Toenail Fungus
Natural Remedies

Natural Nail Fungus Treatments: Effective Home Remedies

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Susane (Santa Monica, Ca) on 04/10/2011

Ted Remedy plus Thymol works. First of all.. Be patient. Toe nails take a long long time to grow. My docotor, from Kaiser, prescribed Thymol. It's a liquid that you apply twice a day. I used it for 6 weeks and couldn't see any change. I called the doctor and asked for Lamisil. The doctor told me that he has never known Thymol not to work. So... I added Ted's Remedy. For 2 weeks, twice a day, I did the 50/50 solution of hydrogen peroxide followed by a 50/50 solution of bleach/water for 30 seconds to a minute and then rinsed. I then followed this by using the Thymol drops.

After 2 weeks I started seeing a difference. At that point I stopped everything but the Thymol. I am now currently 7 months into the entire event of trying to save my toenails and am happy to say that of the 7 infected toenails 4 of them are completely cured and the other 3 are slowly getting there. One of my big toenails was about 80% infected and apparently it takes about a year to fully regrow a big toenail and I appear to be on track for that mark. You must be diligent and patient. My prescription of Thymol costs about $15 a bottle and I have used 3 bottles over 7 months and will probably need another 2 bottles. Also, my doctor told me that he personally uses Thymol once a week just as maintenance.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by David (Denver, Co) on 03/07/2011

Editor's Choice Yea for Ted's Remedy -

Thanks Ted, I have dealt with toe nail fungus for about 6 years. I actually took the pills (which have gone generic in the last 2 or so years, dropping the price considerably) but noticed a huge effect on my health while doing so. It was sucessful in curing 4 of 5 affected nails, it took about a year and a half to see the results. One toe nail in particular looked suspcious so was applying ACV to it, along with an over the counter fungus remover. It was masked but never really cured, it was on a smaller toe so it wasn't very noticable and I ignored it for a while. This winter I vowed to have another go at curing it and came upon this site.

Ted's recommendation worked wonders for me. I filed down the nail as much as possible, I thought I went to far as I started to feel a bit of irritation and some very slow bleeding but proceeded anyway. I put ACV, H2O2, and a small amount of listerine (another site's recommendation) in a bucket to soak the affected foot. After I would follow up with the bleach/water solution. In the morning I would coat the foot with the Tree/Lavender oil (mixed with vasoline) and at night after the soak I would use Lamisl and I would re-coat with the Tree/Lavender before bed. After 3 days I saw that the nail had hardened under where I had previously filed. The portion under the nail, that I though was the nail bed was really just infected nail that was soft and looked and acted like nail bed (and actually bled), it was really a surprise and now I know where the reinfection was coming from. I re-filed the area again (no bleeding or irritation this time) and saw a huge improvement in the general area and nail, along with dead skin sloughing off of my foot. I have been at it for 2 weeks with exellent results and the new toe nail coming in looks great. I believe that with diligence and this method I will end this stupid thing that has inconvienced my summers for too long. I wanted to leave my feedback and say thanks my foot health in general is so much better. I wanted to comment that a lot of dead skin on the foot may be the same fungus as what can work its way under the nail, I have had a similar dissapearance of that dead skin on my foot while taking the pills and now while doing this soaking method.

I also wanted to leave feedback to some of the other users of this method. I believe that some other people that have different symptoms (i.e. Not just nail fungus) and should look at different methods as this can be pretty agressive on the skin. For instance, start with the recommended soaking times and if it irritates the condition, stop using. I have upped my soaking times in the past week to a few hours (for the ACV/H202) when available with no adverse effects on my feet.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Rhonda (Hollister, FL) on 06/06/2009

I have never had a fingernail fungus infection until about a month and a half ago, and it is driving me crazy! I work as a server in a resteraunt, so it is very important that my hands look neat and well groomed, so the customers dont get grossed out! I have bitten my nails since I was a kid, and I decided that it might look better and help me stop biting if I would put fake nails on, long story short, I ended up with fingernail fungus. It started in 1 fingernail, and is now moving to all, but the problem is, my hands get wet everyday, I have to put my hands in our bleach bucket to get towels to wipe down the tables after customers have left, so this has been a real battle!! bleach doesnt help fight in this situation, it seems to make it worse, but the 1/2 apple cider vinegar and 1/2 peroxide is really working, one of my nails is slowly coming off, and each day I soak in the morning, afternoon and evening before bed, and as the nail clears up i keep cutting it off, my other nails i think i caught in time before they got as bad as this one, i dare not try the bleach after, since my hands are in it all day as it is. but the vineger and peroxide are working good, and i can tell whatever kind of fungus this is, it cant stand it!!! wish me luck, because im in for a ride!! but i cant afford the expensive products they have out there, and its just a shame i had to buy a cheap set of nails, and end up with a fungus! I also think the bucket at work doesnt help the matter any either.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Debra (Grosse Pointe Farms, MI) on 02/12/2009

