I've been on here several times asking for suggestions for my ibs-d. Repeatedly, people have said I should start juicing, that would fix it. I think people don't know what the D stands for in ibs-d--diarrhea. I finally started juicing, figuring I had tried everything else. What a mistake! I've had worse diarrhea for the past 3 weeks than I've had in 20 years. Juicing is definitely NOT the answer for me. Also, 'detox' seems to be code for clean yourself out, which is not my problem. I've lost so much fluid that I'm cramping all over, lethargic, headachey and dehydrated.
Please, when you suggest juicing, be aware that some of us can't do it. Btw, I juiced leafy greens, lemon, ginger not sweet items like apples or grapes. I was hoping they would increase my gut bacteria, but I don't see how that's possible as fast as its' going thru.
Also, I saw one snarky response that said what did you expect when you put in all that liquid. Well, I didn't expect this. Now I feel like I've lost all the ground I gained getting off immodium. I had to take 6 yesterday just so I could get out to do my marketing. Sorry, but this gets a big thumbs down.
Hi Kazim have you tried lemons? they do wonders for the digestion.. Squeeze a cupfull of lemon juice.. Dilute it five times and add honey to taste.. Then take a glass a day. It also kills off unwanted parasites in the digestive system, it does so many things that are positive its well worth a try.
Apple Cider Vinegar
This response is for Kazim from Pakistan - Kazim, I would also recommend reading Jordan Ruben's book entitled, "Patient Heal thyself". Your condition is most certainly resulting from a "Leaky Gut" which is how you have developed so many food allergies. Leaky Gut comes about by way of Gut Flora inbalance (Dysbiosis), or other words, your gut is over run by bad bacteria and other micro-organisms. My 6 year old has had IBS since she was 2. We are currently using the "GAPS Diet" to treat her. In order to heal you must achieve the following. 1st - Starve the bad bacteria through diet. 2nd - Nourish the body with proper food and probiotics. It can take some time to heal. Also read "Gut and Psychology Syndrome" by Natasha Campbell-Mcbride (GAPS) It has the detailed information you need to adjust your diet so you stop feeding your bad micro-organisms. We are starting to see formed excreta (mixed with Diahrea) after four terrible years with IBS. Stomach pains are totally Gone. Quality of life is much improved. Also, find a highly rated Enzyme supplement. This will help you to digest while you are healing. Oh and one more thing. Modern day wheat is a pernicious evil. You must eliminate is from your diet emediately! Good Luck to you! I am 100% certain that you can heal yourself! Keep going! "And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. " -Luke 11:9
Blackstrap Molasses
Black Strap Molasses cured my IBS. I have suffered with alternating constipation and diarrhea for ten years. In the last few years mostly diarrhea at least once everyday. I started taking BSM for my anemia after reading your website and was pleasantly surprised to find that it also cured my IBS. And it got rid of any PMS issues. I have no pre-menstrual symptoms at all. Mine was never terrible, but what little I had was gone. I was so excited that I shared this info. with my sister who has the same issues as me with the IBS and she has worse PMS...and she was thrilled with the results! Wow! I take 1 tbls. each night before bed. I use the sulphured molasses...tastes nasty to me, but it's worth it!
Aloe Vera Juice
I cured myself of IBS with aloe vera juice, I used to have to sleep sitting up every night until I started taking aloe vera juice. Drink this every day for 3 months.
Hello Elizabeth,
If you google search "irritable bowel syndrome caused by bacteria" you will find articles that say iBS is caused by various kinds of bacteria. Apparently not so much virus caused, although I've found that so often viruses are lurking along with bacteria infections.
Some IBS articles say the cause is unknown and in the same article might mention the possible cause as a bacteria; especially the IBS that comes immediately after an infection....called "post infection"...PI iBS.
Various methods can be used to kill infections if the possible bacteria is unknown. Echinacea is one. I get mine from Vitamin Shoppe and use their brand, which is a dark and somewhat thick liquid. The watered down versions seem not to work as well. I take five drops three times a day for two weeks; longer even up to a month. I use Echinacea also on surface infections ... even spider bites. Also I use colloidal silver to kill infections; I take two tablespoons twice a day on an empty stomach. And don't forget the old stand by for lower track problems....apple cider vinegar.... a tablespoon in a glass of water twice a day.
