Interstitial Cystitis
Natural Remedies

Top Natural Remedies for Interstitial Cystitis Relief

Boric Acid Suppositories

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Elizabeth (Nashville, Tn) on 09/21/2010

That is wonderful to hear! I also had suffered from IC and never once thought to look in that area until I read this article:

"Researchers Ruben Gittes, MD and Robert Nakamura, MD, of the Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation recently published a research study on Female Urethral Syndrome: A Female Prostatis" in the May 1996 issue of WJM. Their studies have conclusively proven that women do indeed have a set glands, the paraurethral glands, which are homologues of the male prostate. In the abstract for their research project, they state "The most important aspect of recognizing this microscopic 'female prostate' as an anatomical feature is that it's infections may completely explain many cases of the urethral syndrome."

I noticed my symptoms decreasing when I started using boric acid capsules for my recurring bv/yeast infections. I noticed within weeks that my IC symptoms improved dramatically. I now use a verrrry diluted oregano oil for my vaginal health and guess what???? No IC symptoms.... I take my daily turmeric just in case (it's a great anti-inflammatory) I just thank the Lord that I found Earthclinic over a year ago. I have found soooo many awesome remedies that WORK!

Replied by Rs
(San Francisco, Ca)

I also tried all the remedies for BV and also had continuous bladder infections (so I thought) most likely caused by douching with H20 and H202. I read about the boric acid capsules and quickly bought boric acid and veggie caps and made my own (very cheap). I inserted one capsule nightly for about 3-4 nights and it was gone. Totally gone, and like you, I never had another bladder infection again, which I later found out was I.C. And I never knew it. I also believe that the boric acid capsule cured the I.C. When I feel the BV or the I.C. coming on, I immediately insert a boric acid capsule and its totally gone. I also highly reccommend liquid colloidal silver for I.C. I read about it on this site for treating I.C. And also make that a daily part of my regimen. The first day I took the liquid colloidal silver I felt all my I.C. Symptoms go away. I take it everyday now without fail and no pain, everything is back to normal. I also take large doses of super cranberry extract everyday just to be sure I have everything covered. It may be over kill, but its better than dealing with the pain and discomfort of I.C. And BV on a daily basis. Thanks for your comment and thank your Earthclinic for helping me and others.

Replied by Gloria
(Yucca Valley, Ca)

Do all of you use boric acid, or is this a mistake, and you meant to say borax (which kills fungus?) I thought boric acid was poisonous.

Replied by Mary
(Hastings, Mn)

It's something that dehydrates the tissues. I have noticed this, when I have done it. It will also burn if done too frequently. It is used for bugs. They lick it off their feet and they get dehydrated and die. I suggest to use in an emergency only.

Replied by Mary
(Hastings, Mn)

Boric acid capsels can be premade for emergencies and kept with you. I fill only to 1/2 full or I can get a burning sensation. I put them in my purse in case I flair and have to drive a long way, or fly on a plane all day. They can be inserted in any restroom really fast if you have your purse with you. I premake a few for if I can't sleep due to pain and urgency, and I want quick relief. Works in 15 min to 1/2 hr for me. Keep with the tampons in your purse. It can save a vacation, or a dinner out, that's for sure!


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Tina (Knoxville, Tennessee) on 05/29/2014

I've had Interstitial cystitis for 30 years. I was finally diagnosed with it 9 years ago. My doctor told me not to drink caffeine. I never had drank coffee before I was 40. In the last 5 years I've had 4 or 5 flare-ups. Today I filled a capsule with 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper and in 3 hours there was NO PAIN. There was no burning from the pepper either. The reason cayenne pepper works, is because it goes to the places in the body that need healing, stimulates the blood flow in that area, and the blood is what heals the wound. This also works for bleeding ulcers.

Posted by Shampoo (Sandusky, Ohio) on 06/02/2012

ok guys. I know how debilitating this can be so Im putting my post on here.

About 3 months ago, I got a UTI. What else is new, I get them all the time, but this was an especially bad one. I normally take probiotics everyday and it prevents them for me, so I hadnt got one in like 6 months, it was all gravy. But I missed about 3 days of my probiotics and BAM!! I got like, the worst UTI of my life, I was on the toilet weeping. Anywho, went to the doc, got a script for cipro, took it, didnt go away, got another script, took it, STILL didnt go away.

Now, antibiotics normally NEVER work for me. This is why Im very into alternative medicine, but I was desperate this time. and ofcourse, didnt work.

All the usual things I do for a UTI, didnt work at all, I tried every herb known to man, baking soda, 40 pills of vitain c in one day with gallons of water, apple cider vinegar, olive leaf extract, uva ursi, echinacia, even d mannose, (3 jars) didnt get rid of it. I was in EXTREME PAIN, and I was terrified.

