Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for MRSA: Effective Solutions for Infection Control

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ky Mama (Clinton, Ky) on 11/19/2012

My four year old son had a staph infection on his ear and we were able to heal it naturally. At first, it looked like he had a tick bite on his ear lobe, and perhaps it was. After a few days it was oozy and inflamed.

I treated with tea tree and frankincense essential oil, diluted 1:1 with olive oil. I used charcoal poultices on it at night. (I mixed charcoal and ground flax seed with water to make a paste, put it on a paper towel and covered the spot on his ear with the poultice. I covered that with cling wrap and wrapped it to his head with a bandana. Charcoal must be wet to be activated, thus the cling wrap. ) After a week or two of this it was nearly better. Then he woke up one day and it was much, much worse. Now it was red and looked like the scalded skin staph rash (that another child of mine had had 14 years ago and I treated conventionally, knowing of no other options. ) The earlobe was swollen. I got very aggressive. I mixed honey and turmeric together (probably 1 part turmeric to 4 parts honey) and gave him - 1 teaspoon of this 3-4 times a day, with a spoonful of extra virgin coconut oil. (He can't swallow pills, which would have been better. ) I just knew he needed the turmeric. For a four year old, 1/4 t. Turmeric several times a day seemed to be the right amount however you can get it into them. ) I also gave him one minced clove of garlic mixed with honey on a spoon or on toast with honey 3-4 times a day. I continued to use the tea tree/frankincense, olive oil mixture several times a day. I also put tincture of iodine on his earlobe at least once a day. It was obvious that it was clearing up.

After a couple of days I stopped the garlic but continued the rest for 10 days or so until it was totally healed, and even then continued with the turmeric and oil mixture for a few more days. None of the amounts I used were set in stone. I share this because it can be hard to know how to dose a small child. I was just guessing based on past experience with my children. Too much turmeric could be constipating, so watch that and push fluids. I am sure staying off sugar would be ideal for healing, but we didn't do that totally. He did get carrot juice several days. We also washed hands and pillowcases a lot. Hope this will help someone. If you don't have the frankincense (it is expensive) you could try to substitute lavender. Some study showed that a mixture of patchouli, geranium, tea tree and lavender would kill MRSA. I have not had the need to try myself and most people don't have these on hand, but it is a good thing to know about and try if needed.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Scottie (Hagerstown, Maryland) on 11/11/2012

It doesnt just stay around for days, it stays around your bed, furniture, car for months after intial infection. This is why all of you keep getting these reinfections after a cure has worked for you. I am using a UV-C wand now to see how it works on my bed and furniture. If this doesnt work I just going to have to get all new Things! Will keep posted but the stuff can live for months!!

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Paramiti (Nashville, Tennessee) on 11/08/2012

MRSA Tools that will KILL this Monster which Refuses to die! Twice a Day.. Once in the morning and once before bed take 1 Tablespoon ACV with the mother in some tea of choice.. Add to that 1 half squeezed fresh lemon and as much cayenne pepper as one can stand.. And here is the MOST IMPORTANT add to that 1 Tablespoon MANUKA HONEY from NZ.. It must be UMF 18 or higher... 18 is usually powerful enough.. If there are also wounds or boils.. Clean them with cotton ball soaked in AVC then apply the 18 Manuka Honey on the wound or boil.. And a bandage...

I have also had Great Success applying a sulfur "Refining" mask from a well known acne treatment company in place of the manuka honey on the boil or wound.. Or crushed garlic can be used.. If your doctor will prescribe for you the Mupirocin Ointment USP 2% this is also speeds the process.. Use it on a q tip and put it inside the nose.. Be careful not to inhale it into your lungs as this can cause complications... I Promise this will Kill the MRSA but if not careful you can get it again.. Be careful by Not eating sugar or white flour.. MRSA feeds off sugar and white flour.. It loves these products and gains strength from them.. We are exposed to MRSA all the time and especially in hospitals..

Its so easy to become infected with MRSA the main things to focus on are... Manuka Honey 18 or Higher and Sulphur to kill the beast.. And AVC with the mother for the PH issues... So the body is able to fight it... Take the tea mixture twice a day until well.. If the nose begins to bleed from being dried out... Discontinue the manuka honey for a few days.. But continue drinking everything else until the moisture returns then add the manuka honey back in... Drink plenty of fluids through out the treatment.. THIS WORKS!!

Posted by Brittanyd (Grove City, Oh, Usa) on 11/03/2012

I used honey with the comb smashed up together on my leg tattoo that refused to heal. The tattooist wasn't cleanly and I believe I developed MRSA, my entire leg from knee to toes was severely swollen and inflamed and reddish. I used honeycomb I got from a local farmers market on my large tattoo all over it. It healed in 9 days flat. Completely. Previously I had used a prescription ointment to heal the multiple large wounds for 9 days. Didn't help at all. That's when I bought the honey comb. I'm amazed.


Posted by Cindy (Salem, Or) on 10/10/2012

Husband had MRSA and once and ahwile will still get the little bumps. Cut out all SUGAR and WHEAT as it feeds the MRSA.

Posted by Bobbie (Charleston, Illinois) on 10/08/2012

I used to use iodine on all of my areas and I had no problems with it at all... It always had dried everything up. I have continual breakouts of these little "bumps" I call them, all over my body. I have been to a dermatologist many times and nothing has ever been prescribed for long-term use.

Two years ago, I contracted MRSA somehow and I had this stuff on my scalp. I never ever want to go through that again. That was the most horrible infection I have ever had. The majority of my scalp on the back side of my head and a large amount on the sides of my head sloughed off in the ugliest way. It became really sticky, gummy and gooey with huge boils all over. It makes me shiver just writing about it. Anyway ever since then, I have these break-outs of little bumps all over. I usually have let's say about 10 bumps on me at all times. My dermatologist accuses me of "picking" the areas when that is not the case. These areas just heal slowly. Even with the iodine, it takes about two-three weeks for each bump to heal.

Two weeks ago, I noticed the iodine wasn't doing its normal job. These areas started to multiply quickly. I had one really long thick leathery lesion on my neck that was draining a bit. I knew right then when I felt it that it felt like the infection I had two years ago... I totally freaked out. The infection I had two years ago left me bald in very large places on my scalp! I had some left over anitbiotics from a previous skin infection of Cephalexin and a few Doxycylines, left and took them right away. I also refilled my script on my clindamycin solution. The spreading stopped almost immediately, and most of the areas dried up in a few days, but I ran out of antibiotics before they could totally wipe out the infection. "Oh freaking great", I thought, "what do I do now?"

