Natural Remedies

Easy Home Remedies for Constipation Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Amelia (Westheimer) on 12/09/2023

I have had success with 1 kiwi and 1 or 2 tablespoons of yogurt right before I go to bed. It is the last thing I eat. When I wake up in the morning, I feel relief.

Posted by Adrienne (Gold Coast) on 06/15/2015

I have suffered from constipation for years and have used many products including the best digestive enzymes and acidophillus available - I am also a nutritionist so I eat well and take heaps of the best supplements. I've also had colonics and massage to help.

The thing that has worked wonders for me without question is kiwi fruit. first thing on an empty stomach I eat 3 kiwi or blend them with another fruit and some chia seeds, and I have absolute success every time.

I think kiwi have the right ph for your gut health, are full of enzymes and also are slippery.

Try this and share!

Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 03/23/2010

I used to constipation till a doctor gave me this piece of advice: eat kiwis first thing in the morning (maybe better start with just one...). It worked wonders. After a while any fruit worked, even bananas and my intestines became so regular that I didn't even need to do a thing anymore. Now I started to use coconut oil things have changed but they will go back to normal I hope!


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Nat (Brooklyn, NY) on 06/06/2024

Kvass, or fermented rye bread or beet water, helps lessen constipation.

A simple way to make this is just to place in a jar some dried out rye sourdough bread slices, (slices can be dried in the oven or even just on the counter). Add boiling water to fill the jar. One slice of the bread can be added later when the water not that hot. A teaspoon of salt can also be added to the mixture. Put a lid on the jar. (Maybe mix it every day.) After 3-5 days the water will have a pleasant tangy taste. (The bread can be removed after a day or two or earlier.)

This is not a professional kvass, which also has sugar or honey and some yeast added to it.

There is also beet kvass that is also helpful for many.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil

10 User Reviews
5 star (10) 

Posted by A.M.S. (New York) on 12/17/2024

Lemon juice and olive oil worked! I have had issues for over 10 years and have tried everything - probiotics, enzymes, aloe vera, magnesium, psyllium husk. I eat healthy - oatmeal, fruit, greens, beets, etc. No bread or cheese, which stops all movement due to food sensitivities. Nothing has worked as well as Olive Oil and Lemon Juice in a WARM glass of water every morning. One lemon, 1-2 TBS of olive oil in a warm glass of water. I also take psyllium husk (powder or pill) which was not working on its own until I added the olive oil. The two together within the same day is the key for me. Additionally, the olive oil has helped lose some weight as a healthy fat. I am so thankful for this website.

Replied by A.M.S.
(New York)

UPDATE: Stopped working as well when I had even a tiny amount of bread, such as on vacation. Hoping it still works when eating clean again. Read that ground flaxseed can also be a huge help, will add that to the mix.


If your constipation is chronic, then I would suggest using the Ayurvedic herbal formula called Triphala. It is very well suited to long term daily use and its benefits increase with time to address more than just constipation.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Sharon (Queensland, Australia) on 05/16/2017

I was badly constipated. Very uncomfortable and a tad grumpy about my discomfort. I took 1 tsp of lemon juice with 1 tbsp of olive oil. Mixed them together in a small glass, drank them straight down. It didn't taste gross. It barely tasted like anything at all.

20 minutes later, I felt like I may need to go to toilet, I wasn't quite sure but figured I'd try. I passed bowel movement really easily. Feel a thousand times better. Highly recommend this weird little concoction!!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Elaine (Chicago, Il) on 10/20/2010

Editor's Choice

I have suffered with constipation for years... I mean two digit number of years. I have tried every remedy around. I did not want to try the olive oil and lemon; it just sounded awful (to drink oil). I finally was fed up and gave it a try. I mixed 1 teaspoon Extra Virgin olive oil with 1 teaspoon lemon juice and added a sprinkle of salt (some recommended that for taste) and drank it down. Well, 15 minutes later I had relief, like I have never had before!! I give this remedy 10 thumbs up! When constipation is relieved, so are so many other issues in your body! Someone said they take it at night and wake with an easy BM. I am so glad I found this remedy. BTW, people tend to like to suggest fiber to those who are constipated and fiber may cause people who suffer from constipation to feel much worse. I was one of them, it made me so bloated and gassy. I looked it up on the Internet and it IS NOT for everyone.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Tandy (Orange County, CA) on 05/17/2008

Constipation remedy (lemon juice and olive oil) -- thank you for posting this remedy. i have had bowl movement problems since i was in highschool and i've gone to the doctors taken medication and many laxatives and even gone to the emergancy because it got so bad with stomach pains. But this actually worked for me. i just tried it worked. thankyou so much. i'm going to keep this in mind.

Replied by Fitnessgal
(Fort Worth, Tx)

So very thankful to have found this solution as I am 8 months pregnant and there are not a lot of things I can try for constipation. It had been over a week since I've been able to go with no avail. I took 1 tsp olive oil, 1 tsp lemon juice, & a pinch of salt. It took 5 hours and finally had a small movement. Then in another hour had another small movement. The next day I was able to go again. I'm so much more comfortable now! Will skip a day and then take the solution again at bedtime as another user suggested. Thanks for posting this!!!!!!!

