Natural Remedies

MRSA - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for MRSA. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.

Rosemary Essential Oil

Posted by Ron (Idaho) on 10/10/2021

Editor's Choice

I had MRSA on my hand and they had me going in for intravenous antibiotics and that seemed to stop it from progressing but it would not go away. I came across a lady in England that told me to apply rosemary essential oil. So I did and believe this or not, within hours I could tell a difference. Looking back I believe the MRSA was killed directly and then it took a few days to heal the wound. It worked for me and I have since used the Italian herbs essential oils rosemary oregano and time for infections and injuries for myself and other people with great success.

I have come to realize the medical profession is not in the business of healing and curing, but they do have the best diagnostic ability and emergency rooms in the world but greatly ending there. The statement I was told they go by is "there is no money in a well man." Sounds reasonable.

Best wishes. if the rosemary works and it is convenient I would like your feedback about it.

ps: you pour it directly on and in the wound and internally if needed. I only used it topically.

Topical Application of Povidone Iodine

Posted by Jon (New Mexico, United States) on 04/26/2018

Editor's Choice

For a MRSA Boil, Povidone Iodine 10%. Does not in the least burn your skin. It is the #1 way to kill MRSA topically. Of course it will only kill the bacteria topically, but for the surface wound and area nearby it is the best solution. I mix 10% Povidone Iodine w/a couple drops of neem oil and a couple of drops of 91% straight alcohol together for a stronger disinfectant with better skin penetration. It helps control the growth, and will kill the MRSA bacteria topically in less than 15 seconds. I have tested this in a lab and used the formula on myself for years.


Posted by Niall (Indonesia) on 02/08/2017

Editor's Choice

Hello everyone, Niall again here with some updates.

The following are updates dating from the 1st of January 2017 or two days since my half-hearted experimental self-treatment with turmeric. Now, I'm serious about the regimen regarding infection control.

Day 1:

Infection on Elbow fold: Oozy, weeping slightly milky and yellowish discharge, crater is swollen and red, no new accumulation of pus in tissue surrounding crater. Skin is dying outside the rim. Gradual swell and redness on skin extends from crater, 4 inches to arm and 2 inches to biceps area and elbow. Noticeably tender to the touch, impedes free natural movements.

Infection on hand: The boil popped yesterday and it is starting to swell. Skin that formed the boil fell in and it is now accumulating pus. Little pain but redness is spreading.

Infection on lower arm (Initially a small but open wound - infected through indirect contact): Excessive discharge of milky liquid, crater is filled with semi-solid yellow substance, looks like dead tissue still clinging to living ones. The previous pale red is getting brighter, swelling and pain have decreased perhaps by 30%. No new accumulation of puss around inner perimeter, but it is still constantly weeping from the center.

~Treatment: Fresh turmeric root 80%, fresh garlic cloves, 15 %, fresh candle nut 5%. Turn to paste, bring to boil and cool it again. Apply with gauze. Change when stiff and dry.

Day 2:

Infection on Elbow fold: Crater is bigger. Base of crater is filled with semi-solid yellow substance, oozes slightly milky liquid which turns flaky when draining on its own, no new accumulation of pus. Cellulitis hasn't reduced much, I still have troubles moving my arms freely below the elbow, I can't even straighten my arm without feeling pain – like trying to stretch untrained muscle.

Infection on hand: Showing symptoms similar to that of elbow fold. No Cellulitis.

Infection on lower arm*: Morning to afternoon was similar to previous day. But in the evening when changing gauze, the yellow mass inside the crater was ripped out with the dry turmeric. It shows bright pink flesh, very little milky substance left and it bleed. Never seen this spot bleed since the infection, so this must be good.

~Treatment: For elbow fold, liberal application of turmeric paste onto the skin to cover areas with cellulitis, then wrapped (but not tightly) with clean strips of bandage. I am beginning to look like Homer Simpson now.
~Treatment*: For infection on hand and arm, I'll try a new trick, I'm making gumdrops.
Virgin coconut oil 1 tsbp
Raw honey (not the famous Manuka) 2 tbsp
Coconut shell coal tar/oil 2 tbsp
Existing turmeric paste 2 tbsp
Corn flour 2 tbsp
Crushed garlic 2 cloves

Mix all thoroughly and slowly heat on a pan, add drops of water as you go. You'd get thick and lumpy goo that you can rip out in small chunks like gumdrops. I stick a lump on the infected spots that are not too weepy and secure it with bandage. This is what “ripped out" the dead tissue in the crater.