So I find myself reading this site and I have incorporated a few things. I started taking vitamin B3 right away. I have been taking bleach baths with 1/2 c bleach, 10 drops lavender oil, 10 drops neem oil, 10 drops tea tree oil, and 4 squirts of dawn antibacterial dish soap in my bath. Just the bath alone has helped as I see improvement in just a couple of hours after the baths. I am also taking the Tumeric, 1 tsp so far (just started last night). I plan on taking it three times a day for about a week and then once a day forever. I have applied tumeric to some areas, but I don't notice a lot of diffference with them doing that.

After 3 days of doing the above, my scalp is totally clear except for two small places that are healing. I did have 6 areas there. The above treatment has cleared up both of my elbows which have been a chronic problem now for years (elbows always are broke out.)

I am worried about the rest healing up. I still have a patch on my upper back that is trying to heal, the leather place on my neck is much smaller and is drying up, but I can still feel infection in the area where it is very tender and sore yet. I have a patch of areas on my ankle of which the outer areas have dried up but the inner bigger "mother" of them all is still a pretty deep area. I have two patches on my lower tummy that are trying to heal yet, and a larger patch of infection on my left leg. I do see much improvement of all of these areas, but I guess I am impatient and want them all healed now. I don't know what it would be like to not have any painful bumps on me and I can't wait to experience this!

The most concerning of all of this, is that I am a working nurse. I do know I have had MRSA in the past (scalp infection 2 years ago.) I was also told two years ago that I am a carrier of MRSA as they did a culture of my right nostril and found it colonizing there. I was given mupurocin ointment for nostrils and used it for 10 days two years ago. I figure I possibly got the initial infection, maybe, from my workplace, although I have no way of knowing for sure. I do know I have taken care of tons of people with MRSA infections. Doctors have already treated me with mupuricon in my nostrils a few times, but it is probably there again.

I just want to know if there is anything else I can do? I also take a multivitamin every day and I just got a bottle of the good acidolphilus (12 different kinds) of 1.5 billion that I am taking twice daily, so my regimen is this:
* Vit b3 250 mg 4x a day
* Acidolphilus 2x a day
* Tumeric 1tsp 3x a day
* Acai berry capsules, two of these 2x a day

Baths with bleach, lavendar oil, tea tree oil, neem oil. Have done 3 so far and plan to do 2-3 more taking a bath once daily. Then I plan to do a once a week bath in this same solution for a while.

I also take biotin, vit d3, L-lysine, vit c 1000mg, and a multivitamin daily. Wow, sounds like a lot! What I just mentioned in this sentence I have been doing for a while now trying to help my skin heal... But it hasn't helped much. I can say, that I do not get any kinds of systemic illnesses very often with my vitamin regimen, just skin issues.

Is there anything else I could be doing or should I take something away. Could someone review please? I will come back here and reply in a few days to update my progress here. Wish me luck!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sherri (Charleston, Il - Illinois) on 10/05/2012

I tried this before, even the good kind with the "mother" of vinegar in the bottle, and it didn't do a thing for my staph infection. I had MRSA on my scalp and lost about half of my hair in big clumps because of it. It could have been because I had it so badly. I was put on antibiotics for three months of doxycycline as well as clindamycin phosphate solution to put on the areas. It took a year for all of the lesions to disappear.

One thing that the ACV did do was to help with the incredible itching that I had.... it did soothe that.

Today I find myself two years later with this crap again, only this time it is on my skin and not my scalp. Taking notes here from what I am reading and going to try a few things. I already have lavender and neem oils to use on it and have ordered some activated oxygen, tissue salts, and some acai berry capsules. Wish me luck... And good luck to you with your ACV... I am glad that it works for you! Speaking of this, I will try some for the itching I have as it really does help with this.

Honey and Turmeric
Posted by Marie (Indianapolis, Indiana, Usa) on 09/28/2012

I've been on bactrim for four days now, which has helped heal two MRSA spots, but one just would not go away and was incredibly painful. I had to try something else (while continuing my antibiotic, of course). Instead of opting to go back to the doctor to have it drained, or going to the ED to have an IV antibiotic drip, I decided to try an herbal remedy. I'm very thankful I did because I'll be honest, I am not a good patient when it comes to needles and knives!

I read someone's comment online yesterday to try equal parts of turmeric and honey, mix well until you get a liquidy paste and apply to the closed MRSA wound. I did this last night, covered it with gauze and woke this morning with significantly less swelling and pain! It's like a miracle spice. I will certainly relay this to my doctor. She likes to prescribe holistic advise when she can... I'm hoping she will consider sharing this with other patients who are suffering from MRSA.

Side note: Before trying the topical application, I did follow one person's recommendation to mix a tsp of turmeric with 2 cups of milk and add honey... I was able to drink maybe a 1/3 of the mixture until I decided it was too much on a weak stomach. Wasn't exactly tasty. But I do realize that what amount I did ingest may have contributed to me feeling better this morning as well.

Good luck to all! Wishing you a fast recovery from this painful diagnosis.

Posted by Art (Tustin, Ca. Usa) on 09/06/2012

This is interesting, Bill. It gets difficult on who and what to believe and then niacin and niacinamide studies are probably not interchangeable. You take niacin and I take niacinamide. For me the niacin flushing was just too much at 2 to 2 1/2 grams per day for me so I stopped using it.

If I was understanding the study link (42?) correctly, it sounded like the 1.6 gram/day dose had caused the neutrophilia in some people and this was the reason for warning that monitoring for this possibility might be needed.

I think I've read Ted's comments that he doesn't recomend niacin for the purpose of lowering cholesterol because he feels it sends excesses to the liver and this he feels may damage the liver over time, if I remember correctly. As you suggest, he is probably the most experienced person on Earth Clinic and it is hard to just set aside his comments or ignore them.

As far as MRSA, I wonder if topical application using nanoencapsulated or liposome niacinamide/nicotinamide would have similar benefit without the potential side effects or possibly a lower oral dose combined with the topical or just an encapsulated lower oral dose. I know that niacinamide is generally good for the skin and helps reduce tewl. Proctor & Gamble has a complete cosmetic line(Olay) based on niacinamide for wrinkle reduction and improvement of skin tone and texture. Judging by the amount of advertising they do, it must be working out for them. I think they have published two or three studies on it.

