Natural Remedies

Top 10 Natural Remedies for Flu

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Sonya (Manhattan, USA) on 08/25/2009

Editor's Choice

My husband started feeling symptoms of the flu on Friday, but I didn't feel them until Monday. I started inhaling 3% peroxide to the back of my throat and into my lungs following Bill Munro's instructions right away. I felt immediately better (literally, 5 minutes later) but 20 minutes later I felt the virus returning to my head. Instead of waiting the 2-3 hours for the inhalation like the instructions state, I decided to inhale again. Again my symptoms disappeared almost immediately. I kept inhaling every time I felt the symptoms returning and by midnight, I didn't have any more symptoms. I went to sleep, symptom free and did the peroxide again this morning, after an 8 hour break and will continue to inhale every 2-3 hours now. I am not 100% (mild congestion) but am doing sooo much better than my husband who is still miserable with congestion.

I am coming to the conclusion that the key to this inhalation method is starting it as soon as you feel the symptoms and then continuing it for a day or two. Don't stop doing it even if you feel better! I also think that inhaling every few hours is not enough if you have a bad strain of the virus. Inhaling every time I feel symptoms returning has been the key to kicking this virus. No doubt I will be able to test my findings again this winter, but hopefully not with the swine flu.

Good luck everyone. We need to be prepared for a bad swine flu season!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne
Posted by Stephanie (Freeport, USA) on 06/22/2007

First of all, I thank GOD for helping me find your site to try these wonderful remedies! I started out with a sore throat and gargled water mixed with cayenne powder; it helped short term. But then I had a nasty cough (associated with the sore throat), so I drank 2 TBSP of apple cider vinegar throughout the day. It seemed to make my coughs more productive. When I woke up the next day, I hacked up a lot of mucous, and felt like I was getting better. Then I made a pot of tomato tea and I am well again :-) Thank you very much! Your site is a priceless wealth of information.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Georgie (Marietta, GA) on 01/31/2007

Since I heard about the h202 inhalation method on your site last winter, I have used it to treat viruses about 8 times. It is really the #1 remedy of all time in my opinion. Funnily enough, all my friends are scared to try it even though I tell them to just try it! But I did get my mother to use it (73 years old and going strong). She LOVES it now! At any rate, last night I started to get a sore throat and felt terrible and weak. I inhaled 2 hours apart and woke up feeling 100%.

EC: Read more about H202 Inhalation Method here.

ACV, H2O2, Epsom Salt, Eucalyptus Oil
Posted by Colleen (LA, CA) on 01/12/2007

I'recently had a severe flu. My muscles tight, energy low. I made a bath of 16 oz., apple cider vinegar, 1/2 bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide, 2 cups epsom salts, and 10 drops eucalyptus oil. before the bath I could barely move, no energy, poor breathing. Within an hour after the bath, I was already healing. Took another one the next day, and could tell that what could have been a week of illness, was already on its way to recovery. i take acv daily also: 2 Tablespoons, 1/2 lime, and 1 Tablespoon of raw honey. - I was told this brings the body's ph to 7. (perfect balance) I have given this formula to many people and have had much feed back about more energy, better digestion, etc. A good way to begin the day, setting the body's stasis point well, which lessens cravings for sugar.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon Juice
Posted by Carol (Republic, Washington)

Here is the "cure what ails you" I give to my students, and they all use it and are back to the books/ or playing for the basketball team! It has an immediate effect for some:

3 TB Apple Cider Vinegar
3 TB lemon juice, fresh squeezed if possible
2 TB honey
You can add 1/4 tsp cayenne, and 1/4 tsp fresh ginger also if the first three ingredients don't work right away.

Mix in a little warmed water to liquefy, drink, and then rinse the teeth thoroughly. After the initial rush, you can drink warm tea, or water to settle the stomach. Most have an immediate reaction where they get their voice back and clear out the mucus in their nose and throat. Try it, all the kids do, and now even their moms drink it and swear by it! One mom even works at the medical clinic and uses my cure instead of the doctor's one.

