Natural Remedies

Easy Home Remedies for Constipation Relief

Posted by Gord235 (Vancouver, British Columbia) on 09/24/2020

Editor's Choice I finally cured my constipation when a friend gave me some probiotic capsules to try. They were 80 billion strength and after taking one a day for five days I noticed a marked improvement in my bowel movements. Every movement was smooth and made without effort. Doing some research I discovered that taking anti-biotics can sometimes knock out your natural gut bacteria which aids in the digestive process and that is what happened to me when I was given anti-biotics for a bladder infection. Probiotics help to grow gut bacteria to replace that which was destroyed by the antibiotics. I understand that yogurt contains probiotics but not enough to make a difference. It is only necessary to take the probiotics for seven days in order to get the gut bacteria re-established then put them away. If constipation returns then do another seven days of one capsule per day.