On an unrelated note, Bill, I seem to remember you posting a home made topical formulation you made that had castor oil in it and I think you said you were using it on your face for wrinkle reduction?? If that is correct, do you still use it and are you still happy with the results? If so, what is your current formulation? If it wasn't you who posted that, I'm sorry for the mistake. There are just so many posts and suggestions on Earth Clinic it is difficult to remember who posted what and a lot of times I am not able to find them when I go back to look for them. Thank You, Bill!


Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 09/05/2012

Hi Art... I would agree with you in what you say about neutrophilia(with some caveats). It goes without saying that if you take higher dose B3 then you should fully understand your body condition as well as -- and here I am in complete agreement with Mike from Montreal's recent frustrated post -- fully understand through you own validation and have faith in the remedy you are taking. But the question also arises -- What then is the proper and acceptable orthomolecular dosage for niacinamide or niacin ? The recommended RDA dosage is currently a 10 - 15 mgs per day. This recommended dosage was derived from a general study done in 1913 on B vitamins. No other studies, except independent orthomolecular studies on niacin/niacinamide(which have all been completely ignored), have been forthcoming or accepted to change the RDA. So the RDA remains at a miniscule 10 - 15 mgs. So who do you believe ? -- The orthomolecular research and dosages or the RDA? It's really up to you. Even Ted recommends dosages of niacinamide at 500 mgs twice a day for certain problems -- and he is a biochemist and understands body chemistry and drugs better than any of us.

Abram Hoffer, an independent orthomolecular researcher, has fully documented that he has used niacin dosages of 9 grams - 30 grams daily to cure schizophrenia. He believed, with good reason, that schizophrenia was actually caused by a great lack of niacin in the body. He also found that using dosages of up to 3 grams a day greatly helped with problems like Fibromyalgia, Depression and Heart disease. Just search on "Hoffer niacin" or "Saul niacin" in Google search to read all about his research. Hoffer, after decades of niacin use, always maintained that niacin/niacinamide were both fairly safe to take at higher dosage. He always maintained that people would also live longer if they took higher niacin/niacinamide dosages -- he determined that dosages of up to 3 grams a day were quite safe.

I would also agree with you that when you have a disease like neutrophilia it would certainly be dangerous to take higher dose niacin/niacinamide. But if you are inferring that, because of this singular danger, people should therefore not take higher dose niacin/niacinamide then that is dangerous logic which could divert sufferers from taking niacn/niacinamide through fear of using this useful vitamin. Certainly, for those still with fears about niacin/niacinamide and little real knowledge about this B vitamin, it makes sense to to do your own research on the benefits of niacin or consult your doctor before you start taking higher dose niacin/niacnamide to ensure that you do not have prior problems or tendencies with diseases like neutrophilia.

For myself I take regular dosages of 1.5 -- 3 grams of niacin(together with all the B vitamins) a day because it helps the blood, aids digestion and also relaxes me. When I have read the book Niacin: The Real Story I will try and post more facts and research.

Posted by Art (Tustin, Ca. Usa) on 09/05/2012

Bill, I found the link within the link to another study(47) which suggests that it would take about an acute 6 gram dose to achieve the serum level of of nicotinamide, but then they refer to another study (42) at about 1.6 grams per day that produced neutrophilia in the blood. I had to look that up. There are multiple causes of this condition from a bacterial infection to CML and it warns that patients should be monitored for this condition while dosing at that level.

Overall it sounds like there is a lot of potential with nicotinamide , but the dosing and safety needs to be better understood.


Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 09/04/2012

For once, here is some really good news from medical research, which might be of some interest or help to some people. They have found that vitamin B3, in the form of niacinamide, when supplemented in megadosage, considerably helps to get rid of MRSA. The reason for this is that B3 greatly increases the neutrophils count in the immune system. The researchers discovered that taking larger dose B3 effectively increases the strength of the immune system over 1000 times!! Here is the research proof:

The implications of the above research are that taking megadose B3 will help to cure much more than just MRSA. This means that B3 can be a very useful adjunct for candida, HIV AIDs and many other human diseases because the immune system is so hugely stimulated and supportive to the body. Furthermore, taking megadose B3 will not hurt the good bacteria in the gut. All good news.

My interest in B3 has been stimulated because neutrophils(as will as eosinophils) are found in all mucus glands in the body. In the extraneous mucus glands -- in the eyes, ears, nose throat, lungs, mouth, intestines and uterus (ie all initial routes of infection into the body)-- these mucus regions represent the main initial defense from outside attack and infection by pathogens. Iodine -- a very effective broadband pathogen killer in its own right -- is also always found in all mucus glands of the body. So by simply supplementing proper orthomolecular dosage levels of B3(as niacinamide) and iodine(as lugols iodine or kelp extract) you can greatly raise immune sysstem capability, further ensuring the effectiveness of the mucus gland's defence against outside pathogen attack and infection, thus ensuring a better protected outcome for the human body against outside pathogen entry.

I've also recently ordered the book Niacin: The Real Story by Abram Hoffer, Andrew Saul and Harold Foster. I will report back any other interesting facts and finds that I discover on vitamin B3 at a later date.

Posted by Naomi (Chicago, Il) on 08/27/2012

Hi Aftermath, you've probably figured this out by now but it looks like a burn because it is a burn-(that is it's a type of chemical burn. I think that's the right term, I'm not exactly sure). I did something similar a few weeks ago, I've been on antibiotics for a month trying to cure a staph infection and tried some garlic topically on the infection for about two hours. Decided it didn't feel right and took it off, it was raised and red but within a few days scabbed up pretty regularly. Garlic burns can be bad, and after I did it (put fresh, crushed garlic on the site) I looked up how to make a proper poultice and they said no longer than ninety seconds of application to avoid burns. However, I did it for 30 minutes in a second application, and did not receive any burns. Tried it again for 50 minutes, and it was iffy so now 20-30min is my limit. Also, the garlic seemed to help the first and second time but not the third for whatever reason. I should try it again but am going to try colloidal silver first. Also, I'm not sure what kind of silver solution you are using but there is apparently a difference between colloidal silver (silver particles suspended in a colloid) and some other silver products- I have one that contains silver chloride, but it didn't do anything for me and I've found out it's not as effective as the other. Hope this helps. Thank you all for the wonderful website! My appreciation is beyond words.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Camar (Hamburg, Pa Usa) on 08/14/2012

Essential Oils for MRSA--Just want to share my experience with the skin infection. I got it a month ago after travelling. First, my skin was itchy, thaen I got boils that were spreding to my but. I did not know what it was and in such cases I apply grinded garlic to the area. This time garlic was helping with iching, but the infection was not healing.

