not admit defeat until I sit in a tub full of oatmeal bath additive or milk of magnesia, which is supposed to be healing. My skin has become rather dry, so I need a good, soothing bath salt. Are epsom salts OK for this?

I have noticed in all this that staph will get into anything: your hair follicles (kills the growing hair), your oil glands (dries out your skin), your mouth (blisters your palate), your clothing (use the laundry bleach, you can always buy more clothing). I continue to take the iron pill and upped the amount of lean beef I eat, as well as a multi-B vitamin and Ca/Mg/Zinc and A, D, and Natural E that I have been taking for years. This is seven months after the start of this, and the skin on my left leg looks like the worst sunburn in the world, but is slowly growing back with no scars. The hair follicles are recovering.

I forgot to credit my cat Lilly in this. Every night when I went to bed, I would visualize my Lilly chasing those little fuzzy staph bacteria and swatting them into ruins. I had a dream one night in which she chased them screaming down a long hallway into a huge pool of water. I believe it will take several more months for this to end, but I've learned my lesson the hard way: eat properly, get some exercise, take your vitamins and enjoy life. It's all we have.

General Feedback
Posted by Mai-lee (Upstate, N.Y.) on 07/21/2009

I was in the hospital for gallbladder surgery, And I got staff infection, that was about seven yr. ago. Since then my hair has lost it's shine and looks dry and brittle I had a very full head of hair, now it's very thin . could this have any thing to do w/ the staff infection? some one told me staff never leaves your system ? Thank you

Pink Grapefruit
Posted by Robin (Shakopee, Minnesota) on 06/27/2009 1 posts

Skin Lesions: My sweetheart had a black, odd shaped, itchy lesion on his right nostril. He mentioned it to his doctor whenever he went for a check-up and was given a steroid cream that seemed to help but whenever he'd stop using it the lesion came back. We thought it was a fungus when it spread to his cheek, but when he went back to his doctor they took a sampling of it and said it was 'due to the cold'. Minnesota is infamous for it's frigid winters!. He was prescribed another steroid cream, told to use it sparingly and everyday.. but the same thing happened soon as he stopped using it the thing would come back!

In our attempt to eat healthier we'd started having a pink grapefruit for breakfast. After a few days of the grapefruit, the itchy patch stopped itching and was gone completely within a week. Pink Grapefruit, no sugar, no salt...just peel it and eat it.

EC: Lesions inside the nose can indicate a staph infection...

..."If the lesion is inside the nose you most likely have a Staph infection. The treatment for the lesion inside the nose is to get a prescription for Centany Ointment and apply it inside the nose twice a day for 2-3 weeks. If the lesions is outside the nose then you have a cyst, most likely an acne cyst.

Manuka Honey
Posted by Timothy Tang (Singapore) on 04/14/2009

Try Manuka honey. Research has found it to be more effective in treating MRSA and Staph than clinical antibiotics.

Posted by CJ (Exeter, NH) on 04/01/2009

Yes!! kefir is a great tool helps alkalize the body as do other fermented foods. I drink goats milk kefir which does not have the lactose sugars that cows milk kefir does. I dont have time to culture my own kefir, or i would. the brand I use is _______, available in my area in health food stores, and even Whole Foods Market.

