The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Baking Soda
Posted by Earth Clinic on 12/02/2009
Recommended dosages from the Arm and Hammer Company for colds and influenza back in 1925 were:
During the first day take six doses of half teaspoonful of Arm & Hammer Bicarbonate of Soda in a glass of cool water, at about two-hour intervals.
During the second day take four doses of half teaspoonful of Arm and Hammer Bicarbonate of Soda in a glass of cool water, at the same intervals.
During the third day take two doses of half teaspoonful of Arm and Hammer Bicarbonate of Soda in a glass of cool water morning and evening, and thereafter half teaspoonful in a glass of cool water each morning until cold is cured...
Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Tenderfoot (Las Cruces, Nm Usa) on 08/27/2009
I too am using H2O2 inhalation, only by nebulizer since the spray bottle method I tried about a year ago did not give much improvement in my lung condition after using it for a long period of time, although it did help with sinus congestion. I started inhaling it in the nebulizer about a week ago for my COPD in order to try and wean myself off of inhalers and possibly improve the lung condition. I'm so glad I did as the following morning when I woke up my lungs were opened up for a fuller breath of air and I had great energy, I couldn't believe how good I felt. I washed my windows yesterday, a big accomplishment for me and I have not needed so much extra sleep as before. I've used it 3 times now, so I'd say I use it about every other day and plan to continue this routine and/or make adjustments depending on how I feel or if I'm feeling too dried out. I put about 1/8 tsp of 3% HP in the nebulizer cup along with 1 tsp distilled water and 1/2 tsp of colloidal silver, the kind with sun and stars on the aqua label. (I did consumer research and found this as the purest for me to use). I'm still using inhalers and supplements so far until I see cosistent progress and get checked by my doctor to see how how things stand clinically. Good luck to all and feel free to write with any questions you may have.
Posted by Kathryn (Owings, Md.) on 03/05/2009
I was so sick of being sick that I got up and took one strong garlic capsule an hour (from hepapro) and started colon cleansing Sonne 7 and 9. It worked. This garlic capsule is worth eating 10 garlic cloves that is how strong it is. I also hydrogen peroxide ears.
Posted by Nichole (Stanton, Ca) on 12/07/2008
Honey Rocks!!
I came down with the flu one day while eating dinner, it hit me pretty fast. I had just started eating and felt very nauseous, within minutes I was feeling very warm and had a fever and my body began to ache all over. I went upstairs and laid down to try and sleep but I couldn't I just felt so awful... finally I asked my hubby to get me a biscuit and the jar of honey. I dipped the biscuit in the honey trying to get as much down as I could, probably a quarter cup. I laid down again and fell asleep, a few hours later my fever broke and I woke up at that point I felt fine, great even! So I was so excited about how fast the honey worked but of course I began to be doubtful, thinking maybe it was just a quick flu. Well a month and a half later my husband came down with a stomach flu he was nauseous and had the runs for a couple days, he didnt take any honey. Then I came down with it, again I felt horrible really quick so I went downstairs feeling faint and nauseous and grabbed the honey and some soup. I filled my mouth with as much honey as I could and swallowed, then ate my soup and again swallowed a big mouthful of honey. Within a few hours I was feeling great again! My husband was still sick! So now I know for sure it was the honey I took! Just so you know I took Sue Bee's Raw honey, I can get it here for only $5 for 2 pounds... I have become an advocate for all things natural and tell everyone about some remedies I've found on here and others I found at different sources on the net.
A couple other honey stories to share, I use honey on my daughters diaper rash and its gone sometimes by the next diaper change and others the next day! I also used it on myself after I gave birth for the tearing and it not only felt soothing but it did indeed help my tears to heal much faster.
My sisters friend Chante was in a very bad accident 6 months ago and had a severe injury to her foot. The did surgery on it but it wouldnt heal closed, so they did a skin graft and again it wouldnt close, in fact they did 4 skin grafts that wouldnt take. So for 6 months she's been going through this and I told my sister to tell her about Manuka honey, she did but Chante didnt want anything to do with it. Well after this last graft they told her if it didnt heal they would amputate!!!! So she finally conceded to try it. She put it on at 4pm and checked it at 8pm, already the skin was healing! She was so excited she applied a new bandage with more honey and checked it in the morning. Again it was looking even better! I cant tell you how amazing her foot looks now and its only been three days! I have pictures of before and after and after again and again, if anyone is interested email me and I will send you the pictures!
