Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for MRSA: Effective Solutions for Infection Control

Milk of Magnesia

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Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 02/16/2010

Possible Milk of Magnesia MRSA Cure

Hi Everyone...I have reported elsewhere on this site that I had what I thought was jock itch(tinea cruris). And I had this problem for 7 years. I tried everything -- all the drugs, creams and antibiotics to get rid of it. Even using Ted's alkalizing remedies and using ACV topically wouldn't make a difference.

But this jock itch was a little strange. Bright red skin discolouration around my upper inner thigh and genital area which went right round to the rectal area of my bum. Like I say, a little strange, perhaps this was a form of MRSA?

In the end, after reading a post by Ted, I just dabbed full strength Milk of Magnesia(MoM) all over the MRSA area after my evening shower and went to bed. It didn't sting at all but was in fact quite soothing. Then I would leave it on overnight and wash it off in the morning. This was my daily protocol. The MRSA or jock itch disappeared within 2 days, healthy skin again, unbelieveable !!

The MoM has a double action effect on bacteria/fungus. First, it has a pH of 10 -- a high enough pH to kill any bacteria, virus, fungus etc. Second, MoM is hydrophyllic -- drives away water and moisture. So the offending microbe is both attacked by the high alkalinity and, at the same time, all the moisture from within the organism is simultaneously sucked out and driven away. Result: no more MRSA.

Replied by Jean
(Willimantic, Ct)

Thank you Bill from San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines! I've been searching since last August for a way to heal what's wrong with me. What I thought was adult acne started exactly one year ago. Finally saw a dermatologist at the end of October. He only said I had a very severe case of eczema. I had to figure out on my own that it was seborrheic eczema, but it did explain why none of the acne images online looked like what I had. He cultured it and I saw him 6 weeks later. HE NEVER TOLD ME IT WAS MRSA until, in frustration, I went to an urgent care clinic and they informed me in the middle of January. That doc told me to use bacitracin and just plain water to cleanse my face.

Long story short, even after seeing an infectious disease doc in January, nothing I tried worked -- not tea tree oil, honey propolis, drawing salve, Bactroban, the appropriate oral antibiotics, the corticosteroid from the dermatologist, Betatine or even the Hibiclens. All of these helped a bit, but nothing HEALED. I searched and searched online for another example similar to what I had as I do not have boils (though have been wishing I had because there is info all over about treating them). YOU finally had something similar -- a fungal based red problem -- that responded to plain of Milk of Magnesia. I read your explanation of why and it made complete sense. I tried it in the middle of the day after going to the store to buy it and then showering. Within 24 hours I saw significant improvement. I am on day 3 and it continues working just as you described. The high pH is killing the exposed MRSA on the skin and is even reaching down below closed up lesions to destroy the MRSA that still lies there in the form of hard bumps that show as white through the skin.


Replied by Druid

Thank you, Bill. I have experienced similar over the past 7 months and am now happy to try your MOM recommendation and will report back with results.

MRSA, Antibiotic Allergic Reaction and Steroid-Induced Manic Episode

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Posted by Nick Yee (Mountain View, CA) on 07/06/2007

re: MRSA -> Severe Allergic Reaction to Antibiotics -> Steroid-Induced Manic Episode. Probably a worst-case scenario, but important for other people to know about drugs that can make things much worse:

Following the medical ordeal, the Prednisone induced a manic-episode that required psychiatric attention.

Multiple Remedies

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Posted by Shalom (San Francisco) on 11/20/2018


* 3% Hydrogen Peroxide (in a spritz bottle)

* Nano Silver Gel

* Antibiotic Cream

* Colloidal Silver Soap

* Baking Soda

* Activated Charcoal Capsals

* Coconut Oil

* Manuka Honey

* Silver Dressing / Bandage

* Cool Mist Vaporizer

DIRECTIONS: Use at least 3 times daily, morning and evening especially, prior to washing or showering affected area:


Stand in shower:

1) Generously spritz MRSA area with 3% Hydrogen Peroxide ("HP") rubbing it into site.

2) Let HP sit and bubble on MRSA site until almost dry.*

3) Take a small towel and vigorously rub MRSA site gently scrubbing old flaky skin off.*

4) Start shower or wash.