When the nail on my big toe showed fungus, I went to the doctor who could only offer me a medication that can be hard on your liver and, some say, doesn't work for all people or it works only temporarily. Plus, the medication is very expensive. Instead, I got online and found different remedies. I eventually found Ted's cure and decided to give it a try. By the time I found his recipe, my nail had turned black and half of it crumbled off. It was pretty horrible. After following his suggestions, my nail slowly began showing improvement as it grew. It didn't happen quickly, but it worked. My nail is now fully grown and perfect. I can again wear my summer shoes. I continue rubbing a little tea tree oil on that nail and avoid dark nail polishes. I choose a french pedicure instead as a preventative measure.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Laurie (Yellowknife, NWT Canada) on 01/19/2009

I was plagued with fungus on my thumb and index finger on one hand,I had it about 3 years.. the nails were deformed and very thick and cracked, I have a very public job so was quite embarrassed by them... I tried a few over the counter fungal creams but they didn't help..and in searching found Teds remedy.. I'm very impatient and wanted to rush the remedy..but it takes time. I first tried the Lemon grass oil..but having deformed nails then having them turn orange wasn't very pleasant but it did turn the nail beds almost black and may well have helped kill off the fungus..then I did the bleach and vinegar soaking for about a month.. about a table spoon of bleach in 3-5 of water ..and straight cider vinegar ..each once a day for a few minutes....others have said they lost their nails etc.. mine just slowly grew out into healthy's been about 6-8 months and they look just great and you could never tell there had been a problem to begin with.. Thanks Ted..


Ted's Remedies
Posted by janedoe (Concord, NH) on 01/07/2009

Editor's Choice I was in my first triathlon last August and during my training had damp feet a lot...going from swimming to biking to running. Back in Sept. noticed the fungus. Tried store bought medicine, didn't do a thing. My brother has it on all toes, took oral medicine, didn't work! I found this site in Nov., have been using the acv/hydrogen peroxide, then beach/water soak, then AM teatree oil, PM monastat 7 cream w/bandaid at night, and my nail looks 80% better! I know it takes several months to go away, but I'm convinced this is the best treatment! I give myself a pedicure often, and cut back, and file the nail so that the soaks can get at it. I'm very impressed. Will post again when fungus completely gone! OK, so here's the deal: 50/50 ACV/Hydrogen peroxide, 1capfull of bleach/4 capsful of water, rinse between soaks. Then teatree oil in the AM, and Monastat 7 at night with a bandaid.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Maryann (Groton, CT) on 04/07/2007

Ted's nail fungus treatment worked within 3 days! My large toenail developed a thick and yellowed nail about a year ago. I ignored it until recently I noticed the nail was lifting off just about down to the base of the nail. I was horrified! I quickly went on line and found this site and immediately started Ted's treatment. I cut the nail all the way down as far as I could, ridding the nail of the black fungus. Just a few small dots remained. After just 3 days of the treatment, they disappeared. I continue to daily put on a mixture of tea tree oil, lavender, and red thyme to stave off future attempts of fungus regrowth. I'm ecstatic to know and see my new healthy nail appearing at the base. Thank you for this site!

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Rich (Commack, NY) on 12/13/2006

I have had an increasing problem of nail fungus on my left hand. It started with my thumb, then my index finger, next to my middle finger. I did not want to take drugs for the problem so I found this site and tried the peroxide, vinegar and bleach method. I did it every night for a month and noticed great improvement. Now I do it twice a week and it is just about cleared up. I soak my hand in peroxide for about 10 minutes, add vinegar to that so that it is 50/50 and soak for another 10 minutes. One way to tell if you are rid of the nail fungus is to observe the nail while it is in plain peroxide. If little bubbles appear at the nail in a fizzing way the fungus is still there. No bubbles, no fungus. I follow this up by using bleach and water and soak again for one to two minutes. My nails look great and I don't have to curl my fingers down when I have to show someone what to do using my hands.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Kasey (London, UK) on 12/11/2006

I had toenail fungus on several of my toes last winter and the nails were starting to flake. I tried Ted's remedy and after voila! It didn't take months and it worked like a charm. Thanks Ted!

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Margaret (Victoria, BC, Canada) on 09/24/2006

I cut nail short, soaked it in above solution for a few minutes and used small nail brush to get solution under nail* this is the important part. did this several times a day and before going to bed. lamasil didn't work and vick's only made it worse as it keep the nail moist. I've done this for 4 weeks and my ugly nail is now looking 80% better I can't believe the difference. I'll keep doing it until the new nail grows in. I did hear that soaking it in diluted bleach for a few minutes helps also. I may try that with this treatment. Thanks

Ted's Remedies
Posted by David (Redding, CA) on 08/24/2006

Over 25 years ago my big toe was injured. Fungus set in and also infected every toe on both feet. Lived with the problem way too long for 25 years. I did not want to take any prescription medications after reading the side affects!!! Then I came across this site by accident! I am so glad I found this site. Got me going and got me thinking from a different perspective.

In the summer of 2005 I started using white distilled vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. I applied with Q tips to each toe twice a day or more diligently.