Fermented Brewer's Yeast
Posted by Adrienne (ID) on 11/25/2023

Fermented Brewer's Yeast or Saccharomyces cerevisiae

It's about time I submit this wonderful preventative and cure for colds and flus to Earth Clinic! I am pushing 80 years old and have not had either a cold or the flu in eight years! That is because I was getting viruses about three times a year, and sometimes it would take me weeks to get back to normal. That's no fun and so I started looking for anything that would help. I remember taking Elderberry and medicinal mushrooms and perhaps something else, Vitamin C, but I was still getting sick often enough to cause me to keep looking. Then, one day I discovered Epicor which is fermented brewer's yeast. The story on the website, Healthy Origins, said that someone in the company that makes the fermented yeast to put into cow feed got to wondering one day why it was that the people working inside, like office workers, were using sick leave more than the people out in the factory working with the yeast. Eventually, it was discovered that the fermented brewer's yeast they were working with, probably inhaling, was the reason. It increases natural killer cells. It may do other positive things for the immune system, as well. All I know is I don't get sick anymore! Yay!! I hated dragging around feeling awful while still having to get my work done. Occasionally, I will have an off day and wonder why. If I feel off the next day I go, "Oh-oh, am I trying to get sick?' So, I increase the dosage of one capsule a day to a bunch. I take a couple every time I think of it which probably has added up to ten or twelve that day. That's just what I do, it isn't in the instructions, but the day after that I'm back to normal. I'd like to add that a few years after I discovered Epicor, I noticed it started appearing in combination supplements offered by other companies. It's now an ingredient in digestive supplements because apparently it also helps the digestive system.

Mama's Flu Recovery Remedies
Posted by Fouzi (Kuwait) on 12/17/2022


Diluted hydrogen peroxide in the nebulizer is highly effective for cough and chest infection. The 1% solution of hydrogen peroxide seems to high. I use what Mercola recommends, which is the 0.1% or what Dr. Brownstein recommends, which is 0.04%. The dilution is done with saline. Try the diluted betadine for through soreness. This is done by diluting the 10% down to 0.5-1%. It is very effective.

I also use a home made mouthwash/gargle that is the best I a have ever used. Directions given below: Add 2 tablespoons of black seeds and 2 tablespoons of whole cloves to 800 ml of water in a pot. Boil it covered for 5-10 minutes, no more than that. Keep it covered till it cools to prevent evaporation. Strain it, then add 150 ml of apple cider vinegar then add water till it reaches 1 liter. Trust me, this is the best mouth wash I have ever used. It should be used after brushing.

Mama's Flu Recovery Remedies
Posted by Mary Martinez (Arcadia, CA) on 12/30/2022

I was very ill with a horrible sore throat and phlem in my chest. I found a 3oz bottle filled with saline solution and threw the solution out. I then filled it with 3 drops Apple Cider Vinegar (Or less for those who think it may be too much) and filled the rest with distilled water or tap water. I threw my head back and sprayed my nostrils. It burned a little but took the pain of the sore throat away. Later I ate a 1/2 inch of fresh Ginger and chewed it. A lot of phlem came out. After a couple of days of doing this I was fine. Hopes this helps you.

Posted by Art (California) on 09/20/2023 2391 posts

Hi Madelyn,

I took the full 6 doses that came on each individual package/card as recommended on the box and generally by the time I got to the sixth dose after two days of usage, my symptoms were gone or almost gone. I felt bad at the time I took the first dose, so I didn't want to risk letting the flu or cold take hold. The results that I and friends have gotten are better than I have been able to do with anything else such as colloidal silver. My friends have told me the same and find it very effective.

I noticed in the reviews that some people do not find it effective, but the great majority of users do.

Interestingly a friend came by about two months ago after her doctor visit and wanted me to go over her after visit summary from her doctor. As I was reading through her summary, I saw that the doctor had listed several supplements to be taken for various health symptoms and it said for cold and flu like symptoms to take Oscillococcinum. I admitted I was very surprised to see that suggestion in her summary. Her doctor seems to be very progressive!


