(Potsdam, New York Usa)
The weird thing was however, I bought them from right where you are at a drug store in Anaheim. The bottle is labeled 'Henry's', freeze dried acidophilus. When they had run out I bought more from our local health shop (in New Zealand) and to my disdain, they didn't work!
I have no explanation for this, so I will have to get my brother, who lives in Anaheim, to send me some more, as those ones definitely did without fail!!
Good luck with this, keep us posted!
Chevygirl, NZ
Alkaline pH
Cabbage can be juiced and drunk, it is alkalizing; perhaps the cure is in keeping the urine alkalized. The high content of sulphur in cabbage removes (free radicals and uric acid) which are the main causes of arthritis, skin diseases, rheumatism, and gout.
Alkaline pH
(Goodlettsville, TN)
Please help me understand this. I was told 3 weeks ago that I probably had I.C. UGH!!!!! My Dr. gave me Enanblex and the run down on this disease and told me to check several websites and support groups on how to deal with this. His nurse said it all to do with what I ate and if I ate something acidic to do the baking soda trick. It didn't help as a matter of fact it seem to get worse and my urine then had a foul odor with some pus in it. I finally convinced my Neurologist not my gyno to put me on antibiotics (even though the urinalysis was negative)and it seem to start getting better right away. Does any body else have this problem? I did find that you can use _____ to remove the acid from foods and it comes in a oral tablet & a granule formula to put in foods that you are cooking.I feel like I need to find a different Dr. because he wasn't very helpful and basically told me to talk to the internet if I had a problem. Any feed back would be so helpful.
(Nashville, TN)
This is for Angie from Goodlettsville, TN that suffers from IC...if you had pus in your urine than it sounds like an infection to me. My urologist said that the does not rely on the urinalysis done in the office because they can be unreliable. He always sends them out to be cultured. I would definitely get a second opinion if I were you. I would much rather have UTI's which can be cleared up rather than IC which is a chronic condition. Best of luck to you.
I experience UTI feelings, wasn't sure if it is IC. I saw a few MD's, OBGYN they were clueless. I researched and came across an interview practitioner that was using MicroGenDX labs for her patients. The lab checks for 50,000 pathogens. I ordered the test through MicroGenDX and the lab did a urinalysis and within 48 hours they found the two different types of bacteria. My naturopathic doctor went over the lab tests, and came up with a naturopathic treatment
(Grand Rapids, MI)
I have had IC for 19 years so I have a lot of experience dealing with it. When I first came down with it I also noticed that antibiotics relieved my symptoms, so I kept going to the doctor and begging for antibiotics. Whatever causes it is some kind of virulent fungus. What has worked best for me is ___ ____ [anti-candida supplement] and colloidal silver.
(Ottumwa, Iowa, Usa)
For I. C. , look at a particular form of calcium called Calcium Glycerophosphate, (brand is P______.) good luck everyone.
That's what the Interstitial Cystitis help site says. “Take Calcium Glycerophosphate daily to reduce unintended acids in your diet and decrease IC symptoms which result from ingesting bladder irritants.”
They recommend L-arginine, Chondroitin Sulfate, and Probiotics from studies indicating that they help relieve IC symptoms. I've upped my dose of L-arginine and ordered Chondroitin Sulfate. You probably know of Glucosamine & Chondroitin a popular supplement.
(Mpls, Mn)
Calcium Citrate alkolizes urine while giving you calcium you need anyway. Search on Google " "Calcium citrate" "urine PH" " Plus you can put them in your purse. I use 4/day (The recomended dose), one per meal and 1 w/small snack b4 bed. (Purchase w/Magnesium in the pill also, or you can get constipated. ) Test w/ph paper if you like. Works like a charm, while providing what we need anyway-strong bones. I hear to always take calcium w/food for best absorption. 1st time I took them, I tested PH and wow very alkaline. Pain went way down. After taking for 3 weeks, I was pain free, but still on the IC diet, but starting to cheat a little with good results. (salty foods good now, I couldn't eat blueberries b4, can drink white wine now) Sleeping well (up 2x- was up to 10x), and able to wait to go for over 1.5 hrs now.
(Hastings, Mn)
Yes. I agree. Calcium Citrate did the trick. And Fast. Pain gone almost right way and permanently. I can eat much larger variety after only a few days. Staying off citrus and tomato sauce because I don't want to push it, as I am back on low acid caffeinated coffee after only 2 wks and I am afraid to push it. I need the caffeine more to get to work. I am also back on chocolate. If I take it on an empty stomach though I get nauseous! I take 3 to 4 per day. If I take 4 I get dry lips though. PH of urine is VERY alkaline.
