Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for MRSA: Effective Solutions for Infection Control

| Modified on Apr 01, 2024
Manuka Honey
Posted by Mary (MT) on 07/05/2023

I'm scheduled for a hip replacement, I had to have a pre-surgery appointment. I had one pre surgery appointment in March and it came back positive for MRSA. I postponed the surgery for various reasons and am now rescheduled. I've been taking a tbs. of Manuka honey + a tsp of Ceylon cinnamon 3 to 4 times a week. I've also swabbed my nasal passages with Manuka honey 4 times a week. I don't remember to do it every day. Been doing this for the last 3 weeks to prep for this today's lab appointment. VERY happy to report my labs are normal! No MRSA.

How to Prevent MRSA
Posted by Mary (Ohio) on 03/04/2023

I am an RN…just everyone please remember to wash your hands. MRSA is everywhere now! Hand washing is 99ish % effective at killing it before you get infected. Once you get it…you never really get rid of it. It seems ridiculously simple…but it prevents it before it starts.

Chinese Herb She Chuang Zi
Posted by mxp5769 (texas) on 02/17/2023

I discovered an TCM that cured MRSA from several places including my hand & face. No scarring even though several times I did have the infection lanced & drained. After taking this, MRSA never came back.

Dosage I used: this has a VERY bitter taste, but you only need a small amount to do the job.

I wet my finger, dip it in the powder & rub that around the roof of my mouth. I chase it with water.

I did this 2X/day until I saw results, then stopped when I thought I needed to.

english name = snakes bed seed

chinese name = she chuang zi

here is the brand I used:

Bentonite Clay
Posted by Bianca (Canyon country CA) on 01/23/2023

I am currently fighting a MRSA facial infection with abcesses. The best topical treatment on all bumps and abcesses is by far the bentonite clay. I wear it to sleep and it heals wounds that are present as well as preventing new bumps and abcesses from forming, not 1. It seems to help with the itching, burning, and pain while speeding up recovery time. It plus clyndamycin is why I think I can kick this MRSA infection in the next few days. It's so helpful for MRSA it's incredible absolutely incredible. So I had to share this to let others know how much it helps!!!

Baths With Bleach
Posted by Katzie (Calgary) on 08/15/2022

Have you tried Manuka Honey on it yet? Manuka kills mrsa.

Healthy healing to you & your daughter.

Baths With Bleach
Posted by Djamel (Durham NC ) on 08/14/2022

Hi Jamila, did the bleach bath help your daughter? I'm struggling with MRSA and curious to try it.

Clove Oil
Posted by MadMags (Asheville) on 07/05/2022

Short answer: clove oil. When I notice a bump coming up that is painful I know it's gonna turn into MRSA. When I first noticed this I put clove oil on a bit of toilet paper and wipe the bump well. It will burn severely for a few minutes, but nothing compared to what it would feel like left alone. It literally disappears over the next couple of days. No pain or soreness. It seeps into the skin and kills the infection before it surfaces. Now I wouldn't usually recommend putting essential oils directly on the skin but I have and will continue to for this. It works much better than any solution I've tried.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Amy (Desmoines, iowa) on 04/10/2022

I slept with someone who had mrsa at the beginning of Covid and I already take meds for schizophrenia. Ever since then the meds do something to my gut that exacerbates the mrsa causing boils on my previous places I had a sore.

I have benefited from mint tea, anything that helps BM. Yerba 🧉 mate tea or coffee and almond milk I've never tried the wash only clindamycin and metronidazole the nasal ointment I feel an increase in energy on clindamycin but can't stay on the antibiotic forever I've tried turmeric before but I can always try again…..activated charcoal I've had before just happen to be out …I avoid dairy and gluten asap and am considering the arbonne products. Other foods the guy who gave me mrsa sticks to are kombucha weed/cbd/mct oil kimchee and cashews and raw foods diet. I wish you all the best. thanks everyone for the reminders about garlic stomach acid poultices skin absorption and the nuances …..