5) Use Colloidal Silver Soap and begin washing area.

a. Use a second Colloidal Silver Soap or silver gel soap and wash for non-MRSA areas all over.

b. Scrub and polish with baking soda.

c. Rinse off. Exit shower.

6) Take 1 clean towel pat dry MRSA site.

7) Spritz site with HP - rub and scrub MRSA area with towel again, gently exfoliating flaky skin, til dry.

8) Take a 2nd clean towel and pat dry non-MRSA sites.

9) Take Nano Silver Gel (Collodial Silver Gel) and Antibiotic Cream (combine) and rub all over MRSA site.

10) Cover with a (silver or manuka honey) dressing or air dry as needed.

11) Take 1 or 2 Activated Charcoal Capsals before bed

12) If necessary, add a 2 -3 capfuls of HP to Cool Mist Vaporizer and breath in as long as needed or comfortable before bedtime.

I read or work on computer and have my Vaporizer right near my face and nostrils breathing in HP vapors before. I do this for about 15 min to 1 hr. It adds oxygen to the system.


*This often stings (but not as bad as MRSA). As site cures, stinging will subside. Keep repeating at least 3 times a day as a routine prior to washing and showering. The flaky skin must be removed to not allow MRSA crevices to continue growing and expanding in them. Only use towel once.

Wash in bleach. Keep lots of clean towels on hand for this routine multiple times daily.

Ideally have one towel for MRSA site and a second for non-MRSA site. Do not use MRSA towel on non-MRSA affected areas.

Toss MRSA towels directly into washer with bleach. DO NOT let it touch other surfaces or your skin. Treat it like it has MRSA cooties (cause it does) and it is only fit for the bleach and soap filled washing machine.

All of the ingredients can be bought at Health Food stores like:,,,,,,, etc.

DISCLAIMER: Not affiliated with any of the vendors or makers mentioned here. This is for educational purposes only. This is not medical advice. For medical advice, consult with your Natural Health Doctor or primary care physician.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lene (Silver City New Mexico ) on 03/12/2017

I learned of this mrsa fighting herbal combo on a fb mrsa support group and it has helped me very much with joint pain fatigue and lesson breakouts substantially. I've been taking for three weeks now I noticed improving condition at the end of first week..

The combo is e tea capsules or essiac tea, natural fiber pill, red clover pill, colostrum pill..taken three times a day..I take the fiber in pill form but the e tea, red clover, colostrum I make a tea out of I add 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric, a drop of thieves oil, a drop of oregano oil, as much honey, black strap molasses as I want, a dash of black pepper, coconut oil a little blop, and almond or cashews milk..and drink it day and night..

I weakened mrsa mixing many natural cures and rotating them like raw living garlic eating and adding to bath, urine therapy, essential oils geranium, oregano, tea tree, thieves, lavrndar, colidiol silver taken inside n out, a nettie pot I use daily with natural remedy inside like distilled water colidiol silver or essential oil and urine or garlic water ect... inside, 75% raw vegan diet, drinking distilled water a gallon a day, vitamin c, e, b complex the kind you drop under the toung, biotin, trace mineral, kelp, spirilina, magnesium, e, d3, probiotic, giving up soap..I avoid soap on my skin I use a little Dr Brunner pepper ment or black seed soap on my smelly parts n hair..the rest of my body I rub with urine and rinse with plain'm so much better the doctors were useless n rude and even the nice ones could not help me ..I was being eaten alive inside n out I felt like I was dying..

I'm much better now..I feel better than I've felt in years..the mrsa grows weaker as I grow stronger..I cannot possibly do all of the above every day but I do some of all of the above every day and I rotate treatment. I'm not cured yet but I'm much much better ..also cleaning with borox and distilled viniger dishes laundry everything. I got worse before I got better but when I got better I got much better..also get a spray bottle n spray whole body with natural potions daily..mine has distilled water essential oils, colidiol silver and some times urine.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mary (Naples, Florida) on 08/13/2015

I was diagnosed with MSSA (methicillin susceptible strains). I'm told it is slightly less serious than MRSA. Doctors freaked me out a little by saying I must go on antibiotics and use antibiotic cream topically. I said NO and proceeded to do a ton of research. This site was very helpful. My "rash" was severe, legs, arms and back. Itching was almost too much. I tried many protocols but finally found what is working for the extend of this rash.

