Phage Therapy
Phage therapy is the only real way to cure MRSA. Other "remedies" will help to keep the outbreaks under controls, but they will not cure it. There is a large and growing movement among health professionals in the western world to legalize phage therapy, but there is also a lot of resistance because phages can not be patented and patented drugs are part of the business model of western pharmaceutical companies. However, chemical antibiotic therapies stopped working a long time ago and now cause more problems than they solve. It is safe and effective and has been used to treat lots of bacterial infections for almost 100 years. Read about phage therapy. There are many websites that have information.
(New Mexico, United States)
I believe this to be the absolute truth. I have one of the most severe cases of MRSA/Visa that has ever been found in the U.S. After 6 1/2years of nightmarrish suffering and disfigurement, I am near death from the absolute total destruction of my health due to MRSA. I have tried every remedy and then some. Most all do NOT work (most on this site unfortuantely) and the ones that do are never seemingly enough. Phage terapy is something I am now considering, only I understand you must travel to Russia or the UKRAINE to undergo the specific procedure which is my only barrier currently. If there is anyone who has any specific information about this procedure or who could help please feel free to contact me. I could use a friend, Thanks Jon
(Morton, Wa)
Jon, have you tried ultraviolet blood irradiation? It's used in other countries like Cuba where there were no antibiotics. They are using it in hospitals in Texas now I've heard.
Pink Grapefruit
Skin Lesions: My sweetheart had a black, odd shaped, itchy lesion on his right nostril. He mentioned it to his doctor whenever he went for a check-up and was given a steroid cream that seemed to help but whenever he'd stop using it the lesion came back. We thought it was a fungus when it spread to his cheek, but when he went back to his doctor they took a sampling of it and said it was 'due to the cold'. Minnesota is infamous for it's frigid winters!. He was prescribed another steroid cream, told to use it sparingly and everyday.. but the same thing happened soon as he stopped using it the thing would come back!
In our attempt to eat healthier we'd started having a pink grapefruit for breakfast. After a few days of the grapefruit, the itchy patch stopped itching and was gone completely within a week. Pink Grapefruit, no sugar, no salt...just peel it and eat it.
EC: Lesions inside the nose can indicate a staph infection...
..."If the lesion is inside the nose you most likely have a Staph infection. The treatment for the lesion inside the nose is to get a prescription for Centany Ointment and apply it inside the nose twice a day for 2-3 weeks. If the lesions is outside the nose then you have a cyst, most likely an acne cyst.
In 2013 the mother of my wife became infected with MRSA after bowel surgery. Antibiotics weren't working at all, and she couldn't eat proper without vomiting. I gave her a multi-strain probiotic consisting of more than 10 strains plus FOS (Fructooligosaccharides) and she was healed within 1 to 2 days and could resume eating as normal.
Ingredients of the supplement: **
FOS (Fructooligosaccharides) 50 mg *
ConcenTrace® Trace Mineral Complex
(from the Great Salt Lake, 72 naturally occurring minerals, plus other minerals found in seawater) 12.5 mg *
Bifidobacterium longum 430 million viable organisms† *
Lactobacillus acidophilus 430 million viable organisms† *
Bifidobacterium bifidum 180 million viable organisms† *
Bifidobacterium breve 180 million viable organisms† *
Bifidobacterium lactis 180 million viable organisms† *
Lactobacillus brevis 180 million viable organisms† *
Lactobacillus bulgaricus 180 million viable organisms† *
Lactobacillus casei 180 million viable organisms† *
Lactobacillus helveticus 180 million viable organisms† *
Lactobacillus plantarum 180 million viable organisms† *
Lactobacillus rhamnosus 180 million viable organisms† *
Lactobacillus salivarius 180 million viable organisms† *
Lactococcus lactis 180 million viable organisms† *
Streptococcus thermophilus 180 million viable organisms† *
Bifidobacterium infantis 90 million viable organisms† *
** Not listing the manufacturer product name of course. The original product isn't sold in the exact same formulation anymore, and is now a 16 strain product. The original had 15 strains (they have since added Lactobacillus reuteri). Pretty sure I have the correct ingredients here but this was a few years ago... If I am mistaken then the other possibility is that it was a multi-strain SBO Probiotic (containing soil based organisms).
Hope this helps someone!
Probiotics, Acai
MRSA on a 3 year Old Boy
I have been fighting MRSA for the last two years. It got so bad just recently that after a round of 10 days of Doxicycline I immediately broke out right after the tenth day as if I had not been taking any antibiotics. During that period, I found this website and began treating my MRSA by taking 3 pills of Pro-Biotics and drinking Acai Berry Juice 4 times a day. I mean its gone!!! Unfortunately, most regretably and horrendously, my son has contracted MRSA. Here's the question. How do I treat him for MRSA with this regiment that I am following. Pro-Biotics say is for adult use only. What's the dosage for my little 3 year old? I know going to the doctor would be an absolute waste. Thanks for your help.