Go HONEY!!!!
Posted by Reasonable BB (British Columbia Canada) on 03/16/2023
Thx you for taking the time to share your experience with honey. You're a blessing to the world
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 03/17/2023 525 posts
Love dem bees! Something else you can do is get raw honey with the honeycomb - which has the same elements as honey - cut off a piece, suck the honey out and chew the comb like gum for a constant, 15 or 20 minute trickle of honey goodness! Good for a sore throat or head cold. Or, well, it's good for just about everything, really, but most noticeable with mouth, throat, breathing and sinus issues.
Coconut Oil
Posted by Jill (Wisconsin) on 01/31/2008
I have been taking coconut oil , not every day, but maybe 2-3 times a week, and I have not got sick once since I started taking it 4 months ago. I am usually the first one to get a cold or flu in fall and winter, but thanks to coconut oil, I have remained Healthy!
Oregano Oil
Posted by Melissa (San Diego, CA) on 09/21/2007
I was suffering from a very bad cold/flu, specifically horrible sinus pressure and chest tightness and coughing, and clogged ears. I love ACV, Cayenne pepper, and hydrogen peroxide for many things, but none of these provided any releif for this. I also tried Grapefruit Seed Extract, sea salt, and borax to try to kill the virus. The last thing I tried was Oregano Oil. I used one drop sublingually and put a few more drops in water and felt immediate relief from the cough/chest tightness and sinus pressure as I was able to expectorate all the mucous. I think all the remedies listed for colds, sore throats, coughts etc. have merit but apparently different people require different remedies. So keep trying until you find the one that works for you. I was starting to get discouraged that I couldn't find any relief from natural remedies and figured I would have to succumb to cough syrup and sudafed. I'm glad I tried one last thing.
Posted by Ray (Williamsport, PA) on 01/04/2007
After feeling run down and fighting the chills all night, body aches, and oh yeah, a sore swollen throat that I suspected was Strep, I tried the cayenne remedy as laid out. Within minutes the pain subsided, the body aches and chills left, and I returned to the woods to finish out the day hunting. It helps if you like hot stuff!
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Lisa (Memphis, TN) on 12/29/2006
Grapefruit seed extract, peroxide, and apple cider vinegar cured my sore throat, runny and stuffy nose and body aches. I was sooo happy with my results I feel great! after only 20 mins. I feel almost normal. It only took me a day to start looking for cures, and it took less than a day to work! This site is wonderful!
Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon Juice
Posted by Glen (Round Rock Texas)
I have been sick for three days and just tried Carol's Apple Cider Vinegar & Lemon Drink and within 5 mins my nose and congestion has started to break up. Thanks for the tip.
Posted by Jayna D. (Southern CA) on 02/20/2023
I have been taking Swanson Vitamins' NAC 600 mg. capsules since 2009 and have not had any flu, Coronavirus, and COVIDS since then. No flu shots either. It's about $10.00 a bottle. Child: 1/Day Adult: 2/Day This is a very good supplement for the whole body! I post publicly and freely on MeWe.
Mama's Flu Recovery Remedies
Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 12/20/2022
Hi Karen,
For in the ears, I use the 3% hydrogen peroxide in the brown bottle. For the nebulizer I would dilute to 1% by mixing 1 part of the 3% hydrogen peroxide with 2 parts distilled water.
You can find peppermint extract in the grocery story in the baking section, usually near the vanilla extract. My daughter picked me up some at Walmart!
~Mama to Many~
Posted by Tom (Livingston, Tx) on 10/30/2022 64 posts
This post is about me staying well by taking zinc picolinate (ZP) capsules internally. I noticed that I tended to get a sore throat on the day following going shopping in town.
However, taking the ZP capsules stops the sore throat for me, and I suppose any virus before it can go to the lungs and be a chest cold.
Or as a maintenance dose taken daily every 6 hours, ZP prevents a sore throat from happening to me entirely in the first place.
For me, 6 hours maximum seemed to be the best dosage interval for ZP to maintain it's effectiveness.
As mentioned in a different thread, I reversed a sore throat 3 or 4 times last winter (2021-22) by taking PipingRock's 50 mg zinc picolinate capsules internally. The dose was 400 mg per day, which was 2 capsules every 6 hours. I noticed no side-effects on the 2 capsule dose, although 400 mg per day seemed like barely enough to overcome the sore throat.