Id been reading alot on the net, about overactive bladder, and a condition called interstitial cystitus on the net HOPING TO GOD, I didnt have it. Alot of women said it started with a bad UTI and ended with YEARS of chronic daily debilatating pain. I guess the theory is, the bladder lining somehow gets damaged, or ulcerated, or mayne you have a bacteria or virus that is hiding, or embedded somehow deep in the bladder walls, where antibiotics or anything else cant get to it. We are talking YEARS of this pain, even, to the point where these women cannot work, cant sleep, cant have sex, cant even function, cant ride rollercoasters, run or exercise. I already have so many problems with my female region as it is, I have struggled so long with other health problems, screw that! They even compare interstitial cystitus on the pain level scales to CANCER. Thats how awful it is. And there is no cure. And I was getting all the symptoms, and it didnt feel like these antibiotics or anything else I was doing was helping this pain. They prescibe Methadone to these folks.

I did some serious, serious research, and I came up with a game plan that is beating this interstitial cystitis.

In the morning I take:

a gel cap filled with one drop each clove oil, rosemary essential oil, lavender, sandlewood, and peppermint oils. Followed by 2 full glasses of water and 1-2 pills cayenne AFRICAN RED PEPPER(xtra hot) has a bright orange red color. 1 pill MSM, and 3-4 gelcaps of Turmeric powder, and 1-2 Dong Quai. I cap these herbs myself. Then I take:: 2 milk thistle, 2 echinacea. I bought those ones at the store.

2-3 hours later. I fill another del cap 2 drops each peppermint oil, and rosemary oil. 2-3 hurs after that, 1 pill filled with; one drop each, lavender, rosemary, peppermint, and sandlewood, followed by 1 MSM, 1 cayenne, 2-3 turmeric, 1 dong quai. 2-3 hours later, 1 gelcap, 1 drop each peppermint, rosemary, or lavender )optional) I do this according to my pain levels. If the pain is especially bad, I will add more cayenne, or turmeric, as it is not dangerous to OD on those herbs. You cannot OD on cayenne or turmeric, unless you have a bad, sensitive stomach. Im only 30 years old, and I seem to have a cast Iron stomach, lol! LOTS and LOTS of water. Then before bed, 1 cayenne, 2-3 turmeric, 1 dong quai, 2 echinacia, 1 MSM. you can reduce herbs in the days following as you get better.

The essential oils: I used to be afraid to take essential oils, as I thought they might be extremely toxic. They are in large amounts, you just have to be careful. I never exceed 2 drops usually of anything. Clove, and lavender oil, can be pretty dangerous, especially clove, as only 6 drops can be toxic. Remember to get pure essential oils, not perfumes.

I went hardcore, and I didn't care if I got kidney failure, or liver damage from the herbs I was taking. This painful bladder condition has ruined lives, and I wasn't about to let that happen to me, after everything else Ive been thru. Of course, I'm fine. and I did not poison myself, and I am 95% pain free today, and It gets better every single

It's scary when you feel helpless and hopeless, and no doctors can help you.

I did alot of research on cayenne pepper actually healing bladder tissue.

Some people have cured themselves in less that a week using cayenne. They say you should build up to 3 in the morning, 3 in the eveneing, but I am already seeing at 2 a day, results so. Turmeric also heals mucas membrabe tissue, and MSM, is a sulpher based herb, and is excellent for pain. Alot of people are also talking about colostrum. and Ive already ordered that, its coming in the mail.

Replied by Shampoo
(Los Angeles, California)

Ok guys, Im back! And so far, so good!! I had hardly nothing, no pain today, awesome!!!! :))))))))))))

You guys, I was SURE, I had intersticial cystitus. Unexplainable bladder pain, getting up 8 times a night to pee, etc. Nothing was even touching it. My protocol is healing this, and in this journey, I have discovered the wonders of essential oil therapy. When antibiotics dont work, essential oils. Its a freakin miracal. O thought I had a prolapsed bladder or some physical problem, not bacterial. Unbelievable. Ive been taking the thieves and juniper along with the other oil recipes. I take about 3-5 drops theives, 1-2 drops juniper in a gelcap, couple times a day along with the others

Im researching Lemongrass, Thieves, Dragontime, Juniper, Pine, ravansara, Tyme, Oregano oil.

I actually found a page, listing essential oil recipes, and it was very interesting, as far most of my life I didnt think you can safely take essential oils, etc. I also started on the colostrum today, and it tastes very pleasant, and I feel great, Im excited about it :)

Replied by Shampoo
(Los Angeles, California)

UPDATE OMG!!! Breakthru, breakthru, breakthru!! Two words. Ureaplasma. Just got diagnosed with this by my urologist, OMG!!!!!

Ok. Parsley, essential oils, colostrum, cayenne... needless to say, did not really work to eradicate this infection.