After four weeks of experimenting this is what I found. Everything I wear, sleep on and all towels get washed and bleached ( if possible) every day. Hot dryer afterward.

After awakening, I smash about 8-9 cloves garlic and let them sit for an hour. I take supplements, tumeric, colloidal silver, olive leaf extract, grapefruit seed capsules, Himalayan sea salt capsules. Then into a tepid bath with garlic and 8 oz of hydrogen peroxide (35% food grade). I stay in for at least one hour and if possible another half hour. Pat myself dry and smear on manuka honest. This I leave on for one hour. Then wash off and put on coconut oil. More supplements at noonish and evening after which I do the garlic, peroxide bath again, honey and coconut oil.

I was doing the bath only once a day and was not getting good results but twice a day has reall shown progress. I think if I could add more peroxide, I would have even better results but for me it was a comfort level. The honey helps with toning down the itching. I have been sleeping all night most nights and I'm thankful for that. Seeing progress now.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Meg (Naples, Florida) on 07/29/2015

I've been dealing with MRSA for almost two years but didn't know it. After going to a dermatologist with a small crusty itchy spot on my ankle, I was diagnosed with squamous and had MOHs surgery to remove. Shortly after, I had more sores pop up on both legs. I decided to try black salve and this seemed to work for a short while but is a difficult treatment and really didn't stop the spread. Then went to a new doctor and she thought the sores had a lymphodemic look. I was now scared I had lymphatic cancer.

I totally changed my diet. No gluten, organic raw diet and worked with herbal supplements both the ground herbs in capsules and tinctures. Lost all bloating and some weight but the sores kept multiplting. My doctor wanted a diagnosis so I went to a dermatologist who told me I had dermatitis!!! Wanted me to take prednisone. I refused and went to another dermatologist who told me I had Prurigo Nodularis. Wanted me to do a course of antibiotics. I refused but asked him to swab the sores and get a real determination. Several days later I received a call that I had MRSA. He insisted I take antibiotics. I refused. By this time I had a severe form of MRSA which is on both legs, upper and lower and both arms, back and chest.

I immediately began to research and am now finding relief from.

1) installed an alkaline water filter and began drinking lots of water.

2) I'm taking H2O2 35% a half cup in bath at night and after applying Manuka honey to all affected areas.

3) also Oregano oil rubbed in in the morning And 5 drops in water ingested.

4) ingesting optimized Curcumin capsules.

5) taking a probiotic

6) also ingesting a liquid liposomal Glutathione. I also use an EV coconut oil on my skin and in my food.

After four days, the itching is much improved and the sores are half and don't appear as deep. I'm sleeping through the night which is huge. I will add turmeric and hope it all works.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ky Mama (Clinton, Ky) on 11/19/2012

My four year old son had a staph infection on his ear and we were able to heal it naturally. At first, it looked like he had a tick bite on his ear lobe, and perhaps it was. After a few days it was oozy and inflamed.

I treated with tea tree and frankincense essential oil, diluted 1:1 with olive oil. I used charcoal poultices on it at night. (I mixed charcoal and ground flax seed with water to make a paste, put it on a paper towel and covered the spot on his ear with the poultice. I covered that with cling wrap and wrapped it to his head with a bandana. Charcoal must be wet to be activated, thus the cling wrap. ) After a week or two of this it was nearly better. Then he woke up one day and it was much, much worse. Now it was red and looked like the scalded skin staph rash (that another child of mine had had 14 years ago and I treated conventionally, knowing of no other options. ) The earlobe was swollen. I got very aggressive. I mixed honey and turmeric together (probably 1 part turmeric to 4 parts honey) and gave him - 1 teaspoon of this 3-4 times a day, with a spoonful of extra virgin coconut oil. (He can't swallow pills, which would have been better. ) I just knew he needed the turmeric. For a four year old, 1/4 t. Turmeric several times a day seemed to be the right amount however you can get it into them. ) I also gave him one minced clove of garlic mixed with honey on a spoon or on toast with honey 3-4 times a day. I continued to use the tea tree/frankincense, olive oil mixture several times a day. I also put tincture of iodine on his earlobe at least once a day. It was obvious that it was clearing up.

