Natural Remedies

Top 8 Natural Candida Remedies for Effective Relief

Posted by Larisag (Lancaster, Pa) on 08/12/2012

HI. I am coming to the realization this awful itching, burning, "crawling" rash that started on my forehead and has spread to down my face even onto my neck a little bit could be a Candida yeast infection. I am overwhelmed with all the possible ways yo cure this - Threelac, Fivelac, Biotin, etc. I will try them all! I am curiuos about your Biotin. IS this over the counter? fast can I expect this to work? THANKS!!!

Posted by Matthew (Toronto, On, Canada) on 08/11/2012

Hi There, Over the past few years, I've had lots of trouble with Candida. My whole body had gone fungal - skin eruptions everywhere, terrible fatigue, brain fog, illness, etc. I've tried many things, including coconut oil, antifungal medications, alkalizing diets, black walnut, etc. While all of those things seemed to help temporarily, the problem would recur after a few days.

I finally got rid of it when I discovered an article on another site about some promising research conducted using Biotin as a mitigating agent for rhizoid formation. Since I've had great success, I would like to share my findings.

I've been using about 3000 micrograms of Biotin daily for a few weeks now, with a spoonful of cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil, as well as a strong lactobacillus acidophilus yogurt (50 million bacteria per serving) and a diet high in vegetables and low in sugar.

Within 3 days of starting the treatment, my facial eruptions disappeared, the spots on my arms started to turn back to normal color, and my itching stopped. My dandruff is nearly gone, my eyelashes are no longer shedding little flakes, and some kind of fungal growth on my big toe rubbed right off in the shower - as if my body rejected it.

I hope it continues to work as well as it has. I'll update in a few weeks if the situation changes.

Dietary Changes, Omega 3
Posted by Fiona (Tustin, Ca) on 08/10/2012

When I was going through candida die off, I meditated after smoking. This wonderful plants share their wisdom with us and help us going through the most difficult time. Nothing is truly bad. Nothing can be black and white. If someone thinks they can use it for the better, then so be it.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Fiona (Tustin, Ca) on 08/10/2012

I used to buy tons of colloidal silver. If you buy online you could get for over 10 dollars. I make my own now. Buy 99.999 pure silver lods and buy battery. Go to radioshack and buy alligator clip. Connect to a glass cup. And use distilled water. And connect to the battery. Run for several hours. If you check internet there are tons of info and pics. You can make gallons for cost of a cent.. You will use this silver rods almost forever.

And Silver saved my mental health.. When you kill off candida, you will understand we are very intelligent beings who are actually calm.. I was anxious entire life. And there was a period time that I couldn't remember 3 sentences in a row. Now I can memorize pages no problem. :) I really think there is no other supplement cheaper and stronger than silver.. I know for some people money is issue. If so then dig here :)

Candida Comments
Posted by Fiona (Tustin, Ca) on 08/09/2012

I think I got rid of almost all the candida now. I drank lots of colloidal silver 2 or 3 bottles per day for 3 months. It literally melts parasites and candida away. I lost 10 pounds. And I can finally think! As human. I realized that I was possessed. By the way now I make my own silver at home. So easy to make cost a cent maybe :) Just google how to make colloidal silver. And MSM is very good for killing bugs too. Vitamin C and lots of enema to avoid the die off reaction.. The worst nightmare... You guys know what I mean.. Good luck.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Susan (Geneva, Il) on 08/05/2012

ok.. Here goes. For the past 3 weeks I have been under a great and I mean GREAT amount of stress. I have been drinking a full bottle of "the mother" in less than two weeks in my water. I know for sure I have a yeast infection, (had previously been on antibiotics for celulitus for 2 months) however, the palms of my hands are blistered and sore and embarrassing!!!! Is this candida die off? Is it shingles???? Should I stop with the vinegar? I am scared!!!!!!!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 07/20/2012

Hi Rachel, as a matter of fact, no she does not promote high animal fat or fat in her diet. Given the information regarding your favored way of eating, you will appreciate what she advocates. Her journey began as a macrobiotic many years ago and then vegetarian as well which is how my journey also began many years ago too. What she did was took what she considered the best of all the knowledge she had gathered through her many avenues and combined them for her unique Body Ecology diet. It's very comprehensible and includes what I consider mostly vegetarian dishes on her site and also in her book. I have used quite a few of them and absolutely love her various soups. I eat meat but really focus on lots of vegetables. She also has a lot of video on her site that might interest you. I am always impressed with the vast knowledge she conveys whenever I've heard her speak. I hope you take the time to check her info out. Wishing you the best on your health, Lisa