Turmeric and Manuka Honey
Posted by CJ (Exeter, NH) on 04/01/2009

There is hope!!! I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in late jan of this year. I then got a bad case of multiple painful MRSA boils in perineal and genital area from the colonoscopy. It was not promptly diagnosed by my doctor, so the boils grew for 10 days with no treatment. 3 had to be opened surgically and drained. one left a large deep wound on my buttock...I couldnt sit down for 2 weeks and had to have a visiting nurse come to pack the wound. I was hospitalized on IV vancomyacin 4 days after the MRSA diagnosis and lancing, then Zyvox for 10 days when i went home. the MRSA came back a month later in early March. 10 more days of Zyvox, it went away, then recently - a later after i stopped the antibiotic -- two more small boils showed up in genital area....MRSA again. needless to say, the antibiotics are not very effective long term, and have wreaked havoc on the colitis, killing off healthy intestinal flora and bringing back the colitis symptoms even tho I was mega dosing on high quality probiotics Critical Care Ultimate Flora 50 billion capsules by NewLife(200 billion organisms a day total which helped but the antibiotics still created diahrea). I do a lot of natural healing things, take a lot of supplements, but MRSA is really tough!! I am refusing to do more antibiotics this time with these new boils, and am just starting raw organic unfilterd apple cider and turmeric powder 3X a day to deal with this latest bout based on these recommendations here. A book that has helped me A LOT (and that also promotes apple cider vinegar, probiotics and kefir) is The Body Ecology Diet by donna Gates. A recurrent infection of any kind is often due to an overacidic body, allowing yeast to flourish as well as harmful bacteria which taxes the immune system weakening it so it cant fight the MRSA. I am alkalizing my body using THE Body Ecology Diet. IF YOU HAVE RECURRENT MRSA, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU READ THIS BOOK AND IMPLEMENT SOME OF THE SUGGESTIONS!!! I have only been doing it for less than 2 weeks and it has already resolved the colitis symptoms (in spite of the multiple antibiotic rounds and in spite of my GI doctor saying it would take 6 weeks IF I were taking the anti-inflammatory drugs which im not). I had a massive yeast die off and I am feeling so much better. I believe with this book plus the turmeric I will finally beat the MRSA for good! I also suggest for those with really recurrent MRSA to consult a good herbalist as there are several herbs that are very potent antifungal/antibacterial and they can be applied topically and made into a tea. It is the western medical systems over use of antibiotics that created this monster, and while antibiotics might be a good short term tool, in my opinion you need to get at the underlying condition in your body that is allowing to come back again and again.

Baking Soda
Posted by Gina (Pines, fl, us) on 03/11/2009

Hi my name is Gina,

4 months ago my brother has lesions appear all over his arms and on his under arms. The lesions were painful and in about a week the lesions filled with pus. The pay was unbearable, then my mom got them under her arms. They both went to the doctor and had them popped, lanced and drained and were diagnosed with MRSA which mimicks a staph infection but is much worse as it is a disease. We were devastated. I never got them until 2 months ago I must of shaved dry and 4 bumps appeared under my arms. Point is it doesn't matter how clean you are anyone can get it. Some remedies that have helped me are ones that I've experimented with. I will no longer be a victim of this infection!

Baking soda is 99.9 effective guaranteed once u start to suspect the head of the boil. Mix a teaspoon of water with baking soda till it is like a paste and apply it all around the infected area! Leave it for 30 min. Then gently clean it with a clean light colored (white) towel.

Wear only white cotton shirts while the wound is draining; as dark colors may bleed and cause a spread. This also applies to other infected areas. For example, if there is a boil on your back or on your buttocks wear light clothing, shorts, t-shirt etc. As far as pain relief to be honest you need to make best friends with naproxen or Ibuprofen. Buy a bath puff sponge and when taking a warm shower wash the infected area and massage it with the scrubber. Do not stick needles in it as you can cause blood clots, trust me it happend twice to me.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Chrystal (Apple Valley, California) on 02/10/2009

MRSA Experience--- We beat it!

On May 14th 2005, my 26 Yr old son noticed his thumb was getting very sore. No wound was visible. By Wed. the 19th, his whole hand was swolen and pulsing with pain. He went to a doctor and the doctor threw him into the hospital and they opperated that night. It was MRSA, and it was spreading from his thumb, through his palm towards his wrist. They took out a huge chunk of his thumb... about 1" square and 1/4th " deep, and ran tubes down towards his palm to try and squeeze out the rest.

I found out about it Saturday morning (the 21st) and called the hospital. They hadn't gotten all of it. He said they either had to take off his hand or he would die.

I told him to get out of there and get to my place as soon as he could. He took off with security after him!

I soaked his hand in 10 ppm Coloiodal Silver for an hour and we cleaned it out as best we could, then spread it with Bee Propolis and wrapped it up. I had him take 2oz of Coloidal Silver at 5ppm every hour and continued the daily soaking and 2oz every day. For good measure, I added 1 tsp food grade H2O2 per quart of water and had him take 4 oz of that every two hours and 2000 mg of good Vitamine C 5 times a day.

(Lets face it.. MRSA scared the s___ out of me. I was going to throw everything I could at it! I believed in the silver, but I was not going to take chances with my son's life!)

That first night he slept without pain for the first time in a week.

We continued the same treatment daily. By the 23rd, the hand swelling was gone and the thumb was already starting to fill in. It was still sore to the touch but no throbbing.