Diet changes might help the symptoms but the underlying problem might remain... an infection.
Beta Glucan for IBS.
I found a huge relief with 3 x 400 mg Beta Glucan daily. Allready used psylium ( always let it soak in water for at least an hour or it will dehydrate your bowels ) and FOS. Ofcourse this was helpfull with the constipation. But the addition of the Beta Glucan took the pain in the bowels away.
For more info go to "http://www.youngagain.org/books.html" look for the pdf. Beta Glucan and you will find a reference for a given patent to the connection IBS and Beta Glucan.
-- "Another PCT patent was issued in 1992 WO94 04,136 for irritable bowel syndrome, including diarrhea and constipation in humans. This shows that many companies around the world realize the value of beta glucan in many health conditions and are busy trying to
patent their particular product. Every year you will see more and more such patents." --
It helped me .. hope it will help you to.
IBS and Candida
ICV and Candida: 2012 was a tough year after 2 surgeries that lead to much research. In fall 2012, my period became quite heavy where I couldn't leave the house for more than 3-4 hours. In March 2013 was given a prescription to clot menstrual cycle, which resulted in a thrombosed vein - I believe was caused a blood clot (April 2013, surgery #1). Anemic and weight loss for a few months, then had ablation July 2013. Since ablation, symptoms of menstrual discomform persisted (low back pain and what seemed to be swollen ovaries). November 2013 had painful intestinal reaction after reintroducing wheat, dairy and sugar back into my diet (and probably stress). Took ACV and high quality aloe vera juice successfully with a couple bouts during the holidays. In late December, visited gastero doctor who diagnosed it as IBS. He suggested colonoscopy and CAT scan. The day after colonoscopy (December 21), I was in a fetal position in great pain. MD, Gastro and OB said it was probably yeast from drugs after surgeries. After consulting with a host of non-traditional resources, it seems my ICV (ileocecal valve) is problematic and bloating a sheer misery for 5 weeks.
Earth Clinic has helped immensely as well as Jini Patel Thompson's site to heal my inflamed large intestines. Looking back, my occasional symptoms have included bad menstrual cycles, sinus problems, tinninus, brain fog, heart palpitations and muscular issues. ICV symptoms can be many and is known as The Great Mimicker. The recommendation is to resolve inflamed intestines to alleviate it turning into IBD or Crohn's. There is a massage technique to address the ICV online; peppermint tea (enteric coated peppermint is excellent to help the peristaltic movement of the intestive), marshmellow and slippery elm to coat the intestines. I'm eating bone broth (made from organic grass fed beef bones and chicken, carrots, celery, onion, zucchini and garlic. I eat all except the celery and easy to digest foods such as avocado, banana, pear; juicing green vegetables with apples, parsley, cilantro and fresh ginger; avoiding dense foods, chips, sugars, wheats, dairy, fermented foods, legumes that cause gas (a little hummus is good), spicy hot, carbonation, scratchy veggies, grains and processed foods. I've also been doing allergy elimination via acupuncture which seems to help. I'm also taking wild oil of oregano and Grapefruit Seed Extract to kill bad bacterial and repopulating with a super good probiotic (Lactobacillus acidophilus, NAS super strain, 5 billion cfu (colony forming units), Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, LB-51 super strain, 5 billion cfu), Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D. Also incorporating oil pulling and castor oil packs (3-4 x per week) and activated charcoal 2-3x per week to help flush out the bad. Will start an Elemental Diet this week for 10-14 days, then plan to begin eliminating the candida through continued diet, rife and acupuncture (the candida diet is basically what I'm doing now to keep the pain away).
Moral? If you're suffering from any type of intestinal problems, please consider having olonoscopies and GI tests carefully. Even though my physicians were talking with one another, not one thought of telling me about the potential yeast problem nor did they caution me not to have the colonoscopy while my intestines were in a very fragile state. This ordeal has diminished my health considerably and is costing me financially, physically and emotionally just to get my life back to normal. Blessings and healing to those of you with any form of IBS.