Eucalyptus oil
>I started using Eucalyptus oil twice a day and saw the difference in about 2 days. Most of the boils disapeared. I kept applying the oil until I could not see the pimples (about 3 more days). Then I made the following mixture and applied it ti the area once or twice a day just to make sure the problem does not come back: 1/2 tsp of basic oil (olive or avocado for example) 5 drops of high quality Tea Tree oil 1 to 2 drops of Eucalyptus oil.

It is important to purchase high quality oils. I got mine from Switerland as I was staying abroad at that time. Swiss oils are the best oils in my experiance. In the USA there is a distributor of Swiss oils - essential oil collection.

PS when using Eucalyptus oil alone, I was not delluting it, but I know it should be dilluted as they say it can burn the skin. I used one drop on a cotton pad and then tuched up the area with it. But it would be better to dillute it a little.

Posted by Aftermath431 (Mountain View, Mo) on 08/04/2012

Hi. I have a MRSA infection just above my elbow. I have been on antibotics for about 2 months and its just about gone. Its a closed wound but doesnt seem to want to go completely away. The area is also pretty much flat just light red in color. Ive been applying silver gel to it for about 1 month, but dont know if its doing any good since the MRSA wound is closed up. So last night I applyed garlic I crushed and apllyed it to the Mrsa wound for about 8 hours. When I woke up and removed the garic the wound had indentation on it where the garlic was applyed and now the Mrsa wound is bright red almost like a burn, and slightly raised. Can someone please tell me what happened?

Vitamin D
Posted by Sandra (Corsicana, Texas Usa) on 07/25/2012

Howdy! I discovered your site about 2 years ago while searching for relief from MRSA staff. My infection was so bad my doc wanted to put me in the hospital on IV antibiotics which I avoided by the Grace of God. I am posting now because of info gained about Vitamin D3 in reference to it supporting one's immune system. I started taking D3 in doses of 2000 units 3 times a day to total 6000mg. I buy it over the counter at my local store sometimes I use the gel caps and sometimes tablets. I have not had even a pimple come up in about a year. On a personal note I am 61, white female on oral meds for Type ll Diabetes and Hypertension and I am blessed to share :)

Homeopathic Remedies
Posted by Cynthia (Lake Elsinore, California) on 07/11/2012

I cured a very bad uterine infection by sticking a vitamin C tablet up my vigina. The first tablet got rid of 99% of the pain. After the second tablet I was completely well. But the third tablet was irritating.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Smithsurfermom (Huntington Beach, Ca) on 07/08/2012

I love colloidal silver for sore throats but when they are accompanied by nose ulcers and that awful rawness at the very back of your nose where it meets your throat, I use virgin coconut oil on a Q-tip. I put it up my nose and also, after I spray the silver in my throat, I use a seperate Q-tip to apply to the back and top of my throat. Anywhere I can reach that feels raw and sore. It is immediately soothing (after the initial pain of touching that area and possibly gagging a little bit) and I sleep so much better and the raw soreness is so much better in the morning.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Michael_2012 (Orlando, Fl, U.s.) on 06/14/2012

I have so much to say, that I am finding it difficult where to begin. What I write now is only a brief summary of a portion of a lengthy battle with MRSA. My struggle with MRSA began about six years ago, when I awoke one morning with a painful blister on the front of my neck. I sought professional medical help, but unfortunately my illness was misdiagnosed as a simple ingrown hair infection. For this was a time of what appeared to be uncertainty across this country for what was to be a most disturbing and an extremely misunderstood bacterial infection. After receiving unsuccessful care for more than six months through my primary doctor, I was later directed to an infectious disease specialist. Round after round of antibiotics produced minimal and sometimes adverse affects. I began to have break outs, and puss filled sores through out my body. There were times when I had given up all hope, and I begin to have thoughts that my life was over and that this infection would ultimately take my life. I would eventually lose my job, as my place of business discovered my illness. My supervisor told me not to come back without a statement from my doctor which demonstrated I was cleared from the infection.

On a personal level I find it simply outrageous that 21st century medical professionals are unable to have a morsel of an impact on a bacterial infection. Through this experience I have lost respect for western medicine, and have found myself looking through eyes of suspicion at the cause and nature of the birth of MRSA. All of us can see how disheartening it is to hear the afflictions experienced from MRSA victims and some will eventually lose their life because they are being led down an erroneous direction by trusted medical professionals. Yet, there are answers right here, right now, which can make a difference and help save lives.

So, I had given up on doctors, all I had left to guide me through this challenge was my experience. And it was my experience that would ultimately lead me to the help that would make all the difference in the world. Some of the information that I am sharing now will help to choke the fuel which feeds MRSA, but don't just take my word for it. The information that I am sharing can be backed by science, and through Shannon Brown and his team in California this is exactly what they are doing. If you or a loved one has MRSA please take the time to do an internet search for Shannon Brown. Even if you decide not to use his product, you will be inundated with information that may save your life. It was through Shannon that I truly got an education on how MRSA works, and what I could do to stop it in it tracks for good.

This is what I've learned from my personal experience,

*Sugar - MRSA lives and feeds on sugar. Your diet will play a huge role in eliminating MRSA. After eating a glazed doughnut one morning, I found that an infected boil increased in size and pain in a matter of hours. I later discovered that this information pertaining to sugar was being shared by Shannon Brown.

*Razors - Only use electric razors. If you are living with MRSA Non electric razors will leave openings in your skin that are perfect infection sites for MRSA to invade.

*Tumeric - By taking 1 500 mg tablet 2x a day, I have noticed a decrease in outbreaks on the skin. The only concern I have about turmeric is, although one may be controlling the outbreaks, one is still living with MRSA. Therefore a person may be unknowingly spreading MRSA through touch and human contact. I feel this is something that must be addressed as the goal should be eradication, not simply controlling the outbreaks. This may actually be doing harm in addition to good.

* Shannon Browns' product. - Shannon's product is superior in the fight against MRSA and is currently what has saved my life. There are thousands of other recipients that have also had remarkable results, and are living examples of the fact that you can beat MRSA for good.

I know that what I am attempting to share will benefit many MRSA victims. However, I do not write this for victims alone. I write this now for those who find it in themselves to go beyond the borders of conventional medicine, and seek to heal themselves their loved ones, and most importantly to eradicate MRSA from their lives. I share this for those who are fighters. For I am one with you!

I wish everyone success in their struggle with this affliction! May you find wholeness and complete health this very year!