I made an appointment with a Urologist. Breakthru!!!! She immediately tested me in my vaginal culture for everything, including a test for a microbe called Ureaplasma. I have never heard of this. Now, Ive been tested numerous times over the years, and everything always came out negative, but I get a call about 4 days ago from her saying I tested positive for this. She put me on zinthromax and I am taking it now. She tells me this is not an STD, but a sexually transmitted disease??? present in 70% of the human populations normal flora, (rectal, genital, and bladder tracts), but it is transmitted sexually, meaning, we are not born with this, we get it thruout the course of our sexually active lives. , and usually it does not cause problems for people, however.... There is now a compelling link between IC and this bacteria, or mycoplasma. I guess the test is expensive. Which is why most doctors will blow you off, and try to not test you , or REFUSE you and tell you tat since this is considered common flora for most people it wouldnt be considered a factor in causing, your IC. Cleveland Ohio is rated second best in the country for urology, with sum of the best urologists in the country studying and researching, IC. The first test they perform is for Ureaplasma. They say they get a 50% cure rate right there for people, once they treat it with antibiotics. However, my symptoms have improved vastly, I must go back again, and get retested. I was reading just now, online, that many people end up going back and still testing positive, and then after a three week course of doxycycline, get a complete cure. Googling it, I can hardly find any imformation at all about this, I cant believe how ignorant and reticent physicians are about testing for this, its awful, and scary. I was just reading about a gal, who had to fight to get tested and then fight to get treated for it, she saw 8 different doctors, and urologists... So be prepared to fight. There is compelling link here guys google it. I was really doomed. It scary, how a little microbe can jeopardize your whole future and life.

Replied by Shampoo
(Los Angeles, California)

I also want to add that, its been 4 days on the zinthromax, or erythmycin, and I feel great, but I still have some pain, and I will be returning to my urologist in a week to get retested and hopefully get on long term antibiotics, as I've read thats what most people end up having to do with IC. So, now I KNOW this is an infection from a Bacteria, since I wasn't sure whether I had a damaged bladder or what?? A few more things about essential oil. Ive stopped that, as I wasnt getting over the hump, and it seemed to be very harsh on my body, but I was reading alot about BIOFILMS. Ureaplasma is considered a biofilm infection, by the way. Please learn and google this guys. In a research study, they tested 15 different essential oils, in breaking down Biofilms. Of the 15 only 4 broke the biofilms, of stubborn bacteria, and that is Tea tree, Eucalyptus, Palmarosa, and Rosemary.

Also, Ureaplasma is linked to miscarriage, and infertilty, which would explain my failure to conceive over the last 3 years. Like 50% of couples failing to conceive, looking for in vitro fertilization tested positive for this bacteria. But then AGAIN. Many people have this. Its just some people seem to have real problems with it, as it is SO LINKED to IC. Maybe some people's bodies dont like it, as one girl I read on a forum said. Ive also added coconut water to my regime. As I read some people cured bladder infections with it. It also makes your skin glow :))

Replied by Shampoo
(Los Angeles, California)

Update::::: By now, I feel pretty foolish with all Ive gone thru these last 4 months with this horrible IC with natural remedies that didnt work for me, when all I had to do was take antibiotics, and Id be cured.

However, I had already tried 2 rounds of Cipro, and macrobid, and then started testing negative on all urine cultures, and being sent home empty handed, in horrible, horrible, horrible, crippling pain, feeling like I still have a bladder infection.

After finishing the z pack, I was almost all better, But 2 days later, symptoms returned full force and the nitemare was starting all over again for me. However, I knew the symptoms would return, and I couldnt get an appointment with my urologist, (which was 2 and a half hours away by the way, and I dont have a car) for another month. She wouldnt precscribe me another z pack, unless I retested again for the Ureaplasma. I would have to wait a month. Get retested, and wait an additional 4 days, then get more antibiotics, and hopefully be cured, but I knew it was impossible to wait the long, and it seemed horribly cruel, when I felt so close to a cure. Id have to start all over.

From the research Ive done on Ureaplasma, you almost always have to take more than one round of strong antibiotics to cure it, and some people take low dose long term antibiotics, from months to years to eradicate it. I saw a long painful road ahead, and I decided, getting Genital Herpes would have been a better fate for me than this, as at least with herpes u get periods of respite and you can SOMETIMES have sex, if your not having an outbreak. I was ready to Die.

I got the numbers of several Urologists closer to my area, about four. NONE of them tested for Ureaplasma, or even heard of it. I asked if they would do a test, they said no. You see. Many Urologist do not believe or even acknowledge the role Ureaplasma plays in IC, since 70% of the population carries this in their genital, bladder tracts without any problems. The community is split on the issue.

Ive been doing alot of research on this little bug, Ureaplasma. Its getting more and more attention, as more and more people are having problems with vulvodynia, and IC. Like I said, its considered sexually transmitted (but not), as we arent born with it, we get it thru sex.

A good gynecologist will also test for ureaplasma if you are having problems becoming pregnant, or have a history of miscarriages, or early deliveries. There's alot of talk about it on infertility boards on the net. The test is expensive. And the cure requires the use of long term antibiotics. Many doctors are hesitant to do that, these days.