I had suffered for so long with bloating and stomach pains after meals. Nothing the doctor prescribed made any difference. I tried altering the diet, eliminating gluten, lactose and vegetables, but nothing made any difference. I was becoming very miserable, because as well as the physical side, IBS is a horribly embarrassing problem, and I was loathe to stay in friends' houses.
Then I discovered Kefir, a probiotic. Even my GP had never heard of it, but it's made so much difference. My stomach is flatter and the pains have disappeared. It couldn't be simpler to use. Just add a sachet of Kefir to a jug of milk or soya milk (keep covered and out of bright light) and up to 24 hours later it will have fermented, like yogurt (but the effects for me were far more beneficial than yogurt). I eat it every morning on cereal with a little honey to taste.
I hope this helps other people as it helped me.
Apple Cider Vinegar
You might look into the SCD diet (Specific Carbohydrate Diet). I read a book about it called "Food and the Gut Reaction" by Elaine Gottschall. There is a website too that offers lots of info on it. Just type in SCD Diet. Its safe and although its a big dietary change it works. It shows what you can eat while your body repairs itself. Good luck. I've tried it.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Jessica, 1 T. in 8 oz. of water, morning and evening is generally enough to help with tons of health problems. But you might want to start with 1 t. per glass of water for a few days first and then work up to 1 T. I know it has made a big difference in my own digestive challenges. (reflux and gall bladder.)
If you have not tried Slippery Elm, you could try that, too. It is a great herb for IBS. You would take 1 t. Of powder 4 times a day. Rachel Weaver recommends this in her book, "Be Your Own Doctor. " For IBS, she would also recommend 2-3 cups of comfrey tea each day. Both herbs are excellent for IBS and other disorders. She would also say you must resolved the cause of IBS, be it constipation, diet, etc. But that the slippery elm and comfrey will help give much relief. Both are healing to the digestive tract.
Let us know what helps you!
~Mama to Many~
Apple Cider Vinegar
In the classic book on the beneficial use of Apple Cider Vinegar, "New England Folk Remedies" ACV's anti bacterial quality and helpful digestive capability effectively deals with diarreah. I've used it many times over the years for any kind of lower track issue especially diarrhea. Use a tablespoon or two in a glass of water and sip over thirty minutes. If you can take it faster than that do so. Repeat an hour later. You might need more depending on the severity of the microbe.
I was overseas a few months ago and knew that the area along the Mediterrainian where I would be, would likely give me a bad case of lower track infection and sure enough it hit me hard; but I'd brought a small container of AcV. I found some more in a local market and between the two warded off a really nasty assault by some unknown microbe.
I was having terrible IBS symptoms along with extreme anxiety. I started taking 5-htp on the advice of my naturopathic doctor. Within 1-2 weeks, my IBS reduced substantially and my anxiety lessened dramatically. I felt great everyday with a more stable, consistent mood than I have ever felt in my life.
According to my doctor, a large proportion of serotonin either resides or is made in your gut (I forget which) so it makes sense that it helped my IBS. When I started, I was taking 200 mg each morning. It didn't help me sleep though, in fact it kept me wide awake. After taking for about a year or so, I started feeling very ill every morning. It took me a long time to figure out it was the 5-htp. However, my general health has improved much over the past year and I have now cut the dose back to 50 mg per day and can handle it fine. My doctor told me my system probably did not need as much now and this is perhaps why larger doses were making me so ill.
I know that this might sound to simple, but please try CERTIFIED ORGANIC BUTTERMILK.
I have been in such IBS intestinal pain, gas, bloating, burping, D etc., ....all this came about after I finished an IBS study for meds (4mths), incl CBT (cognitive behavior therapy.) The meds gave me nasty side effects and the CBT although nice, but also not effective. You have no idea all the natural things & meds that I have tried all these years. Nothing worked.
Our local health food store recently started to carry the NEW and ONLY one out there...Certified Organic Buttermilk. I could not find this before. The conventional buttermilk just did not help me as it did prior to the late 60's. I grabbed the last 3 liter cartons and drank 1 liter that day and started on the others first thing on an empty stomach in the mornings. By the afternoon of the 2nd day....everything started to subside drastically. After the 3rd liter (3rd day), I could not believe that all my IBS attacks symptoms had vanished. All these years of suffering with next to no remission time.
