I think I have written on this subject before. I have had Afib all my life. It can be caused by many things like thyroid, vagus nerve irritation, dehydration, deficiencies of various minerals, etc.
I want to share/update my story: I was using 2 tbsp of olive oil per day (calms vagus nerve), one drop of potassium iodide, adrenals, magnesium and calcium, taurine, coq 10 and b vitamins-all of which helped a lot! The medications did not help at all. Then a weird thing happened. I got acute mononucleosis at 65 years of age. I was hospitalized repeatedly because my salt levels dropped so low that it was life threatening. My Afib went absolutely crazy. I realized that salt was maybe a factor. One of the doctors said that your body keeps salt in tight control so that your heart can beat correctly. If you run low, it will take it from your bones (! ). If it can't find the salt anywhere….well you're ready to meet your maker. I never liked salt and guess I was deficient prior to getting sick.
I have recovered completely from the mono BUT I started taking 1-2 teaspoons of sea salt per day. If my heart starts skipping, I immediately go for the salt or sometimes take Biolyte (a rehydration drink). This has just about eradicated my Afib. It's worth considering if you have this problem, especially with low blood pressure. Do not use processed salt. Only sea or natural salt. Hope that this helps someone out there. Can't believe it was that simple!!!! This site has been so helpful. 💚💙❤️💜
Alkaline Diet
We are electrical beings. Once electricity stops running through our bodies we are dead. This is not science, but common sense.
”The age of biophysical understanding is approaching and this understanding will effectively end the paradigm of understanding biochemical basis of life.”
This is a huge topic few understand or want to understand, for it is engraved in our brains - we are what we eat (digest).
I am not a scientist of any sorts. I have a compromised heart function with no rhyme or reason. Official diagnosis is Dysautonomia, POTS variety, so to speak. I was diagnosed 13 years ago and one of those people who didn't respond to any treatment, diet or lifestyle change.
POTS is not just an elevated heart rate upon standing when BP remains normal. My heart goes into such acrobatics and weird rhythms that it surprises me I am still alive. My EKG is always abnormal and 13 years of heart dysfunction has weakened it.
I know for sure, 100%, that I am an EMF sensitive person. Not sure why but it is a fact.. I started thinking that being Rh negative has something to do with it..Science only looks into Rh negative from the pregnancy point of view assuming we are no different from Rh positive. But the difference is huge, in fact we are sort of different species so to speak. Only 2% are Rh negative
So if someone experiences any heart rhythm problems, should first observe their living and working environment for EMF levels and test it for the dirty electricity. They should distance their bodies from EMF emitting devices, including Apple Watch and take other measures to shield themselves from harmful EMF exposure. Remember that inflicting damage on your body is silent yet cumulative..
Once you have done that you can focus on diet, supplements, etc. But without first reducing the EMF levels in your environment, diet and supplements won't accomplish much.
There is a saying: One can't get healthy in the same environment he got sick. 100% true
Alkaline Diet
Interesting observation........ .I have been diagnosed with methane sabo and have started having AFIB this year.....it seems very related to my stomach issues........which often makes it hard for me to breathe..........doctors just can't seem to figure it out.
Dietary Changes
For anyone with Atrial Fibrillation, try the following, stop eating chocolate (SOB) it has phenethylamine, which stimulates the heart. Even smoked foods can have an effect.. Also anything fermented, yes that includes yoghurt, cheese, cured meats and pickled foods. Even overripe foods can cause palpitations. l found that not eating chocolate made a big difference to my palpitations. Very sad!
What manufacturer do you use? I am highly suspicious of the vitamin world in general, who makes a good one. Specially a liquid form.
Nattokinase +
Nattokinase was reported to cause arrhythmias in 3.3% of trial participants according to pub media.nih.gov article.
Unfortunately, I was one of the unlucky 3% and nattokinase caused my arrhythmia, I believe. I got worse day by day for a couple of weeks until I figured it out by way of research and elimination. I suggest you drop the nattokinase and see if your arrhythmia goes away.
Notice that one of the cures to arrhythmia is to avoid soy.
Alkaline Diet
I can only tell you about the magnesium - I use the spray - magnesium oil - the pills give me diarrhea (sp) spray it on my arms and throat on the veins and jugular area so it gets to my bloodstream. I am told that you can't overdo it since your body will dispose of what it does not need. I do a pinch of borax in my drinks to control osteomyelitis - it seems to be working too. The mag oil carries the borax into the bone for me.
My husband has had afib for a long time. He is not on meds. I was looking over the posts and was wondering what is the best form of magnesium to take and how much black strap molasses and ACV should he take. Any other suggestions? Thanks!
