Natural Remedies

Heal Boils Naturally: Effective Home Remedies

Sun, Then Warm Shower

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Posted by Martha (El Centro, CA) on 03/14/2009

I read this in the Doctors Book of Home Remedies. To cure boils, sit in the sun for about one hour, preferably morning or afternoon. Then take a very warm shower. I guess the action of the warmth from the sun and the added warmth from the water will soften the skin to the extent that the boil will easily burst. The Vit D may also have something to do with it cuz you don't get the same effect from just a heating pad so go out and enjoy the sun for a spell then shower! Best of luck to you and say bye bye to that boil for me!

Martha Eloy

Replied by Lisa
(Doha, Qatar)

In order to absorb the Vitamin D, I believe you need to wait at least 20-30 minutes after sunbathing to take a shower. The shower washes away all the oils on the skin.

Tea Tree Oil

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Tom (Los Angeles, Ca) on 02/20/2017

In the past I've applied Tea Tree oil. This helps with boils very much, reducing pain and inflammation.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Pinac (Toronto, On) on 06/03/2016

For boils: I had Tea Tree oil on hand and I gave it a go and wow did it work. It pulled everything. So disgusting but I've been using it as a topical treatment now for 3 days twice a day and I can move without pain and the boil has decreased to a dime size. So happy I had this.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Cindy (Payson, AZ) on 03/16/2007

The best cure for any type of infection even moles/skin ticks/ infected staph or other boils that I've tried is TEA TREE OIL. I learned this in India when I traveled there. I had some serious infections that not even antibotics would cure but applying Tea Tree Oil over a few days did the trick. Also pouring proxide as a wash many times a day then treating with Tea Tree Oil does the trick!

Replied by Shelby
(Newburgh, Indiana)

For those of you with boils or infections in difficult places such as mine, which is in the corner of my right eye and so difficult to treat with stronger methods, pouring tea tree oil (for example) into a bath and then holding your breath and submerging your face is the best method I have found for getting the stronger remedies onto the area without it getting into your eyes. If you wear contacts, I suggest you take them out before the bath. Keep a towel handy to wipe your face off after.

The Bottle Method

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1 star (1) 

Posted by Zubair (East London, South Africa) on 07/20/2006


Replied by Vanessa
(Missoula, Montana, USA)

Hello - This method did not leave scars for me, but I was also left scar free after lancing! I might just have tough skin... Take Care - Vanessa

The Bottle Method
Posted by Vanessa (Missoula, MT) on 06/17/2006

Pour boiling water into an empty glass bottle. Pour the water out and place the bottle's mouth over a boil. Do not move the bottle as this will break the suction. The cooling air will draw out the puss and gunk of the boil!

Replied by Aria
(Port Huron, Mi)

I have yet to try the bottle method; however, my mother and grandmother have used this method. According to them, you wait until the boil is to a head, heat the glass bottle in boiling water, take it out, dry off all hot water, put the mouth of the bottle over the head and allow the suction to do the work. They said you could see the head get larger and larger and then.... Explosion!

It sounds extremely effective to me; however, due to the location of my boil (earlobe), I used a turmeric/evco paste which worked famously! I thought I would end up in the hospital last night because my lobe was so swollen, hard, red, and hot. I am colonized with mrsa so I was afraid it would spread too rapidly handle on my own. I cut a small raw potato plug for my earhole and wore that during the day, then I applied the turmeric/evco paste, then before bed added raw manuka honey to the mix. When I woke up, I noticed my lobe is half the size it was yesterday and its not throbbing or hot anymore. I am so thankful for this site! I have been coming here for almost a year and I will keep coming back.

Replied by Michelle
(Lyman, Maine)

How long do you boil the bottle for?

Replied by Kim C.
(Los Angeles, Ca)

I performed the hot bottle method a few hours ago and I am screaming, "Yes!!! " It worked. I bought a a soda in a glass bottle, poured out the drink, rinsed and dried the bottle, put a small amount of H2O in a sauce pan, placed the bottle in the water, let it come to a boil, grabbed the bottle with a pot holder with the open end up, then I put the open end over the boil. I was a little suction but I let it stay until the bottle cooled. Massive Pus Was Drained! Now I'm at ease.


8 User Reviews
5 star (8) 

Posted by Michelle (NY) on 09/04/2019

Editor's Choice Omg Tomatoe paste saved me from my pain. I came on here to find what works as this is the first (and hopefully only) boil I ever had. I saw the tomatoe paste posts and decided to give it a try. I slathered it on, covered it with gauze and then put a heating pad on top. Two hours later it started to drain. I've had it for 4 days now and it was showing no signs of coming to a head and was only getting worse.

This remedy works!

Posted by Ronnie (California, US) on 03/06/2015

Ive been dealing with a boil for a few days when it became really bad over the day, yesterday.