I ordered 4 more liters and drank 1 liter per day. It has now been 2 weeks and I am IBS free. My D stopped on the 2nd day, along with the intense cramping. My tummy has greatly reduced in size and I am not gassy, burpy or acid reflux, and my D is gone.
I have been eating all my trigger foods with no problem. If I feel a twinge coming on, I merely pour a very large glass of this amazing thick, rich buttermilk and drink it all in one shot. Do not sip at it. It seems to work best when you drink it all at once.
I can't seem to get enough of it. My body is craving it like nothing I have experience before. I advance ordered another 4 liters. THERE IS A HUGE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE CERTIFIED ORGANIC BUTTERMILK AND THE CONVENTIONAL ONE.
Research the ingredients for yourselves and you will see. This type of buttermilk is like the product my mom use to give me when was a kid to settle down my IBS. Nothing has worked like this since until now. Check out Harmony dairy in Ontario. They seem to be the only ones supplying it so far. (btw: the ACV almost killed me and although I have been using coconut oil for the past 2 yrs., it too has not settled down my IBS.) I hope this remedy helps someone as much as it has helped me.
True. Glutamine works in 2 ways. First, it is the preferred source of fuel for enterocytes- the cells that line the small intestine. Second, it increases sIgA (secretory immunoglobulin A), an important immune cell. If the IBS is caused by an infection such as yeast or parasites, Glutamine will be helpful. However, symptomatic relief from glutamine should make you consider testing for parasites- but not through conventional labs such as Quest or Labcorp. The best lab I've found and use with all of my patients is Metametrix. -Dr. Andrew Brandeis
Activated Charcoal
Hi Annabelle, if your IBS has been a lifelong problem, try eliminating bleached flour from your foods - go with whole grain cereals and breads & pastas - or least unbleached flour. Eliminating bleached flour got rid of my lifelong digestive complaints - but whole grains also increases fiber in your diet and eliminates the constipation problems. Also when you cook beans (dry) add l/4 tsp. of ground ginger to a pound of beans. You won't taste the ginger but you will also have less gas. If you continue to have the gas/bloating on whole grains, you might need to be checked out for gluten intolerance. Of course you can check that out for yourself by leaving all all wheat products and see if it makes a difference.
Aloe Vera Juice
Can you please say how much and what kind of aloe vera juice, I would like to do this? Was it raw? Is there a particular brand that works the best?
Aloe Vera Juice
I've had great results with "Lily of the Desert" gel...3 oz. last thing before bed.
Aloe Vera Juice
Lilly of the Desert is the best aloe available I have read, and use only the inner gel not the whole leaf. I have only used it a week and can see differences. To start I mixed a little jello with it until I could acclimate to the taste.
After being diagnosed with IBS and perioral dermatitis I knew I had to make a change. I did my research and talked to a few people at the health food stores and then added probiotic acidophilus to my diet. The first week I took 2 times the recommended amount, the second week I cut it down the recommended amount and then have stayed on that amount rather well the past 10 years. It has fixed all the problems with my skin as well as my digestional tract. All the diseases of the body start in the stomach and colon, the acidophilus either in capsule form or yogurt help correct this imbalance. By fixing the imbalance, everything else falls in line. My skin is beautiful now. I would recommend this to any one suffering from any skin lesions and digestive problems.
I also had trouble drinking water in the past. I just didn't care for water unless I was really thirsty, only I did not get all that thirsty for water. I also suffered from Irritable bowel syndrome badly.
I found that if I take a glass jar (like from a jelly or a jam product and clean it thoroughly, I can fill it with ordinary tap water but I must place the glass of water in the refrigerator (not the freezer). For some reason I love the water cold? Then I can drink it like crazy! But remember that the cold water can give you a sore throat so allow the refrigerated water out of the refrigerator before drinking it for awhile so that the water is not too cold, it will still be cold enough to drink and enjoy. Now that I drink refrigerated water, my irritable bowel syndrome isn't bothering me anymore!
Just letting others know what works for me with drinking plenty of water.
Dietary Changes
In reply to Elizabeth (Ny),
I forgot to mention, colloidal silver is also worth discussing with your doctor for IBS d as it is a broad spectrum antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal. The body typically will use diarrhea as one method to rapidly rid the body of virulent toxins.