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Rachel (Cheltenham, Gloucestershire) on 07/20/2012

Hi Lisa, Thanks for your advice. I will take a good look at Donna Gates work and The Body Ecology Diet, obviously it is similar to the gaps diet as fermented probiotics are what she advocates, just a quick question though, does Donna Gates advocate high animal fat, lots of fat the more the better, as the GAPs diet does? Cos that is the only part of it that doesnt sit well with me. I am not strictly vegetarian but the thought of washing loads of greasy caseroles and chopping up lots of bones and animal parts to make broths is putting me off the whole thing. Would be grateful for feed back on this but will look up her site anyway Thanks! Best wishes

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 07/19/2012

Hi Rachel, Not sure how I missed your original post. I notice that you read about the GAPS diet but have you read any of Donna Gates work? She has been dedicated in this field regarding candida for over 20 years and I consider an expert on this subject. Her book is called "The Body Ecology Diet". It's an amazing book and I have had the great good fortune to hear her speak extensively on this subject on four occasions now. She is also dedicated to the autism community in helping turn children around through their diets. She has a very comprehensive site as well which you can easily google and on it she offers quite a few excellent recipes and articles. I've learned so much from her and have helped others to rid their candida with her protocol. You might really enjoy reading her book. She teaches you how to make make fermented veggies and also coconut kefir which is her own creation to get the good bacteria back into action. On Facebook, if you do a search for Body Ecology her page always has really good information and video of her speaking. Anyway, I wish you the best, Lisa

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Rachel (Cheltenham, Gloucestershire) on 07/19/2012

Hi Tim, Thanks for your feedback to help beat my candida issues once and for all. I have had parasite/stool tests done and apparently clear there. Good tip about MSM and iodine. I have just purchased nascent iodine and magnesium oil with MSM included to use transdermally as I have such bad gut/absorption issues. Staying as alkaline as possible is working well. I need more exercise instead of being routed to this site and researching (only kidding! ) Completely agree about limiting toxicity from our environment, have ordered Sodium thiosulfate to mineralise my distilled drinking water and use to get rid of chlorine in bath water.

best wishes, Rachel

Candida Comments
Posted by Daisy (Dublin, Co Dublin) on 07/13/2012

I just wanted to say thank you to the site & everyone who has commented. This is the most informative thread I've ever found.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 07/12/2012 2063 posts

Rachel, thanx for your personal testimony / post as many people suffer this condition.

If I might add, it is common nowadays to ascribe "Candida" as the number one culprit; which is most likely the case in the majority, but not for all. There are many types of pathogens that are similar to Candida but aren't specifically. Especially for folks like yourself, there seems to be underlying causes that prevent any permanent resolve. The ecology of your external as well as internal environments must be scrutinized. Anything causing toxicity and lack of oxygen MUST be eliminated. Home air quality is often very poor, so it is advised to purchase air purification hardware (I personally like Negative Ion and Ozone generators).

Any kind of parasite infestation can be a donor in the Candida problem, as the immune system gets compromised.

As for diet, you know the essentials so stay w/ that, and leave anything else for experimentation as per your individual condition. Don't forget the powerhouse of herbs & spices in your cupboard ---Garlic, Oregano, Cinnamon, Turmeric, Ginger, among others. Don't forget to use plenty of Coconut Oil and Caprylic Acid as they are so effective especially in the lipid membranes.

Iodine supplementation is advised as a deficiency can leave the body susceptible to infection. If "all else fails", HP supplementation is advised. MMS is our last and most powerful defense from pathogens. Begin w/ as little as 2 drop dose and add one drop per day.

Traditional Chinese Medicine
Posted by Sapphire (Brisbane, Australia) on 07/12/2012

I was suffering from Candida so badly that I had persistent pain and blocked feeling in my ear. It was made worse by antibiotics.

I visited a TCM Practitioner who took my pulse and looked at my tongue.

She said the white coating was indicative of "Dampness in the Body", which is basically candida in TCM terms. In TCM many illnesses are attributed to "dampness". The Chinese understand it and they know how to treat it.