Raw Honey, Bleach, Supplements
I went into a serious case of SAD last winter, didn't eat properly, and compromised by relatively healthy immune system. The 1st of January, got a nasty scrape on my left leg that was abut six inches long and really back. I washed it with hydrogen peroxide and let it dry, then went on about my business. Big mistake. The next day in the shower, I found a red, sore bump that looked like an ingrown hair, but couldn't pull that out. Two days later, the scrape got infected. I put an OTC polymycin salve on it, found that it didn't work and that I was allergic to polymycin. The infection spread, became extremely painful, and by Feb. 1 I was begging to panic, because it should have just dried up and healed. I figured out that I had a staph infection that was getting out of control, in spite of my efforts, and then read about a low hemoglobin count as something that will give you susceptibility to rashes in a medical column, so I started taking iron pills and the infection seemed to stop, but would not clear up. It was so painful that if I took off the bandages, it felt like my skin was on fire because every nerve ending was exposed to air. I spent thirty seconds in the shower one day, crying in pain. I was desperate to find a remedy. I knew it was staph, I looked up the symptoms and images of staph on the internet. I mean, you know these things, and I am frankly unwilling to go to an emergency room these days unless I have a broken bone. I found an antiseptic salve that is specifical directed at MRSA and other varieties of staphylococcus, but I was getting desperate, because I was not getting rid of the toxins in the scrape on my leg and it hurt all the time.
I went to bed that night, asking myself "What do I need to know to get rid of this infection? What am I forgetting?" The next morning, when I woke up, the first thing that popped into my head was "what are the medicinal uses of honey?" I looked up apitheray on the internet and there, right in front of me, was an entire page of the uses of honey, from the Egyptians using it in mummification, along with natrol, to Roman physicians using it to prevent wounds from becoming infected. I had a bottle of raw honey bought from an apiary last summer. The pollen grains looked like dust. I had bought it to work on my seasonal allergies in the spring, but decided to try it on my nasty, horrible wound, which was really worrying me. My whole body was trying to throw off this infection without a lot of help from me, so what did I have to lose?
I took a sterile wound dressing pad, put a tablespoon of raw honey on it, spread it around to cover the lesion, and plopped it, plus two others on the open areas. I did this daily for two days and took a hard look at what was taking place. The solid matter in an infection, which we call pus, is the dead bacteria and dead white cells that are killing them. The excruciating pain, the swelling and the spread of the infection stopped, but it took three months to get my skin to regenerate by granulation, which is healing from within, and close up the lesions. The last one closed up last week and has a healthy scab on it now, which I do not touch. I used the raw honey for a month and went to a great deal of trouble to keep the whole thing as clean as possible, but getting into the shower was very painful for a while. I knew I had won the battle when that no longer hurt. the sugar in honey is so concentrated that it draws water and the toxins in a wound to the surface, and the enzymes in raw honey will digest bacateria, help your white blood cells do their job.
However, staph is one mean little bacterium and won't give up. I have a set of eczematous lesions where it tried to start up again, and used the OTC staph antiseptic, alternating that with antiseptic washes and sprays. Then I heard a dermatologist reoommend a quarter of a cup of laundry bleach (sodium hypochlorite) in a tub of bath water, so I have used about one quarter teaspoonful in two gallons of water, twice in the last two weeks, to wash the skin on my leg, and it seems to be working. I also use peroxide. Just keep shifting the attack weaspons. Some of the eczema started because the paper tape I used took the top layer of skin off those spots and left it vulnerable. I've had bumps appear in my scalp that went away, tiny bubbles appear on my hands that leak clear fluid when they are punctured with a sterile needle. This thing will probably not admit defeat until I sit in a tub full of oatmeal bath additive or milk of magnesia, which is supposed to be healing. My skin has become rather dry, so I need a good, soothing bath salt. Are epsom salts OK for this?
I have noticed in all this that staph will get into anything: your hair follicles (kills the growing hair), your oil glands (dries out your skin), your mouth (blisters your palate), your clothing (use the laundry bleach, you can always buy more clothing). I continue to take the iron pill and upped the amount of lean beef I eat, as well as a multi-B vitamin and Ca/Mg/Zinc and A, D, and Natural E that I have been taking for years. This is seven months after the start of this, and the skin on my left leg looks like the worst sunburn in the world, but is slowly growing back with no scars. The hair follicles are recovering.