Homeopathic Remedies
Posted by Joyce (Dallas, Tx) on 06/04/2012

I took the Hylands also and initially purchased them on ebay, but later found out that one of the health food stores had them also... Some of the other health food stores only have numbers 1-5 and one health food store only has number 1 and 8... So I have to go to the only health food store that has all 12 of them... They are the biggest God Send... I had this acne scar on my left cheek and recently noticed it has disappeared as a result of me taking these.. Pretty Cool!!

Homeopathic Remedies
Posted by Anthony (Philadelphia, Pa) on 06/04/2012

Hey, Glad to hear your story and great results! I actually began taking The combination bottle that has all the tissue salts in one at a strength of 3X by Hyland. I also have the seb derm, colitis, fatigue etc. (some of the same symptoms as you). Which brand did you take and where did you get them from? Thanks!

Homeopathic Remedies
Posted by Joyce (Dallas, Tx) on 06/03/2012

Hi, I wanted to update everyone on my MRSA. It has been 2 years since I wrote to Ted and I have gotten used to it all this time, until four months ago when I discovered another homeopathic website that talked about the 12 Tissue Salts. I started taking Silica, Calcium Sulphate, Potassium Chloride (Kali Mur), Potassium Sulphate (Kali Sulph), Sodium Sulphate (Natrum Sulph) and Sodium Phosphate (Natrum Phos)... This combination of tissue salts have cured my MRSA...

I took it for 2 month and they are gone, they also cleared up some old acne scars on my face.. They also cleared up my insomnia... They also cleared up my recurring Conjunctivitis... They also cleared up my recurring bladder infections... They also cleared up my acne outbreaks, which were hormonal... They also cleared up my sebhoreaic dermatitis on my scalp.... They have done so much for me... And they are the easiest thing to take... You just take 4 tiny pills and dissolve them under your tongue 4 times a day... Thats it! Google them now, Dr Schusslers 12 Tissue Salts... Each one has a specific function for the body...

Turmeric and Raw Honey
Posted by Sue (Gold Hill, Or) on 05/21/2012

I feel I contracted MRSA from a hot tub. I was going through some stress at the time, and I was not eating healthy at the time. I tried many, many things, and this is what I have discovered for myself. RAW HONEY mixed with TURMERIC makes the best paste to put on any MRSA wound. Cover it with a bandage. Raw honey is a miracle! It contains so many enzymes that it can heal any rash or sore when nothing else works. I learned this from personal experience. Take all white flour and sugar out of your diet while you are trying to heal, including alcohol drinks. Try to keep your PH balance by alkalizing with 1 T. Raw apple cider vinegar and 1/4 t. Baking soda (good quality from health food section) mixed with nice cold water. Once in morning and night. Taste like plain seltzer water. Be patient! Everyday keep putting on a mixture of raw honey mixed with turmeric on wound, and it will start healing. Start building up your immune system and eat healthy, no white flour, no sugar, stay away from real sweet fruit, such as bananas and grapes while you are trying to heal. This is from my own personal experience.

Manuka Honey
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 05/10/2012

I've been having fun with a boil for a few weeks now, I tried Tumeric with some success, having thought I'd nobbled it, I stopped and it came back, then finding some good results on the net with "Cream of Tartar" I took a teaspoonful of tumeric, and the same with Cream of tartar, mixed with some soya milk a little at the bottom of the glass so they creamed together and then filled the glass up. Since taking it morning and evening the character of the boil has changed dramatically to a free draining no worries sort of thing.

It seems that Tartaric acid forms in wine barrels and the underside of corks in wine bottles, it's a crystal, It's used in baking to activate bicarb of soda... But in medicine as a blood cleanser. There once were tablets sold with sulphur and cream of tartar for boils. Its also another natural cleaning agent ACV.. Bicarbonate of Soda... Lemon juice.. Hydrogen peroxide... now add Cream of tartar.

Manuka Honey
Posted by Leora (San Francisco, Ca) on 05/09/2012

I had this horrible staph infection on the back of my legs and I spent days putting ACV (which usually works for most things) on it. Nothing happened. The staph was replicating and the boils were getting bigger. Finally, I went to my doctor who ordered systemic antibiotics and it went away in about 4 days. A month later the staph came back. I hadn't been sleeping due to my 6 month old being sick with his first cold, bad cough and congestion. My immune system was just worn down. I didn't want to do antibiotics again because I'm still breastfeeding, but I had heard about Manuka honey and skin infections. I figured I'd try it for a few days and if it didn't work, I'd call in and get the antibiotics. I put it on at night, and then the next morning, the boil had shrunk. It was still red, but the "anger" had gone out of it. It wasn't large and painful and "alive" any longer. I was in shock.

The other thing that was going on was that I had caught my baby's cold. My throat was killing me and I was starting to get that cough and congestion. I decided that if it worked so well on my leg, maybe it would work well on my throat. I took a teaspoon full and within an hour my throat stopped hurting. It then turned into a chest thing where there were some resperatory stuff coming up, but not in that violent way at the beginning of an illness, more like at the end. A few hours later, I took another teaspoon full and napped with my baby for an hour and a half, and when I woke up, cough and mucus from my chest - totally gone! I can't believe it.

Milk of Magnesia
Posted by Fye (Quezon City, Philippines) on 04/22/2012

@YEA hI! , where did you buy MOM here in the Philipines? I'm from Quezon City. Thanks. Hope for your response

Turmeric and Manuka Honey
Posted by Ryan (New Orleans, Louisiana) on 04/18/2012

Try also washing with Hibiclens.

Posted by Scared Mommy (Lapine, Oregon) on 04/14/2012

Dear Sharon, my daughter recently contracted mrsa. she is now in antibiotics, the wound is completely drained and now starting to heal. the doctor has warned me not we are not out of the park yet. now its in her blood. there is always the possibility it could always come back. im afraid she wont be able to function in life without the possiblity of this popping up. she is 3 years old. i would love to try the onion remedie. how would you suggest i do this. her hole is mostly drained and her wound is only the size of a m&m candy. im desprate and afraid for her. please reply.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Liljen (Ravenna, Ohio/usa) on 04/12/2012

Can I ask you what brand of Colloidal silver you used and at what dosage as a friend of mine is battling this for the last year and would like to know where is the best place to get it?

Dietary Changes
Posted by Cindy (Crystal, Minn) on 04/05/2012

Had mrsa f/5 yrs!!!! Boils like giant eggs!!! Prayed f/answer, tried everything, then the answer... On the internet!!! They r now finding mrsa in cheap cuts of pork!!! I was eating 1 type of pork, bar s sausages f/walmart!!!! Quit eating the pork, n disappeared overnite!!!! Lev 11 says NOT to eat pork, QUIT eating pork or shellfish n ur problem will be kaput!!!!