Replied by Grace
(London, Uk)

Thank you for posting this! This remedy works well. I just took 1 tsp fresh lemon juice and 1 tsp olive oil on an empty stomach and had some immediate relief! I shall persist with this. I had tried a fiber plus probiotics and prebiotics supplement, senna tea and aloe vera, all of which probably did no harm but I saw no results. Lemon and olive oil works a treat!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Kat (USA) on 07/16/2006

Lemon Juice/Olive Oil is one of the best & natural ways that I was able to stop my constipation. I had everything I needed at home. The lemon and oil didn't mix completely, but i would put a pinch of salt in the lemon juice to take away the sourness.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Enza (Hamilton, ON CANADA) on 07/06/2006

1 TBSP FRESH SQUEEZED LEMON MIXED WITH 1 TBSP OF EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL. Take mixture 2-3 times a day until it relieves constipation. Stop taking the mixture once you have a normal bowel movement. It works great.

Replied by Kalia
(DC, United States)

Constipation Remedies: wow! This worked within 3 minutes and 15 seconds. I highly recommend the orange/lemon juice and olive oil treatment for anyone suffering the agony of immobile bowel.

Replied by Linda
(Erlanger, Ky)

Wow, I tried this concoction and yes indeed it works. Just a TBSP of each in a small glass, gulp it down, late in the PM and low and behold the next AM we have a BM! haha Thanks for the great advice!


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Lis11 (Richmond, Va) on 01/31/2012

This works for me and I do it everyday.

Hot water, squeeze lemon/lime water into it, add about 1tb molasses or less, olive oil, 3-4 prunes. Mix and let it stand for 5 mins so the prunes can absorb some water. This works like a charm every single time. Sometimes I run out of lemons or I forget to add olive oil.. It's okay if you do. Exact measurements are not important. It still works!! I will also occasionally add other things to my tonic.. Like a small pinch of turmeric/ cinnamon etc.. you can experiment with what works for you.

Additional note: mind over matter.. Be kind to yourself. Take time to breath and relax. It really helps to be aware of your internal dialogue to see how you talk to yourself.

Peace, L

Posted by Angie (Astoria, NY) on 01/17/2009

I was having problems having bowel movements. A friend recommended 2 tbsps of lemon juice in hot water on an empty stomach. It helped so much. I do this everyday and don't have problems anymore. I tried fiber supplements and became bloated with pain.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Marisa Bell (Detroit, Mi) on 02/01/2014

I was on a low carb, high protein diet for a while, about a year. During the course of that year, I developed really bad gas. IT always happend at night and I had NO IDEA why it was happening. Come to find out, my stools had hardened and I was having chronic constipation! It was horrible! I first used magnesium as a supplement, but that gave me terrible gas! Then I started trying to do more grains and oats and that made the constipation worse! I tried prune juice which worked, however, gave me really bad gas. So finally I did some research for high fiber fruits and came across mangoes! They have been a life savor. I now eat half a mango twice a day and have been regular finally! It has really helped me with no side effects of bad gas or loose stool. AS with anything youre using to fight constipation, you have to play around to see how much your body needs to be regular. But try it!


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Nat (Brooklyn, NY) on 05/05/2022

Miso for constipation

Miso (white miso is easier to take) a half teaspoon mixed into hot or boiling water helps for improving peristaltic action.


10 User Reviews
5 star (9) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Amira (Portland, Oregon) on 05/12/2013

Editor's Choice

If anyone here is like me and read everyone else's posts and thought, "These folks don't have problems like I got problems. I better double the dose," then you will likely experience the same toilet-bound week as I did. This molasses cure works incredibly well (for me, anyways). I initially did 2 Tablespoons in a mug of unsweetened almond milk, added a little honey and heated it to very warm. I did this twice a day for a week and went through a major cleanse. I have had chronic constipation my whole life (I am 26), sometimes going 4 days without a movement, being bloated, unable to think properly (the digestive system being the "2nd brain" and all), and cranky. I did this 2 Tablespoons molasses twice per day treatment for about 2 weeks, and added in a probiotic before bed each night (I have heard probiotics will help with digestion for years, and for some reason just got around to using them-- probably because they cause such bloating and gas if one is not clearing out the digestive system, but in tandem with molasses it was great), as well as drank about 1 Tablespoon chia seeds in water or watermelon juice each day for fiber and cleansing (chia is supposed to absorb and pull toxins from the body). I have not gone more than 1 day without a movement since I began this treatment about a month ago.

Eventually, the 2T of molasses twice per day stopped giving me the runs, I went down to 1 T for a week, and the molasses seemed to be a lot less intense so I just kept up with the probiotic each night, the chia seed drinks in the day, and all was pretty great. After about a week of not drinking it, I thought I would start up again this morning with 1 Tablespoon molasses in warm almond milk, and OH MY, it is now my go-to laxative in the case that I ever just want to 'lighten the load', because within 15 minutes, I was clearing out rapidly. I have researched and I am not quite sure what causes this reaction, though I have heard that it is high in magnesium which will relax the muscles. Beyond that, I don't know what works so well, but I am delighted to have discovered this remedy, and thanks again to EarthClinic for being a wonderful resource!