After a couple of days I stopped the garlic but continued the rest for 10 days or so until it was totally healed, and even then continued with the turmeric and oil mixture for a few more days. None of the amounts I used were set in stone. I share this because it can be hard to know how to dose a small child. I was just guessing based on past experience with my children. Too much turmeric could be constipating, so watch that and push fluids. I am sure staying off sugar would be ideal for healing, but we didn't do that totally. He did get carrot juice several days. We also washed hands and pillowcases a lot. Hope this will help someone. If you don't have the frankincense (it is expensive) you could try to substitute lavender. Some study showed that a mixture of patchouli, geranium, tea tree and lavender would kill MRSA. I have not had the need to try myself and most people don't have these on hand, but it is a good thing to know about and try if needed.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Michael_2012 (Orlando, Fl, U.s.) on 06/14/2012

I have so much to say, that I am finding it difficult where to begin. What I write now is only a brief summary of a portion of a lengthy battle with MRSA. My struggle with MRSA began about six years ago, when I awoke one morning with a painful blister on the front of my neck. I sought professional medical help, but unfortunately my illness was misdiagnosed as a simple ingrown hair infection. For this was a time of what appeared to be uncertainty across this country for what was to be a most disturbing and an extremely misunderstood bacterial infection. After receiving unsuccessful care for more than six months through my primary doctor, I was later directed to an infectious disease specialist. Round after round of antibiotics produced minimal and sometimes adverse affects. I began to have break outs, and puss filled sores through out my body. There were times when I had given up all hope, and I begin to have thoughts that my life was over and that this infection would ultimately take my life. I would eventually lose my job, as my place of business discovered my illness. My supervisor told me not to come back without a statement from my doctor which demonstrated I was cleared from the infection.

On a personal level I find it simply outrageous that 21st century medical professionals are unable to have a morsel of an impact on a bacterial infection. Through this experience I have lost respect for western medicine, and have found myself looking through eyes of suspicion at the cause and nature of the birth of MRSA. All of us can see how disheartening it is to hear the afflictions experienced from MRSA victims and some will eventually lose their life because they are being led down an erroneous direction by trusted medical professionals. Yet, there are answers right here, right now, which can make a difference and help save lives.

So, I had given up on doctors, all I had left to guide me through this challenge was my experience. And it was my experience that would ultimately lead me to the help that would make all the difference in the world. Some of the information that I am sharing now will help to choke the fuel which feeds MRSA, but don't just take my word for it. The information that I am sharing can be backed by science, and through Shannon Brown and his team in California this is exactly what they are doing. If you or a loved one has MRSA please take the time to do an internet search for Shannon Brown. Even if you decide not to use his product, you will be inundated with information that may save your life. It was through Shannon that I truly got an education on how MRSA works, and what I could do to stop it in it tracks for good.

This is what I've learned from my personal experience,

*Sugar - MRSA lives and feeds on sugar. Your diet will play a huge role in eliminating MRSA. After eating a glazed doughnut one morning, I found that an infected boil increased in size and pain in a matter of hours. I later discovered that this information pertaining to sugar was being shared by Shannon Brown.

*Razors - Only use electric razors. If you are living with MRSA Non electric razors will leave openings in your skin that are perfect infection sites for MRSA to invade.

*Tumeric - By taking 1 500 mg tablet 2x a day, I have noticed a decrease in outbreaks on the skin. The only concern I have about turmeric is, although one may be controlling the outbreaks, one is still living with MRSA. Therefore a person may be unknowingly spreading MRSA through touch and human contact. I feel this is something that must be addressed as the goal should be eradication, not simply controlling the outbreaks. This may actually be doing harm in addition to good.

* Shannon Browns' product. - Shannon's product is superior in the fight against MRSA and is currently what has saved my life. There are thousands of other recipients that have also had remarkable results, and are living examples of the fact that you can beat MRSA for good.