As there is more and more hype about the overuse of antibiotics. Especially long term.

So I panicked, and I took matters in my own hands. I knew I needed more antibiotics. I had a reoccuring sinus infection for months. I made an appointment with my family doctor, and explained the situation, plus I made great emphasis on my sinus infection, (which had actually gotten better) but I wanted to make myself sound really sick (hammed it up), and she gave me Augmentin. A 10 day, supply and guess what. It is the third day, and I feel 95% awesomeness.

I then made a few more calls, and found out, I can get my doctor (the one that actually believes in Ureaplasma) to fax over an order to my family doctor or lab of my choice to do the test and everything will be gravy. So Im gonna test again for it, a week after I finish the Augmentin. Its also interesting to note that after researching IC, unrelentingly, for the last 4 months, and visiting, every IC website, and healthboard on the planet, and hearing people talk, Augmentin is considered one of the successful antibiotics for IC.

Thers only 3 that work against IC, only three.

Zinthromax (z Pack)



From what I read, its hard, hard, hard to cure. Harder than any STD. But its not incurable. It usually takes months to eradicate it.

many women just live with the pain, and take steroids, pain killers, and ANTIDEPRESSANTS. Isnt that sad?? Thats part of the protocol for IC patients. They give you an antidressant too, to cope with your life being over!!

I know on a gut level, this was some kind of elusive, hidden bacteria, embedded deep inside my bladder. Most people develop IC after a bad bladder infection. The pain lasts for years, YEARS. and its almost impossible to get a Urologist to help or even hear you.

I prayed to God to help me.

Its a miracle, and I will never doubt his presense and his ability to heal me again. Its a miracle the first Urologist I saw helped me, and was cutting edge enough to do this test.

Replied by Shampoo
(Los Angeles, California)

UPDATE: I cured my interstitial cystitis. And Believe me. I had it. I couldnt eat tomatoes or anything acidic, I was constantly flaring, especially a week before my period, I was unable to get out of bed, or even think, and I havnt had sex in 6 months either. I considered my life over. I would have rather got a diagnosis of Cancer or Herpes, as with Herpes, you get a break, and with Cancer, there is atleast hope for a cure or remission. 6 months of Hell.

Heres what I did. A month and a half of Doxicycline, first 3 weeks, 100mg morning and evening. Still was in alot of pain, still had symptoms. She upped my dose to 200mg morning and evening. 400mg a day... 2 weeks of that. Tested for Ureaplasma. Long gone!

But I still had symptoms. Altho I was much better, able to eat what I wanted (including tea, and acidic foods) and was able to walk around, and function with my life somewhat... Still wasnt testing positive for bacteria in the Urine. Technically I did not have a UTI.

One night, I got desperate. Was thinking I was having a "flare", it became unbearable, went to the emergency room. Tears pouring down my face, lying down, couldnt even get up when the doctor came in the room, wouldnt let them put anything in my urethra, cuz I was in so much pain. Gave me a script for Macrobid, (10 day supply, 100mg every six hours)

10 days later it was gone.

Ive been reading alot lately about UTI resistant antibiotics, and the link to supermarket/storebought chicken. They say, its becoming more and more of a problem. I think thats what was wrong with me, even tho I dont know why, the bacteria wasnt showing in my urine. So, 2 rounds of Cipro, 10 days of augmentin, 3 Z packs, and a months worth of Lyme disease dosage doxi, and macrobid finally cured me.

A not about the Doxi:: at 400mg a day, ti was very harsh on my body. I threw it up half the time, cuz it was so hard on my stomach. I got a SEVERE sunburn on my feet, (cuz it made me extremely photosensitive) I was tired all the time, sleeping all the time, and I was very hungry, and I had to eat alot of food just to keep it down, so I gained 25lbs. Its been Hell. But Ive learned to never to take my health for granted again. Im not sure what just happened to me, but im aware now about antibiotic resistance becoming an increasing problem. and I hardly ever take antibiotics, I always try the natural route first.

What Im plan to do now, to make sure this never, ever, happens to me again. I plan on taking my womens probiotic every single day, and add D Mannose to the regime as well. At least 2 teaspoons a day. (moring and evening) prevents bacteria from clinging to bladder wall. Especially when Im sexually active. Its expensive. But nothing can be more life ruining than interstitial cystitus.

To not be able to eat like a normal person again. (read several cases of people being able to cure their pain, by living on a diet, exclusively, of vegetables, brown rice, and nut butters, no salt, no sugar, no fruits (acidic) and claiming remision after a few years. Some women gradually being able to add in small amounts the old foods again, they used to eat again. "cheating" by eating Cheescake and Curry and to never be able to have sex again?? How sad is that? What kind of life is that?? and Im young women. Horrible. Id rather have gotten Cancer, or Genital Herpes any day of the week.