PACs Trigger Identified
One more thing, as you age, stop taking magnesium pills. THEY DON'T WORK because they are not absorbed well enough. I make my own spray, use Magnesium Chelate (amazon), put in spray bottle with hot water….spray on chest, skin, neck, etc. NOW you will feel the relief you cannot get with pills…same with potassium….TAKE LIQUID NOT PILLS< THEY DON'T WORK. PACS…GONE, GONE, GONE…do it, try it, you will thank your lucky stars for this website….THANK YOU EARTH CLINIC
PACs Trigger Identified
Premature Atrial Contractions (PACs) GONE…HOW???? WHY???
Well, I have used all the treatments on here, but not until I found the reason it was happening.
My esophagus has thin skin, the nerves of the vagus nerve are irritated when you have reflux/eaten aggravating foods. Then the vagus nerve gets irritated….that is why magnesium (calms nerves), advil (removes inflammation), water (coats throat temporarily and stops dehydration), but no one could identify WHY…
THIS IS WHY…so stop the inflammation, the reflux (hiatial hernia is popped up, push it down), drink pickle juice to reduce acid to help reflux).
NO MORE PACS, NOTHING. Eat ice cream to help inflammation, but mostly, get the reflux under control, use epsom salt to keep a relaxed airway, and you WON'T HAVE ANY MORE PACS.
Being a margarita drinker, thought it was alcohol…no unless you are dehydrated, it was the lime juice causing reflux, then causing inflammation of the vagus nerve, then the cycle begins and won't end until you get the vagus nerve to calm down and not be inflamed.
FINALLY, THANK GOD, I always thought I was going to die, now, a HUGE SENSE OF RELIEF….
I hope this helps someone.
That post is from last year and in case you do not get the information you are seeking about Arjuna and might be interested in another option, the following may be of interest to you :
Here is a relevant quote :
' Chronic melatonin supplementation, either in physiological or pharmacological ranges, protects against arrhythmias [8, 21, 97, 163, 169, 189, 191, 192]. Beyond the reported antioxidant properties of melatonin, it reduces severe ventricular arrhythmias by antifibrotic mechanisms, electrical remodeling, direct mitochondrial protection, myocardial Cx43 preservation via PKC signaling, and vitamin D-HSP70/AT1 counterbalance (Figure 2). '
Nattokinase +
Would love to hear from you if you are still on the site? I just started Arjuna, and feel pretty hopeful about the a-fib I began having this year. I can feel mine, but it only happens once in awhile. The regular conventional cardios want to do all this stuff (tests, drugs) but I am on a Ketogenic diet and fixed my T2 Diabetes with just nutrition and exercise. I am wanting to try anything natural I can get to beat the a-fib as well :) Thanks much, hope to hear from you and find out how you are doing!
ORH Remedies
I take 500mg 2 x per day and have for the last 2 years, but recently developed A-fib. I don't know about magnesium being a fix. Just my experience here. I do have a pacemaker for a 3rd Degree AV Node block (again, the electrical part of my heart) that has worked perfectly (makes me forget I have an issue at all since 1997) but still developed A-fib. I'm here searching for answers.
Thank you for yours but I realize one size doesn't fit all.
Sodium Bentonite Clay, Probiotics
I have read, that sodium clay leaches calcium out and that is why calcium bentonite clay is preferable (something like cardio calcium EDTA is more advisable for cardio heavy metal chelation that sodium EDTA). Some thoughts on this?
Alkaline Diet
Think I may have Afib, I'll have to get diagnosed. Started off and on past few months. I thought my hot flashes had returned?! I think its mostly after I eat!!! I eat very healthy and am active and healthy. Thanks for your info. Taking notes! Don't want to get diagnosed and go on horrid meds!
Alkaline Diet
Hello Patg, I would so love to hear from you again if you are around? I was just diagnosed with sight a-fib and the cardio wanted me on drugs, and a battery of tests I don't believe are necessary. I'll just wait and see if you are around the forum but I'll add that I am already eating a Ketogenic diet, but with dairy. My cheese and yogurt are of course processed so I probably will need to get rid of those foods, also butter.
Anyone is welcome to respond, but I can tell you I am nervous and afraid because I have a pace-maker that was put in 1997. So I am on my 3rd now. I have led an active lifestyle, but was diagnosed with T2 Diabetes just over a year ago, but have that under control by dropping all sugars & carbs except for cruciferous vegies, and the small, very low carb nuts, chia seeds, and the yogurt I eat is just 2 g of sugar and didn't spike my Blood glucose.
I just don't trust conventional doctors and their tests any longer, or, big pharma's drugs. I only take supplements, and they are only Mag., and B1, B12 right now. Thank you in advance for any help.