Baking Soda
Posted by Kay (Destin, Fl) on 03/10/2012

I made a paste of Baking soda and Muprocin for boils in areas I couldn't bandage (scalp); it worked incredibly well to partially drain the boils overnight, and none have spread. The next morning, being in a hurry, I just squirted the muprocin on my finger and dipped it in the baking soda, then applied it to the sore, it stings but it's drying them up really fast. I'll continue this (and washing the area, and nose and ears in Hibicleanse) for a few more days to make sure it's eradicated. I swear I can feel the germs runnning for cover into my ears, so I am drowning them/ears in hydrogen peroxide between my baths.

General Feedback
Posted by Misty (Fort Erie, Ont, Canada) on 03/06/2012

Jerrifer from concord with your 2 yr old. As it boils she had in her diaper area. I have suffered with these boils on my inner thighs and pubic area for 30 yrs I am going to give this turmeric a try. Please post how your daughter is making out.

thank you, Misty

Posted by Z2ac2k (Chase, Nc) on 02/25/2012

Here is a link to a study performed in 1985 showing the effectiviness of iodine to kill MRSA compared to other common treatments.

Yunnan Baiyao
Posted by Ken (Vancouver, Canada) on 02/21/2012

I cured many Staph infections large and small which are very common in the humid tropical regions of the world. The simple solution was:

Yunnan Baiyao which is a very common remedy available in any Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) shop. Cost a few $ only and is in powder or capsule form which can be appied topically and or taken orally. It heals these boils in one or two days like magic. Search Google for more info. Also good to keep skin dry and clean as possible with good nutrition to avoid recurrence.

Vitamin C
Posted by Nickie (Ruislip, Middlesex England) on 02/21/2012

Hi Vonni You might try Grapefruit Seed Extract for your tooth. I had abcessed root filled teeth for years and it always worked. (NOT grape seed - different thing) GSE is a natural anti-biotic and won't destroy the gut flora like the pharmaceutical kind you are taking.

You don't have multiple problems - you just have a body that is overloaded with toxins and it's complaining in many ways. The doctors tend to treat each thing separately rather than your overall health so you must do for yourself.

Best suggestion would be, try the GSE for infections and supplement with vitamin B complex because the antibiotics will have depleted you. You must also take some probiotics to replace the gut flora or you'll have a problem with fungal infections which you don't need.

Do a detox. That means eating food that doesn't make your body work hard to digest as it's already working overtime to fight infections. Make veg soup and puree it in a blender like baby food. This way your stomach doesn't work so hard to break it down. If you can get a juicer then drink raw fruit and vegetable juices; They have all the vitamins and minerals your body needs plus protein and, because they haven't been heated, retain enzymes which means easy absorbtion. Also, this way you can take more nourishment without getting full up. You will need some fibre so have oatmeal or oatbran for breakbast as that de-toxifies. As much as you can, avoid dairy foods, gluten in bread, cakes etc. Anything with additives, caffeine, alcohol, sugar, strong spices and most meat. Fats are hard work for your digestion so no fried stuff. A little chicken is OK or fresh fish and as much raw fruit and veg as you wish. (There are ideas and instructions for juicing on Doctoryourself. Com, a non-commercial website)

Make sure your bowels work properly and every day. If needed use a natural laxative like senna or psyllium husks.

Get enough sleep and, since you sound stressed, if you have trouble relaxing then check out the Magnesium section on this site. Taking a 20 minute soak in a bath with Epsom Salts (magnesium sulphate) allows your body to absorb the magnesium without having to digest tablets and also draws out toxins. The sulphur in it also softens the skin beautifully.

Get some exercise or at least do some deep breathing in the fresh air several times a day.

Keep taking the Vitamin C and get of the meds as soon as possible. When you are feeling a bit better you should do a cleanse to get all the remnants of old medications and other toxins out of the system but I'm sure you can find ways to do that on Earth Clinic. The Apple Cider Vinegar is a good start.

You didn't say which tooth has the cyst. If it's in the front it would be especially tough to lose but you must consider it may be inevitable. That and the meds have been poisoning you for three years now and making you miserable. Believe me, I know how you feel. Poor treatment started by Health Service dentists compounded by later private treatment has left me with some very expensive gaps in my mouth. Unfortunately Socialised Medicine and dentistry leads to lowering of standards in the private sector of both professions.

Most important of all, have faith that you can heal. Isn't this a great site? Take care of yourself. Nickie

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Kay (Destin, Fl) on 02/18/2012

For Ref: Chlorhexidine glucanate ("Hibicleanse") is sold at Walmart; it is sometimes kept behind the counter, so you ask for it of you can't find it... Prices are better when you buy the larger bottles (sometimes you have to order the larger bottles; it takes @ 3 days).

Prices (Feb 2012)

small, 4 oz bottle: $5.97

meduim, 8 oz bottle $8.37

large, 16 oz bottle $13.72

extra large: the pharmacists is checking for a better/wholesale price/source.

The pharmacists cautions against it for full-body use; she says be sure to use as little as possible! Read the Warning Lable carefully!!!

(PS: Just posting Walmart prices because it is most accessible nationwide)

Vitamin C
Posted by Bess (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 02/10/2012

Hi Maria - Regarding your question about needing to use an ultrasonic cleaner for making lioposomal Vitamin C, someone has posted a recipe using an immersion (stick) blender with good results.

Here's the link:

It doesn't get the particles as small as the ultrasonic, but it might be good enough. Hope it works for you. Cheers, Bess

Vitamin C
Posted by Louwrence (Rustenburg, North West South Africa) on 02/09/2012

Hi Maria, Sorry that is the only way to make liposomal vit c, the sonic cleaner costs about $40

Manuka Honey, Alkaline Diet, Supplements
Posted by Jill (Washington, Dc) on 02/09/2012

After reading everything on this website (and beyond) for curing staph infections - I tried it all! I did not want to go through multiple rounds of antibiotics searching for one it would not be resistant to. I tried: turmeric powder, drinking raw garlic that had been crushed and sitting for 15 mins, bathing in crushed garlic, applying crushed garlic to wound, aplying baking soda mixed with filtered water directly to the wound, applying manuka honey to boil (16 ), an alkaline diet including foods & supplements - ACV and baking soda, seaweeds, wheat grass, calcium/magnesium, and bathing in bentonite clay. I think that's it.