I know that what I am attempting to share will benefit many MRSA victims. However, I do not write this for victims alone. I write this now for those who find it in themselves to go beyond the borders of conventional medicine, and seek to heal themselves their loved ones, and most importantly to eradicate MRSA from their lives. I share this for those who are fighters. For I am one with you!

I wish everyone success in their struggle with this affliction! May you find wholeness and complete health this very year!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Collcarm (Mentor, Ohio ) on 07/20/2011

@ busycagal, , , yes boils are mrsa.. There is only one antibiotic that can take care of it and that is Bactrim.. I believe that is the generic version.. Mrsa lives on us and in our noses etc but can become infectious and even deadly.. The infection is often found in the ear.. The boils are on the inside.. Some women even contract them vaginally and are misdiagnosed there as well and treated with the wrong antibiotics... I would suggest that every time you see a doctor for your daughter that you demand a culture everytime.. When they confirm mrsa get the whole family treated and sterilize the house.. No drinking after each other or other people... Get your daughters partners treated if she is old enough to have one... You may also need to know that your doctor will try to convince you that you are over reacting , , but still insist and suggest that they contact the center for disease control to educate themselves fully on this subject..

I myself had this issue for some time.. My doctor refused to do cultures and pretty much belittled me as though I was over reacting.. I was very sick and finnally after months and demanding he prescribe the correct medicine.. > He wouldn"t even do the cultures... Finally I scheduled with another doctor in his office and he did the culture right away... I went back to my doctor to show him and he finally called the center for disease control and found out that he was wrong... He called me immediately to apologize and called in a new prescription.. He said that he and most doctors dont take it so seriously and didnt realize how serious an infection it really is.. He was dumfounded that people are really dying from this infection.. He really is a great doctor and I am comfortable with him.. He just believed what he believed.. He even had my and my boyfriend be treated at the same time for 30 days to make sure it was gone.. My stomach flattened and my sinus problems disappeared.. not really allergies like we all thought after all..

I have cousins that pass it around the family, drink and eat after each other.. One gets it and a month or so later another gets it.. They think nothing of it.. Oh its only mrsa.. my doctor said not to worry about it...

so sad.. Even the babies.. When I had it for that period of time, ovvr and over for about a year, it caused clouded thinking and forgetfulness.. Fatigue, .. your daughter may seem lazy when in reality she has an infection causing her to have difficulty in her concentration...

My auto loan lenders father died from a mrsa infection that same year.. that is what started my researching it so deeply or I too would have probably believed my doctor and still been sick or worse..

I would suggest the prescription for 30 days and then a healthy body cleansing regime after to repair her body after the bout of antibiotics..

good luck to you and I hope this helps..

Wishing you a wonderful day! :)

Replied by Isla

What does the poster mean when he wrote "When they confirm mrsa get the whole family treated and sterilize the house.. No drinking after each other or other people."?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 07/15/2011

If you shave under your arms then I would stop and just trim the hair with scissors. If you are used to shaving this can be quite a change but a worthwhile one. If using deodorants try instead some of the suggestions on this site. Including the one about using 'no soap' just a washer and water, personally I have found it remarkable, even though it goes against all that we are taught about cleanliness. Try and wade through the pages on MRSA here on EC for the success stories. I would definitely be using turmeric (with added pepper for absorption enhancement and as it contains both fat soluble and water soluble components you need a little fat with it not just water to get the best results from it). Also iodine applied in the armpits occasionally, and oregano oil (1-3 drops diluted in a teaspoon of ev olive oil) applied also in the armpits occasionally will help. I would also not shave the legs as this aggravates folliculitis and try the olive oil with the oregano oil. Good luck.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lostsoul In Ia (Des Moines, Iowa) on 01/10/2011

I'm sorry to sound so negative, but I've had MRSA now for 1year 8days and found NOTHING that has helped me at all!! Tumeric, not only the grossest thing I've ever consumed; but after a solid month of drinking it 3x a day it did nothing. Coloidial Silver, expensive and again did nothing internally or externally. Manuka Honey, REALLY expensive to get and did nothing other than stain anything it touched! PH Water, that was a complete joke and waste of money.