Does it still work, the cayenne formula? I already take magnesium selen d3 omega3 zink and always have cayenne pepper chili pepper garlic curcumin and ginger in my dinner everyday, shall test the cilliextrakt now
Referring to Hwk's comments about doctor's ways, 2016, I just saw a so called doctor, he was a "hospitalist" working in a clinic as a doctor who, very early in the conversation told me flat out to stop taking any supplements because none of them work! If he wanted to impress me, he should have kept that to himself. Since low thyroid runs in my family, and I do have it and mentioned that I had to get off levothyroxine because of the side effects, he told me levothyroxine is a very good drug, very effective. When I mentioned a book called "Stop the Thyroid Madness" which addresses the problems some of us have when taking synthetic thyroid, he sneered and said that book has been completely debunked. When I mentioned the blog run by the woman who wrote the book, and all the entries by people who are having problems trying to take Synthroid or Levo or what have you drugs, he didn't say anything. At another point he said supplements are not regulated by the FDA and they are not tested. So I mentioned that there is a government website, National Institutes of Health?, that shows extensive testing of many supplements, herbal, etc. Again he said nothing. Think I should go back to see this guy?? Lol!!!
Nattokinase +
I have chronical non stop AF (blessed with no feeling of it). For blood thinners I take only Nattokinase (1 at every 6 hours) - if I don't take it, I have very difficult time with breathing. Taking also Magnesium, Hawthorne and Arjuna (top Ayurveda herb for heart problems).
Also take first thing in the morning Cardio Chelate. Good luck!
Dietary Changes
I had AFIB for a while, most of the time after eating and sometimes not.
I decide not to eat after 7.00pm and let my stomach rest. Also, I found trapped gas in the upper digestive system always started the AFIB.
I would force the burp but sometimes not enough, but a couple of days with not eating past my 7.00pm time and it has practically gone. I tried lots of supplements but I cut down on these and just not eating lots of different foods and only eating when your stomach signals (not your mind and the habits) it has saved me so far ( approx 3 weeks).
I think the foods produce gas that may push the diaphragm close to touching the Heart and so causing the AFIB ( my theory).
I tried motherwort and it did not provide any relief for me. I will try a larger dosage and provide updates.
Sodium Bentonite Clay, Probiotics
Hi there, could you let us know how you take the bentonite clay? Mix with water or some other way? You said spoonfuls. Thanks
Alkaline Diet
I had terrible afib but would not take drugs. I luckily found ReMag magnesium which is the best — it goes directly into the cells & also you can take as much as you need without getting diarrhea. Also what I've found by trial & error is diet is key for me. My afib always happens around food. I have found that giving up carbs, pasta, pizza, bread, sugar & processed foods is key. If you really want to knock it out, try juicing & eating raw fruits & vegetables 80%, and 20% cooked food — but giving up dairy & gluten. I did this & I didn't even need to take the magnesium because the afib was gone!
l think my afib is vagus nerve related & most recently I had another problem called IC. Both of these problems happens around food. I researched like crazy & I believe now that both are autoimmune problems triggered by eating. I believe I got these problems from taking way too much Levequin & Cipro. When I did the juicing & raw food diet, both problems disappeared after a week. The other thing that I think really helped is these IC aloe capsules I found...I think aloe somehow helps the gut & digestion.
Thanks, Rob, good to know. My son's taking Apaxaban blood thinner. Do you have any idea if that's ok to have with cayenne? Also, do you think cayenne extract is more effective than cayenne powder?
Alkaline Diet
What happened to you with Flecainide? My 27 year old son has been on it and his mental health has really suffered. Plus, he still gets afib episodes on it. He's recently been put back onto a beta blocker Axapaban.
Cayenne may interfere with blood-thinning medicines such as warfarin, aspirin, naproxen, or ibuprofen. For this reason, doctors usually recommend their patients to stop taking cayenne pepper in medical dosing form at least two weeks before and two weeks after the surgery. With that being said, if I were facing Atrial Fibrillation (a friend of mine currently is and this is what I told him). None of the pills or even stopping and starting of his heart to reset the rhyme has worked. God put cayenne pepper here on earth for a reason. Monitor your heart rhyme, blood thickness, start with small doses, stop stressing over the small stuff and put the dam pepper in your mouth!
Alkaline Diet
IF you are going to have wine consider French wine. Seemed to work for use as may have less phosphates I hear. Or if you can find organic wine.
Back Injury Connection to AFIB
I have had the same experience of having an A-fib attack soon after bending over and lifting or especially pulling out in my yard, weeds, etc. It started out with just feeling ill and having to sit down thinking I had a heart attack. Being a woman I ignored it lol, but eventually I developed A-fib and I'm determined to find the cure. I've read that a chiropractor can help a lot, but I'm quite nervous about them.
Salt Tablet
Salt Tablet
I suffer from A-Fib. I have it 24/7 but I have cut it down to a smooth rhythm with just a salt tablet, plain sodium chloride tablet you can but OTC or online at Amazon. I got the idea from taking liquid hydration for muscle cramps and running to the bathroom hoping I would not leave a trail. I think it was due to high potassium levels & not enough sodium in pure form in controlled amount but it did what no MD could do in a day, no less, it started to smooth out, it`s not perfect but vast improvement.