By bedtime, I had a soft golf ball lump in my groin crease. The skin on inner upper thigh was a bright pink, hard to touch and swollen but the most painful part was the soft lump that had no sign of a pus head....not to mention it hurt to walk and the pressure of the underwear leg band was nearly unbearable.

I tried my tried and true Vicks in the beginning, then as it worsened I tried Silver gel which seemed to help but for some reason yesterday it flared up. I have Silver Sol but I didn't take it.

Last night I found this website and decided to try the tomato paste...

1. I "packed" the tomato paste into the groin crease and massaged some on the inflamed thigh area.

2. I wore boy short undies, centered a panty liner to cover the area.

3. 5-10 min later the pain was gone. I decided to take the Silver Sol, 1 tsp twice a day until healed.

4. I woke up today, still sore but not as bad. the boil drained on it's own during night with a clear pinkish drainage now.

I'm relieved that I won't have to go to urgent care! I wanted to avoid the drainage, packing and antibiotics. I'm also relieved that I'm not alone in having this problem.

I'm glad I found so many options. anyone will be able to find a remedy here as most items are basic pantry items. I'm not sure about the turmeric, I don't like funky spices but I would try it as a last resort as it seems to have the highest favorable results.

Thank you Earth Clinic!!

Replied by Jeanne
(Westport, CT)

Hi Ronnie,

Just wanted you to be aware that groin and armpit boils are a sign of Hidradenitis Suppurativa. If you get another one in the area, try researching dietary suggestions and remedies on HS too. Turmeric does happen to be the best remedy for HS. Wishing you fast healing. Sounds very painful.

Posted by Anon (Nc) on 06/28/2013

Tomato paste does work for boils! My pain was horrible and even on antibiotics it felt like the boil was too deep in my skin for it to come up I got desperate and as my husband laughed at me I put the tomato paste over it and then covered with a bandage. Slept with the heating pad on my leg and the next morning it opened. So relieved from the pain. I will do this immediately if I get another one.

Posted by DEBRA (OCALA, FLORIDA) on 09/20/2007

I went on your web site yesterday, i have had boils my whole life, like other people on this website, i was willing to try anything, i ran across using a tomatoe,the person who suggested it got them in the same area (thighs and around that area) i thought what the heck within 1 hour of completing the process with each half, i got a shower and it opened, i thought holy crap it really does work, so for 59 cents you can have relief, thanks again margarita form madrid spain.

Posted by Cherie (Memphis, TN) on 10/22/2006

Tomato Paste, cover with paste as a compress, the acids from the tomatoes soothe and bring the boil to a head.

Posted by Margarita (Madrid, Spain) on 06/13/2006

If you have a boil (abscessed pimple), which often comes up on thighs, bottom, bikini line, try this remedy. It is absolutely brilliant and worked wonders for me. Cut a tomato in half and heat it (microwave will do). Place it over the boil and leave it there. Hold it in place with a gauze, I used a gauze and band-aids, and kept it there until it cooled. I then placed the other half of the tomato and repeated the operation. Although it got my underwear tomatoey, the boil opened up by itself and all the pus oozed out on its own. The results are remarkable. I didn't believe my mother (it was her remedy) and suffered in silence for ages. The boils also seemed recurrent, and I have been boil free for over a year. Some feat for the humble tomato!

Posted by Rick (Birmingham) on 03/30/2006

I had been suffering with a boil for about 3 days when I stumbled on this site. Well I tried the tomato paste last night and not only did it relieve the pain, it also brought it to a head. Today I'm feeling 1000% better.

Posted by Kelli (Michigan) on 02/23/2006

A while back my boyfriend had a boil behind his ear. A friend of mine had sent me an email with natural remedies for all kinds of things. On the email was a cure for boils, and it was tomato paste. I went to the store and bought some. He rubbed it on his boil and left it overnight, the next morning the boil had decreased in size, he continued to do this for a couple of days and it was soon gone.

Turmeric and Antibacterial or Hydrocortisone Cream

3 User Reviews
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1 star (1) 

Posted by Momof2 (Leesburg, Va) on 08/17/2010

I had a painful boil where my leg meets my tush for over a week and it wasn't improving with Neosporin & bandaid and warm compresses, etc. It seemed to be getting worse with the current treatment.. It was was hard, red, and very very sore when I sought alternative treatments. I read that Turmeric can be helpful with boils and was skeptical, but willing to try anything that might ease the pain. I picked up Turmeric tablets (500 mg) and took 2 immediately. The next morning the boil was softer and not as red. The next day, I took two tablets in the morning and two in the evening. Today when I woke up, there was no pain and no redness. I still applied nesporin and a band aid (just as a precaution). I'm pretty sure the infection is gone and that the skin is just healing at this point. I can now sit in comfort.
