Toenail Fungus
Natural Remedies

Natural Nail Fungus Treatments: Effective Home Remedies

DMSO and Lugol's Iodine

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Posted by Epeach (Ga) on 04/28/2018

Editor's Choice DMSO and 2% Lugol's Cured Fingernail Fungus

For about a month, I have been applying a mixture of DMSO 50%, distilled water 50%, and 1 full dropper of 2% Lugol's in a 4 oz. bottle, to all of my fingernails. My thumbnail was infected with fungus and I have tried everything (prescriptions, essential oils, Vicks, Clorox, Lugol's alone, vinegar, H2O2, you name it). This mixture killed the fungus! I did not use it everyday, just when I remembered. I trimmed away any infected area, then I use a dropper to apply under, around, and on top of all nails at bedtime. (I have heard fungus will move from nail to nail if you do not treat all of them. I do not know if it is true, I just wanted to be safe.) I am still using it periodically to make sure it does not come back. After the application, I use castor oil, as the DMSO mixture is very drying.

I have not had a normal thumbnail since 2009. Now, it looks like all of the others. Hope this helps someone:)

Eliminating Sugar

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Posted by Michigan_gal (Farmington Hills, Michigan, USA) on 09/23/2012

Thank you Ted, Earthclinic and all of the people who sat down and took the time to share your stories. I'd like to share so that I can help someone too.

I'm a 41 year old white female. I stay active and I'm a healthy ideal weight (5Ft - 108lbs) Approx. 65% of my diet is organic foods and I do my best to avoid processed foods. I don't drink soda or consume artificial sweeteners. I avoid foods that contain High Fructose Corn syrup and Hydrogenated oils. However, I have come to discover my healthy diet wasn't as healthy as I thought.

For the last 3 years I have had recurring scabs near the back/crown of my head, sometimes infected. Like a bad habit, I've picked them for years not knowing what they were exactly. This summer's heat triggered the worst ever of my smelly scalp problem which would subside and get bad again. I wash my hair every morning but in the past few months I would notice my head got stinky before lunchtime. I would be sitting in my chair at work and could smell my own head just sitting there. It's smelled like a dirty cheesy rotten sock. If I rubbed my fingers on my scalp they smelled bad. I just started dating this summer and would rush home to wash my hair before going out on dates. I began researching and discovered other people with the same exact story as me. I was shocked and saddened to read it was a fungus and how it was so hard to get rid of. I'm against taking oral drugs as I've read they hurt your liver and never seem to work anyway. I found EarthClinic and I fully believe in natural remedies and that food is medicine.

I've tried many different topical scalp approaches listed on EarthClinic. They made my hair look great and lessened the smell a bit but never cured it. I read a few posts where people said they were cured from cutting sugar completely out of their diet. I wasn't ready to go that extreme and kept trying various topical treatments. As months passed and my dating relationship failed due to my avoidance of my partner, I knew I had to do the extreme and starve the fungus from the inside out.

I have cut out sugar completely. No sugar/honey, no ketchup, or mustard, (nothing with vinegar in it) no salad dressings, no flour, no white potatoes, no wheat, no fruit, no dairy, *although I do allow myself 2 tablespoons of cream in my coffee with stevia extract powder. My diet consists mostly of fish, chicken, eggs, beans of all kinds, tahini, spinach, zucchini, veggies, olive oil, seasonings, lots of quinoa.. For dessert I mix almond butter cocoa powder coconut oil together, it's delicious. I bought Ted's Alkaline ebook and in the morning and evening I drink the formula of lemon juice, water and baking soda. I also take probiotics in pill form since I can't eat yogurt right now.

I have been washing my hair for 2 months using a mild non SLS tea tree botanical shampoo and conditioner found in a local health food grocery store.

At night, I apply a mixture of lemon juice and a drop of pure tea tree oil to my scalp using a cotton swab or sometimes I drizzle it on. A few days a week I do a borax rinse in the shower. I go about shaving and let it sit for a few minutes then rinse it out. These seem to be working along with my new diet.

NO SUGAR- Day 1 - the worst that happened was I had a mild headache all day. I was a bit emotional but not irritable.

Day 3 of No Sugar - my head did NOT smell by lunch time! It did have a faint odor in the evening but only because I was rubbing my scalp to see if any smell rubbed off. It has been easier than I thought possible to do this diet and I feel very good so far. I am amazed and finding it hard to believe my head doesn't stink! This is a first.

Day 5 - I felt kind of weak and had foot cramps that woke me. Overall, doing very well and not craving sugar at all. My tongue is actually pink, not the regular whitish. Oh and I've lost 4lbs so far but I'm never hungry because I eat as much as I want.

Day 7 - It's gone, the smell is gone. I am in the practice of washing my scalp morning and night to keep it clean and so the fungus have nothing to feed on.