A foot note, US Soldiers in areas of high temperature in SE Asia had to take a salt pill every day to keep from dehydration & an anti malaria pill hydroxychloroquinee daily to prevent malaria. No reported side effects either.
I added propionyl L carnitine to my long regimen of daily supplements. 1000mg twice daily. It has greatly reduced my afib episodes, so much that I can actually function. a-fib.com and drsinatra.com. His protocol for CHF helps afib, also.
ORH Remedies
Soak your feet in a basin with warm water and Epsom Salts for 20 minutes every other day. I have suffered for years and just recently started this and even though I am 75 I mowed the lawn yesterday with no problems. Epsom Salts contain magnesium and the body soaks up what it needs. Also, a friend ended up in hospital recently with a racing heart and after they tried every thing they could think of, they put magnesium in the drip and it stopped immediately. Look up Dr Caroline Dean you will learn more about magnesium and see what she has to say about the benefits of magnesium.
ORH Remedies
ORH here, guess you are Mrs Brian K, huh? Anyways, looked your town up and you 5 X biggern Ten Mile and over in whiskey country. I think you need to research some more because I don't buy into your vinegar theory. AFIB is an electrical thing and that can have lots of sources, including parasites in your heart. You country and know that dogs have heart worms that can be caused by mosquitoes. Ms Brian......... life is very interesting. I am excited that in a year and a half I will be 85 and smart as all get out. Missed out at 65 and 75, but think 85 is the magic number. Glory. ====ORH====
ORH Remedies
Hi ORH, I'm in Culleoka, TN. I was looking on the web for causes of AFIB for my husband and found that vinegar can be the cause. This seems to be one of the causes because we had cucumber slices in rice wine vinegar last night and he is still having issues today. Also in the article above they mention the apple cider vinegar as a possible cause.
ORH Remedies
ORH here, self isolating and hunkering to avoid this virus stuff. Anyways, I's been reading and learned that you can make apple cider vinegar from apple scraps. As all know we have an apple orchard and make many gallons of apple juice each year, and throw our scraps in the woods for critters to eat. We have always bought Braggs over the years and all this time I could have been making it myself. It has an almost unlimited self life and thus , I have a new project. The Lord said he would provide and he does…. if we would just listen. Had several slices of the pork belly for breakfast that I cured a few weeks ago. Pretty good and reminded me of my youth when almost all bacon was salt cured . I fried it in the leaf lard that I had recently rendered. Doing lots of things that Bill and the fine lady from Denver told me to do about my AFIB situation. It ain't right, but I's still above ground. Got a struggling couple that want to help us garden on shares, otherwise, think gardening would be a thing of the past for us. I truly think something good will come out of this pandemic. This one world stuff is not working. Life is best when it is a family and community thing. ====ORH====
ORH Remedies
Hi orh! It's Patti from Pa. Spoke to us over few yrs about the afib treatments. We are all still hanging in there & that's a good thing! Nice to know! Some things work better than others, I'm sure you'll agree! That's what I've found! And Taurine & Larginine& Hawthorn have been my mainstay! Hope it helps!
ORH Remedies
Bill,,,,,,,,,, just want to thank you for your response. You have helped me numerous times over the years. I did appreciate the cheers from all the old folks that have been with us over the years. I have concocted a daylight and dark tonic that I take and it is keeping my heart from going totally crazy. The nice lady that called from Denver said that her husband was in AFIB for 16 years and Turpentine got him out of that trauma. I have used turpentine for candida and at your suggestion for my infected tooth and that worked. I am waiting on the good stuff from South GA. I follow some bright folks about this virus thing and we will hunker down at the end of this week. We have prepared to isolate ourselves for two months. We live where Columbus was headed in 1492 and that was the end of the world. Ten Mile, Tn is pretty dang close. Thanks for being my buddy. ====ORH====
ORH Remedies
Mold? Were you exposed to mold? Some time ago i suffered from anxiety, racing repetative thoughts, headaches and body pain especially after eating, insomnia. I was experimenting with different treatments and took a large dose of coloidal silver (1/4 cup) and lugol's iodine (+2 droppers 2%) one night before going to bed. Everything stopped and i felt very much at peace. I fell asleep and woke up the next morning feeling great. It comes back now and then. I think it may be related to drinking and bathing in contaminated water. Other things that help are fresh turmeric and ginger smoothies and raw garlic, castor oil taken internally.
Two words: Motherwort Tincture.
I have the palpitations, skipped beats, slow heart beat, fast heart beat, high blood pressure, panic attacks, etc.
I read a review of Motherwort tincture that convinced me to give it a try. Why not, I've tried everything else. Magnesium, potassium, Arginine, Lysine, dehydrated beet powder, cayenne, garlic, ginger, hawthorn, etc, etc, etc.