She prescribed a herbal formula and told me to avoid certain foods (dairy, processed foods). Also to add some foods to my diet (particularly adzuki beans and some live sauerkraut).

Surprisingly, I was advised to STAY AWAY from RAW foods and vegetables. Everything must be cooked because my digestive system is struggling and raw foods are tough on the digestive system. I also need to avoid heavy meats like beef and pork.

I was advised that grains are OKAY (except for wheat - although some sourdough is OK). I must soak grains overnight before cooking them otherwise my body will not absorb them properly.

After taking the herbs for 2 weeks, I felt 100% better. My ear pain was gone and I had lots of energy. Due to circumstances out of my control, I did not improve my diet. In fact, my diet was worse than before, yet the herbs worked.

When I ran out of herbs, my symptoms came back, but now I am in a position to alter my diet so I look forward to the results.

I hope this information helps someone as I know that many people struggle to control candida. With TCM, you don't need to follow an impossible diet, just take the herbs, add certain foods and limit others.

WARNING: Chinese medicine is quite complex and this advice was given for my specific condition. Everyone is different so you will need to consult a practioner who can assess whether you have "dampness" and/or other conditions.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Rachel (Gloucestershire, Uk) on 07/11/2012

Was just reading your article with interest and empathy. After years of Candida and related diseases associated with overload of toxicity initially started with gut dysbiosis, (most likely from early age, if not birth) I am again researching the internet and fortunately found (this time round), this very useful site. Thank you EC and everyone sharing their experience and knowledge on here.

Among many other books, I have recently read 'Gut and Psychology Syndrome' by Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride MD, who cured her child of severe learning disabilities through researching and learning that imbalances in the flora (friendly bacteria) of the gut and overload of unfriendly bacteria and their toxins causes damage to the gut wall allowing undigested proteins and other toxins getting to the brain, as well as other organs; causing ADD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Depression, Schizophrenia, auto-immune diseases and such like. She has developed a Diet called GAPS which to me looks pretty interesting.

I have been on various candida fighting regimes at different times through my life, the strict diet plans, detoxification protocols, catalogue of herbs and supplements and the one in the past that helped the most and was easier to manage and stick to, was eating all natural organic, fresh fruit, vegetable juices, steamed vegetables and a little organic meat or fish.

I fasted for three weeks first just taking one vegetable juice in the morning, (which included carrots) and drinking distilled water for the rest of the day. The first three or four days were uncomfortable, the body was detoxifying, bad headaches, very bad breath and body odour and pain everywhere. It passed and I just rested, as you have no energy, but I did sit in the sun when I could. After the fast I built up slowly to eating with just a few chunks of ripe melon, or peeled cucumber and banana until I ate proper sized meals within a couple of days. I lost 10 lbs.

This was a very good start to a healthy maintenance diet and a more long term but SLOW detoxification protocol particularly if you are CHRONICALLY ill, in my opinion. Suddenly ingesting huge amounts of supplements even probiotics, when you are very toxic and dehabilitated causes severe auto-intoxication and unbearable side effects, in my experience. I wont bore you with my details as many people have discussed similar events on this site already.

My Life circumstances changed and I unfortunately slipped off my healthy life style again and not surprisingly I am again ridden with disease. I will be trying HP or MMS (still researching to decide which one) and am already taking Baking Soda alkalising formulas as stipulated on this site which is going well, so far.

My query is really with diet? after reading so much, I am really confused which diet is better, Organic Meat with vegetables, salads etc. and NO fruit, or All fruit, veggies and salads with NO meat or Dairy.

Obviously all refined food, tinned, jarred etc are out and for me also I firmly believe grains are the worst to take when fighting Candida, even oats, quinoa, millet, brown rice and all those, which some candida protocols say are ok in small amounts.

Amongst the alternative health practitioners world there really is a huge difference with attitudes, the diets and supplementation protocols. It is a frightening minefield for the lay (and sick person). The key common ground seems to be the need for balanced ph and detoxification and a halt in ingesting or absorbing anymore toxicity (as much as is humanly possible in this modern world )whilst remembering to actually enjoy life along the way!

Choice of supplements and diet at the end of the day is up to us as individuals and it seems to me that it is only when we accept responsibility for our illness instead of blaming doctors (or other health practitioners for that matter) for doing stuff to us, that we can start to take control of our health and lifestyles in a rational and composed way, without fear.