Oregano Oil + Turpentine
Posted by Graham (East Sussex) on 03/16/2022

Hi, thanks for sharing your experience and for being awesome, hope you're still living a super healthy life :)

Copper Gluconate
Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 01/21/2022

milk of magnesia is also good for MRSA and too much copper lowers zinc. Any mineral out of balance in the body or dehydration will cause the body to warn you by producing histamine, Histamine can cause a lot of auto immune symptoms. Copper is behind our hair color and affects skin color too. Copper toxicity can be in one part of the body while another part of the body can be low copper. Ph can also be different in different parts of the body at the same time. Keep asking questions and you will find answers.

Copper Gluconate
Posted by flora (United Kingdom) on 01/20/2022

Hi, may I ask why you need to stop taking it after it is gone, can you not continue taking it for prevention?

Copper Gluconate
Posted by Shirley (Miami, Florida) on 12/03/2021

Mrsa cures:

Copper gluconate supplements 4 mg will get rid of it. Please share

Oregano Oil + Turpentine
Posted by Lili (Hawaii) on 10/08/2021

I've had MRSA on my leg twice, and yes, it's painful. The first time I took antibiotics without any change, then a salve the Dr gave me - sorry, I don't remember what it was, but it worked eventually.

About 5 years ago I got it again. I hit it with every home remedy I could think of such as crushed garlic and turmeric mixed with coconut oil under a small cloth bandage from old t-shirt. Left the turmeric on at night.

The two that finally helped the most was turpentine and oregano oil squeezed from a capsule, one at a time, right on it and covered with a small cloth bandage held on with tape. I alternated each several times the first day and by the next day I could see it shrinking. Kept it up for 4 - 5 more days till it had disappeared completely.

Also took the oregano in capsule form, 1500 mg. Three caps 3 times a day.

These days I keep a good quality turpentine and oregano oil caps on hand at all times along with Olive Leaf Extract/OLE. Turpines in the tree sap keep it protected from most infections and has been used since old Egyptian times.You can find a study done in France on the subject of turpines.

Worked for me, hope you get the help you need from all these suggestions.

Rosemary Essential Oil
Posted by Ron (Idaho) on 10/10/2021

Editor's Choice I had MRSA on my hand and they had me going in for intravenous antibiotics and that seemed to stop it from progressing but it would not go away. I came across a lady in England that told me to apply rosemary essential oil. So I did and believe this or not, within hours I could tell a difference. Looking back I believe the MRSA was killed directly and then it took a few days to heal the wound. It worked for me and I have since used the Italian herbs essential oils rosemary oregano and time for infections and injuries for myself and other people with great success.

I have come to realize the medical profession is not in the business of healing and curing, but they do have the best diagnostic ability and emergency rooms in the world but greatly ending there. The statement I was told they go by is "there is no money in a well man." Sounds reasonable.

Best wishes. if the rosemary works and it is convenient I would like your feedback about it.

ps: you pour it directly on and in the wound and internally if needed. I only used it topically.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Marsha (Georgia) on 09/27/2021

Regarding the post in this section entitled Penetrating MRSA Biofilm Posted by Skeptic (Cuenca, Azuay, Ecuadorabonan Sent) on 04/28/2013:

I had a friend yrs ago who had several rounds of MRSA. When he developed the next infection he wanted to use dmso but the metal was a problem & he wound up using 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide - dilluted & he stated that it cleared up rather quickly & he had started using nebulized HP ever since with no further issues. I know this is many yrs late but hopefully may be helpful 2 someone coming across it. There are numerous books/articles available about this. MRSA, cancers can't live in an oxygen rich environment. I now use 3% FGHP regularly & rid myself of asthma, sinusitis & allergies & plan to continues its use. I don't get colds or flu.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by bb (philippines) on 08/14/2021

I had many issues and used Micro Plant Powder from - -

It worked better than anything I tried in the past. They do not advertise and I believe they are the best kept secret for detoxing, getting healthy and wanting to live again.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Angelica (USA) on 07/11/2021

Colloidal Silver rid my friend's 6 year battle with MRSA, within 10 days!!

Dentures and MRSA Connection
Posted by Deirdre (Earth Clinic) on 06/18/2021

Hello everyone,

Was doing and bit of research and came across this review on Amazon. I thought it might be very was very helpful for our EC audience. Has anyone heard of this before?