Im gonna give full credit to God, and Jesus Christ for my remision. There were prayer circles at my Church, and friends were praying for me. I prayed every morning to be healed. Plus I was on the prayer line, my life, my very life hung on the balance.

In the past Ive been promiscuous.. And I know Im not perfect, and I pray to God to guide me on this issue. I just know to be much more careful now, next time. Its worth it to stay in a monogomous relationship.

Replied by Shampoo
(Los Angeles, Ca)

I also want to add that, diseases are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics, including Gonorrhea, and tuberculosis. The guy I was sleeping with who I think gave me all these problems, was very primiscous himself, its not fair to say I was the one, when in actuality I know people personally that are far more "active" and with multipal people than I was, but then Im also seeing more and more people less willing to commit, and taking a very, and increasingly casual attitude towards sex but GOD KNOWs, I wouldnt want a drug resistant form of the clap, would you??!!

Replied by Shampoo
(Los Angeles, Ca)

Hey, just an update about whats up with me lately. I cured my IC with 3 rounds of the antibiotic Bactrim, finally, however, Im sensitive to all acidic foods now, and as long as I avoid them, Im back to normal again.

However, its nerve wracking trying to prevent another UTI, as nothing, not even probiotics seem to work for me anymore.

Ive come to the conclusion I had some kind of fluke staph, or MRSA infection that was antibiotic resistant. The doctor and I discussed the further concerning problem of antibiotic resistance. , it seems antibiotics hardly work for anything really serious anymore.

Replied by Sunny

To: Shampoo from Los Angeles!! Wow your a warrior, you have tried so many things. How are you now and what are you doing for your IC now? Thank you, Sunny

Replied by Veronicac
(San Antonio, Texas)

@shampoo. That was a wealth of information. Now I know some of the things to research and what to ask about when I make an appointment with a urologist. Thanks for such a detailed journey. I hope I can finally end this horrible illness.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Veronica,

About IC, I scanned the posts on IC under Ailments (Earth Clinic) and didn't find DMSO discussed as a remedy.

DMSO is the only approved use officially given for it by the FDA. Doctors will topically apply weekly for six to eight weeks. DMSO is remarkable and ignored by the regular medical community although used by Vets all the time. And for IC, as I say, the FDA says "yes" to DMSO.

Could one self apply? Well it absorbs into skin and the whole body so one could simply apply topically to gain the same, or near some effect as applied by Doctor via urethra to surface of bladder.

Google "youtube DMSO Dr Jacobs" for a great 3 part study of DMSO.

Many Alternative Doctors who administer IV nutritional treatments finish the treatment with 25 cc of DMSO to make the nutrients fully infuse into the body. And as my Doctor told me, the DMSO carries the nutrients in such IVs past the blood brain barrier into the brain. My point here is that DMSO can go direct via IV (or orally) and is safe to use even straight into the system. If used orally, you'd want to use Dr Jacobs brand and dilute with purified water. Use a tablespoon of DMSO to ten tablespoons of purified water. I'd use distilled water.

So for those suffering with IC, consider DMSO. You can google, "interstitial cystitis dmso" and you'll find a Mayo Clinic site that discusses DMSO use by MDs.

Replied by Drumchild
(Los Angeles, Ca)

Wow. Would u suggest to do the doxy for ureaplasma agani? I'm scared u sounded like it was really hard on your body!
Thank you.

Posted by Angela (Federal Way, WA) on 07/28/2009

Editor's Choice I am so sorry to read of soo many struggling with bladder problems and UTI's. It is miserable and costly and sometimes embarrassing!!!

I had what I thought was constant UTI's or feeling like I was getting one for about a year. I did get many uti's but even when i didn't 'officially' have one it felt one was coming on. I was finally diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis. This is when part of the lining in your bladder is thinned or damaged- causing tissue, muscle, and nerves to be exposed to your urine causing debilitating pain. If you get an infection on top of this it is excruciating. I thought I was dying one time. After being diagnosed and not ok with "experimental drugs" I looked into natural options and prayed a good deal. I asked God for wisdom as no one here seems to know what to do to end the pain.

I started taking cayenne pepper. Believe it or not it actually works! I was scared to death to try it but the incredible pain i already had made me feel "it can't get any worse". I found capsules that also had ginger root in them to help the pepper not burn your tummy. Cayenne is an amazing healer of Interstitial tissue (bladder lining included). Start slow.. maybe two pills a day at 40,000 hu. It does burn some but that means it is working. After a couple of days add more pills to your intake until you can take 3 in the morning and 3 at night. Always take with food. Hang in there through the initial tough parts... you will get some diarreah and it can be painful. Also, cut out coffee, fruits and berries for awhile. After a couple of weeks try a half cup of coffee with an antacid and see if you can tolerate. Add lots of greens to your diet.

I have been doing this for over two months now. I can drink small amounts of coffee and little bits of fruit. I went from a 10 in pain to a 0... no pain at all. At times a little discomfort but I can tell my bladder is healing. The heat of the pepper is supposed to help fight infection too.