Many different diets and supplement protocols evidentally seem to work based on all the research I have done over the years. I guess we just need to choose one based on what feels right, that is practical and affordable too. Do our very best with diet, which ever one we choose. I think it is clear that refined sugar in drinks and junk food, packaged food is no good for anyone.

Cut all the bad stuff out, that is a good start, along with taking some form of exercise every day, a little at a time, then more as we get stronger. Dont rush and dont panic, step by step over time slowly incorporate things that we believe (based on our own research) will make us well and most importantly believe we can get well, our bodies are the most amazing healing organism, we just got to love and respect it.

Good luck to everyone on their journey to improved health, I will stay posted to this site with interest.

Candida Detoxing Symptoms
Posted by Caren (Northridge, Ca) on 07/08/2012

I read that you should take borax for 4 days then take 3 days off. How long is the entire process? How many series of 4 days total should one take borax?

Posted by Stella (Brooklyn) on 07/08/2012

Im curious as to why no one is discussing SF 722 made from Throne. It's THE best antifungal (rumored to be hundreds of time more effective than Caprylic acid) and can be found at drug stores for less that $30. It's the main supplement used in Dr. Jeff McCombs candida plan....

Candida Comments
Posted by Heather (Leicester) on 07/06/2012

Hi Bill, I meant to say thankyou for this post and all your others. Fascinating thank you and great detail and links.

Candida Comments
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 07/03/2012

I have noticed many posts on EC where people post symptoms of a mystery illness or a recurring problem that they don't understand. The doctor's blood/urine tests are unable to find anything wrong and so the doctor then decrees that the patient is perfectly healthy and the sufferer is thus not helped. I remember the very same thing occurring in the 1960s and early 1970s. Some friends of mine suffered from strange debilitating pain and lack of energy problems. In those days, doctors arrogantly treated these types of patient problems as mental problems -- recommending anti-depressants and telling these sufferers to see psychiatrists. Now, of course, ME, Fibromylagia and CFS are all recognized physical illnesses.

But the doctor's medical tests are still notoriously poor at recognizing and diagnosing all the various different forms of candida. This diagnosis problem is further compounded and complicated by a plethora of different symptoms caused because of other pathogens -- such as bacteria, viruses, protozoa and even parasites -- which are always associated with candida problems. These days it is also fairly well recognized and even admitted that the medical approach to diagnosing early stage candida problems is still quite inaccurate and inadequate. See this research link.

I think perhaps that a definition of what candida is all about is needed here to help to clarify things. From my own research and experience, candida infections can express themselves in many ways and in many different regions of the human body. You can have oral candida, cutaneous candida, nasal candida (sinusitis, rhinitis), eye candida (conjunctivitis), lung candida, stomach candida, intestinal candida, esophageal candida (esophigitis), uterine candida etc.

But the worst form of candida by far is systemic candida -- where the candida has turned into its most virulent and dangerous fungal form and has moved into your body to infect the blood and organs.

Furthermore, all the other forms of candida mentioned above can just be mere symptoms of the systemic candida itself. I only mention this because so many people are under the great misconception that a candida problem such as oral candida or uterine candida or skin candida are just local topical problems. What people (and doctors) don't realize is that uterine candida or oral candida or skin candida or nasal candida can also be actual symptoms or expressions of systemic candida which is already infecting the blood.

Time and time again I read where people only treat their candida problem topically and it doesn't have any effect. Topical treatments won't have any effect if systemic candida is already infecting the blood.

I also frequently read about women, who have uterine thrush, who go to the doctor and the thrush is treated with antibiotics for awhile and the vaginal thrush or candida goes away. Two months later the uterine candida comes back with a vengeance and the sufferer continues taking antibiotics and it doesn't work anymore. Antibiotics are about the worst thing you can possibly take for any fungal problem -- because it causes intestinal dysbiosis allowing and encouraging candida and all sorts of other bacteria to spread up into the upper intestines thereby further infecting the body and causing many other problems and complications.

Candida seems to initially infect, congregate and multiply in all the mucous regions in the body -- that's the ears, eyes, nose, lungs, skin, stomach, intestines, breasts, uterus and prostate glands. Let me be very clear here -- initial candida infection is not just limited to the intestines.