First thing I noticed was the fungal smell went away! I started to notice a distinct improvement! I would make sure to cut and file my toenails and then sterilize the clippers and file as not to spread or reinfect myself or anyone else. I drank ACV twice a day. 12 oz. of water to 2 tablespoons of ACV. I cut way back on my grains and sugar in my diet as fungus loves these foods. Also don't drink alcohol and beer. You will be feeding your enemy the fungus. I also take probiotics and anti-fungals, such as a good multi vitamin, olive leaf extract, oil of oregano, and beta glucan. I took the time to study up on fungus.

My smaller four toes began to clear up completely and the big toes showed big improvement. My big toe nails were more stubborn to clear up. Then in summer of 2006 I started to soak my feet in white vinegar and peroxide for 20 to thirty minutes a day. Wow, my big toes are almost all cleared up! Once they are done then the fungus will have been defeated! But do not let your guard down. Continue with the applications and the foot soakings on not as often. I spray the inside of my shoes with Hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle and then I spray my toes during the day. The fungus has not returned to my smaller four toes. You must STARVE the fungus you have living inside your body, then you must take the anti fungals to ATTACK the fungus living in your body, then finally you must ATTACK the fungus externally with what I described above. It is working for me. I hope it works for you. The science behind this says it will from my research. Best of luck to you and best wishes. Warmest Regards

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Andrew (Long Beach, CA) on 06/24/2006

I have continued to try Ted's method, but instead of soaking my feet using ACV, I switched putting only two drops on each toe of White Distilled Vinegar and H2O2. White Distilled Vinegar appears much better for external use and more effective as it also has the same PH as ACV. After laying off for a few months, I started again at the beginning of this month. Since that time, I see some progress. The base of the aflicted toenails are beginning to look pink and health. It is a small amount, but shows some progress from a month ago. I'm also seeing the top of the nail look much cleaner as it looks clear. The brighr brownish yellow color originally there has lightened and looks whiter in with vertical or diagonal ridges becoming more visable. Although I have not precisely used Ted's method and modified it, by switching to WDV and using drops rather than soaking, I found the method appears to be working. I also think Clorox does a great job in helping. Because my toe nails had been yellow for a few years, I think my toenails will take longer to cure and my nails will have to grow out which may take 3-4 months.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Pape (Acapulco) on 05/31/2006

I have had a nail fungus i guess going on 20 years. I genetically have black toes so I never paid attention to my toe nails. I went for a pedicure the other day because i somewhat could not not even out the skin on my feet it was like what happens when you try to start a new roll of cheap toilet paper. The pedicurist told me I had a fungus affecting both my nails and skin she had heard about someone using a product used to wash vegetables and that it contained iodine. I search on the net and stumbled on to the site. I tried Ted from thailand's treatment somewhat First day soaked my feet the best I could in a bowl for 20 mins of 50/50 acv and 3%peroxide scrub my skin with the solution and washed with iodine the next morning i filed my nails and did the same. I could tell something was happening. Parts of my big toes had gone milky white.

Encouraged by these results I went and got a proper basin I have size 16 feet US that about 52 european bought a few liters of h202 and acv and soaked my feet coincidence or luck I started watching a movie and forget about my feet I must have had my feet completely submerged for 21/2 hours. When the movie was over I remember about my feet and felt them under the solution a paste had somewhat developed I took a pumice stone and scrubbed this paste of gently what emerged was a brand new foot no skin fungus everything was smooth. I trimmed my toe nails half of my big toe nails came off leaving something that felt lie another very thin nail in place the nails where also have the the thickness they had. I continued soaking for two more days. At night before going to bed I would use nizoral on my skin on the entire foot all the the way to my calves and put tree tee oil on the nails. I went looking for copper chloride and could not find any instead I was able to get a small flask of permanganate of potassium and painted my nails with pdp in the morning. I wore sandals for the first week. I am now using vicks and tree tee oil specially before putting on socks. Here is something else I noticed I lost nearly ten pounds a week later and my eating habits have changed I do not know if this is psychological or my body was stocking up to fight the fungus. This is something worth investigating!

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Andrew (Long Beach, CA) on 02/01/2006

I have taken Teds advice. What I'm now finding is I have a clear nail at the base around the the sides and on the top. To a certain degree, I was also able to clean under the nail, but unfortunately pushed some of the yellow further down my nail. I know it's not a good thing had hoping the extra concentration of clorox will help. The top part of the nail looks clear and lighter with some thin streaks while the middle has a yell strip through the center that go diagonally the to upper corners (top) of the nails.

The top of my nail is about a 1/16" cut back too far, but the toenail is of normal thickness. The nail itself however, because it is far back is high off the nail bed. It is also high enough out so I can slip a thin brush with Tea tree oil in. In about one or weeks my nail should grow long enough to where I will cut it at full length. My hope is I can have more of the bottom part of the nail grow clearer. My feeling is, if the entire part of the nail that touches the skin clear is beginning to clear up, it maybe a good sign the rest of the nail will eventually follow. I will keep trying Teds methods and accept any suggestions he provides.