On Friday May 27th, the hole was less than half its width and very shallow. No swelling at all. A week later, he went to another doctor and the doctor refused to believe he had had MRSA or that he had the opperation any later than the 4th of May. He wrote it so in his report.

One week later he went back to the original doctor from the hospital, (the one that ordered his operation) and shocked him good. All that was left of the surgery was a small 1/4" scratch with a small band-aid on it.

Don't think he really believes what we did to cure it! My son was back to work fixing cars on June 10th. Absolutely no sign of the infection then or since!

NO bad infection can stand up to this kind of attack. Medicines may fail... but this won't!

God Bless,

Acai Berry, Aloe, Probiotics
Posted by Pat (Atlanta, GA) on 02/08/2009

Jennifer, this worked perfectly for me. It has been a month since I started this regimen and the MRSA has not returned. I altered you regimen a little, I only take 4 probiotics a day and I do not drink the aloe vera juice. I do indeed drink the Acai Berry and it has even helped me to lose weight. I got both the Acai Berry and Probiotics at Whole Foods. This regimen has helped my Staph and helping me to control my weight. I recommend everyone to try this regimen, its easier to do and no side affects to your body. Great Post Jennifer, thank you.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Judith (Lansing, Iowa, USA) on 02/02/2009

a few new suggestions for MRSA:

I just got over a bad case of MRSA - started with boils in my nostrils then spread to the corners of my mouth. I thought it was cold sores for a long time, until I started getting a bad rash and pimples all down my cheeks from the corners of my mouth down to my chin. Then it started at the outside edges of my eyes. It burned so bad it felt like acid was on my face. I got a lot of help from the remedies here, particularly the tumeric. I swabbed the inside of my nose with a mixture of glycerine, tee tree oil, Grapefruit seed extract and Thieves from Youngs Living essential oils, and added some calendula oil. I also sprayed my face with hydrogen peroxide and colloidal silver. My eyes were a particularly tricky area and what I found to be extremely effective was dunking my face in a bowl of cold ozonated water. I used an inexpensive water ozonator and ozanted cold water for about 15 minutes, then dunked my entire face, holding my breath for as long as possible. I repeated this for about 10 minutes - about as long as the ozone lasts before is becomes oxygen. It was very soothing for my skin and immediately relieved the burning. The rash around my eyes cleared up after the first try.

The other thing I found very helpful, which I have not seen listed here, is zinc oxide ointment - particularly the diaper ointment by Burts Bees - it has zinc oxide, Vits E & A as well as a number of herbs. I put this on my face at night and it really soothed the burning so I could sleep. But the best thing was it dried out the oozing and really sped up the healing process.

Thanks so much for this site - I hope my experiences and suggestions can help someone as much as others have helped me.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jamey (Kaufman, Texas) on 01/17/2009

I FIRMLY belive in the ACV for MRSA 1 teaspoon in a bottle of water 2 times a day has kept it at bay ACV applied directly to affected area also is very helpful.

Baths With Bleach
Posted by Mark (Charlottesville, VA) on 01/12/2009


I would be very careful about using bleach on skin.

Bleach damages tissue and can make it more susceptible to disease. For example, washing syringes used by IV drug users as was suggested for many years with bleach makes one more susceptible to HIV (plain soapy water works better).

It is well known that bleach can damage skin (see MSDS). In the event of "serios skin contact" with bleach it is recommended that you wash with a disinfectant soap and use an anti-bacterial cream. In other words, exposure to bleach can make you more prone to infection. 10:1 dilutions or 100:1 might be better tolerated.

By the same token, Nonoxynol-9 was shown to kill HIV in-vitro but in-vivo it was found it could do more harm than good due to tissue damage - after years of use by consumers.

Alcohols and hydrogen peroxide may cause tissue damage in some cases, particularly on mucous membranes. Alcohol gels at least contain things to make them easier on the skin and appear to be ok to use.

Sterile Manuka honey looks worth checking out. Wounds reportedly heal in about half the time compared to most modern treatments and it has been shown to be helpful on MRSA. Some pre-prepared manuka honey dressings have been FDA approved (but are expensive). But beware of diluted preparations. Pure sterile manuka honey can be imported in 500g jars and 25g-80g tubes of sterile manuka honey can be purchased in the US. Not all varieties of Manuka honey contain the same amount (or any significant amount) of the active ingredient that makes manuka honey more effective - it depends on the variety of manuka the bees feed on. Even plain honey has a very long history (8000 years) of being used as a wound dressing, though largely forgotten today with the aggressive marketing of commercial products. However, non-sterile honey may contain Closridia or other disease causing factors.