Many of these have helped immensely and kept me from dying. Motherwort stops my sudden high heartbeats, and palpitations as soon as it starts. It's cheap, and tastes like hell, but it may be a real help. Order a bottle and let us know how it has helped you.
Hi ORH - I echo mmsg's sentiments – it's good to hear from you. I'm not an A Team member but my mother had Afib and, although her magnesium levels were fine, her potassium levels were dangerously low so she had to use potassium supplements to get it higher (her appetite had declined so diet really wasn't an option). Potassium really helped (evidently, we need 4,700 mg of potassium daily). You might find the following interesting. https://www.livingwithatrialfibrillation.com/3094/potassium-and-atrial-fibrillation/ I'm glad Bill (definitely an A Team member!) responded to you as well . . . Take care.
ORH Remedies
Hi ORH... I'm sorry to hear that you are having problems with Afib. I only have two suggestions for you. First you should start taking a herb called Arjuna terminalia. In Ayurvedic medicine, this herb is a much revered herb for the heart. This herb resolves a multitude of heart problems including Afib. And when I say it's revered -- it's been a mainstay treatment for multifarious heart problems in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. That means that Arjuna works. Arjuna is a well known cardioprotective and cardiotonic. Arjuna acts to strengthen the heart, corrects heart rhythms, stops hardening of the arteries, cures angina, cures edema and also has anti-inflammatory action. Dosage is 500mg per day to a max dose of 1500mg per day (in 3 split dosages). Arjuna has no known or observable side-effects. It's very safe. https://www.ayurtimes.com/terminalia-arjuna-arjun-tree/ Secondly you should seriously consider taking curcumin or tumeric powder as a heart protective. There has been much research on the beneficial activities of tumeric for the heart and I haven't got room to discuss all it's other many benefits here. I'm currently regularly taking organic tumeric in yellow powder form as a heart protective, anti-microbial, anti-cancer, brain protective(anti-dementia), hepatoprotective and anti-fungal because you will get the benefit of the oil soluble curcumin plus the benefit of all the other water soluble constituents of tumeric powder as well. Here's some of the research on tumeric/curcumin: https://www.turmericforhealth.com/turmeric-benefits/how-turmeric-benefits-your-heart I just take my tumeric dose with my coffee and here's how I prepare it. I add a teaspoon of organic tumeric powder to the coffee cup. Then I add some pepper. Pepper contains piperine which will increase the absorption of tumeric into your body by a factor of about 2000 times. Then I just add some coconut oil because curcumin is oil soluble. Mix well. Then add the coffee and hot water and just sip it down. I take this once or twice a day with coffee from the bean. Also bear in mind that tumeric is a very useful anti-fungal. I mention this because fungus, as well as bacteria and viruses, can and do invade the heart muscle region to cause serious problems. I also freely admit to being somewhat paranoid about fungus -- I never want fungus dominating my body ever again. I also know that you've said in the past that you are still battling with candida problems. And, since candida can invade any organ or tissue in the body, maybe that fungus is the root cause of all your heart problems. So there's another good reason to take tumeric. Just trying to cover all the bases. All the best to you...
ORH Remedies
Dear ORH Now that I finally got something posted on here I'll add what the article said about marjoram. I copied it but didn't include the reference. I am looking... "Marjoram helps to widen and relax blood vessels easing the flow of blood which takes strain off the heart and reduces BP." I would suggest you Google compatibility with other meds you are taking. KT
ORH Remedies
ORH! Good to hear from you! No, I know nothing about AFIB, but it does my ol' heart good to hear from you.
ORH Remedies
Marjoram contains carvacrol that is supposed to do the same thing for the heart as carvedilol but without the fillers.
ORH Remedies
I no longer have a desktop I can type on easier so this repy is not easy. Hubs diagnosed with leukemia two years ago. I looked up all ingredients of drugs he was put on, side effects and compatibility. He was on all kinds of drugs that have side effects that include high blood pressure. He was then put on drugs for high blood pressure and told he may have to have open heart surgery. The drugs for HBP were two strengths of carvedilol that he couldn't continue to take because they made him feel so bad. Without wordy detail, marjoram contains carvacrol that is supposed to do the same thing as carvedilol just not as fast and doesn't include other fillers. Personally I feel, and it has been my experience that the binders, fillers and capsules cause more problems. I hope this will help. I just started using it. I am going to try to spin it into a powder.