(Mpls, Mn)
Update: still have IC as a problem even w/calcium and mag. Not cured. Can't open up diet much, but constant pain gone. Took awhile to get the correct calcium to magnesium ratio. As I have fibro and that got bad (as did constipation) on just the calcium citrate (w/the little magnesium oxide that was in the capsel) so had to add more magnesium oxide , but adding too much caused diarrhea. After finetuning this I still need to move on to do more w/glucosamine and condritan, but have a hard time taking that due to gastro issues. I am going to try some "manesium citrate and ozide", together as I keep reading about how the citrate changes urine PH to alkaline.
(Clarksville, Tn)
I just read your post, even thought it was written about 2 years go. I hope that you are doing much better. Just wanted to let you know that you live very close to one of the best doctors in the country. Dr. Barry Jarnagin is absolutely awesome. Just Google his name and you will be very impressed. I cannot say enough great things about how wonderful he is. Not only did he help me get my IC under control, he also diagnosed a hernia that everyone else missed. Feel free to email me if you need to chat.
(Hartsville, Sc)
I read your post here and am interested, I've had IC in 2003- 04 for about a year, Sat before last it started back... I'm just sooo depressed about this and in pain most of the time. I've been through all that back then, and can't tolerate the idea of going through all that again.
We thought it my just be a regular UTI but now I'm thinking it''s IC back. Burning, pain, and urgency. Thanks, Bobbie.
(Washington, Dc)
Interesting you mention potassium! The Dr mentioned I might have IC. I've been taking azo standard when it's really bad till we get it figured out.
I happened to have a banana two days in a row and last night even with azo standard I was in MAJOR discomfort. Drinking Apple cidar vinergar, Hot showers, heating pad, everything, I could hardly stand it. :( Maybe the culprit is Bananas? Aren't they high in potassium?
Treasa using Apple Cider Vinegar as a wipe would be beneficial. Maybe 50 50 spring water and Apple Cider Vinegar on t.p. a time or two. Keep a small bottle of the mix in bathroom for ease of use.
The debris at the opening will breakup and give you relief.
Using baking soda in your Apple Cider Vinegar drink would encourage the breaking of and effortless cleansing of the bladder and kidney.
2 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar 1/2 tsp of baking soda let fizz add 1/2 glass of water and drink 2x a day 1/2 hour after meals. 5 days out of 7.
Aloe Vera
My IC is very mild compared to many posting on this thread and I'm very grateful for that. In my case I've found that carbonated beverages and, sadly, coffee can be irritating. I avoid soda ('pop') for the most part, drink coffee sporadically and never strong brew.
I just discovered that apple cider vinegar (w/a small amount of raw, unfiltered locally-produced honey) helps the IC as well as the various aches and pains from my constellation of auto-immune disorders. Mainstream medicine has saved my life a few times now but I don't do well with so many chemicals (medicines) that I just avoid unless life-threatening circumstances require them.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera
(Chicago, Il)
I have used a supplement from for my IC (I think it's called Buffer Ph). It has aloe vera in it and alkalizes your ph if you are acid, which was part of my problem. I tested my ph and was as acidic as one can get. Bad news and dangerous. I take 2 caps 3X per day on an empty stomach. I also take a multi-vitamin, vitamin D, Calcium, Magnesium, high dose Omega 3, probiotics and some supplements that my acupuncturist gave me. I get acupuncture once per week. It's been a life saver. Along with the IC, I also had problems with chronic UTI's, which I cured by taking Inner Defense capsules from the essential oil company, Youngliving. Before starting on the essential oils, I was taking antibiotics all the time and they were making me more and more sick. The ant-bacterial essential oils got me off of the antibiotic cycle and have helped to strengthen my immune system.
(Hastings, Mn)
Don't listen to "aloe has no side effects" Not true.
I have tried the Harvest Aloe. Severe gas, gut ache. Not everyone can use it. They give you a sample of 6 pills for free. 1/8 th of one pill gives me severe problems. Can't use. I have a history of IBS. I eat no sugar, gluten, dairy, alcholol due to IBS.
Many people are helped according to their website. Not me.
(Los Angeles, California)
Ok, Ive read Aloe Vera doesnt really work per se, but you need the concentrated freeze dried Aloe Vera from Desert Lily or something, I forget the name. Its expensive, but worth it, I guess, Ive heard of women being able to return to work, by taking 3 to 4 pills a day. Also, Colostrum, along with other herbal supplements(marshmallow root, quercitine, etc) has put some people in remission. One lady I read, buys MSM powder every month, and takes quit a bit thru out the day, and it takes care of the pain 75%. You can either put it in empty Gel caps, or take it in water or juice. Also, Turmeric is supposed to be very helpful. Several caps a day.
Ok, I thought I had Interstitial Cystitus, and since Im very prone to UTI's and I get them all the time, I finally did some kind of damage to my bladder from all the infections, or the cures, cuz I take vitamin c and drink apple cidar vinegar like its my job, and I figured I burnt my bladder lining or something, anywhoo....