The probiotics then can be used to repopulate the gut with good bacteria.
Sorry some people can't be nice, here is a little advice you won't find from a doctor.
Cows have a disease called johnes it is caused by mycobacterium avium paratuburculosis. It goes right through the cow into milk. It is a high heat resistant organism that easily goes through pasteurization unaffected. The usda sets the standard for milk pasteurization at 165 degrees for 15 seconds. Map bacteria can withstand 194 degrees for up to one minute. I will let you guess whether the USDA knows it or not.
When you drink milk you get live map bacteria with every deliciously deadly drop of moo juice. The milk is transported in semi truck size tanks and milk from thousands of cows is mixed together virtually assuring the whole lot is contaminated. See dr greger at not milk.com about this issue.
If you must drink milk then boil it or drink only "ultra pasteurized" milk as the microorganisms are killed by a higher heat range that map can not tolerate.
Now for the good news. since a few of us do know what causes crohn's disease in the alt medical world we can treat it with a very potent mineral solution that kills off pathogenic organisms such as mycoplasma fermentans and map. It is called gallium nitrate
Here is an article for you about a woman who suffered with crohns for ten years. She tried every sort of drug her doctors could think of to no avail until she met a wiley old alt who knew what she needed, gallium nitrate.
Fulvic acid has immune strengthening properties to it which help the intestines to absorb minerals properly and detoxify roundup herbicides.rOundup frequently causes havoc with the intestinal tract killing off beneficial bacteria and helping bad strains to flourish.
Inulin, a prebiotic, can assist klebsiella, a harmful species, to overgrow and crowd out friendly bacteria. That's not what you want.
Colostrum helps heal the intestines as it provides immune system factors needed to preserve the health of the digestive tract.
Immune system "transfer factors" help teach the immune system how to defend its self against bad bacteria like map.
One more thing you need to research is the beneficial effect of soil organisms such as are in primal defense a probiotic specifically formulated to combat harmful species like map. One of the species in the formula bacillis subtillis creates 24 different antibiotic compounds some of which are lethal to map but friendly to you.
Hope you get feeling better soon, see ya.
I want to say how grateful I am to find this site and the buttermilk suggestion cure for my IBS - D. I'm absolutely amazed, I have suffered severely for at least 15 years with absolutely no other helpful treatments or cures at all until now and within one day Yes only one day and I'm cured. I couldn't eat or drink anything without having to run to bathroom and I alway felt like I was starving even nauseous feeling even during and directly after eating. Organic buttermilk was suggested but I could only find CULTURED or regular buttermilk so I chose the cultured at my local grocery store in milk section [ just FYI info for other desperate people ] to someone else that may not have acsess to healthfood stores and it was very inexpensive aswell... Cultured Buttermilk worked a miracle for me. Thanks for reading and I hope this helps other aswell. Cindy
I have had IBS / Chrohn for awhile now. Probably over 10 years or more. I always thought that I was weak and was easily food sensitive or that my intestines were weak and it would constantly get scarred and bleed. I often get diarrhea after eating and my stools would often contain Mucus and Blood. Never knew that it was abnormal. Not until my sister was diagnosed with an intestinal infection that was resistant to anbiotics and displayed the same symptoms as me, and that was when I became aware that probably I had an infection as well.
I read that alot of times, IBS could be caused by a parasite infection. These parasites are very hard to detect in the stool samples and hard to kill, because they live in your mucus membrane of your intestines which is very thick in Fat and the parasites themself also have a very thick layer of cell wall protecting their bodies from regular treatments as well, making them extremely difficult to get rid of. If you want to get rid of these Parasites, you need to strip the Fat off 1st, and a good way to do this is by Sea Salt. and These parasites also live off of carbohydrates and feed off our foods. So we need to cut off their supply of foods as well. So I decided to go on a Flush and Fasting for the next 4 days. Here is what I did below.
1st Day: Drink 2 teaspoon of Sea Salt mix in 1 Liter: Early morning before eating or drinking anything. within 30 minutes, I went to bathroom and alot of diarhea and gunk came out. Then I Prepared 2 Liters of Lemon Mixture. Each Liter contained Water, 2 lemon, 6-8 Tablespoon of Maple Syrup (100%, Grade B), and 1/2 cayenne pepper. Mix well. And drink about 8-10 oz every hour or so for the whole day.