Gone to the doctor to have these things lanced so many times, I have so many scars from this procedure. I ended up in the hospital over Christmas, I had 8 boils that all showed up over a period of 4 days. The pain is incredible and more than my phyiscal health is suffering. I'm very depressed and in pain, I'm so sick of all these "cures" and nothing helps. My docotr has no clue what to do, except put me on more sulfa drugs. They make me so sick, the infectious dises specialist tells me to go home and just make sure my affairs are in order... Can you believe that! ?!

I have no idea what to do or where to go, I don't have the money to go out and blow on all this home remedy stuff. I hardly have the money to go to the doctor every month for more medicine that just makes me so sick.

Is there really anything out there that will keep this monster from coming back?

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)

Hi Lostsoul,

So sorry to hear of your pain and suffering from MRSA. I'm sure it must be incredibly frustrating. You have tried four remedies so far. Have you tried the paste that Ted recommends?

Also, you don't say anything about your diet. I am a firm believer that many problems in our bodies are due to diet whether it's a poor diet or we're ingesting food that we're actually allergic to and don't realize it. So many issues can be cleared up by just cleaning up our diet. Actually, I have heard miraculous testimonies of people w/ debilitating illnesses completely rid themselves of them through this process. I myself rid excruciating throbbing pain that coursed through my body for 4 years by doing this. I won't go into it because many have heard my story on this forum who have been coming here for awhile. It does take work- I won't lie but it is worth it to restore one's health! I know Bill of Luzon, Philippines would agree w/ what I'm saying here. In an earlier post he even gives the anti- candida diet under the title of "Question Regarding Protocol for Fibromyalgia" that would be appropriate. My only change in it would be in #12 where he says "Try" and eliminate all chemically processed foods. I would have to be more adamant and say "Must"!

I do hope that if you have not done this lifestyle change then it would be the next course of action. I wish you the very best, Lisa


I had many issues and used Micro Plant Powder from - -

It worked better than anything I tried in the past. They do not advertise and I believe they are the best kept secret for detoxing, getting healthy and wanting to live again.

Replied by Victor
(San Diego, Ca)

Dear Lostsoul, I can imagine your frustration with all these unsuccesful treatments. Have you considered mega doses of vitamin C, orally or in shots? I am suggesting this because I have had some improvements in my health since I started taking it, and my understanding is that vitamin C helps body get rid of viruses and bacteria. Maybe it would be helpful with your condition as well? Hope you get better... Vic

Replied by Brooke
(Montgomery, Tx, Usa)

Have your Dr's tested and you know for sure that it is a Staph?
It also sounds to me like you are overly toxic and that the poisons that should be eliminated through the proper channel are not coming out as planned! (no joke intended! ) It could be from a thinning of your intestinal walls, which cause the poisons to leak out into your system and then they are "lost", they don't know where to go, so they form boils all over the body to try and escape. I would try this -
Cream of Tartar -4 teaspoonfuls, Sulfur - 4 teaspoonfuls, Epsom Salts - 4 teaspoonfuls
Mix these THOROUGHLY together. The dose would be a level teaspoonful of the mixture each day, stirred in a glass of water - preferably HOT water for 3 to 4 days.

While doing this, your diet should consist of things that have a laxative effect. If you are not a diabetic, then add a lot more figs and dates. Add lots of jucing's - of citrus, raw vegetables, etc.. And cream of wheat, things like that while you are on the above laxatives. After that is done for 4 days then add Fletchers castoria - you can find the cheapest place on the internet - or maybe your health food store would have it. It is a small bottle and I do not remember the price I paid because I buy lots of bottles at one time to keep the price down, but search and you can probably find it.

Also - how is your coffee habit? If you take it black - or better yet decaffeinated black then great - if you are adding milk or cream then I would stop that immediately. It puts a strain on your whole digestive system and forms a plastic like substance in your bowels that do not allow vitamins and minerals to pass into your system.; be it from pills or the foods you have been eating.

Do you have a small vibrator at home? If so then use it on your abdomen; if you are looking at yourself from yourself then use it in a counter-clockwise circle. What you are trying to do it to get the poisons and the bowels moving better - do that for 5 -10 minutes and not only in the circular motion but across your whole abdomen. Also I would add to the nightly routine Castor oil packs over the abdomen, 4 days on and 3 days off. I hope this helps you. I know being on a fixed income can be a problem, but most of these things you probably already have in your home. Sulfur is probably not - but it is easy to find, I got mine from a kids chemistry set!! Good luck and I hope that you get over this!!