ACV, Garlic, Lemon, Coconut Oil
Posted by Pamela (Salte City, N Mexico) on 02/08/2021

Hi all,

Using Turmeric, Garlic, Lemon, ACV, Honey, Black Pepper, n 1/2 tsp. coconut oil mix together, taking 1tbsp. daily helps fight off any cold, flu.

They have all that one would need to help keep some health, As through the past 8 years, I have been doing this remedy. I have yet been sick. I also started a page of my own to help others to help to get healthy with out Big PhArma. If we all learn to care for our own bodies from the Mother Earth. We wouldn't need. We all need clean running water, as the water supple is unhealthy. With all the Chemicals n toxic waste, staying health with the right food n herbs n spices is the best way to go. At one point I could pay for the medication that were slowly taking n eating my body from the inside is what brought me here eating from Mother Earth. I don't get sick from the pills, or sick from the colds, flus ECT... Thank you, this is my experience with my own body. I feel better now than I did in the past years.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 01/11/2025

Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy Using a Cool Mist Humidifier

I remember reading an article about 20+ years ago about this man using a humidifier with diluted hydrogen peroxide 3% to fumigate the house when all members were sick with the flu. I have used this technique in various apparatus to mist the house or a room during illnesses and it work well. So here is what I do.

Use a cool mist vaporizer to deliver hydrogen peroxide to the respiratory system. It's efficient, safe, and you can ease chronic or acute breathing difficulties, or just get extra oxygen into your system. You won't need a heating element in the vaporizer, since heat would just dispel the oxygen too fast. Many people feel that Emphysema, COPD, Bronchitis, Pneumonia and other lung disorders get better when they breathe in a diluted peroxide mist this way. Hydrogen peroxide therapies have been used for over 150+ years by many doctor's and alternative practitioners for a wide range of conditions.

Preparing the Mist

A cool mist vaporizer will distribute water and hydrogen peroxide without heating the solution, which would dissipate the oxygen in the mixture. It's important to keep your vaporizer clean and sterile.

Your tap water will work in the vaporizer if it's reasonably free of minerals. Distilled water is better and easier on the vaporizer, since it won't accumulate hard scum over time.

The 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide you will add to the water is readily available at drug and grocery stores in a familiar looking brown bottle for one + dollar. Many people use this form and are satisfied with it.

Humidifier – To make up the mix to put in the vaporizer, add 1 pint of 3% percent hydrogen peroxide to a gallon of water. Put this into your humidifier so it will diffuse H2O2 throughout the home.

Table Top Room Diffuser for Essential Oils – If your model holds 100ml (about 4oz) of water, The formula I like is 50/50 water to H2O2 3%. It's a little stronger but as you sleep, you will inhale the H202 mist into your lungs.

Flu Shots
Posted by Bradshad (North Providence, Rhode Island) on 01/19/2013

Every once in a while I watch the scam artist show called Dr. Oz. So a panel of 4 people were on the show and he asked if they would tell people to get the flu shot. 1st guy worked for the CDC so you know his answer (yes), 2nd was a Dr.that worked with him (yes), 3rd was a man with a brain and said negatives outweigh the positives, and 4th lady said she does not but if you are over 65 years old possibly. Then Dr. Scam said he thinks everyone should get it. I'm just an average evryday person and I just like everyone else can go to the CDC website and read that mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, Msg, binders, fillers, are in the vaccine just to name a few. When I asked a friend of mine who is a College Professor and a Naturopath, also an engineer, he said the flu vaccine crushes the immune system. Poison. And then after after getting the vaccine its only 60% effective. More people than ever are getting sick from it. My kid got the vaccine, broke out in hives the next morning and 3 days later got a upper respiratory infection and missed 5 days of school. Great. Stay healthy all.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Paolo (Bloomington, In, Usa) on 12/18/2012

Just eat fresh fruit especially the citrus ones. Worked like a charm for me. Also ginger is good for nausea. Try some all natural ginger ale. Finally a secret to getting over the flu super fast is taking h2o2 with water and a little juice. U need to research it but basically it kills all the bad stuff. My fiance got the same flu as me and was bedridden 5 days. I did the h2o2 treatments and was out of bed after one day.

