Castor Oil
Castor Oil
Castor Oil and Baking Soda
Mix Castor oil with baking soda. Make into a paste, like tooth paste. Dab on the lesion and cover with a band-aid. Continue doing this until lesion fall off. Be patient. The area will heal without any scaring. Edgar Casey first recommended this procedure decades ago. When you remove a lesion with acid you will normally leave a scar. Baking Soda is alkaline and safe to use. My kitty Fonzie has a lesion on his forehead. We have been dabbing this mixture on his head when we can catch him. No band-aid. It is now just a tenth of what it was. Making a video of this and will post after the lesion is gone and his fur has grown back. I've used this on myself and it has always worked well.
Castor Oil and Baking Soda
For the purpose of these tips, I'll state that one 'application' would be considered 4-8 hours, which can typically be done during a workday or a night of sleep.
1. For the first 1-3 applications, nothing new might be noticed. This is usual.
*I've read that the ideal consistency is that of 'gum', and this has worked best for me. So make it more on the moldable side rather than too runny. You should be able to almost roll it into a little ball and stick it on the mole. This is also better so that the mixture doesn't leak out too quickly.
2. For faster results, 'score' the mole or skin tag (scraping lightly with a needle, toothpick or nail file) prior to each application.
**Please note that this will make the mole more tender and a red or irritated area will usually develop around the mole due to distress from the scoring. If your mole is in a visible place (on the face or neck) you may not want to score it. In my own case, I'd let them dry and scab up and apply light makeup since they were near my face or neck...and I was still presentable during the treatment! This won't hamper the treatments, it just takes more time. Either way, it should take only 1-2 more applications to get to the next phase.
3. Once you start to feel a slight tingling or burn, this means the mole is moving into the 'disintegration' phase. I imagine it as if the paste is literally eating away at the mole, at least that is what it feels like, and looks like afterwards. The burn doesn't have to occur for the treatment to be effective. I've so far only noticed it on moles, but not with skin tags. Sometimes I will place light pressure with my finger on the area if the tingling starts to subside, to make the most of the application. I feel that this helps to really dig in there and pulverize that thing! It simply feels like a tiny sunburn; and you will likely gain a tolerance for it.
4. I've noticed that some (bigger or raised) moles seem to be full of blood, and this disintegration phase will often look like a blood bath (sorry but that's really what it looks like) when you take the bandaid off, so take care when wearing an application if you are going to be out in public or with friends. Other moles just seem to flatten without the blood, but it's still good to be cautious during this phase, in case of a leaking bandaid. Nothing appealing about that!
5. Once the mole has significantly been disintegrated, use your judgment about peeling it off, or letting it heal. It seems each case is different, and there seem to be no firm method of what to do from here, so go with what you feel. Sometimes I let the mole rest for a day or two so I can truly determine what kind of progress has been made. Other times I just keep going at it. It's often hard to tell if the mole is gone, when there is a scab area, hence the uncertainty.
6. I also read that treating more than one mole at a time is not the best idea, because your immune system is aiding in fighting it off. I attacked quite a few big moles in the past few weeks, and I certainly have had some spells of fatigue that came out of nowhere; just something to note.
In any case, I won't hesitate to try different methods, or perhaps even switch methods mid-treatment. I am covered with plenty of 'beauty' marks, and once the big ones are completely addressed, I'll still be at this for awhile!
Using castor oil and baking soda every 4th day I peel off the thin layer of scab and mole is still there. Please tell me should I continue to apply mixture. Is it working or not? Please reply what should I do.
I have some tiny mole on my face - about six. I treated it with castor oil and baking soda only one of the mole got irritated and there was redness and swelling around the rest but the one that got irritated got dried and shrink but the other continued to swell my skin I used this method twice should I stop?
(Columbus, Oh)
How long did it take for your skin to come back to its normal color after your mole removed?
Castor Oil and Baking Soda
Castor Oil and Baking Soda
Since it became hard to find, I can also testify to Edgar C's baking soda and Castor oil method. (The Castor oil is Cold Pressed. Found in Health food Stores.Not the normal type found in Drug stores.) Scratching or pricking the mole, then applying a paste of the two ingredients, and covering with a bandage. The first mole I tried with this method was gone in 3 days ( takes a bout a week to heal after that.) I have 2 that are being treated right now. They are in the "blister" swollen stage on day 2. That can be a bit painful...but they should be gone in the next 2 days... This is suppose to work with warts as well. It did indeed get rid of a very, very small one on my penis.. it felt like a grain of salt under the skin... this took about 12 days... A much bigger wart on my toe that I have had for almost 10 years has not seen results yet, after 12 days... So it may be a stronger,older wart, or the method just might work better on Moles? Either way , it does seem to work on both.