ORH Remedies
ORH here,,,,,,,,,, life is still interesting as my AFIB is roaring since the Doc had to abort my ablation due to a kink in my Venus vein. His Rx are worse than death so I stopped all but the blood thinner. At 83, I have lived a full life. The only reason I want to keep on keeping on is to tell folks my stories. I have shot a bull in the ass in my life and have many stories to tell. Folks that just do hand games , have no stories to tell. I ask the Lord to give me wisdom to solve my own problems. I think he wants me to ask some of you that have been down this trail. I am doing all that I have read to do, but nothing is helping. Would appreciate what any have done to keep their heart from going crazy. I do Mg, ACV, Iodine , Cayenne, CoQ10, Hawthorne, Taurine, and CBD. I stay on my PEMF mat, nebulize Glutathione, spray 1/2 % H202 into my nostrils day and night. Lots more. Half smart, so don't need advice from a novice. Need an A Team member to step up and suggest a path. Thank you. ORH
Hello Helena, Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I have atrial Fib too for about 8 months. I don't take any medication. Could you tell me please, where is the location that she used massager, in the front side or back side? Thanks.
My Mum has had atrial Fib for many years, she is 89, ended up in hospital many times because of it and also had very high pulse. Medications don't work anymore, she also had pacemaker fitted in many years ago but it didn't seem to work for atrial Fib. She also had 3 cardioversions, last one before last Christmas. I wanted to share what she did to bring her heart beat and pulse to normal. She had shoulder pain and used electric massage to relieve the pain, as last cardioversion worked only for a few hours she was back to square one with her heart going like crazy and high pulse, so she had an idea to put this massage gadget near her heart but on the other side not close to her pacemaker and she noticed that after a few minutes her heart rhythm came back to normal. It was a month ago more or less, she used it a few times when it started again and it calmed down straight away and her pulse came down. She was amazed herself and so was I but happy that something worked for her as it is a horrible and frightening illness. She told her GP about it another day and her doctor was very interested how she did it and said it's a home cardioversion she did and was happy for her. I wanted to share it, maybe somebody would benefit from it.
Hi, I too find ginger helpful and believe my afib has to do with vagus aggravation. Eating can bring it on and lately lying down seems to bring on! Always thought it was more to do with my stomach than heart so never did well on the heart meds they tried to give me! Just take very low dose of a beta blocker daily now which I don't even think I need! I also was put on “Cipro” for a UTI right before I was diagnosed and strongly believe this was responsible for bringing it on too! These antibiotics are very toxic! I do take taurine & Hawthorn & Mg which I think help but haven't found anything that has stopped it! Just treat it! That's the best we can do I guess.
Magnesium, Ginger
So I too was diagnosed with Afib & it was pretty bad. I realized that it seemed to happen when eating or sleeping so I was thinking it was coming from my stomach & not my heart as the doctor says — so I refused all medication. Through trial & error, I found something that got rid of it. First, ReMag magnesium (I take 1/4 tsp in water & sip throughout the day) and the big improvement came by taking ginger — I use Now brand Ginger Root Extract with 5% gingerols. If you don't have that, I use ginger from the spice aisle, 1/4 tsp. in a small glass of water. These 2 has basically made my afib disappear but if I get any signs of it, ginger knocks it out in like 10 minutes. I just read on a site that someone stopped their Afib by taking enzymes when they eat & probiotics in the morning. I'm gonna add that in just for “insurance”. My theory is that I got this Afib from taking levequin, which damaged or aggrevated my vagus nerve. I'm thinking that most Afib comes from a problem with the vagus nerve — research it on the web & you will find lots of info.
HI U RSW,,,,,,,,,, we have corresponded over the years and I appreciate your post. You know that my idol, Hulda Clarke, always said that all disease is because of parasites. MD Anderson is not a favorite place of mine. Had lots of kin and friends go there and they were not helped at all. All died. I research and this new bunch has my interest. They think my heart problem is either due to my skeleton alignment or a toxin. I think they are right. Something is messin up my brain to heart talk. EDTA Chelation was supposed to be my savior. I had no clue about this electrical communication thing. I will reread your URL and maybe start eating dog stuff. I know that I have had low grade cancer several times and handled that naturally. Few people will do that. I have a 71 year old buddy that was drenched daily with Round up in Vietnam. He is now a sick, sick fellow and knows what's ahead and he's gone from the class cut up to a very bitter person. The VA has it down pat. Eventually your whole body goes to pot. He knows his future health. Again, thank you for being my friend. Just hope folks are entertained with my true stories. ====ORH====
ORH Remedies
Hi ORH, This subject just keeps coming up everywhere I look. Parasites and cancer. Now parasites and heart disease. I am beginning to wonder how much damage these can cause. Any way, I don't know if you read the recent posts on fenbendazole (aka panacur c, a dog dewormer)? It also came up on the LDN site, so I started to pay attention. Here is the link to one man's story and follow-up with others: https://www.mycancerstory.rocks/single-post/2016/08/22/Shake-up-your-life-how-to-change-your-own-perspective A doctor at Arthur Anderson told him they had done research on this drug in the 90's on cancer and parasites, and a drug had been created as a result that was pulled because there was no money in it. Interesting, for sure. I think you are on to something very significant here, not only for your heart but the cancer that shows up from time to time on your testing. Please keep us posted. You may be killing more than one bird with this stone! Since it is believed that all autoimmune diseases begin in the gut, I am going to try this, too, and see if I can finally shake off what ails me but seems elusive to remedy. Best of luck to you, as always.
