Omgsh so I just came across this interesting thread, for about a week I've had this boil on my butt at first it was just itchy and slightly uncomfortable. I called my grandma who is usually the queen of home remedies but she just told me to sit in a warm bath, instead I put a wet cloth in a baggy and put that on it every night with absolutely no results.
So this weekend while visiting my mom I mentioned it to get she bought me some salt pork (bacon cured in salty, saltier than the damn pacific) so I cut a piece and duct tape it to my butt, lol this sounds so ridiculous) I left it on for a few hours and took it off and it was draining, lots of blood and some pus. But it actually worked. Initially I thought she was joking but it does work, or it did for me. Is actually on right now. The pain had gotten so bad and the boil was so deep that it was actually putting pressure on a nerve and my entire leg had this numb dead feeling pain, super uncomfortable. It's still kind of hard, and painful to sit on, but the pressure is leaving. I'll leave it on for the rest of the night and see how it does in the morning.
I have to say that for me Bacon really worked! I had a boil in a very sensitive area from shaving, it hurt to even walk. I was debating on going to the emergency room but I knew that it would be painful to have it lanced. I found this site yesterday afternoon and saw the post about bacon, I was willing to try anything at this point! I placed the raw back over the boil and left it there all night. I woke up this morning and it was still sore so I took a bath in epsom salt. A couple hours later I went to the restroom and low and behold the pus pocket came out on its own! If I ever get another I know I will use bacon!
Out of desperation tried a piece of bacon fat on my boil. Had trouble getting bandaid to hold because of location of boil. Did manage to have bacon in place for a couple of hours. Awoke next morning and boil had started to discharge small and scab began to form. Pain almost completely gone. Next day boil incredibily itchy. Put some betadine ointment on and this eased itching. Day 4 and boil is healing well. Still a little redness and swelling but definately... this boil has been defeated.
Omg I swear by the bacon. I've had this boil in a pretty delicate spot for a week now. It hurt so bad I could hardly sit, or even walk. I'm a baby when it comes to pain, but I was really resisting the urge to take a kitchen knife and just rip it open. My mother-in-law told me to put a piece of bacon fat directly on the boil and then cover it with a slice of potato and leave it there. I really thought she was nuts, so I went online looking for information on how to lance a boil and stumbled on this site. I saw that other people suggested it, so I thought I'd give it a try. You know, I sat on a heating pad for days and tried to lance it... None of it worked, it didn't even soften up.
I put the bacon on it (the fattiest piece I could find), and I swear on everything that within an hour it had developed a head, and in less than an hour and a half it was draining. I decided to leave it on overnight, and now it's almost completely gone and I am free of pain. I know it sounds like a ridiculous idea, but seriously, try it for a day or two (leave the bacon on as long as possible). I wish I'd known about it days ago.
I had a cut on my arm that got infected and I was desperate because it was very painful and I didnt want to go to the doctor for an expensive bill. Someone advised me to wrap it in bacon and duct tape it overnight. I was desperate so I did. The next morning the infection was gone. The salt from the bacon is what kills it. I was amazed. ps dont eat the bacon.
A slice of bacon (pork) put directly on boil. Cured the boil on my rear end.