2nd Day: (Same as 1st day). But, I flushed with sea salt 2x. One time in morning and one time before I go to bed. and I also added 2 tablespoon of Applecider Vinegar mixed in 8 oz of water after each flush. I waited for 30 -45 minutes after the Sea Salt Flush to go through, then I would drink my Applecider Vinegar in 8 oz of water. Wait for about 15-30 minutes, and then drink my lemon mixture (8-10oz every 1 hour or so, until I am done with the 2 liters).
3rd Day: (Same as 2nd Day). But, I flushed 3x with Sea Salt (and now, I increased by 1 teaspoon, so each time I flushed, I was using 3 teaspoon in 1 liter of water), followed by 2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar within 30 -45 minutes after each flush.
Note: The reason why, I flushed 3x istead of 2 (and also increasing 1 extra teaspoon) is because , I want to make sure to do it frequent enough and for the Sea Salt to be strong enough to kill all the Bacterias that are harmful and parasites or anything else in my intestines that are living in there that could be harmful to me. And I want to flush them all out. On this 3rd day, I honestly feel like a hollow tube. Flush, Flush, Flush.
4th Day: I also Flushed for 3 times (with 3 teaspoon of Sea Salt in I liter of water), but now, I discontinued and stop using the Lemon Mixture with cayenne pepper. Instead, I bought 3 bunches of Cilantro at the store and I blend it with 2-3 Tablespoon of Milk Thistle ( you could either use milk thistle seeds, roots, or stems). What I had on me was milk thistle seeds that I ordered online (i already had this a few months before), so I ended up using those.
After I flushed with Sea Salt, I waited for the flush to go through, then I would drink the 2 Table spoon of apple cider vinegar in 8 oz of water and waited for at least 15 minutes, then I would grind 1 bundle of cilantro with 2-3 tablespoon of flax seeds. (I repeat this process every 2 and 1/2 to 3 hours or so, because by this time, I am begining to crave for food and I just wanted to end this 4 day fasting as fast as I could. But I couldnt stop yet, because I wanted to make sure that I got rid of eveything and also I wanted to detox my body from heavy metal and mercury.)
The reason why I chose not to use the lemon mixture with Maple syrup on my 4th day, was because I wanted to make sure that All surviving parasites or bacterias or harmful creatures living in my intestines will finally starve on this 4th day. Also, cilantro and Milk Thistle is a good combo to get rid of all heavy metals, including mercury in my system. So I wanted to also get rid of heavy metals and other toxins in my intestines and body systems as well.
By the time, that I was done with my 3rd and final flush, I got so sick from drinking the Sea Salt water, (Just the smell of it was bringing fear and chills down my spine) That I didnt drink the apple cider vinegar on my 3rd flush, but instead, I just drank the Cilantro bundle blended with 2 tablespoons of Flax Seeds.... And then I waited for a good half an hour to 1 hour before I started to eat regular soft food (I ate 2 big burritos) and NO DIARRHEA OR BLOODY STOOL (usually, I would get diarrhea within 30 minutes or so)!!!
Next day, I ate, and NO DIARRHEA OR BLOODY STOOL... And I was very thankful and It has been that way ever since.... I am just very thankful, and I felt that my prayers has been finally answered. God Luck in using this 4 day method to cure your IBS. You are in my prayers.
Note: There are many times, that I wanted to end this fast early, especially on my 3rd day and 4th day... But I am totally glad that I stuck through it. I dont know if just flushing for 2 days would completely get rid of everything, but I was thinking that I wanted to end this torment once and for all, so I chose to do it in 4 days and slowly built my body up to 3 Sea Salt flushes per day (using starting with 2 teaspoon and ending with 3 teaspoon of Sea Salt). That is alot of flushing though.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I'm suffering from food intolerance/allergy and IBS for last 12 years, I have always stomach upset, gas (brosy abdomen) , burning/swelling, when I tap on my back I feel severe pain on middle and right side of ribs (stomach side), no appetite, low mood, weak concentration, sleep disorder, unsocial life, lost weight, fatigue, blur vision, thin thick sticky paste like stool (sticked with intestines/burning while passing/not hard soft but not like watery diarrhea/dont feel urgency to toilet)(1 or 2 times a day to clear bowls. I have severe intolerance/allergy with milk, all dairy products, all kinds of sweets, milk tea, cola drinks, all fruits, fish and eggs, bakery products, everything I eat makes gastro upset. I totally avoid dairy products and sweets.