Replied by Brenda
(St Saviour, Jersey)

Hi sorry to hear you are so ill and unhappy, have just been reading about oil pulling on this website and pages of testimonials from people. Also read lots on the oil pulling website which has posts going years back so this has been around for a long time. It sounds amazing and is easy to do so why don't you have a read and see what you think. Hope this helps.

Replied by Paramiti
(Nashville, TN)

Lostsoul since you have tried everything.. My suggestion is to contact the Phage Therapy Center in the Republic of Georgia.. they will save your life.

Replied by Ron
(Idaho, US)

I just finished getting rid of a mrsa infection on my finger and it had eaten the top layer of skin off of my infected finger and what I used is rosemary essential oil and the first application resulted in change and feeling within hours and I am now healing up fine. I can only tell you my experience with mrsa and contrary to what they want us to believe one size does not fit all, I hope this may be of value to you good luck

Replied by Brian

I have been battling staph infections on my life, currently battling it on my face... it's not mrsa... taking Garlic supplements has been helping me.. drink water.... take colostrum.. high medical grade of olive leaf extract.. hope this helps some

Replied by Amy
(Desmoines, iowa)

I slept with someone who had mrsa at the beginning of Covid and I already take meds for schizophrenia. Ever since then the meds do something to my gut that exacerbates the mrsa causing boils on my previous places I had a sore.

I have benefited from mint tea, anything that helps BM. Yerba 🧉 mate tea or coffee and almond milk I've never tried the wash only clindamycin and metronidazole the nasal ointment I feel an increase in energy on clindamycin but can't stay on the antibiotic forever I've tried turmeric before but I can always try again…..activated charcoal I've had before just happen to be out …I avoid dairy and gluten asap and am considering the arbonne products. Other foods the guy who gave me mrsa sticks to are kombucha weed/cbd/mct oil kimchee and cashews and raw foods diet. I wish you all the best. thanks everyone for the reminders about garlic stomach acid poultices skin absorption and the nuances …..

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Shelby (Newburgh, Indiana) on 06/20/2010

I have had a staph infection next to my eye for the past 7 months. I am not sure what it is exactly, as no doctor has ever taken a culture of it, however I have managed to get it under control initially with turmeric, tea tree oil, olive leaf extract, a high alkaline/lysine diet and allimeds. Initially all of these remedies alter and help kill the staph infection and it has gone from covering half of my face to tiny pinpoints of redness to barely shadows on my skin. At one point I was at a standstill with the allimeds, nothing seemed to be working to cure the increasing pain and burning near my eye. And so I turned to green clay (calcium bentonite) and it has been incredibly successful at bringing the infections to the surface. It is rather abrasive on the skin (especially near the eye) so it is good to give your skin a break between applications, apply vitamin E as well to keep it moist and scar-free. I am finding great improvements in the past 2 weeks I have been using the clay, it actually pulls the toxins out and you can feel it doing so. I have also ordered French green clay, which has a different mineral composition - we'll see how that goes.

I know you may be as frustrated as myself with this situation - please hang in there...I've had some pretty low days myself, but persistence is going to be the only thing that kills this mean little bugger. Good luck!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Shelby (Newburgh, In) on 01/14/2010

After trying a variety of remedies, there is still a very stubborn staph infection near my right eye. I have whittled it down to two small bumps the size of bug bites with garlic, turmeric and medicated creme from the doctor's office. However, these last two marks are deep under the skin. I was reading about helping to heal my stomach cramps (from all of the medicines over the past few months) and I read licorice tea was highly beneficial for my blood type (B) and so I went searching for licorice tea and found it to be extremely good. Up at school I needed to reapply the turmeric to my eye because it was beginning to itch and burn, but I didn't have any water, only the licorice tea. Not caring at this point, I slathered it on the staph infection and instantly it was cooled and began to ease. Ever since I have been cleaning the staph with the tea instead of water and the marks have scabbed over and are clearly healing. This tea is not pure licorice, so it may not be the licorice that is helping it. In the tea there is licorice root, cinnamon bark, orange peel, ginger root, cardamom seed, black pepper and clove bud. I don't know which one of these is helping, but I am very thankful it is! I found the tea in an organic herbal shop since the general grocery store didn't carry any licorice at all.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mom In Calif (Santa Barbara, Ca) on 12/27/2009