Day 14 - which is today the day I'm writing this. I am certain No Sugar is the CURE for scalp fungus. I plan on staying on this diet for a full 21 days. I'm a little nervous about going off it. I dont want to scoop sugar in my coffee anymore and I don't plan on it. I feel like all those foods I gave up are just useless filler foods with no nutrients. It doesn't mean I don't want those delicious cupcakes or chocolate chip cookies I smell baking in the store but I'm certainly not going back to my old ways of eating. I feel brand new now. This is a wonderful thing.

P.S. I think because my diet was pretty healthy to begin with that I didn't suffer from a lot of the sugar withdrawal symptoms people encounter.

Emu Oil

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Sean (Portland, Or) on 09/07/2012

Put pure emu oil on your nails for a month. Tougher cases may take longer. My fungus was cured. Hope yours responds in the same way.

Emu Oil
Posted by Heatherh (Portland, Or) on 08/23/2010

I wanted to get rid of my lifelong toenail fungus before my wedding day 4 years ago. I got a blood test to ensure my liver was in good condition and happily took home a prescription for Lamisil tablets. I ordered them from Canada and started taking them immediately. After about 3 months I started feeling uneasy about the potential damage I was doing to my liver and kidneys and decided to stop taking the drug. Plus I hadn't seen any improvement anyway. My naturopath said I had slow liver function that was causing my constipation. I don't know if this had anything to do with the Lamisil tablets or not but it seemed better to stop taking them than risk harming my organs. Instead I bought a bottle of emu oil and ground up a few of the Lamisil tablets to make a paste. Every morning and night I applied the paste directly to my toenails. After another 3 months my nails were completely clear. I continued to apply emu oil by itself for a few more months. It has been 3 years since my nails cleared up and they are still looking good - no fungus at all, not even athlete's foot.

Epsom Salts

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Posted by Ellen (Redwood Shores, CA) on 07/29/2007

For my toenail fungus, I've noticed with various soaking type remedies that the infection actually spreads--too much moisture for me. I was a little skeptical of the epsom salts in very hot water, but nonetheless I purchased the epsom salts and microwaved a couple of cups of water in a bowl. Stirred in the salts and then began dipping my feet in the water. It's too hot for me to leave in for more than a second or two, but it quickly cools down and the feet do get used to the hot water. I just keep dipping a second or two at a time. Normally, when I do use a remedy, I do both my big toenails. But this time, due to my problem with too much moisture, I decided to only treat my toenail with the most stubborn long standing fungus as I didn't want to make my "good" toenail worse. So then a month goes by and I notice that my "bad" toenail is half "pinkish" and I start to wonder why my toenail with the long standing stubborn infection is looking better than the other. Then the lightbulb comes on in my head. I did treat it differently. Then about a week ago, once I realized that it must have been the epsom salts and the very hot water, I did it again, on both feet. Then the next day, I didn't feel very good and I realized that I was probably experiencing the die-off effect, with the fungus releasing their toxins as they're dying. I still am doing multiple (6 or so) remedies, concurrently. In addition, I stopped drinking alcohol and having any sugar--cakes, donuts, candy bars, ice cream, etc. I still do have pasta, potatoes and bread. Since I just did the other toenail only one week ago, I'll still have to wait to see the effects. But I am extremely gratified to see the worse toenail now is half pink with the outer half being brown with white marbling growing out.

Epsom Salts, Colloidal Silver

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Posted by Frank Knows (Usa) on 08/11/2013

I'm shocked that no person has recommended epsom salt for Nail Fungus. Soak your feet as directed every other day for 3-5 days, also colloidal silver. One drop on each nail. Take a break in between treatments, one day , Don't treat each nail if not needed, just the infected one with colloidal and the ES should take care of the rest.

Essential Oils

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Posted by Marie (Manchester ) on 05/02/2018

I've suffered with it for years ive tried over the counter ointments from pharmacy none are that effective it takes for ever to get an improvement. I tried Oregano and Clove Oil Essential Oils they both kill fungal and viral bacteria. I also added Carrot Seed Essential Oil to encourage the skin to heal and reatach to new growth on toe nail. I used Coconut Oil as a carrier oil. I cut the nail right back to take away the home for fungus (I know you are meant to leave it at it can cause in growing toe nail in new growth).

I had instant relief from pain in my nails cause new growth happened rapidly. Now 3 months on, I have healthy pink toe nails and I'm not embarrassed to get out in public. New toe nail growth has attached to my toe for the first time in 10 years.

Essiac Tea Soaks

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Posted by Wayseeker (Modesto, Ca/ Usa) on 09/27/2012

Had horrible fungus on toes and hands, resolved readily by soaking in half and half solution of Essiac tea and hot water, for 20 minutes. I also drank 1oz of the Essiac and 1oz of boiling water as a tea, holding it in mouth awhile each sip, for 3x a day on an empty stomach.