ORH Remedies
GUESS I GOT WORMS,,,,,,,,,,,, HI U OLE PATOOTS DOIN, Still seeking a solution for my heart problem. Allowed Wellness group to run a test and they found that I had heart parasites and a tape worm. We'll see. Taking their homeopathic drops this weekend and get retested Monday. Follower of Hulda Clark and she was the first to know that all critters have a wave frequency they put out. Dr Royal Rife also knew this and he developed a device to put out the same frequency and kill the buggers. The Med field ruined him before he ruined them. Few can challenge the heresy of the medical field , least they be ruined. My wellness group want to know my Rife Machine Model because they think I can use it for my problem. I have no clue and just telling one of my usual true stories. Still go to my cardiologist next Friday. I will go down any trail that gives me relief. Ole age is about as interesting as I can stand. It only seems like yesterday when I was playing on the HS Tennis team. Life is interesting. ====ORH====
ORH Remedies
ADDRESSING AFIB AND HEART FLUTTER PROBLEM. HI U OLE PATOOTS............. Tested by a wellness group and get a read out if they think they can address this problem by aligning my neck and back to get good nerve communication from my brain to my heart. The Rx I take are working, but you have no quality of life, you just don't die. The MD told me that. I see the Cardiologist in two weeks to ascertain a plan. My ablation attempt was aborted because they could not get to my heart with the electrode because of a kink in my venous vein. Skeleton shrinks but your arteries and veins don't, they just kink like a water hose. Think that's my problem. My doctor has taken an interest in me for some reason, and I will defer to his judgement about another ablation attempt. That does not mean that I don't keep trying to find a solution. The wellness group say toxins can cause my problem, especially H Pylori. I will get that test, but I have already started drinking ozonated water that I make myself. Got a neighbor who gets my ATS e-mails and now has a tooth infection and wants to know where to get the turpentine to treat the problem. Bill of the Philippines was the guy who put me on to this. He saved me about $4000. Just wished the world wanted to help their neighbor like the folks on EC do. All know my goal is to aggravate EC folks until I's 92. Don't know if this group can stand 9 more years of my stuff. ====ORH====
Greetings, ORH. So sorry to hear about the latest development regarding the heart parasites. VRM2 is another option I would highly recommend considering since it is actually for humans, but has been used successfully to treat dogs with heart worms. I cured my old boy, Buddy, using it and he had a severe case. It is available from North Star Chiropractic and is very reasonable. Sending healing blessings your way - always enjoy your posts - good information and a delightful manner of speaking. Keep us posted! Flower's Mom
ORH Remedies
RSW, NONNIE,,,,,,,,,,,,,, are you kidding me? Was at the farm this morning gathering fire wood when my Tractor Driver shows up and tells me that my Cardiologist folks want to see me today at 3pm. She then picked him a gallon of purple muscadines that are big as jaw breakers. I 'bout in nervous city with all these fun and games. Get there and they tell me that my last test shows that my heart has weaken. They take my oxygen and require me to walk briskly down the hall and back. My oxygen was still good So they tell me to do that again. My oxygen was still good so they said the game is on. We gave them the muscadines and they were grinning from ear to ear. Who said country folks can't get along with city slickers. They knew the sweat it took to grow them. ====ORH====
ORH Remedies
Hi ORH, Just wanted to wish you the best on your ablation next Thursday. I will put you on the prayer list at my church and Bible Study. Please try and post at the end of the week so we know you are OK. I hope you feel a lot better after the procedure. I have enjoyed your posts on Earth Clinic for many years, and have learned a lot from you. You are a straight shooter, and that's one of the things I like best about your posts! Take care and may God bless you and your tractor driver.
ORH Remedies
Best of luck with your procedure next Thursday, ORH. The Earth Clinic family will be thinking of you. I'm sure Mary took your comments in stride. She does sound like she is a gentle lady. Take care - think good thoughts and let us know how you're doing.
ORH Remedies
HI U OLE PATOOTS,,,,,,,,,,,,,, just did the camera thing down my throat to see if my AFIB has any stray blood clots to break loose when my Dr does the Ablation next Thursday. None, but I do have genital fat in my heart from birth. They can work around that. What I have learned and will pass on to you for consumption because that AFIB, nor Atrial flutter will not kill you if you keep your blood thin. But, no matter..... you will feel like crap for hence on regardless if the Rx keeps you regulated.. I can't stand that and will take the plunge. Sometimes you have to rely on a good and thoughtful doctor to get through life's struggles. The deal comes off next Thursday, so if I post next week, then I will be full of piss and vinegar and ready to shoot a bear in the ass. I do want to apologize to Mary. I know I got her post all wrong. If you noticed ........ she could have eaten me alive, but she did not. She is a gentle lady. I feel bad about my comments. OH Well, most of you know I shoot form the hip and miss most of the time. ====ORH==== .