A combination of remedies has really helped our whole family, both supplements and topical treatments. Many of these are already listed at this website. The supplements we have been taking include daily doses of turmeric, garlic, and extra vitamin C. Our topical treatments have been colloidal silver, silver hydrosol gel, silver gel in a petroleum base and oil of oregano.

These remedies did not make the outbreaks less frequent, but as our immune systems recovered from antibiotic therapy the outbreaks themselves became smaller and smaller, more like ordinary pimples than big boils. For about two months, we have been taking supplements and treating all MRSA skin outbreaks in the family with topical treatments only.

Then one day almost by accident we discovered that homeopathic ointment for hives and insect bites helped reduce the discomfort of a developing outbreak and also seemed to make our other topical treatments work much faster. In some cases, the antihistamine treatment actually stopped the development of an outbreak. (Probably commercial products such as Benadryl or Calamine lotion will work, too). It seems as though reducing the inflammation aspect of a MRSA outbreak allows the immune system to work better.

Our final breakthrough has been the addition of really high quality probiotics to our supplements. The immune system relies on good bacteria for optimal functioning, and although our regimen above was working, it felt as though we needed one last boost to our health.

There are hundreds of brands of probiotics to choose from, so do your research as thoroughly as you can. We checked product reviews, and also forums for other ailments such as Crohn's disease or IBD. If you read carefully, you will find that there are a small number of brands that seem to get consistently great reviews by people across the spectrum. We chose one that specifically mentioned MRSA in its literature, as well as getting many positive reviews.

It seems to have been the last puzzle piece for our recovery. Each family member has seen a small potential outbreak begin and fade away all in the same day. That is real progress, the sign that our immune systems are doing what they are supposed to. We are still very diligent in our cleaning and prevention routines, but it is nice to feel more confident in our bodies' ability to recover.

We hope this is helpful to other MRSA victims.

Replied by Kimberly
(Nebraska, US)

After suffering from MRSA for 1.5 years, and having to go through multiple antibiotics ( which I turned out to be allergic to, including penacillin, Bactrim, and clindamycin, and minocycline which made 1/3 of my hair fall out), I have found multiple remedies to cure this horrible infection which covered my face, stomach, neck, chest, back and arms. Taking 1 tsp of turmeric 3 times a day with black pepper and olive oil in a glass of V8 juice, drinking 3 cups of green tea a day, Mega dosing with vitamin C, and taking one aspirin a day and applying a product called Acnevir, which contains sulfur and salicylic acid( derivative of aspirin). It helps to get rid of the redness, inflammation and starts to heal the infection within 24 hours. Aspirin has shown to be deleterious to MRSA. All of this COMBINED has healed my skin and body. I will leave the reference websites for those of you who want to look at the research behind this madness of a combination remedy.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gerryl (Philadelphia, Pa) on 08/27/2009

One thing I found is the occurrence of mrsa boils decreased quickly after I started sanitizing laundry - mainly undergarments, towels, and wash clothes. Use 1/2 cup of borax per load. I also spray toilet seats and chairs with disinfectant as have noticed boil out-breaks where my bare skin touches the edge of seats (buttocks and back of legs). Also wash cloth belts and sanitize pocket wallets. I swear this bug is able to survive in material for a few days! Daily sups of tumeric and silver has almost stopped the outbreaks completely. When I do find a sore bump I hit it head on with deluted hibicleanse (50% water in a seperate bottle). Im now down to 1 small boil every couple of months!

Replied by Scottie
(Hagerstown, Maryland)

It doesnt just stay around for days, it stays around your bed, furniture, car for months after intial infection. This is why all of you keep getting these reinfections after a cure has worked for you. I am using a UV-C wand now to see how it works on my bed and furniture. If this doesnt work I just going to have to get all new Things! Will keep posted but the stuff can live for months!!