It is also well know through research that iodine accumulates and is used as a first line of defense in all the mucus gland secretions in the body to effectively kill extraneous incoming pathogens -- including candida -- quickly. Therefore, if your body is lacking in iodine then it is surely reasonable to believe that the iodine storage sites for the mucus glands are also likely to be depleted of iodine and so pathogens such as candida will therefore have an easy and unhindered passage into your body. This is why I believe that lugol's iodine supplementation is so essential when you are trying to remove candida and other pathogens from your body.

In his book -- Candida: The Missing Diagnosis -- Dr Orian Truss used an eleven page questionnaire and a point scoring system to determine whether a patient had candida problems. In William Crook's more recent and famous book, The Yeast Connection -- he reduced the questionnaire to just four pages. Both questionnaires inquired on the past and current medical history and problems of the patient. These days, naturopaths also use a similar method to determine if you have candida or yeast infections and this method seems to work quite well and certainly much better than the tests and diagnosis from modern doctors.

As Dr David Derry, a well known iodine researcher, concluded in an article -- "Iodine is simply the best antiseptic, the best antibiotic and the best anti-fungal in the world. Iodine kills most pathogens in about 30 seconds -- so pathogens cannot adjust to it like they can with medical antibiotics or chemotherapy."

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sarah (Seattle, Wa) on 06/30/2012

It would seem like putting yeast (acv) on Yeast (candida) is not such a great idea. Have you checked for other parasites? On the other hand I would say if you can put healthy gut yeasts in there instead of unhealthy yeasts, the niche for yeast would be taken up by beneficial yeast and then ther would'nt be room for the candida to live. I use Kefir daily to add healthy yeast to my gut. Kombucha, taken occasioanlly also contains healthy yeasts. These may be alternative yeast if you are sensitive to the ACV.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Markus (Str, Bav) on 06/30/2012

Hello all, Can somebody clarify something for me? Whenever I try the ACV-Remedy I get diarrhea with a lot of mucus. Is the Apple Cider Vinegar not supposed to remedy diarrhea? Do you guys have any tips for me? Thank you, Markus

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Melissa (Rockport, Texas) on 06/29/2012

I'm currently on a Candida Detox using Diatomaceous Earth. I knew I had an issue with Candida, but had no idea how bad it was until I experienced the "Candida Die Off" only two days after starting the detox. Read up on it because there is alot to learn before starting, especially about the "die off" phase, but it will be well worth it. Make sure to follow the Detox diet, which can be found all over the internet. Diatomaceous Earth fixes more than Candida. The list goes on forever, so check into it and give it a try. It's super cheap and easy to get and there are no side effects from this natural substance.

Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 06/25/2012

Probiotic supplementation is needed after an antibiotic course if you are interested in mitigating the effects of the antibiotics. It is needed to replenish the beneficial flora the antibiotics kill off In another thread I speak of making yogurt a regular part of your diet to keep candida at bay, however that does not eliminate the need for additional probiotics following an antibiotic course. Regular use of probiotic powders or tablets have a place with anyone who is interested in their much longer shelf life than yogurt, or is not interested in consuming dairy products or their calories. Foods besides yogurt don't provide enough of a significant probiotic contribution, and to accomodate a maintenance level through food requires drastic changes. Instead, regular yogurt or probiotic use is much simpler and more convenient and less expensive.

Posted by Had (White River Junction, Vermont) on 06/24/2012

its always good to have fermented foods in your daily diet, like kefir, kombucha tea, yogurt, sourkraut, etc.... make it yourself w/ RAW and organic foods and never buy probiotics again, and watch your immune system improve and the inbalances, like candida, disappear.

Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 06/23/2012

Acidophilus can effectively treat garden-varieties candida and yeast infections. Candida can manifest itself in many different ways, but a common way is it proliferates dramatically when antibiotics are taken. When the 'really nasty' things are allowed to proliferate when both good and bad bacteria are killed by antibiotics, that is candida but the doctors won't tell you that or how to fix it, and won't endorse the use of probiotics bc it effectively makes people well very cheaply. If you supplement with acidophilus immediately following an antibiotic course, you will greatly limit your reaction to the antibiotics. I recommend acidophilus/probiotic powders. Tablets and capsules likely have fillers and take longer to take effect.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Maggie (Calgary, Alberta, canada) on 06/10/2012

I am currently on a strict candida diet trying to rid myself of the viral infection which I have had ongoing for many years - was diagnosed with fibromylagia over 20 years ago. After going through menopause more symptoms have appeared and I have been diagnosed with systematic candida by a naturopath as well as it being confirmed by Bill and Ted on Earthclinic. Since I have eliminated all dairy and sugar, fruit, wheat I have a concern if my body is nutrient deficient. I did previously have symptoms of toenail fungus and bleeding gums before starting the candida diet but the bleeding gums have gotten worse during the strict diet. I am taking a multi vitamin and taking a calcium supplement but not sure if this is enough. Also began taking Lugols iodine during the course of the cleanse. Should I try to incorporate fruit and dairy into the cleanse? Or any other supplement? Thanks for any advise.

General Feedback
Posted by Tank (Dallas) on 06/09/2012

Granted simple explanations are at odds with complexity of biochemistry! That said, I was little overwelmed by the amount of nuanced information on your site. With the exception of the Candida my partner is young, having no other problems (i. e. High blood pressure) and relatively robust. If I have this right he should be taking lemon and baking soda (alkalizing for the blood and body) on an empty stomach between meals and later ACV (Acidic for the stomach) prior, during and immediately after meals? Or can he do all three (lemon, baking soda and ACV) on an empty stomach several times a day? Tank

Baking Soda
Posted by Vinny (Atlanta, Georgia) on 06/07/2012

The side effect of having baking soda is not what caused your PH level to lower I can assure you. Baking Soda is highly alkalizing to the body. I take about 2-3 teaspoons of Baking Soda nearly every day and is awesome at maintaing PH balance. Baking Soda is roughly around 9 on the PH scale so it's not acidic.

Revisit your diet or prescription drugs you may have taken. Also realize that many websites who try to tell you what is Alkalining or Acidic contradict one another so you may be eating/drinking something you feel is alkalining when it really isn't. If you're at a 6, it's really bad!

Take two litres of Baking Soda a day, with 1-2 teaspoons in each litre of water (or 1/2 litre, what you prefer). That will alkaline you and get you back to normal. Add lime juice since you're really low. Do this for 2-3 days and after that just resume to. 5-1 litre Baking Soda

Xylitol, Bentonite Clay
Posted by Shampoo (Los Angeles, California) on 06/04/2012

Guys, essential oil therapy!!!! Look up Dr young, and If you think they are a scam, (cuz there oils are expensive and they make alot of wild claims about curing things) research them on other forums, these oils really do work. In fact all essential oils work period.

I use the basic brands, cheap brands, like edens garden and Aura Cacia, and they work just fine. Y Altho, Young claims to use (for example clove) the whole entire plant to extract the oils not just the buds, which makes it more powerful. Also, google Dr Youngs recipe for super antibiotic essential oil formulas, amazing. I cured my interstitial cystitus and my moms COPD in a matter of days, using essential oils like, clove, rosemary, lavender, peppermint, cinnamon, and sandlewood oils. Look up essential oil antibiotic recipes online, You put various drops in Empty 00 gelcaps.

I used to think essential oils were dangerous to use, (and they are, in excessive amounts) but this is incredible.

They work better than antibiotics. I also treat my Vulvodynia, successfully with essential oils, including frankenscense and Myrrh. Please do your research on esssential oil therapy and Dr young.

Posted by Rads (Montreal, Canada) on 05/19/2012

Before u start removing fillings, specialy old ones please read this. (read the whole page :)

Posted by Cleo (Orlando, Florida) on 05/19/2012

Hi Tim, I am curious, how was your order and the authenticity of Nystatin from Fulcan? it did work well for you?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Susan (Los Angeles, California ) on 05/03/2012

I was reading on the internet that candida is very hard to kill because when feels that is been attacked spreads spores and those spores you cannot kill them and also say that candida is very smart and it can mutate itself and become immune to the remedies we start using so I will subject to kill it by not giving any sugar for more than a month and then when she is weak then attack it with all the remedies we now like garlic pills, apple cider' baking soda, oregano oil , lemongrass. Graepfruit Seed extract, coconut oil, sweet basil extract, colloidal silver, bentonite powder, olive leaf oil, all this above kill candida to. I suspect it is better to weak it before that way you don't give it a chance to mutate good luck to all.