This worked when nothing else came close! And fast! I would continue for a month, then only as a preventative needed now and again.

I also scrubbed face of toenails down lightly with soft side of emory board to allow the tea to soak in, and thoroughly removed debri both on and under nails.


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Posted by Tyler (Canada) on 02/23/2024

For the toe nail fungus. Use fenbendazole with a drop or two of Liquid dmso. You don't have to overdo it. Just rub this around and under the nail and a little on the toe. Put a little on the other nails too for good measure. Fenbendazole in the tube found at feed lots and typically given to horses is what I used. One tube should do the trick. Just a little bit twice a day till it clears up. I usually put a drop on a q tip of dmso then a pinch of the fenbendazole paste and rub it around.

Foot Fungus

Posted by Stan (Huntsville, Texas United States Of America) on 11/30/2011

The main situation with foot fungus infections is that foot fungus is the number one fungus infection worldwide. It is not an overstatement to say that foot fungus health care is a multiBILLION dollar industry. The healthcare industry shuns/refuses to culture the feet to identify the fungus exact species in many cases due to fear of having the fungi growing in their work environment. Scientists through electron microscope studies have verified that many of these fungi end up inside the cell wall of the human host feet so that vinegar or many other chemicals used will at first work but later on the intracellular fungi will grow again to remind the person that he/she still has the infection. The literature historically has stated that the person gets reinfected eg. from walking barefoot on community shower floors when in fact the "intracellular fungi" simply re-emerged from the intracellular sites.

Fresh Air

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Posted by Bob (San Franciso, CA) on 05/06/2007

Guaranteed Cure: I used air to cure my fungus. I just didnt wear shoes for a whole year (even in business meetings!) and sure enough it worked!

Fungus and Toe Pain

Posted by Edith (Jackson, Mississippi) on 08/09/2009

I have had a fungus in my second toe on my right foot for over five years. Of course like everyone else, I didn't know what it was at first. The toe nail is slightly dark near the tip and the nail is thick, dry and hard to clip. I have tried a number of things but nothing works completely. I use a natural remedy Peppermint and Shea Butter which seems to help the toe to look pretty health. I know it is still there because my toe is in so much pain when I walk continuously. I generally walk three miles each day; my toe has started to hurt so much more, to the point that I have cut back to just two miles a day. Am I the only one with pain or is it that people are just neglecting to mention it. I am very anxious to try the remedies found here, as soon as possible. My question is why is it that no one has mentioned the pain that occurs in the toe when walking? I have not tried any of the remedies here; will they help the pain as well? I will let you know what my outcome is.

Replied by Bev
(Apache Junction, Arizona)

Hi! I have NO good new for you yet. I just wanted you to know that I am suffering the toe pain as well as you are and I'm sure there are others. I am trying a little combination as I am writing this. I did one cup of White Vinegar to 3 cups of water and thought I'm going to add 1/2 cup of the apple cider vinegar and one more cup of water and I am soaking both feet. I have had problems with both my big toes with the discoloration, thick ugly nails that are very hard to trim and since they have thickened...they have been giving me problems by curving inward and getting very hard to manicure not saying how the pain is really getting unbearable. I hope we both get relief and nice looking toes again.


9 User Reviews
5 star (9) 

Posted by Donris (Gretna, Louisiana) on 04/16/2018

I had read on Facebook, a cure which is fantastic. You mince or press one garlic toe, to 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil. You mix well & apply to clean feet. Be sure to put under toe nail & cover down to toe bed. Try to use the whole mixture. Then wrap the entire toes in Handi Wrap. Be sure the toes are cover tight. Then wrap with heavy foil around the toes, be sure to cover all the Handi Wrap to about almost have the foot. I use duct tape to keep it nice & tight. Then put on a loose socks & then a tight pair second over the foot. This will create heat. Leave on for 24 hr. Then remove & dig under the toe nail & clean it up. You will be in shock how much it loosed up. Then if possible do a second day again. During the breaks soak feet in Organic raw apple cider vinegar with (The Mother). Put about1/2 a cup of the vinegar. Then warm water to cover all the toes. Soak for at least 1/2 an hour. Like to watch T.V. Later on after shower, spray toes with a straight vinegar & air dry. really easy you only have to do the garlic treatment for extra boots. It won't take long to see a huge difference. I promise you will love the results.

Posted by Carmel (Uk) on 01/17/2016

Had a very badly fungus nail, very horrible and thick, difficult to cut.

Smear garlic juice on it every day or so and it will grow up perfectly fine. Worked for me anyway.

Posted by Brad (Albuquerque, Nm) on 10/14/2012

Yeah. Garlic will do the trick for nail fungus. Spreading it on your fingernails will also give your nails a nice gloss. Garlic will clear up fungus.