On September 18, 2020 Bruce Evans wrote:

"Most people with partial and full dentures do not realize that there is a film that grows on them, a bio mass, that is a perfect medium for harmful germs etcetera. Five doctors recently discovered this bio mass and found it supported the growth of MRSA, and fungi, along with some other lesser known germs, that if inhaled could cause the wearer a potentially deadly pneumonia. Regular brushing, soaking, even denture cleaners do NOTHING to kill and remove the bio remains.

This antibiotic, chlorhexidine is one of the things proven to kill and remove the bio mass after a soaking of at least 15 minutes. We remove the denture glue with warm soapy water and then place the dentures in a denture cup filled with chlorhexidine to soak over night. There may be some blue spots remaining which will brush off or be removed with a denture tablet.

Why people are not being told this I cannot say, the papers have been published in medical journals so the data is out there. Where is there a higher incidence of denture use? Where is there a high incidence of pneumonia? Same answer: Elderly population. People are giving themselves MRSA from their dentures..."

Posted by Seth (WA) on 06/06/2021

I thought I would just keep getting better until I was cured but it seems it just made me about 50% better I think. Still better than nothing.

Posted by Bea (Texas) on 05/13/2021

Did you take it internally or topically?

Posted by Seth (WA) on 04/19/2021

This is still working for me. I'm at least 50 percent better. I also started taking colloidal silver and copper, which weren't working that well before the aspirin. I'm feeling a lot stronger. My coordination is normal now.

Copper Gluconate
Posted by Glenda (Miami, Florida) on 04/05/2021

Take copper gluconate 4mg daily as soon you feel a bump for MRSA and you will feel the pain go away within minutes and the bump will retract within minutes.

But you must stop taking the pill when it is gone.

Posted by Seth (Morton, WA) on 03/11/2021

I read that aspirin stops MRSA from replicating. I think it also reduces its toxin production. I'm actually making progress now instead of just keeping myself alive. I have MRSA in my kidney and after just a week, my kidney actually feels pretty normal. I'm also using a quart of water kefir and 2 low-level light therapy devices to boost my immune system. one is a violet laser pen and the other is a red led that goes in the nose. I was using these before I started using aspirin but was still in a lot of pain. The violet pen activates the immune system in the kidney.

Honey + Turmeric
Posted by Shammi (Oregon) on 06/05/2020

I personally fought MRSA for 5 months. I tried everything, to no avail. Then I read about Manuka honey mixed with turmeric. I couldn't afford Manuka honey, so I tried just plain raw honey and mixed it with turmeric.

I applied it to my sore and covered it with a bandage. I was amazed the next day, that it was actually starting to heal. Real raw honey is a miracle, it is full enzymes that started healing my MRSA.

It is important that that the honey has never been heated. Raw honey mixed with powdered turmeric into a paste, cover with a bandage. I changed my bandage daily. Slowly each day my sore got smaller, until it totally healed. It took about a week. I also, had to take sugar and white flour out of my diet, while I was trying to heal. I noticed that MRSA feeds on sugar.

So while I was healing, I followed a paleo diet, that helped my immune system get better.

Bentonite Clay + Colloidal Silver
Posted by Manuka Mom (Los Angeles) on 03/17/2020



In full disclosure, I did not confirm that my infection was MRSA, but I have every reason to believe it may have been. I had a lump was growing for months and perhaps years. It became very crimson red and extremely painful. It was quite large.

I tried a few initial remedies, iodine, turmeric, baking soda, onion and potato. All were moderately helpful, but I decided that clay and C. silver would be my final remedies of choice. I used powdered bentonite clay, which I made into a nightly cream poultice and covered with a pad to seal in the moisture and draw out the toxins at night.

After cleaning each morning, I sprayed it with colloidal silver liberally and then let it dry and periodically sprayed it throughout the day. I also gave it sunshine when I could. I further took C. silver and iodine orally (1 - 2 drops of Lugols and 1 t. to 1 T. Sov. Silver multiple times each day (varied amounts, depending on my schedule and need on that day). In just a few short weeks, it went from looking like a trip to the ER was in order to looking like normal skin was growing in without so much as a bump. Miracle for sure.

Blessings to those of you who are struggling. All I can say is, select your therapy and if you don't see any benefit within a couple of days, try something else. You CAN find what is right for you if you are diligent. It takes time to fully recover, but it is surely possible.

This is not medical advice; it's merely the path I selected for myself. Be encouraged, good people!!!