Posted by Denise (Waxahachie, Texas) on 04/19/2012

I would recommend you remove those amalgam fillings asap! They contain mercury. I went so far as to remove my root canaled teeth! All 8. But then I had infections and cavitations. If you read up on them and Weston A Price DDS Foundation, you will find information regarding these types of fillings. Best to you...

General Feedback
Posted by Elisa (Ishoej, Denmark) on 03/30/2012

Hi everyone, This week I had suddenly developed big dark melasma spots beside my nose under my eyes and very patchy looking skin all over the rest of my face. I have been so sad and cried heaps. I have never had melasma before and I had not been in the sun at all (because I live in Europe and the summer is not here yet). So I looked all over at forums and decided to try a cosmelan mask yesterday. However seeing that I today didn't have any tightness or redness in the face (I don't think it worked) I decided to continue looking if I could find some other wonder cure. And I just have to say that I'm so thankful that I found this forum. After reading the blog I am soooo happy.

First of all you made me so optimistic that there was a cure with the Apple cider vinegar and then almost at the end of the first page of great ideas and stories from you guys I realised like some of you that I have candida (which explains why Apple Cider Vinegar works so well because helps kill the fungus). I stopped using the tea tree oil two weeks ago because I was afraid that it was to harsh on my skin but after today's research I have found that this was the worst thing I could have done because that keeps Candida at bay as well. So I can only recommend that you guys try tea tree oil and see if it works on you because that might imply that you also have hyperpigmentation/melasma from candida. I have found medical journals saying tea tree works better than acv. I hope now that I will be able to get it under control and that the melasma/hyperpigmentation will go away with it. I will keep you informed and please ask if there is anything I can do at all for you guys seeing that you have done so much for me.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ms. Couper (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 03/16/2012

I had suffered from candida for nearly 30 years. As the years went by I have friends who have been on too many antibiotics or had a bad diet and started suffering from it as well. I am overwhelmed at the number of people I meet who have digestive problems now. I started giving my friends a rotating supplement program that I use myself. I sourced out the cheapest suppliers, used only the best supplement companies and put the rotated supplements in an easy weekly pill box. You should do a strict full blown cleanse first as this is the maintenance regime. The rotation is something like this:

(week 1)

  • Mon - olive leaf extract
  • Tues- l-glutamine
  • Wed - sporogenes (probiotic - no need for fridge)
  • Thus - grapefruit seed extract
  • Fri - caprylic acid capsules
  • Sat- garlic capsules
  • Sun - berberine
  • Week 2
  • Mon - Pau d`arco etc etc....

If you want me to send you my regime ... Let me know. I think I have been just as frustrated as the legions of people who have severely suffered from candida... Left to our own devices to sort it out without the help or support from regular MDs. I will send it to you at cost. Not in it to make a profit - just want to help out wherever you are in this world! .

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jackie (Shelby Township, Mi) on 03/15/2012

Thanks for your responses! I'm sorry I'm so late in thanking you, but I didn't know that you had responded until now!

Ginger Tea
Posted by John (Boise, Id) on 03/08/2012

I am confused by some of the information in your post. What do you mean by "allow to cook on slow stove"? Thanks in advance for the clarification. John

Reader Theories
Posted by James (Normal, Il) on 03/06/2012

Evie, I know your email was from 2008 and it is now 2012, perhaps you provided your email to EC and they will notify you of a response. First thing, how is your battle with Candida? You tackle the bugger finally?

I never knew what Candida was and have recently started to beat the turds out of it ;). With the help of Coconut oil, my thrush is 90% fixed. I have NEVER had a pink tounge since I can remember. My grandfather got me hooked on candy and all kinds of sweets at a very young age, and as I got older beer became a staple of my diet. Causing a massive outbreak. My intestinal Candida is another story which is still a tough battle.

As for your questions.

1. I think the best solution one can take when doing anti-fungal doseages with good bacteria dosages is not at the same time. What you say in theory to me is very sound. I would take your anti-fungals in the morning on an empty stomach. After an hour or so eat your breakfast then wait a couple hours and take your probiotics, since I believe they all should be taken on an empty stomach, so they can repopulate your intestinal track with the fungas you just eradicated. In the process the fungas should be in a weakend state and the probiotics will attack it even further. If you alternate back and forth rather then at the same time then I think the results will be alot better.