Day 3:

Infection on Elbow fold: Surface is dry. Crater looks somewhat smaller. Occasional breakage of scab oozes semi-milky liquid. Scab is forming well. On outer perimeter however, there are loose skins, raw underneath and it oozes out a tiny bit of clear liquid when I drain it. Cellulitis improved significantly. I can straighten my arm now. Perimeter of pain has reduced to 60% of the initial size. Redness is almost completely gone. No swelling at all.

Infection on hand:
Surface is completely dry and covered in scab. No pain at all except if I press hard directly on the scab. In the afternoon, I pinch-press it, and it oozes tiny bit of milky liquid. I can see new skin start to form.

Infection on lower arm: Showing symptoms similar to infected spot on the hand, including the small milky discharge. I ripped open the scab entirely and reapply fresh turmeric “gum-drop" onto the wound.

~Treatment: Gum-drops everywhere with occasional turmeric and coal tar ointment, applied topically. Except for the one on the elbow fold, I put ointment everywhere. I am morphing into Homer Simpson for real.

~Treatment Experiment: I can work with my left hand again now that moving the arm isn't an ordeal. So I make turmeric cream. Here is the recipe and instruction.

1. Mix 3 tbsp turmeric paste and ½ cup of virgin coconut oil. Bring to boil with medium heat, cool it the strain.

2. Mix 3 tbsp turmeric paste, ½ cup of water, 1 tbsp cloves powder, 1 tbsp cinnamon powder. Bring to boil with medium heat, cool it the strain.

Now you have turmeric oil and turmeric water. Now prepare a double boiler, when it is ready, re-heat turmeric water, let it steam (not boil), then put it aside and drop 2 tbsp of honey into it. Next, heat the oil, put in 1 tbsp clean of beeswax (or emulsifier). When the wax thoroughly melts, stir the mix for a couple of minutes and set it down.

Gradually compare the temperature between the turmeric water and oil, if you have thermometer, great. I do it with my finger wrapped in plastic. When they're about the same, pour the water into oil, and mix it. Hand mixer will do really well. In my case, I use egg beater and I beat rapidly till I felt my hand was going to fall off. Sweet old lady next door and her husband helped me turning the mixture into a cream. Now I have a jar of magic turmeric cream which hopefully can safe me the hassle of gauze and paste.

***PRO TIP***

1. DO NOT just mix the turmeric powder you buy from shop into your drink or apply it straight off the jar. The preparation of that powder may not be hygienic. Remember, that yellow powder you're drinking comes from a root, planted in soil. Unless it is specifically prepared for pharmeutical industry, it might be from the ground, to dryer, to crusher, to your table for all you know. ALWAYS sterilize your turmeric powder. Mix them in water then boil it. You should not take any herb from the market for granted just because it's antibacterial. Please don't get me wrong, turmeric is a great medicine. I'm just saying that, for this kind of product, it is better to exercise caution.

2. Try not to consume too much sugar when you still have infection. Staph bacteria feed off sugar. That is why I mix only a small measure of honey into my cream and paste, it's antibacterial but I don't want the bacteria to benefit from it in any way. Honey is sweet after all.

3. The old guy next door told me he had similar infection a few years ago and it was hurting him badly. He was and still is a farmer who could not afford to stop working even for a day. So he pounded some fresh turmeric, mixed it in oil and boiled it in a spoon with candle flame. Then he smeared some coconut oil & fresh aloevera mucus/gel onto the skin surrounding the infection, bite on a corn kernel and poured that boiling turmeric onto the crater of infection. He was in agony for like 10 minutes, but it killed the MRSA on the spot. He wrapped his infected calf with some rag and went back working in the field, barefooted. The infection never came back. Please do not do this if you have serious health problems but if you ever want to go Viking on MRSA, now you know how.

4. Wear old clothes and line your bed with old linens, or you will turn everything yellow.

5. Beware the stranger's stares. People will think that you're part of the Simpsons family.

Posted by Niall (Indonesia) on 01/31/2017

Editor's Choice

Hi, I'm Niall, 25, male, currently living in a rural area in Indonesia.

