Toenail Fungus
Natural Remedies

Natural Nail Fungus Treatments: Effective Home Remedies

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by John (Pahoa, HI 96778) on 05/20/2021 6 posts

I recently began treatment with hydrogen peroxide after having lived with chronic toenail fungus for over 20 years. I used 6% H202 to soak my feet for 20 minutes each night for a month. As the fungus was killed off the damaged part of the nail softened and peeled off painlessly. I switched to borax soaks, and the nails are thinner and clearing. I still soak on alternate days and apply Kerasal and now the nails are normal except for the length in only 2 months!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Tim (Georgia) on 06/19/2018 21 posts

If Nothing helps toenail fungus, try:

Fold down 2 napkins just to cover your toenails and toes completely, then pour with 3% H2O2, wrapped with a polyethylene(cellophane, etc soft film), needs good plaster to fix on feet all the night and wash your feet in the mornings with laundry soap. Needs 10-14 days. Hope you get rid of fungus forever.

Don't forget to change all your socks, sandals&shoes/ or at least pour shoes with ACV every time.

Thank me later.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jarred (Palo Alto, Ca) on 04/03/2013

To cure nail fungus, simply soak the affected nail in HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. It does not have to be food grade. I cured nail fungus by using a 3% solution from my local drug store.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Anthony (Albuquerque, New Mexico, Usa) on 12/10/2012

Tip: If you warm the hydrogen peroxide it will be more effective. Warming it allows the the skin to expand and absorb it better, especially if the fungus infection is in the root of the nail. Do not overheat hydrogen peroxide when warming, cause you might burn your skin.

3% hydrogen peroxide does work, but the big toe will take more soakings than the smaller ones. Do not use if you have cuts on skin as the peroxide will burn the skin. A mix of 2 parts 3% hydrogen peroxide to one part water also works.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Susan (Boulder, Co) on 06/05/2012

I've had a mild but progressing toenail fungus for years, but no longer. After showering I have been applying 20% hydrogen peroxide, bought in a beauty supply store because the drugstore version is more diluted. After about six weeks I began to see results, and several months later it is better than 50% gone. The material I read mentioned that one can use even stronger hydrogen peroxide, but this has been sufficient for me.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Bruno (Houston, Texas, USA) on 03/20/2009

I have tried several remedies that would work for short periods of time and then, they didn't seem to be as effective. I didn't just do it for a day or two, but for a week or more at a time. Someone told me about [food grade hydrogen peroxide]. I read all about it and thought that it would not be wise to use it but they insisted that it would work and fast. I didn't want to go through another couple of months of testing, so I gave it a try. You only put it on the nail with a Q-tip - don't let it touch the skin. It dries in a minute and reapply. I did this every day, twice a day, and within 3 days it was greatly improving. I dug the gunk out from under the dead part of the nail and the new nail is growing back beautifully. The old nail is still on but as it grows out I'm cutting the gross part off. I'll bet that within a 2 week period of time, the nail will be completely new and the fungus completely gone. It's cheap and fast.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Tom Winegar (Hakalau, HI) on 02/02/2009

hydrogen peroxide for toenail fungus -YEA

i tried Lamisil but it was too expensive.

i tried Vinegar, and it made the skin on my feet feel great (baby smooth), so no more foot fungus - but it didnt help my toenails.

I tried Vapor Rub but it was stinky and sticky and didnt work well, but maybe helped a bit.

Then i tried Hyrogen Peroxide. It worked! I went on daily foot baths with Hyrogen Peroxide and I am winning the fungus battle. I was diluting too much. Now I use straight 3% and soak as long as I can.

There is no increasing infection, there is only spreading PINK nail health. My 'good' nails look great. My bad nails are improving slowly.

I highly recommend Hydrogen Peroxide for toenail fungus.

I was so happy to find something that worked, the doctors had no good solution.

I want to have pink toenails by the time I am 50!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jesse (Granite City, IL) on 09/04/2007

After reading many of the suggestions available on this and other sites I added some of my own thoughts to the process and formulated my own treatment method.

The major problem with toenail fungus is that once you get it it is hard to get at it because the nail itself protects the fungus. So I took a dremel tool with a fine grit sandpaper bit and ground the toenail completely away. This is relatively painless as long as you do not hold the sandpaper in one spot for too long as it will generate heat and burn you (not severely but painfully).

After sanding away the entire toenail surface the nailbed is almost completely exposed. Since then I have been treating it with peroxide and after about 5 treatments (just once or twice a day) the peroxide no longer bubbles when applied indicating that the infection is gone. I have let it grow out a little and ground it down again a couple of times for good measure but when the nail grows out it looks healthy and normal. I will have to see what happens when the nail is completely replaced but so far it is working! Just be careful and use your head when you sand off the nail so you don't hurt yourself.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Ron (San Jose, ca) on 08/25/2007

There may be two prevalent forms of nail fungus so I am qualifying my comment. Nail fungus that causes delamination starting along the edge with the nail weakening substantially may be cured with Hydrogen peroxide. I needed to pry up the nail at each treatment being careful to pry up only the discolored portion. The nail began to regrow from the root. It looks good. I noticed some foaming with the initial treatments and the color was bleached a little. The healthy growth is quite clear.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Towanda (Philadelphia, PA) on 02/27/2007

My toenails were turning brown and was very dry to the point that the nail was lifting and chipping all over. It was disgusting. The doctor put me on Lamisil which had to be taken for up to two years and even then, you weren't guaranteed results. I stopped taking the Lamisil after about 6 months because I saw no results, and it could have possibly damaged my liver. I decided to try Peroxide. For the past month, after showering, I pour HP on my toes and let it dry. I then put Tea Tree Oil on my toenails. My nails are absolutely beautiful now. The brown is practically gone, the nail itself is healthy and smooth.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Nancy (Westport CT) on 07/06/2005

I have fungus on one big toe and nothing worked . One day I decided to put peroxide let it sit dry then pour alcohol on it and it is cured and has grown back and I no longer get ingrown toenail . I had cut it as short as possible to get the peroxide etc in there.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Daisy (Elk Grove Vlg. IL)

My BIG toes are victims of injuries from "new" shopping carts 2 summers ago. I was wearing sandals both times. Our visiting podiatrist said that due these injuries I may have a nail fungus. But, my nails are NOT yellow. They were only bruised and the "mother cells"/half-moon seem to be helping them to grow to the "free edge." The podiatrist removed the loose nails and now the left toe "new nail" has nearly reached the "free edge." The right toe was re-injured accidentally and only has grown 1/2 way to the "free edge." My Dr. said the remedy he had in mind would be unaffordable for me. I have resorted to "peroxide" treatments and my toenails look like they are healing.

Peroxide seems to help the "mother cells" grow a new nail. I apply it once every day with a cotton ball saturated with the peroxide. Naturally it dries it out, but I do see some growth on the nail. Time will tell and I will keep in touch with the results.

I don't know if it because I have a 9 1/2 shoe size that my wonderful grand kids keep stepping/jumping on the "trying to heal" big toes of mine ..........or what. But, it certainly slows it down.

Also, my primary Dr. didn't know how to cure a "root type" ....which could be a cyst on a node on my ring finger. I used a prescribed ointment called HYDROCORTISONE CREAM USP 2.5% strength. The sac became irritated again. I use this "lightly" as directed about 3 times per day with the results that it has cured the irritation although I can still see the dried up tiny sac. The cream I use is comparable to the "off the shelf" hydrocortisone cream USP but, it has a stronger effect on the affected area.

Hope this feedback helps and you can pass it on. These are only my ways of curing and rather experimental.