I forgot to credit my cat Lilly in this. Every night when I went to bed, I would visualize my Lilly chasing those little fuzzy staph bacteria and swatting them into ruins. I had a dream one night in which she chased them screaming down a long hallway into a huge pool of water. I believe it will take several more months for this to end, but I've learned my lesson the hard way: eat properly, get some exercise, take your vitamins and enjoy life. It's all we have.
Red Wine Vinegar and Garlic Tablets
Morgellons Disease, MRSA: red wine vinegar, 1 tablespoon a day, for 3 or 4 weeks. Also garlic softgels,1000mg, 1 day a week, take five. The garlic might also be used for MRSA. This is what I use for all of my family, we do not go to doctors.
Rosemary Essential Oil
I had MRSA on my hand and they had me going in for intravenous antibiotics and that seemed to stop it from progressing but it would not go away. I came across a lady in England that told me to apply rosemary essential oil. So I did and believe this or not, within hours I could tell a difference. Looking back I believe the MRSA was killed directly and then it took a few days to heal the wound. It worked for me and I have since used the Italian herbs essential oils rosemary oregano and time for infections and injuries for myself and other people with great success.
I have come to realize the medical profession is not in the business of healing and curing, but they do have the best diagnostic ability and emergency rooms in the world but greatly ending there. The statement I was told they go by is "there is no money in a well man." Sounds reasonable.
Best wishes. if the rosemary works and it is convenient I would like your feedback about it.
ps: you pour it directly on and in the wound and internally if needed. I only used it topically.
Rosemary Essential Oil
I tried the tomato paste, the turmeric paste, tea tree oil, oregano oil, nothing helped, I had about 9 or 10 boils, took 3 times 7 days antibiotics (2 different kinds) and used antibiotic cream. The boils only started getting better when I after 3 months researching the web I found a page that had MRSA remedies.
From everything on that page I took a chance and decided to tried the activated charcoal poultice and also bought an activated charcoal soap to use while on the shower, this really helped but still the boils didn't go away completely until I used Rosemary Essential Oil.
WOW ... in 24 hours poof !! boils are healed ...
after 3 months finally the boils are gone ...
Do keep in mind that using the proper oral antibiotic also helped, but no change was notice until the rosemary oil was used, also showering with the charcoal soap really made a difference.
My advice is to read all the different cures that site I link it offers you, rotate the oils and herbs until you find the one that really does it for you.
Rubbing Alcohol or Acetone
Interesting MRSA fighting discovery!! It deals with solvent-based MRSA treatment.
I was suffering frequent outbreaks. From my cheek to my armpit to elbow, knee, finger, groin, butt, man, you name it.. I tried a bunch of remedies..
Turmeric, BS, Manuka honey? No go.
I'm a bad case!
I found out about how MRSA colonizes in the nose. Logic told me to clean my nose out. I had some rubbing alcohol. I had q-tips. I swabbed my nostrils with 91% rubbing alcohol bought from dollar tree. Then sniffed it in deeply and forcefully, & let the fumes get back in there. Oh it burns.
I've been doing this for a year. I haven't had a serious outbreak since. I used to have to go to the doctor a lot. Not any more.
I still get the pimples sometimes that could go big boil, but it's usually when I havent swabbed nostril in a while.
If I get caught unaware and end up with a lump, I scrub it vigorously with the alcohol on a paper towel, with a bit of hibiclens mixed on the paper towel with it. That does quite well at fighting it, but.......
Check it out.
One day I was at work and I had a painful MRSA boil starting on my knee. (they rubs the pants and its irritating as shmit) so i took a look-see around the shop....
Grabbed the old square can of acetone...
Used the vigorous scrub method...
MRSA bump gone within one hour!!!
Acetone destoys outbreaks.(for me)
As far as decolonizing completely? Idk.. Phages show promise. Not crazy enough to try acetone up my nose. I hate garlic (pills maybe)
Staphefekt maybe (look it up) or clys
Now my 2 & 4 yr olds have MRSA. What the #$&! I haven't swabbed their noses, and they get bad outbreaks and I can never catch them early, have not tried acetone on them either (don't go calling CPS) we're doing big pharma on the kids (mupirocin, antibiotics), but I'm doing better with acetone.
(New Mexico)
The best OTC product I know of for treating Mrsa Topically is TECNU First aid Gel. It works better than anything else and I have tried hundreds of products -- practically everything you can think of or have ever heard of. Tecnu First aid gel has benzethonium 0.20% (maximum strength allowed by the FDA) *Kills MRSA topically in 15 seconds* Tecnu also has Tea Tree oil and Lidocaine 2.5%to numb help as an anesthetic. It is no cure for certain, but it is helpful and will also help with the ungodly pain associated with the boils etc. You are on the right track by keeping your nose clean ;)
Best of luck to you.