Flu Shots
Posted by Teresa (Nc) on 02/05/2016

I'm a nurse and we are forced to take a flu shot whether we want it or not, even though they teach in nursing school that the single best defense against the spread of illness is hand washing. For the past three years I took a flu shot, I still contracted the flu in February. My question is how can we know for sure what's in that vaccine without sending it to a lab to be tested ourselves? I no longer trust the CDC. Why put something foreign in your body (side effects include allergic reactions and Guillain Barre syndrome) if it doesn't work. I have accused the drug companies of producing watered down vaccines.

Garlic, Onion, Horseradish, Cayenne, Ginger
Posted by Naturalhealer (Brooklyn, Us) on 11/20/2010

The following is a cure and even prevents the flu and colds:
Blend equal parts of: garlic, onion, horseradish, hot pepper (cayenne), and ginger. Soak it in apple cider vinegar (best when soaked for at least 2 weeks) and strain. Take a tsp of this mixure (somewhere there is a guarantee that by using an ounce you will be cured within 48 hrs) every 2 hours. I have treated the flu OVERNIGHT with this, and constantly see the cold virus dealt with easily with this. While the Western medical community says there is no cure for these viruses, I beg to differ. YB, PA-S

Baking Soda
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 09/20/2024

Bicarbonate of Soda As A Therapeutic Agent

by Educational Foundations, Volumes 33-39, page 5 – 6. 1921.

Baking Soda, which is Bicarbonate of Soda, is described in that authoritative work, The New Standard Dictionary, as, “a white crystalline substance, less soluble than sodium carbonate and having only a slight alkaline taste, used in cookery, in baking powders and in medicine." Its use as a medicine is briefly outlined by Nelson's Encyclopaedia as follows:

"Sodium bicarbonate is used in medicine as an antacid (an alkaline remedy for stomach acidity), and, on account of the large amount of carbon dioxide that is readily set free from it by acids or by heating, it is an important component of Seidlitz powders and other effervescing mixtures, and of baking powders."

The New International Encyclopaedia says:

"Sodium bicarbonate alkalinizes the blood and secretions, and is used as a corrective in functional diseases of the stomach."

The proven value of Arm & Hammer Pure Bicarbonate of Soda as a therapeutic (healing) agent is further evinced by the following voluntary testimony of Edward R. Hays, M.D., in his letter to the Church & Dwight Company:

"In 1918 and 1919 while fighting the 'Flu' with the U. S. Public Health Service it was brought to my attention that rarely any one who had been thoroughly alkalinized with bicarbonate of soda contracted the disease, and those who did contract it, if alkalinized early, would invariably have mild attacks . I have since that time treated all cases of ' Cold, ' Influenza and LaGrippe by first giving generous doses of Bicarbonate of Soda, and in many, many instances within 36 hours the symptoms would have entirely abated.

"Further, within my own household, before Woman's Clubs and Parent-Teachers' Associations, I have advocated the use of Bicarbonate of Soda as a preventive for ' Colds, ' with the result that now many reports are coming in stating that those who took 'Soda ' were not affected, while nearly every one around them had the ' Flu.'

Besides doing good in respiratory affections, bicarbonate of soda is of inestimable value in the treatment of Alimentary Intoxication, Pyelitis (inflammation of the pelvis ), Hyper-Acidity of Urine, Uric Acid disturbances, Rheumatism and Burns . An occasional three-day course of Bicarbonate of Soda increases the alkalinity of the blood, assists elimination and increases the resisting power of the body to all infectious diseases.

"The value of the world's famous Spas and Health Springs is largely in the Alkalinity of the water. A comparative few may need Vitamines, but our great 'National Crime' is over-eating, both in Vitamines and everything else, which, among other things, means an increased acid retention within the body and a predisposition to Rheumatism, Gout, etc.

Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 10/01/2009 490 posts

Personally, I prefer L-lysine and Vitamin C, and don't forget those good old Bcomplex vitamins when the body is under stress, as it is with any illness.