Tea tree oil is known to kill MRSA but if it is diluted too much it not only doesn't kill but breeds tea tree and antibiotic resistant strains quickly.
Dilute Benzalkonium chloride also breeds resistant strains. I have heard triclosan has the same problem but the research on that appears a little questionable.

Oregano oil appears to be a potent MRSA killer.

From personal experience, a water based gel lubricant (KY jelly/Surgilube/etc) is very helpful for fungal infections (better than more expensive anti-fungals). It helps moisturize (without promoting growth due to moisture) and heal the skin and the preservative used, chlorhexidine gluconate, is effective in very low concentrations against candida. However, the concentration is much lower than in chlorhexidine gluconate surgical scrubs such as hibiclens. Thus the suggestion to use tea tree oil in KY seems promising, though the tea tree oil concentration should be at least 5% (but not too much higher). Adding neem oil and oregano oil would be worth investigating. But the combinations haven't been clinically tested.

Strong disinfectants may do more harm than good due to tissue damage. Diluted disinfectants breed resistance. Whatever doesn't kill the bugs makes them stronger.

When cleaning surfaces, reuse of a wipe on more than one surface, and use of non-disposable mops, rags, etc. can spread MRSA.

I don't have MRSA (I hope) but my housemate is suffering from a post-operative MRSA infection.

Baths With Bleach
Posted by Carri (Greenville, SC) on 12/16/2008

Bathing in bleach CLOROX brand ONLY!!! And ONLY the plain kind, not gel or anything scented, is a very good flush for your body. This is a commonly used remedy to pull heavy metals from your body (among MANY other things). Mix one half cup plain Clorox brand bleach to your bath tub and fill to the level of your belly button when sitting. You can soak in the tub for 50-60 minutes for heavy metal reduction. If you think about all the horrible chemicals that are in your water anyway a little bleach is not going to hurt you, and actually probably nullifies some of the harmful chemicals. Don't knock it til you try it! I've done it for years to help with heavy metals (I fell so much better, by the way) and had no clue about the connection to healing boils, but am happy to know of it.

Posted by Sunny (Carlisle, PA) on 12/15/2008

Garlic (actually Allicin from ____) cured my MRSA. My husband got the first, he was tested by his doctor and was found to have it. He took antibiotics. It went away and came back a second time. Again he treated it with antibiotics from the doctor. Shortly after he got it. I got a painful boil just like the one he had. I did not go to the doctor to be tested. I was sure that it was the same MRSA that my husband had.

I took the strong garlic ___ orally, six a day. I also used the cream. My MRSA when away. I never had to go to the doctor. It has not come back. It was expensive but it was worth it.

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 12/14/2008 391 posts

Actually amoebas can manifest itself as a brain eating amoebas such as Naegleria fowleri, which enters through the nose and goes directly to the brain eating up the brain thus killing you. It's also amazingly resistant to heat, and can survive at 122 degrees Fahrenheit, low iodine and chlorine levels can't kill them easily, and many are now resistant against may forms of antibiotics. What is most interesting is some amoebas carry with them MRSA, it makes for a symbiotic existence. This also seems to occur even with viral cancer and fungus, as well as other symbiotic relationship that science barely studied. Anyway, there is some evidence that amoebas are most effectively killed with ozone better then chlorine.

"The ozone treatment is automatic and is supplemented with sodium hypochlorite and hydrochloric acid to a residual chlorine level of 0.5 ppm. Research has indicated that ozone treatment is more effective against amoebae than chlorine treatment. "


As to what is best to kill amoebas and MRSA, the answer is likely to be a mixture of iodine, sodium chlorite mixture, with milk of magnesia solution. The milk of magnesia is a magnesium hydroxide that kills MRSA directly, the iodine and sodium chlorite solution mixture is mostly geared to killing the amoebas. An alternative remedy is seen with the mixture of milk of magnesia (8% solution of magnesium hydroxide) in 1: 1 with hydrogen peroxide 3% solution, where peroxide is used to kill the amoebas, and the milk of magnesia to kill off the amoebas. The hydrogen peroxide is not compatible with sodium chlorite solution, but it's is compatible with an iodine solution, such as a 3% or 5% potassium iodide solution or perhaps sodium iodide.