Chondroitin, Glucosamine, MSM

3 User Reviews
5 star (1) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Md4im (Orlando, Fl - Florida, United States) on 04/14/2011

after immense daily suffering, I found an article on glucosamine-chondroitin-MSM for IC relief. Provides cellular components that are essential to the epithelial bladder lining. Made a 180* difference - very noticeable after just 2 days. I am still taking it 6 years later, and I can TELL when I miss a few days.

It has been a real life saver. I hope this helps other women out there!

Replied by Mary
(Hastings, Mn)

Side effects for me are bad digestion, IBS. CAN"T take it. Also can't take that hyaluronic acid either (eyes feel like sand in them) Any other ideas to heal the GAG layer (glycosaminoglycan layer)?

Replied by Mary
(Hastings, Mn)

Found a Glucosamine and Chondritan that doesn't bother my GI tract that much if taken w/food. It's sold at an IC site CystoP*****. Maybe it's because it's got Olive Kernal in it, which makes it more bio available. I take 4x per day (1 capsel per day) rather than twice per day (2 capsels per meal). Already see a small differance after 4 months. Constant flair is gone, and can have salty snacks and sometimes blueberries now. I had gone crazy w/blueberries over the last few yrs since getting this and I seem to have developed a problem w/them.

Replied by Mary
(Hastings, Mn)

Update on this Glucosomine & Chondroitin: I found that when I take it, the Quercetin makes me VERY hot only at night. I tested this by just taking Quercetin. Same result. The heat radiates from my vagina! I am 48 yrs old, and having night flashes, but this is ridiculous. I had to quit the product. I had tried it for a few months and I wasn't gettting much sleep. I just got hotter and hotter. I hear it helps alot of other people though as stated by their testimonials on-line. I called the company, and they said that they had not had this complaint before. Maybe I will need to try another brand.


5 User Reviews
5 star (2) 
1 star (2) 

Posted by Ichater (Northern, California Usa) on 01/19/2012

Prior to the worst flare up in my life, I had already been taking cinnamon capsules daily for a year prior... So I don't think that cinnamon works for everyone. I was taking 1000 mg a day and I still had a flare up. :/

Posted by Donna (Royal Oak, Mi) on 01/05/2010

I've battled bladder issues all my life, and for a while, high contentrations of cranberry (pills, not juice - juice has too much sugar which feeds the infection) helped. That was until I got IC and became antibiotic resistant. Felt like I was peeing glass. By fluke I read 3 sentences in a magazine that saved me - it basically said that cinnamon kills off E-coli. E-coli is often the cause of bladder issues and IC. I started taking cinnamon capsules and felt major relief in a matter of a few days. I highly recommend it to anyone who suffers from IC. You'll sing its praises too.

Replied by Elizabeth
(Nashville, Tn)

How much cinnamon do you take daily? Do you take capsules already premade or use fresh? Thanks.

Replied by Donna
(Royal Oak, Mi)

Fresh is of course always better, but I basically took premade capsules for the convenience. Started out with 4-6 a day, a couple in the morning, afternoon and evening. After the symptoms were alleviated, I gradually reduced my intake. I still will take one a day, and sprinkle fresh cinnamon on my toast or apples just for maintenance purposes. Wonderful thing is that cinnamon also helps stomach issues! (gas, bloating,etc) It is a miracle worker as far as I am concerned.

Replied by Emily
(Charlotte, Nc)

Hi Donna,

I live in NC but used to live in Ann Arbor, Mi! Hope you are doing well. I have suffered from pelvic pain for a while - I believe it's IC, as it flares up after I drink coffee, eat chocolate, or eat strawberries or tomatoes. I read your post and bought cinnamon capsules. I would love to know if you or anybody on this post has had luck with cinnamon - how many 500 mg capsules should I take every day to feel a difference?

Thanks! Emily

Replied by Jen
(Ann Arbor, Mi)

Be careful with Cinnamon, it's a major IC bladder irritant for me.

Replied by Steph
(Lake Erie, Pa)


According to healthyICrecipes, the problem with Cinnamon (most likely including capsules) in the US, is that it isn't "real" Cinn.! We use a cheaper alternative, called "Cassia", while "real" Cinn is "Ceylon". The cheap stuff contains a toxic compound called "coumarin", which is known to cause liver and kidney damage in high concentrations (I think I read something about it being poisonous to dogs once.). This is why IC patients have trouble with it.

For me, Cinnamon is wonderful to my stomach, and not so to my IC. I found the waaay expensive Ceylon at my Whole Foods Store and am doing an experiment. I am also anxious to try, despite the price ($27.99/lb. this part of US! ), b/c of the grain-free, low sugar diet I am also trying. It is in very many recipes. Also, Cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar by "tricking the taste buds that sugar is present", so one can use less! Yea!

I haven't read yet on Cardamon, the only other spice I feel is a similar taste & therefore substitution. Does anyone else know if Cardamon has the same "Coumarin"?

