Mite Infestation
Natural Remedies

Effective Mite Infestation Treatment: Top Natural Remedies

Mites in Car Remedies
Posted by L.franklin (Arizona) on 12/16/2017

Regarding cleaning out car,get Diatomaceous Earth and sprinkle all through your car leave for at least 5days then vacuum. Then take a spray bottle full with 70% rubbing alcohol.

Mites in Car Remedies
Posted by Mike (Southern Cal., US) on 03/19/2015

To David in Dover, NH, go to tractor supply and get some ivermectin pour-on for cattle. My friend who owns an auto body shop sprayed the interior of my car with his paint sprayer, the one that's run with an air compresser. I closed it up overnight to let it penatrate real good, then aired out the smell. We do this every 2 weeks to make sure new ones dont hatch & start the sh**t all over again.