As to the borax idea, I don't know about that one. That I haven't experimented. Although dehydration is essential to killing them and that's why milk of magnesia and hydrogen peroxide is used. They have a dehydration effect. A sea salt or salt is too painful.

What worries me is what happens if these amoebas enter our nose from infected swimming pools. Currently there is no cure for this and doctors are likely to try antibiotics which haven't quite worked out at all that I am aware of.

Turmeric and Manuka Honey
Posted by Nancy (Sunnyvale, California) on 12/13/2008

I made a list of things I take internally for most infections-colloidal silver, oregano caps/oil, olive leaf-Roex, Bee Propolis,* *monolaurin*, caprylic acid, goldenseal,turmeric, *baking soda*, Grapefruit seed extract,*Iodine* drops or sea kelp, cayenne, garlic, apple cider vinegar, alkaline ph drops/baking soda.Cloves for gum ailments.

Mix bag balm or oatmeal for topical with tumeric, cayenne, camphor, colloidal silver, sea salt, honey, baking soda, tree tea oil, iodine-hydrogen peroxide, hot compresses.

This should do it. I take in place of antibiotic perscriptions for anything that ails me. I take after surgeries also.You can also make misters or put in your humidifier. Just google each item for information for their uses.For Shows-Tulio Simocinci. Also, join Luck!Experiment!

Lots of Love

Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, Fl) on 12/05/2008

MRSA is apparently staph infected amoebas:

Ted: In one topic, you said borax kills amoebas. Other natural insecticides are Selenium and Sulfer and Organo-phosphates and neo-nicotines(B vitamins?)

Seems like you use a lot of this stuff for many ailments. Perhaps Borax should be required in a staph treatment?

ps. How long does it take to kill an ameoba in a test tube with borax... and what concentrations?

Posted by Carolyn (Hollywood, Florida) on 12/04/2008

At the end of 2006, I contracted MRSA. I still have scars from that early time before I learned about kefir. I only bought one batch of kefir grains in early 2007, and I am still fermenting using grains created from that first batch. I never took any antibiotics. After I started sipping homemade kefir all day and night, I have never had any more outbreaks, except one time in 2008, I stupidly cut back on the amount of kefir I was drinking and got paid back with an outbreak on my chest. I am sipping my kefir as I write this. My primary said my MRSA looks "dormant". Yes, it is "sleeping" but if I stopped kefir, it would rage up again. Mike is located in DELRAY BEACH, Florida, if any of you are near him. But he mails the grains out very fast and I will tell you they are fresh and very powerful.

I sprinkle some turmeric in a couple times a day. Mike will teach you all about how to make your own fresh kefir at home. Or write to me. BTW, I do not eat any kind of meat or fish, because they contain HEME iron which causes MRSA bacteria to rage up. I am 66, I garden, shop, do my web work, and live normally just as I did before I contracted this hideous MRSA. If I can do this, so can you! Anyone can email me anytime. I care about people with MRSA.

Posted by Lanette (Victoria, BC Canada) on 11/30/2008

I have have MRSA for the 4th time now and am allergic to sulfa now. I'm on Clindamycin and I'm scared to death of this. I was wondering if anyone knows where I can get allicin in Canada and colloidal silver. Does this really eradicate it? Are they both taken orally? Thanks so much.

EC: Most local health food stores in Canada will carry allicin (garlic) and colloidal silver.

Baking Soda, Salt, Honey
Posted by Samantha (Wendell, North Carolina) on 11/30/2008

Manuka Honey is what I use on me and my kids. Its at least $36 a small 12oz jar at Whole Foods but it works wonders on so many things. Hope that helps

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Bob (Ormond, Florida) on 11/27/2008

MRSA: i use grapefriut seed extract 125 miilagram 2 every eight hours. works twice as good as antibiotics and if you take 1 a day after that it seems to keep it away no side affects either.

Baths With Bleach
Posted by Jamila (Springfield, Va) on 10/28/2008

My daughter was diagnosed with recurring MRSA and one of the remedies both her doctor and her nurse recommended was adding bleach to her baths twice a week. They did not say anything about treating the boils, but it is supposed to prevent future colonization of MRSA when used in conjunction with an antibiotic regimine, daily disinfection of household surfaces, and daily laundering of bed clothes with bleach. I have read that bleach baths are also a great treatment for eczema, which my daughter also has.