By far what worked best for me was:

a) applying manuka honey (go for an expensive jar - totally worth it) directly to the wound. I saw an immediate difference each time after applying for hours

b) alkaline diet and supplements. As soon as I approached the healing range my infection cleared up so fast!

The garlic applied directly stung, but didn't seem to do much. Garlic bathing helped a bit, but not as much as simply applying the honey. Baking soda applied directly dried out the wound but didn't help it heal.

Thank you everyone for all your helpful ideas!!

Vitamin C
Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 02/08/2012

Hi Louwrence (from Rustenburg), Have had a quick look, very interesting. The one I found requires a sonic cleaner, do you know a method that does not need one to make it? I have seen liposomal vit c mentioned here before but have known nothing about it. Thanks

Vitamin C
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 02/07/2012

I believe that iodine kills MRSA. You could take it internally and apply the iodine directly to the affected areas externally on your body. If you take it internally you need to also take vitamin c, selenium and magnesium. If it is not MRSA, iodine will kill yeast as well so it should work.

For the shingles in your eyes, I would try colloidal silver and use it as an eye wash or get a dropper and put one or two drops in your eyes to see how that works.

I would stop the antibiotics you are taking because antibiotics will kill the good bacteria in your body and that will not help your situation, probably worsen it. To offset the damage the antibiotics are doing to you, you will need to take a probiotic for a couple of weeks. Taking 3 antibiotics at once is not good (my opinion anyway).

Spirulina and chlorella are good for blood cleansing so I would also try that. Vitamin C is also good to take.

Vitamin C
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 02/07/2012 2063 posts

Vonnii, I can't help but reply as you sure do seem deep into the muck of it right now. I too have had my share of negatives associated w/ illness.

One thing I've been hinting lately here on E.C. is the power of not "one" agent, drug, nutrient, treatment, protocol, but a variety and combinations of things as the BEST option especially in severe cases.

There are many ways to support the immune system, Vit-C is good, but C alone is not enough. Consider Zinc/VitA loading, Iodine loading. Raw Thymus Glandular, Immune boosting herbs and mushrooms, Colloidal Silver (gargle, and drink), MMS.

Hope this helps and report any progress.

Hot Drinks
Posted by Max (Adelaide, Sa ) on 02/07/2012

Recent study found hot drinks ( tea and coffee) protect against MRSA. I don't think it cures it once you have already got it but regular tea and coffee drinkers are less likely to catch MRSA. Note, this study only tested MRSA in the nasal cavity they are yet to discover whether the effects are systemic.


Vitamin C
Posted by Louwrence (Rustenburg, North West South Africa) on 02/06/2012

Hi Maria, Go to youtube & look for liposomal vit c, it is self explanatory & you will then see what a wonderful product it is.

Vitamin C
Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 02/06/2012

Hi Vonnii, Quite a few people have had success with Turmeric for MRSA so I would be starting there.

Vitamin C
Posted by Vonnii (Whakatane, New Zealand) on 02/05/2012

Hi I have had bacteria from the hospital in a cyst on my bottom tooth. Since feb 2009. The bacteria was put into my body when I went to the hospital for a check for gluten. this was in may 2008. The doctor gave me amoxen and doxycline but the cyst just grew bigger. I saw a gum specialist but he wanted to remove 13 teeth which were not loose. The doctor sent me back to dentists who just wanted my tooth removed. I eventually found that 3 antiboitis worked to remove the cyst amoxen doxycline and ermine.

I went to the hospital for help when I became sick but the dentists also told the hospital not to help me. So I have a cyst on my tooth with bacterial.

I take 24000 of vitamin c every day to protect my organs.

I developed shingles on my brain and on my eyes because of this cyst. Stress makes me worse but vitamin C really works. I take over 40 different health products morning and night but the bacterial does not die.

In August 2011 the bacteria went onto my finger. My finger was in a terrible mess so eventually the doctors gave me the 3 antiboitics for 4 weeks. But pathlab did a culture and just said it was a yeast infection. The dentists have really got hold of so many so I cant get this cyst sorted out.

I bought antiboitics from america but new zealand took them. I went to the hospital for the 3 antiboitics as my eyes are now affected again with shingles. I saw the man who was so against me and he told me not to come back to the hosptial.

So I drink black tea which keeps my blood from getting too bad from the bacteria. The cyst on my tooth is pain less but the bacteria still comes out into my body when I am stressed. The three antiboitics together work to kill the mrsa bacteria.

I have a very allergic body and I can't take any pain killers I used to use doxycline for pain but the doctors refuse to give me any more.

So I use feverfew but doxycline is better. The mrsa bacteria has now gone onto another finger so I will try using natural things.

Good health to you all


The dentists want my tooth taken out but I refuse.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by James (Akron, Ohio, Usa) on 01/19/2012

Two years ago I have MRSA staph infection. My left arm swelled up to double the regular size. I went to the hospital, they put my on an IV of antibiotics and the swelling went down a few days later. For a year and a half I would get reoccuring boils and swelling. I tried everything: Epsom Salts, Manuka Honey, Tea Tree Oil, etc. IT was only when I used Colloidal Silver in a nebulizer(it helps with asthma too) and externally on the boils that I noticed immediate relief from the staph infection.

I am thoroughly convinced that colloidal silver cures MRSA, though I am just speaking from personal experience.

Baking Soda, Salt, Honey
Posted by Viresident (Vancouver Island, Canada) on 01/18/2012

I have been with this bacteria for years, it was misdiagnosed until about 2 months ago. I have been getting great results with baking soda and salt paste. I pour it on, leave it on for hours, and just splash it off (I try to never touch the area as it always spreads)

Everything else, including numerous antibiotic prescriptions both topical and oral haven't helped. In my husband's words "they just made it look horrible. " It really does just get worse. This has been a nightmare and a learning curve. I'm highly allergic to penicillin now after a life threatening reaction resulting in swollen throat and tongue after several consecutive cycles at double strength cloxacillin.

I've made lifestyle changes such as eating alkaline/vegan and it seems to be helping (for one month so far). My doctor keeps telling me to do things, such as stop treating the area once the boils are gone, but it always comes back, so I am going to continue this process until it is gone from all the layers, as it seems to be down very deep.

Unfortunately, it's mostly on my face and has left a few purple marks, which they say will fade over time.

I tried Manuka Active honey as a topical and it made things worse. I thought perhaps I'll try it again over night, and it not only made the area red and inflamed, it cause it to spread quickly.