Coconut Oil

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Maggie (Philadelphia, Pa) on 08/10/2013

I had interstital cystitis in the form of bladder aches and pains for about 4 years or so. Some days it was more painful than others, but it often felt irritated. I changed my diet completely about 6 months after onset (veggies and lean protein - no sugar or carbs) and about a year and a half ago, I stearted taking a lot of coconut oil - up to 5 tbs per day. The diet helped, but the coconut oil put me over the top. I almost never have any issues anymore unless I get an infection (I take garlic and grapefruit seed extract for those) and I can eat fruit, although I only eat it occasionally because of the sugar, and drink decaf coffee with no issues. I also can take B vitamins several times a day, which is often a no no for people with IC. Try coconut oil and cleaning up your diet, but stick with it for a while and you will notice that your symptoms will diminish with time.

Replied by Isabel
(Guelph Canada)

This is very interesting. For a while I have thought that IC is caused my by leaky gut syndrome in my case so the coconut oil would make sense because it helps shut the gut.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Hannah (Paris, France) on 12/14/2012

Hello all, I have what seems to be IC, and have had vaginal burning/itching/discomfort, pretty much everywhere and in every situation for the past two or three years.

I just recently eliminated acidic foods from my diet, since I'm trying to treat the IC, and I noticed the vaginal itching and burning has been gone completely since.

When I first started having vaginal pain, I did notice that certain foods, like chocolate would trigger almost immediate burning. This was before I developed IC symptoms.

Now, I notice the only time I've had burning or itching has been during or right before and/or after my period. I started taking coconut oil regularly (1 tsp in the morning and 1 at night) and I haven't had any burning or discomfort this cycle expect for the one day that I didn't take the coconut oil!

Everyone's body is different, and perhaps this isn't a solution for everyone... but for those of us that have really sensitive bodies (prone to IBS/vulvodynia etc) like me, I have a feeling that diet plays a really important role.

I wonder if trying to eliminate acidic foods for a while would help relieve the symptoms for other vulvodynia sufferers? I would recommend starting with the IC diet and then adding in foods little by little to find the real culprits... I was surprised when I realized I could eat dairy, which I thought was a big no no, but not oranges!

I guess what I realized was that food was playing a huge role in my suffering, maybe for some it has nothing to do with acid at all, but the burning is a symptom of another food sensitivity that could easily be eliminated.

I hope this is helpful to someone!

Coconut Oil, Coconut Water

3 User Reviews
5 star (2) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Kelly (Chicago, Il) on 03/29/2010

Editor's Choice I only found out about virgin coconut oil Dec 2009. I had bladder pain for 15 years - eventually diagnosed with interstitial cystitis but was always convinced it was a bladder infection since Bactrim (sulfa antibiotic) would always make me feel better with flare ups even though cultures were negative. I had a flare for months that would no longer go away with Bactrim. I started with coconut water and it helped my urethral pain. Now, I take coconut oil and coconut water. I no longer have urethral or bladder pain!!!!

I am beginning to believe that interstitial cystitis is a bogus diagnosis that thousands of MDs have earned a pretty penny off of - in fact - entire medical fields have opened due to this diagnosis. I think all women with this should try coconuts before they spend another dime! I know the frustrations - I have been to the best urogynes and urologists - Northwestern in Chicago since I was a teenager and in California. I have had my urethra widened twice, - I have been tortured like so many other women; missed life events, canceled trips, spent many days in the ER with flares - not too mention the $$$ spent! AND ALL THIS TIME -- COCONUTS WOULD HAVE SOLVED MY PAIN. I MUST TELL EVERY WOMAN!!!!

Replied by Lucy
(Chicago, Il)

I'm wondering if the coconut oil is still helping and how long it took to see results. I have been taking both the water and oil for nearly 1 week, with no decrease in symptoms. Thank you.

Replied by Aron1947
(Sarasota, Florida, Usa)

Hello Kelly from Chicago,
Could you, please, let me know how much coconut oil you were taking and who is the manufacturer. Thank you very much in advance. Best regards. Aron.

Replied by Shampoo
(Los Angeles, Ca)

Your absolutely right, its must be some kind of money making conspiracy, cuz I just cured my 6 month long, unrelenting battle with interstitial cystitus with Macrobid, basically. Coconut oil, and coconut water didnt help my interstitial cystitus, altho I have cured standard, garden variety UTI's, with coconut water.

Long term antibiotic therapy was the cure for me and my interstitial cystitus. The key is, you need to stay on a high enough dose, for a long enough time to get rid of the infection, and you have to get the right antibiotic for it, as antibiotic resistance is becoming an increasing problem. I was on Macrobid for almost a month (about three weeks, at 100mg, every six hours, (about 3 times a day) thats high, but normal, and prescribed to cure a persistant and severe infection which is what I had. I was rendered completely disabled by this bladder pain, I considered my life over, as I was told there is no cure. The problem is. Doctors are becoming incresingly reluctant to prescribe antibiotics nowadays. But in the old days, they understood, (as Ive talked to older people, my moms age, baby boomers) that sometimes, infections require antibiotic treatment, for longer than a week or two. These days, if you cant cure an infection in 14 days, at the lowest possible dose, your screwed, and there is "no cure".