I incidentally caught MRSA through touching contaminated objects in a friend's house. I didn't realize his 8 year old son had a severe case of impetigo pustularis that covered most of his hands and feet. Obviously they didn't keep proper hygiene regiments.

I had a small cigarette burn on my right arm that just popped, and that was where the infection started. I initially thought it was just a common infection until I realize that it did not heal after 4 days. Even worse, it got bigger and covered in pus. Every time I cleaned it the surrounding tissue of the crater would simply swell and accumulate pus again. After my internet research, I found out what it was and began establishing regiments to control the spread and heal the current 3 open wounds. All showing similar symptoms (crater, pain, slight swelling, redness and puss).

I've just began treating the wounds with turmeric paste two days ago. I use freshly turmeric roots, some garlic and just a pinch of candle nut. I put them in a blender to produce fine paste, then heat it up in a pan till it boiled. I keep a batch in a jar for when I need to change the gauze that covers the infection. I changed it every time it is dry, I can feel it by the stiffness of the gauze.

So far, on the smaller two in my right arm, it shows minor improvements including significantly reduced pain, swelling and redness, and no new accumulation of pus around the ring of the infection/crater.

I had a pretty bad fever yesterday, and I surmised that it was from the one on my upper left arm, just above the elbow joint. It looks like cellulitis. The effect of turmeric paste in this area is similar to that of the other two, but the redness and swelling that spread to the lower, inner arm below the elbow shows little improvements. It not so red, but it hurts quite badly, even wearing a jumper or moving my arm is an ordeal.

On the brighter side, I found out that a mixture of turmeric oil and coal tar kill MRSA on the skin upon contact. Whenever I felt slight tinge or itch in places near where the infections are, I'd just rub the ointment onto it and it ceases right away. It is also effective for infection before the bacteria enters below the skin, when it's just a tiny weeny red dot without any pus or boil, just rub some turmeric-coal tar ointment onto it and it will disappears in an hour or so.

If you have suggestions about how I should deal with the cellulitis or how I can improve my regiment, please let me know. Also, the area where I live is pretty far from town, so no fancy medicines like colloidal silver is available. At the moment I'm resorting to traditional and herbal medicine to get rid of the infection, when I figure out how, then I'd try help that poor kid who's been plagued with impetigo for nearly two months now.


Ps. The nearest doctor is 3 hours ride away.


Posted by Kim (Fort Worth, Tx) on 10/23/2015

Editor's Choice

After battling MRSA for over 3 years now, I have tried Minocycline, Doxycycline, Clindamycin, Rifampin, Hibacleanse, bleach baths, Bactriban, mega doses of turmeric, garlic baths, garlic pills, garlic cream, mega doses of niacin amide, topical manuka honey, silver gel, silver solution, daily laundering of all bedding... The list goes on. Needless to say, as everyone who has ever dealt with MRSA can attest to, it has been extremely frustrating and depressing not to get rid of these painful boils and little itchy red bumps that always appear and take forever to get rid of. It's especially debilitating when these cover your face, neck, and arms. You feel like you have leprosy. So, after trying all of these "remedies" to no avail, I started making my own water Kefir ( a Probiotic) . I ordered 2 tablespoons of water Kefir grains on Amazon.

Step 1: I warmed up 4 cups of spring water ( chlorine and fluoride in tap water will kill the Kefir grains.

Step 2: I add 1/4 cup of dark brown sugar ( use this because the Kefir needs minerals and sugar to grow), and stirred until dissolved.

Step 3: Put the sugar water and kefir grains in a jar, secure the top with a coffee filter and rubber band, place in a warm dark place for 24-48 hours.

Step 4: Strain the kefir grains out.

Drink the probiotic water you now have, and start all over again from step 1.

The results are almost immediate. My boils and sores just start disappearing and drying up. I also put the kefir water in a spray bottle and spray it on my skin, and I put it in a nasal spray bottle and spray it up my nose. I have been doing this for about 2 weeks now and as long as I drink it daily, my skin stays clear. I'm hoping that by doing this daily for a few months, the MRSA will be gone for good.

I will add some research articles supporting the evidence that shows kefir kills MRSA and destroys the biofilms.

Anyone who has battled MRSA and has tried everything else, to no avail, please try this.