I have also been using Milk of Magnesia as a topical for a couple weeks, and it works WONDERS on the boils, dries them right up. I use Phillips brand with peppermint oil. If you apply a thin layer it will soak right in. A thicker layer leaves a white film. I haven't been washing it off unless I have to go out, because again if I touch it, it's very sensitive and starts to spread.

Interally I take turmeric 1tsp 3x / day, tissue salts (12 combination), baking soda water with lemon or lime (to alkalize), vitamins and minerals, milk thistle, acidophilus, and lately acai (too expensive to get the pure stuff and doesn't seem to be doing too much), but definitely lots of GSE both in liquid and capsules (too drying for topically right on my skin even diulted).

I'm on the home stretch :) Can't wait to be reposting to say I'm completely cured! Although that might be some time as it's been with me for 3 years and is very deep in the skin.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Elle (Cc, Fl) on 01/16/2012

In addition to the previously described strategy to decolonize the MRSA bacteria on skin and in nostrils, you should also at the same time take internally dietary supplements of probiotics containing a variety of strains of acidophilus like lactobacilus acidophilus and lactobacillus rhamosus. Make sure the brand you buy has a guarantee of true potency. This product will be in the refrigerated part of a health food store and you should keep it refrigerated at home. Also youghert with live probiotic cultures and buttermilk also have lactobacilus acidophilus. Eat plenty of these. Feed youghert, kefir, buttermilk to your kids to strengthen their immune system. Eliminate sugar, gluten, alcohol, beer, wine, as much as possible. Drink lots of water cause as the MRSA bacteria dies, you need water to flush out the dead bacteria. May God help us all to achieve good health and to praise Him.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Elle (Cc, Fl) on 01/16/2012

In addition to the previously described strategy to decolonize the MRSA bacteria on skin and in nostrils, you should also at the same time take internally dietary supplements of probiotics containing a variety of strains of acidophilus like lactobacilus acidophilus and lactobacillus rhamosus. Make sure the brand you buy has a guarantee of true potency. This product will be in the refridgerated part of a health food store and you should keep it refridgerated at home. Also youghert with live probiotic cultures and buttermilk also have lactobacilus acidophilus. Eat plenty of these. Feed youghert, kefir, buttermilk to your kids to strengthen their immune system. Eliminate sugar, gluten, alcohol, beer, wine, as much as possible. Drink lots of water cause as the MRSA bacteria dies, you need water to flush out the dead bacteria. May God help us all to achieve good health and to praise Him.

Posted by Bigal123 (Oxford, N.c. America) on 01/14/2012

Silver kills mrsa- read this:

Posted by Vanislegirl (Vancouver Island, Canada) on 01/10/2012

I have tried antibiotics and it definitely made things worse. I've been using baking soda/seasalt/aloe pastes and that seems to be working, but still 3 small boils I'm dealing with. I've recently added ground flaxseed to the paste and hope that helps. I'm going to do the crushed garlic both internal and external with manuka honey starting today. Hopefully I'll repost and let you know I'm cured! Its been 3 years (I was misdiagnosed with hormonal acne until 4 months ago when I got extremely ill from the mrsa).

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Elle (Cc, Florida) on 12/20/2011

MRSA control for a normally healthy person requires decolonization of skin and nostrils. MRSA typically hides out in the membrane inside the nostrils so you must treat all areas of the skin and both nostrils at the same time:

The decolonization procedure often recommended includes both of the following measures:

Apply 2% mupirocin ointment generously throughout the inside of both nostrils with a cotton swab ( but don't overdo and dig too deep inside the nostril) twice daily for 10 days and
Bathe with liquid chlorhexidene soap, washing all skin surfaces daily for five days. Daily bathing or showering using an antibacterial agent such as chlorhexidine gluconate is recommended during mupirocin treatment to improve chances of eradication. Alternative treatment with tea tree oil body lotion and shampoo have been shown effective in achieving decolonization, and have the benefit of being less harsh on the skin. Use a pharmaceutical grade Tea Tree Oil Skin Wash.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, FL) on 12/02/2008

Niacin(B3) converts triglycerides and LDL to HDL... basically starving the staph. Higher Sodium Ascorbate content won't hurt either. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP) might help as well. Ted's got the right idea.

New Strategy Cracks Staph Bacterium's "Golden Armor," Making It Vulnerable To Treatment -- 15 Feb 2008
"Researchers have exploited a structural vulnerability in the "superbug" Staphylococcus aureus that in laboratory experiments and a mouse study opened the bacterium to treatment with an anti-cholesterol medication. This follows the 2005 discovery that a pigment provides a "golden armor" that enables staph to evade the immune system.

An article published Feb.14 in the online version of Science (Science Express) describes the study, which was conducted by researchers at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, the National Taiwan University in Taipei, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and the University of California, San Diego.

After treatment with the drug - which had progressed through preclinical testing in rats and two early clinical trials in humans as a cholesterol-fighting medication - staph bacteria were about 15 times more susceptible to killing by hydrogen peroxide and were four-fold less able to survive in human blood, according to George Y. Liu, M.D., Ph.D., one of the article's co-first authors.""

10/03/2009: Deanna from Augusta, GA replies: "yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I am so thankful for this site and Ted and the lady that made this site ,Yes!!! Ted does have it right it makes sense the niacin B3, The doctor finally gave me some they are using it for lowering cholestorol I am getting my own I do not trust pharmaceutical companies . I thank God for all of you on earth clinic : ) Ted I am the lady that said I went through breast cancer and my doctor friend brought me ground barley and flaxseed oil so it would not kill my good cells can you find more on that. He uses natural remedies on the children and is now taking the mercury out of my grandson. Oh I am 57 and I am small but it is genetics they say for heart disease all my kids have it but I bet from this site there is a way to get rid of it I quit eating meat too, Again I thank you for this blessed site.

01/06/2011: Tracy from Ft Pierce, Florida replies: "Trying to diagnose an ongoing problem. It started with one of my breast and what I thought was an abscess. I was told I had a clogged milk duct and needed surgery but with no money no one would do it so it finally healed but now it is returning in the other breast and I have done some research and think maybe I have MRSA but not sure because they did blood work and they told me there wasn't any bacteria. I am desperate for a way to stop this from continueing and would love a home remedy that could help. Another problem is I have no money for expensive remedies I am very poor."

04/19/2011: Marty from Mars, PA replies: "I will tell u the only way to get rid of this is to put 2 cups of bleach in a tub of water and soak in it for 15 to 20 minutes everyday for 1 week then do it once a week for six months in really bad cases u might have to do the once a week thing for the rest of your life this really works and works fast I doubted it to tried a lot of other things and finally tried this and it does the job