I have done all kinds of tests ( food allergy test is also normal). endoscopy (5 times)[few years back I had always severe pain in stomach, vomiting with pain but now I feel good after using stomach medicines/h.pylori course etc. ]last endoscopy was normal, barium meal follow through, ultrasounds, stool tests, all tests are normal, but nothing is diagnosed, I also went to psychiatrist but no improvement (im 200% sure these all problems r due to gastro upsetness not due to psychological disturbance. (i have used many medicines advised by GI doctors but no improvement). Do u have any solution?
Apple Cider Vinegar
Gavin, how long do you have to drink the lemon juice until you wiped out the parasites?
Apple Cider Vinegar
Have you cut out Wheat/Gluten from your diet? And RAW milk would really really help you, check it out on this site and raw_milk_facts.com. RAW is not anything like commercial dairy, it actually will help getting the right bacteria in your gut again so you digest food. Read up on RAW milk so you know how it will help, and on Wheat and Gluten ( I liked the factual info in Wheat Belly--so I understand that today's wheat is not real food anymore and dangerous). Take 1 step at a time in making changes you can health yourself with more success w/o modern toxic meds. Check out info on digestion, food allergies etc.. on site and there are so many helpful hints to get you going to a healthier new life, good health to you.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Kazim, I sympathize with you. Please read Jordan Rubin's book The Maker's Diet. Jordan nearly died from Crohn's disease and searched the world over for a natural cure. The doctors wanted to remove his colon, but he was determined to not let that happen. He tells his story of healing in great detail. You may find help and inspiration from his ideas.
Jordan is a huge proponent of organic foods, friendly bacteria, and raw milk. After getting well, he founded his own organic health food company, Garden of Life. Products are pricey, but superior in quality. I order mine from vitaminshoppe.com where they are discounted. Good health is an investment.
Good luck to you.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Which kind of ibs? I have predominantly diarrhea and when people say 'this is great for ibs' they typically mean constipation. In that case, this thing they are suggesting is the last thing I need to take!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Trudyg - have you ever tried activated charcoal for your IBS? My husband had chronic diarrhea for years. (Decades?) He never saw a doctor for it, just suffered and took a lot of Pepto Bismol. After learning about IBS I figured that was what it was. It did seem somewhat diet related (ice cream especially aggravated him) but he isn't much for dietary changes. A few years ago I started to learn about charcoal and was using it for lots of things. I started to give it to him for diarrhea. He was skeptical, but did start seeing it helped him a good bit. He now reaches for it himself. I realized at some point, that I haven't bought Pepto Bismol in years! And he doesn't seem to need the charcoal much anymore either. His diet has slowly improved and he has given up some foods as they cause heart arrythmia for him (caffeine). Anyway, John Dinsley, in his book, Charcoal Remedies, talks about using charcoal for IBS. You can take the tablets - 4-6 between meals. He says if this is too much to put 4 T. In water, shake it up, strain out the particles and then drink the water. (6 oz. ) I think. You can reuse the charcoal again and again to make more grey water to drink. Jessie
Apple Cider Vinegar
Have you recently had an in-depth stool test? Not the kind they use to check for colon cancer as advertised on tv, but one that also tests for microbiomes and gut flora etc. Only that way can they see what is in your gut and how to combat it, whether it be digestive enzymes, probiotics, quercitin, etc.
I have suffered with ibs-d for 1 year and tried several natural remedies that have not worked for me. I was constantly getting colds and flus and I was very weak. A friend recommended a high quality probiotc (Natren healthy trinity and Life Start 2) with amazing results. My diarrhea and loose bowels stopped immediately. My first few days involved more normal bowel movements and I did experience gas as my flora in my intestines was being restored. I was told this was normal and would clear up. It is very early in my recovery, but the results so far has been very positive. I hope this is helpful to others.