So this fall/winter I have increased the dose to 600 mg per day which is three 50 mg capsules, every 6 hours which is 4 times per day.
Plus or minus 2 hours for each, I prefer using 6 AM, 6 PM, 12 AM and 12 PM for my dosage times.
I noticed that at the 3 capsule dose, I have to take the three capsules on a mostly empty stomach or before a meal and not after, or indigestion can occur. I believe food in itself is inflammatory, and that ZP could act to detoxify the food and cause indigestion.
Also, some loose bowels happened at first at that 3 capsule dose, which since went away, similar to the bowel tolerance dose of taking ascorbic acid vitamin C.
Other than that, I am confident that taking enough ZP could be the cure for the common cold/flu or things worse like Covid and variants.
I also tried taking zinc citrate powder last winter and it did nothing against the sore throat, so I quickly switched back to taking the ZP.
I am not concerned about a zinc overload or overdose because I feel fine and I accept the risks, if any, and especially if the ZP is being utilized which it obviously is, in deactivating the sore throats, colds, flus and worse.
Actually, I stopped taking the zinc picolinate on Nov 3, 2022 because of indigestion.
I will still try taking ZP for any sore throats but probably at the 2 capsule dose of 400 mg per day instead of 600 mg per day.
Posted by Hollyhock (America ) on 09/21/2023
I bought some Oscillococcinum after I read one of your posts about it. It worked for me when I started coming down with the flu last spring! I will always be keeping it on hand now!
Oregano Oil
Posted by Jan (Texas) on 03/14/2014
I strictly use the oregano oil. It can cure many more things and sinus, but it stopped the flu virus with 30 drops of oregano oil in it my water, gone the next day Yahoo!
Coconut Oil
Posted by Sarah (Charlotte, North Carolina) on 02/02/2014
My ear canals get itchy right before I get sick. Maybe it's dry skin, maybe it's the virus, maybe it's fungal, but this time the hydrogen peroxide has just been making it worse. Then I got the brilliant idea to put coconut oil in, via a Q-tip. Coconut oil is great for dry skin, kills 99.9 % of viruses, and also kills fungi. It worked.
I see here that taking a T or so of coconut oil has helped others, so going to do that now. This is my second day with this year's flu, and it's not bad for me, so far. I'm just achey all over, cranky as hell, and I have to blow my nose a lot. But there's not much sneezing and no coughing at all, and I can't get fevers (wish I could! ) because I'm hypothyroid, but not hypothyroid enough for the MD's to help me.
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 02/04/2021
There is no alternative I know of because it's the salicylic acid in the aspirin that is doing the work.
Ted's Remedies
Posted by Renee (Bergen Co., Nj) on 01/14/2013
Thanks, Ted, for the aspirin suggestion. I had been trying many different remedies for 3 days for my flu (e.g. , ACV/lemon juice/baking soda/cayenne, H2O2, etc. ). Perhaps I kept it from getting worse, but it showed no signs of leaving. Had low-grade fever, headache/sensitive scalp, congestion, cough, aches. Aspirin made a big difference. (I had taken Tylenol before with no change, fyi) I took two 325-mg aspirin after eating last night and had a very bad but productive coughing spell along with a bout of sweating. Had less congestion throughout the night. Slept w/ vaporizer-also good. Took 2 more this morning and had the same thing to a lesser extent -sweating, then slept, then less congestion. Strange that taking aspirin made me sweat, but then I slept and felt better afterwards both times. I know after days of trying too many remedies to list here that it was the aspirin that helped me turn the corner. Now maybe I should go buy some lysine to knock this thing out.
Onion Elixir
Posted by Iain Pickering (Glasgow, Scotland) on 03/20/2012
My nana always made up this dreaded mixture but to be honest it really does work. The remedy is simple yet effective. You need 4 items; 1 large glass jar with lid ( I use a thoroughly cleaned Yankee Candle jar )
2 large onions
1. Roughly chop up the onion and place inside of your glass jar. 2. Pour in enough sugar to cover the onions. 3. Close jar and leave untill a clear liquid is formed at the bottom of the jar. 4. Pinch your nose and enjoy. Continue this for 1-2 days. Please note. You cannot overdose no matter how much you take.