My conclusion is that this maybe, perhaps, most probably, in many cases (not all), interstitial cystitus is an infection of some kind, that wont go away for whatever reason. The ecoli, has embedded itself in your bladder lining or something. Cuz I started taking essential oils, and it got 85% better.
Try Thieves oil, 3 drops a day, every day for a month. Its expensive, but im planning on buying it next month, since Ive used other oils with success, and Ive read great things online about it.
Aloe Vera, Vitamin C, Marshmallow Root
I have a mild case of IC and hoping is doesn't worsen. I notice that stress, spicey foods and menstral cycle provokes flare ups.
I am curious if the apple cider vinegar will really help prevent IC or if it is toooo acidic???
My home remedies for IC are: aloe vera juice (very concentrated) daily, Buffered Vit C, marshallow roots boiled as tea to neutralize urine for temporary and effective relief, the product called "___" for temporary relief, and pin pointing and relaxing specific abdomen muscles. The aloe vera juice seems to be very effective.
I would also like to try the baking soda and will keep it on hand at work for emergency relief. My father has always used the baking soda for stomach pain.
(Toronto, Ontario)
I have found the Marshallow Root to be very helpful for flare-ups. The Baking Soda did not help me but Apple Cider Vinager has been helpful. I get flare-ups the same as you - stress, certain foods and during that time of the month. I am also prone to bladder infections and collidoial silver has been helpful for these.
I have had IC for over 6 years. I finally found a cure, thanks be to God. I began using Angelica Archangelica. It has rebuilt my bladder lining wall. Every day the window of pain is getting smaller and smaller. I've been on it 9 weeks and I'm 90% healed! There are several people on the IC board on Facebook that are healing up too. Give it a shot and thank God, if you have bladder wall issues..this is the cure.
Anti-Candida Treatment, Cabbage
Because candida is a small plant its roots reach through the bowel wall into places like the bladder, cruising the blood stream, creating itchy nose, ears, rear area, skin problems, general havoc. The more antibiotics they fill us with, the more the candida yeast is happy and grows. I've been free now for more than 20 years after being told by a lady doctor that it's something that many women get and have for life. I have it and I'd better get used to it! A couple of other things to note - it's best to stay away from oranges, mandarins, peaches, nectarines, apricots and pineapple until the whole inflamed system is healed because they can be an irritant. After some 3-5 years of living on lots of fresh vegetable juices, raw fruit, vegetables, nuts and dried fruits I found I could eat any fruit or vegetable I liked with no affect. My husband and I still live this way today having raised our family on the above diet. Juicing and a raw food diet will help to heal any health problem without fail. We're all basically suffering from malnutrition and toxic chemical overload. I wish you good health.
I went to way too many doctors, for what they felt absolutely sure, I too had an infection, the Drs. continued to treat me, when months went by with still the itching, burning and strong foul smell. I went to a specialist in Boston, Ma. and found I have a mold virus where antibiotics is a derivative of a mold compound hence it made matters worse, and my problem not only worsened but continued on into two years of pure hell and pain, antibiotics eventually break down the immune system. Instead of running another risk of mistaken illnesses, I will continue to do herbs. I appreciate your better part of advice and so happy it worked for you. God Bless you.
Antidepressants Caused IC
Researching this issue, I found plenty of medical evidence that SSRI medications along with other common medications are notorious for causing IC and bladder contractions and symptoms of IC. Please check your medications and see if bladder or urinary symptoms is listed as a side effect.
I have suffered chronic pain and infections for over nine months and it all cleared up in five days after stopping Zoloft/Sertraline.
(Milwaukee WI)
I have wondered the same about my Xanax. I did see something online about benzodiazepines causing interstitial cystitis. I have stopped taking it.
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Madison, Sd)
I have had IC for quite sometime. I am going to a chiropractor now (not your typical one) and he is treating me with laser treatments and acupuncture. It seems to be helping, but I did just start. You may want to give that a try. I've had more problems solved/questions answered going this route than I have for the past 6 years plus of doctor visits, tests, and "treatments".
(Charlotte, Nc)
I am also in Charlotte. You should go see Dr. Robert Evans in Greensboro, NC. He's one of the foremost IC experts in the country, and is extremely knowledgeable.
(New York)
To Nancy: You might want to look into Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. Read an article in Prevention Mag. called Why I Hurt Down There.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
2 tablespoons Apple cider vinegar with bicarbonate of soda add water
Quarter flat of teaspoon cinnamon powder mixed to a paste warm milk added
hot water bottle between thighs is comforting
do not drink cranberry juice only drink lots of water
keep feet and kidney area warm
Apple Cider Vinegar and Hydrogen Peroxide Douche

(Pittsburg, Ks)
Hi RABM, I am going to try the douche, hoping it works but I was wondering, what do you use to douche? Do you buy a douche at Walmart or where would you get the supplies to douche. Sorry I have never done this before but REALLY want to get relief without the extreme diet and pills. Thanks so much. Natalie