(Las Vegas, Nevada USA)
I tried the castor oil and baking soda method. I read on another site to mix it to the consistency of gum. I put it on and it immediately started burning! The burning got so bad, I finally had to wash it off.
I am using castor oil with baking soda since two weeks but there is a small hole I noticed on the mole. Should I continue with the procedure or is there is something serious happening?
(Hotspot, Tx)
Sina, keep going. The mole is beginning to come apart. It will probably gradually slough off.
Thanks for your reply.
My mole was flat one. Now it I have noticed it is little raised like a pimple but it is faded now. Should I continue apply the mixture?
Hi Sina,
Did the paste work for you? Can you please tell me how long did it take? I have started the procedure from 3 days and have not noticed any changes till now. Thanks.
Clove Oil
Then I tried Clove Essential Oil and it worked! I had a HUGE mole by my eye (bigger than a pencil eraser) which is almost gone after 1 week! SO FAST! All the other treatments seemed to take forever...
What I did was put 1 drop of undiluted Clove Essential oil on the mole, then mix 1 drop Clove with one drop of carrier oil and put that on a round band-aid and I kept that on the mole to keep it wet. (Keeping it wet keeps it from scabbing and makes it shrink more quickly.)
I remove the band-aid and do this same treatment daily - maybe 4-6 times per day with the clove oil straight, then half and half on the bandaid, and I slept with the band-aid, too. Only removed it for showers and then put it right back on.
Do not use more than 1 drop straight and always put the carrier oil on after! Otherwise it can burn you. I have been doing this same thing on tiny moles, without the band-aid - and those shrink too, but more slowly. The only trouble with this method is I got a scab where the band-aid touches my skin. Ive been applying lemon salve to the area before I put the band-aid on, so its not so bad, but I can see that discouraging others.
Get some salve before you start! All together, I bought: Clove Essential Oil, Lemon Butter Cuticle creme (I use as salve for everything, great stuff!), Maracuja oil as a carrier oil, and a box of round band-aids.
The moles that I have removed with this method shrink down to pore sized bump and the dark end just pops off like a black head; its very odd. I keep applying it to the raised bump that is left until there is nothing there.
Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil
(Brisbane, Australia)
This is exactly what my sister did. She used Cold Pressed coconut oil. Rubbed it twice a day for 2 months and the moles on her face both rolled off one day in pieces. I did it for 6 weeks and did not continue all the moles reduced to one third of the size. I changed countries and had trouble finding cold pressed coconut oil. Back on it again as I have about 10 to get rid of.
Coconut Oil
I placed a fingernail dolop on a bandaid and placed it over the mole for approximately 8 weeks everyday. I could see that it was starting to disintigrate before my eyes. And it just seemed like suddenly it was gone. What a relief to not have to get it taken off by a Doctor.
Coconut Oil
(Brisbane, Australia)
Quite by accident, I found out that coconut oil gets rid of moles.
I had a light coloured mole on my chest which got bigger quite rapidly, but didn't change colour. It was still pinkish/flesh coloured. At the time I was using coconut oil as a body moisturiser. To my surprise, I discovered that the oil "loosened" the mole and it came off my skin without any residue or pain or scarring.
I have a large black mole at the base of my spine which has been there all my life. I'm now using the coconut oil to remove it too. It's become looser and softer as I deliberately target it with lots of the oil. I'm expecting it to come away in the shower any day now.
A word of warning though. Don't force the mole to come off. You don't want it bleeding and scabbing over. The oil will take it away without any damage to the underlying skin.
Coconut Oil
I have quite a few flat moles on my body I wanted to get rid of. I didn't feel comfortable with scraping them with a pin and using apple cider vinegar so I used coconut oil. I bought extra virgin cold pressed organic coconut oil, the best quality. I have now been using it for over three months, morning and night, and no difference on a single mole or freckle. Very disappointed but I'll keep on using it.