IBS and Herpes Virus Connection
If it's a recurring issue of cold sores, its usually a virus which tends to hide in the nervous system and bone marrow. Nervous system is common, while in bone marrow tends to cause anemia now and then. The IBS might be helped with 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt in a cup of water, single dose. The herpes, is mostly lysine 1000 mg with glutamine 1000 mg taken hourly for 4 hours for roughly three days. If they come back it's taken again. Someone claimed that it resists every supplement I mentioned here, but I have found they work in all cases from direct experience. Zinc maybe supportive. As for candida, baking soda, potassium citrate, perhaps potassium iodide are the common supplements I might consider, along with 25 mg of sodium molybdate for a week or two, as the most promising so far. People also tend to be low in copper, which is supplemented with chlorophyll.
Apple Cider Vinegar
To Mmsg from Somewhere, Europe
Good question.
You can drink Ted's Alkalizing formula at any time of the day, there are no rules. However, there are certain times when you take, it will assist in digestion and healing.
Why after Lunch and dinner?
When you eat your food, the stomach secretes the acid HCL to pre digest the food, break the proteins and creates an acidic mixture. When this predigested food (which is still acidic) enters the Small Intestines the pancreas releases the bicarbonate to neutralize the acid and make it alkaline and to create a healthy environment so the intestines can digest the food normally.
So as I said approximately after 10 mins or 15mins the food enters the small intestine, when you take ted's alkalizing formula at this time, the already acidic small intestine environment( for a person with IBS CONSTIPATION) will be neutralized and the food is properly digested. And this alkalizing mixture inhibits the bacterial activity. When the digestion is normal and complete, the excretion is is natural and complete. No constipation.
Why After Bowel Movement?
After a bowel movement the fecal matter in large intestine is almost empty and digesting foods in the small intestines are minimal (if this is a morning bowel movement).
Now you have more region to be easily reached by the alkalizing formula. This alkalizing formula acts an intestinal ointment. The empty(nearly) small intestines which has more bacterial overgrowth that release acids can inflame the intestines and cause constipation as well. When the alkalizing formula reaches the intestines it will neutralize the acid and also inhibit the pathogenic overgrowth. Neutralizing the acid in the small intestines relieves constipation and promotes intestinal rejuvenation.
Depending on the type of bacteria or parasites IBS can vary from Constipation to Diarrhea.
This is only a first step towards the treatment of IBS, fortunately this is alone enough for few people.
Hope I explained well.
Good Health
Perioral Dermatitis - Acidophulis... I've sufferred from Irritable Bowel Syndrome for 25 years and perioral dermititis and roseacea for about 10-15. Probiotics have cured the IBS and greatly improved/nearly cured the dermatitis. I eat a high probiotic count yogurt everyday and take a high quality probiotic supplement every day. I use a yogurt mask every other day. I tried the ACV and couldn't stand the taste or the smell and it didn't seem to be doing anything. I do now occasionally drink kombucha tea (2-3 times a week) which seems to be very similar to ACV in terms of types of probiotics, but slightly more palatable and I occasionally use it on my face as well (not nearly as stinky as the ACV). This site was great for encouraging me to take matters into my own hands and see what would work for me. Thanks! And good luck to all.
No. You do not. I began by drinking one swallow before each meal ...then two days later I increased to two swallows before each meal. I'm two weeks into it and it has worked wonders for my tummy!!! I now drink 1/4 cup a couple times a day because it helps so much. Literally, it's been life saving. I have IBS-C and it has made all the difference in the world.
I totally agree. I see this all the time with my patients. I treat hundreds of people for symptoms of 'IBS' and test everyone for intestinal infections- yeast, bacterial or parasitic. 9 times out of 10, there is an untreated infection. Once that is appropriately treated, no more IBS.
Wheatgrass Powder
Wheatgrass Powder for IBS! John suffers from irritable bowel syndrome , and sometimes he get shocking stomach cramps and diarrheah. After years of suffering, he have finally found something that works. Buy some wheatgrass powder from the health food store and mix up a double or triple dose of it with water and drink, followed by a glass of plain water. The taste may be awful, but the instant relief makes it soooo worth it!!!!!!