Silver Gel
CVS antimicrobial silver gel (supposedly silvasorb brand sold as a generic). Diagnosed by lab as MRSA. went through Bactrim, and Levaquin treatment. A boil came back 3 weeks later on the same spot on my arm . I take turmeric and garlic. I have tried everything. I applied the silver gel to the oozing boil and got relief within hours. It is almost A WEEK LATER completely healed. PLEASE TRY THIS!! NOTHING ELSE WORKED AS GOOD AS THIS. IT IS ONLY 7 DOLLARS AT CVS. THANK GOD FOR THIS GEL. IT KILLS THE MRSA I AM LIVING PROOF THIS WORKS. I have also started taking oral colloidal silver.
(Warsaw, In)
My 18m.o. has had 4 severe MRSA cysts (diagnosed and tested by our family phys.) that have occurred primarily in the thicker tissue/fat in the legs and buttocks. After many rounds of antibiotics, we found that a silver gel (10ppm colloidal silver mixed with aloe vera gel) applied at the first sign of recurrence inhibited the growth and helped the cycst form a head and drain. Just another example of the antibacterial/antiviral properties of silver. Unfortunately cysts deep in the tissue are harder to pull to the surface. We found a new one tonight and my research led me to this site. I am going to try the baking soda along with turmeric and acidophilus.
Sleep, Hibiclens, Tea Tree Oil, Echinacea, Neem, Veggies
Have had recurring mrsa boils on my trunk area for the last 7years (2-3 episodes per year with 2-12 boils at once). Used minocyclene the first year with some results.Through out the years I have tried almost all the home remedies with very little relief. The tumric gave short term relief.Now I think I have it pretty well under control. My success was mostly due to the info I got from this site. Here's whats working for me: Get lots of sleep and take a good sleep remedy if you have to but you must get that full night of sleep every night. The Hibiclens wash 1 to 2 times a day along' with the tee tree oil and ky lubricant mix for your nose 1-2 times per day. Some echinacia,neem and lots of good veggies, less dairy and the alkaline fixes mentioned here. And you will beat the ^%$# out the mrsa in your body.
Staph Warnings
... As far as MRSA goes, I wouldn't be surprised if the boils were MRSA. I have worked in hospitals for a few years now, and the scary truth is EVERY hospital of any size has a patient with MRSA at least once a month. They expect it, and really don't do much to keep others from walking into these patients rooms without gowning-up, masks, gloves, etc. The only way I know that a patient has MRSA is if I happen to see it in their chart, or if they have parked a gown cart outside the patient's room. Bottom line: Don't go to a hospital if you don't want to be exposed to MRSA. If you have a friend or relative that works in a hospital or other health care setting, know that they are more than likely carriers of MRSA.
Staph Warnings
Please be careful at your Drs' Appointments. My child had a small scratch, went to a normal doctor's appt where he put the stethascope over the scratch. A couple of days later I noticed what looked like a pimple. I tried to squeeze it. It got bigger like a bug bite, but didn't go away. It tested positive for MRSA, the community acquired version. I had seen before that stethascopes are crawling with germs. How I wished I would have asked the doctor to use an alcohol wipe on it before examining her. Septra and Bactraban finally cleared it up. But now I have to worry about every condition being an outcome from MRSA. Once you have it, you are considered MRSA susceptible. Good luck out there, may you never get this menace!
Staph Warnings
This is what you have been saying in this forum. Hospitals try to keep the lid of secrecy on MRSA cases. Presumably, so that future patients will not be aware of the problem and will unknowingly subject themselves to surgery at this hospital. I learned that there is at least one case of MRSA at this large local hospital, but there is no mention of it in the news. The hospitals obviously fear financial losses more than the deaths of their patients. I find this disgusting, what about you? I should mention that the hospital in question is NOT located in Hollywood, Florida.
(Austin, Tx)
Staph Warnings
I got several staph infections, but was never tested for MRSA. January of 2004, I got one on my forehead and one on the hairline near my neck. I chose to lance them at home, which was the biggest mistake I could have made. The infection on my neck got into my bloodstream, traveled into my spinal cord and festered for nearly three months. When my back pain began, doctors could find no cause for it, so they admitted me to the local hospital after three trips to the ER in agonizing pain, and treated me for five days for Kidney infection and Kidney stones. Turned out it was MRSA in my lungs, blood, spinal cord, pneumonia and bronchitis. By the time they realized this my blood pressure was dangerously low, as well as my blood oxygen level. I had about six hours to live at this point. Thankfully a rather risky back surgery saved my life, as well as 2 months of severe antibiotic treatments, where I was given Vancomyacin through a groshong catheter directly into my aorta. Lesson here, if you get more than one staph infection, get tested for MRSA. I didn't, and the result is life long pain. My son was only six months old when this happened. He is two now and I can still barely carry him for long.