(Montgomery, Tx, Usa)
Castor oil mixed with baking soda into a gum like consistency also gets rid of moles, skin tags, warts etc...
Cold Sore Medicine
(Pelham, NC)
Hi: Would you share more detailed info about what kind of cold sore medicine you used and how you applied it to your moles? How long did it take for the mole(s) to fall off? Please email me if you dont mind. Thanx alot!
DO NOT USE DMSO!!!! There are laws in place that DMSO is not to be used for humans, and this is for a SEVERE HEALTH REASON!!! DMSO is designed to absorb into the skin extremely quickly, and ANYTHING on your skin surface will also be absorbed with it. Toxic substances, topical grade treatments, synthetic polymers that disrupt the function of your body, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING will be absorbed into your blood if you come in contact with DMSO. That flea and tick medicine you put on your dog? It will go into your system. That pesticide you sprayed the other day? Now in your system. That cleaner you used 30 minutes ago to disinfect the kitchen? INSIDE your body and causing harm!! Also, the isopropyl alcohol you just used to clean the mole area is toxic when entered in the blood stream, but DMSO will deliver it there! Also, any lotions/vaseline/waxes/silicone based products you used on the surrounding skin will ALSO be pulled into your blood stream and cause adverse effects. If the waxes from a lotion form a ball in your blood, it will cause clots, leading to DVT, heart attack, stroke, or kidney blockage. DVT is dreadfully painful, if untreated you can lose a limb. Kidney blockage will lead to a buildup of your own waste inside your body, leading to toxicity. Heart attack or stroke can be fatal, and the drugs used to break up blood clots will not work if your clot is a wax clot and not a blood clot!! DO NOT MESS AROUND WITH THIS DMSO!!!
You should read up on DMSO first before using it as there are many precautions. Once you are educated on it, it will be safe as long as you follow the rules. There is a lot of scaremongering from “professionals” on its use as medical institutions do not want people curing things themselves at home. They would like this to be left up to them. As long as you follow the rules, you will be fine. DMSO is used in hospitals on humans. It has many other names also which can be confusing. DMSO is an amazing healing agent.
This should be declared as paid post by big pharma to prevent people from curing themselves with natural stuff but instead using expensive big pharma stuff which usually has huge side effects.
(Tn, Usa)
Hello Sarah from Nc:
Are you trying to tell people to completely stay away from DMSO? It seems by the way you replied that's your suggestion. I understand what you're implying but you seem to be going totally against all the healing properties of DMSO.
Can it be dangerous? Sure! You can say this for Colloidal Silver and the many other natural substances that can be absorbed into the body. We just have to be careful but IF you're implying not to use DMSO at all then that goes against its many benefits. Thanks!
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
To Sarah,
Re: Warning about DMSO
I've used DMSO for years...decades in fact. Just make sure the skin is clean and if using a cloth, it must be white so nothing carries.
I always refer folks to google "DMSO 60 Minutes Dr Jacobs You tube"
That's a great three part discussion played on 60 minutes and featuring Dr Jacobs, the MD who really popularized the substance.
HI U CHARLOTTE, ORH here and you have given good advice, but at the same time you are chilling the subject. I first learned of DMSO when I went to work in St Francisville, La with Crown Zellerbach. The sister mill in Bogalusa was where almost all was made in the USA. The DMSO plant supervisor came over on our start-up and we became friends. That was in 1965, so I have been into this subject for awhile. What has got my motor revved up is the use of DMSO with CDS. I have been around CLO2 since 1954 in pulp mills to turn dingy paper... white. I had no clue about the health aspects. We are making and taking it now daily for our health. I am learning that DMSO taking beforehand will increase the effectiveness. How does that happen and what does that mean? I have no clue, but we are going down this road. This is a biggie. Jockey itch is only a biggie for the person who has it. I try not to cure it, but just to keep it so lite scratching puts me in heaven. Ain't as good as sex, but it's pretty good. ATS ====ORH====
Guys its a joke, it is bleeding but light, now I have garlic on it again, we see how it goes. Stay safe and be safe.
(Andhra Pradesh)
I tried thrice the garlic therapy continuously on one mole. It dried up each time perfectly but when it came out the mole still is intact. It is as if one layer at a time it is coming out. What do I do? Thrice means three layers must have come out but still there's no difference to the mole.. How many more times should I apply it?? Or should I stop?? What am I doing wrong?