Keep fighting the good fight, ORH! It's a lonely battle. I agree it's very difficult taking care of our own health when various agencies (around the world) make decisions for us - whether it's sanctified destruction (Roundup spraying), enforced vaccinations, technology that hasn't been tested properly (5G effects on humans, insects, bees, etc.) - it seems we've become guinea pigs despite our best efforts. Your gumption is admirable - I wish you the best of luck!
ORH Remedies
HI U OLD PATOOTS DOIN,,,,,,,,,,,,,, after my CT Scan both my ankles turned red and itched. On research I found that folks with blood cancer have this reaction. I was concerned and I called my Dr's office and was told to stop going on the internet. I think something is wrong because I have had blood cancer in the past and treated it my self. Oh well, I'm ahead of the stats so I should just be thankful. Tn is now spraying the roadside instead of mowing. The sprayed us last month and now my roadside muscadine vines are dying. Wrote our road guy and told him that I will cause him grief.......... and I will. Worked for 25 years to get this orchard and am going to raise holy hell. This is crazy stuff. We are killing ourselves. I do all this garden stuff to avoid Round up and the gov. ruins my garden with what I'm trying to avoid. This is about money. I promise you that our national gov is involved. Some lobbyist hooked a rider on an essential bill that will require the states to use round up instead of mowing. I plan to raise holy hell. ====ORH====
ORH Remedies
CT SCAN........... this test I took today should shed some light on how much calcium I have deposited in my heart. After all my EDTA Chelation IV's for the last 13 years and my doing the KONCENTRATED K protocol for the last 6 months, I will be disappointed if I am not in pretty good shape......pluggage wise. I found a site that explains the roll of two nerves that control your heart rhythm. This Chiropractor has solved AFIB patients problems by addressing these two nerves. I have been to many Chiropractors and most don't know squat, but none are on this guy's level. He says it sometimes takes 6 to 9 months and he's in Calif and I'm in Tn. Also, I'm on the shady side of the mountain and the sun is setting. My Ga Ozone MD was the one who told me about Vit K -2 and the protocol. He says it will shut down the by-pass business. Addressing these two nerves may shutdown the Ablation business. Both by-pass and ablation just treat the symptom and not the problem. Could not have gotten into flaxseed go-round because I just use it to clean out my gut plaque and it works for that. Forgot, also have done Serapeptase for the last year and will be a point for Paul. I'm the shotgun guy, if any have forgotten. I'm still alive and don't have a clue as to why. ====ORH====
You should check out John Bergman on YouTube. I would not do ablation.
ORH Remedies
AFIB.............. HI U OLE PATOOTS,,,,,,,,,,,,,, let me tell you a story about treating AFIB with only natural supplements. I did that for a few years because my natural doctor was treating his AFIB wife with Nattokinase. Now this it a good product, but may not be the total answer. Today I went in for a Vit C IV in prep for my heart ablation procedure in a few weeks. I want to be in the best shape for this invasive procedure. I made this decision and could care less if my heart doctor knows. I call these shots. Plan to do 3 IV's before he address' my heart ablation. What has shaken me up us that my natural doctor's wife in now in a wheel chair following a stroke and many TIA's. What I also know is that she was head strong and would not take his advice ...ever. They are Baptist, but she undoubtably never understood that the man had 51% control. For you Feminist, you need to understand the load this 51% puts you under, is nothing but hard times, you are ultimately responsible for everything that goes wrong in the family. So here is where I am. Sometimes you have to listen and do what the traditional doctor say to do. My AFIB is now under better control with Rx, but the pills keep me feeling badly. I want to do this ablation to get off one Rx that is the culprit. I will still have to keep my blood thinned, and accept that. The Lone Ranger is long gone and he took his silver bullet with him. There are few simple solutions for life's health problems. Now to my garden stuff. Got a new neighbors that are as country as me. We are trying to out give one another. Took them some fresh corn this morning and told the wife that I need to be the winner and keep them obligated to me. Don't like being obligated to others. She just laughed and said ....... we'll see. ATS,,,,,,,,,,, ====ORH====
Greetings ORH, I am one of those people greatly inspired by your health walk and awesome experience with life. I know a man who had heart a procedure at 77 years of age and at ninety he still travels around and out of America My uncle does works with concrete. He is up in His eighties and doing this construction work. For about the last ten years, he has been going in to the hospital about once a year to get his heart beat reset. He goes in the morning and when he comes home he goes to work in his garden or wherever. The point there is he doesn't have to go to seat still after procedure. Anyway he always goes out when he comes home. "Knowing when to give in" has added decades to many lives. HisJewel
ORH Remedies