Cold Showers
Posted by Gerald (Sydney, Australia) on 06/07/2009

I have taken a cold shower in the morning for over ten years, and can attest that I suffer less cold and flu symptoms than other workers in my office. In fact when the flu virus strikes Sydney each winter, I am normally the only one unaffected. When I am in the shower I also do some stretching. I hold onto the top of the shower screen and stretch my spine, to release stress. Which is great, because I have a stressful job. For years I have told others my theory about the benefits of cold showers, but am usually met with derision. So I am glad I found on this website a community of like-minded enthusiasts. I had my blood tested and my white cell count is three times higher than average. So I am sure that a wider scientific study would verify the health benefits of the cold shower. Gerald.

Posted by Jayna D. (Fountain Valley, CA) on 11/20/2023

Since 2009 when H1N1 flu was reported we started taking Swanson Vitamins' NAC (Cysteine, an amino acid) 600 mg. capsules. Since then we have not had ANY flu including COVIDS (though exposed) or vaccinations either. It's now about $10.00 a bottle. Child: 1/Day Adult: 2/Day I take one in a.m. and one before sleep. Even the jabbed should take this. It also helps our lungs, liver, and digestion. I post publicly and freely on MeWe. 😁

Posted by Art (California) on 09/19/2023 2391 posts

With Fall just a few days away and the associated cold and flu season upon us, I wanted to again mention the very effective cold and flu homeopathic remedy that has worked extremely well for friends, family as well as myself to stop the flu and colds very quickly if taken at the first signs or symptoms of either.

The homeopathic remedy is called Oscillococcinum. I now keep it on hand so I can quickly take it at the first inkling of a cold or flu. Here is a link to the product :


Please read some of the over 25,000 reviews for Oscillococcinum as they are highly reflective of how it worked for my friends, family and myself.


Posted by Art (California) on 10/07/2024 2391 posts

Another annual reminder that cold and flu season is just a moment away and having the homeopathic cold and flu remedy, Oscillococcinum, on hand may be a worthwhile endeavor in fighting both effectively. Here is a link to the product on Amazon :


Read some of the many product reviews to get a better idea of how it affects the flu.


Apple Cider Vinegar Spicy Drink
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 10/23/2017

By the way, after I finish the drink, I chew on the pieces of ginger in the bottom of the mug. One at a time. Great when you have the munchies.

Buteyko Breathing Method
Posted by Valorie M. (Ny) on 10/22/2014

Tried breathing exercise (buteyko method) where I gently breathe in and out, hold my nose, close my mouth, then walk around the house until I cant breathe any longer. Stand still and count to a minute, then do it again 6 more times. Within a day this has cut my cold/flu/asthma/allergies to 80%. I did it morning and night on an empty stomach. By the 3rd day I am 100% cured.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Garlic
Posted by Mesem (Toulon, France) on 01/23/2011

Realise I had a long lingering virus in my system. I pressed and munched several cloves of raw garlic and ate this with a little wholemeal bread and butter, hit the aspirin and VIT C and I am pretty sure that has done the trick! I also had the beginnings of a gastro attack and a strong drink of ACV and water stopped that in its tracks last Sunday. Reading ads for NZ Manuka honey I see that they are pushing the fact that it induces the body to produce more H2O2."

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Joan (Fresh Meadows, New York ) on 10/23/2010

Just found your site searching about combining ACV and H202 and found out that was not a good combination. Also found all the testimonials about the benefits of ACV and the flu. Very excited, going to try that immediately.

Here's one for you. I have the flu. Been fighting with it for a week because I have not been eating correctly. I found that putting just ONE or TWO drops of food grade 3% H202 in a half glass of water and sipping it when I start to cough or get congested immediately clears up my head, takes away the sore throat, and gives me an hour of peace. Just like you said, it works for about an hour! Just one drop works! Amazing! Had to share that. Experimenting with H202. Even just a drop... Now I will try the ACV each day and see how that works. Love your site. Be very blessed. Joan

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