Toenail Fungus
Natural Remedies

Natural Nail Fungus Treatments: Effective Home Remedies

White Vinegar
Posted by Allyson (Colorado Springs) on 02/27/2020

I cannot stand the smell of ACV, plain old white vinegar works just as well, I would spray it on the 3 toes 2x a day, waited til the entire toenail bed grew out, no more toenail fungus, rah! Just put the white vinegar in a glass bottle so no plastic uglies leach into the vinegar. It really, really works!!

White Vinegar
Posted by Joy (Greer, Sc) on 05/14/2016

I, too, have had success with vinegar for toenail fungus, even after previously battling a very advanced case for 10 years, although I still have it in one stubborn toenail. I used white vinegar. It was recommended to me to spray it on twice a day, which I think is the fastest and easiest thing to do. I used a 2 oz sprayer found in the travel toiletries section. Wasn't told to soak, but it occurred to me just a few weeks ago that maybe I should soak and saturate that nail, and it is now much improved. Hasn't come back in the other nails, either. Am so happy about this safe, easy and inexpensive treatment.