I cant tell you how many times Ive taken my daughter to the emergency room, with 103 degree fevers, throwing up, sick as a dog, and they made me walk out of there empty handed, and told she had a viral infection, therefore doesnt require antibitoics. I now use homeopathic remedies (for kids) and thats helping her now.

Interstitial cystitus, (in my case) required hardcore antibiotics to eradicate the infection.

I tried EVERY, I mean every natural remedy known to man to try to fix the problem, and they didnt even touch it. What kills me, as I had to fight my doctors, and tell them what was wrong with me, cuz they didnt care, and they just do things by the book. I kept saying"how could this not ba a UTI", and "How can there be no cure??" They just put me on one or two rounds of antibiotics for a few weeks and when BACTERIA DIDNT SHOW UP IN THE URINE TEST, and I was still complaining of extreme pain and frequency, they dianosed me with interstitial cystitus. It didnt even occur to them to try me on different antibiotics and maybe for longer or higher, I had to FIGHT for that, and I became such a pain in the ass, they just wanted me out of the office.

Replied by Kara

Amen sister! I agree with you on the bogus diagnosis. Coconut oil reduces yeast. I'm on the yeast diet and progesterone. No more docs screwing up my lady parts! :D

Replied by Sophie

Please make sure the coconut water and coconut oil is made from FRESH coconuts not dried coconut because dried coconuts have mycotoxins which will make you sicker! I believe interstitial cystitis is caused from fungal overgrowth, ureaplasma, food allergy or some other type of microscopic germ that goes undetected under the usual tests.

Colloidal Silver

4 User Reviews
5 star (3) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Rs (San Francisco, Ca) on 06/30/2010

I have been battling interstitial cystitis since February 2010 and have been on several rounds of Levaquin thinking it was a UTI. After reading this site I know its cystitis. I went to Whole Foods yesterday and bought ultra colloidal silver and took 2 tsp. yesterday right when I got home and 2 tsp. this morning on an empty stomach, as directed. As of this moment I have no urinary pain at all and no urgency to pee. This is a miracle. It worked fast and it took all the symptoms away in about 24 hours or less. I took my first dose yesterday at about 3:0pm and my second dose this morning before work at about 4:40am. Im pain free and peeing like a normal human being. I did get up last night about 3 times to pee but I expect tonight to be very different. I can feel a difference already. I will give another update in a week. Good luck ladies!! Give this a try if you are at your wits end like I was.

Replied by Hot Diva
(Lexington, Sc)

I have to agree. I suffer from IC as well and been dealing with it for 2 years now. I was just introduced to this site last week. After reading some of the rememdies on here, I decided to buy some Colloidal Silver and Cinnamon tabs. My symptoms tapered off in a matter of 2 days. BIG relief! Thanks to all!

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Katie (Atlantic, Pa, Usa) on 06/28/2010

I have been taking a teaspoon of colloidal silver daily for 6 months and its been amazing for my IC along w/ a little baking soda now and then. I feel human again, no more peeing razor blades.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Trudy (Netherlands) on 10/09/2006

I tried everything for bladder disease. The regular doctor prescribed Nitrofurantoin... so bad.. it causes even bladder disease... so I became very very ill ONLY COLLOIDAL SILVERWATER was THE REMEDY( for E-coli). Bladder disease was gone. Afterwords I took DMannose...very pain anymore...also good for interstitial cystitis...really true. I have to tell this for the doctor did not know that Nitrofurantoin causes bladder disease. read: Natural Medicine Encyclopedia C.Norman Shealy.

Colloidal Silver, Garlic

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Anne (USA) on 02/16/2019

Colloidal Silver

After 9 months of antibiotics and Doctors visits for interstitial cystitis and biofilms, I drank one quart of colloidal silver 10-15 ppm and ate 9-12 cloves of garlic which I chopped and swallowed each day. I spaced the silver and garlic out for three or four doses a day not exceeding a quart of colloidal silver a day. I was advised to use this protocol for three months. After one month, I am symptom free unless I start missing doses. I will complete the 3 months.

Online I found a video on how to make a colloidal silver generator cheaply using three 9 volt batteries, two .9999 silver wires, distilled water and two dual ended alligator clips. It costs me about .37 cents a guart to make a quart in 45 minutes using two 10 gage silver wires. I started out slow and increased my dose of garlic and silver until I was at the full dose.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Mcc (Miami, Fl) on 10/27/2012

Organic Colostrum works well for IC. It is all natural but does take several months for the pain to subside completely. Iherb is the company that carries it and one bottle last for 30 days.

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