2. I personally do not do the apple cider vinegar that is all the rage. That is one of THE first treatments I went for when I found out what I had and it did nothing. IMO it made things way worse, which people say will happen, except things never got better, they kept getting worse and worse. To the point where I thought my constipation before treatment would have seemed like heaven because I didnt know what a bowel movement was after ACV. Maybe my body does not work like everyone and ACV works for them, but for me it was a no-no. Not trying to discourage people from trying ACV, and yes it was with the mother, since alot of people have posted success with it. Just don't let yourself get hospitalized just because you think you are going through Herx when you might be doing something worse. ;)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Myoho (Nyc, Ny) on 03/04/2012

yes, it worked perfectly. plus lotramin creme.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jen (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 03/04/2012

Do not take the Lamisil as prescribed by your doctor. My doctor prescribed that to me as well, but I was uneasy in taking it because of high possibility of liver damage. Use the _____'s Apple Cider Vinegar in a soak. Soak your foot in apple cider vinegar (straight up) for 15 minutes at a time, 2-4 times daily. I had toe fungus, and it cleared up within a month of doing this. It may take longer, depending on how severe it is. Also, use a pair of toenail clippers only for this toe, cleaning it after every use. Trying to keep the nail short and cleaned as much as possible helps get rid of it. This worked for me, and I've gotten this twice since being prescribed for Lamisil. And it saved my liver! Good luck!

Ginger Tea
Posted by Tina (Houston, Usa) on 03/01/2012

YES! I successfully cut up a piece of 3-4" ginger root and boil for 20 mins in 2 cups water and allow to cook on slow stove. I had this 3-4 times daily for few days and the nastiest of candida is now gone! Amazing!

General Feedback
Posted by Eldean (Woodinville, Washington) on 02/22/2012

Thank You 4 A Great WebSite & with Trying 2 Assist Those of Us Affected by such A Debilitating IllnessI have been dealing with Candida 4 Almost 40 Yrs & of Course It Took much Diligence & Frustration with Many so called MD's & Narurpaths' 2 put The Pieces together The Expense & Poor Quality of Life
I have been using Terbinafine what is The Generic 4 Lamicil that I used 2 Take until Denied Terbinafine does not get Rid of The Candida but Keeps pretty much @ Bay All Horrible Symptoms However per having changed Insurance Companies I Am again without that Prescription & Fighting the Drs 4 It Again I have been on Terbinafine/Lamicil4 about 12 Yrs

The only other Thing that gives Relief Is Hydrogen Peroxide but I Am 4 Some Reason Deathly Afraid 2 Use It on A Regular Basis believe Me I have tried & failed 2 get Relief from AnyThing Else that I Know is Available & from All the Research In the last @ least 40 Yrs 4 Me TheTerbinafine/Lamicil has Been A Life Saver
Warm Regards Eldean
Again Thank You 4 All Your' Hard work & Diligence I would B glad 2 Address Any of Your Questions or Concerns

Heavy Metal Detox
Posted by Emma (Logan, Utah) on 02/16/2012

Cilantro is a great heavy metal chelator.

Candida Detoxing Symptoms
Posted by Jingkatphil (Cagayan De Oro City, Misamis Oriental, Philippines) on 02/07/2012

Hi Bill from the philippines..

I'm from the phils also and also having candidal issues.. I just want to ask if you used kefir in your program..And also, can I reach you? Since we're from the same country..

I really would like to talk to you and have my questions be answered as you have answered your questions on candida..

I have been suffering vaginal candida infection and now, having pelvic pains.. I'm also always tired and can't concentrate.. I'm really desperate right now to have this candida eliminated considering that I'm only 22 and I don't want to waste the rest of my years living with this hell..

Hope you'd reply on this. thanks Bill.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jingkatphils (Cagayan De Oro City, Philippines) on 02/07/2012

Hi Rachelle, I would want to ask if the yeast infection has all cleared up?

I drank kefir last month, and all the white specks that were normally found in walls of my vulva were gone. However, there's still white discharge coming out from my vagina which isn't my normal vaginal discharge.

I just want to know the brand of the lactobacillus you inserted to your vagina and the measurement you used in the Apple Cider Vinegar douche.

Hope you'd reply on this.
